onewingedxngel · 2 years
Reverse[ strangle ] 
Violent Prompts
He wasn’t sure how this had happened. Why he stood alone in the moonlit field, with his ‘father’ before him, taunting him, provoking him. Sephiroth practically growled as he grabbed the scientist’s throat in his hands, crushing tighter and tighter– not enough to kill him, but enough to hurt. He grit his teeth like a raging dragon, remorseless eyes focused and indifferent to the scientist’s pained sputtering.
But things began to change. The night sky merged to day, sun peering over the horizon. And Hojo changed from a greasy, disgusting creature into the familiar, pale-haired woman he’d taken under his wing.
His eyes widened in shock as he slowly let her go, hands shaking as he watched her collapse. She gasped for breath, sides heaving as she fell to her knees. Platinum hair hid any damage he may have caused her neck.
“Aileth...? Aileth, I–” Sephiroth stood still, shocked by his own actions. 
“What have I done?”
Sephiroth kneeled down next to her, placing a hand on her back whilst apologising and trying to make sure she was all right.
He... this was his fault. His mistake for allowing himself to grow close to someone, to think he had any right to put his guard down or accept such kindness after all he had done. He deserved no one, especially not Aileth, especially not after this. 
He was just... too dangerous.
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projecth-aileth · 4 months
“Could you help me with this?” 
//From Leslie! :) left it broad for you//
Abandoning whatever activity had been happening at the moment; indifferent to the sounds of crashing, groans, or the chorus of flavored cussing wisely directed at him instead.
Silver, waist length hair streaming behind, joining the other on the opposite wall; metal crates clearly needing to be moved.
Easily lifting the loaded boxes onto the overhead shelves; inhuman strength hidden behind the slight frame and delicate features.
“Was that all?” Draconic eyes faintly directed down; small but unmistakable, she had gotten slightly taller since being released.
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@projecth-aileth​ || Continued from here.
Things were changing around the Labs, not that it was something she understood the reason for, only that the atmosphere had been odd for a while.
To those that recognized, the slender figure bore a striking resemblance to both source material and a ‘misplaced asset’ under surveillance. Some conceited attempt to reproduce and improve on a previous project the triumph and failure of his life. However this one had been a source of irritating disappointment nearly from the start. Precious limited materials producing only four specimens. Of those, one survived, and had yet to even reach her predecessors records. Of course, that had nothing to do with being treated as less than a living thing.
Head slowly moving towards the sound of the heavy security door opening; pallid face tilting as she turned, sending silver hair spilling over both shoulders and back. Draconic eyes took in the stranger, their mako colour sparking at something new before suddenly darting to the floor. Any interest quickly, forgotten with the voice over the speakers.
“Good you’re here.” both flat and impatient, they didn’t wait for any response. “By accessing containment, clearance is authorized. Please note Handler safety is priority, however not guaranteed.” Brief and slightly hostile, the speaker abruptly cutting off with a sharp screech. Whatever happens wasn’t their issue anymore; the ones that would be responsible was the Turks now.
There hadn’t been any incidents of late, but the lab technicians still did what they could to avoid the experiment. Putting several measures and methods between her and them. White-coats, the researchers, butchers the ones that did everything, no matter what in hopes of even the tiniest amount of attention from the professor. Then there were the sadists that took great pleasure in dealing out torture, disguised under the name of science; each following directions from the head of the department- present or not.
Not wanting give this Handler an excuse for corrections so soon and drained from the days testing she stayed put as expected but kept eyes low studying the dark attire. It was… different… Being confined inside labs, the humans that frequently visited never wore anything that colour.
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It was a good thing that none of those staff members were physically in the room with them. Or they might have noticed the way the young Turk’s face had drained its color in that instance.
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And questioned it.
That would have been bad. But this wasn’t great either. Just as he’d started to get used to the notion that Sephiroth - the core of his own personal resolution to join ShinRa and take it down from the inside - had actually perished while on a mission in Nibelheim just some months ago, not by Saruhiko’s hand but his own doing, here came another of those things.
A new abomination of Professor Hojo, the man he’d been forsaken by and forsaken himself.
Even without being an expert in genetics or bioengineering, the similarities were too many for his guess to be incorrect.
The agent quickly retrieved his composure, well aware to be under observation even at this very moment. The lips that had pressed into a thin line hid the swallow of an unpleasant knot in his throat.
‘No matter. Just another name to the list.’
He’d take her out like any of the clones he’d identified and silently eliminated without the company’s notice.
It’d just be... far more complicated than those. It was one thing to ambush a sickly figure in a corner of the slums and make them disappear without a trace. A subject personally observed and contained within ShinRa HQ, however...
For now, he’d play along. For as long as the mind behind Project Jenova existed, his position within the company was too important to be put on the line. He’d never been this close to Hojo as here and now.
Play the loyal dog for one more day; he’d waited twenty years, he could wait longer.
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“Right, then...” He muttered under his breath, scanning the girl with blue eyes ever so sharp despite the lazy expression of his features. An unfortunate genetic heritage along with his short-sightedness helped only by his square-shaped glasses.
He saw no restraints of any kind.
“Are you going to behave, just walking with me?”
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cinderella-gurei · 2 years
“You’re scared. It’s okay to admit it, there’s no shame in it.”
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that soft, comforting vibe sentence starters
His breath was shaky, almost to the point of hyperventilation, but he thought himself to be a better actor. He sat, trying to stabilize his breathing, trying to keep calm, observing the lady before him. Somehow, she was just like him and yet, she seemed much more peaceful. Staring back at her, he could only wonder the suffering she had gone through, the way every other experiment experienced at the hands of the professor. Even so, why did he feel like she was still... great? Maybe, it was in his blood to deem the mad scientist’s experiments fascinating, amazing. Maybe, he was just as horrible as him.
It was all of this, the overload in his thoughts that had made him grow scared and shaky. She was right. But, what could he say to her? Could he confess himself to be the same monster? Was he worthy of even talking to her?
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“You are correct...” He confesses in shame, lowering his gaze away from the lady. “But there is shame... Because I am not deserving, I should not be scared and I should not be tended for it.” 
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vespersilvanus · 2 years
Ooc// muns ramblings:
Disappeared a few times this year, though considering I've only got a couple threads probably didn't notice 🙃 even had to peace from discord and crush for a while.
*tw- mental health
Each time was for health reasons; the first due to a car crash and head injury- some of the effects of which haven't gone away. Still have some memory issues and neurological stuff //tremors have been more frequent and intense//
The next was a pretty intense depression dip that I managed to crawl out of... for maybe a week before yet another death in the family and a separate severe emotional blow... it got bad. Not to the point of harm- that is something I've not done but I had a pretty bad scare.
Driving along the highway where I'm from means a single lane road with a mountain on one side and the ocean a few feet from the other. For a split second the ground in front of me was replaced with water- ended up pulling over for a few hours before I could drive back home.
Depression can apparently cause hallucinations if it gets bad enough- and it really scared me, like the *decision* had been taken away from me. My own mind had tried to kill me. If I had not frozen and kept the wheel straight, subconsciously remembered I was on a straight stretch...had i reacted to suddenly just seeing the sea... I would have probably driven right off the road.
I'm on the mend, it's been slow going. A change in scenery and company and I've been feeling so much better. Better in ways that I didn't even know were suffering. I'm off work for the time being and making myself spend even just a little time on things I like- and it's making a difference as well.
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pinkestmenace · 3 days
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Knight Vision
Ohoho! Here they are! The sillies! I debated whether I should post this, but I think I managed to keep it largely spoiler free. (It is set after Galacta Knight settles in Dream Land.) But the eagle-eyed will find some crumbs in here. Fufufu...
(It looks like Galacta Knight has picked up some healthier hobbies. He even learned how to cook! Without burning everything this time! ...And with his stabby urges focused on his undead "roommate"/sparring partner Dark Meta Knight the rest of Dream Land is safe. Probably.)
You know, it's funny to me to make MK and DMK parallel each other and actually give them similar opinions. They're just too hardheaded to realise it yet. And until they —Nova forbid— sit down and say it out loud their bad blood won't resolve.
MK: Hmph. Galacta Knight certainly has a...lacking taste in partners. (Is my counterpart taking advantage of his guilt? I should have kept a better eye on him. If only I'd paid attention and realised he revived.)
DMK: Tsch. That feathered fool has terrible taste in men. (And that blue bastard's such a hypocrite. You never bothered to care about little messed up me before, why start now?)
GK: Ohoho! Look how small yet lively ye are from up here! Mine edgy enigmas! (Why can I not shake the feeling something terrible aileth them?)
I like to imagine Dark Meta Knight can throw his voice if he wants to. He usually sounds similar to Meta Knight (especially when he's deadly serious), but with some small differences. (He alliterates more often and uses synonyms of what MK would say. He's also a bit snarkier, if that's even possible.) I like coming up with mirror/glass related curses for him. E.g.
Fool => Dullard (a dull mirror is useless)
Instead of swearing by Nova he might swear by the Mirror's Mercy.
"Ah, cracks."
"Oh, shatter me and scatter my shards!"
"Shards, not again."
"Not a splinter of a clue."
"Let me get this crystal clear."
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unkn0wn-w0rld · 22 days
Aileth: O-ow...mmh...
Beaker: You alright?
Aileth: Y-yeah, it just hurt a little...
Beaker: Maybe Kindness is worried about you. This is her color, right? Heh.
Aileth: A-ahah. *Aileth looked down at her stomach. Kindness was indeed glowing way more. Aileth seemed happy as a small smile spread on her face.*
How cute.
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oleworm · 2 months
Sorry for the long ask bro I have once again been tormented by supernatural apparitions. But yes, the Fisher King, The Wounded One, the one awaiting for a hero to ask 'What aileth thee...?'. I kinda like it that subconsciously, so often fan-made 'fix-it's repeat a millennium old story - of a character troubled and wounded being ripped out of their torment by someone giving a damn, someone asking the right question. "What hurts you?".
There are many more who said it, but I had to laugh good-naturedly when I was reading this message of yours. It's the old phrase, made new by Wildean turn, "Give [a man] a mask, and he will tell you the truth."
And so many people are hurt.
Once I was having a conversation with a person and encouraging them to write, and they asked me, "But if someone reads it, won't they know what I think? Won't they know who I am? Won't they know what ails me?" Even if we are talking about a fictional story, not one meant to serve a commentary about society, ourselves, or so on, I don't think there's any way to avoid it, unless you commit to writing trash. Of course there are degrees of skill that can make the experience of reading more or less attractive, more or less challenging, but there's nothing I like less than a writer who outright tells you what they think you--the general public--would like to hear.
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roboyomo · 2 months
Yea tell us
yyyYIPPPEEEEEE!!!!! okay so i decided. scrap (MOST OF) the context i am just gonna talk about the idea regarding Kenix and Yaku that has been rotting my brain
The important context - At the end of the story of the first arc, aka Yaku's chapter and the final chapter for the first arc, it is revealed that everyone - including the two gods, the entire crew working at the company in Ortu Lunae and the Seven Deadly Sins crew is fated to die as the first universe is being reduced to nothing by the Ommigod, Aileth. They decide the fate of everything as they exist as a concept in outer space, and no one else can change what they have written to be as fate if it is not them who is making the changes. The only survivors destined by fate were exactly Yaku and Kenix. But Yaku has denied the idea of his loved ones dying to the end of the first universe, so he has cursed himself and willingly put himself in a timeloop until he can find a way to save them (Little did he know that now Kenix is also fucking stuck in this timeloop and they are the only ones aware technically). ANYWAYS YEA YAKU'S PI (PI = Peak Insanity, the chapter where the character goes through it. and it is the peak of that. They Are Cursed and are manifesting physical forms of their curses) CHAPTER REVOLVES AROUND HIM ATTEMPTING TO GO BACK TO THE START OF THE LOOP AGAIN AFTER HE HAS FAILED AND KENIX IS TRYING TO STOP THIS GUY BECAUSE IT HAS BEEN MORE THAN 13,000 YEARS AND IT IS NOT WORKING AT ALL. (if you wanna know more about that chapter them let me know!!!! i'll gladly rant about them. ALSO QUICK NOTE, KENIX'S AND KEN'S PI CHAPTER TAKES PLACE BEFORE YAKU'S, WHICH MEANS BY THE TIME THAT THE EVENTS OF YAKU'S CHAPTER HAPPEN, THE CURSE THAT BINDED KENIX TO THIS EVIL NATURE AND WHAT KEPT KEN FROM EXISTING AS A PHYSICAL BEING AND NOT AS A CONCEPT IS BROKEN THEREFORE THEY ARE FREE)
Yea I thought about this one idea for Yaku’s PI chapter a bit more and The partially-cursed form Yaku and Kenix fight where right before the full form of the curse manifests, Yaku wants to hear that Kenix is proud of everything Yaku was able to achieve through his determination despite being so weak at the start, holding onto the last bits of sanity before he fully gets taken over by the curse and he won't be exactly conscious. And additionally,
In the full cursed form battle, Kenix is very obviously not using his full potential when fighting Yaku. He wishes to hurt him as little as possible because he cannot bring himself to kill the last person that knew him on a personal level and was still standing. As well as wanting to let Yaku live and move on eventually so he could continue his journey with Kenix at his side. He still has some sort of hope that he can bring him back to his senses with less damage done to him Meanwhile Yaku is going all out. He is now not aware of his surroundings at all, he just wants to kill Kenix of this timeloop so he could do it all over again. He knows that Kenix will be back anyway if he restarts the loop once again, so he is only just an obstacle to Yaku's another attempt of saving others in this timeloop.
they also. both mirror and parallel each other so hard in the story.
Kenix and Yaku are especially dear to me due to their own parallels and mirrors in the story Kenix has always been about acceptance. The acceptance of his miserable fate, in the end thinking that giving in to his curse and meeting his demise would be the best option of all, while Yaku has always been about denial. He denied everything awful happening to him and he strived forward to change it for the better Which both of the qualities are shown in different lights in their perspective PI chapters - in Kenix's PI chapter, Kenix's acceptance of this destructive fate is what is bound to destroy him through his curse manifesting as the final stage and Yaku's denial that denied the idea of Kenix going out like this eventually saved him from his curse and finally freed him from these hundreds upon hundreds of years of anguish. Though in Yaku's PI chapter, it is shown that Yaku's denial and determination for better things are the reason they are stuck in this loop of misery. He had denied the idea of everyone else dying so he made his duty to give them back their lives when it was, in fact, impossible to complete as a task from the start. Kenix's acceptance is trying to help Yaku be able to move on from this duty of his so he could march down his path further and come to terms with the deaths of his loved ones instead of reversing the deaths in the worst ways possible.
they parallel each other so hard. the depiction of Yaku who is deserving of praise for his determination and the wish to keep everyone safe and happy and the depiction of akenix as someone who accepts awful things far too easily and is not resisting all the terrific incidents, having evil intentions for others Going from that to now Yaku being depicted as the one who brought the misery upon others through that denial alone, while Kenix is depicted as someone who has been able to come to terms with the fact that his loved ones will meet their demise, attempting to let himself grieve. Yaku starting to parallel Kenix’s selfish plans and insane actions while Kenix starts to parallel Yaku’s heroism and the hope that he can save one last person he knows. While also mirroring each other during the start and the end of the First Story Arc. (Yaku's hopeful and determined attitude mirroring Kenix's insane, hopeless and "It cannot be helped" mentality and sticking to his selfish plans at the start of the story, and then the same but in reverse for the end of the story where Kenix is hoping to bring back his nephew and essentially the last person alive that knew him on a personal level, while Yaku is following those same selfish desires and going just as insane.
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tiodolma · 6 months
What is your name? said Sir Tristram.
Wit ye well, said that knight, my name is Sir Palomides.
What knight hate ye most? said Sir Tristram.
Sir knight, said he, I hate Sir Tristram to the death, for an I may meet with him the one of us shall die.
Ye say well, said Sir Tristram, and wit ye well that I am Sir Tristram de Liones, and now do your worst.
When Sir Palomides heard him say so he was astonied. And then he said thus: I pray you, Sir Tristram, forgive me all mine evil will, and if I live I shall do you service above all other knights that be living; and whereas I have owed you evil will me sore repenteth. I wot not what aileth me, for meseemeth that ye are a good knight, and none other knight that named himself a good knight should not hate you; therefore I require you, Sir Tristram, take no displeasure at mine unkind words
Paalomides what are you doing???? You hate him, you love him, you despise him, you admire him, you scorn him, then immediately ask for repentance.... by the lord jesu christ, palomides, pick a side???
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rjalker · 4 months
haven't read it yet
by anonymous
A story of a werewolf knight of King Arthur's court
4k words long
[read more was here]
In the days when Arthur reigned, he who conquered lands and dealt out rich gifts to knights and barons, there was with him a young lord whose name, I have heard, was Melion. Full brave and courteous was he, and made himself beloved of all; and he was of right great chivalry and goodly fellowship.
The king had a full rich following, and throughout all the world he was famed for courtesy and prowess, and bounty and largess. Now on that day when all the knights made their vows—and know ye that well they held to them—this same Melion pledged him to one that thereafter brought him sore mischance. For he said he would never love any maid, howsoever noble and fair, who had ever loved any other man, or had been talked of by any. For a long time matters went on in this wise: those who had heard the vow spread it abroad in many places, and told it to the damsels, and all maids who heard it, had great hatred of Melion. And they who were in the royal chambers and served the queen, and of such there were above a hundred, held a council concerning the matter, and swore they would never love him, or hold speech with him. No lady desired to look on him, or any maid to talk with him.
Now when Melion heard this he was right heavy thereof; no more did he desire to seek adventure, and no will had he to bear arms. Full heavy he was and sorrowful, and he lost somewhat of his fame. Now the king had news of the matter and had great grief thereof, and he called the knight to him, and spoke with him. "Melion," saith King Arthur, "what hath befallen thy wisdom and thy worth and thy chivalry? Tell me what aileth thee and conceal it not. If thou would have land or manor, or any other thing—so that it be in my realm—it shall be thine according to thy desire; for gladly would I lighten thy sorrow," so saith the king to him, "if that I might. Now upon the sea shore I have a castle, in all the world is not such another; fair it is with wood and river and forest which are full dear to thee, and this castle will I give thee for thy cheer; good delight may ye find therein."
So the king gave it to him in fee; and Melion gave him thanks thereof, and went away to his castle, taking with him an hundred knights. Right pleasant was that country to him, and so was the forest that he held full dear; and when he had lived there a year through, he grew greatly to love the land, for he sought no disport but he found it in the forest.
Now on a day, Melion and his foresters rode to the chase; with him he took his huntsmen, who loved him with true love, inasmuch as he was their liege lord, and all honour was found in him. Soon they came upon a great stag, and forthright let loose the dogs upon him. Thereafter it fell that Melion drew rein amid a heath that he might the better listen for his pack. With him was a squire, and in his leash he held two greyhounds; and anon, across the heath, the which was green and fair, he saw come a damsel on a fair palfrey, and right rich was her array. For she was clothed in scarlet samite, laced full seemly, and about her neck hung a mantle of ermine, never did queen wear better. Well fashioned was she of body, and comely of shoulder; her hair was yellow, her mouth small and shapely, and red as any rose; gray-blue were her eyes, and clear and laughing; right fair was all her seeming, full winsome and gracious; and all alone without fellows came she.
Melion rideth to meet her, and courteously he greeted her: "Sweet, I salute you in the name of the Glorious One, of Jesus the King; tell me of what house you are, and what bringeth you hither." And the damsel maketh answer: "Even that will I tell you in all truth: I am of good parentry and born of noble lineage, and from Ireland have I come to you. Know ye that I am much your lover. Never have I loved any man save you only, and never will love any; so great praise have I heard of you that no other save you alone have I ever desired to love, and never shall I feel love for any other."
Now when Melion heard that his vows were fulfilled, he clipped her about the middle, and kissed her thirty times over. Then he called together his folk, and told them the adventure; and they looked upon the damsel, and in all the realm was none so fair. So Melion took her to his castle, and the people rejoiced greatly. He married her with great splendor, and made great cheer thereof, that for fifteen whole days the tourneys lasted.
For three years he dearly cherished her, and during those three years they had two sons, whereof he was right glad and joyful. And on a day he rode into the forest, taking with him his much loved wife, and a squire to carry his bow and arrows. He soon came upon a stag, and they pursued it, but it fled away with lowered head. Thereafter they came into a heath, and in a thicket the knight saw standing a right great stag; laughing, he looked down at his wife. "Dame," saith he, "if I would, I could show you a right great stag. Look ye, he is yonder in that thicket." "By my faith, Melion," said she, "know ye that if I have not the flesh of that stag never more will I eat morsel." Therewith she falleth in a swoon from her palfrey. Melion raised her up, but might not comfort her, and bitterly she began to weep.
"Dame," saith he, "mercy in God's name. Weep no more, I beg of thee. Here in my hand I have a ring; see it now on my finger. Two gems it hath in its setting, one white and one red, never were any seen of like fashion. Now hear ye a great marvel of them: if ye touch me with the white, and lay it upon my head when I am stripped naked, I shall become a great wolf, big of body; and for your love I will take the stag, and bring you of its flesh. But I pray you, in God's name, that ye await me here, and keep for me my garments. With you I leave my life and my death; for I shall have no comfort if I be not touched with the other gem, for never again shall I become man." Therewith he called his squire to take off his shoes; the youth stepped forward and unshod him, and Melion went into the wood and laid aside his garments, and remained wholly naked, save that he wrapped his cloak about him. Now when his wife saw him stripped of all his raiment, she touched him with the ring, and he became a great wolf, big of body. So fell he into sore mischance.
The wolf set off running full swiftly to the place where he saw the stag lie; forthwith he set himself upon the track,—now great will be the strife before he hath taken and caught it, and had its flesh. Meantime the lady saith to the squire: "Now let us leave him to take his fill of the chase." Therewith she got her to horseback; no whit did she tarry, but she took with her the squire, and straightway turned her towards Ireland, her own land. She came to the haven, where she found a ship; forthwith she addressed her to the sailors, and they carried her to Dublin, a city upon the seashore, that held of her father, the king of Ireland. Now hath she all that she asks. And so soon as she came to the port, she was received with great joy: with this let us leave her, and speak we again of Melion.
Melion, as he pursued the stag, pressed it wondrous hard, and at length he drove it into a heath where he soon brought it down. Then he took a great collop of it, and carried it away in his mouth. Swiftly he returned again to the place where he had left his wife, but did not find her, for she had taken her way towards Ireland. Right sorry was he, and knoweth not what to do when he findeth her not in that spot. But none the less, though he was a wolf, yet had he the sense and memory of a man. So he lurked and waited until evening fell; and he saw men loading a ship that was to set sail that night and go straightway to Ireland. Thither he went, and waited till it grew quite dark, when he entered into it at adventure, for he recked little of his life. There he crouched down under a wattle, and hid and concealed himself. Meantime, the sailors bestirred themselves, for the wind was fair, and so they set forth towards Ireland, and each had that he desired. They spread aloft their sails, and steered by the sky and stars; and the next day, at dawn, they saw the shore of Ireland. And when they were come into port Melion tarried no longer, but issued out of his hiding-place, and sprang from the ship to the sand. The sailors cried out upon him, and threw their gear at him, and one struck him with a staff, so that well nigh had they captured him. Glad was he when he escaped them; and he went up into a mountain, and looked long over the land where he knew his enemies dwelt. Still had he the collop he had brought from his own domain, but now, in that his hunger was great, he ate it; sorely had the sea wearied him.
And then he went away into a forest, where he found cows and oxen, and of these he killed and destroyed many. So began his war, and in this first onset he slew more than a hundred. The folk that dwelt in the greenwood saw the damage he wrought to the beasts, and ran flocking into the city, and told and recounted to the king that there was a wolf in the forest that wasted all the land, and had slain many of their horned beasts. And for all this they blamed the king.
So Melion ran through the forests and waste places, and over the mountains, until he joined company with ten other wolves; and he so cajoled and blandished them that they followed after him, and did all his desire. Far and wide they wandered through the land, and sore mishandled both men and women. So lived they a year long, and wasted all that region, harrying the land and slaying the folk. Well knew they how to guard themselves, and by no means could the king entrap them.
One night they had wandered far, and wearied and spent, they lay in a wood near Dublin, on a little hill by the sea shore. Beyond the wood was a meadow, and all round about was plain country. There they entered to rest, but there they will be ensnared and betrayed. They had been seen of a countryman, who ran forthright to the king: "Lord," saith he, "in the wood yonder lie the eleven wolves." And when the king heard him he was right glad, and spoke to his men of the matter.
Now the king called together his men: "Barons," saith he, "hearken to this: know ye of a sooth this man hath seen all eleven wolves in my forest." Then round about the wood they let spread the snares with which they were wont to take the wild boar. And when the snares were spread, the king went thither without tarrying, and his daughter said she would come with him to see the chase of the wolves. Straightway they went into the forest in all quiet and secretness, and surrounded the whole wood, for they had folk in plenty, who bore axes and staves, and some their naked swords. Then they cheered on their dogs to the number of a thousand, and these soon found the wolves. Melion saw that he was betrayed, well knew he that sore mischance had befallen him. The wolves were hard pressed by the dogs, and in their flight they came upon the snares, and all were torn to pieces and slain, save only Melion. He sprang over the traps, and fled into a great wood; so by his wit he escaped them. Meantime the folk went back to the town, and the king made great joy. Greatly he rejoiced that he had ten of the eleven wolves; well was he revenged on them, in that one only had escaped. But his daughter said: "That one was the biggest. And yet will he work you woe."
When Melion had stolen away he went up into a mountain; full heavy and sorrowful was he because of the wolves he had lost. Great travail had been his, but anon he shall have help. Now at this time Arthur came into Ireland to make peace, for there was war in the land, and he was fain to bring the foes into accord, in that it was his desire to subdue the Romans, and he wished to lead these men with him to battle. The king came privately, bringing with him no great host; some twenty knights only had he in his train. Sweet was the weather, and fair the wind, and the ship was full rich and great; trusty was her helmsman, and full well was she dight, and plenteously garnished with men and arms. Their shields were hung along the side,—right well Melion knew them. First he spied the shield of Gawain, then saw he that of Iwain, and then the shield of Idel the king; and all this was dear and pleasant to him. Then saw and knew he the shield of Arthur, and wit ye well, he had great joy thereof; glad and blithe was he, for he hoped yet to have mercy. So came they sailing towards the land; but now the wind was contrary to them, and they might not make the port, whereof they were right sorry. So turned they towards another haven some two leagues from the city, where, of old, had been a great castle which was now ruined; and when they were come thither, darkness fell, and it was night.
So the king is come into port; sore wearied and spent is he, for the ship had much discomforted him. And he called his seneschal: "Go forth," saith he, "and see where I may lie this night." The seneschal turned back into the ship, and called the chamberlain, saying: "Come forth with me, and let us make ready the king's lodging." So they issued out of the ship, and came to the castle; and they had two candles brought thither, and forthwith had them lighted; and they let bring carpets and coverlets, and speedily was the chamber well garnished. Then the king issued forth, and went straight to his lodging, and when he came therein right glad was he to find it so fair.
Now Melion had not tarried, but straightway went to meet the ship. Near the moat he halted; right well he knew them all, and well he knoweth that if he hath not comfort of the king, he shall come to his death in Ireland. Yet he knoweth not what to do, for he is a wolf, and so hath no power of speech; yet none the less will he go thither, and set himself at adventure. When he came to the king's door, right well knew he all the barons; for nought staid he, but hath passed straight in to the king, though it be at the hazard of death. At the king's feet he cast himself down, nor would he rise; whereof, lo you, Arthur hath great wonder, and he saith: "A marvel see I; this wolf hath come hither to seek me. Now see ye well that he is of my household, and woe to the man who shall lay hands on or hurt him."
When supper was made ready and the barons had washed, the king likewise washed and seated himself. Napkins were spread before them; and the king called to Idel and made him sit at his side. And Melion lay at the king's feet,—well knew he all the barons. Oftentimes the king looked down at him, and anon gave him a piece of bread the which he took and began to eat. Then greatly the king marvelleth, and saith to King Idel: "Look now, know ye of a sooth this wolf knoweth our ways." Then the king gave him a piece of roast meat, and gladly the wolf ate it; whereat Gawain saith: "Lords, look you, this wolf is out of all nature." And the barons all say one to another that never saw they so courteous a wolf. Thereupon the king let wine be set before the wolf in a basin, and so soon as he seeth it, he drinketh it, and certes, he was full fain of it; good plenty he drank of that wine, as the king well saw.
Now when they arose from meat and the barons had washed, they issued out upon the sands. And always the wolf followed after the king, and might not be kept from him, wheresoever he went. And when the king desired to go to rest, he commanded that his bed be made ready. So he withdrew him to sleep, for he was sore wearied; but with him went the wolf, and he lay at the king's feet, nor might any man dispart them.
Passing glad was the king of Ireland in that Arthur had come to him; great joy had he thereof. Early at dawn, he rose, and went to the haven together with his barons. Straight to the haven they came riding, and each company gave fair welcome to other. Arthur showed the king much love, and did him much honour. When he saw him come before him, he would not be proud, but raised him up and kissed him. And anon the horses were made ready, and without any tarrying they mounted and rode towards the city.
The king mounteth upon his palfrey, and good convoy he hath of his wolf, who would not be disparted from him, but kept always at his stirrup. Passing glad was the king of Ireland because of Arthur, and the company was rich and mighty. So came they to Dublin, and lighted down from their horses before the high palace. And when Arthur went up into the donjon tower, the wolf held him by the lap of his garment; and when King Arthur was seated, the wolf lay at his feet.
The king hath looked down at his wolf, and hath called him up close to the dais. Side by side sit the two kings, and right rich is their following; right well are the barons served, for throughout all the household great plenty is dealt out. But Melion looketh about him, and midway down the hall he saw him who had brought thither his wife; well knew he that she had crossed the sea and was come into Ireland. Forthwith he seized the youth by the shoulder—no stand can he make against the wolf—but Melion brought him to the ground amid the hall. And he would have straightway killed and destroyed him, had it not been for the king's sergeants, who ran thither in sore disorder; and from out all the palace they brought rods and staves, and anon they would have slain the wolf had not Arthur cried out: "By my faith, ill befall whoso layeth hands on him, for know ye, the wolf is my own."
Then saith Idel, the son of Irien: "Lords, ye misdo herein; the wolf would not have set upon the youth, and if he had not sore hated him." "Thou sayest well, Idel," quoth the king; and therewith he left the dais, and passed down the hall to the wolf, and saith to the youth: "Thou shalt tell us why he set upon thee, or else thou shalt die." Melion looked up at the king, and gripped the youth so hard he cried out, and prayed the king's mercy, and said he would make known the truth. So now he telleth the king how the lady had brought him thither, and how she had touched Melion with the ring, and how she had borne it away with her into Ireland; so hath he spoken and told all, even as it befell.
Then Arthur bespoke the king: "Now know I well this is sooth, and right glad am I of my baron; let the ring be given over to me, and likewise thy daughter who stole it away; evilly hath she betrayed her lord." So the king went thence, and entered into his daughter's chamber, and with him went King Idel, and he so coaxed and cajoled her that she gave him the ring, and he brought it to King Arthur. Now so soon as Melion saw the ring right well he knew it; and he came to the king, and knelt down and kissed his two feet. King Arthur would fain have touched him with the ring, but Gawain would not so have it: "Fair uncle," saith he, "do not so, but rather lead him into a chamber apart where ye twain may be alone together, that he have not shame of the folk."
Then the king called to him Gawain, and Idel likewise he took with him: so led he the wolf into a privy chamber, and when they had come within, shut the door fast. Then he laid the ring upon the wolf's head, and all his visage changed, and his face became human. So turned he to man again, and he spoke, and fell down at the king's feet. They covered him over with a mantle; and when they saw him very man, they made great joy. But the king fell a-weeping for pity, and weeping asked him how it fell that by sin he had lost him. And then he let summon his chamberlain, and bade him bring rich raiment. Fairly they clothed and arrayed him, and so led him into the hall; and all they of the household greatly marvelled when they saw Melion come in amongst them.
Then the king of Ireland led forth his daughter, and gave her over to Arthur that he might do as he would with her, whether it were to slay or to burn her. Saith Melion: "I will touch her with the ring, nor will I forbear." But Arthur said to him: "Do not so, rather let her be, for the sake of thy fair children." All the barons likewise besought him, and Melion accorded it.
Now King Arthur abode in Ireland until he had assuaged the war; then he went again into his own land, and with him took Melion; full glad and blithe was he thereof. But his wife he left in Ireland, and commanded her to the devil; never again would he love her for that she had done him such wrong; never would he take her unto him again, rather would he have let burn or hang her. And he said: "Whoso believeth his wife in all things cannot help but come into mischance at the end, for it is not meet to set your trust in all her sayings."
True is the lay of Melion, so all good barons declare.
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onewingedxngel · 2 years
“Do you have a home?”
Questions/Comments meme
Sephiroth looked to Aileth, not noticing just how melancholic his eyes became at the question. His earliest memories were of labs, strict schedules, checkups, tests, and of the bright ceiling lights that always stung his eyes.
He knew he'd been birthed somewhere, but where that place was he had no idea. It would be foolish to suggest that was a home, for he knew nothing of it, and he hesitated to call the labs his home, for they felt anything but. In fact, what he did know– and feel– was that he belonged nowhere. He should not have been concieved in the first place.
"No, I do not," Sephiroth replied. "I grew up in the Shinra building, and sometimes, I would travel the world on missions– especially to Wutai– but I have no home..."
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Send ♤ for our muses to be assigned as partners for a mission¿
First Interactions || Always Accepting!
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Good grief, what a day this was promising to be. Saruhiko was certain that in his place, any other “fledging” Turk would have been only ecstatic to have a mission of the top security level assigned to them. It was a mark of appreciation and trust from the department, something that he knew would come in with higher pay and possible other benefits.
But to this one Turk, well.. it was an uncomfortable obligation at best.
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“Good grief...” He muttered under his breath as he swiped the ID card into the panel adjacted the reinforced steel door. Normally he’d be more enthusiastic to be within the walls of the Science Department. Learning how everything worked in here would benefit his... ‘personal agenda’, but today he had no such luxury.
Escort Project H speciment to the assigned destination and cover up any traces of activity from the public. For how high profile as the order sounded, it was actually quite mundane. Couldn’t they just pack up this monster in a box and have it delivered by air like the rest? What was the deal with this one?
In the next room, a pale-haired girl was standing with her back turned to him. A worked at the labs, he initially assumed. And so with a dragged note to his voice that denoted a certain lazy demeanor, the young man in a suit asked:
“I’m here to pick up the subject. Where is it?”
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The Burden Against the Valley of Vision
1 The burden concerning the Valley of Vision. What aileth thee now, that thou art wholly gone up to the housetops, 2 Thou that art full of uproar, a tumultuous city, a joyous town? Thy slain are not slain with the sword, nor dead in battle. 3 All thy rulers are fled together, Without the bow they are bound; All that are found of thee are bound together, they are fled afar off. 4 Therefore said I: ‘Look away from me, I will weep bitterly; Strain not to comfort me, for the destruction of the daughter of my people.’ 5 For it is a day of trouble, and of trampling, and of perplexity, From the Lord, the GOD of hosts, in the Valley of Vision; Kir shouting, and Shoa at the mount. 6 And Elam bore the quiver, with troops of men, even horsemen; And Kir uncovered the shield. 7 And it came to pass, when thy choicest valleys were full of chariots, And the horsemen set themselves in array at the gate, 8 And the covering of Judah was laid bare, that thou didst look in that day to the armour in the house of the forest. 9 And ye saw the breaches of the city of David, that they were many; and ye gathered together the waters of the lower pool. 10 And ye numbered the houses of Jerusalem, and ye broke down the houses to fortify the wall; 11 ye made also a basin between the two walls for the water of the old pool— But ye looked not unto Him that had done this, Neither had ye respect unto Him that fashioned it long ago.
12 And in that day did the Lord, the GOD of hosts, call To weeping, and to lamentation, and to baldness, and to girding with sackcloth; 13 And behold joy and gladness, Slaying oxen and killing sheep, Eating flesh and drinking wine— ‘Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die!’ 14 And the LORD of hosts revealed Himself in mine ears: Surely this iniquity shall not be expiated by you till ye die, Saith the Lord, the GOD of hosts.
15 Thus saith the Lord, the GOD of hosts: Go, get thee unto this steward, Even unto Shebna, who is over the house: 16 What hast thou here, and whom hast thou here, That thou hast hewed thee out here a sepulchre, Thou that hewest thee out a sepulchre on high, And gravest a habitation for thyself in the rock? 17 Behold, the LORD will hurl thee up and down with a man’s throw; Yea, He will wind thee round and round; 18 He will violently roll and toss thee like a ball into a large country; There shalt thou die, and there shall be the chariots of thy glory, Thou shame of the lord’s house. 19 And I will thrust thee from thy post, And from thy station shalt thou be pulled down. 20 And it shall come to pass in that day, That I will call my servant Eliakim the son of Hilkiah; 21 And I will clothe him with thy robe, And bind him with thy girdle, And I will commit thy government into his hand; And he shall be a father to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and to the house of Judah. 22 And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder; And he shall open, and none shall shut; And he shall shut, and none shall open. 23 And I will fasten him as a peg in a sure place; And he shall be for a throne of honour to his father’s house.
24 And they shall hang upon him all the glory of his father’s house, the offspring and the issue, all vessels of small quantity, from the vessels of cups even to all the vessels of flagons. 25 In that day, saith the LORD of hosts, shall the peg that was fastened in a sure place give way; and it shall be hewn down, and fall, and the burden that was upon it shall be cut off; for the LORD hath spoken it. — Isaiah 22 | JPS Tanakh 1917 (JPST) The Holy Scriptures according to the Masoretic text; Jewish Publication Society 1917. Cross References: Genesis 45:8; Genesis 50:5; 1 Samuel 2:8; 1 Samuel 3:14; 1 Kings 7:2; 2 Kings 16:9; 2 Kings 18:18; 2 Kings 20:20; 2 Kings 25:4; Esther 9:24-25; Job 18:18; Job 40:11-12; Psalm 52:5; Isaiah 3:24; Isaiah 5:11; Isaiah 10:4; Isaiah 10:6; Isaiah 21:15; Isaiah 36:3; Jeremiah 1:15; Zechariah 6:13; Matthew 10:27; Matthew 16:19; Matthew 27:60; Luke 17:26; Luke 19:41; Revelation 3:7
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Ooh, Sheo you can hug Aileth!
She's 5'3.
I have her picrew on hand for reference. (BTW Hope you're having a good day! Don't forget to drink and eat :D)
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Part 3!
Even more hugs from the Daedric Prince! Now for @constantfyre 's OC, Aileth!
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vespersilvanus · 1 year
Ooc:// sorry, stuffs going to continue being slow, both here and Aileth. I'm like hella sick for the first time in years. But I'm always around.
I've got covid =_=
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