#//Unless they were chill with it; in that case he’s just spoiling him bc he Wants to
redxriiot · 3 months
Seeing how popular Shoto and Katsuki are with the freshmen, I am getting THINKINGS
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seesgood · 7 years
#the footsteps thing for timoline bc I low-key wanna hear your ideas for baby west ngl
&. send me 👣 and i’ll talk about our muses’ child and how they are as parents. 
MY BABY WEST. --- fucking hell literally like i’m so in love with this kid and he doesn’t even exist. like do they even have other kids??? is it just west? WHO FREAKIN KNOWS
do the parents have one child or are there twins, triplets, etc.? — one at a time.one at a time.
what do the parents name the baby(ies)? — okay, 3 kids — amelia elizabeth ( as you said, but care will always call her lizzie or liz or mia or something id ), baby west, and probably another accidental one when west is like 2, maybe named like jason? or taylor? JASON TAYLOR RIGGINS? called JT for short bc he’ll probs be the total jock of the family bc there has to be one ok
did the parents discuss other names, too? — they probably pick these on the first go, like caroline would buy a shit ton of books and then tim would be like “what about west?” and it would be like badda bing badda boom #done
how do they decide on the name(s)? — “what about (insert name)” “i like it” boom, baby named.
what would the child have been named if they had been the opposite sex? — if west was a girl, they probably would have went with like scarlett after scarlett o’hara obviously bc that’s caroline’s idol and bc he probably wouldn’t let her name a kid rhett
did the parents find out the sex during pregnancy or is it a surprise? — dude hell yes. control freak caroline forbes? she’d want to know the second she could.
were there any complications in the pregnancy? — a few. the forbes women don’t exactly have easy pregnancies, so with west she went into labor a bit early, but the hospital fixed things and she was assigned bed rest for the last month or two of her pregnancy ( which she was not happy about )
which parent carried the baby? — tim was def the one that was preggers. honestly. what kind of question is this?
how easy was it for them to conceive? — well, i mean, like lets just say that they have 2-3 kids but they never actively tried to have any kids, ya feel?
was the child carried to term? — west was a week early, which sent caroline into a panic bc they didn’t even have diapers yet ( she sent tim to get them while she was in labor )
did the parents deliver in a hospital, at home, or somewhere else? — they don’t live too far, but not too close either.
did the delivery go according to plan? — not according to caroline’s, but then again she had like a super strict ‘down to the minute’ plan that would have been impossible to keep
did the parents have any daily rituals (reading to their belly, etc.)? — probably not official ones. but he’d probably make her dinner, and they’d watch game tapes together and cute things would happen
do the parents have a baby shower? — yes. and jfc the amount of football shit they got was obscene.
what about a babymoon? — what the fuck is that
how supportive was the other parent during the pregnancy? — supportive af. like overly supportive. like caroline might have had to snap at him a few times to get him to chill tf out bc she wasn’t that breakable.
which parent worried the most and which one was chill? — neither of them are chill when it comes to their babies
which parent left pregnancy books all over the house and which didn’t touch them? — caroline left them everywhere, tim pretended not to touch them but probably flipped through when she wasn’t looking
is the child a good sleeper? — the perfect sleeper.
how often does the child cry? — only when tim accidentally lets him watch bambi, or when the stray cat they feed eats a bird in front of him.
which parent finds it easier to get them to stop? — both of them. he’d stop the second they picked him up and took him inside.
how does the child behave at bath time? — he sings songs. and talks a lot about what he’s learning in school.
what is the child’s first word? — ‘ball’
how bad do the child’s diapers smell and which parent has the misfortune of changing them? — it’s not too bad. but tim changes everything bc he’s a gent
which parent has a harder time adapting to their new role? — they both do, but it’s not too hard. it’s harder with two kids because you have less hands but with west they don’t have too much of the ‘we wanna go out but cant’ kinda thing because they probably don’t want to leave him all that much
just how terrible are the terrible twos? — not bad, which is slightly terrifying for them because they just keep waiting for the terror to hit
does the child go to day care? if they do, how old are they when they start? — yeah, he does. but daycare is more like ‘go to football practice with daddy’ because he has separation issues from both parents
if the child doesn’t go to day care, who says home to look after them? — they take him to work on the days he doesn’t wanna go to daycare
which parent babyproofs the house? — caroline. tim tries, and kinda fails.
which parents designs the baby room? — they both do.
which parent is more likely to give in to tantrums? — caroline, shockingly.
is the child spoiled with toys? — yes.
which parent does the potty training? — they both do.
which parent do they take after more? — it’s an even mix
what habits do they pick up from their parents? — when he’s older, he picks up tim’s accent ( which is also bc they live in dillon but still ), caroline’s empathy, tim’s grumpy look, and caroline’s eye roll
how often is the parents’ date night now? — every week. they make it a priority
who babysits when the parents go out? — the entirety of the dillon panthers.
how did the parents decide what school to send the child to? or was the child home-schooled? — there’s probably only like one school in the town
who packs the lunches? — caroline. tim slips in an extra pack of cookies when she’s not looking
are the lunches eaten by the child, or thrown away? — he eats them
which parent helps with homework? — tim tries, but then he gets all like ‘what the hell is this shit and why does my kid need to know it’ so caroline takes over
what does the report card look like? — a’s and b’s with a shit ton of teacher’s comments about him being their favorite student
is the child/ren popular, or only have a few friends? — he tries to make friends with everyone.literally everyone.
does the child play a sport? — they try him in football, but he’s not cut out for it, so no, currently he’s not in any sports.
does the child play an instrument? — no. but he loves music.
do both parents turn up to the matches/recitals? — if there are any, care and tim are at every damn one
which parent buys their clothes? or does the child pick out their own clothes?— he picks his own but care takes him shopping and has some input
what’s the child’s style? — plain. simple. flannels, jeans, t-shirts, he kinda takes after tim. caroline tries to buy him things that are more like stylish and he just shakes his head.
is the child more interested in playing inside or outside? — outside.
how often does the child get in trouble? what do they get in trouble for? — never. 
does the child have any siblings/cousins? how well do they get along? --- literally everyone gets along with west. he’s deemed himself protector of all of his siblings though, and his parents. even though the feel the need to protect him bc he’s a precious cinnamon roll
what pet does the child beg for? do they get it? --- a goat. and yes. thanks to tim. knowing a guy. like tbh i feel like it would be one of those super low key sketchy things like yeah nbd tim riggins just knows like...goat dealers. 
is the child shy and reserved, or outgoing and gregarious? ---- shy and reserved unless you get him going on something he likes in which case he will not shut up
does the child still take after the same parent they did as a toddler? --- he’s kind of a perfect mesh of all the good parts of the both of them 
what does the child want to be/do when they finish school? --- god ugh this little fucker probably wants to work for the peace corps or something, or doctors without boarders, or be some kind of marine biologist who would crusade for cleaning up the oceans
which parent does the child get along with better? --- both of them. 
is the child out all night partying and drinking with their friends, or staying in studiously doing homework? or both? --- he does both. except they’re not all that worried about him getting into trouble because he’s the guy that will stay out until 3am making sure everyone else gets home safe and the only time he’s ever been arrested is when he punched a guy for not backing off when a girl told him to ( tim had to pick him up from the police station. both parents were super hella proud ) 
how does the child go on their SATs? do they make it to the SATs? --- he’s wicked smart. he passes with flying colors.
does the child go to prom with their friends, or a partner? --- he goes with his “friend” before he comes out to his parents but like...caroline definitely knows. hence why she makes them “jokingly” take all the cliche prom pictures
how do the parents feel about their first boyfriend/girlfriend? --- tim gives west’s first serious boyfriend ‘the talk’ like straight up. caroline is super excited about them dating. literally will be the biggest shipper. 
what are the child’s friends like? do they get along with the parents? --- he’s friends with all types, from the good studious kids to the football team to the loner, reject stoner crowd, so whenever he has friends over it’s always a mix. he’s just that guy that wants everyone to be happy, so he’s there for everyone.
what kind of music is the child into? --- he raided tim’s old music collection, so anything that was in there, he adores.
how do the parents and child/ren go learning to drive? is it a disaster, or does it go fairly smoothly? --- it’s a mutual decision between both tim and west that caroline should not be allowed in the car for any driving lessons. so tim teaches him, and it goes mostly okay.
does the child have a casual/part time job? what is it? --- volunteers at the youth center a few miles out of town, also works at the tasty freeze bc it’s literally a rite of passage at this point
does the child hang out with their family, or are they too ‘cool’ now? --- nah man he’ll have friends over just to hang out with his family. 
what’s the child’s personality like? --- tough but tender. 
who does the child take after now? --- caroline says it’s tim. tim says it’s caroline. 
does the child make it to adulthood? --- he makes it brilliantly. ( wow dude i coulda angsted you so hard but i didn’t so you’re welcome. ) 
does the child end up in the job/lifestyle they dreamed about? why? --- no. he probably becomes a lawyer or something, someone that could have the power to help people who needed it, to make a difference. 
are their any hiccups in the road? --- he gets into a pretty serious car accident when he’s away at college, driving someone home from a frat party and a drunk driver ran a red light, he was pretty banged up. a few broken bones, a couple nights in the hospital and two freaked out parents later though he was still trying to make sure the other driver was okay. 
does the child move far away from their family, or stay close? --- he drifts, but he calls once a week just to stay in touch. if he’s in town, he’ll crash on the guest room and go to football games. 
what would the parents prefer? --- that he be happy.
does the child have any significant others? any children of their own? --- okay but hc that west stays with the same guy he started dating back in high school and that they’ve had a rough go of it being from small town conservative texas and all that but they’re still together and basically like tim and caroline just adopt his partner as their unofficial bonus child
how do the parents feel about being or not being grandparents? --- oh my fucking god they would be the best grandparents. 
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nataliecrown · 8 years
4x02 Recap - Heavy Lies the Crown (The 100)
This was a quality episode. It’s not gonna jump on to my all time faves list, possibly because pretty much everything was spoiled beforehand (can’t wait to be past the screener eps, honestly), but it was some high calibre shit.
Warning: I am in a foul and irritable mood. If this recap is saltier than usual, I apologise. Unless you like salt, in which case - I did it especially for you!
- NOTE: They fixed Zach’s name in the credits. My question is, how the hell was that mistake ever allowed to happen. My god.
Radioactive, Radioactive
- The butterflies are back! I am HERE for throwing back to the S1 radioactive imagery. Could it be that we will see random dude from S2 again at some point? A GIRL CAN DREAM.
- So this whole opening sequence was seriously rad. We got to see ALIE again. Who knew that would excite me so much (Erica’s performance is just so damn good), we got to hear Tree Adam’s awesome soundtrack again, and we got a pretty brilliant introduction to Ilian. I gave exactly zero shits about RILEY later on in the episode, but I am instantly a fan of this dude.
- I also think it’s worth pointing out that his trauma must be EXTREME. He murdered his family. Yes, he wasn’t in control. But he can remember every damn moment. I doubt he will remain an antagonist forever, but I can’t say I blame him for being seriously fucked up and needing to expel that fucked up ness through violence and rage.
- It’s legit pretty rad that an older couple get to have proper on screen sexy times on a ‘teen’ show. Kudos! It’s hawt.
- Paige Turco’s legs. Damn.
- ALSO when Abby said Roan was expecting her...was I the only one whose mind swept off into an AU where Abby is like...the king’s wife, but she’s getting it on with one of his most trusted Ambassadors and it’s a tale of star crossed lovers and... @kane-and-griffin SURELY YOU WENT THERE?
- Kane’s smile while she has her back to him is just lovely.
- AND THEN the whole interaction with the necklace is just wonderful. Abby will never stop loving Jake, she will never stop missing him. But she is allowed to move on. Knowing that won’t stop her feeling guilty though, at least for a little while. Her hesitation is true to real life, and Kane’s gentle understanding is absolutely exquisite. He is not at all fazed by the spectre of her dead husband, to the point that he does not hesitate to help her put the necklace back on. And Abby does not express her gratitude with words, but with a kiss - her own gentle reminder to him that despite that guilt that is impossibly to not feel, she knows that she wants him. That she wants this.
The T Kru
- So we check in with the new peeps. We have the leader who is alllll about taking out King Roan. I think it’s important to note Ilian pointing out that he only wants revenge against Skaikru, and not the king. 
- Just kidding, it is clearly Octavia and I am about to be controversial...are you ready?
- Yes, Octavia looks like a badass, and angel of death, a vixen ready to get a mixen. HOWEVER...isn’t the point of an assassin meant to be that they are inconspicuous? If she wants to fade into the background and eavesdrop on conversations...if she wants her identity to remain secret for more than two minutes...shouldn’t she dress like everybody else? The cape is stunning but also....VERY UNIQUE COMPARED TO EVERYTHING ELSE WE HAVE EVER SEEN ON THIS SHOW.
- ANYWAY nobody notices her REALLY UNIQUE CAPE and Octavia learns vital information. The T Kru are going to challenge Roan to combat. Which, normally might be sweet, but Roan was shot - remember?
- God, I hate that crown. FREE ZACH’S BROW 2K17.
- I just want to point out that Octavia is still wearing Niylah’s clothes. JUST POINTING IT OUT LEAVE ME ALONE.
- Octavia has continuous smug face going on this season and I love it. Echo, perhaps, is not such a fan.
- ‘You’ll lose. Lexa kicked your ass...’ ROAN’S FACE AHAHAHA. And Kane’s reaction is priceless too. I am living for a season of Octavia just straight talking 24/7.
- Roan, Octavia and Kane are a squad I can get behind. Kane is going to try for diplomacy...we’ll see how that goes...
- Clarke’s look is fucking great, I love it so much. It is hints of S1 whilst also being fresh. I am a staunch defender of most of season 3. I think the overarching...arcs... were necessary and well placed. But lawwwwd it is nice to see Clarke back at home, and looking like Clarke again.
- This scene really nicely sets up the differing stances of Bravelarke. Nobody is right, nobody is wrong. The back and forth is really nicely done. It’s all very head, heart, and hands I must say.
- ‘A choice your dad died for’ RAVEN REYES, SLYTHERIN.
- Clarke’s expression and voice get super fierce here. It makes me so sad for her considering the end of the episode. So Raven is Jake, Clarke is Jaha, and Bellamy is Abby? I’m for it.
- The real MVP of this scene is Monty, and I love how he isn’t actively part of the conversation that the ‘leaders’ are having, but his mind is constantly working. While the others are going around in circles, Monty thinks up a solution.
- ‘We’re standing in our viable solution.’ The way they all look around at the Ark which was both salvation and prison for them, all hopeful and wide eyed...IDK my dudes, it gives me the heart feelings.
Checking in with the other delinquents...
- Something about Bellamy going to Miller and Bryan gives me feelings, mostly bc of the knowledge that Bellamy and Miller are BFFs. RIGHT.
- Bryan is recovering remarkably well. I somehow doubt you should ever base gunshot wound recovery times off of this show folks.
- Bryan gets more character in this episode than he has at any other point. Jonathan does a really fantastic job of portraying his trepidation, his anger, and his general level of irritation at Miller.
- I LOVE THE PIKE CONVERSATION. IT IS VERY VERY IMPORTANT. It’s also super important that what Octavia did is referred to as murder here. Last episode we had Clarke assure Bellamy that Pike had it coming. I think that was said, for the most part, to make Bellamy feel better. But this show is nothing if not fair when it comes to showcasing all sides of things. Pike was, in most respects, a hero and saviour to Bryan. And he was elected Chancellor, fairly. It’s not a simple situation.
- ‘To save you, Nate.’ I’m not hardcore Briller or anything, but the delivery here was spot on. Annnnnd I actually think super important in establishing Bryan’s character some more. We all know Bryan will be heading out the door sooner or later, but I still appreciate how the shows likes to give any and all characters depth.
- The hug and no kiss thing is...weird. There can be no denying.
- HONESTLY THOUGH. When Jasper says ‘Monty’ all serious and turns off the shower, I CACKLE. And then ‘look at me’ I’M TRYING NOT TO. BLESS YOU LOVELY CHILDREN.
- As things stand, I am loving where the show has taken Jasper post 4x01. And I’m intrigued to see where it goes.
- Obviously the best part of this scene is THE JONTY HIGH FIVE. HUZZAH.
- ‘Hey, you wanna hug?’ *giggles*
- Okay, so Bellarke. There is this super brief shot after Clarke hands over the whatever whing, where Bellamy looks away from her and she just STARES AT HIM YOU GUYS. HER FACE IS SO WARM AND FOND AND GLOWY. I’VE NOT SEEN ANYONE ELSE MENTION THIS MILLISECOND FRAME BUT IT’S EVERYTHING.
- Bellamy is so...energised this season? I’m fully loving it. I’m sure his self loathing is absolute, but he’s channelling it in such a positive way since he got to unload at Pike in 3x16. Clarke doesn’t have that same energy though, and you can almost see more of her own seep away as she watches him leave. 
- Also, another cute Raven and Monty nod. I POINT OUT ALL THE DETAILS OKAY. MAKE YOU READ ALL THE WORDS.
- That was a quick trip.
- The Marper hand hold is cute.
- Things go to shit pretty fast! Bellamy is all about making sure everybody else chills out in this episode. Even when he gets smacked upside the head, he is DEDICATED TO THE CAUSE.
- It’s not my place to talk about in depth, but the casting of extras and small bits parts on this show feels remarkably diverse compared to literally everything else I watch.
- We get a clear indication that the Ice Nation are not particularly fond of their King.
- Personally...I don’t reallyyyyy get why they back down? But whatever. I guess the leader does at least slightly fear the king?
- Okay, so Raven having to do her first mini boss speech and feeling all awkward and overwhelmed is the start of what will end up being another amazing arc. I FEEL IT IN MY BONES.
- SINCLAIRRRRR. But we do at least see now why he kind of needed to die. Kabby must, obviously, be protected at all costs. However, this show very much is about the 100 (+ Raven and Bellamy). Raven has to rise to the occasion in his absence.
- This conversation between Raven and Clarke is EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING. It reminds me so much of S1 and ‘I’d pick you first.’ GAH. Just seeing them working together, and supporting each other means so much. Neither of them really know what they’re doing, but they’re doing it anyway. MORE. GIVE ME MORE.
- Fucking Jaha.
- Okay, FINE. Jaha having actual relevance to main characters is infinitely more interesting than Jaha out on his own doing his own wild things.
- I LOVE RAVEN BRINGING UP THE WRIST THING, AND CLARKE FINDING THE STRENGTH WITHIN TO POINT OUT THAT JAHA WAS ALSO CHIPPED. But Raven is having NONE of that. Remember that Jaha, at ALIEs behest, zoned in on Raven. She was the key. He went after her, after her injury, preyed on her pain. No wonder she is seething. Jaha’s zen owning of all his crimes is...vaguely interesting, I guess. 
- Sort the scrap you dumb dumb.
- Even if preview articles and teasers hadn’t already given away what Bellamy’s choice would be, as soon as we saw that little girl we all know he was saving the slaves, right?
- The appearance of the slaves strikes me as entirely random and contrived though. Why would the Ice Nation have massacred so many of Farm Station if they had a legitimate use for them? Whatever.
- So, Riley! Definitely in to the idea of him and Bryan having a history together, and the two of them rowing off into some off screen happiness together later in the season. I’m sure, given time, Riley may grow on me. This show does a remarkable job of making me care about everyone. But at this point I feel nothing. I’m all in with Ilian, and intrigued by Kenza...Riley, not so much.
- Everything about Echo and Roan’s sparring is attractive. EVERYTHING.
- I’m sorry, but Abby is totally checking Roan out in all of her reaction shots. That, or she’s fantasising about Kane.
- ‘If you can’t help me, why the hell are you still here.’ That clearly influences Abby’s decision to leave later.
- So, I didn’t talk about Roan and Echo much earlier because I LOVE THIS SCENE HERE. I’m so intrigued by where the show is going with these two. It’s a huge deal that Roan trusts her with the radiation information. I suppose it might not be trust per se, perhaps more like necessity - but still! And I also think it means a lot that Echo seems truly dedicated to helping him. As was said in 4x01, she’s very loyal. It’s proving true so far.
- Echo at Arkadia. Now, that will be interesting.
Octavia, back at it again with the sass and the smirks.
- Kane makes a valiant attempt at diplomacy! He points out that while Arkadia might have helped spread the CoL, they also destroyed it and saved humanity. 
- When that doesn’t work, Octavia employs an intimidating lead with some shit talking. Solid tactics, O.
- NIYTAVIA FOR LIFE...but in the meantime, we’re calling it Butterfly Assassin?
- ‘Well that went well.’ Kane’s look up at her is just like, DON’T.
- I kind of adore that Clarke’s reaction to hearing music is DA FUQ IS THIS? NO TO MUSIC. NO TO JOY.
- I really enjoy the scene with Clarke and Jasper. You can still feel his anger at Clarke, but...I don’t know...there’s something different about it. I almost feel like Jasper has put aside his anger, and is just...shooting from the hip, rather than from grief? Clarke’s face breaks my heart when he points out how similar it all sounds to them being sent to the ground though.
- Okay, so first of all...I love that we got to hear everybody’s perspective. This was democracy at work and it wasn’t a decision Bellamy made alone. So we can put that narrative to bed now.
- Minty lives
- I’m actually not going to go in depth on the choice that Bellamy ultimately makes, because I can see both sides and I don’t think either is right or wrong. We don’t have to justify anything here. Yes, perhaps somewhere down the line the squad will realise that the generator really was their only option and the reality of his choice will crash down on Bellamy. But imagine that he had decided to leave the slaves, and then in two weeks time they found a gigantic underground bunker that could fit 10,000 people. He’d feel pretty shit about letting the slaves suffer then, right? The characters don’t know what the future holds, and they don’t have the benefit of knowing they are part of a narrative which ensures that some of them will at least survive. 
- So, whatever basically. I’d have been cool with this going either way.
- Stoke that they saved Riley though, obviously.
- Important quote to note... ‘we have Raven.’ I, like Bellamy, believe that Raven Reyes can do anything - including make water out of nothing.
- Also worth noting how...incredibly risky their plan was? Like. Yikes.
- Harper kicking due in the face is my kink.
- MONTY IS SUPER GREAT IN THIS EPISODE. Everything about his reaction to meeting his dads murderer is just exquisitely well done. Leaving his death to the slaves is both powerful and also really quite dark.
Heavy Lies the Crown
- The Clarke/Jaha scene is so good and so hurtful to me. 
- Fucking Jaha.
- Clarke referencing her father and being locked up is really important, but...so is the parallel to Jaha’s choices. Ugh. Everything he says is actually so on point, and you can see realisation that Clarke is seeing herself in Jaha is disgusting to her but also unavoidable.
- Back to Kabby. We saw Kane have absolute faith in Abby last episode, so it’s nice to hear her being so sure that he will figure something out (YES, IT’S ALL VERY BELLARKE I KNOW).
- Kane quickly figures out that Abby is going back to Arcadia (judging from the promo, she’s going to be needed). I’m excited for this because more Abby and Clarke, but also maybe some Clarke and Raven please? We get some more gloriously supportive stuff from Kane...
- And then Kane notices that Abby isn’t wearing her necklace! Upon first viewing, I didn’t pick up on the fact that this scene feels a bit cut up. I can see it on second watch, and I can understand that’s frustrating. That being said, I don’t think the scene loses its meaning? To me, the removal of her necklace is Abby’s way of saying she’s ready to move on and it’s her way of saying it to Kane without putting it into words.
- Prayer circle that Abby gives the rings to Clarke.
- So, I’m skipping straight to the murder. I FUCKING LOVE ITTTTTTTTTTT. I just...I’m so relieved that Octavia’s mudering is FOR her people, and not against. It makes so much sense.
- I can’t help giggling a little at Octavia being so ballsy about dueling these folk. THEY MIGHT ALL BE TONS BETTER THAN YOU, BABE. THEY’VE HAD YEARS TO PRACTICE. But whatever.
- Soooo the stabbing into the earhole to hide the wound and thus make it seem like he died of natural causes is BADASS.
- HEADCANON: Octavia did not learn this tactic on the ground. She learned it as a child when Bellamy was reading her some classic murderous fiction.
- Kane is CONCERNED about his daughter’s MURDEROUS WAYS.
- Ilian has also figured it out.
- And Echo too seems suspicious. STICKING A PIN IN THAT FOR THE FUTURE.
Clarke, we have adopted more children
- So Briller are breaking up, and I can’t be mad at the show for it because Jonathan got a new gig and can’t commit (sound familiar, oooh I went there). I do hope that this time around they let him just disappear into the sunset. Learn from your mistakes show.
- Make sure he takes Riley with him.
- Again, kudos to Jonathan for this ep. He really brings it.
- Okay, so the scene where Riley and Clarke are revealed as old friends (I have zero romance fears here btw) is HILLARIOUS TO ME. It’s so blatantly shoe horned in. AS IF they would be reunited, hug, and then just...blah. Like...it’s so noodley? 
- Anyway, Raven realises there is no generator and Bellamy fesses up to his maternal instincts.
- I actually love Clarke’s ‘you just did’. The delivery doesn’t imply blame to me, which is backed up by how immediately Clarke accepts his choice. It’s more a simple statement of fact, coming from a place of understanding.
- Raven, on the other hand, is pissed. ‘You’re not the only one who has to live with it. As usual.’ This is a direct throwback to Bellamy chucking the radio, right? That’s pertinent to their history. Look, Raven is a spitfire. She’s scared and under pressure, and she hasn’t had to make the leadership calls yet. She clearly will at some point this season, and we’ll see her gain a healthy dose of respect for Clarke and Bellamy when she does. For now, I think her anger is perfect.
- I know ‘no more than a 100′ is really on the nose but I LOVE IT SO SO MUCH. WHO’S GONNA MAKE IT YOU GUYS. AHHHH. MY SHOW.
- Clarke is just the accepted leader of Skaikru now and I love it.
- TOGETHER. Looks at Bellamy. OF COURSE SHE DOES. Can we also talk about Raven’s heart eyes towards Clarke? I mean...they fade to ash pretty fast, but just for that moment it’s the purest of loves!
- So, Clarke lies, and just like Bellamy and the generator...I won’t call right or wrong. There is no answer, just a choice. 
- ‘Your father would be so proud’ OUCH. OUCH. OUCH. Raven lashing out at Clarke here is much more personal than what she says to Bellamy. It’s more vicious. But I’m still not going to rail on her, for the same reasons as mentioned above. It’s time for her to get to work. I am so excited to see her in this role.
- And so Bellamy repeats ‘we save who we can save today’ and the important thing here is how Clarke nods. She’s not mad. She respects and understands his choice. Most of all she trusts him. Even if she CAN’T understand a choice he makes, she’ll always trust that it came from the right place. They’re a team.
- And to reinforce that, the episode ends with a glorious Bellarke shot as they contemplate what is to come.
- How many episodes will end with a Bellarke shot this season? I say 12/13.
My laptop is acting up and I’m as grumpy as a Clarke that hears music playing, so I’m not even re reading this. Apologies for typos. And congratulations if you made it to the end!
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too-raph · 8 years
☾ ☠ ■ ♥ ☮ ♦ ▼ ൠ for the Majestics!
Under a cut because this is 1.9k words long, look what you’ve done,
☾ - sleep headcanon: Team:Whenever they travel for tournaments, they get the biggest suite and share it. If bedroom sharing is required, it’s always divvied up Enrique&Oliver and Robert&Johnny. If actual bed sharing is required, Enrique and Oliver will share, Johnny will share with anyone except Enrique (read: Oliver), but Robert would rather take the couch than share his bed. (Sometimes Oliver would, too, honestly.)
Individual:Sometimes Enrique has trouble sleeping if he’s alone. Even just sharing a space is enough - he just likes the comfort of having someone else around. Each of the others have woken up with Enrique as an uninvited guest in their room before, but nobody talks about it.
Oliver likes a lot of pillows and always migrates to the exact center of the bed. He’s a heavy sleeper and will definitely hog the blankets.
Johnny snores and always kicks his blankets off - he’s always warm enough anyway, but once in a while he wakes up cold and demands to know who sabotaged him.
Out of all four, Robert is the most likely to stay up too late or just not sleep at all. He’s usually the first one up, too. He can run on pretty little sleep, but sometimes he uses weekends to catch up (or falls asleep on the couch watching Tyson’s beybattles pfff)
☠ - angry/violent headcanon: Team:As a whole/in general, they take a while to get over being booted out of the world championships by a bunch of cheaters. Robert takes it as an insult to his honor, especially bc I headcanon they battled in his personal stadium. Oliver straight up tries to have the Barthez Battalion team banned from ever competing again. …Eventually they kind of come around, starting with Enrique.
Individual:Oliver seems to be the least threatening, sure, but if he’s really angry, he’ll destroy you. He’s good at playing all cards in his favor, so if it’s in his best interest to deal with something, he’ll play nice until he can’t/doesn’t have to anymore/gets what he wants.
Robert has his temper under wraps (along with most other emotions), but if his honor is threatened or his pride is damaged, his control will slip. He’s also much more likely to be grumpy if something/someone wastes his time or bores him.
Johnny’s fuse is infamously short, which is more canon than headcanon tbh. It’s next to impossible for him to keep his cool, and Enrique loves taking advantage of this. Also, Johnny admires Oliver’s brand of anger - he never says anything, of course, and instead expresses this by being petty in turn when he’s mad at Oliver (usually by eating fast food in front of him or smth).Johnny is also never allowed to talk to the press.
Enrique is actually the most chill. He mostly just gets angry at Johnny, or when anyone tries to box him in too much. Has developed a habit of ranting to Robert when he gets really frustrated (especially if he’s mad at Oliver), and Robert never does anything but sit there and say “I don’t see why you’re talking to me about this.”
■ -  Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon: Team:They all have their own bedrooms at each others’ houses that they use when staying over. Sometimes Oliver and Enrique share a room/bed, anyway, tho. All these rooms are fully equipped of course. Like, the closets have their own clothes, so in the event of impromptu visits they’re never unprepared. Enrique has a habit of forgetting which country he left something in, and Johnny always jokes that he burned whatever it is. Johnny has been known to pack stuff anyway, and Oliver buys multiples of literally everything so he’s never w/o what he wants.
Individual:For some reason I’ve always had the headcanon that Oliver has a giant, round bed, and I can’t remember if I got it from somewhere or came up with it myself, but either way. His bed is round, and so he has to buy custom everything.
Robert’s bedroom has a fireplace and at least two secret passageways that lead to it. His closet is actually very big, and at the back there’s a secret room where he keeps the only copy of blueprints with the complete set of secret passages and rooms in the castle - he finished it himself and nobody else is even allowed to know it exists thanks
Johnny has his own golf course, also he almost burned down his personal bey training room once. There are still scorch marks. His house is the one that everyone is least likely to gather at, and he’s completely okay with that, bc he likes his privacy.
Enrique’s room is always a mess, bc he doesn’t want the maids in there but doesn’t care enough to clean it himself. The mess in question is like…90% clothes (dirty ones that he was too lazy to do anything with, and clean ones with the tags still on that Oliver bought him bc Enrique’s fashion sense is awful). He has a balcony and he loves it very much for fresh air and also sneaking out.
♥ - family headcanon:Team:They’d all rather spend major holidays with each other than their respective families - but don’t get any ideas about them being friends or anything okay they don’t actually like being around each other alrightAlso: they’re all only children.
Individual:Enrique’s parents are always gone, and only come home for a few days at a time. He used to wish they’d come back for his birthday and holidays, but now he doesn’t bother, and spends those days out of the house instead. He’s also decided to take advantage of their absence by never attending any tutoring sessions ever again.
Oliver’s dad owns a chain of restaurants, which Oliver is allowed to manage at will. Like he can walk into any of them and take over for the day, or just cook there if he wants. His mother is a fashion designer who collects rare plants. They’re both home much more often than Enrique’s parents, and Enrique likes them more than his own bc he sees them more.
Johnny’s parents are very loving/proud of him? But also strict in a “do your damn chores already” kind of way. His family gatherings are the most enjoyable bc his extended family is the least stuffy. Johnny wishes none of his teammates had ever found out about this, but alas,
Robert’s parents are distant, but altogether alright. His dad is around more often than his mother, but Robert was still basically raised by the staff (especially Gustav).I also used to headcanon that Boris was smth like a black sheep of the Jurgen family, and I’m not sure whether to keep that, revise it, or scratch it, so I’m gonna put it here for now bc drama.
☮ - friendship headcanon:Team:THEY ARE THE BEST OF FRIENDS because they’re the only ones who can stand to be around each other. They’ve known each other (or, at least, known about each other) longer than any of them care to admit.For a while they’re avoided by most other beyblading teams because they’re spoiled rich brats, but eventually they branch out and make more friends.
Individual:Enrique definitely considers Oliver his best friend, and vice versa. Enrique is a very social person, like, 100% an extrovert, and he can actually get along with a lot of people if he wants to/tries. But Oliver is his favorite (I mean, he ditches girlfriends to hang out with him even?? I’m emotional,,,) and he’s spilled so many deep dark secrets and Oliver keeps them all faithfully.Enrique also considers Robert and Johnny to be very good friends, and gets along surprisingly well with Michael, Eddy, and Steve. Oh, and he flirts w/everyone.
Oliver has a chronic inability to make friends - UNLESS it benefits/interests him. If that’s the case, he’ll be as nice as he can and do plenty of favors (like…when Tyson was seriously pissed at him and Oliver got the read on him and was like “hey, come eat for free! you’re my friend now.” just so Tyson would stop being pissed at him.) Sometimes he accidentally comes to legit respect people by doing this. He treasures Enrique’s companionship, and his favorite thing to do with his teammates/friends is talk shit about other people. Eventually he learns how to genuinely get along with those outside of his circle. He can be a really nice friend, if you get that far.
Robert doesn’t think he needs friends but he acknowledges his teammates as such (or at least he doesn’t correct anyone who assumes). Tbh anyone willing to play chess with him is a friend, however briefly that might last. He never pretends to get along with anyone for any reason - he either likes you, learns to like you, or he doesn’t. Outside of his team, he gets along best with Garland.
Johnny takes pride in being unapproachable but really he likes spending time with his teammates/friends. They put up with him, and he’s grateful. He was the last one to interact with other ‘bladers beyond trash talking, but one day he ended up talking to some others and realized it wasn’t so bad.
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon:Team:They love their bus and sometimes miss their battle armor (which is probably banned from international competition lol)Also, they all have a tendency to hang around the kitchen when Oliver is cooking/baking.
Johnny plays golf and tennis, as we see in canon, and he’s a lot better at tennis, but he wishes it were the other way around. He never wears long sleeves, and will rip them off if they exist on one of his shirts/jackets. Consequently, there’s a lot of discourse when he does this to his team jacket.
Robert has actually spent hours exploring his own castle, and has a few favorite hidden rooms where he goes to be alone. He also loves reading, especially about his own family history.
Oliver has about a hundred hobbies too many. Aside from beyblading, there’s cooking, painting, horseback riding, fencing, piano, photography, gardening, etc. He’s a hard worker when it’s something he wants, which catches a lot of people off guard.
Enrique actually turns out to be Robert’s most formidable chess opponent, completely by accident. He has a habit of city/country hopping when the weather of where he’s at doesn’t suit him.
▼ - childhood headcanon:Team:They probably met once at some fancy function or other when they were small, and their parents probably tried to “my son is better than yours” all of them and so it was probably not a fun time.
Individual:Robert was (surprise surprise) a very serious child. He learned about responsibility from, like, age 3. He only ever really misbehaved by wandering off, along with the occasional speaking out of turn.
Johnny was an absolute fireball with more energy than anyone knew what to do with, but his temper didn’t develop until later in life when he learned how frustrating everything is.
Enrique has literally never followed a rule ever in his life. Back when he was a kid, he would most definitely act out to get attention, and he broke an awful lot of priceless artifacts that were decorating their home.
Oliver was a picture perfect child…when people were watching.
ൠ - random headcanon:Team:When they realize they have a long way to go with this “teamwork” stuff, they devote themselves to it. Or, rather, Robert decides that they should work on it if they ever want a chance at competing again. He even goes so far as to work everyone until they can properly perform tag team matches, no matter who’s paired up. Bettering their people skills and relationships with their bitbeasts is also something they work on, because they’re gonna be the best, dammit. They’re never going to be outclassed again, not if they can help it.
Individual:Johnny is the shortest (if you don’t factor in his hair), and his family has the least amount of money. Granted, they’re still filthy rich, but, like, the least filthy rich.
Robert is actually very physically fit, even though ‘blading is his only sport (which is, a very self indulgent headcanon, leave me alone nobody is gonna read this far anyway,). He will fight anyone who thinks ‘blading is a frivolous hobby, and he eventually becomes one of the best ‘bladers out there.
Oliver is considered second-in-command on the team by Robert, and if co-captains are ever required at meetings, he’s the one who tags along. Especially for PR related things, because Oliver is fantastic at PR.
Enrique is bisexual. He’s also really good at being genuinely charming when he doesn’t try too hard.Also, he and Oliver both get a kick out of people underestimating them.
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