#// its been a while since I've written some Aihren lore but this has been rattling around in my head for a while and just now got out
cybernexus · 2 years
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In Aihren's universe, there are a few "rules" for magic.
One rule is magical energy, the fuel for a spell, has to come from somewhere. Normally, you get your magic pool from your own soul, which you strengthen through practice. It makes you tired when you use it, similar to physical activity. Aihren's magical source comes primarily from entropy, and they can also use their own soul as a backup source of magic; or for everyday mundane things like changing their appearance. When Aihren reincarnated, they gained the ability to absorb entropy and use it as a power source. Their soul is also now “anchored” to them, and as such they will continue to regenerate and not move on to the afterlife. They are in a manner of speaking, a powerful human who has made themselves into a 4-dimensional magical construct fueled by entropy.
A second rule is that In Aihren's universe, necromancy comes with a price - a life for a life, and you can never bring them back the way they were before. Aihren can break this rule, but only for themself. They can regenerate as many times as they want - until they get tired, that is. Then their essence will stick around waiting to reform and you can trap it. But I digress - with the rule breaking, there's a second part - Aihren can also bring back the dead, but only as shambling skeletal remains with no will of their own. And Aihren can use the lives they've lost in the past through regeneration to do it. However, doing so disgusts them because it doesn't feel 'right' to bring someone back from the dead to do their bidding. As such, they have seldom used this ability.
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