angelsofsmalld3ath · 8 months
closed starter; @lungsandlips
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matt had been looking forward to a nice relaxing evening at home, but his boyfriend had other plans, when matt had gotten out of the shower liam had instructed him to get dressed nicely, and when matt asked why liam just told him to do as he asked. so as much as matt really didn’t want to, he put on a pair of boxers and a nice pair of slacks, matt pulled out a white button up, that he wasn’t one-hundred-percent sure was his and put it on while matt was doing the buttons matt looked over his shoulder. “so am i getting ‘i need to wear a tie’ fancy, or just not a t-shirt and jeans fancy?” matt called out to liam over his shoulder while doing the last few buttons on his shirt.
it had been a few weeks since matt and liam had the conversation about engagement-well more so liam talked and matt just blushed profusely-and matt had forgotten all about it.
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pop-punklouis · 7 months
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unforth · 1 month
ngl I'm absolutely disgusted by and done with the spam asks supposedly from Palestinians. I don't know or, honestly, care if they are "vetted" or if they're just scams. All I know is they drop super triggering material in my inboxes, unasked for and unblocklistable.
Can we please kill this entire bullshit way of fundraising? I'm begging y'all to stop ever posting them. Make this absolutely useless as a way of outreach.
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books-apples-socks · 9 months
(...) Silver had terrible hard work getting up the knoll. What with the steepness of the incline, the thick tree stumps, and the soft sand, he and his crutch were as helpless as a ship in stays. But he stuck to it like a man in silence, and at last arrived before the captain, whom he saluted in the handsomest style. He was tricked out in his best; an immense blue coat, thick with brass buttons, hung as low as to his knees, and a fine laced hat was set on the back of his head. “Here you are, my man,” said the captain, raising his head. “You had better sit down.” “You ain’t a-going to let me inside, cap’n?” complained Long John. “It’s a main cold morning, to be sure, sir, to sit outside upon the sand.” “Why, Silver,” said the captain, “if you had pleased to be an honest man, you might have been sitting in your galley. It’s your own doing. You’re either my ship’s cook—and then you were treated handsome—or Cap’n Silver, a common mutineer and pirate, and then you can go hang!” “Well, well, cap’n,” returned the sea-cook, sitting down as he was bidden on the sand, “you’ll have to give me a hand up again, that’s all.” (...) Silver’s face was a picture; his eyes started in his head with wrath. He shook the fire out of his pipe. “Give me a hand up!” he cried. “Not I,” returned the captain. “Who’ll give me a hand up?” he roared. Not a man among us moved. Growling the foulest imprecations, he crawled along the sand till he got hold of the porch and could hoist himself again upon his crutch. Then he spat into the spring. “There!” he cried. “That’s what I think of ye. Before an hour’s out, I’ll stove in your old block house like a rum puncheon. Laugh, by thunder, laugh! Before an hour’s out, ye’ll laugh upon the other side. Them that die’ll be the lucky ones.” And with a dreadful oath he stumbled off, ploughed down the sand, was helped across the stockade, after four or five failures, by the man with the flag of truce, and disappeared in an instant afterwards among the trees.
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glompcat · 2 years
Another thing I loved about the special is how it centered one of the big themes of this era, literally making it the final message of the era - that the Doctor is not some super special hero, better than anyone else and untouchable and trying to be like them a foolish act that can only lead to death, but rather that anyone can make those hard choices, anyone can be the hero. That despite what others may try to pin on them or mistakenly believe, the only thing that makes the Doctor special is their love and their hope, the way they inspire the people around them and the relationships they build.
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nadekofannumber1 · 1 year
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**loud incorrect buzzer noise**
(At least till ikusamono in a way)
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What if there was a version with deviantart tier shading + bg
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Every time Aabria Iyengar steps into the dome she creates something that makes me fall in love with the wonder and possibility of ttrpgs all over again
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billdenbrough · 3 months
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microfic monday
KEVIN/AARON • aftg • SOCKS, for @naturecalls111
mina wanted kevaaron socks 2 weeks ago & i decided to embarrass kevin about it
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it's really amusing to me on some level that, in the course of saying that Nathaniel throws a stick of dynamite, Travis establishes that Nathaniel has indeed played baseball, sucked at it (or, given how self-critical he is, thinks he did), played outfield, and thinks to and can perform a crow hop thus was taught proper outfield tech at some point
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bittsandpieces · 27 days
Do you guys think it's a sign that every time I google something that's wrong with my body I end up on the ehlers danlos subreddit. Like do we think that means something
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littlewrensx · 7 months
Three months. It was the longest she had been without Nolan. The most she had to be without him was a week, maybe two. But he had been deployed over in Afghanistan. It was hard, not being able to see him or talk to him as often. They tried video chatting when they could, but since they were on different time zones it was hard to get that moment where they were both awake and not busy. Wren did leave him some video messages when she could.
Logging on to send him a message, Wren was having a slumber party with Tanya and had quite a few drinks in her. She couldn't remember a time she was this drunk. "Hi babe!" She said into the camera. "I'm here with Tanya, Tanya say hi!" She called to her best friend. "Hi Nolan! I'm sleeping in your bed with Wren tonight." Laughing, Wren shook her head and put her hand over her eyes. "Anyways, I might be a little drunk but I wanted to remind you that you come home in ONE WEEK. I am so excited, I miss you so much. I love you, and everything about you. And you want to know a secret? When you come home, I'm asking you to marry me." She giggled. "Oh! And my house sold! So I'm all yours now, baby. Anyways, I love you. I can't wait to see you." She hiccupped a little as she shut the video off, satisfied with her message to him. @spiritusmuses
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townofcadence · 7 days
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One of my favorite things about rping on tumblr is the dash commentaries and getting to engage each other even out of threads! I used to do it all the time and I want to try and do it more often since it's such a fun part of the experience. In relation! If you have any dash commentaries in relation to me, please feel free to tag me in the post or in the tags!! i don't want to miss anything and it makes me happy, so please don't worry about it bothering me or anything like that ^^
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manslaught · 3 months
she's been waiting for this moment exactly— it's the entire reason she uprooted her entire life, moved back to the state she told herself she'd never step foot again. but now that it's happening, now that @ladyintree is actually in reach, it's hard for her to remember all her plans; she'd known exactly what she wanted to say, how she wanted to act, everything, but unfortunately, taissa has the same effect on her she always has, making it difficult for mikayla to breathe, to think. but she can't afford to act like a stupid, lovestruck teenager, and one glance at the ring on tai's hand reminds her of that.
“ tai— ” the smile on her face is forced, but it's not meant to look genuine, so it doesn't matter. she severely underestimated how hard this was actually going to be, because it feels like her chest has been ripped wide open, the wound that tai left still festering, but she's been living with that hurt for years now, so ignoring it is habit by now; it was just so much easier when the source of that pain wasn't right in front of her. “ it's so crazy seeing you here. ” the small talk feels suffocating, but necessary, because she can't actually address the elephant in the room, having to act like she doesn't care instead, like she hasn't spent the last seven years of her life hating herself for not being worth staying for. “ last i heard, you were at... columbia or whatever. ” that's not true at all, because the last she heard about tai, it send mikayla into a spiral, sent her to the hospital, leaving her with a scar across her palm that's hidden at the moment, covered by the way she rests her chin in her hand. “ i'd say sorry about missing your graduation, but— i think we're even. ”
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bog-mummies · 2 months
god i hate it when someone i'm mutuals with says/reblogs some stupid shit on tumblr. why did you have to do that
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8cfc00 · 3 months
augh who up feeling like they should be humanely euthanised for liking media the wrong way... sorry for fandomising certain characters but not fandomising others enough in the right way.
#ive noticed the wbg fandom has a very different way of interacting w the source media than like. dndads#both are similar in some of the fandomising of characters#specifically like funny characterisation stuff#but when it comes to more complex stuff like angst it feels like the wbg fandom approaches from a different layer#eg in dndads just a characters death is seen is sad but for wbg a lot of the time theres more to it...#an extra layer. a more complex flavour. the horrors are not just those experienced but the entire surrounding situation.#like edgars death isnt sad#i mean. its not sad in the way that referencing it in art will get any attention#but TJ's death is devastating!#with notable exceptions of course. eg innocent hunter and like everything about him#i find that i tend to approach media more stylistically and appreciating the DRAMA which i can mine for visuals#and then in my art i try to challenge myself to translate those vibes#like picking at a thread that is already present. an angst or dynamic already present and explored briefly#but wbg fandom tends to lean more towards analysis? which makes the way i engage feel a bit surface level#like in wbg fandom i dont think i can do the eqiuvalent of all my angsty glenn close art#also i just noticed. the characters in wbg are really interesting because you THINK they#wouldn't be very fandomised. that theyd be treated within the show as more like characters that exist to push the plot forward#but then certain characters act as very fandomised versions of themselves in canon#and are treated as their one trait in the qnas too!!#its like theyre almost dndads characters in this way. but without even that extra layer#the second heat that even like henry oak has! like henry's a hippie but he's also stinky and cringe and is repressing so much shit#but marissa is just explosions girl#i guess that's maybe cuz many characters in wbg arent main characters but in dndads they all are#BUT EVEN NPC HERMIE. HIS LAYERS.#very interesting
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kxllerblond · 6 months
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❝ Boundaries...❞ he said again, turning now-—his chosen cufflinks still gathered in his hand. His expression was expectant, then slightly confused. ❝ You know...? What you discuss to during the planning conversation? The conversation you have before you go live with any sort of covert operation we need to be on the same page about? You didn't think we would just wing it...did you? ❞
His brows knit as he slowly began to pin his cufflinks in place, all the while squinting at his partner for the evening. ❝ You have done this sort of thing before, right? ❞
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