#// verse; arrowdove
roywillharper · 2 years
"I think you should forgive me because I love you and make sure you don't die from food poisoning and the sweaters I gave you are homemade and that--" // @shinebrightsweetdove
“Personally I don’t get food poisoning. Second, if I did I’d rather die to it that experience this betrayal you’re putting me though.”
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roywillharper · 2 years
It was her idea to take him to the farmer's market--she needed some ingredients for a new recipe she hadn't tried yet. Sylvia catches a glimpse of people buying small cakes to taste from a bakery for weddings. Her eyes look at Roy tenderly, still in disbelief at the engagement ring on her finger. "Roy, when do you want to get married?" - Sylvia / @shinebrightsweetdove
Random Asks || Accepting
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Roy had his fingers intertwined with Sylvia’s as they walked through the farmer’s market. They were having a nice day together while Lian was at school.
He was kind of zoned out, mostly happy to be relaxing with her. Then he hears Syl speak up and pulls him out of his thoughts. His gaze goes to her hand and the engagement ring, then meets her eyes, “when would you like like to get married Syl?”
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roywillharper · 2 years
"happy birthday," Sylvia whispers to Roy as they're comfortable in bed. Morning sun tickles her skin while she smiles at her fiance. "One of my gifts is that we can do whatever you want. It's gonna be a treat yourself day because you've been owed one of those for a long time." // @shinebrightsweetdove
Roy’d been lying there with his eyes closed, cuddling Sylvia, happy to have a lazy morning with her. As she first speaks he peeks an eye open to look at her, being reminded it’s his birthday and realizing he’s actually happy about it this year thanks to being able to spend it with her.
After a moment he speaks, his voice still gravelly with sleep, “what if I just wanna stay in bed with you until Lian decides it’s time to party?” He pauses a moment and turns look at her better, “I can think of a few things we could do right here in bed.”
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roywillharper · 2 years
"ya know, you would fit in well where I'm from. You're like young gravy." - Sylvia // @shinebrightsweetdove
“Who? But also no, I’m not like Yung Gravy because I’m me and getting married to you and he isn’t doing that last time I checked.”
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roywillharper · 2 years
[ whack ] — sender whacks receiver with a pillow to wake them up
[ tickle ] — sender tickles receiver to wake them up
[ cold ] — sender puts their cold fingers/toes on receiver’s bare skin
"trick r treat Roy" - Sylvia / @shinebrightsweetdove
Sylvia whacks Roy with the pillow then wraps her arms tightly around him, tickling him at the same time with her cold fingers, having him trapped there with her strength. All of this causes Roy to groan and shove her away in his half awake state. “Kids always say that’n get a treat theres no trick, except you trying to tickle me and your fingers somehow being cold despite the fact you’ve never been anything but hot. All of that is a trick.”
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roywillharper · 2 years
“I hate when people ask me what sign I am. Like, bitch, I am a sign from God. Start running.” - @shinebrightsweetdove
From an ask meme I’m too lazy to find || No Longer Accepting
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Roy looks at her as she vents, tilting his head while he sits on the couch. “I mean, that’s one way you can answer the question. I personally think it’s easier to just tell them I’m a Scorpio and then they’re like ‘oh that makes sense’ and leaves me here like ‘what is that supposed to mean’ and I argue with them anyways,” he says with a shrug.
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roywillharper · 2 years
In relation to this thread where Roy proposed to Sylvia @shinebrightsweetdove
He’s multiship but also it’ll be a thing happening.
He would also like thoughts on Vegas style shotgun weddings, possible elopement (ordained Elvis optional)
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roywillharper · 2 years
“See this is why I was opting for running away and getting married in secret. I didn’t propose and tell people I’m getting married just to be told I’m chaos personified or that all my ideas are terrible. I know they are I don’t need to be told that.”
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roywillharper · 2 years
@yourethebeeskneez || Donna
Liked X for a starter from the “Idiots to Lovers” Engagement Party
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Roy passes Donna a glass of sparkling lemonade, “hi Donna, it’s good to see you, how’ve you been?”
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roywillharper · 2 years
From X
"Might have gotten into a fight with a car..." Jason winced, smirking, fully owning up to the fact that he wasn't exactly in the best shape, rocking up looking like he had indeed got his ass handed to him by a motor vehicle, but a few broken bones, bruising and a concussion wasn't going to keep him from showing up. Even if it had taken a stolen wheelchair and distracting a few nurses to sneak him out of the hospital to do it. "Tried stoppin' a carjacking. Wasn't wearin' my gear at the time," Jay admitted finally, his smirk morphing into a more apologetic smile. "I promise there will be no vehicular beatdowns before the big day though, if that counts for anything?"
Roy nods understandingly, “that’d make sense. Don’t think I’ve ever beat a car in a fight. I’d have been surprised if you did get out unscathed even with your gear.”
He pats his friend’s shoulder and takes a drink of his sparkling lemonade. “Hey even if you did get hit by another car before the big day I wouldn’t care, just as long as you’re there. I wouldn’t want to have to find another best man.”
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roywillharper · 2 years
@shinebrightsweetdove asked: “Aren’t you the cutest little thing? Aren’t you cute? What’s your name, huh?” / Sylvia traveled too many dimensions again
Random Asks || Accepting
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Roy looks at Sylvia and sighs. “First off I’m taller than you. Second of all I hope I’m cute considering I’m your husband. Then third Sylvia I swear if you fight me on getting some sleep I will not cuddle you for a week.”
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roywillharper · 2 years
@likeghostsinsnxw asked: “Congrats on the engagement so which of us is supposed to plan the bachelor party? No wait let me guess… Dick.” From Garth Random Asks || Accepting
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“Hey Garth, thanks!” Roy grins at his friend then chuckles. “Actually I was planning to have Jason figure all that stuff out. As much as I love Dick I don’t think that’s the sort of chaos I’m looking for in a bachelor party. Though knowing him he’ll probably find a way to get in on the planning.” He pauses a beat, “and I can plan on you being there too right?”
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roywillharper · 2 years
@decipherthebeyond || Garfield
Liked X for a starter from the “Idiots to Lovers” Engagement Party
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“Hey Gar, heard you introduced yourself to my fiancé, how’d that go for you?”
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roywillharper · 2 years
@likeghostsinsnxw || Garth
Liked X for a starter from the “Idiots to Lovers” Engagement Party
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“Hey Garth,” Roy grins and pats his friend on the back as he comes up beside him, “I’m glad that you made it.”
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roywillharper · 2 years
“So like there’s three things people should know about me. My favorite hobby is blowing up Black Mash’s stuff. I’m Red Hood’s personal demolitions and explosives expert. And finally there was this one time where I helped a rebellion in a small country and formed a group of mercenaries to help out with that then they decided to step out of line and killed a bunch of civilians when I wasn’t there. Sure, getting mercenaries to help me wasn’t the brightest plan but like those guys are no longer living because if that and I walked away with a few scratches then got arrested. All this is to say that I’d you mess up my wedding I will be coming for your ass and causing enough property damage that it’s not worth it.”
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roywillharper · 2 years
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From X
@whxlmedwing @redhoodedjaybird @shinebrightsweetdove
“See Syl, this is why I told you we should just run away.”
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