#// not bad considering that kohut has absolutely no real screen time in WiR
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Relationship with: Kohut
Be warned I have a lot of feelings on these two so this could either end up long or be posted in multiple parts.
Kohut is Calhoun’s second in command and one of the few that she absolutely trusts with her life. The two are practically inseparable as they’ve always been together. They met in basic and move swiftly up the ranks through the Space Marines program. When Calhoun was able to assemble her team, Kohut was the first one she chose.
They know each other so well she rarely has to even command him any more.  They are perfectly in sync in battle, always knowing where the other is or what they’re about to do. Years on the battlefield helped.
But they aren’t just good soldiers, they are the best of friends. Outside of their roles as soldiers, Calhoun found she could always confide in him and he her. He was always there as her romantic interests danced between partners. He never judged her about them, but was ready to step in when certain relationships took a toxic and dangerous turn. Of course he knows that she could have stood up for herself and made sure she knew that he knew, but stepped in anyway. Because of it, whenever Kohut expressed concern over a partner, he was the only one that could vocalize it to her. And she would take it into consideration.
He was the also the first to notice the developing crush on Dr. Brad Scott and was more than happy to act as the “big brother” figure when they officially started dating. The same happened when she and Felix became a couple.
When Brad was eaten and Calhoun shot him, he was the only one she confided in. He was the only one that knew the entire story. He’d been the one to leap to her defense when the Brad Hybrid had moved to attack her, even though she had the situation under control. He had also been the one to finally pull her away from the scene. Out of all of her men, he’s the only one that’s even seen her break down.
He was there as support for many of her flashbacks, never breathing a word to anyone else about them. For the longest time only he could seem to pull her out of them (until she met Felix and the gang).
And all this is reciprocated. Tamora has no issues with looking out for him, telling him he’s being an idiot or offering support with his own traumas. She isn’t the only one of them that suffers from flashbacks after all. 
That doesn’t mean they don’t tease and torment one another. Because if they aren’t hurling insults back and forth, everyone thinks something’s wrong (and they’re probably right). They even occasionally throw punches. Tamora used to love sparring and training with him too, until they both figured out each other’s fighting styles so well they no longer could gain the upper hand.
And whenever someone attempted to put either of them down during their academy days, the other was quick to rush to defend; Kohut with a sharp tongue, Tamora with her fists. It was how they met in fact; one of the other newbies was giving Tamora gruff for being a “small”, blonde bombshell of a girl who would never amount to anything in the Space Marines program. When Tamora lashed out, Kohut wasn’t far behind. Of course Tammy lashed out and told him that she could take care of herself to which he agreed with and that he’d only lashed out because the guy “was annoying as hell”. 
Because of their intense friendship, there were plenty of times the duo were mistaken as a couple, or people thought they were likely to become one. That has never really crossed either of their minds however. They’re too good of friends, and their bond is almost familial instead of romantic. 
And although there have been plenty of disagreements between the two, sometimes to the point where they’ve gone weeks without speaking, Calhoun and Kohut know that they would always have one another’s backs. And that they could completely and utterly trust each other with anything.
And Tamora would never give that up. Ever.
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