#// i still say that nobody is gonna wanna see this but anyway.. ya'll have it now
cyborgpuppyofficial · 24 days
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Hey! Before I begin this thread, I just wanna say, DON'T HARRASS ANYBODY. If you find the original post about what this is, then don't harass them or send them threats. They just have a bad take, that's all. Don't look for them, don't engage, just ignore their ass.
Trigger warning for Transphobia, and general dumbass takes ahead. This is gonna be a long one, so strap in! ^w^
So there's this assinine thread that is spreading around in the Sonic Headcannons tag, and I'm here to ratio it, and debunk it. Because it's been REALLY on my nerves, and I wanna talk about it in a longer format. Again, don't look for this person. And if you find them, don't harass them. That's not cool, and I blurred their name for a reason. Anyways, let's begin! In this first screencap I took, they talk about Sonic not being Trans because it doesn't fit with his character
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Now me personally, I don't see Sonic as Trans. But I do see him as Demisexual and Demiromantic as two parts of my headcannon for him. So I'm gonna tell you that it's NOT THAT DEEP. Sonic can still be Trans or Cis, and still have the same personality. It's almost like Trans people are human beings, who have personalities outside of being Transgender! Who would've thought! What a crazy concept!😱 Which by the way, his personality changes in many interactions, look at Sonic Prime, or Sonic Boom for example. In Sonic Prime he acts way more goofy, and in Sonic Boom he's more of a sassy dork. But they still like the same things as far as we're aware. Do you know what would change about them and their personalities if they were Trans? If you said absolutely nothing, congratulations, you're not a braindead idiot! >w< Sonic can still run fast, be cocky, eat hot chili dogs and lie, as well as being Transgender! Because being Trans changes nothing about a person, especially not a FICTIONAL CARTOON HEDGEHOG.😱😱
Also Sonic is a fictional character, he's not even from nature itself, and it's fine if he were to change his gender. Which by the way, MOST TRANS HEADCANNONS MAKE HIM FTM, WHICH CHANGES NOTHING ABOUT HIS PYSICAL APPERENCE OTHER THAN TOP SURGERY SCARS. Side note about this first part, whoever actually uses "Woke Propaganda" in a non ironic way, I'm not gonna take you seriously. >:3
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This next part of this weird take talks about how Trans Sonic is not representation, and that I can call them a transphobe all I want. So I will! Okay Transphobe, and I will fight you.🥰
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Sometimes people like to just put headcannon things onto characters they kin, or they genuinely have reasons for thinking Sonic is Trans. Either way, Sonic and someone's headcannon of Sonic aren't the same! Someone drawing cute little top surgery scars on Sonic isn't going to change the Sonic Brand. It's not cannon, and Sonic being Trans is a headcannon for a reason. It's just a silly thing that lots of people agree with, and it literally harms nobody that some people draw Sonic as Transgender. People can still love Sonic the character, and still draw him as Trans.
They aren't doing a disservice to the franchise by making him Trans, people are just having fun. You should try that sometime! It's better than spewing hateful opinions, and unironically using the word "Wokies" to refer to anybody who DARES to draw Sonic with two little lines on his chest. By the way, bellow is what they're SO PRESSED ABOUT!😱 Isn't that just the scariest thing you've ever seen!? Just two little lines on a character's chest area! Woah! I'm never gonna be able to sleep again!/silly Grow up.
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(I don't know who the original artist is, if ya'll know, please tell me!)
Last screenshot I promise, but I'm not sharing their image they included with their lovely post.
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Uhh, Trans teenagers exist in real life. Sure a lot of them don't get surgery, but that's the beauty of FICTION. Also why do you care so much that if he is a Teenager and Transgender? That seems a little gross to me. Trans people are able to make their own decisions, and can choose to, or to not get surgery. I'm not Trans myself, and I think that people should wait until they're older to get surgery. But I'm not going to throw up in disgust because someone made a choice for themselves. And it's really weird that you're pressed over a fictional teenager with top surgery scars being drawn on them.😒
People can draw their favorite characters as Trans to kin them, or just because they feel like it. In either scenario, it's a drawing. A fictional drawing that was made for fun. And what exactly are you "helping" by saying this take? Just exposing yourself for being scared of little lines on Sonic's chest? What changes about the video, or drawing, or media you consume because Sonic is drawn with, or without top surgery scars? Again, ABSOLOUTELY NOTHING!🥰🥰 Unless you're reading or watching a comic about Sonic's journey with being Transgender, which is a fanmade thing. Then nothing about certain videos or fan content changes in the slightest. And I think it's so strange that you're hurt enough by Trans Sonic, that you had to say it was the worst headcannon BY FAR. What about those headcannons that Sonic is in love with Tails, or where he's a stalker, or a creep? I guess those aren't nearly as bad as a Trans person existing according to this lovely individual. And I guess a Trans person is the worst thing he can be. (GROSS TAKE)
Fuck off, get a hobby, cope, L+Ratio.😒 Also Trans rights are human rights, and all my Trans fans are valid! And they're allowed to headcannon whatever character as Transgender, since they aren't hurting anybody by doing it! ^w^
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Thanks for reading all of this if you did. Again don't look for this person, and don't harass them! I just had to get this off my chest as someone who's been harassed for my own Sonic LGBTQ+ headcannons before. Continue doing your headcannons, as long as you aren't being mean about them. And I hope you... enjoyed this post I guess? XD I hope I did well debunking this weirdo. I'll be sharing my own headcannons, as well as their headcannon designs over here hopefully sometime soon.
Trans rights are human rights! And have a wonderful day everyone, peace out! ^w^
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Boo! Ahhh so scary!/silly
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pooplyface1423 · 8 months
Tsudere /sub Jax that pretends to hate the reader but does things to secretly be with them x a fem happy but smart Uzadere that loves being in the circus.She loves adventures,animals,cute things,fighting,food ect! lots of energy too but can be pretty insensitive and a little selfish with a little crush on jax. I feel like at first jax would completely reject liking her then he would be extra mean,then Maybe subconsciously know he likes her amd hates the feeling lol. cus he copes by trying to not have feelings and tries to act "tough". its pretty obvious that the reader is in love with him but his dumb ass cant catch on . She gives lots of compliments which makes him flustered and mad ( he is mad bc he thinks nobody likes him that much, he is mean to her to make her go away but it doesn't work ) but he pretends not to care. the reader would definitely confesses first tho. Sorry for such a long request its just that not many people write jax in this sorta way so i had to be detailed lol. also if you don't wanna use female pronouns you can make it non gender ofc 😅tysm for even reading such a long thing! and you don't have to do this at all lr you can switch it up. Anything is VERY appreciated tho😊
DUDE this question was long but its a very good one so lemme write it.:]
Warning: Kissing (just like one but still) CRINGEEE and that it.
also Y/N is female just so ya'll know but not a lot is said about her gender here so could be non binary.
Lil backstory : When You first got here it was around 7 months before pomni gets into the circus. your reactions to seeing all the supposed people was terrifying u were laughing your brains of since u thought it was all just a big prank but once u realized it was real u were just stunned. I mean u were still amazed like wow i'm in a virtual reality type of reaction. And about what u look like idk that up to yourself but lets say Ur like a type of animal could be a cat or something else. U were always ecstatic to be in the circus and everybody even Caine were surprised. Like it not everyday in this virtual reality u see a person who is more than happy to be there. (also i'm not really gonna add Kaufmo since their is little to no info bout him)
Okay now to the good stuff
So really your weren't stupid to not notice how Jax would occasionally "look ur way to see something else" nor to notice how differently he treated u compared to the others. Either he would go out of his way to be nice or mean to you.
You were chatting bout random nonsense with zooble when she said
"Hey Y/n do you see how much of a dumb### Jax's looks like just looking at you"Looking at you then at Jax then at you.
"no lemme check"You turned around to see jax looking away from you to above you? yea he was doing the "look ur way to see something else" crap again.
"ugh it starting to annoy me" Says Zooble wanting to stand up and start to beat the crap out of Jax but thankfully u stopped her then said
"hey its okay he may be weird and all but we got to be used to this anyway where stuck here"
"but he does like you Y/n we can all see it in his eyes" Says Ragatha entering the conversation
"yea ragatha is right how bout we make a plan to you know um- make him confess he like you" says zooble looking at you waiting for an answer.
Then u spoke up
"Sure i guess but knowing him he would never confess"
"Ugh lets head to my room to discuss the plan" says ragatha getting up
You three walk all he way to the room corridors and enter Ragatha's Room and discus how you would get Jax to confess his feelings to you.
"Okay so how should we do this" says Ragatha with some confusion in her face
"Well we know that Jax is a very Um- how should I say this es stupid and lets just say hes like a little puppy who follows you around" Says zooble before you with shook face say
"WAIT what is that supposed to mean I never see him trailing behind me"
"He does he always trails behind you buts ur either dumb or blind since u never see him literary behind u. ALL THE TIME" Says Zooble
"Well um- we should get started with the plan and stop taking bout how Jax is a little twerp" Says Ragatha with a bit of an annoyed face splatted in her face
"Okay okay well first of all since we know Jax is like a little dog with nothing else to do than follow Y/n we should..........."Says Zooble spilling out what the plan would be about.
Well basically the plan is make Jax follow u around Y/n complements Jax every time he does something for her even the smallest of things like letting u have the first of anything picking up flowers for u,him pranking u and much more.
Everything was going according to the plan Jax being Jax follows you around and sneaks up on you with a centepied (which ur scared of) and lands it right besides u trying to get a scared yelp from u but instead u just threw it away and said
"Jax u little bad bunny don't do that again" while pinching his cheek just slightly
"~wait you aren't mad?" Says Jax while becoming a blushing mess
"no of course not bunny boy come on lets go outside"
you two go outside and jax keeps trying to make your way there horrible by trying to trip ur feet over and over again but failing miserably.
Once you both are by the lake you start to look around and see Zooble and Ragatha watching impatiently.
"So what are we doing here again?" says Jax
"nothing much just .. Taking in some fresh air i guess"
"Y/n there is no fresh air here u know that right?" says Jax with a serious face
"Oh um i meant like ..... space apart of everyone"
"ok i guess then what should we do?" says Jax with a sly smile appearing in his face
"how about we go on the tea cups?"
"whatever you want toots" says Jax
Both spend 2 hours trying all the rides over and over, Jax never saying crap
As the day ends in the digital realm first comes the digital dinner the classic chicken and veggies.
After that, Caine suggested that you all play a quick game, and with no other option, everybody agrees.
"yay i guess" says zooble clearly annoyed they have to do this activity even tho it is fun she wants her alone
After the game which took around 30 min like damn these dudes have great hiding spots ,Caine gave everybody the green light to finally have there alone time/sleep
"UGH finally" Zooble before walking up to you
"Hey Y/n did Jax say anything to you?" Says Zooble quickly before she forgets about it
"No ... what should we do?"
"Hey idk bout you but i would of totally just make the first move at this point"Says Ragatha walking up to you both of you
"Well she has a point" "bout what?" "bout how you should def make the first move now since his dumb##s won't do S#it"
"okay I'll try but do i have to do it in front of u all or do i wait for everybody to leave?"
"Um okay new plan......." Says zooble making the new plan
Basically make gangle distract Jax long enough for everybody to leave to there rooms then gangle runs away, Then y/n will sneak up on Jax and spill the beans herself.
Everything went accordingly as planed gangle ran away just as she noticed everybody gone. Then Jax shrugs it of and slowly walks up to his room until...
"Hey Jax" "what do you want?" "not much just wanna talk to you...bout something"
"bout what dollfac-"
He says before being interrupted by a kiss
"does that answer ur question?"
"UM what was that?"... bb-but i guess it does"
"that's great! its official were dating"
"Wait WHAT!?" says Jax surprised as hell
"Goodnight Jax!" Says y/n as she gives one last kiss on his cheek
Hello finally finished hope u enjoyed.:]
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snarkwrites · 4 years
trouble | greg sanders | csi:vegas
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So... this is a rework of an old fic that I had written personally for myself years ago... I kind of condensed it a lot so that it can be squeezed into a one shot. Any missing backstory will be explained sooner or later, I promise... But if you’re absolutely curious, you can ask questions I don’t mind at all!!! 
 You’re probably going to see a little more of Greg Sanders and this particular OFC of mine sooner or later, so this is kind of... A brief run through of how they met? Kind of similar to how I did Timothy and the OFC in question there (who I have yet to actually name, yiiikes).
If OFC characters being the siblings of established ones bothers you, you are... Not going to like this. Because OFC happens to be none other than Arabella Sidle, the younger sister of Sara Sidle. Because why the fuck not, apparently, lmaooo.
Is it weird that I wanted to write out them meeting BEFORE I dove into writing any filth for Greggo? Because yeah, that’s why I’m sharing this. It’s probably not the best, I own all the mistakes / etc. It’s also not canon timeline compliant at all, either. This literally could’ve taken place at any time after Gil and Sara became a thing established on the series...
Prompts, etc:
None, really. Just a flirty and intense little first meeting one shot that I wanted to get out of the way BEFORE I dove into any future things I may or may not be planning on writing filth or fluff wise with these two...
Heavy sexual tension. An original character directly related to an established one... Pretty much it.
[ faq | tag list doc thing | soundtrack ]
                                           T R O U B L E The sounds of the new Corey Taylor song drifted out of the lab, filtering into the hallway, catching Greg’s attention. He scanned himself in and made his way down the short hallway, stopping to drag a finger through spiky hair. The music was getting closer.
His brow raised. The music was coming from his area. His space. “At least it’s not  bullshit.” Greg mumbled to himself as he came to a stop at the door, leaning in it as he eyed the brunette.. Sitting in his chair, her legs reclined on his desk in the midst of a heated discussion with someone on her cell phone from the sound of it.
Greg reached out, lowering the volume of the radio just inside the door and cleared his throat loudly. The brunette spun around, popping a bubblegum bubble as she twisted dark strands around her fingertips and let her eyes roam over him slowly. She hung up abruptly on whoever she’d been arguing with and swallowed hard, big brown eyes locking on him almost thoughtfully.
“Is there something you need?” Greg chuckled in amusement as he dragged a hand over his scalp and stared her down intently.
Teeth tugged at a deep red lower lip and she shrugged. “I thought this was my sister’s lab?”
“Your sister?” Greg gave the brunette a raised brow, confused for a few seconds. Her next statement cleared it up and reminded him of what he was supposed to be doing.
“Yeah, Sara Sidle? She told me I could come by and pick up the spare key from a guy named Greg? I’m staying at her place while she and Gil are out of town.. Are you Greg?.” the brunette suck popped another gum bubble and Greg remembered the conversation he’d just had with Sara out in the parking garage as the rest of the team were heading out to a scene. He smiled to himself a little, because he got the distinct feeling that Sara was definitely up to something.
,, oh, she wasn’t lying when she told me I’d like her. Not even a little.” Greg mused to himself as he dug around in the pocket of his jeans and finally found the set of keys that Sara had placed into his hands before leaving.
He held them out to her and she stood, slinking over to him slowly. Reaching out to take the keys. They both jumped when both parties felt a little jolt of electricity. If Greg thought he was staring, it dawned on him slowly that she seemed to be doing the same.
As her hand closed around his and she took the key, she rose to tiptoe, fluffing at spiky brown hair and giving him this sort of teasing smirk.
Similar to Sara’s and yet, oh-so different. Sara’s was more of an amused smirk. Her sister’s smirk was no doubt about it, playful and flirtatious.
“Sorry I hijacked your radio. I,uh.. I’m not fond of too much quiet.” she apologized and Greg chuckled, shrugging it off. They both finally seemed to remember to withdraw their hands and pull them back into their own personal space bubbles, but neither of them seemed to be in a rush to step away from the other. Greg’s mind was moving a million miles a minute but his mouth absolutely refused to work.
“My name is Arabella. Sara usually calls me Belle though. Like the Disney princess?” she seemed amused by the nickname. Greg nodded, repeating her name so he’d remember it later.
,, don’t make it weird, man.. Stop staring so hard.” his brain taunted him, but he shoved that thought out in favor of taking one last long look at her. She was doing the same to him again, staying quiet. An amused grin spreading slowly across deep red lips.
Finally, she stepped away and started to walk towards the door of the lab slowly, pausing as she reached out for it, turning back to bite her lip, staring at him intently.
“I think I see exactly why my sister said I’d like you, Greg.” she offered the words up with no hesitation or context behind them and as soon as she’d said them, she was gone. Slinking down the hall, stopping at the door of Gil Grissom to lean in, let him know that she’d picked up Sara’s key. Then she was walking out of the lab. Greg found himself lingering in the doorway of his workspace, watching until the doors coming into the Forensics lab were shut and she was gone from his view.
And he leaned against the wall, taking a few long and ragged breaths, biting his lip.
They’d barely had a conversation and he was so hard he could break right now.
And then it hit him. Sara and Gil lived right across the complex from him. So yeah, it stood to reason, he would be seeing Belle again.
And just the thought had him shuffling his feet, dragging his fingers through his hair. Gil’s throat cleared from behind him.
“She’s staying at our place until we return from sabbatical. She’s been having a rough time lately. She’s a lovely girl.” flashing Greg just the tiniest hint of a teasing smirk as he spoke.
Greg could only nod.
Oh, he got the distinct feeling that she was so much more than just a lovely girl… She was a little handful if she chose to be.
And maybe he found himself hoping that he hadn’t seen the last of her. Even though he’d die a thousand slow deaths before admitting it...
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dream-of-kpop · 6 years
The SVT & NCT McDonald's Crossover Pt.1 [Insanity...] *ft. Stray Kids btw*
Anonymous: "I LOVE THE WORKING AT MCDONALDS SERIES SO MUCH!! Can I request that the NCT and SVT McDonalds meet up at like an annual picnic and all hell breaks lose and Stray Kids (who eat like McDonalds fries or something) commentate the whole thing. Thank you!!!"
*btw I'm new at doing shit tumblr wise so idk how to put the requests sooo*
-Oh god this is gonna be lOnG aF* *pause*
*Nct arrives at their McDonald's store first*
*Jisung is still tired af poor boi*
*Taeyong holds him in his arms so he can sleep*
Lucas fell asleep on the table
Johnny: "Can you be professional for once and not sleep on the table???"
Lucas: "But I'm tired..."
Mark: "That's a lie he spent all night watching family guy"
Lucas: "It was an old ep leave me alone"
Yuta: "Why are we here-"
Johnny: "Idk SM told us to come here-"
*Svt walks in*
Joshua: "Ayyyeee wassup fellow Exo-Ls"
*Even tho Dino quit he's still there for them for support*
*Ok they forced him to go or else-*
Jeonghan: "Fucking Pledis making us wake up at 5am wtf..."
Johnny: "Language please no cursing in the store"
Jeonghan: "..."
Hoshi: "I curse all the time tho-"
Johnny: "liKe i saiD nO cUrsiNg"
Wonwoo: "Hannie how are you tired you never did anything to begin with-"
Jeonghan: "I was busy-"
*Joshua coughs*
Joshua: "yeah with S.coups-"
Jeonghan: "What did you say??"
Joshua: "Nothing-"
Haechan: "He told you, you pretty much slept your way to the top-"
*Shua is embarrassed*
Jeonghan: "No worries i got you later"
[20 minutes pass]
Jun: "Ok I'm leaving i have a commercial to shoot later on"
Mingyu: "Stop lying nobody has hired your ass since that Panda Express commercial"
*Just then SM and Pledis walk in*
SM: "Ya'll are probably wondering why you guys are here..."
Kun: "Yes we woke up at 5am just for fun"
Taeyong: "Cool it with the sass B"
Pledis: "We have a mission for you all-"
Pledis: "But this mission is to end all missions-"
*Vernon is already confused*
Pledis: "Like whose the better cook- no one is getting fired-"
Haechan: "Good cuz I'm not losing my income"
Chenle: "Ye i love living my rich lifestyle-"
Mingyu: "This is gonna be easy everyone knows I'm the best cook"
Minghao: "Interesting..."
*Mingyu is confused*
SM: "But we won't be the ones judging"
Seungkwan: "Then who tf is judging-"
Pledis: "..."
Pledis: "Another group by the name of Stray Kids will-"
S.coups: "Shit more kids to take care of-"
SM: "They're like around your age calm down-"
*Stray Kids walk in*
*Nct, Svt, and even stray kids themselves looks at Chan confused*
*Besides Felix of course*
Chan: "Um anyways hi guys"
*Taeyong sees Jeongin*
Taeyong: "I have another kid i wanna adopt now-"
Hyunjin: "He'S mY sOn baCk oFf"
SM: "Anyways guys their names are Changbin, Felix, Chan, Seungmin, Woojin, Minho, Hyunjin, Jeongin, and Jisung *18+ 13+ 9= 40...40 fucking people omg*
*Jeno being the cute bean he is*
Pledis: "Ok let's break into teams-"
*Pledis sighs*
Pledis: "Nct you're already a team-"
Joshua: "Damn I wanted to be on their team..."
Woozi: "YOU TRADER-"
Joshua: "i wAs jUst PlayiNg"
SM: "Ok anyways let's get you all into the kitchen...then the competition will...BEGIN"
Vernon: "Damn no need to yell in my ear..."
SM: "..."
Admin 2-
-if you read all of this, you my friend are a real one (▪.▪)
-lEt's gEt iT B
*Okie last post for today i spammed you guys*
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