#//ah yes the 3 ranges of emotions
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yuurei20 · 1 month
Short Translation from Twst the second novel: Savanaclaw Dorm (pt1/3)
"Ruggie had only intended to pass through the lounge, but he is stopped by Leona calling out to him. Looking around, he realizes that other members of the dorm have gathered together as well.
‘Hey, Ruggie. I hear you got chased around by those guys from Heartslabyul at lunch?’
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‘Ah, well, you see…’
So. He already knows. Ruggie silently curses to himself. He had entertained the idea of covering it up somehow, but the news has spread too quickly for him. He hastily attempts to smooth things over.
‘But it’s not like they have any proof, so you can rest easy!’
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‘Right. We’ll see about that.’
Leona exhales a bored sigh.
‘I can only hope you morons don’t get caught by the tail before the day of the tournament.’
His voice is sharp and cutting, as though physically scraping against the skin of those within earshot. Ruggie realizes that the students standing around them are those who have been helping him hobble potential athletes. They must have gotten to Leona first.
Leona’s tail sways back and forth as he speaks.
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‘I paid that irritating octo-bastard from Octavinelle a hefty price for his cooperation. You know what’s going to happen if it all goes to waste because of you, yeah? Ruggie.’
Yes—of course he does. Ruggie gives a deep nod. A hefty price. Waste. Words that Ruggie hates. He cannot fumble this opportunity—his determination only reaffirms itself.
‘Mess up on the day of the tournament and I’ll be frying and eating you all up myself—be prepared.’
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‘Yes sir!’
As the crowd loudly answers in unison, Leona’s rage seems to subside.
‘As long as you understand,’ he responds, in a surprisingly gentle tone. A wave of relief passes over the gathered students, who then begin to speak eagerly at once.
‘Please leave it to us. All that’s left is to prepare for the tournament itself.’ ‘We are gonna make those Diasomnia guys whimper!’ ‘I can already imagine the despair on their faces.’
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The group seems to emanate pure joy. They have completely forgotten the enraged outburst from moments before, now feeling nothing but gratitude for the boss who has forgiven them.
Leona holds the full range of their emotions within the palm of his hand."
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mykoreanlove · 1 year
Tsundere ツンデレ
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Ding dong.
Your eyes shot open like the speed of light.
Ding dong.
What time was it?
Ding dong.
Who the fuck rang your bell at 3 in the morning?
Ding dong.
Fuck, the neighbors were going to lose it.
Ding dong.
“I am coming!!” You raced to your door as fast as you could.
Ding dong. Ding dong. Ding dong.
“Are you fucking kidding me? I said I was com-” you shouted as you opened the door angrily. Your visitor took you by surprise as you had not heard from him in weeks. Right in front you stood your ex-boyfriend – incredibly handsome, yet incredible fucked up. His dark hair tousled, his eyes bloodshot, his body clouded in smoke and his whole being reeking from alcohol. You were annoyed that he dared to show up like this and threw the door in his face. Or so you thought. He had his foot in the door before you could succeed at shutting him out.
Hearing him say your name sent shivers down your spine. You loved his deep and raspy voice but hearing it now made your heart flutter in the worst way. You were not allowed to feel these emotions anymore, you just couldn’t. “Min, you can’t be here.”
He scoffed, glaring at you viciously. “Why? Have you already found someone new to share the bed with?”
Ah, there he was again – still the angry and cynical guy you remembered the most. Over the course of your short-lived romance, you had never seen him portray his positive emotions – not once. He always played it cool, being the reserved and harsh person that he was. You once found this trait to be attractive but realized that you couldn’t handle it very well. Yoongi confused you as he was rude and harsh most of the times, only kind and appreciating on rare occasions. You never knew what he was truly thinking or feeling – he never opened up to you like that. Hence you called it quits. Not because you didn’t have feelings for him, but because you were convinced, he hadn’t any for you. Not wanting to be weak, you decided to take on his approach.
“Does that matter?”
“It does matter to me”, he scoffed again. You raised your eyebrow in surprise. “What? Did you think I was fine after you broke up with me?”
As a matter of fact, yes, you did think he was fine. You assumed he continued living his life, produced new music and dated other girls. Yoongi’s eyes widened in surprise as he realized that you seriously had not considered this possibility. “Y/N, why? Why would you think that? Don’t you know how much I loved you?”
Tears started straining your face as you tried to compose yourself. “Min, how was I supposed to know?” Seeing you like that hurt him badly. Realizing that he fucked up another relationship because he couldn’t show how much the other person meant to him was even worse. Was he doomed to repeat his mistakes over and over? “Can I.. Can I come in?”
You let him enter and walked to the kitchen, getting him a glass of water. You handed it to him silently, nudging him to drink. “Do you think I’m here because I’m drunk?” He smiled sweetly, masking his pain as much as he could. “I’ve been drinking for years, this is nothing. I’m not here because of the Hennessy I’ve downed. I am here because I can’t stand it anymore.” He faced you directly, taking his time to choose his words carefully. “I know I seem cold. Sometimes distant or cranky. Annoyed even. I can’t open up so easily as it takes me some time but… y/n, I really cared about you. So, fucking much. Still do.” He laughed a little as he wiped away the tear that built on the corner of his right eye.
You walked over to him and held his hand. “Was it me?” He looked at you confused. “What do you mean?” “Were you not able to open up because of me? Did I do something wrong?”
Yoongi started to cry – the last thing you expected from him. “No. No, of course not. You were perfect. No, you are perfect y/n. I just – I have trouble letting people in. I was always like that, probably because of the upbringing I had. It was fucked up, you know?” You wanted to be snarky and remind him that you did not know, because he never opened up to you, but you bit your tongue. He was clearly in pain, fighting against himself and your bruised ego had no place in this one-man tragedy. “Min, I am sorry”, you whispered. He got closer to you, his face almost touching yours. “Don’t be”, he mumbled. “I was the one at fault. I pushed you away. I am really sorry, y/n. I came here to tell you that. To tell you that I’m sorry and that I miss you and that I had been crying myself to sleep for the past few weeks. Ever since you left me, to be precise.”
You looked at him in disbelief, how was that possible? The boy that seemed so distant and cold was heartbroken over you? “I guess my behavior was very confusing to you. I still confuse myself at times. I behaved like an immature savage most of the times because I was too nervous and shy around you. I was afraid of you seeing my innermost side, so I pushed you away before you could come too close to me. My deepest apologies, y/n.”
His words moved you. You were able to finally understand. The enigma that was sitting right in front of you wasn’t disinterested but afraid. Your hand caressed his cheek, you missed the feeling of his porcelain skin. You missed smelling his musky perfume, missed his warm touch, missed the raspy sweet nothings he whispered in your ear as he was making love to you. Yoongi wasn’t the only one that cried himself to sleep at night. And now he was here, confessing his love to you. You had to pinch yourself to check that you were in fact awake.
He grinned into your hand. “I am glad it’s not completely over, y/n.”
“Don’t be so full of yourself, Min.” You wouldn’t make it easy on him, that was for sure. He laughed at you sweetly. “Would be more believable if you wouldn’t be sleeping in my shirt, babe.”
His shirt? Fuck, you were half asleep as the bell rang and didn’t think of putting on clothes. He left his favorite shirt, an oversized white one with some initials on the front, at your place and weirdly never asked for it back, so you decided to keep it. You used to fall asleep to it as it smelled like him but when his scent disappeared you decided to sleep in it – you somehow felt closer to him that way. You smiled as you got caught in the act: “I really can’t fool you, can I?”
Yoongi took your head in his hands and kissed you. “No, and I don’t want you to. Your feelings are written all over your face and I love you for that. Don’t ever change, especially not for me.” He placed another kiss on your lips. “Me, however, I will work on that. I’m not all spice, I’m also sweet y/n. I’m sweet for you..”, he looked at you pleadingly, “if you let me.”
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j0elmill3r · 2 years
okay but imagine baby girl millers first day of kindergarten. joel is an absolute mess.
Pairing - Joel Miller x Toddler!Daughter!Reader
Summary - Joel's baby girl has her first day of preschool and he's an emotional mess, but baby girl just wants her daddy to stop embarrassing her.
Warnings - For the first time, possibly ever, I think I can say none!
A/N - Ah yes, Joel is emotionally fragile but for a totally wholesome reason this time.
Joel Miller Masterlist
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He could do this.
Joel Miller was a brave man. He knew that he could do it, he had to do it once, years ago with your older sister Sarah. But that was years ago, and he'd emotionally recovered from it once, but he wasn't sure he could handle it this time.
The dreaded first day of pre-school.
It almost bothered Joel at how unbothered about this whole ordeal you were. You were going to be away from your dad, who was all that you had known in the short time you've been living, for a whole 6 hours. He did, however, forget, that he had since gone back to work in the 3 years following your birth, so you weren't entirely shaken up by the idea of being without him. Joel just had the typical dad worries - would you miss him? Would you make friends? Would any boys try and make advances on you? And for the poor boys' sake, he hoped that the answer to that was no - Joel had scolded Tommy for teaching you how to throw a punch at the prime age of 3 years-old; She's got to learn some time, Tommy had told him.
Joel looked up at the rearview mirror as he pulled up to the red light, smiling as you watched the world go by through the window, a small grin on your face as you spotted the car beside your dads.
"Daddy look!" You pointed at the dog, whose head hung out of the backseat window of the car. Joel looked at the dog and smiled, turning back to look at you. "Puppy." You told him confidently, proving to him that you did, in fact, pay attention when he was reading to you at night. Joel chuckled to himself as he pulled away, the red light turning to green.
"Yeah baby, that's a puppy," He confirmed to you, albeit with a sad smile. He was so proud of your development, but it pained him to see you grow up so quickly, he felt selfish for wanting you to stay a baby forever.
Pulling up outside of your preschool building, he parked the truck, exiting the driver's side, and headed to the backseat, where you sat in your car seat, your barbie backpack down at your feet. Joel unbuckled you from your car seat, picking you up with one arm, and reaching down for your backpack with the other - The small, child-size backpack looking comedically small on his broad shoulders. As he carried you into the playground, Joel felt the waterworks building, placing you down on the ground and kneeling down in front of you.
"I wanna go play now, daddy," You whined. Joel paid no mind to your whining, pushing stray hairs away from your face.
"Now, daddy won't be gone for long, okay? When the little hand on the clock gets to 2 I'll be back to get you, baby," Joel said. "And it's okay if you're sad or want to cry."
"I'm not sad, I wanna play, daddy," You repeated, taking no notice of your dad, on the edge of breaking down into sobs. As you looked back at your dad, it was then you took notice of his emotional state. "Huh? Why y'crin, daddy?" You asked him, trying to repeat the gentle tone that Sarah used to talk to you when you were upset. Joel sniffled as he looked up at you, his big baby girl.
"I'm okay, baby girl. I just love you, okay?" You nodded, pulling your sleeves up to wipe away the tears from Joel's eyes. He sighed out and hugged you tight, wanting to hold you for a while longer before the bell rang to take you away from him for the day.
"I love you too daddy," You assured him, going on your tippy toes to kiss the top of your dad's head. Joel smiled at your comforting gesture, now realizing that you would be okay without him. He took a deep breath to compose himself, taking a look at you before kissing both of your cheeks, and smiling as you giggled. "I'm ready now daddy." You told him.
"Okay baby girl, have a good day," Joel yelled, watching as you ran off from him. A sad smile fell on his face as he turned away after you had gone into the building and disappeared from his vision
Yeah, maybe he couldn't do this.
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also, if you don’t mind multiple submissions:
two other favorite Black characters of mine are Claudia and Louis from interview with the vampire (the show version)
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(why did the photos crop so weirdly. if you click on them you should be able to see the full pictures lol) Bailey Bass and Delainey Hayles are both excellent as Claudia, and Claudia herself is a very interesting and tragic character. her anger at her situation and the people responsible for it is a hundred percent justified, and portrayed as such in the show. and she’s also one of, if not the most, sympathetic characters in interview with the vampire. she wants someone to choose her first for once in her life. she also has some of my favorite costumes in the whole show.
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Louis! god I love him. I hope he gets a nice vacation or something in season 3. all of the actors, but especially Jacob Anderson, are so good at portraying the wide emotional range of the show. sad, funny, angry, soft, nostalgic, tragic, violent, romantic… all the characters are so delightfully complicated and messed up. including Louis! but at the same time, I can’t help but be on his side. his story about both enabling and escaping cycles of abuse is so well done, and very emotional.
also, a quote from Jacob Anderson on playing Louis: “I feel very proud to be a Black Creole vampire, in the show. I mean, I hope that all it does is opens the gates for more. Let’s tell more stories. Let’s be monsters! And enjoy it! Yeah, let’s be problematic. Give us the space to be a problem.”
Finally, somebody who actually said Louis! I will say, I do think it's interesting how the difference in how fandom treats these two exposes part of the very antiblackness that the show attempted to talk about. I wish more people actually like... Understood it. Claudia's not just "scary girl power" and "never did anything wrong". Louis isn't either 1) the Black lying monster that mistreated their white fave and their Token Black Girl Character or 2) again, "never did anything wrong". Understanding the racial context behind the storytelling makes it that much better. I cannot fathom what everyone was watching, if they did not see it.
And Jacob is right! Louis was such a complex character, and that was worth talking about! We deserve to have characters that cause that sort of discomfort, that take up that kind of space- and be valued for it! But people were so busy being some of the most overt racist shits ever to be worth having that conversation with 🤣 truly one of the worst fandoms I've ever attempted. Sorry to vent. Just don't get how you could have a show with two of the MCs being Black and somehow just... Not get it. So yes, every time someone likes Louis, I have faith that ah, okay, maybe some people walked away with some understanding of the assignment.
Hot Chocolate: That blonde boy that all those people love? Lestat de león whatever? Fuck that guy. Wholeheartedly
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Whump Month, Day 3 : Homesick
Whump Month by @cirrus-ghoulette
Divider by @wrathofrats
Word Count : 781
Summary : Cardinal Copia has been working tirelessly to a point where he is beyond exhausted, somehow ending up in the Ghoul Wing of the Abbey.
CW: None that I can think of, perhaps working to avoid dealing with emotions ?
Light angst with light comfort ♡
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The Cardinal wasn't sure how exactly he got here. One moment he was walking from the library, arms laden with books, and the next he was standing near the Ghoul wing of the Abbey, books gone.
He was so tired, he hadn't even registered setting the books down and leaving them. Hell, he couldn't even remember where he left them. Sister Imperator scolding him for loosing Abbey books was the last thing he needed. He still had so much paperwork and research to do.
"Cardinal Copia?" A voice rang through his muddled thoughts. When he looked up he realized it was the voice of Dewdrop, the recently changed ghoul.
A fond smile formed on the Cardinals face, as he stepped forwards towards the ghoul.
"Ah, Dewdrop." He smiled warmly. "How are you? An elemental transition is no joke, are you healing?"
The fresh fire ghoul looked at him with something akin to worry, meeting Copia halfway as he got closer. He took the Cardinals outstretched hands, holding them in his.
"I am fine, thank you, Cardinal." Dewdrop returned his soft smile with one of his own, though it was clearly a worried one. He rubbed his thumbs against Copias hands, soothingly. "The pack is treating me well, and I feel fine."
Dewdrop paused, holding the man's hands tighter. "But what about you?"
Copia blinked, staring for a moment before tilting his head. "What do you mean, piccolo demone?"
"You look awful, Cardinal. When was the last time you slept?"
Copia paused, his brow furrowing as he thought about it. He was certain he hadn't slept yesterday but he couldn't quite remember if he slept the previous day or not. "It was...the day before yesterday, I believe."
The silence between them was deadly.
"You...believe?" The fire ghoul parroted back, clearly unimpressed.
"Yes, I believe so." Copia offered with a guilty smile, hoping it would soften the ghouls wrath.
Before he could further defend himself (dig his hole deeper), the fire ghoul was grabbing him by the cassock and all but dragging him into the Ghoul wing.
He was pulled further in, waving undignified to passing by Ghouls who looked at the duo quizzically. Before he knew it he was sat down on a couch in their common room. Dewdrop sat him down and all but yanked him down into his lap, his head resting against thin legs.
"....Dewdrop?" Copia spoke softly, rolling onto his back. He was minutely aware of how nicer this couch was than his own twin bed in his room. Something he hadn't seen in a long time now.
"You're going to lay here and you're going to rest." Dewdrops voice left no room for negotiation, and Copia, being the doormat he is, complied.
The Cardinal sighed deeply, letting himself relax, staring up at the ceiling.
"I just," Copia began, folding his gloved hands over his sternum. "I've been so busy as of late. Sister has been giving me reports to type up, wants progress reports on how well the project is doing on a quarterly basis. It's good, by the way. Terzos Papacy has been good for the project, even if he just became Papa."
Copia was rambling and he knew it, but it felt like it had been so long since he had anyone to speak to. Sister never wanted to listen to him speak unless it was productive or held importance to her. Papa Nihil was no better, but Copia held a dislike for the man, so even then he didn't really count. Sure, there were Siblings of Sin and Ghouls he could speak to, but none of them would want to listen to anything he had to say.
"Why do you take on such a workload. You know it's optional." Dewdrop asked after he finished rambling, his fingers having taken off his biretta and his nibble fingers coming through the Cardinals dark hair.
"I'm..." Copia paused, glancing at the fire ghoul before sighing. "I guess I'm working to keep my mind of some things."
"Like what?" Dewdrop asked, never one to beat around the bush.
"....I think...I think I'm homesick." Copia said softly.
"Homesick? But, this is your home."
"Ah, sí. I mean, where I grew up. In Italy. The winters here are so cold and dreary, it seems lifetimes away on days like these." Copia sighed. "Wouldn't you agree, il mio piccolo demone?"
Dewdrop didn't answer, not right away at least. He let them sit in silence, and Copia waited patiently.
"Yeah...I guess I can understand what you mean." Dewdrop agreed, his voice low and melancholic.
"Yeah... I suppose you can, can't you?" Copia nodded, just as low and soft.
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ilyuan · 10 months
hello valentine! how are you? i hope life is being kind to you! i heard that your request is open, so i try to send something :D hopefully this isn't too much!
may i request haitham with inazuman fem!reader? let's say they met because she's pursuing education in akademiya. once she graduates, she spends some times working in sumeru. but of course, one day she need to go back to inazuma again. how are their long distant relationship look like? do he visit her sometimes? bonus point if she's the opposite of him, like emotional and sunshine type person (but not as loud as kaveh! no shade to him tho, i lobe him xD). of course you can adjust this request as much as you want~ no pressure at all xD
i think that's it! i'm sorry if i make grammarical mistakes or anything, english is not my mother tounge. but still, thanks in advance, dear valentine! 💖
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a/n. so sorry this took a while to get to :') im trying my best to catch up with my inbox i promise, other than that,, thank you for the request anon! <3 i’m sick but i’m getting better !! :)
cw. fem!reader, reader is from inazuma, a bit of angst in the beginning (?), mentions of scara (my beloved), cyno, tighnari, kaveh and other characters, i got sorta lazy at the end LOL this was just supposed to be a little time after time fic ig? if that makes any sense like something happens then another thing happens i guess? idk LMAO
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"you realize i won't be able to stay for long, right?" your weary voice catches onto his ears when you begin to speak.
with a facepalm, alhaitham replies, "of course, kaveh’s coming home soon so you’d have to go," alhaitham replies, to which you chuckled about.
"well," you pause, "that's not what i meant."
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"haitham! stop rummaging through my papers!" you squeak when he attempts to help you, mentally face palming yourself.
"[name]," he looks at you, "people like to help each other, everyone's gotta help someone else some day."
ah, here he goes again.
you giggle.
"okay, okay," you roll your eyes in a playful manner, "well, go check up on kaveh, he's practically screaming your name at this point."
"i'd rather stay here with you," he interrupts.
does he know what will happen?
those words sent shivers down your spine.
yes, you two were in a healthy, established relationship, but what he does not know is that you took his words a completely different way.
all of a sudden, you hear someone walking over to the two of you, alhaitham right beside you instantly assuming it was kaveh.
"hey, you kids gotta go, the bell rang already."
...apparently not.
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"stop thinking so hard about it [name]," alhaitham interrupts your train of thought.
"nothing's gonna happen either way, you do realize that if you don't get into [desired career], then there's multiple other options you have in here. we went here for a reason, right?"
...ah, his smart self always seemed to cheer you up, always enough to get rid of every thought in your brain possible, just like when he comforted you when you were panicking about what seemed like fifty different school assignments back in high school.
"let me help you," alhaitham spoke, instantly swiping the papers out of your hands.
"but-!?" you insist, but not quick enough since alhaitham was already looking for his glasses, the ones that kaveh gave him since he changed careers in high school.
"no 'but's," he interrupted you once more, your insists practically flying out of the already freezing cold window that was still going because of how hot it was inside your apartment.
back in the present time, he was tapping on the side of your head like it was a solid rock, but trying his best to be careful with you.
"you always zone out," alhaitham starts once more, interrupting your train of thought once more.
"and you always interrupt me," you roll your eyes, scoffing at him.
"you didn't even say anything though."
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after you and alhaitham’s graduation, you’d decided that you would work in sumeru, with the special occasions of helping out alhaitham too.
"cyno! stop kicking sand onto me!" you laughed, trying not to get sand in your eyes as you were cleaning up the eremites' base.
“where’s tighnari?” you suddenly ask.
"he's on his way, he was dehydrated not too long ago until scaramouche gave him water," he replied, thinking back to the time he had to hand over the water that scaramouche gave him to tighnari who could barely even stand, breathing heavier than usual.
after that, he knew tighnari would take longer than expected to come visit both of you.
scaramouche, having just obtained the crown and lost it, he was more unmotivated than usual so you all knew that he wasn't going to come, considering how stubborn he was and how he refused requests almost all the time.
...and of course, kaveh was stressed out again.
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after months and months, here you were, wking on the streets of inazuma with none other than kaveh, alhaitham’s stubborn roommate.
“do you know when you’ll be able to go back to sumeru?” kaveh suddenly asks you, to which you whipped your head to the left to look at him.
“erm… well, i did tell him that i’d have to leave one day but,” you paused, “he didn’t… understand.”
“what do you mean?” kaveh questioned with a gasp to which you let out a small laugh about.
“well, i told him a year ago that one day i’d have to leave and he instantly thought it was about you coming over so i would have to leave,” you replied, trying your best to explain to alhaitham’s blonde friend.
“well i guess that’s just how life works,” kaveh sighed, trying to attempt an emotional facade.
you laughed again.
ever since that day, you’ve met some people along the way of your journey back in your hometown, inazuma.
the summer shade of inazuma under certain sakura trees caught your attention when you were walking with ayaka.
the sight reminded you of how things would go downhill but alhaitham was always there with you.
the shade representing your emotions, and the petals representing alhaitham being by your side.
you thought it was cheesy, letting out a small giggle from it to which ayaka questioned you about.
she was the girl who had always thought you were different from any other person in inazuma, since you’ve never told her that you were previously in sumeru for a long period of time.
you looked over to her, your view meeting her confused face.
“…ayaka, i’m fine,” your weary tone of voice spoke.
and ever since that day, you and alhaitham always called over any devices that ayaka and thoma made for you.
thoma, having always practiced forging with ayato, has taken a very long time trying to make certain souvenirs for you and other trinkets.
you could never thank him enough for the device that he made for you in order to call alhaitham.
however, you never told thoma that you were in a relationship with a man from sumeru.
so when you told him, he was shocked.
to say the least.
“AND YOU NEVER TOLD US THAT PART!?” he practically screamed.
“i knew you would act like this,” ayato came up from behind.
and well, so in conclusion, you and alhaitham’s relationship was… pretty much perfect!
the only downside was that you could never find ways to convince ayato to drive you back to sumeru, but you had your ways to convince him.
“alhaitham, hi!” thoma yelled, seeing his camera on screen from a few meters away behind you.
@sugarmouchie do not copy/translate/repost on other platforms please and thank uu 🤍
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yuyan · 1 year
The art of love pt. 2
Fluff, hurt/comfort
Kaveh x gn!reader
Tags: academic rivals to lovers, cliche confession during arguing in the rain scene don't look at me, mild cussing (not at each other), highschool au
A/n: the comfort part of this. I hope it doesn't dissapoint, I tried to do this as fast as possible so I wouldn't keep anyone waiting!
Part 1 || Master list || Requests: open
Half an hour after school and you were stuck cleaning the art room on the last day of school with Kaveh. Honestly, the only reason why it was only the two of you were cleaning the art room because the art teacher was still mad at the time you two made a huge disruption in class. It was 3 weeks ago though. Who would even hold a grudge for that long? For something they weren't even really involved in or affected by it too. At least you were almost done.
"Ok what's wrong with you?" Kaveh asked, his voice laced with concern.
"Whats wrong with me?" you asked back, the anger in your tone contrasting his.
"Yes what's wrong with you, anger is practically seeping out of you!" Kaveh said, raising his voice. "Does my prescence annoy you that much!"
"Well, apparently mine does!" you shouted, "especially when I'm trying to help you apparently!" Throwing your broom, you grabbed your bag and stormed out, slamming the door behind you.
"W-what? Huh?" Kaveh stuttered out, watching you leave.
The sweet final week that Kaveh had been waiting for what seemed like an eternity didn't have that usual sugar coat. Now it was just a bitter pile of food that Kaveh pushed aside. No one could ignore it forever though.
"They're just so frustrating and annoying and nitpicking everything I do and oh my gosh, do I hate them so much!" Kaveh ranted while Alhaithem was seriously contemplating why he walks home with Kaveh.
"Don't you like them though?" Alhaithem asked, "they gave you a note, just go talk to them."
"Whatever, Its fine!" Kaveh shouted. "It's not like I love them anyways!" Kaveh shouted, again but his shoulder shook slightly and it felt like a piece of him died when he said that. "...Plus! They're always..."
"Ah, please don't go," Kaveh whispered and took of running.
You approached the entrace of your school. The sounds of heavy rain rang through your ears, making you furrow your eyebrows and your frown etch deeper into your face. "Fuck! I can't think!" you screamed. Hot, angry tears blurred your vision and made small wet patches on your uniform. Teachers and students alike had long left due to the heavy rain and it being the last day.
Silently, you pulled out your umbrella and hovered it over your head before step out into the rain. Rain slightly flooded the area and each step was like stepping into a puddle. Your emotions were a mess and the rain did nothing but anger you further as your tried so desperately to sort them out. The rain could've been calming if it wasnt for your violent urge to kick and scream to your heart's content. Until you had no energy left but to cry silently in your cold, empty bed.
"Wait!" a voice called out. It felt more like a delusion though considering how drowned out by the rain it was.
It wasn't until a tall blonde boy in the same uniform as you, umbrella in hand appeared Infront of you that you registered it as not a figment of your imagination.
"I-...So what if I said that!" Kaveh started and immediately you knew you didn't have the time nor energy for this. You side-stepped him and started to walk away before he turned to you and yelled, "What does it mean to you!?" It came out a little desperate and was followed by heavy breathing.
Turning around, you said,"what does it mean to me? I helped you because I wanted to yet afterwards you ignore me even though I said I wanted to talk and then decide to rant about me to your friend when I hadn't done anything for weeks!"
"Well, what an I supposed to believe when every classmate of ours tells me and gossips about how you must hate me so much that you don't even want to argued with me anymore!"
"I left a note!"
"Your friends are notoriuous for meddling in your business! How am I supposed to know if it was truly from you!"
"And if you really cared you would've I don't know, say something along the lines of 'you don't have to promise me that, asking for help is enough' or I don't know!"
"Well, I didn't expect to fall in love with you!" you shouted. Kaveh had to stop himself from dropping his umbrella in shock. "Plus, if I didn't want to help, nothing you offered would've been enough," you mumbled.
Despite the pouring rain making it harder for the two of you to speak he heard and clinger to every word you said.
"Wait, I, did I say?" you fumbled, pink invading your cheeks as you backed away from him.
You could've turned and ran, if it wasn't for his hand. That damn hand that secured tightly around your wrist. That hand that kept you in place as he stumbled forward. That hand that pulled you in as his lips met yours. Your umbrellas had knocked against each other as he leaned forward to kiss you. His lips were soft but slightly chapped despite the humid weather, kissing you slowly, like any wrong move would hurt you.
Backing away, he saw your half lidded lips open up a bit more, your cheeks glowing a brighter red.
"I-um, we're far from perfect but I think we'd be a good couple so I'm be my lover?" Kaveh asked, sounding a little unsure but you just smiled and nodded, giggling a little at his flustered expression. "Ah! Well ok Let's meet up on the holidays, you have my number!" Kaveh shouted over the rain, running off.
You waved with your free hand, watching him run off into the distance. Touching your lips, it contorted into a soft smile. He tasted like strawberries.
A/n: I've never written a kiss scene so um getting out of my comfort zone today. 😀👍
Also I headcanon that Kaveh loves strawberries cause he just such a cute pretty boy who'd probably like strawberries ok I'm not weird ok goodbye! (^o^)/
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chuitu · 7 months
yeva's personality
I'm just gonna slap some gifs of certain character down cuz- Yes???
Season 1-3:
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Either she talks like a robot or genuinely acts like one, or she may sound blunt and expressionless, it's actually all of the above!
In these seasons Yeva is still under the heavy dosage of her suppression shackles that it affected her emotions and probably bodily functions as well. (She gets better though dw)
She'll tend to even express some emotions, but just through words or acts them out.
ex: "So... All ah did was give them something to cry about... giggle...."
After Season 3-4:
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A careful mixture of these 3 (Wow, one is an odd out, certainly!)
Now that her shackles are brand new (and not weighing her down like a dead weight dumbell) she's back to her good old goofy yet super caring self! (with chances of being eccentric and drunk...)
With her experience of being the Tsarina, she's quite aware of when to be serious and stern (Ei), but then when that's all away, she's the lovable friend that will try anything to provide good wisdom, or just pep talks in general (Nahida), but be sure she doesn't get in range of any alcoholic beverage... or you'll end up with a "Jack Sparrow".
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weepylucifer · 8 months
3 or 50 for the dialogue prompts!
50. “People are staring.”
Ulixes' hand hovers for an uncertain moment but then, at last, settles like softly drifting snow on his comrade's back. Five fingers splay between tense shoulderblades. "Take a deep breath, Steban."
"I'm sorry," Steban whispers. "I don't know why... I... this shouldn't be happening."
"It's going to be alright," Ulixes says.
Steban shakes his head. "I know this isn't normal. People are staring."
In reality, Ulixes surmises, the staring is probably mostly in Steban's mind, a manifestation of his very reasonable reluctance to embarrass himself in public. There are not many other shoppers present in the Frittte, two or three people drifting along the shelves, and most of them are absorbed in their own tasks. Sure, maybe some shoot them a slightly strange look, but disinterest takes over within seconds.
"Nobody is paying attention to us," Ulixes says, keeping his voice level and steady. "You can take your time choosing what you want."
Steban puts his hands on his mouth. Overwhelm is making his whole skinny frame shake. "I'm going to throw up. I'm going to throw up right now." Fevered, his eyes dart along the wide, expansive shelf crammed with garishly colorful packets of chips and nachos in flavors ranging from reasonable to outlandish. Dozens of brands, dozens of meaningless choices... freedom, under capitalism. "They're all the same, but really they're not... but really they are..."
"Yes, Steban." Ulixes begins to search his pockets for a handkerchief. Preferably a fresh one...
"I can't even afford these, really. I... this is the first time this week I have food money, and..."
Ah, and here is the crux of the problem, Ulixes thinks as he wraps an arm around Steban's quivering shoulders, here's why he's witnessing his best friend have a panic attack inside a Frittte. They're well into the week. And yes, of course, rent was just due... and Steban managed, again, to dodge eviction, but at a price. Really, Uli should have caught on, known what it meant that Steban was smoking a lot more and not inviting him over for dinner. Not that Steban would have simply told him. He never does. Maybe he doesn't want to be a burden, maybe he's too proud, maybe it's a bit of both.
Ulixes emphasizes. He hasn't known hunger himself, not like that - but right now it's as if he can bodily feel it. That yawning pit in his stomach, the nausea, the lightheadedness of too much nicotine and too little else. The emotional toll of the situation. Brittle, fragile, fit-to-crack emotions. He feels it all so acutely it makes his teeth ache. Just his imagination? Or... is this plasm? Is he really picking up Steban's real feelings?
Be that as it may, it is time for him to step up now. Ulixes straightens his back. "Step outside, Steban. Get some fresh air. Hand me your grocery list, I'll finish up the shopping for you."
For a moment, relief and stubbornness do silent battle beneath Steban's eyes, but he gives in. "Okay. Here," he says and tries to, along with the list, press a few pathetic, crumpled bank notes into Ulixes' hands. With his eyes lowered, his voice an anxious husk of itself, he adds, "Please make sure to budget."
Ulixes sighs. "Keep these." He has a little money left from his latest job - he takes commissions, occasionally, for translations: from Walder into Suresne or the other way around. It's irregular work and the rates are disturbingly low, but at least it's the occasional something. "Just buy me a coffee sometime," he says, knowing full well that he is never going to call in any sort of repayment for this as long as they both live.
They worked on the presentation together, because they naturally collaborate on most things now, but the assignment was ultimately Uli's: he's the one who must stand in front of the professor and his fellow students and, well, present.
Ulixes is not the words guy in his revolutionary cell of two. He sees himself as Steban's pillar of support, chiming in when needed, putting enemies of the cause in their place by any means necessary (any day now his chance will come), but not taking center stage. The syllabus is less than accomodating towards his vision. He can't just let Steban orate in his stead: he has to give some kind of talk, and it will affect his grade.
Now here he stands, seriously rethinking his every academic ambition. A lecture hall filled with students, their expressions ranging from bored over sleep-deprived to hungover, are looking at him. His palms are sweaty. The lights are too bright. He's all alone up here.
His eyes seek Steban, seated somewhere in the middle of the room, not up-front but not back row either. Steban smiles at him. Why can't you be here with me, Ulixes thinks. By my side as always. I can't do this. People are staring. They'll think I'm weird, they always do.
For a moment, he imagines Steban answering him, his voice so soft and kind and soothing as always, You'll be alright. You prepared for this, and you know your stuff. You can make them listen to you too. I have faith in you.
Clammy and tense with stage fright, Ulixes imagines Steban actually projecting those thoughts at him through an inframaterialist connection, through their strong bond, to show his support. Wishful thinking. Or is it...?
His hands unclench.
It felt right when they linked hands leaving Steban's apartment: like safety, like belonging, like doing something fundamentally correct. Steban felt something inside his chest swell with pride then, about fifteen minutes ago. Now, in the middle of the sidewalk on Rue du Saint-Ghislaine, in the middle of the afternoon, he's beginning to grow worried.
He tugs lightly on Uli's hand. Misinterpreting the gesture, or maybe just being stubborn, he merely takes this as incentive to walk closer.
There's nothing for it. Somehow, the topic has to be breached. But how to do that, and not hurt Uli's feelings?
"Maybe we should... erm..." Steban falters. Uli looks so uncommonly relaxed. He hates to take this from him.
"Yes? Maybe we should what?"
"Well..." Steban tugs at his hand again. "Maybe this isn't our... best idea to date."
"What do you mean?" Ulixes asks.
"I..." Steban squirms mentally. "I mean, it's nice like this, but... and I hate to reduce this to identity politics, but... look, it's like this. People are staring. We are going to get hate-crimed."
"I'll teach anyone who dares a lesson," says Ulixes ferociously, or what he thinks is ferociously. Steban finds himself endeared as well as concerned.
If only it worked like in Nilsen's theories already, he thinks, if only we could master that mind-melding technique. Then I could get him to understand why I worry. As it is, if I refuse him now, it's just going to look like I don't want to be seen with him.
Steban rolls his shoulders in defeat and submits himself to a near future filled with ambiguity and miscommunication.
"Don't worry," Steban says, "They're going to love you."
Ulixes wonders how Steban knew he was worrying. Maybe they're finally cultivating sufficient plasm, starting to read each other's minds? Or maybe it just shows in his face and posture. "I... hope you're right," he says.
"I know I'm right. Look, my family don't expect... I mean... they don't need you to impress them somehow. They're eager to meet you. They're simply, well... happy I have someone."
"That sounds nice." Ulixes can't even imagine bringing Steban home to his parents' house. Maybe once the revolution is at hand and it's time to torch the place. And even then, only maybe.
He's not actually that worried about meeting Steban's relatives. Steban talks often enough about how great they are, how tolerant of his idiosyncrasies - what, really, can go wrong? Okay, fine, maybe he's a little worried. The worry is being exacerbated, subtly, by his surroundings. Or maybe just his thoughts about the surroundings?
Revachol is enormous in size, so much so that a person can spend their whole life in one's quarter of town and never feel the need to leave. Consequently, there are whole neighborhoods of Revachol West where Uli has never gone, and this part of Jamrock is one.
Steban grew up here, which renders these streets sacred. Uli is not sure how to tread on sacred ground. Surely every other pedestrian on the sidewalk can see that he's never been here, that he doesn't belong here, that only by the grace of Steban's leave is he permitted to traverse here. Is he imagining it, or are the locals giving him hostile looks? Hostile looks out of black pool eyes...
"What's with you?" Steban asks. "You've gone all fidgety."
"Sorry." Ulixes tries to get a grip. Surely if Steban has noticed, so has everyone else on the street. Noticed him, the interloper, the intruder. "I just... I don't know, I feel strange. People are staring."
Steban pats his shoulder as they continue walking. "Oh, come now, they're not going to eat you. Yes, this is Madre turf, but you don't have to keep squinting over your shoulder. I doubt you'll meet even one banger today."
Ulixes feels like his brain is lagging behind. He hadn't been thinking of any of that sort of thing at all... or had he? Somehow, subconsciously? "Uh... what turf?"
"La Puta Madre. You know, the gang. They're not that interesting, they're just like the RCM or something." Steban shrugs. "No need to be such a gringo about it."
"Sorry." Ulixes lowers his eyes, appropriately chastised. Steban must see him hunch in on himself, because he squeezes his shoulder again.
"Hey, it's no big deal," he says, because he's just that nice, and intuitive. Or maybe...?
Ulixes tries to huddle in a doorway, but it only provides scant protection from the rain. He doesn't have an umbrella, or the right clothes for being out in this weather, and he hadn't planned on it either. He'd planned on a nice, cozy afternoon of drinking coffee inside, maybe reading, maybe chatting, maybe listening to the radio, perhaps even making some love if the evening took them that way. But then Steban got that faraway look in his eyes that he sometimes gets and started muttering about there being "something in the wind" and that he had to "get out to it", rubbing his arms as if suddenly chilly. Idly, Ulixes wondered - and still wonders - if Steban got his hands on some kinds of drugs somehow.
(That would be alarming.)
He raised his reasonable concerns about the weather and the chill and the weirdness of it all, but Steban had brushed him off and said again, "There is something in the wind," in an urgent-sounding tone, and now he's standing out in the rain with his head tilted upwards, eyes closed, arms spread at his sides, listening intently. He's getting soaked to the bone. His hair and clothes stick to him. Still, there's a blissful little smile on his face - whatever he's listening to, it is in some way making him happy.
Uli crosses his arms. The cold is starting to get to him. He's sure he sees people passing by, huddled up in their coats, giving them irritated looks from beneath their umbrellas.
"Steban, come on, this is getting seriously weird. You're going to catch your death out here. People are staring."
Steban only raises a hand in his direction, pointer finger extended, Wait. Be silent. His eyes do not open. His lips move silently.
"What? What is it?" Ulixes shouts across the empty plaza.
Steban's eyes still do not open. "In a basement pub on Boogie Street, a man has just lit his cigarette the wrong way round by accident," he announces. "To the North, down the coast, three men are pissing into the canal. Competitively. No-hands-style."
"Grand revelations," says Ulixes.
"Whatever else it is, she says it is not yet time." Steban lowers his hands and blinks. "Like I'm not ready yet. Still, she's there. Isn't it amazing?"
"She?" Uli asks, and thinks, would that I could see what you see.
A day after this, Ulixes wakes up to golden morning light filtering in through the window, and Steban shifting languidly in his arms, still mostly asleep. He murmurs something unintelligible and nestles closer and wraps an arm around Uli's skinny chest, and it's a moment worthy of preserving in amber and gold, the kind of moment he'll remember to cheer himself up during harsher times. And ever so briefly, in this moment without thought and barrier and pretense, everything seems to slot into place, the universe to right itself. And in the quiet of his own mind, still in that floaty place between waking and sleep, Ulixes becomes convinced he can feel a current of drowsy, pleased emotions permeate his mindscape that are not quite his own, that feel sun-warmed and shimmery, and smell like soap and herbal shampoo and library shelves, and taste like a hint of some mellow, spiced tobacco: finally, real, actual Stebanthoughts.
the sun-yellow feeling whispers,
Then Steban's eyelids flutter and he drops off again, his breathing deepening.
Later, when he wakes up properly, maybe Ulixes will decide that he imagined this, or that it was a fragment of a dream, nothing more. Perhaps he will be right. But then again... who can say for certain? For now, he closes his eyes again, and permits himself to bask in the complete contentment he was given.
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shiningstardan · 5 months
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• N E J I x H I N A T A • R A T E D E • 1 0 K W •
S U M M A R Y:
'Talk to her!' Lee's words still rang in his mind, and he wondered if he actually should. Shame and guilt have the tendency to consume one's soul. How far can a gesture or a series of them compensate for the sins of the past? And will the sufferer be able to accept the atonement given or will they succumb to the guilt and heaviness of those emotions? Could Neji and Hinata relink a relationship that is plagued by the ghost of the past? Prompt 1: Dry Humping
✦ A O 3 - F F . N E T ✦
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Peculiar Considerations For Atonement
Part 1: Adagio
Late September.
Lee had always struggled with his alcohol intake and had decided to take his low resistance seriously.
He could be a liability in a mission if someone slipped something into his drink and, as a preventive measure, he had taken his drinking into his hands. Or more accurately, into his and Neji's hands. He had convinced Neji to train him, making him his drinking buddy. And, in one of those fortuitous drinking nights, his friend had mentioned liking someone. Neji had always been very private, he never talked about relationships, much less who he liked. Lee hadn't wanted to lose such an opportunity, he didn’t stop bugging Neji about who the girl was or whether he had talked to her ever since.
Nothing was going to stop Lee's youthful desire to discover his friend's secret love. Neji had been well aware of Lee's tactics, waiting for him to get drunk enough to slip up again.
"So? "
"So what Lee?" He asked, irritated.
"Tell me! "
"I don't have to tell you anything " He tried to sound more threatening than he knew he would. 
"So you haven't?... But! What about..."
"If you continue talking. I swear I'll kill you!" 
One drunken evening, that had been all Lee needed to make Neji talk.
"Ah man, so you are not telling me about her and worse than that, you are not telling her about your feelings, the flame of your youth is going to dim when she goes out with another guy" Lee said while sipping the sake.
"I told you I don't want to talk about it"
"But why not? Common man! We cannot talk about missions because they are confidential, we cannot talk about your clan because that's too convoluted" He complained. "I will tell you about my love if you tell me about yours" He said in a velvety manner, seeing how it had no effect on him when trying to persuade him "I don't want to get drunk just because! At least, let's make it worthwhile!"
"I can't!", said Neji angrily. "Plus, we all know that you love Sakura. But regardless of how much you fight, that's a long-lost battle. You are just fighting for nothing. 
"Tou are wrong, my friend! That's the thing, don’t you see? I can still enjoy the beauty of these heartfelt and youthful emotions, even if they are not corresponded” 
“You are not letting it die, aren't you?" Lee's sardonic smile confirmed his stubbornness, not letting him off the hook. Neji sighted, he was usually more strongly-willed than this, but he felt the tiredness sinking into him, he didn't know where to start or what to say without letting much information out. 
"Ok, ok... She - She's one of us"
"Uuuh , a fellow kunoichi from the Leave then. Do I know her?" Neji just stared blankly at him, but after so many years in each other's lives Lee had learned to read his facial expressions, and didn't feel any kind of intimidation anymore.
"I'll take that as a yes!" he said pointing a finger at him. "Next question! Have you given her anything?"
He sighted.
‘I gave her a heart failure ’, he thought morbidly. He could feel his friend gaze scrutinizing him once again. 
Despite what people thought, Lee was more perceptive than he let on, and people usually took him for granted. Neji knew him, and as naturally cautious as he was, he knew Lee would get the information out of him one way or another. It was only a matter of time. 
"Wait, you said that you... can't ? You can't talk about your mysterious lady?" Neji saw the moment Lee had caught him, deduced him, read him. A mix of surprise, shock and confusion was coursing through his face, making him groan.
‘Goddammit. I really need to start drinking less! ’, he thought. They had finished one bottle and were only halfway through the second one, said barely 4 words about the matter and deadpanned the whole way through the conversation, in the hopes of not being discovered. But it hadn’t been enough, that was everything Lee had needed. 
He saw his intentions, clear about saying something regarding the matter. But before he could say anything...
"Fuck you Lee!"
"Neejii!" he said giggling. The alcohol always made him laugh "My dearest and most esteemed friend and rival, you certainly are a complicated person. I'll give you that" Neji started rubbing his eyes half-heartedly with the heel of his free hand, wanting to let out some of his frustration "So , what was it that you gave he-… Oh, man! Common! Don’t be like this!” 
"This is why I didn't want to talk about it! It's complicated, and dangerous, and... We both know I shouldn’t be thinking about her like this, not after everything between us. What I almost did, the whole intention of it. It's shameful. And, a disgrace. The only reason why I am alive, it's because of how it happened. Never before had three senseis and a referee interjected a duel" 
Lee kept a poker face while listening to his friend, not wanting to make him feel judged, but deep down he knew he was right. If the fight had happened outside the chunin exams, he would have been sentenced to a painful death. 
The rules of the clan were absolute, and he had had too much anger inside him. And although he had worked on his issues and his temper, and the relationship with the lady had improved. He had never had the watchful eyes of the clan taken off of him.
"Well, my friend, I shall drink this one for our ladies! May them rule our hearts in the most benevolent way!"
"Cheers" Neji toasted dejectedly, raising his cup of sake to Lee’s and drinking it. 
He had to thank the fact that she was such a good person.
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"Are you sure that you can go up the stairs?"
"Yeah, man! Worry not. I am now better at this! Thanks for sharing a cup with me."
"Yeah, well. I'm the only one who has been able to handle your drunken fist, so I guess it has to be me"
"Ha! You wish!” He said between hiccups. “Only once and by pure luck, three years ago. You're just pure tell but can't show up for shit! Same time next week?"
"Maybe, if neither of us is on a mission. I'll pay for the first bottle"
"You ?"
"Don't start or you'll pay for both!"
"Ok, ok. I'll shut up" Neji started walking away towards the district.
"HEY NEJI!" Lee screamed from where he was "TALK TO HER!" Neji scoffed, Lee had improved, but he still got really really drunk. 
The moon was beautiful that night, it was full but blurred by a dense layer of thick clouds, dimming its light. 
‘Talk to her’  
Lee's words still rang in his mind, and he wondered if he actually could. 
A part of him wished that they were closer. 
Maybe he could... 
Definitely not. What was he thinking? He was being delusional. And at this point he didn't know if he needed a stronger drink before going to sleep, or simply sober up and never drink again.
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He walked straight into the kitchen, still undecided between that last drink or some aspirin, but to his surprise it was not empty. Hinata was there, and apparently she had also thought about having a drink before going to sleep.  ‘Correction. That is more than simply a drink ’ he thought after noticing the big bottle of sake resting in the middle of the table.
"Neji-onisama!" she said surprised, feeling like a little child who had been discovered in the middle of a naughty prank. The fact that she was drinking on her own, made her self-conscious. She felt as if she had been doing something illicit. Neji was petrified, Hinata was the last person that he wanted to see while being drunk.
"Hi... Hinata-Sama. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt. I-I was coming for a glass of water" he improvised while willing his words out of his body. Still surprised by her presence. The alcohol had affected his most perceptive ninja skills "I will get a glass and be... be on my way"
"Wait! Can... can you sit and have a cup with me?" he could not refuse her. Especially when he could see the need for companionship in her eyes.
"I'd be honored" he formally replied while she served him some sake. 
She sighted.
"Are you ok?" He tried to analyze her demeanor closely but failed, his mind too hazy and only a couple of brain cells were working at a time.
"I... um... yeah. I am just tired and needed something strong before going to sleep" her eyes were glued to the cup of sake in her hand. She was deep in thought, her eyelids almost closed. The bottle was not halfway through yet, but she had pulled out a big one. So, she must have drunk quite a bit before his arrival, and to her credit, she didn't look as if she was that deep into her cups. 
He finished his drink while she was mechanically raising her hand, going for the bottle once again, getting ready to serve herself yet another shot. Slowly grazing his hand over hers, he subtly indicated to her to stop drinking for tonight, since he could see the tiredness reflected under her eyes.
"Please" he said trying to call her attention "let me escort you back to your room Hinata-sama". She squinted her eyes, not breaking eye contact, and for a moment he felt a rumble in his chest where everything mixed: his feelings, the sensation of his hand over hers, and the fire in her eyes. She stood up, leaving the bottle open in the middle of the table, determined to not look back at him once again.
Neji walked through the wooden corridors and everything was spinning around him, he followed the wobbly steps of Hinata, but if that was his perception or her actual footing, he couldn't say. He walked behind her until the door to her room was visible. 
"You are relieved from your duties tonight" the sluggish iciness of her voice was something he had not expected from her. What just happened? He was confused. They hadn't talked that much, and in his mind they had shared what he could call a comfortable silence, hadn’t they? She had never dismissed him. Ever. Or anyone else, as far as he remembered. The distant and impersonal dismissal made him more uncertain. She had never talked to him in such a distant manner.
・˳ . ⋆   .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆・˳ . ⋆   .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆・˳ . ⋆   .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆・˳ . ⋆   .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆・˳ . ⋆   .˳⁺⁎˚
Next morning.
He was still feeling the effects of the drinks, with his head still spinning. The sun hadn't come out yet. He must have slept 4 hours tops. And although it was still early, he didn't feel like training at all. Lee would be out after all the shots he had drunk, that was for sure.
He tried remembering last night’s details. Trying to make sense about last night's Hinata, and the rarity of the circumstances. She had been so surprised when he got into the kitchen, she had reacted so skittish when he got there, and she had already gotten drunk, drinking half a bottle on her own... ‘ Why? ’. He couldn’t remember ever seeing her drinking, at least not like that. She had always gone for one or two shots, especially when she was invited to the Inuzuka parties. But last night… her demeanor, body language and posture had been narrating a different story. And the worst part was that she had been drinking alone. That made him feel uneasy. Was that something she did frequently, or had something happened? 
‘God, I need a painkiller ’. He looked through his medicine cabinet and pulled out some tablets. Gulping down two at the same time.
𓄹 ⊹   ᳝ ࣪⠀.  ִ  ་  ּ 𓄹 ⊹   ᳝ ࣪⠀.  ִ  ་  ּ 𓄹 ⊹   ᳝ ࣪⠀.  ִ  ་  ּ 
By the time she entered the kitchen around 6 am, he had already prepared some steamed rice, sides, miso and was now frying some fish.
"Morning Neji-onisama,” she sounded a little sleepy, “that fish smells good. Do you need help?"
"Good Morning Hinata-sama, please sit. I'll be done in a minute"
"I would have thought you on the training grounds at this hour"
"I - I usually would be. You are right"
"But I have a terrible headache, it seems like I drank much more from what I can stand. How about you?"
"I'm - I'm a little... I don't know, not fully dizzy, but not fully ok"
"Here" he said, extending the capsule and a glass of water.
"Oh, thanks. This, this is very thoughtful of you"
"You can start drinking the water but, please, wait for the food before taking the pill. Otherwise, you might hurt your stomach"
"Thank you" she said with a shadow of a smile gracing her face.
Neji started serving the food while Hinata drank some of the water. The bubbly texture of the drink made her open her eyes surprised, lowering her glass and she stared into it trying to put two and two together despite the haziness of her mind.
"Did you put a seltzer in the water?"
"Um, well... I thought that - that you could wake up with a stomach ache" he could feel the blood running up his face. She smiled fully after his answer, and it was the most beautiful sight an early morning could bring him. She stood up from the table and went around it. And once she stood in front of him, she bowed.
"Thank you for being so thoughtful with me today. I'll set the table, so we can have breakfast" He eyes followed her moving around the kitchen, still in disbelief, paralyzed. Musing in the warmth he felt in the depth of his chest. 
They ate in silence, but unlike last night, his head was now mostly clear and Hinata seemed to be enjoying what she was tasting.   
"Can I ask something?" he dared himself, he felt that he had to know. They were not friends but maybe, maybe, he could show her that she could talk to him.
"Yes, of course", she answered expectantly.
"Did - did something happen last night?"
"Oh..." she felt her cheeks beating hard, remembering the events of the day before, "well..." looking for the appropriate words seemed like a struggle. "It's quite embarrassing, actually… I - I was back from a date" 
‘A date ?’. He tried assimilating the idea, and he knew he shouldn't be surprised. After all it was Hinata, with everything that she represented and was, she was bound to have suitors pursuing her, it was inevitable. But the surprising part for him was that she had actually gone out with someone, since she was usually timid. And, she had been secluding herself for almost two years now.
"And… was it a good one?" He cringed internally at himself. What kind of question was that one?! He certainly didn’t know how to continue a conversation like that. From all the things that could be discussed, Hinata’s love life had never been one of those. He felt as if he was crossing a boundary, invading her privacy. It felt inappropriate and invasive, every fiber of his body was screaming at him, telling him that he was not the person she ought to have that conversation with. Deep down he could only hope to not make Hinata’s embarrassment any greater, especially not at the expense of his curiosity.
"I wish" she simply said, and he wondered if he should ask more about it? or- "I finally had a date with Naruto-kun” her low tone indicated more than the words itself. “It wasn't at all as I had imagined it would be. I mean, he was nice, but... I don't know… I had been so excited and had spent hours getting ready for it. But I don't think he would ever be able to understand what it feels like to be part of a family like ours. Can you imagine that he said he would come and tell us to change our traditions?" She looked genuinely sad, the pressure of being the heir and now head of a noble clan weighing her down. He wanted to say something, but he knew that anything he said could end up sounding patronizing. “I just couldn't help but feel that we would have such a perfect date after years of wanting one, and while I'm happy I took the courage to ask him out... I - I - feel like a silly little girl"
"You asked Naruto out?" To say he was astounded would be an understatement "I feel congratulations are in order, then".
"Please, don't make fun of me, Neji-onisama. I feel bad enough already" she looked like she was about to bolt, she had started collecting the dishes in an attempt to escape the kitchen. Ready to recoil.
"No, wait!" he grabbed her wrist from across the table "Please sit, I didn't want to make you feel on the spot. It's just that...” She audibly heard him exhale, trying to find the appropriate words, “You always wanted to go out with him, and you asked him out. I commend you for your bravery" she wasn't looking at him, embarrassment fogging the previous brightness of her eyes. 
"Well...” she said defeatedly “at least the ramen was really tasty"
"Was your date at Ichiraku?" He asked incredulously.
She nodded, feeling more and more embarrassed by the second, covering her face. "Ino will kill me when I tell her. She thinks that Ichiraku isn't the place for a date".
He regarded her for a second and blurted a “Is there a place where you'd like to go?” before noticing. And he couldn’t lie to himself, the reality was that he was curious. He had never thought about the places she would like to visit. Nor dared to imagine the possibility of ever going out with her. He couldn't fool himself, there was a social gap dividing them. Letting his thoughts drift that way was dangerous. It would be considered an insolence, since she was a member of the main family.
"I guess, I would like to go to a place that wasn't one I have visited almost every day for more than 10 years, a place where I go all the time with my team. I want to do something different... Something special"  He could see that. Her craving for something new and different to happen when you are constricted by the rules of a strict family like theirs, was more than understandable. They all did it, in one way or another they all looked for ways of escaping the harshness of their reality.
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“Excuse me, Hinata-Sama. Something has been delivered for you” said Kaya.
A white envelope with no signature had been given to her, and inside, there was... a gift card? 
She looked confused at the colorful card. It had the name of a place she vaguely seemed to remember. 
She checked the paper again, as if checking it once again would make a name appear, the harder she started to do it. But despite her effort the paper remained as blank as it had been when she had received it.
She never received anything. 
Who would have sent it?
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"Hinata-chan! How's your day going?"
"Ino-chan! Sakura-chan! Thank you for coming!"
"So? What's today's plan?"
"Actually, I'm... not sure. I received a card for a place called... La... Lade-Ladu"
"LADURÉE???" Screamed Ino and Sakura excitedly at the same time. Hinata was a little stunned by how loud her friends had reacted.
"Ok, enough. Tell us! Who is it?"
"Who is who?"
"Oh common! Don’t play coy. Your boyfriend, of course!" asked Sakura "Who's your boyfriend?"
"I don't have one, you girls know that"
"Commooon, don't be shy! You can tell us" said Ino.
"No. I'm serious... I -  I don't know who sent it" the last was said in a really quiet voiced “Kaya-san gave me the envelope a week ago, and I wasn't sure if it was really for me, I asked her more than once if it she was sure, and she was vehement about it, but I cannot imagine who or why I was sent something like this”
"Argh! Not you too then!” Ino groaned.
“Me too?” she didn’t understand.
"I don't want to sound as if I'm stealing your moment but... I've also been receiving random gifts from time to time. And I have never been able to figure out who is the one sending me things", said Sakura
Ino sighed "You girls are so lucky, I only get bad dates. I'm so tired of 'what's your rank?', 'Where did you go on your last mission?', 'Do you belong to a clan?' over and over and over again” Ino stopped ranting for a second “This place opened not long ago, so it must be someone who considers you special. I've been dying to come ever since they opened. But enough is enough, don't let me bring down the mood, let's get some macarons!"
"Macarons?" Hinata was puzzled by the whole thing.
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"Thanks for walking me back, girls" Hinata bowed when she was at the gates of the Hyuga district. "It was a lovely afternoon". 
"Thanks to your boyfriend! It was very delicious, can't wait to go again!" Said Ino.
"Have a nice night Hinata-chan" said Sakura, bidding goodbye to her friend.
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Tea Nation
"Don't you think I sent it too soon?" For once, Neji was deeper into his cups, and Lee was actually surprised of seeing him so flustered "I mean, she looked so distraught and embarrassed after her date with Naruto, I just couldn't not do something "Lee saw his friend lamenting while drowning down the rest of his cup. 
"Don't worry Neji! Did you send it the next day?"
"No, of course not. I thought about it some days before deciding to get the card." 
"You see, don't stress out! It'll be alright" Lee served him a little bit more liquor, if anyone needed to have liquid courage at this moment, it was certainly his friend "So have you thought about giving her something else?"
"In fact, I have" He said while gracing the cup over his lips covering a shy smile.
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Late October
"Hinata-sama" Kaya called her attention "There’s a new envelope for you".
Roughly two weeks had already passed since the first envelope arrived. And this one was a very similar one. It was blank, no label nor penmanship. She tried scrutinizing it even further. Who could it be? She mused. 
“Byakugan” She activated her blood limit. She wanted to detect the faint traces of chakra left by the sender. Maybe she would be able to see something that gave her a clue about this person. But to no avail, nothing could be read out of the paper.
She pursed her lips, thinking.
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"Kyaaa!!!! Hinata-chan!!! This is amazing, Just what I needed!"
"Ino is so right" said Sakura "I hadn't come to the hot springs in a hot second, this is so nice!!"
"I'm happy that you are enjoying this!"
"We really need to get Ino a secret admirer, that way we can go to more restaurants and cafés" continued Sakura jokingly. 
"Do you really have no idea? Absolutely no idea who these men sending you gifts are?"
"I really don't" said Hinata thinking about those closer to her "I know Kiba-kun and Shino-kun are not the kind to be giving gifts"
"Yeah, I don't even want to talk about mine, they are a lost cause", said Sakura.
"Yeah, I bet mine are part of that group... Actually no, I could see Choji doing so, he doesn't deserve to be grouped with Shika’s lazy ass, I know he could never" Ino was taking the question very seriously "so no one in team 7, 8 or 10... and the cards, gifts and flowers you guys receive are usually nice, like really nice! So I'd say that they have to be top ninjas who get high ranking missions regularly"
"I mean, that doesn't really narrow down the list, there are still lots of Jounin or ANBU who could be in a position where they can give you nice presents" Sakura contemplated. The girls tried to think of other ways to continue narrowing down the list but the only thing they knew was that no one on their teams could be responsible.
"What Hinata? What?" asked Sakura.
"What are the possibilities of both you and I, receiving gifts from admirers simultaneously?!" asked Hinata
"What if they are friends?!" Followed Ino. 
Understanding flashing through their faces. 
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Early November
He could listen to the sounds coming from the kitchen. A bitter and warm smell flowing in the air, tea was being prepared. The closer he got to the kitchen, the more he could listen to the water boiling and the slightly warmer temperature. 
"Tadaima Hinata-sama" he said once he saw the woman he had fallen in love with in front of the stove. 
"Neji-onisama, okaerinasai! I am preparing tea, would you like some, or would you like water?"
"I'll wait for the tea, thanks. It smells really nice. How have you been?"
"I've been well. I even had the chance to go out with the girls while you were on mission"
"Yeah? Where to?"
"We went to a frent pâtisserie, a new place in the village. We ate macarons"
"Macarons?" He asked quizzically, feigning ignorance, curious about whether she had had a good time.
"Yes! They are these little cookies that..." for a moment, her words couldn't reach him. He was entranced by the glint in her eyes. It was a stark difference compared to the previous time he had seen her, almost a month ago.
"I'm glad to hear you had a good time"
"Yeah! It was really nice. We also went to an onsen. It was very relaxing, it had been a while since we had the opportunity to go together since we had been going and coming back from different missions and Sakura working at the hospital" she said while pouring the prepared tea in a cup "be careful, it's quite hot"
"Thank you very much, Hinata-sama"
"Please tell me about your mission, how was it?"
"It was good, I went to several villages in the south near the Wood Nation. Originally it was supposed to be a solo mission, but then Lee was sent to support me, so it was nice to have a familiar face with me. Even if it means enduring his endless energy"
"Did you see anything interesting?"
"Not much to be honest, but" he stopped for a second and turned around to his backpack and from it, he pulled out a small package "I thought... you might like this"
The fruity smell of the box reached her. The box read ‘Peach oolong Tea’ and he saw her take the tea pack with both hands, closing her eyes as her hands pulled the box closer to her nose, slowly breathing the sweet essence it emanated. He couldn't hear it, but he saw her chest rise up and down with a breath; inhaling, appreciating the subtle notes in the sweet smell.
"I hope you like it, Hinata-sama" he saw her face change instantly, her shoulders looked tense again "Are you ok?"
"Uh, am, yeah, sorry." she smiled, but now it looked force "I'll prepare some tomorrow and tell you how it tasted"
"Oh...ok” now Neji was feeling tense himself  “I..." he wanted to save the conversation, but was unsure how to do so "I... I have heard that a festival is coming"
"Oh yes, Ino-chan asked me to help her, she's ordering flowers and when they get here I'll be helping her with the arrangements. It should be nice. I feel I haven't gone to one in ages! There will even be fireworks!" This made Neji feel a rumbling in his chest, a sort of agitation, remembering the time when she had been temporarily blind thanks to him. 
That was another thing he had never apologized for. He could feel the blood surging to his face.
"Neji-onisama?" Now she looked worried "Are you alright?"
A sharp pain striking his heart. 
"I am - nothing to worry about"
"Are you sure?" He saw her bend over the table and extend the back of her hand over his cheek, which made him blush even more furiously. "It doesn't seem like a fever... Try not to exert yourself too much. You should rest. It’s been a long journey.
"I'll... I'll try to get a full night of sleep tonight" he knew that he was still blushing. Especially under her unflinching eyes.
"Neji-onisama. Can I ask you something?"
"Ask away" She looked uneasy. She wasn't sure about how to ask what she wanted, ideas spinning inside her head, not knowing how to ask the questions plaguing her mind. She was still reclining over the table, and was that his imagination or was there a tint shade of pink on her face? 
“What do you think about me?” The unexpected question left him speechless for a second.
“Hinata-sama” he saw her flinch, visibly flinch. “You have always been the respected heiress and now you are our honorable clan Head” She looked 10 times more uncomfortable. 
Neji pursed his lips forming a fine line when she broke eye contact with him. And in a quieter voice she asked “Are- are we friends?” The pumping of his heart resounding so loud he couldn’t hear his own thoughts.
Well, that question was something he certainly didn't expect. He didn't know what to say. 
They were... complicated.
That's what they were. 
They had been childhood friends, and he thought of her a cute girl from the very first time. Then politics had gotten between them, he was branded and had proudly promised to be at the service of the main family, swearing loyalty. He had been a new member of the secondary branch, bound through duty and sacrifice to protect the main family. But then, he had seen his father being subjugated by such duty and one day he had lost him. The closest person in the family, and the one who had guided and loved him, had simply vanished. The tomb located in the cemetery was a shell, empty of any real remains. For many years he blamed her for his death and he tried to kill her. ‘An eye for an eye’ some said, and without remorse or hesitation he had gone for her heart, giving her a heart failure that still required medical control. And to put the cherry on the cake, he had unintentionally blinded her while training. 
He couldn't allow her to call him a friend, she deserved more. Much more. 
She continued to look at him, but his silence spoke more than enough. She picked up all the china from the tea set. Full of shame he walked towards her, cringing on the inside, leaving his empty cup of tea in the sink. 
"Hinata-sama?" He lowered himself, trying to see her beautiful eyes once again. But her hair curtained forward, covering most of her face. 
"I'm sorry Neji, I think I asked for more than I should have" her voice was trembling, but he could feel her effort, not trying to cry in front of him "Please go get some rest, you've just come back from a long journey, don't let me stall you any further"
"Hinata-sama, please look at me" he placed one of his hands on her shoulder. A part of him reminded himself that he was playing with fire, he wasn’t allowed to take such liberties. 
She didn't respond, she continued looking down to the sink and her eyes stuck on the dirty china. 
Neither said anything further.
Resigned, he just took a step back and bowed, exiting the kitchen.
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"I feel like an idiot, Lee" His friend was judging him with open eyes, and he deserved it.
"You are an idiot" 
He groaned.
"Life gives you the best opportunity to repair your relationship with her, and you simply said: No, thanks. I'm good " Lee sipped his sake
"I knoooooow" his palms covered his face "I'm seriously questioning why people call me a genius" if he could, he would pull out each hair from his head. Individually.
"Well, now that we agree on your idiocy. What are you going to do to not be an idiot anymore?"
"Face it, I guess" Neji was about to lift his cup, when Lee interjected him, stealing it.
"Good!" He drank Neji's sake on one go. "No more alcohol for you then. Not tonight"
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The wind had started feeling colder and colder during the nights. And at this point, he could only hope for the best. 
"Hinata-sama? Can I come in?" He could only hope for her to be in the mood to give him an audience, despite the hour. It had been some time since he had walked to this area of the house on his own. The only exceptions were when he escorted her back. "I can feel your chakra signature, please, I just - I just want to talk..." He could hear her quiet steps approaching before the door slowly slid open. Despite being in front of her she wouldn't look at him. "I brought something..." he raised his hand, a pastel green of the bag calling her attention "I - I thought you might like to have some''
"You brought Macarons?"
"I remember you mentioned liking them" she grabbed the bag shocked. Inside there was a collection of six cookies. She could feel something spreading within her, something reassuring.
"Can I come in?" She walked back a couple, giving him enough space to enter. 
"Do you mind if we sit outside?" she asked quietly "It'll not be long before the winter comes with full force, and I’d like to enjoy the weather before it turns too harsh"
"Of course” they both were wearing the traditional black training clothes. The fitted shirt with short sleeves and black pants didn’t provide much warmth, but the nights hadn’t turned that cold yet. Hinata sat on the engawa with her feet dangling, while trying to appear calmer than she actually was, still affected by their last conversation. Neji could see the hurt and rejection still reflected in her body language. 
He had told Lee that he was going to face the situation and that's what he ought to do.
"I'm sorry Hinata-sama"
"No, Neji-onisama. I'm sorry for putting you in a difficult position"
"No, please" he interrupted "don't apologize. Just, listen to me" He looked at her with determination and Hinata for a moment thought that she had seen something in his eyes, although she didn't know what. 
Neji moved a little closer to her, he wanted her to see his sincerity.
"I didn't want to give you the impression that we can't be friends. And,  while I feel honored that you would even consider me in such light. It's just that... I don't feel worthy"
"Neji. Please..."
"No, I beg you, let me continue" He interjected desperately      "I tried to kill you when we were young, I have exhausted you to the point of temporary blindness and demeaned you in the process. These are actions that I can’t forgive myself about, even if you have been gracious enough with your generosity. You can’t possibly call me a friend under such circumstances. But I want you to know that I will always comply with my duty, and I will always follow you. There are many others who deserve to be your friends, but me" he sat down in seiza and bowed to the floor.
"Neji-onisama! Ple-please! Don't do that, please don't bow to me. I-I"
"I can only beg for your forgiveness" his forehead rested firmly against the wooden floor.
Hinata was getting more and more flustered about the whole situation. Her heart pounded loudly and the air escaped her lungs.
The most respected and acclaimed member of the Hyuuga family was bowing to her.
She was horrified. 
She put her hands on his shoulders and pulled as hard as she could, and he resisted. Her fingers dug into his skin as hard as she could, trying to break his stance. Trying to force him to sit up once again. Her ragged breath tried to collect the oxygen she needed. Until she finally pulled hard enough to see his eyes.
"NEVER..." her voice was trembling and she gasped looking for the necessary air "Never! Never do that again! Ever!" He looked down, he hadn't intended for her to feel more distressed, but he had to say it. He had to make things right. 
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make the situation worse. I know - I don't deserve forgiveness"
"No! No Oni-sama, don't say that! Yes... We have been through a lot, and, and it hasn't been easy, but... it's... it's us"  She tried to smile for him, but her trembling lips shaped an abstract expression "We have always had each other, we have always been there... Maybe not in the best ways, but... it's always us in the end - I already forgave you a long time ago" Neji could feel her fingers digging back again into his shoulders "Neji, we were friends once, I thought... that maybe" her voice wavered "maybe we could be once again"
"How can you just forgive me? I've done horrible things to you, you should despise me"
"You might think that, but the truth is that I have never despise you, and probably never will" A part of him knew he should feel happy, he should *be* happy listening to her answer. But he wasn't. Sometimes he wished he had her rage instead, at least that would be understandable. "So, do you think we could be like that? Is there a chance we could be friends? No hierarchies between us"
"But we're not. I'm branded. I am part of the secondary branch. We could never be equal. It would be frowned upon" comprehension shone through her eyes. He was afraid 
"This - this is not about the clan Neji. This is not even about us" she couldn't contain the heartache anymore "This is just a very selfish wish. I just wish to feel that there's someone I can rely upon within these walls and I thought that you might feel the same. After everything, everything that has happened… These last two years have been the most horrible ones of my life. And I feel empty and so alone. How can a house full of so many people feel so empty? I’m losing my mind and I can’t do this anymore, I can’t continue pushing on my own. That is why, I thought that you might feel the same… but you are in no obligation to do this. I can understand if you don't..."
"I am here for you, Hinata-sama. If you want me to be your friend- If you want me to share your pain, I’d happily be your friend, even if I think I don't deserve it" He saw the light start to shine in her eyes.
"Thank you, Neji" He raised his hands and caressed one of her forearms, which were still firmly attached to his shoulders.
'Neji ' 
His own name echoing in his ears.
He felt lost for a moment, looking deep into her eyes.
She started feeling warm again, and she was sure that the blood was going up her neck and cheeks.  
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Mid - November
"I mean, it's white!"
"Really, Ino? As if we hadn't seen it with our own eyes" Sometimes Ino could be so exasperating. Sakura rolled her eyes "All that grandiosity of great spies and intelligence that runs in your family must have skipped you"
"I don't see you contributing, Haruno. If you are so amazing, tell me what you see" Ino passed the envelope to Sakura, daring her to examine it.
"You already said it, there's nothing special about it. What do you think, Hinata-chan?"
"The paper looks very similar to the other two envelopes, I have been saving them in case I can detect a chakra pattern or something, but so far I haven't noticed anything"
"Hmm, I wish we could have a clue, that way we could uncover who your boyfriend is" Hinata found it humorous that Ino had already decided that this person was 'her boyfriend', she didn't know if it was in fact a man.
"You know Ino, it could very well be a woman, for all we know. None of us can have an exact idea of who it is" said Sakura
"Open it Hinata! We must see what's in it"
Hinata examined it once again before she started peeling the flap of the envelope and from it, she pulled out a sachet.
'Cosmos seed', it read. Hinata opened her eyes, surprised to see that she had been given flower seeds. 
"Well it's definitely someone close to you", Said Sakura.
"Or a creep" 
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One week before the festival
Hinata sighed satisfied.
She needed a bath, that was for sure. Helping Ino in her spare time with the orders was taxing, but she loved it. The arrangements looked beautiful and everything was looking amazingly good. They would need to revitalize the flowers before the festival but with their jutsu skills they could make them look fresh during the festival. She was so excited, after the war and with the reconstruction efforts, everything had looked dreadful for a while but little by little Konoha was starting to feel like home again. 
‘So many things to do… I have to check how many orders are left to be done. And I need to make sure my clothes are ready for that day.  And Sakura-chan already confirmed she will go, I wonder if Tenten w-  Neji-onisama! I had totally forgotten! ’ 
She hadn't talked to him yet, but thinking about him made her feel fuzzy on the inside. ‘ I still don’t know if he will be in the village that day’ Since he had been going on a lot of solo missions recently it was hard to know. Hinata turned on her heels walking now towards her cousin's room, she could take a bath after she had asked him.
"Neji-onisama?" No answer.
It wasn't that late, maybe he was still training or attending to business. Knowing he could be assigned a mission with short notice, it'd be better to leave a note. The room was neatly organized. Very Neji-like, the thought made her giggle. She would need parchment paper and ink. Hinata started opening the drawers of his desk.
"Here's the ink" she said to herself pulling out the small container "and here's the..." 
Eyes wide open.
Was someone coming?
She didn't know if she could trust her senses or if it was her paranoia. Her instincts maxed to her surroundings. Her eyes rapidly went from left to right. She tried to feel if there were any chakra signatures around her. She could feel her heart beating three times faster. Her breathing went in and out, echoing loudly in the dead silence of the room. 
Delicately she lifted the sharpened feather quill and underneath it laid a white enveloped. A pack of them actually. 
‘I have to get out of here!’
No one could see her in Neji's room at that moment, especially him. 
And as discreetly as she had entered, she went out. 
Leaving no trace of ever being there.
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 At the Konoha market
"Have you decided which one you are buying?" asked Neji.
"Yes! And it's the most beautiful one in the store! It'll bring out her dynamic green eyes and highlight her beauty. I just hope to be around that day, unless Hogake-sama has different plans"
The busy streets of the market had been busier now that everybody was shopping for everything they needed to get ready for the festival. Especially clothing and accessories. Lee and Neji had been out and about since the early hours of the afternoon, they were getting some other presents for their ladies. and since the festival was going to be so special for everybody, they had teamed up. Hopefully this way, they could help each other to not screw up.
"Well then, let's go to the next store. I still haven't decided what I'm buying. And I need to buy it today"
"Let me pay really quickly and talk to them about the delivery", said Lee, disappearing within the maze of patrons that flocked to the store. Ten minutes later they were going to the next store, it was Neji's turn now "Have you thought about what she might like?"
"Not yet, but I think I'll know what to get her once I see it"
・˳ . ⋆   .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆・˳ . ⋆   .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆・˳ . ⋆   .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆・˳ . ⋆   .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆・˳ . ⋆   .˳⁺⁎˚
Six days before the festival
The skies had turned a dark shade of gray. She sighed. She knew that the seasons were changing and she should not be surprised, but since most of the week had been particularly nice, she was not expecting to see such dull skies, but she guessed that it suited the day in a way. In her arms rested a beautiful bouquet of the most beautiful white Chrysanthemums. She felt the cold of the wind in her neck, hands and toes making her tremble. The light cardigan she had chosen to wear did not provide the needed warmth for the incoming cold front. From what she saw, it was probably going to be incoming during the night. The landscape looked drab now that the sunflowers had been cleared. At least during the summer, the place looked livelier, specially for a vicinity this solemn. 
The Hyuga cemetery was a secluded area, she tried visiting once a month, she had started coming more frequently when she was fifteen, she would come and clean her mother’s tombstone and place flowers and incense. But now, sadly, she now had more reasons to visit.
“Hello Hanabi-chan. How have you been?” She kneeled down sweeping the dried leaves that had fallen over the tomb “I brought some Mums for you. Ino gave me the freshest and biggest ones she had for you. They are kind of peppery and sweet. I think that they suit you” she was starting to feel the pain in the middle. “I have missed you so much, I have gotten better and have improved a little. Although I haven’t been going on many missions, you know, clan things happening and decisions to be made.”
“I just hoped I am doing what is correct and my decision will improve people’s life for our family” the wind was starting to pick up with more force “I… I have to confess something. I have been very confused lately. Neji-onisama and I have been talking more recently. Some days things feel easy, but sometimes, I don’t know what to think. He’s been so- so-” her cheeks felt warmer despite the cold air “He’s been through a lot, you know how our traditions and customs have affected the branch family, especially him. Our family has long been plagued by loss and despair and although we are resilient, we have grown indifferent and cold among each other. I was feeling desperate and lonely. So I did the most reckless thing I have ever done. You’ll not even imagine”
“Oh god, this is so embarrassing”, she laughed. Not feeling as embarrassed as months ago ”Can you imagine? I invited Naruto out!'' She was nervous, laughing, imagining and remembering the whole ordeal. “Do you remember that he said that he would change the Hyuga once he becomes Hokage during the chunin exams? Well, he told me the same thing during our date. As if things were this simple. But I do see change happening to us, but not on the promises of an outsider. We need to change ourselves for things to get better”
“I can feel myself changing and I think Neji’s changing too. You know how he was very reserved, well I don’t think you would recognize the amazing person he has turned to be. He’s grown fond of Lee’s antics, I know they are friends now, he is caring, and gregarious” her heart skipped a beat before she continued “He’s been putting a lot of effort into himself, well he always has. But I hope you understand what I mean. I wish you could see the sincerity that his eyes have. Sometimes I think they have gotten clearer that they really are”.  
“Please, watch over us from where you are in this times on uncertainty”
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Four days before the festival
"Girls! Come here, I just got this" Ino said animatedly.
"What is it?"
"I think it is from Tenten" Ino opened it and read out loud.
I have missed hanging out with you girls, the weather here is drier than ever. I told T that if she didn't tell me about a spa I could go to in my free time, I would have to be deported for murder. My skin has been itchy but it looks like the treatments are having a good effect.
I heard that there will be a festival around the days I'm expecting to arrive.
I know you must be busy doing your things, but, could you get me something to wear in case I get there in time?
You know where to find the key for my apartment
"Well, we have to get her something, she cannot not go to the festival with us, it's been ages since we've gone together to something like this" said Ino "We might need to get her a new Kimono and probably a headdress..."
"Oh wait! I almost forgot to show you!" Sakura called up to them "I received something yesterday"
"What is it, Sakura-san?" 
"You have to see this" Sakura stood and walked towards her handbag and pulled out a sizable wooden box out of her bag. "It was delivered to the hospital reception, the girls were so excited, I am sure they were betting on whether I’d receive something"  Sakura opened the box revealing a headpiece that had a big red peony, gold ribbons and hanging flowers, in a very traditional style "I think that they got it for me, to wear it this weekend" Sakura felt their surprise in their gasps.
"That's so beautiful Sakura-chan! It'll make your hair pop up, they'll combine very nicely with your clothes" said Hinata excitedly. 
"You are a lucky one Haruno" She didn't want to sound bitter despite feeling a little jealous of her friends. *I don't have time for this, I have a business to run and clothing to get for Tenten!* She reprimanded herself "Have you received anything Hinata?"
"Not y-yet..."
"But?" They asked in unison 
"I think I know" said Hinata to her friends, confusion and caution clear in her eyes "I know who's been sending me gifts" Sakura opened her eyes in surprise. 
"Are you sure?"" she needed to know if Hinata was being dead serious. 
"I am, and knowing that I'm correct, we might know who's been sending you things as well"
"Well? Who is it?" Ino was eager to know.
"It's-it's Neji" Both of her friends went instantly quiet. 
"But... How?!" Confusion clear on Sakura's face.
"Well... I was on my way to ask him if he was going to be here for the festival, but he wasn't in his room, so I wanted to leave him a note since... Oh no!" She grunted "I never wrote the note!" she mentally chastised herself "Anyway, I started pulling out ink and quill from one of his desk drawers and I saw the envelopes! Same material, paper density, color, everything! To be honest, I am still trying to process the whole thing" Hinata was getting flustered and had started pacing around Ino's shop.
"Sakura! You know what that means, right?" Sakura had sunk into a chair putting two and two together.
"It's Lee then, it has to be him" concluded Ino "I mean" She said, racking her hands through her hair, seeming deep in thought.
"I don't know what's more surprising, the fact that you never suspected him or the fact that he has continued feeling this way after so many years!" Ino’s jealousy was long gone now. Hinata receiving gifts from Neji stood from a very dense history that she herself shared with absolutely no one, and was in no rush nor desire to experience anytime soon. And, Sakura and Lee... Well, it wasn't complicated, but Sakura had never been interested in reciprocating. Not an ideal situation either way “Well, since you both got into a conundrum, I guess we better order food or something”
𓄹 ⊹   ᳝ ࣪⠀.  ִ  ་  ּ 𓄹 ⊹   ᳝ ࣪⠀.  ִ  ་  ּ 𓄹 ⊹   ᳝ ࣪⠀.  ִ  ་  ּ 
40 minutes later
"Sushi's here!" said Sakura, carrying the bags of food and presenting it to Hinata and Ino.
"I'll serve the drinks" Ino sighed "I really need a break from this arrangements"
"Thanks Sakura-chan, my hands are also starting to cramp here," said Hinata, shaking her hands vigorously.
"Everybody sit down", said Sakura, serving drinks for everybody. 
"Is it spiked Haruno?"
"Knowing what we know, you shouldn't even be asking..."
"Would it be that bad?" Hinata asked her, picking up her "Lee-san is really sweet guy" 
"It's not that," said Sakura, frustrated, sinking her head over her palms. "That's the problem. He really is a good guy" she somewhat frustrated.  
"Sakura-chan" said Hinata in a more comprehensive tone, "it's been years. You do deserve to be happy. Your relationship with Sasuke-son was tumultuous, you were always close to a panic attack and it's ok to be wary, but Lee-san has always been caring"
"You are afraid", said Ino, baffled. "I never thought that you would be scared of something like this..."
"It wouldn't be fair with Lee-kun” Ino pursed her lips while listening to her friend "he deserves someone who isn't walking on eggshells all the time..." she didn't want to push her too much, she was clearly sensitive.
"And you Hinata? What do you think about this?" asked the blonde
"I'm not sure"  she sighed "I feel this might be..."
"difficult?" offered Ino
"intricate?" countered Sakura
"confusing" she paused for a second "I think Neji is being consumed by guilt"
"He should be, tho" replied Ino "what he did was awful and he never addressed it"
Sakura furrowed her eyebrows "Has... something happened? Has he...?"
"Nonono, please don't judge Neji too harshly” she felt as if she was playing devil's advocate "He has been really cordial to me for years and lately he has been attentive with me but - but nothing special, we have just been talking more" she tried to focus "The manor is too big. These years haven't been easy on anyone... and I thought - I thought we were becoming closer again and it all devolved into a horrible afternoon" she needed a moment. "We kind of had a situation recently. I-" - she needed to take a deep breathe "I asked him if we were friends and he didn't say anything ! I thought I had overstepped some boundary or offended him in some way, and THEN that same evening I was in my room dreading how the only person who actively talks to me in my house was angry with me, knowing our relationship was going south again and that everything would be tense and awkward yet again"
Sakura and Ino were listening attentively to her friend. Not daring to interrupt her.
"That evening, I was in my bedroom and he came by. I didn't want to talk to him, I was so afraid of making things worse. He asked me if we could talk, I didn't know what to expect at this point, even though I was clearly intending to avoid him and he started to apologize and then he..." it hurt to even remember the whole ordeal. She lowered her voice. The taste of profanity stung her tongue "he... he bowed to me" everything came out of her in a spurt.
"Noooo..." Ino couldn't believe it, and Sakura covered her mouth with her hands. The sushi was long forgotten over the small table in the employee room of the flower shop. 
"Our clan... our traditions and protocols, they consume you, and eat you alive from the inside. I am always surrounded by many people that treat me as their master, I... I would like a sense of normalcy, but trying to change our customs is difficult. I guess I have been feeling lonely in my own house" Hinata took a second to breathe "And... And I asked Neji, the only person who I knew who would understand me, if we were closer. But he didn't say anything, he simply stood there"
"He can be a jerk sometimes" said Sakura "I still remember when we were 12 and he needed to get a" she abruptly stopped herself, maybe mentioning that incident now was not the best idea “... anyway, Naruto and I crossed paths with Neji and he was really rude".
"Sakura, I know he was like that. I know. But that's the Neji from 10 years ago. That's not the current Neji, he is different. But he feels guilty"
"So..." Asked Ino "What happened afterwards?"
"He apologized. He sounded very sincere! He did a full bow, his forehead touched the floor and everything. It felt so wrong. He shouldn't have done that" She crossed her arms trying to hug herself, seeking solace of her own memories. The uncomfortableness of the ordeal clearly coursed through her body. 
"Somehow I feel he owed you that, even if you felt uncomfortable. It's good to know he finally apologized, properly apologized" stated Sakura.
"It is Hinata, even if you didn't want it or expected it. It is good that he apologized. He wouldn't have been able to lift the blame any other way" - Hinata was conflicted, Neji had been wronged so many times by the Main House that... she felt that he shouldn't have apologized, at least not in such an extreme way.
"Will you tell him that you know?" questioned Sakura.
"I wouldn't know what to even say, or how to ask if it's him. I feel it might do more damage than good"
"And you? What are you going to do with Lee?"
"To be honest, I don't want to think about it right now"
The three friends decided to put the topic aside momentarily and eat their food, once their stomachs started protesting again. Ino felt tired and she was ready to call it a day. Her friends helped her to close the store. 
"Thank you for your help Hinata, it's much appreciated" she said in a comically formal accent, making Hinata giggle.
"No problem at all, but I better get going. Sakura-chan, Ino-chan. I hope you have a good night" She bowed to them before leaving.
"Did you notice Sakura?" asked Ino, now that Hinata was gone
"Notice? What was I supposed to notice?"
"She didn't call him 'Neji-onisama'. Not even once"
"You're right!" Sakura was smiling, replaying the conversation in her mind. Which brought a similar realization to her mind "You know who else she has been skipping honorifics with?"
"Who?" Intrigue reflected on Ino's face.
"Us" a smile gracing both of them.
To be continued...
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✦ N E X T ✦
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✦ N E J I H I N A D I R E C T O R Y ✦ C O L L E C T I O N ✦
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☆ P E R M I S S I O N S T A T E M E N T
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archiveikemen · 1 year
Liam Evans Main Story: Chapter 23 (Blind Love)
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I do not own any of the Ikemen Series content being uploaded on this blog, everything belongs to CYBIRD. Please support them by playing their games and buying stories. Not 100% accurate, expect mistakes.
read this before interacting with my posts
There was no hesitation, panic, or shadow in those rose coloured eyes.
Instead, they contained a roaring flame of life that overcame all sorts of hesitation.
— 6 minutes before the curtains rose.
Liam: … Kate?
Liam: Ah, I’m glad you’re here. I’ve been waiting for you.
Liam: Listen, Kate.
Liam’s fingertips squeezed my pinky finger, ring finger, then my middle finger… and he intertwined his fingers with mine.
Liam: On the day you saved my life, I couldn't hold your hand.
Liam: Although you were screaming and crying.
The feeling of desperately gripping his hand and fearing for his life that could have disappeared any moment then was deeply ingrained into my memory.
As well as the overwhelming feeling of helplessness.
Liam: But when your tears fell onto my cheek, no… when you said that you loved me…
Liam: No, no, that’s not it…
Liam bit his lip as he struggled with the conflicting emotions swelling up in his heart.
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Liam: Ever since the night I met you for the first time, my heart has been screaming for me to change little by little.
Kate: … Liam.
Troupe Member: — 3 minutes till the curtains rise!
Liam: … I
Liam: I…
As the atmosphere backstage got even more boisterous, Liam looked at me and spoke with a trembling voice, words that were strong enough to pierce right through the core of my heart.
Liam: Someday, I want to become the kind of person who can reach my hand out to you.
Kate: …
Those unexpected words left me at a loss for words.
Troupe Member: — 1 more minute till the curtains rise!
Liam turned his gaze to the stage and stood up from his chair.
Liam: In order for that to happen, I need tonight’s performance to be a success, and have my past dealt with once and for all.
Liam: Therefore, wait for me. And… stay by my side.
Kate: Of course. I’ll definitely stay by your side, always.
Liam: … Mm-hmm.
Troupe Member: — Time for the curtains to rise!
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Liam: … Alright.
Liam: Well, here goes.
I watched as Liam’s back disappeared into the dazzlingly bright spotlight.
From this point on, it’s a battle Liam has to fight on his own.
(... Take care.)
Willaim and Victor took their seats on the second floor of the audience, and the bell rang.
The bell ringer, Quasimodo, was born with a horrifyingly hideous appearance.
He was abandoned not long after his birth, and was raised by Claude Frollo, the assistant bishop of the cathedral.
However, it was Frollo who murdered Quasimodo’s parents. He was heavily influenced by lust, jealousy, and greed.
On the stage, Frollo lovingly caressed Quasimodo’s face.
Frollo: “Quasimodo, you must remember. You are hideous and filthy… you are a monstrous atrocity who will never be loved.”
Frollo: “You will be my follower. You will be grateful and follow my every command. Only this way, you will never be hurt.”
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Quasimodo: “Yes, I am grateful to you for keeping me alive and allowing me to live in the Notre-Dame Cathedral.”
Frollo: “This cathedral is your sanctuary… Quasimodo. You will live in this place for the rest of your life.”
Quasimodo: “Yes, I will do everything as you say. For I am a hideous monster.”
Frollo had complete control over Quasimodo, denying him of his freedom.
As the story progressed, Frollo got into a scandal involving someone in the royal court who went by “Golden Butterfly”.
Newspaper Reporter: … Hey. Was the plot like this in the original work by Hugo?
Magazine Reporter: … No, I’m not so sure.
The spoonful of poison Tom added into the play created a ripple that spread across the audience.
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Victor • William: …
Quasimodo had one dream while he lived high up in the tower.
It was to spend time with everyone, laugh alongside them, and go out into the city.
Quasimodo: “Just one time is enough. For once, I want to leave this cathedral and feel the warm sunlight on my skin.”
At last, Quasimodo escaped the cathedral and met a beautiful dancer by the name of Esmeralda. He was able to experience what it was like living in the outside world and falling in love.
However, as Quasimodo underwent those changes, Frollo’s wicked deeds and ugly nature were exposed.
Frollo: “The dancer, social standing, honour, and money… they’re all mine!”
Love, lust, destiny, and other complicated emotions intertwined—.
In the end, Frollo kills the dancer Esmeralda.
And Quasimodo kills him by pushing him off the tower.
Quasimodo, who had lost everything he ever had, stood alone at the centre of the stage and looked up.
Everyone in the audience had their eyes focused on Quasimodo.
Quasimodo: “This world…”
Quasimodo: “This world I live in can be so cruel that there are times I want to look away from it, abandon it… and even stop living.”
Quasimodo: “But, even so… I have to keep on living!”
Quasimodo opened his arms wide and raised them up towards the sky.
Quasimodo: “Until the day this heart stops beating…!”
The final line brought upon a frightening silence.
One second, two seconds, three seconds — then came a roar of thunderous applause. A standing ovation.
Liam: … *pant*... *pant*
Liam’s image as Quasimodo faded away, and he bowed to the audience as himself.
The venue shook with passionate cheers.
Curly Hair Woman: … I’m… speechless.
Freckles Woman: … Yeah.
Newspaper Reporter: I’ll start on my article the moment I get back!
Magazine Reporter: Golden Butterfly, hm. Haha, that plot twist was interesting indeed. I’ll get to work as well…!
(Why do I feel like crying…?)
Liam looked like a burning red Betelgeuse as he stood on stage amidst the continuous applause.
William: … The spoonful of poison will surely spread throughout England and reach Golden Butterfly.
Victor: Kate. According to the results of our investigations, Liam’s father has nothing to do with the revival of “Golden Butterfly”.
Kate: He has nothing to do with it…?
That man threatened Liam by saying that he had Golden Butterfly backing him.
Victor: He was deceived by a ruffian who used the Golden Butterfly’s name despite not knowing anything about them.
Victor told me that there was no way Liam’s father would’ve known about the existence of Crown.
However, it was possible that he found out that Liam was related to William.
Victor: William was involved in the annihilation of Golden Butterfly. He must've thought that if he brought them the dead body of Liam, a friend of William’s…
Victor: He would be able to become a part of them. But all of that was false.
(Does that mean Liam was about to die a meaningless death…?)
(No way…)
William gazed calmly at Liam with his red eyes.
Kate: Liam… he knows about this, right?
William: Yes, that’s right.
Liam stood on stage, fully aware of his father’s intentions.
William: The butterfly won’t be showing itself here. Crown, retreat.
William: Kate, we’ll leave the curtain call to you and Liam.
The wildly enthusiastic and excited audience members left the theatre.
Liam and I remained in the large theatre, alongside his father who stared at the spotlight shining down onto the stage.
Liam: … Kate, don’t leave my side.
Kate: O-Okay.
We exchanged glances, maintaining a distance of five steps between us.
(This man… Max has committed crimes in the past that were related to “Golden Butterfly”.)
Even if he had no direct connection to the butterfly that was showing signs of possible revival, there was no erasing his past crimes.
Pass judgement on him for his sins — that was Crown’s mission.
(Will Liam be the one to kill him? Or will it be another member of Crown?)
(That decision has to be made tonight.)
I didn't know which option Liam would choose.
But as a fairytale writer, it was my job to stay by his side and watch over him.
The silence was broken.
Max: I’m here because I received an invitation from Earl Rex… Liam, was this play meant to be a jab at me?
Max: Was I supposed to be Claude Frollo, and you’re Quasimodo who kills me?
Liam: No. You’re not Frollo, you're Quasimodo.
Max: … What did you just say!?
He removed his hood in a fury and his burnt face was revealed under the spotlight.
Max: Are you mocking my appearance, that was ruined because of you? YOU, MOCKING ME? Don’t fuck with me…!
Liam’s voice remained calm, despite being yelled and spat at.
Liam: That’s not true. I’m referring to the core of your heart. It’s empty, just like Quasimodo’s.
Max: My heart?
Liam: Even though you and mother got married, she never loved you.
Max: … *gulp*
Liam: Therefore, you worked hard for your business to be successful. You wanted to see mother smile.
Liam: You must've gone through so much. I can imagine how many times you’ve had to bow your head to others.
Liam: And yet, having a successful business wasn’t enough to make her turn around and look at you.
His fists that were clenched tightly as if holding on to something trembled slightly.
Liam: On top of that, the successful you were surrounded by nobles who belittle you and people who only approached you for their personal gain.
Man: What would you have known as a child…!?
Liam: I knew. I saw the way you constantly got drunk on alcohol and always wanted to look good in front of everyone around you.
Liam: You… you wanted to be loved.
Max: … Love?
Liam: You begged and begged to be loved. But the more you chased after love, the more you had it slip right through your fingers.
Liam muttered that love’s true nature was that the more you chased it, the further it would get from you.
Liam: I became an outlet for you to vent your frustrations.
Liam: Each time you burnt my back and claimed that you were educating me, I tried to convince myself that you were doing it out of love for me.
Liam: … Otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to let myself be at peace.
Liam: Also…
Liam: Facing the truth would only break my heart, so I didn’t.
Liam: The truth was that the “education” you gave me wasn’t out of love. That wasn’t love.
It must’ve been so hard for him to admit that what he received wasn’t love.
I wanted to hug Liam right then and there, but I stopped myself from doing so.
Max’s anger was quietly bubbling inside of him as he stared in silence.
Liam: But I still tried to fulfil your wish, thinking that it would save you.
Liam: However, that was a mistake.
Max: … A mistake?
Liam: Even if I vanished from this world, you would still be lonely.
Liam: Your heart will forever be lonely, and nothing can ever fill that emptiness.
Liam: I know that, however much I hate to.
The anger that had been silently bubbling up inside Max burst out.
He went up to Liam and grabbed him by the collar, dragging him onto the floor.
Kate: … L-Liam!
I wanted to help Liam, but he gave me a look to stop me.
As he fell to the floor, Max straddled him and raised his fist.
Max: Shut up, shut up…! You have no right to say all that, because you're a failure through and through!
Max: You… you…!
With his burnt fist, he punched Liam’s face, body, everywhere.
— However, Liam didn’t stop him.
(Ah, I get it now.)
He suffered burns all over his body, and was once at the brink of death. He no longer had the strength to hurt Liam the same way he used to.
Max: You… you!
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Liam: …
(It was Liam he was hitting, but the pain was on himself instead…)
Liam caught the arm that was slowly losing the strength to raise its fist.
Liam: There’s a secret I’ve been keeping from you for a very long time.
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madraleen · 3 months
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The Case Study of Vanitas - Season 1 (ie eps 1-24) A mixed first-watch commentary (*fair warning, i actively dislike stuff)
-the fairy tale style introduction is such a beautiful beginning.
-favonius codex, is that you?
-what is this op, are the guys in love?
-wdym you'll slay him in the end, noe, i'm not prepared for an unhappy ending even though i only just met y'all
-oh okay, so vanitas is human with some blue vampire power
-please freakin decide if vanitas has human nails or claw-like nails 'cause atm, gloveless, he has both depending on the shot
-wtf did just happen between vanitas and jeanne? leave the woman alone.
-akira ishida could be reciting an omelet recipe and i'd still listen all riveted, but the world formula stuff is actually interesting
-every time vanitas interacts with jeanne, i want to slap him.
-lil noe-louis-domi are adorable. the noe-louis-domi ep is the one i’ve been the most interested in so far. like, even if i end up disliking the rest of the anime, this ep is peak, ep.5
-please make me like vanitas. i really want to like vanitas, but for now i'm edging towards dislike.
-ah yes, jeanne/domi is actually a ship i can get behind.
-the op is telling me i'm watching a certain kind of anime and the actual anime is telling me i'm watching an entire different thing and it annoys me
-it's nice hearing kengo kawanishi in roland's role. i haven't heard him in the slightly-deranged/overly-emotional range before.
-awww, roland is a good egg after all!
-oh i see, i do like vanitas, just not when he's being ~alluring. THAT vanitas i don't like
-i repeat, DOMI/JEANNE!
-when jeanne is tricking vanitas, and he's suspecting her but playing along, they're so cute. aw damn, she'll fall for him? blergh
-oh come on, jeanne crying and being scared over whatever's up with her is actually sad
-the vanitas and noe interactions are so damn cute.
-hold up hold up, ayumu murase's range??
-pretty sure vanitas is on a time limit or sth, right? where's your earring, vanitas darling?
-no offense but jeanne has more chemistry with chloe in their hellfire witch backstory scene than she has had with vanitas in the entire anime
-nice chloe twist!
-roland, what a good egg
-astolfo's backstory tho <3
-hold up hold up, seriously, ayumu murase's range?????
-roland and olivier though <3 
-i am plagued by mikhails and mishas
-dude, misha's and vanitas' backstory >>> present story, like- the backstories are SO strong and streamlined compared to the present arcs. and i really like lady vanitas
-wait, domi's arc tho? chef's kiss
-poor noe, all of his closest people want him to be the one that kills them.
-aaah, i see, noe "will slay him in the end" as in the end-end, of the story, when vanitas succumbs to the book, okay. the last two eps were peak, i'm so emotionally confused. i'd gladly watch a s2. that said-
-i really don't like how romance is handled, and it's too present to just ignore. i don't find it cute, nor funny, nor romantic, nor alluring, nor particularly toxic, i just find it annoying and forced, lacking chemistry.
-i'm so confused on how i feel about vanitas. there's moments where i liked him, a lot of moments where i was neutral, but lots of others i found him incredibly annoying. but also, he's so complex, which is great, he's a well-crafted character, and you *get* it after you’ve seen these bits of his past, you come to understand him. and part of me thinks that we’re *supposed* to half-like and half-dislike him, that we’re supposed to mirror noe’s sentiments a bit, the “i don’t like you, but also i want to get to know you and to understand you and i’m never leaving your side, ever.” it’s just that for me, vanitas doesn’t have the charm or strength of character to be magnetic even when i dislike him, and i don’t know how i feel about that. i think if i didn't dislike the vanitas/jeanne approach so much, i might have been more fond of him.
-but again, that said: i'd like a rewatch, now that i know vanitas' backstory.
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SSR Rook Hunt Bloom Birthday Personal Story: Part 3
"Happy Birthday"
(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3
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[Pomefiore Dorm – Birthday Party Venue]
Leona: Finally, we're at the last question.
Leona: “How do you spend your days off?” …Apparently.
Rook: Hm, my days off…
Rook: I often go to the theater, or watch movies and dramas.
Rook: For example, on my last day off, I watched my favorite drama.
Rook: Although, I have watched it over 100 times already.
Leona: Wow, watching the same thing over and over again… You got weird taste.
Rook: Once you know how the story plays out, it's quite fascinating to watch it again and discover new things.
Rook: The protagonist of the drama I just mentioned was particularly talented with a rich range of emotions. Even though I've seen this one scene many times…
Rook: Whenever he smiles, the corners of my lips naturally start to curl into a smile. Whenever he cries, my eyes well up with tears.
Rook: I constantly wonder to myself… Why is it that every time I watch, I am once again deeply moved by him?
Rook: Ah, but that sensation of deep emotion resonating in your heart is a wonderful sensation, no matter how many times it happens.
Leona: Sigh… That's not something I'd ever understand. Can a made-up story really affect people like that?
Rook: Of course. Just the other day, Epel-kun also joined us for our viewing party.
Rook: We shared such deep emotions, and I was able to hear views that were much different from mine… It was a lovely time.
Rook: I'm so glad I chose to reach out to Epel-kun. Thanks to that, I was able to have a most satisfying time.
Leona: Oh yeah, there was a time when Epel came to the magical shift club's early morning practice lookin' like he was dead on his feet…
Leona: Guess that must have been because he had to put up with your rambling all day long. That guy's got a lot to deal with, too, sounds like.
Rook: Oh, mayhap have you started to spark an interest as well? If so, let us have a movie night together!
Leona: No thanks.
Rook: I've already said, you don't need to hold back on my account, haven't I? Let's see… perhaps a historical production will be more to your taste.
Rook: Then, let us meet this weekend at 13:00… Oh, and we should mark this occasion by having the viewing party in the Savanaclaw lounge.
Leona: Who'd say yes to that? …Hey, I'm not doin' it. You listening to me?
Rook: Ahh, it will be a wonderful day. Thank you for the spectacular gift, Leona-kun!
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Leona: Sigh… The interview's finally over.
Leona: Here, take this broom already, it's got all these worthless lively-lookin' flowers on it.
Rook: This is… Beauté! It's almost as if it is a floral paradise. The vibrant flowers are gorgeously bringing color and life to the broomstick.
Leona: How wondrous it is that you are so pleased by it. So perfect for someone who's always in a good mood like you.
Leona: I got that you're excited, so hurry up and go show off that broom.
Rook: You're right. Then, I suppose I should head towards the birthday road.
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Rook: I will hold the joy of being celebrated by everyone close to my chest and… Now, I splendiferously take to the skies!
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(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
Signed With Love (Blue Lock)
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(This isn't results of the Poll- I'm working on that one this weekend aerjaejkjaer)
Heyo everyone! :D So I was talking to a dear friend of mine (You know who you are- hi bestie :3) and we got to talking about Chigiri and his ticklish knees! He's such a shy sweetheart that deserves the world, and thus this fic was written! Thank you so much friend for being such a big part of this fic and inspiring me with your adorable headcanons! :D
Summary: Bachira learns of Chigiri's knee injury and decides to investigate. While he's at it- he learns something rather interesting about Team Z's princess.
“Hey, how’d you hurt your knee?” Bachira asked as he plopped down before Chigiri; starting the redhead out of his thoughts.
“How did you..” Did Isagi tell him?
“The monster told me. He sees all.” Bachira poked one of them, smiling when the other boy shifted. “It watches you, you know? It sees you guarding your knee or rubbing it when it aches.”
“Does it now?” Chigiri subconsciously went to guard said limb, stopping himself halfway. Bachira followed the hand to his right knee, leaning in so his nose nearly touched it. “Ah, this is the problem limb. So…” He peeked up, raising his brows.
“I tore my ACL a year ago. Since then, I’ve been too scared to run on it.” Chigiri pulled it closer to him, looking at it with mixed emotion. “At least- until recently.”
One person was all it took. Isagi’s relentless faith in him still rang through his head, pushing him to finally break the chains holding him back. He felt himself smile at the memory.
“Ah yeah! You’re pretty fast too!” Bachira nodded, eyes still on Chigiri’s knee. “So where’s the ACL? Is it right…here?” He reached out to lightly trace the top of the limb, going straight down the middle.
“Mmph! Y-Yes.” Chigiri huffed, shivering at the feeling. Bachira, ever the observant one, peeked up at him with curious eyes. Without any verbal warning, he did it again.
“B-Bachira!” He squeaked, eyes widening as he slapped a hand over his mouth. Bachira Beamed.
“Oh? What was that?” He cooed, adding a second finger to the party. Chigiri twitched at the feeling, shrinking into himself as he covered his smiling face with his hands. “Was that a squeak or a giggle?”
“It wa-hasn’t anyth-hing!” He glared over his fingers, squirming when Bachira rested his entire hand against his knee. “D-Don’t!”
“Why? If it was nothing, you wouldn’t care if I did this, right?” Bachira slowly pulled his hand upward like a jellyfish rising in water. This earned him another squeak, the giggle clear as day in this one. “Oh ho ho! So you’re ticklish!”
“N-No, no I’m n-not!” Chigiri reached out, grabbing Bachira’s wrist. “I’m not.”
A brow was raised. Chigiri felt his face warm.
“Okay…maybe I am.” He ducked his head, hiding in his hair. Bachira snorted.
“Too cute…” The dribbler looked around the room, patting Chigiri’s knee as he stood. “Wait here.” Seconds later, he was gone, running across the room towards Kuon and Gagamaru.
Maybe he should slip away? It wasn’t the first time Chigiri did it. The perks of being the quiet one. Still, something kept his butt planted in his spot. Before he could reflect on it, Bachira was back, a black marker in hand.
“Hey hey- you stayed!” Bachira sounded pleased, popping off the cap. “Give me your leg!”
“Why?” Chigiri pulled it closer in suspicion, eyes narrowing.
“I wanna sign it! You know when someone breaks a bone or gets a cast? Everyone signs it and puts something nice! I wanna do that for you!” Bachira gestured to the limb, eyes dancing. “Come on, I promise I won’t draw a dick!”
“I’m not wearing a cast.” Chigiri pointedly ignored that last part. “There’s nothing to sign.”
“I can sign your pants.” Bachira tugged on the fabric in question, rolling it in his fingers. “It’ll work. Come on, I missed my opportunity when you had one! Everyone else got to sign it but me!”
“What are you- we didn’t meet until Blue Lock!” Chigiri couldn’t help but laugh, letting out a huff of stupefied mirth. “No one signed my brace- it was black; you wouldn’t be able to see it anyway.”
“That’s depressing.” Bachira deadpanned. “Let’s fix that!”
“Bachira…” Chigiri tugged at the ends of his hair in thought. The material of the pants was fairly thick, he probably wouldn’t feel it. And given how eager Bachira looked, he doubted telling him no was an option. Giving in, he nodded. “Fine. Just..don’t draw a dick.”
“Got it!” Bachira cheered, scooting closer so he was hovering over his knee. “What to draw, what to draw…Oh! Let’s start with this!” He reached down, tugging the leg of Chigiri’s pants flat before placing the marker at the tip of his knee. “Don’t move.”
Turns out, the pants material did nothing to protect him.
“Ehehe! B-Bachiihira!” Chigiri all but jumped out of his skin when the marker started moving. Waves of sensitivity shot up his leg, forcing breathy giggles up his throat. “Hohohld on, it tihihihkcles!”
“I know, we’ve established that.” Bachira winked at him, grinning like a goon as he continued drawing what felt like a smiley face. “This marker sucks! How come Kuon only ever uses dying ones? I bet he huffs them when everyone’s asleep- that’s why they’re so dry.” He went over the eyes of his little face a few times, earning a string of squeaks from the redhead. “You squeak alot, huh? You’re like a little mouse.”
“D-Dohohon’t call mehehee thahahaht! Ahehahahaha!” Face on fire, Chigiri covered his face with his hands, doubling over into the sleeves of his sweatshirt as he Bachira continued detailing his design, adding little cheeks to the smile and deepening the outline. “Iiihihihihis it dohohohne? Ahehahaha, Plehahahhase tehheehll me it’s dhooohohne!”
“Not yet, Miss Impatient! I need to sign it!” Bachira snickered, shaking the marker beside him to get more ink. “Let’s see, should I use my full name, or just my last name? Oh- should I include my Monster’s name too? It gets pretty sad if I don’t.”
“Whahahat’s the moohohnster’s name? Chigiri peaked over his fingers.
“Maleficent Oliver Notorious Salvador Techrise Exorciser Rondha the Fifth.” Bachira smiled, laughing hysterically at Chigiri’s wide eyed shock. “I’m kidding! Its name is George. Back to the signing!”
“Wait, noohohohoohoho! Bahahhahhachira!” Chigiri squeaked in laughter when the other boy attacked his knee again, drawing out the letters of his name one thick letter at a time. “Dohoohohohon’t puhuhhhuuhut yoohohohur fuhuuhuhull naahhahahahme!”
“Relax, Chi, I’m just putting ‘Bachira’. With these small knees?” He wiggled his fingers against Chigiri’s leg, making him jump. “I can barely fit my name as is. Okay, B…A….C…or was it an H…?”
“Ahehahahaha! B-Bahahahchira!” Soft hiccups mixed with Chigiri’s giggle fits, resembling the squeaks he was making- just softer and higher pitched. “Juhuhuhuhust ihihihinihihiitial!”
“But I already wrote half my name! Hang on- I’m almost done.” Bachira colored the last ‘A’ In his name, snorting when Chigiri grabbed his wrist. “Hehe, too much?”
“Juhuuhst…juhuhuhust a sehehehecond.” Chigiri rested his forehead against his legs, gasping for breath. His entire body felt tingly- even if it was only his knee getting tickled. Looking up, he met Bachira’s smiling face with a tired smile. “Hohoohw…how muhuhuch do you hahahve left?”
“Just one more detail. No looking though!” Bachira covered his work with a hand. “Sit back- I’ll be done in just a moment.”
Chigiri eyed him suspiciously before doing just that, already giggling when Bachira pressed his marker down. “Ahehaha! Juhuuhust fihiihhinihsh alhhehheady.”
“Aaaaand, done!” Bachira tapped the newest creation with the marker, capping it closed. “Tada! Take a look!”
Chigiri groaned, exhausted from the entire event. Slowly, he stretched out his leg, taking in Bachira’s work.
Sure enough, there was a smiley face, big eyed with an equally massive smile and cheeks. He even had little eyebrows. Below that was Bachria’s name, the ‘I’ dotted with a misshapen heart. The ink was fading in and out- some parts near invisible compared to others, and when he tugged his pant leg up further to get a better look, it stretched some.
A bit of a mess for a signature, but a sweet gesture all the same.
“Do you like it? Huh?” Bachira asked, bouncing on his knees. Chigiri stared at it for some time before he turned to the other, a shy smile on his lips.
“I love it. Thank you.”
“Making shorts? Isn’t it still winter?” Kunigami asked some time later when he found Chigiri carefully cutting around the knee of his pant leg. “Huh- they let you do that here?”
“I got the okay from Ego. He gave me new pants.” Chigiri reassured him as he finished the last cut, gathering up the freshly cut cloth band, Bachira’s art piece centered in the middle. “Besides- it’s worth it.”
He wore that little leg band at every game since.
Thanks for reading!
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🎵 Instrument of Surrender
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There is something down there...
The musty smell of a potato cellar in spring emanates from the air vent.
We're going to stop by Siileng on our way.
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Changing into the White Satin Shirt triggers a new thought.
CONCEPTUALIZATION - Why does art inspire you so much?
It does, yes -- but what *is* art?
No, art is for arrogant blowhards. Why am I getting this?
[Discard thought.]
CONCEPTUALIZATION - Excellent question. Art is a diverse range of visual, literary, auditory, and performative creativity! It's an expression of imagination and technical skill. Additionally, it's history, criticism and pure enjoyment...
In short, art is the highest form of human communication -- representation, narrative, emotion and agency intertwined.
Would I fit into the art world? I mean...
CONCEPTUALIZATION - Have you looked in the mirror lately? You have the exact features of a savage art critic, with that beard and those clothes! Dishevelled and *prophetic*. Perhaps you should try to critique architecture too!
Hold on, is architecture also art?
I guess I *have* been feeling critical lately.
That's stupid. Architecture is stupid.
CONCEPTUALIZATION - Of course not, it's autism. Box-drawing. Masturbation with a ruler and a sextant or whatever they use. You should demean and criticize the genteel institution of architecture. While extolling the virtues of the *pure* arts.
Wait, what about music? Is it art?
CONCEPTUALIZATION - Only the most experimental kind.
I guess I *have* been feeling critical lately.
That's stupid. Architecture is stupid. Music is stupid.
CONCEPTUALIZATION - Yes! You seek substance. No vapid representations and reproductions of social mores, as made manifest in stuffy biennials, we're talking real *living art* here. Become the Art Cop. Half art critic -- half cop.
Wait, but don't I have to be 100% cop -- to get the case finished and all that?
Okay. If 50% art critic is what's needed to free me from rote repetition, so be it. (Opt in.)
No. I cannot risk another copo-diversion at this point. Go away! (Opt out.)
CONCEPTUALIZATION - Quit being so indecisive. What are you going for here? Some kind of indecisive and *camp* aesthetic now? Strike a bold shape here. Go art or go home.
2. Okay. If 50% art critic is what's needed to free me from rote repetition, so be it. (Opt in.)
CONCEPTUALIZATION - Exactly. It's not *only* your duty to only catch the criminals of the street, you must also apprehend criminals of the printing press and the gallery -- the trite and derivative artists and writers of the world!
Thought Gained: Actual Art Degree
Go ahead and provide savage criticisms, Art Cop. The world is yours to rip to pieces and reassemble!
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Temporary research bonus: -1 Perception: Can't even look at this shit Research time: 1h 30m
Yeah, it's another copotype -- the worst one. The most savage and brutal. The Art Cop. Nothing is good enough for him. Everything is *shit*. You have to employ an armada of adjectives to depict and demean the mediocrity of the works and visual institutions around you. Really *flex* that critical muscle. Until the vocabulary for PUNISHING mediocrity becomes second nature. Here we go...
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SIILENG - The shine on these sunglasses lasts a lifetime, officer! One hundred percent guaranteed!"
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3. [Conceptualization - Formidable 13] Try again, maybe you can find *some* interesting sunglasses in the box.
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CONCEPTUALIZATION - Ah, I see... A pair of waterblue shades. The writing on the left temple says: "Sub-Insulindic Rendezvous." The frame appears to be hand-carved out of bone.
SIILENG - "Oh, very interesting choice, officer, very *high-culture*..." For the first time the street vendor's voice trails off, as he watches you inspect the glasses.
Try them on.
CONCEPTUALIZATION - This is how a sea monster sees the world. You've become a sea monster, Harry -- giant, hidden and... strangely tender at heart. All is blue.
PERCEPTION (SIGHT) [Medium: Success] - Alright, but these actually make your vision worse. It's like literally being under water.
INLAND EMPIRE [Easy: Success] - Yes, but they also make your soul quiver like jello. So deep.
SIILENG - "Wow, officer, you look so cool," the street vendor has picked up his pace again, as you observe the world through deep sea-tinted lenses.
"And they can be yours for a mere three reál. My regular customers have passed them all up because they've got no taste, but *you* found them..."
"Kim, what about these?"
Put them back.
KIM KITSURAGI - The lieutenant tilts his head and steps back, eyes narrowed in a thorough examination. It's a case to him.
"You look like a musician," he declares, eyes still squinted behind his own glasses. "Like a *blind* musician. But you could do worse. Take them if you want."
The Sunglasses "Sub-Insulindic Rendezvous" gives +1 Inland Empire and -1 Perception. Not too useful with our already high Psyche. They also put the entire game under a blue filter.
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Ok, we're actually here.
WATER LOCK CONTROL PANEL - A rusting control panel with loose wires dangling out from the hole where an indicator light used to be, and a mechanical lever sitting in the middle.
Pull the lever -- again.
WATER LOCK CONTROL PANEL - You grab the handle and pull the lever up. As soon as the metal connects against the contact pins you hear a loud *clunk*, then...
The water lock starts moving...
Task complete: Close the water lock on Wednesday
+10 XP
KIM KITSURAGI - "Okay..." The lieutenant looks across the canal. "If we ever need to get to the coast, then this is the way. But please, contain your *wanderlust* for now. I don't want us to get sidetracked. Not with everything that's going on."
ESPRIT DE CORPS [Easy: Success] - Focus on one thing, achieve it, then the next... he thinks. That's the task chain.
I prefer to take a more *holistic* approach to detective work.
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The radio relay hums with electricity.
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Traffic beyond the gate. More abandoned motor lorries.
The sign says "No Entry." Someone's scribbled an inverted star on it.
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Prying this panel open with the crowbar, we discover a pair of sunglasses.
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+1 Empathy: Feel the streets -1 Logic: Leave the reason behind
For taking your Harmel-Rioux Supersonique out for a ride -- on the streets of Jamrock, where your heart is buried.
🎵 Disco Elysium Pt. 1
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Someone has broken down the fence *and* the barbed wire.
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The swing is missing -- no one's been here for a long time.
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INLAND EMPIRE - Rust peels off the bent iron posts of the swing. The wind whistles through the skeleton of the small house behind you. There's desolation... everywhere.
EMPATHY [Medium: Success] - Yet someone used to live here. Laugh here. Thought it was a good idea to build a *swing* even...
"What happened here?"
[Discard thought.]
KIM KITSURAGI - "In this yard?" The lieutenant looks at the small building. A flock of grey swallows takes off in the distance.
VISUAL CALCULUS [Easy: Success] - He's assessing the situation. How long ago was it abandoned.
KIM KITSURAGI - "Someone thought they could have a summer house in a *bloc obscur*. For cheap. It didn't work out. They abandoned it about a decade ago."
"Wait, what's a *bloc obscur*?"
"So this part of the coast is a *bloc obscur*?"
KIM KITSURAGI - "A black bloc, a part of the city left unrenovated after the war. Or one that has fallen to gang violence. Or has become inhospitable in some other way."
"So this part of the coast is a *bloc obscur*?"
KIM KITSURAGI - "Practically. It's not an official term in any way, but..." he spreads his arms, "look around -- no sewage, broken power lines, crime, drunks... Life is tough in the blocs. It's no place to build a summer house."
"Maybe they left something useful behind?"
"You're right -- it's no place. Let's go." [Finish]
KIM KITSURAGI - "Yes -- for you to pick up as part of the Jamrock shuffle." He gives you a weary smile.
ESPRIT DE CORPS [Trivial: Success] - It's not meant as nagging, just an observation.
KIM KITSURAGI - "We should move. I don't think we will solve the murder with forays into the urban hinterland. At least in this phase of the investigation."
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"Glory," says the graffito, "to the ghosts of us!"
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Someone has left their music collection beneath the tarpaulin.
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The tape you found from a shack on the coast. The A-side has Smallest Church in Saint-Saëns written on it, while the B-side is supposed to contain the instrumental version. Requires a boombox to play.
There's no way to listen to the tape without a working tape player or porta-reel at hand.
INLAND EMPIRE [Easy: Success] - But even just holding the tape makes you feel a little sad...
REACTION SPEED [Easy: Success] - A pawnshop -- a pawnshop would have a tape player...
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Birds in the birch tree -- barely audible coos from above.
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There are tyre tracks in the sand here. As we approach them, Harry begins to slow down.
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A breaker box to power the radio pylon above you. Maybe there's something inside?
Ahead: decades old concrete defences. Children play on them now.
All that's inside the box is 90 centims. I've been picking up some other loose change and medicine here and there.
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A creaking ahead -- a broken axle grinding.
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A bottle, drained of all its booze, is frozen to the ice.
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A dented stainless steel canister for transporting and storing heavy fuel oil. A logo on its side has been partially stripped over years of use. The government-issued red-dyed fuel oil inside looks like paint -- though it smells much, much worse.
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LOGIC - This is it -- the scene of the party. The fire pit, cigarettes, and empty bottles all evidence it.
Hold up -- don't you mean scene of the crime?
Yeah. Sure does look like a lot of folks partied here.
(Dismiss thought.)
LOGIC - Not as such. I'm talking about what came after -- the party scene.
Yeah. Sure does look like a lot of folks partied here.
LOGIC - Looks like they were here a while, judging from all the bottles. The sunken motor carriage provided them a focal point -- like a goose ice-sculpture or a chocolate fountain.
"Hey, Kim. Looks like we've had a couple of party-goers here."
Guess I'll be on my way. (Finish thought.)
KIM KITSURAGI - "Looks like it."
"Looks like they had a great time laughing here."
"This was some kind of theatre to them. A circus production by a great clown."
"Was this party against the law? On the ice like this -- it was probably a public danger."
KIM KITSURAGI - "Hey -- let's keep moving, detective." The lieutenant adjusts his glasses.
EMPATHY [Easy: Success] - Somehow he doesn't want to dwell on it...
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The ice just off the coast cracks, shifting.
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SUNKEN MOTOR CARRIAGE - A banged up motor carriage lies half-submerged in the icy water, slowly sinking into the Insulindian ocean. Only the cabin top, rear wheels and the engine remain visible.
EMPATHY [Easy: Success] - It must be cold and lonely down there, in the icy water.
VISUAL CALCULUS [Easy: Success] - Remember the tyre tracks in Martinaise? This is where they were leading.
"So this is where all the tracks were leading to!"
KIM KITSURAGI - "It appears to be so." The lieutenant has a peculiar look in his eyes as he inspects the wreckage.
"Let's investigate."
"We don't have time for traffic hooliganism right now." [Leave.]
KIM KITSURAGI - "I agree," the lieutenant replies, his eyes never leave the sunken vehicle. "We should definitely investigate."
INLAND EMPIRE [Trivial: Success] - You get a sudden sinking feeling. Stomach acid comes up as you look at the motor carriage in the deep, dark, cold water.
VOLITION [Easy: Success] - Why the doom and gloom? It's just a sunken motor carriage. Some motor carriages are bound to end up in the sea.
Run your hand over the cold metal.
What is the make of this MC? Can I see a logo?
"How long has it been here?"
"Well, well, well. Looks like Jacob Irw's journey came to an abrupt end here."
"What should we do?"
SUNKEN MOTOR CARRIAGE - The motor carriage is properly stuck in the ice. Getting it out would require a team of specialists.
2. What is the make of this MC? Can I see a logo?
SUNKEN MOTOR CARRIAGE - The logo is too deep in the murky water -- you can't make it out. But you *do* see a monkfish float by.
3. "How long has it been here?"
KIM KITSURAGI - "The ice hasn't closed around the vehicle yet..." He leans forward to peek into the cold water. "My guess is it's been here since last Saturday or Sunday."
VISUAL CALCULUS [Medium: Success] - The estimate is correct. The incident probably occurred on Sunday evening.
4. "Well, well, well. Looks like Jacob Irw's journey came to an abrupt end here."
SUNKEN MOTOR CARRIAGE - Your mocking tone finds no response but the motion of the waves.
"Did you say something, lieutenant?"
"Yes, yes..." (Rub your chin.) "Crazy recklessness."
"Yet another case of the engine displacement triumphing over the driver's IQ."
"Enough gloating. This is serious."
KIM KITSURAGI - "Yes. Quite." The lieutenant seems to be inspecting you more closely than the motor carriage.
5. "What should we do?"
KIM KITSURAGI - "Let's wait for the low tide and see what's inside."
LOGIC [Medium: Success] - Great idea! Then we can get the things inside. The joyrider must have left something good inside. Guns? Papers? Maybe a cool jacket? A joyrider jacket?
ESPRIT DE CORPS [Easy: Success] - A joyrider jacket? You feel a strange connection to this joyrider. Maybe he's from some kind of Joyriders district and likes blue and white racing livery? Like a cop would.
"How long will it take for the low tide to come in?"
KIM KITSURAGI - "I don't know. An hour or two tops."
6. Sit on the swing and wait for the tide to recede.
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SUNKEN MOTOR CARRIAGE - As you sit down in the old, rusty playground, the world around you becomes very silent.
PERCEPTION (HEARING) - The hinges creak under your weight -- dangerously so.
SUNKEN MOTOR CARRIAGE - Nothing but the sound of seagulls, high above in the sky, echoing like distant laughter. Ice cracks around the blue motor carriage in the sea.
"Hold on, it looks very blue." (Point to the sunken vehicle.)
[Drama - Medium 10] Whistle a tune.
Wait in silence.
KIM KITSURAGI - "Yes, yes, it does."
2. "What's your favourite blue thing?"
KIM KITSURAGI - "Hmm..." The lieutenant is staring at the wreck. "Let me think about it..."
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2. [Drama - Medium 10] Whistle a tune.
+1 Art cop.
DRAMA [Medium: Success] - The tune on your lips forms a strange, yet undeniably beautiful contrast with the surrounding bleakness.
KIM KITSURAGI - The lieutenant gives you a quick glance. Then, still looking straight ahead, he joins you with a higher-pitched and slightly more melodic trill.
+1 Morale
+1 Reputation
+5 XP
CONCEPTUALIZATION [Medium: Success] - Two birds on a wire, whistling by the seaside. Looking at the water. And a sunken car.
SUNKEN MOTOR CARRIAGE - The clouds pass in the sky and the shadow of the swing moves like the hour hand on a time piece... Thirty minutes have passed.
RHETORIC [Easy: Success] - Looks like this might take a while. Time to present a good topic for discussion.
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