#// kumo has so many nicknames and i love him so much
shiroi---kumo · 21 days
//I love how you refer to Kumo (and the others) as "puff". It's so cute
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That's what they are! They're PUFFS!!!
Kumo is the Puff of all Puffs! A Puffle if you will.
But he is also a marshmallow. His Majesty Marshmallow!
His brother is also called 'Tomato'
this is why we call Kumo and Kiri fighting the "Tomato VS Marshmallow smackdown"
Sinfonia is also called 'Orange' Sielu is also called 'Blue'
Revon is 'Sparkle Dad' Valo is 'History Orange' Aamunkoitto is 'The beast'
Safiirin is "Glow Mom"
(Kumo is also called 'the beast (mini)' because Aamun taught him well)
Kuu is "Moon Momma" Aurinko is "Sun Papa" or just 🌞 Taivas is "Sky Grandpa" Tuli is "Fire Mom" (Sinfonia's mom)
everyone has silly names and it's how we show we love them. They're our weird alien cat bird rainbow puff things and I love them puffs (assorted) with my whole heart.
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So I guess, for those interested in the My Hero Academia OCs...
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Name: Original unknown. Had it legally changed to “Nanashi No Gombe” (essentially, and intentionally, just means “Nameless Mr. So-and-So”. Yeah, translations aren’t perfect, I’m well aware).
Nickname: “R@tking” is his screen name. He doesn’t make an effort to give himself an identifiable “villain persona” since he doesn’t really care.
Occupation: Hacker for hire, for lack of a better term.
Quirk: “Data Touch”. In simple terms, he can convert digital data to “mental data” that can be stored in the human brain, & vice versa, as well as transfer said data to viable storage (be it a hard drive or someone else’s brain). All of which can be done through just a touch.
*Some things he’s done, canonically, are: save the entire Bee Move Script to his long-term memories, upload Bonzi Buddy onto a hero’s brain out of spite, and change a villain’s native language to Klingon.
Origin: Came as a result of a Quirk Marriage between a technopath and telepath, trying to breed a child with both their quirks (I.E. Todoroki). When the child immediately seem to have any power over minds OR technology, and even seemed to be quirkless, they disowned him. Only for him to discover his abilities on his own later in life. And use it to his own ends.
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Name: Kumo Oshiro.
Nickname: The awfully generic “Spider Queen”, as she loves to call herself. She’s honestly much more of a princess, though.
Occupation: Assassin.
Quirk: “Armored Arachnid”. There’s no real explanation needed; she’s a fucking spider-centaur with an exoskeleton stronger than steel that looks like something out of a Monster Manual. She’s terrifying.
Origin: Her father, a deadbeat nobody Yakuza with a worthless “spider silk” quirk, was an avid user of Trigger in order to make himself useful. As his criminal career seemed to slow to a crawl, he had the wonderful drunk idea to have sex while on pumped full of the stuff... and as it turns out, using a quirk-amplifying super drug while having unprotected diddly doo can come with some very severe consequences.
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Name: Mai Akino.
Nickname: “Chimera”. Well, I mean, that was originally her nickname for her villain verse, but looking back on it now I like it more.
Occupation: U.A. Student! Second year!
Quirk: “You are what you eat”. She can mimic the traits of animals she consumes; grow deer antlers, bear claws, snake fangs, shark gills, things like that. If that sounds familiar, I’M WELL AWARE a character with almost that exact quirk ended up appearing later in the series... she was my first OC, and I made her before reading the manga. But hey, it actually ended up really cute because she looked up to Tamaki...
Origin: This absolute fucking angel. Her mother, who was a retired pro-hero with a simple “cat” quirk, raised her to be the softest, sweetest, most hard-working little thing with high moral values... at least, before she ended up suffering fatal injuries from what was suspected to be a random criminal encounter. The last thing she did for Mai was make sure she was taken care of; got her applied to U.A. like she’d always wanted.
*... also, her dad is a mystery to her.
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Name: Masami Akiyama.
Nickname: “Comeback, the Delinquent Hero”.
Occupation: Pro Hero. Runs her own “Hero Office” in Hiroshima... which, in actuality, is just a cheaply refurbished gym in the bad part of the city. She only wanted her own office because she didn’t like other people telling her what to do, much less what she was doing wrong.
Quirk: “Kinetic Adaptation”. Complicated explanation aside, the jist of it is she can essentially become as hard as the hardest thing she’s gone up against, and hit as hard as the hardest thing that hit her. So, persay, if she got shot with a gun and survived, she can now punch with equal force to the bullet. Similarly, if she were to punch a brick wall at full force, her entire form is now as tough as said brick wall... at the cost of bloody and possibly broken knuckles.
*She compensates for the fact her quirk inherently ends up with her having to get hurt by being a fucking bruiser. A self-taught martial artist that doesn’t fight fair whatsoever, and ends up fucking up criminals without even needed to use the quirk she gets her nickname from.
Origin: Nothing particularly special about her. Just a girl that came from a household with an overly strict, unloving mother... and in turn, grew a nasty temper and a resentment for authority. She didn’t originally plan on going into the Hero Program, despite a desire to do good... but, the appearance of the hero Midnight made her reconsider. 
*She’s a no-nonsense hero. She does her job, and does it really well, but doesn’t do it pretty. She works within the limitations of the job, and doesn’t actually do anything that goes against the rules, but... she has a very poor public opinion because she isn’t flashy and can be pretty brutal. 
*A student muse interning under her actually compared her attitude to that of Eraserhead, in that she doesn’t care for the “celebrity” side of hero work and just wants to do her job, which I think was pretty apt.
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Name: Undecided! I never actually got to finishing up her blog, but did have the intention of having most of her family actually be from the United States if that can give you any indication.
Nickname: “Parlor Trick, the Magician Hero”.
Occupation: Pro Hero, but very recently out of school. Probably still working as an assistant to more experienced heroes.
Quirk: “Magician’s Secret”. Can, seemingly, will all manner of magical shows & tricks into existence by her desire alone... a very odd quirk with unclear functions and even more unclear limitations. No one actual knowledge of it seems willing to explain it, either.
Origin: She and her quirk come from a family of hero’s, passing along thee same quirk; all originating from her great grandfather. who was of the first generation to actually gain quirks... and actually used it to become a legendary magician, until he was officially ousted as having used his powers to “cheat” and is remembered as being completely fraudulent. Ever since, the rest of her family have become very successful heroes and constantly work to bring good-wil back to their name.
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Name: Also undecided. Never got around to her blog, either.
Nickname: None. She’s barely a villain in the traditional sense, so coming up with a edgy alias was never big on her list of priorities.
Occupation: Urchin, in that she’s legally homeless and survives by what she can steal. Albeit... she’s not doing THAT poorly.
Quirk: “Sinkhole”. Does exactly as described- it’s a powerful emitter quirk that can create huge fucking sinkholes. Pretty much useless for direct combat, but is great for causing a big scene that people will run away from and hopefully not get injured by, leaving her to raid store shelves unimpeded under the guise of it being a normal disaster.
Origin: She was born to a fairy decent couple, with a fairly decent early life... sadly, it all changed when her quirk activated the age of ten, during the stresses of a natural earthquake... in which, in it’s uncontrolled state, she ended up accidentally destroying her home... and, although it’s arguable, causing the deaths of her parents. She ended up orphaned, and after wasting a five or six years at the orphanage... she just walked out and decided to make a life for herself. 
*Without a proper education, family, or support though... there wasn’t many options for her. One day, she tried shoplifting, was caught, and in the stress of the situation... her quirk activated again and caused a panic. Everyone went running thinking it was a earthquake... which gave her ample time to take whatever she wanted on her way out. And thus, her “occupation” became clear.
I think, at this point, I should probably just make a BNHA Multimuse.
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Sacred Beasts 2 | Astra 2 - 3 | Given 1 - 2 | DanMachi II 1 | Demon Slayer 15 - 16 | Dr Stone 2 | Fruits Basket 14 | Cop Craft 2 - 3
Rolling out the tags soon.
Sacred Beasts 2
“Sissy” always pissed me off as a nickname for your sister. It’s clearly meant as a term of endearment in some cases, but it also is the equivalent of “wuss”, y’know???
I’ve seen mushroom soup out of a tin…that don’t look like mushroom soup in that case.
Uh, random question…she has th same surname as Will, but is Schaal herself adopted???
Y’should’ve followed Hank, Nancy…(is her name Nancy or Schaal? Schaal is her middle name, yet she seems more commonly referred to as Schaal…hmm.)
*sees synopsis* - No one mentioned Nancy’s hometown was called Livletwood Village…
I pause my shows a lot to get down these notes…then Crunchyroll or my internet (or both!) cursed me with regular buffering (that can sometimes play video and subs through it, but generally sets down a few seconds after unpausing and lasts for a minute) and made it a pain in the butt to make these notes. But you do realise I basically have notes for almost every show I’ve ever watched under this system? These notes are special to me, which is why I put up with the buffering. It also means impactful scenes lose their impact, meaning well-paced shows get favoured in my picking process on CR these days.
Astra 2
Yup, the 2nd time we talk about how to scavenge for food this season – gotta remember this…in case I ever get into a situation like that. You never know! (creates “The More You Know” star with hands)
I-awwwwwww…I never thought I’d see the day where the Luca Javelin would get animated, much less Astra as a series. Dang, is this a dream???
Eyyyyy. Nothing like endangering your little sister to really understand why you love her…much less understand that you love her in the first place. (partially sarcastic)
Given 1
This is my second rodeo with BL anime (I’ve only read one BL manga and it was pretty darn mediocre, but the one BL game I tried was okay)…hopefully it’s good.
Was there the ticking of a clock in the background???
…and cut to OP. Yay! I can predict when the OP happens now…(It only took me years of training…okay, I’m kidding.)
I think this OP is like a music video…and I think that’s the point.
Kaji??? Is this Eva (LOL)?
I’m no band person – I was merely a solo pianist in my time with music, although notably I did have to sing for one of the musical pieces – but “Thom Yorke” and “Keith Richards” sound familiar. Why???...Okay, so it seems Thom Yorke is part of Radiohead and Keith Richards is part of the Rolling Stones. I’m familiar with those bands by name, at least.
Lemme guess…this guy (Ritsuka) sucks at improv.
I had to go back and find out what Yayoi said a few lines ago…and  love her already because she’s like “You suck”…she’s just like me, to be honest.
Early husbando predictions say Haruki is my dude of the season.
Seeing manly dudes act like blushing schoolgirls is great…!
Yushiro-who???...Okay, Yushiro Ishihara is apparently that’s a singer that’s already passed away, but has a bit of a rep behind him.
Is it just me, or is Ritsuka basically a lesser Bakugo…?
Come to think of it, it would be hard for me to teach someone piano now that I haven’t properly played since the end of 2014…almost 5 years. Geesh, that’s a long time.
Welp, that was…actually pretty good. The only thing that sucks is that this ED isn’t rock, to go with the rest of the show.
DanMachi II 1
Another counterintuitive name for a sequel anime season…this is my last premiere before I wrap them up, or at least until Machikado Mazoku (or whatever) land on CR.
…and of course, it’s back to Big Boobies (aka Hestia). She’s probably the worst part of the show for me.
Why does Bell need an advisor anyway…? I never thought about it when watching s1.
Who’s this Naza-sama, anyway…?...Okay, it seems she’s a doctor from the Miach Familia. I don’t remember her from s1, really.
I’ve forgotten who Asfi is as well…Oh yeah, that blue-haired woman from the Hermes Famlia. Hermes seems like a bit of a loose cannon – the sort who wouldn’t have a Familia if given the chance – though.
I think we saw Freya in s1…just scheming behind the scenes…
Hermes looks like a sleazebag half the time he’s on screen…
I forgot how much I loved Miach’s character design in s1...and to a lesser extent, Takemikazuchi.
Demon Slayer 15
…Zenitsu is annoying again.
I didn’t think Tanjiro was scared of anything…excpt maybe losing Nezuko again.
Oh! I just realised Natagumo has a hint in its name…The “gumo” can be read “kumo”…as in cloud or spider, but it’s given with the kanji for spider so it can only be a spider-related problem on Mt Natagumo.
I’d hate to have Smellovision on this show…(What’s Smellovision, you ask??? Here, read up on it…at least, I was thinking of the Google variant, so read up on the Google version.)
Ukogi appears to be a type of plant known as eleutherococcus and ukogi rice is rice with ukogi leaves.
Dr Stone 2
Episode 3’s title is like “Weapons…of SCIENCE! *cue Bill Nye the Science Guy theme song*”
Ooh, nice angle! (on Senku and petrified!Yuzuriha being protected by Taiju…and not just because Yuzuriha’s butt is showing…)
“You can eat lion?” – No duh, Taiju!
“I want to give thanks to the circle of life…” – Sorry, but can I interrupt with a meme here? *cue ululations that ae meant to imitate the iconic song from The Lion King, y’know, the one that goes “Ahhhhhhh zee bun yah… (etc.)”*
Tsukasa’s frickin’ tall, man! Look at him tower over Taiju and Senku…
Having read the manga before, I just realised Tsukasa is mighty suspicious when he says Senku could be able to rebuild civilisation from scratch. That was harder to recognise in manga format though, I think.
I also didn’t realise, but the shell tale is talking about Tsukasa! Hmm…interesting.
Dr Stone’s ED…never in my life did I think it was going to be a rap song. Unless, of course, it’s a science rap…(There’s hydrogen and helium and lithium, berrylium…uh, I don’t remember the words after that…)
Oh, that next-ep font takes me back…it reminds me of the 90s, where terrible WordArt font like that was everywhere and I had to get by on Lucida Calligraphy.
Fruits Basket 14
Oh, crab meat…these CGI cars look absolutely terrible…
Pay attention to the relationship between Kyo and Kyoko…you people who don’t know about manga!Furuba are in for a real revelation on that front.
Wow, the effects on the flowers are really pretty for the ED…
Cop Craft 2
That OP is just so good…*swoon*
Well…they spelt “Unknown” wrong…on Kei’s phone.
Hmm…I think the insert song was in English.
Astra 3
Oh…something didn’t make sense. It turns out the word the subber is using is “attitude” when it should actually be altitude…
Given 2
Ooh, Haruki does coffee in the OP! I didn’t notice that, since I had to skip it…there’s some kinda suckish buffering on CR, which is why I have to skip as much as I can.
Welp, I’m a pianist. I’m as clueless as any other non-guitar player when it comes to guitars, so I don’t mind the lesson but also don’t need it.
Given this is a BL/yaoi (no pun intended), I think Akihiko and Haruki should pair up…but maybe I’m just going nuts with the shipper glasses here.
“You’re going to have to do something about that soon.”
Aye…I relate, Mafuyu. When you’re younger, you can beg your parents for money, but equipment, books etc. really costs some hard cash. I remember having to go to Hong Kong to find a pearl pink metronome on the cheap…the poor thing isn’t getting much use now. (But still, I think the more I watch and see Haruki in action, the more I like him. Not necessarily as a husbando, but more in the sense of that one cool dude you gravitate towards.)
It randomly cut to Salon Harusame…don’t tell me this is how Haruki gets his money???
I think the comment that said “lolol” actually had 超 in front of it, so that would be “super lololol” or, in my personal way of saying it, “major lololol”.
Oh, so that’s what was in the OP!
I swear Uesama (LOL) should just get a job as a guitar tutor to little kids…well, that would work if he were in college/uni, maybe.
Hey, a girl! Didn’t expect one in a BL work…(LOL, my standards are so low for BL/yaoi, eh?)
Hmm…I get the feeling amateurs get their hands on acoustic models instead. I know a guitar player, y’know (although again, that doesn’t mean I know the first thing about playing a guitar).
I love how the show turned green all of a sudden. The colours match the mood, basically.
Demon Slayer 16  
This episode’s titlecard only has a wave pattern…I probably know what the pattern is called, but I’ve…probably forgotten that name.
Hey, a Demon Slayer girl! (My standards seem to have been lowered in regards to seeing gals in leading or even supporting roles…It’s more acceptable for Demon Slayer, given its historical setting, but still, how sad it is to not see many girls…)
(TW: abuse) Why…for some reason, this feels like an abusive household, specifically where the father does evil things to the mother…but this time, the son’s part of the problem.
I find it funny Zenitsu just calls Inosuke “Wild Boar”. To be fair though, I don’t think Inosuke introduced himself to Zenitsu, way back when they were meant to.
This scene where Zenitsu is crying and has his back turned to the “camera”…they clearly used a CGI model for him.
It’s a BODY! Holy s(BLEEP)!
“Chu-Chu chuuuuun!” Oh my glob, Ukogi is so adorable~!
Hey…where was Ukogi hiding before he chose to come out again?
Another CGI model when Zenitsu walks away from the camera. It’s so dark, nobody can see Ukogi…I don’t think he has a CGI model and that’s good.
I had a weird thought, but…I think Tanjiro would be a good breakdancer, if he were living in 2019.
Inosuke, you did it! But I wonder if those stats are correct and Inosuke’s going to call his name properly at climactic moments…?
Cop Craft 3
Brother Kenny…you’re just lewd.
“…O or V or A.” – Aside from OVAs, hmm…O would be (CENSORED), V I don’t know about and A…I don’t know either, but I guess it’s (CENSORED).
Kei Manoba (sic).
Doreany seems to be humanity…Did they already introduce that? I forget.
This show looks pretty bad, but the story makes the stay worth it.
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