#// i just wish i found out i had it before i turned 20 smh
Haikyu Headcanons
Featuring: Iwaizumi Hajime and Oikawa Tooru
Warnings: N/A
A/N: Hey besties! Been a bit since the last post but school is almost done so be prepared for more headcanons soon!
you are the same year in high school and manage the aoba johsai volleyball club
you are great friends with the group of four (oikawa, iwa, matsun and makki) and spend a lot of time with them
like a lot: lunches, practices, walking to and from school together, classes, etc.
Iwa and yourself are in the same class and often spend breaks in between practice sets going over homework
you start to catch some feelings after two years, and the other three can see that both of you are dancing around it
you never catch the way his face heats up, or how he starts to rub the back of his neck nervously when you get a little too close
one day makki and matsun confront you about it in a private group chat, and you tell them all about it
they won't ever let you live down how you started to talk about how cute he is when he's angry
they start to hype you up knowing full well that Iwa feels the same
at the same time oikawa teases iwa, even going as far as saying that he might just have to snatch you up if he takes too long
that went over great
anyways, you finally build up enough courage to write Iwa a love letter
you made sure everything was pristine: making sure it wouldn't crease in your backpack and folding the papers just right
right before practice was about to start for the day, makki and matsun give you a little push and a thumbs up as you make your way over to Iwa
he's by himself in the storage room, getting the ball carts ready and you step in
with two hands, you extend the letter in his direction
there's nothing written on the front of it, and you can see Iwa deflate
it makes you panic big time
he takes it with one hand and mutters out "i'll give it to Oikawa later"
before it fully sets in what he said, he pushes past you onto the court
"wait!" you quickly grab his shoulder and now all eyes are on you two
he stops his movements and looks confused
"it's for you, idiot"
you look a little hurt, but it goes away quickly once you see his entire face turn beet red
makki and matsun start to laugh their asses off while oikawa just says "i told you guys" not knowing they pushed you to do it
iwa ended up reading the letter right after practice, and you walked home hand in hand :)
(this is so long smh)
You guys were friends in hs, being the volleyball manager, and were a part of the third year group of friends
Iwa, Oikawa and yourself all decided to attend the same college but you all lived in different apartments
you all owned a key to each others places tho
ANYWAYS, Tooru didn’t know how to feel about anything (i.e. his feelings for you) and decided to be a total fuckboy his first year and had a FWB
He ended up ditching on a lot of your guys’ hang outs, and both Hajme and yourself got upset
Sometime during your first year you let it slip to Iwa that you had a big fat crush on Oikawa, but he promised he wouldn’t intervene
You rarely saw Tooru at this point, and you would cry in Hajime’s arms on some nights
Second year rolls around and Iwa knows you’re getting tired of waiting, and he can see you switch from sad to frustrated and angry
Oikawa’s still kind of fucking around until Hajme demands to talk to him
Scared out of his mind, they meet up and Iwa warns him that he’s going to start losing people in his life if he doesn’t fix his attitude and figure things out
In the moment, tooru doesn’t react, but when he gets home he thinks about it more
He calls off the FWB thing and tells himself he’s going to be a better friend and figure out how to properly confess to you
It’s been a couple weeks since than and the three of you decide to hang out
Iwa tells you that he thinks tooru is really changing for the better, and it really gets your hopes up. That things will be normal again
Welp…. Tooru cancels 20 minutes after he was supposed to meet up with the two of you at Iwa’s place and you feel an unbridled rage crawl out from your stomach
It comes out in tears and screaming as Iwa holds you tight, wanting to rip Oikawa a new one
Suddenly you whip out your phone and proceed in writing a text to Oikawa
It reads: “I’m so fucking tired Tooru. I’m done with these games and I’m done with you.”
Or something along those lines.
Iwa sees what you’re doing and tries to get you to think before you hit send, but it’s too late and you grab your belongings and leave the apartment
Iwa is stunned - you’ve never really been one to act on emotions or lash out and it takes him a few minutes to realize what’s happening
The only thing that breaks him from his trance is his phone buzzing with a call from Oikawa
On the line, his voice is shaky and he’s panicking about the text, asking where you are and what’s going on.
Iwa’s pissed and tells him how bad he fucked up, possibly for the last time, as he describes the events to his best friend
He also says that he doesn’t know where you are, and you won’t respond to his texts
Without a moment of hesitation, Tooru grabs his car keys and goes to check all of your usual spots: Your apartment, the school library, your favorite coffee shop, the gymnasium, the bench in the middle of campus that you’ve dubbed “your bench”
But you’re not there
You’re not at any of those spots and Oikawa keeps checking in with Hajme, who is continuously calling you and guarding your apartment just in case
Not for an hour or two
Until, oikawa’s just driving around when he sees you walking down a street.
You don’t have any earbuds in and it's obvious you’ve been out in the cold, crying for a while
“Y/N!” he shouts from the car, slowing it to match your pace, but you ignore him, wishing he would just drive away
He begs you to get into the car
You ignore him
This goes on for a few minutes before he throws his car into park, in the middle of the street and you give in as he’s taking off his seat belt
Silently, you hop into the car, placing the buckle around your waist and stare out of the window
He wants to say something so bad be he knows it’s not the time and he starts to drive you home
Hajime sits on the staircase, looking up when he hears a car door shut. You walk to the front door, avoiding both of their gazes as you place the key into the lock
“Hey…” Iwa places a hand on your shoulder, but you yank it away and shoot him a glare. The door slams in his face right as Tooru walks up next to him, silent tears stream down his face.
Iwa lets Tooru drive him home, and they sit together in his living room all night talking about what happened. Hajime doesn’t chew him out about it, because he can tell Oikawa is sorry from the violent tears that rip through him the second he’s in a safe space.
“How do I fix this?”
“I don’t know…”
A few days pass, and neither has heard from you
Concern bubbles in the pits of their stomachs, but Iwa decides he should go check first
With a small knock, he announces that he’s coming in and unlocks your front door.
The apartment is a mess, trash everywhere, dishes piled in and next to the sink and you: sitting under a pile of blankets, eyes red and swollen.
His heart sinks and you cry harder once you see his frown deepen.
You both hug for some time, Iwa staying silent until you’re ready to talk.
That never happens, but he helps clean your apartment and orders some healthy food for the two of you.
He knows that you’ve turned off your phone and you only leave the house for school and work since you haven’t responded to anyone
Over the next week and a half, he comes by every few days to check in, clean, and drop off some groceries
You look a little worse every time he does
And he tells Oikawa, who’s drowning in guilt
Maybe if he had just confessed at high school graduation like he said he would, this wouldn’t have happened…..
The updates from Iwa made him happy that you were still alive, but tore him apart because of what he did to you
Two weeks after that night, he decided that he’d had enough, and heads over to your house
He knocks and enters without saying anything, and the same sight that greeted Hajme greets him
It’s just messier and your eyes had sunken in, with dark bags hanging underneath them
You were lying on the couch, covered in blankets and crying, which causes him to start crying
You turn to face who entered (you assumed it was Iwa) but a scowl makes its way onto your face once you realize who it is
Tooru sobs harder, slowly making his way to the couch and sitting on the opposite end, not daring to touch you.
Your voice is gruff and scratchy, asking him what he wants and he just cries even harder
A few minutes pass as he calms down, then he explains everything
How he’s been in love with you since high school, how he planned to confess but chickened out, how he didn’t know what to do about his emotions and instead ran away, how he found comfort in other people, how he thought the best thing for you would be to leave him
He rambles on for a long time, but his thoughts only cause confusion for you
“I can’t trust you until you prove it to me, Oikawa”
“I know, but I’ll make it up to you. I promise”
“Don’t make promises - prove it.”
The night ends with silent agreements and affirmations that things will be better.
He leaves for the night, kissing the back of your hand before leaving
For the first time in weeks you checked your phone and caught up with everything, and Hajime was happy that you were back
When you returned from school, your apartment was cleaned and there was food in the fridge. A single rose sat on the countertop with a little note: “I’ve always loved your smile”
The next day, you return from a shift at work, and another rose had been added to the vase, a different note sat on the counter: “You always know exactly what to say”
This continues on for weeks
Roses being added to the vase, and a note written on them.
Hang outs had resumed between the three of you, albeit a little awkward, but it was nice to see everyone back together.
You confront Tooru after 3 weeks of nonstop roses and tell him that you’re ready to move forward with him.
The smile he gave you that day is unforgettable, and he tells you to take the next saturday off
He spends the whole day with you
He sneaks into your apartment early and makes you breakfast in bed
You spend the morning talking and watching tv
Then he takes you out for shopping and lunch, with a little walk in the park since it’s so nice outside
Later that evening you return back to your apartment, and a pillow fort, decorated with fairy lights and blankets sat facing the television
(thank you Iwa-chan!)
You spend the rest of the night snacking and talking while one of Tooru’s awful alien documentaries plays in the background.
He kisses you when you’re cuddling up next to each other, and you pull him in for so many more after that
The two of you fall asleep in the fort in one another's arms
How's that for a first date?
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ripleyfm · 4 years
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              ・゚☀   good   morning   to   everyone   except   those   who   hate   on   legend   of   korra   !   skskskks   i’m   teddy   ,   i’m   a   lil   ole   baby   swinging   back   into   the   rpc   heart   emojis   a   -   blazing   !   this   is   my   lil   sunflower   chaos   seeker   known   as   ripley   ,   a   newer   muse   for   me   but   i’m   really   excited   to   flesh   her   out   here   with   some   extra   spooky   elements   .   i   have   a   god   awful   sense   of   humor   and   too   much   enthusiasm   for   angst   so   tbh   ?   come   get   y’all   PLOTTIN   JUICE   to   distract   me   from   thirsting   over   avatar   kyoshi   !  disc / ord is @𝐤𝐲𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐫 !#6439 since i’ll be mobile for the afternoon !
* [ bruna marquezine + cis female + she / her ] —— have you met tallulah ripley ? they are a twenty-two year old senior currently studying biology & music theory. they live on decker house, and word around campus is that this leo is vibrant + gregarious, as well as hedonistic + philophobic. i wonder if they’ll make it out alive. trailing sand in on the hardwood with bare feet , running late to meetings ( and asking forgiveness with a mere flash of a grin ) , tucking a greta van fleet album among the family collection of concierto classics .
EDIT : wanted and current connections can be found here ! 
youngest   of   four   ,   born   into   an   old   money   surname   ,   her   mother ,  an  international   student  from  sao  paolo  ,  brazil  ,  and  american   father   meet   as   competing   pianists   at   holloway   ,   falling   in   love   ,   marrying   ,   and   beginning   the   next   generation   of   the   ripley   virtuosos   soon   after   graduation   .   her   childhood   is   privileged   and   uneventful   ,   strict   and   stifling   as   early   as   she   can   remember   ,   tallulah   causing   trouble   enough   as   if   to   make   up   for   her   perfectly   behaved   siblings   .
her   father   becomes   one   of   the   most   prolific   modern   composers   of   his   time   ,   and   splits   his   efforts   between   composition   and   teaching   music   theory   at   julliard   as   his   wife   continues   performances   as   a   famed   pianist   .   though   her   siblings   branch   out   into   other   instruments   ,   tallulah   is   the   only   one   stubborn   enough   to   weather   the   callouses   on   her   fingers   ,   figuring   if   she’s   going   to   be   forced   to   play   an   instrument   of   any   type   ,   it’ll   at   least   be   something   she   likes   .   thus   ,   the   only   stringed   instrument   in   the   ripley   household   becomes   hers   as   she   takes   on   the   cello   by   storm   .
practicing   cello   is   perhaps   the   only   thing   lu   truly   commits   herself   to   —   charming   and   sociable   as   she   may   be   ,   her   selectiveness   with   her   efforts   makes   her   sluggish   with   schoolwork   as   if   to   give   her   family   a   hard   time   .   her   siblings   ,   all   honor   scholars   and   first   chairs   at   their   respective   instruments   ,   pick   on   her   for   her   unmotivated   wild   child   ways   at   the   encouragement   of   her   mother   .   the   only   person   who   takes   the   time   to   sit   with   tallulah   and   keep   her   on   track   is   her   ever   -   tired   (   but   endlessly   generous   )   father   .
her   world   is   turned   upside   down   her   freshman   year   when   her   father’s   occasional   stumble   turns   into   a   more   regular   struggle   to   keep   his   balance   ,   an   ultimate   diagnosis   of   a   degenerative   disease   rattling   their   family   as   they   know   it   .   tallulah   ,   wild   and   only   tamed   by   the   kindness   of   one   man   ,   starts   acting   out   in   an   effort   to   ignore   the   world   around   her   .   the   rift   between   herself   and   her   family   only   multiplies   when   she   discovers   her   mother   having   an   affair   as   her   father’s   health   continues   to   decline   .
he   passes   away   on   a   vacation   he   and   tallulah   take   to   the   ripley   summer   beach   house   ,   something   they   had   done   to   have   some   quiet   time   together   away   from   the   judgement   of   her   siblings   .   having   to   be   the   one   to   break   the   news   to   the   family   ,   she   feels   herself   shut   down   and   lose   whatever   desire   she   had   left   to   live   the   perfect   life   her   mother   and   siblings   tried   to   force   on   her   .
she   starts   going   almost   exclusively   by   her   surname   ,   making   it   into   holloway   more   as   a   favor   to   her   family’s   generous   donations   to   the   music   program   than   on   grades   .   she’s   barely   hanging   on   by   her   involvement   in   the   university’s   symphonic   orchestra   ,   where   she’s   a   first   chair   cellist   that   shows   up   late   to   every   damn   rehearsal   and   somehow   can   cold   sightread   well   enough   to   piss   everyone   off   ksksksk   .
given   this   ,   she’s   only   minoring   in   music   theory   to   stay   in   the   orchestra   ,   and   partially   to   feel   close   to   her   dad   .   though   her   dream   is   to   write   music   scores   for   films   ,   she’s   majoring   in   biology   to   have   a   respectable   backup   plan   .   if   she   can’t   do   music   forever   ,   she’ll   disappear   onto   a   beach   somewhere   in   costa   rica   and   be   a   marine   biologist   and   never   be   heard   from   again   lmao
PERSONALITY   :   ripley   is   happiest   shotgunning   a   white   claw   before   piling   into   the   squad   car   and   calling   aux   immediately   !   loves   her   friends   and   sees   her   circle   as   found   family   that   she   would   do   anything   for   .   
she’s   laid   back   and   observant   ,   one   of   the   quieter   in   the   group   as   she   tries   to   suss   you   out   but   is   the   first   to   approach   a   newbie   and   act   as   if   you’ve   been   friends   for   ages   .   she   makes   an   active   effort   to   not   judge   others   on   the   basis   of   first   impressions   and   tends   to   be   rather   open   minded   when   meeting   others   ,   which   makes   her   a   sort   of   universal   friend   -   to   -   all   ;   given   this   ,  when  wronged  ,  she’s   a   stubborn   little   shit   and   though   she   wont   let   them   live   rent   free   in   that   headspace   ,   she’ll   go   full   send   to   making   sure   they’re   aware   they   don’t   exist   to   her   !  
she   hates   petty   drama   and   tends   to   skirt   most   responsibility   by   sweet   -   talking   her   way   out   of   things   ,   giving   the   impression   that   she   can   be   lazy   or   unmotivated   .   this   is   true   to   some   extent   ,   such   as   with   her   grades   or   her   timeliness   ,   but   those   who   strike   the   right   balance   will   see   a   side   of   ripley   that   is   laser   focused   ,   whether   its   drunken   ramblings   about   the   brilliance   of   the   chord   progressions   on   fleetwood   mac’s   rumors   or   an   astute   observation   about   the   emotion   behind   a   certain   cello   movement   .   though   she   prefers   to   skip   the   hard   thinking   and   just   enjoy   the   moment   ,   ripley’s   admittedly   a   clever   girl   ,   simply   needing   the   right   push   to   unlock   her   truest   potential   .  
she’s   incredibly   relaxed   (   sometimes   a   bit   too   much   for   the   preference   of   some   )   and   tends   to   try   and   avoid   over   -   complicating   issues   in   order   to   not   have   to   face   them   .   especially   considering   the   infidelity   of   her   mother   ,   ripley   is   a   staunch   believer   that   relationships   are   a   waste   of   time   and   is   the   annoying   bitch   who   argues   that   being   in   love   is   a   scam   made   up   by   the   simps   to   feel   valid   !  
acts   as   if   she   isn’t   FULL   of   feelings   and   emotions   24/7   n   listens   to   emo   70’s   power   ballads   when   the   person   she   likes   doesnt   confess   their   love   for   her   under   the   moonlight   like   they   were   supposed   to   in   her   fantasy   …….   smh   .   she’s   too   busy   trying   to   be   ~cool   and   effortless~   that   she   sometimes   sabotages   the   things   that   would   bring   her   the   most   happiness   ,   then   blaming   herself   in   a   vicious   cycle   that   just   leaves   her   trying   to   distract   herself   w   crazy   antics   to   avoid   focusing   on   her   feelings   .
RANDOM BLURBS :    hates   men   n   regrets   all   attraction   to   them   .   thinks   all   women   r   too   good   for   her   .   convinced   she   will   be   a   useless   bisexual   forced   2   be   forever   alone
plays   guitar   as   a   mental   break   from   cello   and   loves   it   .   i’m   still   deciding   a   vc   for   her 
knows   the   beaches   in   maine   are   cold   af   but   wants   to   go   every   weekend   anyways
drives   the   most   impractical   soft   shell   jeep   which   sucks   in   the   east   coast   wind   and   snow   and   yet   it   is   somehow   exactly   an   embodiment   of   Her   Brand tm
like   5′9   tall   and   hates   wearing   real   people   shoes   she   said   berks   or   nOTHIN
wishes   she   could   go   vegan   but   is   so   bad   at   keeping   track   of   her   meals   she’d   forget   instantly   and   down   a   20   pack   of   chicken   nugget
too   mellow   &   apathetic   to   be   a   chaotic   neutral   but   too   adventurous   to   be   a   true   neutral   so   she   lives   somewhere   in   that   lawless   grey   space   skskskks
acts   REAL   california   for   someone   who   grew   up   exclusively   on   the   east   coast   ....   hm   .....   🤔
grew  up  disconnected  from  brazilian  culture  due  to  her  mom's  whitewashing  and  she  resents  it  greatly  .  can  understand  scattered  portuguese  but  took  spanish  in  high  school  so  that's  as  close  to  the  language  as  she'll  get  .  wants  to  take  lessons  online  tho  !
inspos r lila from umbrella academy , wynonna earp , beverly marsh from it , michelle manlon from derry girls , korra from lok , adora from she ra and the pop ,  and that ugly yellow overtone used in outer banks  💖 skskskks 
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wxnnabe · 4 years
may I please request hcs or a little fun scenario with Narancia, Fugo, Mista and maybe an unfortunate drunk Abbacchio who is at the wrong place at the wrong time and their female stand user partner they all have a crush on at some degree playing spin the bottle/ truth or dare/never have I e. on a loose night?Most of them teenager after all, maybe Fugo never played it, Mista and the crush thought it's dumb but why the hell not and Abba is tired, crushing, kinda drunk and getting dragged into it.
I aged everyone up for this which is loosely implied-Narancia’s in school and l/i is the newest member. Thank god its not no simp september rn bc NONE of these boys would be passing smh
More under the cut! 
“Spin the bottle? Isn’t that game for t-twelvies?” Fugo slurred at Narancia’s suggestion as you sat next to the two boys. They had been celebrating after a successful mission, which was why you didn’t shy from a fifth scotch, but if Mista and Narancia planned on trying anything tonight…
“You haven’t played it before, have you?” Narancia teased him with a mischievous smile. He looked to you as if deliberating whether he should hold back his snarky remark or not. Narancia laughed, giving him a playful jab in the side and he took a breath before replying.
“And I doubt you’ve had a better experience,” Narancia’s grin soured, and he was about to retort when you stepped in.
“Then why not make this a good one? C’mon, it can’t hurt! What’s the harm in having some fun?” Narancia piqued up at your suggestion, and Fugo relented with a frustrated sigh. Mista shrugged, and sat down next to you, placing the glass bottle on the middle of the table.
“Then it’s decided! Kisses can be wherever the spinner wishes, but you can’t get out of it! As soon as the game’s begun, anyone on this table is playing.” He gave a pointed look at Abbacchio, who glowered back, pulling his chair slowly and muttering about how stupid it was to be playing such a childish game. You stood up as well, stumbling as you did so.
“Abbacchio, please stay? it’s a s-stupid game, that’s true….but we’re so drunk we’ll forget all about it tomorr-hic! ah, tomorrow,” Narancia chimed in.
“Won’t be a game without five!” Mista, suddenly realizing what Abbacchio leaving might mean, banged his fist on the table, getting everyone’s attention.
“We can’t play as a four! C’mon an sit back down, ‘Bbacchio. We gotta…gotta make this interesting, riight? We’ll be in biig trouble tomorrow if you leave…” Fugo gave Abbacchio a pleading look as Mista continued to ramble with a butter knife in hand. 
“You heard the man, hic-! Abba…cchio,” Abbacchio, seemingly overridden by the majority, let out a dramatic sigh and sat back down and rubbed his temples.
“Goddamnit…I’m only playing for a couple of rounds, got it?” Narancia let out a cheer and Mista a sigh of relief, relaxing in his chair and beckoning you to do the same. You felt giddy and nervous at the same time; you can’t say your thoughts around the boys were wholly professional, lest platonic as they should be.
In your defense, the boys in your team were attractive, there was no doubting that. But they each had a part of them that drew you to them.
Fugo might have a short fuse and a dangerous temper, but it certainly wasn’t all that he was. He was smart, and had a kind streak-he truly cared and respected his teammates, and he had demonstrated it to you time and time again. You always looked forward to the rare occasions he would smile at you from his book, sitting it down to have a conversation with you. Most of the time it was about the book he was reading, or a news happening of some controversy; occasionally he would ask how you were and whether you needed any assistance with any part of the gangster life. If he looked like he needed a break from Mista and Narancia you would step in, much to his relief. He looked like he could use it at times.
Narancia was hard to keep up with, you’ll admit; it took time for him to really trust you and to see you as a friend and less like an associate of his friends’, but soon enough you found yourself being pulled into whatever crazy shenanigans he had planned for after and on his breaks from school. It was fun, really-he just tired you out sometimes. You’d find him relaxing with you, complaining at first at how boring it was to be sitting around napping when you could be out “ living your 20’s to their fullest”-then five minutes later, you’d come back with some cold drinks to find him passed out on the sofa.
Mista was goofy, but he had a confident easy-going charm that was endearing enough to withstand his suspicions on luck. He would flirt with you when you were first introduced into the group, and even though you’d tease him lightly you really were grateful for him sometimes, even if just to ease the tension of your new life. Once you were in combat though, he seemed cool as the steel of his gun; he was untouchable in his element. It freaked you out at first, but you began to find trust in that cool composure of his, and relied on it to calm yourself down and focus when things got out of hand.
And Abbacchio, though a fair bit older than the lot of you, also drew you in. You hardly expected that stubborn man would ever soften his barking tone and cold eyes to you- you realized very quickly after being introduced into the group he had no intentions of making you feel welcome. You were patient with him, though. After hearing his story one night after ten too many drinks, (Abbacchio was still his grumpy self when drunk, maybe more so, but he was also quite chatty about his woes) you were determined to make him see otherwise. You knew he had a heart, somewhere-you could see the subtle way he still cared for his team, even if he did bluff by simply taking the fourth slice of cake at dessert to avoid Mista’s whining. 
Actually, this night you were all a little inebriated- the goth man included. It would certainly make for an interesting night.
“Alright then! Shall I start?” Narancia, ever the eager one, shot you a cheeky grin as he lounged in his seat. Abbacchio cursed and took a long swig of his wine, and Fugo…was he blushing? You’d better save yourself from being stabbed by that butter knife he had twirling in his hands and keep that to yourself. Narancia reached out and spun the bottle, and as it spun your stomach suddenly filled with nervous and excited energy. What if it did land on you? Would any of you actually remember what happened tonight? If nobody else did…did you really want to remember it? The bottle stopped, and everyone’s gaze shot up to Abbacchio who was sitting the closest to the end of the bottle. Narancia groaned, and set you, Fugo and Mista into a fit of laughter. Abbacchio looked ready to murder someone, but Narancia nonetheless got out of his chair, faltering as he made his way to where Abbacchio sat.
“I can kiss you wherever I want, right?” Abbacchio glared daggers at the boy as Fugo snorted back even more laughter.
“Try anything stupid and I swear to god…” Narancia rolls his eyes and kisses Abbacchio, just on the crown of his head, a little more rough than intended. As he staggers back to his seat, and Abbacchio grumbles about how crumpled his hair is, your eyes turn to Fugo.
“Your shot, Fugo!” You giggled as he tsked spun the bottle with measurable force. You could have sworn you saw his eyes light up, for almost a second, until Mista pulled his chair out.
“Alright! C'mere and gimme a kiss, you!” Fugo shrugs and reaches over the table, giving Mista a kiss on his cheek. Mista gives him a dopey little smile, and suddenly it’s Abbacchio’s turn to spin. He looks grumpy (probably dreading the idea of having to kiss one of his team members), but gives it a lazy spin. 
Your heart skips a beat, then, when it lands on you. It was bound to happen eventually, but Abbacchio? The others seemed to have similar reactions of shock.
“Seriously?! What kind of luck am I getting today?” 
“Damnit! I-I mean, why do I gotta be the one to kiss Abbacchio?”
You interrupt them, clearing your throat.
“Hey, c’mon Abba-hic! C’mon over here,” Abbacchio gave you a smoldering look you couldn’t describe in this state-like he would march other to your seat and either throttle you or kiss you. Thankfully, he did the latter, holding your chin with one hand and giving you a hasty, rough kiss-right on your lips. 
Your drunk mind was whirring, and you immediately tasted the wine on his lips, and something savory-perhaps the last meal he ate? Despite your shock, you didn’t hesitate in kissing him back before he ended the kiss, which ended almost as quickly as it started. A still silence fell on the table as Abbacchio made his way back to his seat, leaving you blinking and a little out of breath. Just how eager were you to kiss him back? That shouldn’t be normal, if the one sober-ish part of your brain had anything to say about it. You could still feel his lips on your own; was it time you gave those feelings of yours a raincheck? He flashed you a smug smirk as he tapped Mista on the shoulder.
“Your turn,” Mista was frowning at you-or was it your expression? He seemed off, all of a sudden-almost like when he encountered a multiple of four in the corner of his eye. It concerned you, and if you weren’t so drunk off your face, you’d ask him if everything was alright. You brushed it off for now.
His spin ended on Narancia, and with a groan from Narancia and a chuckle from Mista, he walked over to the boy.
“Where do ya wanna get a kiss, hmm? cheeks, nose, I can even do lips if you’re that eager!” Narancia pouted at Mista’s pointed retort and thought for a moment, and pointed to his nose. Mista nodded, almost solemnly, and gave him a lingering kiss.Narancia pulled back, wiping his nose quickly.
“Shit, you got your spit all over me!” Mista looked slightly upset by this, and he staggered back to his seat next to you and whined how he doubted Narancia was any better. Like that, his turn was through and it was your shot. You took another sip of your drink and reached over to the bottle, giving it a good spin. You were suddenly excited; you didn’t care who you landed on, but you wanted to be bold. Hell, if Abbacchio had the nerve to kiss you (and a part of you willed the bottle to land on him again) on the lips, what was stopping you? If they seemed disinterested, you could give them a quick kiss and be done with it.
As the bottle slowed, it stopped, dead on Fugo. You gave him an easy smile, but the butterflies that had burst into your stomach told you that you were anything but easy about this. As you stood up, you felt a rush of dizziness hit you. God, you really were drunk, weren’t you? As you stumbled your way over to Fugo, you noted Narancia with his arms crossed. He was glaring very intently at the bottle in the middle of the table-but you don’t recall it doing him any wrong. (He did have to kiss Abbacchio and watch Abbachio kiss you, you remind your inebriated self when you’re tucked in for bed that night)
Fugo gives you a sort of longing look as you come closer, like he’s hoping you’ll kiss him properly. He didn’t ark up when Abbacchio kissed you, though you could see he was pretty annoyed. God, are they all after you? As much as the thought excited you-tomorrow’s gonna be an icky day.
Regardless of what was to happen when the sun came up, you tilted Fugo’s head slightly so that he was looking up at you and dipped down. You stop yourself just in time before you actually fall on him, and gently press your lips to his. You could tell he was surprised, but he returned the sweet kiss. He seemed like he was holding back, though-the way he followed and matched your pace, just with a little more vigor than you expected. As much as you wanted to deepen the kiss, you were suddenly more aware of the other men on the table-and their possible mixed feelings toward you. You ended the kiss as you stood back up, and gave the stunned boy a soft smile, leaning on the table before making your way back to your seat. 
The rest of the game seemed to drag out, but you managed to kiss Narancia-and, conveniently, earn a kiss from Mista. When you turned to Narancia, he gave you a cocky grin.
“Make it a good one, yeah? That way I can forget all the other kisses I’ve gotten tonight!” The comment was pointed, and you were surprised Fugo hadn’t lost his temper at this point. Talking about a silent Fugo…you could faintly recognize the soft snores next to Narancia, and as you glanced in your peripheral you saw his slumped form on the table sleeping soundly. He looked so serene…but you turned your attention to the boy next to you as he inched closer. He looked slightly nervous, now that the two of you were close enough to really see each other. Come to think of it, you’d never seen any of the boys faces this close before-Narancia, the boy who you were to kiss next, had a cute little beauty spot just next to his mouth you hadn’t seen until now. 
You took as a cue to lean in the rest of the way, closing your eyes as your lips touched his. His kiss was fast and passionate, and though you knocked teeth a couple of times you managed to match his pace sooner than expected, melting into the kiss. As you broke off to catch your breath, Mista banged on the table. 
“Oi, it’s a kiss, not a damn make out session!” Narancia seemed distracted by Mista, and stood up from his chair. 
“Hey, there’s no rules saying otherwise, is there?” Narancia looked to you for back up, and your eyes darted from the bottle to Narancia and to a less than happy Mista. Fugo was still asleep, it seemed, and Abbacchio had long ago left the table, disappearing after excusing himself for another glass of wine. An idea popped into your head (You were really going to regret these drunken lightbulb moments when you woke up tomorrow-or later today, whatever the time was) and you grabbed the bottle, preparing to spin.
“Fugo’s asleep, so I’ll juss spin for him! Once the bottle is spun, there’s -hic! no more arguing!” At this point, you were yelling (rather, slurring) loud enough to wake the poor boy, but as you spun the bottle once more the two boys surprisingly settled back into their seats. The bottle stopped halfway between Abbacchio’s spot and Mista, but before Narancia could rebuke it you turned to the only boy you had yet to kiss.
“Alllright, pucker up, Mistaa!” He shot you a smirk as he grabbed your cheeks and brought you closer to him. Up close, the faint smell of cologne wafted into your nose as you realized how much more inviting his close proximity was. Maybe it was simply that you were blind drunk, and all the other kisses you had received that night were far from innocent, but when he leaned in and kissed you, you couldn’t help sighing into the kiss. He was a bit sloppy-but nothing you could complain about, considering how comfortable you felt with his arm snaking out to cup your waist. You felt like you could melt in his embrace in that moment, but the sound of a cleared throat interrupted the kiss. Mista pulled away, seeming a little too satisfied with the flustered mess he had made of you. He frowned, and gave you a sheepish smile.
“Ahh, sorry…guess I forgot it was your shot ‘n not mine. Ya can still kiss me though, just to be fair ‘n all?” At this, Narancia banged his fists on the table, jolting a now annoyed Fugo to consciousness.
“No ff…fucking fair!” You however, had zoned out from the argument that had arisen on the table. You had enjoyed each and every boy’s company, a little too much. You felt like you were caught in between a reverse harem-four love interests? That seems a bit too much, and all for you… If their kisses were anything to go by, this night wasn’t just a revelation for you.
…Your hangover would be horrible, but you hoped Bruno had a solo mission for you to pursue tomorrow-maybe it would give you a break from whatever storm was coming your way.
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myfight · 3 years
Hello Everyone I´m sorry to bother you Guys right now but as of right now i don´t know what else to do im 28 years old born in NC and brought up in NC by my grandmother my mom had 8 of us lol yes 8 of us she dropped us first four off with our grandma for a man so coming up was hard especially been the third oldest i had to grow up fast started cooking at the age of 5 childhood was very messed up and we was highly affected by our mother actions which cause us major pain because of the things we had to go through and hear getting beatings with drop cords switches belts brooms etc whatever they had close by sadly my mother came back to take us when i reach middle school all because my dad gave my grandmother money for taking care of his two he got with my mom me and a brother my mom was money hungry and still is but since he didn't give her the money she came back to take us out of spite knowing she didn't want us have your mother ever told you if her grandma was living she wouldn't had no kids at all or wish she didn't have the kids she got or feel the need to tell her kids how long they gone live in this world and her favorite was we want live to see our old age smh well mines said all of it proudly with a smile we were damage by that as well when i was 16 i moved in with my boyfriend and his family who was next door to my mom i was threaten daily by him and when i would tell my mom she would ask me what did i do to him or say to him as if it was my fault and i actually thought i was the bad guy breaking all the relationship rules then them threats turned into major beatings where i would have to run next door crying with the black eyes busted lips and all only for my mother to say the same thing WHAT DID I DO TO HIM so wrong smh sad but true it was like she didn't want me staying with her because she knew we didn't like her young husband who was beating on her and when we would take up for her she turned on us and was on his side and whatever he say goes so if he didn't want me there even doe i´m her blood she birth me she wasn't gone go against him so i want gone be there smh so i had no where at all to go but back to the one abusing me in many different forms it was like a hobby for him years passing by and beatings getting worst more black eyes bruises and busted lips he kept me in the house from everybody and i mean everybody when i was 20 i was blessed to be pregnant just by the wrong man who i always tried to get away from but i was beyond happy because i would soon see and feel what real love feels like and i thought by me being pregnant with his child the cheating would stop and i would be safe from the beatings but oh no i thought wrong yes the beatings was worst the whole 9 months i had black eyes busted lips etc even was slammed on the ground slammed on top of rocks and all while pregnant with nobody to turn too feeling unwanted and worthless but still happy because i was becoming a mother thinking when i have our baby it would be better for us both and plus i had no where to go so 2012 i had my first real love my baby thank GOD I was crying with full of joy i can say the first 2 months everything was good falling into place for my family no more beatings but then his old ways came back i´m getting beatings in front of my 2 month old even while holding him at times i´m home daily while he out living life because of my baby i kept faith even through the beatings hurt and pain then 2 years later i found out i was pregnant again i was beyond happy again but he wasn't at all so them beatings was way worst now i´m getting beating while pregnant holding my 2 year old mother still next door asking me what am i doing wrong smh he would put crushed pills in my food and drinks he would put a lot of stuff in my food and drinks to make me lose my second child i´m getting stomped and all when he get upset with whoever or when he couldn't get his way or his weed he did so much to try an make me lose my baby i went to my mom house next door while he was working i begged her to let me stay with her into i have my baby and ill do anything she said yes i could but i had to give her 200 in my food stamps every month and i was only getting 300 but i had to do whatever to save my baby this is year 2014 then i finally had my baby while staying at my moms when i was at the hospital he came crying saying all the right things i wanted to hear and now that my baby is here my mom no longer wanted us there so i went back to my baby daddy house the 3 of us everything was okay once again at first when my baby was 2 months he had came home around 3 or 4 am after leaving the club he came in all drunk just all over the place i whisper to him to please not be loud but i was talking to myself he was highly rude and loud now my 2 month old up crying and now he passes out as i´m trying to get her to stop crying he wakes up and look at me and her as we in the rocking chair and says ´´SHUT THAT LIL BITCH UP´´ and i responded back and said ´´MY BABY not NO BITCH AND YOU THE REASON SHE UP NOW¨¨ he responded back by saying the same thing so i said the same thing back as well then next thing i know i closed my eyes they were shut so tight all i could hear was a big boom and my two month old screaming when i opened my eyes all i could see was plate glass all in her hair blanket on her face and body and the same with me i broke down crying he kicked us out in the cold rain for about 30 minutes the next day came he comes in the room sees me holding my 2 month old with my 2 year old standing close by and i was on the phone and he heard me begging for some type of family help to leave from him asap i was crying he told me to get off the phone and when i didn't he throw his cellphone at me his cell phone hit my hand and broke my finger smh he put us in his car he pulled my hair all the way from our little city to the next little city while i´m in the backseat with both my babies holding them crying and that ride was almost a 30 minute ride now my scalp was bleeding and all sadly when we got back to his house i watched him sleep thinking about taking his life for all them years of beatings and cheating crying so bad and then i looked at my babies and said GOD blessed me for a reason and hes not worth leaving them because i´m all they got and want nobody treat them like i do i didn't go to sleep that night the next day he left to go out of town for work and i packed all of our stuff up and left he quit his job that same day and came where we was asking me to come back home and be with him but i was beyond tired now and over it so i said no he said ok you know what BITCH i´m tired of you and all i heard was his gun cock back and he turned around with it in his hand and all i did was fall into the front door of my grandma house on top of both my babies scared out of my mind crying laying on top of my two babies luckily my elderly cousin was there so he didn't shot the gun he said he got something for me and took off i called the law he went to jail he got out and the next day he was already with another woman everyone asked me how he moved on so fast after a day and i told them she was with him as long as i was even while i was living with him like i said before he was cheating and i was getting the beatings but me moving out him moving on didn't stop him from coming and putting his hands on me with his famous line you my baby mama i can do this and that smh never knew how to take him and at this point he would come kick in the door run over my babies bikes and all then call the police on his self and wait for them to come smh crazy right his woman he was with got mad at him and called the Social Services with a bunch of lies and the crazy part about it she called SS because the night before he wouldn't have sex with her childish right but she thought he didn't want to have sex with her because he was cheating with someone else or me baby girl not this one i was THANKING GOD i wasn't the one getting beatings every other day in front of my babies didn't even wish that on her but she texted him and said she was gone hurt him and me by getting our kids taken when i wasn't bothering them she was very close reaching that devilish goal especially with the lies that came out of her mouth but THANK GOD she was a highly sloppy sneaky person because when he showed the text of her saying that´s how she was gone hurt me and him by getting our kids taken SS dropped the case she went to jail too and they broke up for a week then he came back wanting my kids to go with her somewhere i said no he slapped me but that slapped didn't make me change my mind and when i told him its either my kids spending time with him without her because she just tried to have them taken he gone say to me and my kids goodbye he pick her so i said to hell with him he missing out on them growing up but he didn't care he made that clear and i was tired of being the nice person and at least let him try to be a dad he wasn't paying child support and he would see them every blue moon one day we had no food i called him and asked him to bring them a 1 dollar burger a piece he asked me do he look like a damn soup kitchen i said no you would look like a father smh i was working at a fast food place he came to the job bothering me being funny posting on Facebook him and his woman clowning me about where i was working but as a MOTHER a job is a job smh 2019-2020 me and my babies was homeless going house to house very unwelcome and unwanted getting talked about and trashed even slept in a car no help no support so called family talking down about us 3 among each other behind my back then they end up having a falling out and then start telling what each other said about me and my kids in front of me and my babies that shit was very hurtful all i did was cry only for my two babies to say don´t cry we went to stay with my dad my blood dad it only last two days because i woke up to him touching me sexually saying he feel like i´m hurt and unhappy  and he would do whatever it takes to make me happy again and i told him as long as i have them to amazing kids ill always be happy i felt hurt by him doing me like that it messed me up it had me thinking have he did me like this when i was a baby a little girl because why would he try me while i´m a grown ass woman a mother of 2 i covered both my kids body parts mad as hell feeling like he would try them if he just tried me and it was 4 am i texted my sister and told her hurry up and pick us up because i was gone take his life yes my dad i was gone kill him for doing that dirty mess to me my clothes was still on and stuff he was rubbing between my legs on top of my pants while the 3 of us was sleep and i woke up even then he tried to say he was trying to hug me sadly and nasty at 6 am we was gone back to been homeless smh my kids dad making 23 an hour living his best life with his woman without a care in the world about his kids well being i´m their the full time mother and father and i always enjoy it then one day my kids dad called and was trashing me i was crying my baby got on the phone and said  you not gone keep talking to my mom like that at the age of 5 i didn't tell him to say it and it shocked me and a few minutes later my grandma came in the house and said your kids dad outside my son started crying my grandma was like let him just talk to him i´m gone be right out there with him so they walks outside my kids dad made it to his car with my son before my grandma could even get off the porch next thing i know i could hear the horn blowing and my grandma being loud i ran outside he had locked my son in the car with him and was hitting my baby in the head with his hand and my son head was hitting the horn all because my baby said don´t talk to his mom like that smh so i called the law and ran outside with a knife ready for war not my son he let my crying baby out the car and took off he told my grandma that he would spit and hit her in the face like he did me so my grandma wanted us to leave she said she was to old for all that and i couldn't blame her but i was beyond hurt we had no where else to go the safe space ended up blessing us with the help of getting our own place thank GOD and i was working doing PCA Nursing everything going good and that so called mother of mines was working at the same job i had to work on Thanksgiving Christmas and all and it was suppose to be special because it was our first Christmas in our own house but we needed the money the 3 of us then one day that so called mother wanted me to work with her after i had just got done doing a 20 hr swift so she could spend time with that same husband who didn't like her kids who didn't want her to let me and my babies stay with her so we wouldn't be homeless when he lives else where but still control her and her house too the same husband she put before us when i said NO she fired me then called the boss a close friend of hers and told her i was fired and the boss went with it when the 89 year patient said i was the best worker she ever had i treated her like a queen i did her feet and all did things i didn't have to do i treated her like she was my great grandma i  did everything how she loved it and wanted it trying to make her last years her best years i cried like a baby because i loved my patient so much i needed her like she needed me she was hurt and she still hurt now about it so next thing i know our power goes off the end of January 2021 when i called SS to get help paying it they said they can only help once a year and they had made a payment for me already i was lost and shocked come to find out a family member i trusted used my info and me and my kids names to get her light bill paid smh so they wouldn't help us and by me telling them that a family member used my info and i wanted to have them do something about it that family member was upset and called SS made some hurtful reports so my kids had to stay else where since the power was off and i wasn't no longer working so they was at my so called mother house who i wasn't dealing with because i put her in her place about how she treated us coming up and stuff smh she made everything worst for me i mean very worst now February comes lights still off and now we getting evicted as well so now its more then temporary since the eviction and SS don´t want my kids to be homeless again and neither did i they my everything but its a thing called karma my so called mom did me so wrong and i´ve begged and begged so many people to help us but nothing at all no type of help and support but that so called mom of mines got evicted and got into Friday and i found out yesterday that she was evicted and that my kids were crying because they have to move with their dad its killing me to see them hurt if i can get our rent paid and lights on then us 3 can be together or find somewhere to stay we can be together but i have nobody at all just us 3 its killing me that they hurting we always been together i´ve been the mother and father giving them everything i´ve always went without making sure they have i don´t care if i only had one outfit they will forever have plenty of everything i don´t have to eat as long as they full if i could i would give them the world with everyone still on it i need my babies just like they need me i´m their better half and they my better half they give me life they make my life beyond better since day one i cant live without them nor be without them to see my babies crying not being with me and having to go somewhere they don´t want be there never have never will and he even told the social services he don´t want them that hurts but he don´t have to want them i do and always have wanted them and always will if i had the right family and support and help things would be better but i have nobody but them they have nobody but me and i have nobody but them and GOD i´m dying in the inside and GOD knows that if they not with me i don´t wanna be here people will never know the pain i´m going through their dad toke them on his taxes and all he didn't offer us the right help didn't care at all about helping PERIOD my kids are down and out without me scared crying everyday and i´m not eating nor sleeping before i let them suffer and be hurt ill battle my life away for their happiness i´m their mother and father and i got into FRIDAY before my kids go with where they don´t want to be and where he don´t want them to be i´ve email so many people begging for help with some many tears in my eyes with a broken soul about to get a new job next week but i need help now and as i begged for help i gave them my landlord number i don´t need to touch any money or anything i just need a helping hand for us somebody anybody please please ill do anything GOD knows that i cant take it all we need is help and hope i´m breaking down into pieces without my babies everybody know how much i love my babies they my best friends and all we super close just like its hurting me its hurting them and ain´t nobody trying to help us and i thought their would be more people like me when i was working i was buying food for homeless giving them money and all that´s my type of heart and my babies ill give my last to anybody let people live with us now they got their own place and didn't offer me and my babies a place to stay not even one night before they was taken temporarily smh its killing me i need help ASAP PLEASEEEEEE ain´t nobody perfect but i´m perfect for my kids just like they are beyond perfect for me please somebody help us Thank You
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glade playlist
got two likes on my post so that’s literally 20% of my readership saying hell yeah fuck yeah glade playlist. i am a servant to the masses. here it is, w descriptions under the cut.
some warnings: don’t expect this to be good. this is Vibes Only and an excuse to talk about Him. the order of the songs tells no story and thus does no sin. skip the songs you don’t like because it makes no difference at all.
1. Above The Clouds Of Pompeii by Bear’s Den
Just don't cry Hold your head up high She would want you to She would want you to You said stay in the car and wait There's just some things I have to say Don't you know I miss her, too I miss her just as much as you So my father and my son As you end what she's begun You'll lie patient by her side With roses red come lilies white
this came from a magnus/julia playlist originally and it fucks, but it’s more here for the Vibes than anything else. if I had to explain it, I’d say this is immediately post like. lent coming home and telling glade that she doesn’t remember anything about him. this is the vibes of red being down for her nap, blissfully unaware that the motherfuckers have left and glade sitting down heavily on the couch of the home they shared and finally, tiredly, burying his face in his hands as he processes the fact that when lent first saw him, there wasn’t a spark of recognition in her eyes, and how much that hurts even if she’s promised to come back to him anyway. thats the vibes.
2. Best Intentions by Hodera
I guess we'll just stop talking then We can forget this ever happened 'Cause it's obvious I can't just be your friend I'm going in circles 'cause I only have one paddle out here alone Got back to shore 'bout 2AM I grabbed your jacket on the boat dock And I pulled you in and we kissed It was so dark, I found your lips Only because I felt your breath I know that soon I will be fine You left this void the size of pines lake Now I'm filling it up one cup at a time And if I knew that was the last time I'd see you I might have said Hey Mary, that was one crazy summer I know after this we'll never see each other I'm old enough now to know nothing lasts forever The only thing I ask is please Remember every detail of this moment Because once you close that door you'll never see me And some day you might remember When we drove out to the lake And stole a boat to see the moon eclipse go by
this one is a break up song so it’s here for the Vibes. i’ve kind of been envisioning this as the song glade would have written/sung if lent decided that she’d rather have amaunator than him, when he told her that he was a criminal. it’s about a summer romance that didn’t go far enough, and it fucks majorly, and it comes from a universe just a little bit to the left, where glade and hymn met but never actually took all the steps glade and lent did.
3. New Religion by The Heydaze
A city of strangers, the streetlights, they change us We all need a little bit more, we all need a little bit more The saints and the liars, the dealers and buyers We all need a little bit more, we all need a little bit more But somewhere there's a light A sign that it's alright I find it by your side People get lost in repetition Working and watching television Hard to wake up in the morning It's hard to wake up in the morning I'm watching you dancing in the kitchen I could call you my new religion You're waking me up in the morning You're waking me up in the morning, yeah
IF YOU LISTEN TO NO OTHER SONG FROM THIS PLAYLIST. LISTEN TO THIS ONE. sometimes I listen to this song and I get stuck in a loop where it’s the only music anyone has ever listened to because I love this song so much. anyway this is a REALLY good gladelent song. Vibes of them falling in love that first time, and lent’s recovery when she’s started getting her sight back, probably after she takes relentless as her next virtue name, and glade finding her dancing and singing to herself in the kitchen they now share, and just watching and loving her so much because he forgot how good it was to see her happy.
4. Gray Flowers by The Gray Havens
They cried, We told you stay away, From that crazy color, Turn around if you don't we'll break you, And you don't have anyone to save you, He said, She needs me to stay, Cuz gray can take her sorrow, So I will die tonight so she will know, That gray will stay in the color-code, For my love I will die you know, But before I do let the record show, That I brought her flowers every day, And she loved them, She loved me she'd never felt that way, So if you feel you need some gray, That's ok child, cuz you know you've just got to Ask, And I'll come back
this ones about love transforming a society around them. idk i like it. the townspeople who hate the color gray are the crownsguard @ gladelent. is that anything??? who cares not me it’s on Here one way or another!
5. Two by Sleeping At Last
I know exactly how the rule goes Put my mask on first No, I don't want to talk about myself Tell me where it hurts I just want to build you up, build you up 'Til you're good as new And maybe one day I will get around to fixing myself too I don't even know where to start Already tired of trying to recall when it all fell apart I just want to love you, to love you, to love you well I just want to learn how, somehow, to be loved myself Like a force to be reckoned with A mighty ocean or a gentle kiss I will love you without any strings attached And what a privilege it is to love A great honor to hold you up
this one is about loving someone despite not loving yourself quite yet and like. it’s a good one for pre-fall gladelent. glade was a squatter and a thief trying to provide for himself; he wasn’t exactly his own biggest fan, but love happens when you aren’t expecting it sometimes, and There He Was, head over heels for a woman who could have been (and should have been) arresting him. it is simply. a good love story.
6. Ezra by Becca VanDerbeck
Someday you'll find a Place where you belong Somewhere to settle down and plant Your roots, and grow up strong Oh, I hope that you'll remember all My silly little songs Honey, please remember these Few things in all you do Won't you always love your neighbor Wear a smile, and tell the truth Don't be scared of what you don't know And don't be afraid to lose Cause there’s a lesson there for Learnin', there's a lesson if you choose Oh and listen, kid, I promise I will Always see you through Cause Ezra, I love you, I love you, I do Oh Ezra, I love you, I love you, I do Ezra, I love you, I love you, I do
this is a glade and red song. i actually sing it as “red, girl, I love you, I love you, I do” bc I so strongly associate it with Them. it’s just a good, sweet song! glade dances red around the living room while singing it and she babbles along and maybe she sings it at him when she wants to be danced, because she’s a baby with both fangs and tusks and its SO hard to use words but humming a vague melody and clapping at your daddy gets you what you want so why would you Talk? smh. (someone needs to stop me before i get really emo about this tradition continuing into red’s childhood and adolescence and how when she’s upset glade will hum it to her when he hugs her and uh oh..... misty about this now................. they are a Fambly.........) all his kids get their own songs but reds song is Special, I think, in this way.
7. Black Coffee Morning by Bluebiird
Just too tall to comfort Just too big to hold But I'll fit you inside my future At least that's the lie we told And it's a black coffee morning on the east side And I'm singing all the time today Cause you're saying that you love me with your big eyes But your words don't come out that way Oh, play it again for me Big bright moon in the sky And give me one more night with my baby And that'll be alright
this is a little bit of a bitter one, as the name including black coffee implies. I imagine this one as a vibes of, “my wife went out to adventure again and I haven’t seen her in three weeks as a consequence.” like does he respect that lent has a ton of wanderlust? yeah. does he wish she’d stay home safe with him so he never has to worry when he goes a few days between Sendings from raini whether she’s alive or dead? also yeah. this is the song that plays the morning after lent left for hell, after two years of being not quite satisfied with retirement. this is the song that glade wakes up to, his bed empty, because they have an agreement now that lent sneaks out rather than glade potentially having to say goodbye for a Last Time. this is red babbling questioningly at him when mama hasn’t been home in hours and glade picking her up and singing to her rather than answering.
8. Band of Gold by The Gray Havens
I'm never get'n over you No I never will be over you Yes I threw away the key That bound my heart to yours To the bottom of the sea I don't need it anymore No there's no turn'n back for us There's only movin' forward Cuz this love is a band of gold When the fire's burn'n and When the embers feel cold So when I hold you in my arms I hope you know That this love is a band of gold
note: did NOT know i had two songs by the same guys on here! nice going gray havens. this is a good marriage song. that’s the vibes of this one. staying together through thick and thin, waking up and choosing to love that one person every single day, smiling down at your wedding ring even when they’re not around you for the symbol and reminder that they love you just as much, that they made that same commitment.
9. Farther Along by Josh Garrels
There's so much more to life than we've been told It's full of beauty that will unfold And shine like you struck gold my wayward son That deadweight burden weighs a ton I go down to the river and let it run Wash away all the things you've done Forgiveness alright Farther along we'll know all about it Farther along we'll understand why So cheer up my brothers, live in the sunshine We'll understand this, all by and by, oh yeah
so, full disclosure, some of these songs came from my godfucking/religious trauma playlist. this is one of these songs. as such it’s? more of a Vibe than the other songs. it only kinda fits as a song of faith that things will get better even if you don’t understand why they are the way they are right now. I think of it as like. kind of glade’s relationship with faith? he hopes it’s all for a reason, that one day he’ll understand why bad shit is happening, but he doesn’t have a lot of faith in any actual god. but mostly this is just vibes.
10. How To Be Yours by Chris Renzema
You say that you love me, don't say that you love me 'Cause I don't know how to be yours You say that you want me, don't say that you want me 'Cause I don't know how to be yours I still act like an orphan I guess And my hard heart breaks to confess That even while you hold me As I cry on the floor I still don't know how to be yours So love me or hate me I'm not going anywhere Leave me or take me You still bear my signature Know me or not Seen or forgot I'm not walking out on you
lent and glade are both orphans and this is the song about doubting the love that comes your way even when you’ve not necessarily been given a reason to. it’s sung both by the doubter and the person refusing to leave them just because of that, and I think it’s nice! glade and his doubts, come amnesiac lent, that she will actually want to stay with him once she has her grace back with amaunator, and lent and her doubts, post fall, that he’ll stay with her now that she’s no longer good or righteous, now that she no longer deserves the name hymn.
11. Take Me To Church by Hozier
My lover's got humor She's the giggle at a funeral Knows everybody's disapproval I should've worshiped her sooner If the Heavens ever did speak She's the last true mouthpiece Every Sunday's getting more bleak A fresh poison each week "We were born sick", you heard them say it My church offers no absolutes She tells me, "Worship in the bedroom" The only Heaven I'll be sent to Is when I'm alone with you I was born sick, but I love it Command me to be well A-, Amen, Amen, Amen Take me to church I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife Offer me that deathless death Good God, let me give you my life Take me to church I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife Offer me that deathless death Good God, let me give you my life
obligatory hozier song. it’s horny and it’s religiously themed. this is also from my godfucking/religious trauma playlists. there’s not a whole lot to say here except that I wanted some hozier on this playlist bc glades og design/concept was “half orc hozier” and take me to church slaps. next song.
12. Belly of the Deepest Love by Tow’rs
The beats of hammers felt like drums of war Killed for the words you swore From the belly of the deepest love, The hills trembling throats sing hallelujah Like the flowers on a dogwood tree Blush with blame you took for me Oh how you wish to be with me Oh how you wish to be with me Do you remember seeing the man Covered by the same blood he damned Join the song with the sky in the darkest hour I need something to hold on to Stronger than the iron that held you Louder than the roar of the crowd that day
I think this one is pretty immediately post lent’s fall too. it’s got jesus imagery in there but I think that fits. this one doesn’t have a whole lot behind it except for post fall vibes.
13. One Jump Ahead by Brad Kane
Gotta keep One jump ahead of the breadline One swing ahead of the sword I steal only what I can't afford (That's Everything!) One jump ahead of the lawmen That's all, and that's no joke These guys don't appreciate I'm broke
this is a fun little song about scoundrel!glade! I thought it fit nicely and also it makes me think about the Aladdin au slash novel Lex and I have where glade lifts something valuable (her holy symbol I think?) off of lent and shows it to her and basically says, “I’ll just keep this so I know you’ll come see me next time” intending it to be a tease and then her gripping her sword hilt and holding her hand out with this fake smile and going “or you’ll give it back Now” (because she Can’t let him get away with that) and him going “or I can give it back now! great idea!” he really Thot it would go over better. but it’s okay bc they fell in love anyway.
14. Karma by AJR
I've been so good, I've been helpful and friendly I've been so good, why am I feeling empty? I've been so good, I've been so good this year I've been so good, but it's still getting harder I've been so good, where the hell is the karma? I've been so good, I've been so good this year Time, I know we're out of time But what if sad thoughts come and I can't stop it Bye, I don't wanna say bye If only I could keep you in my pocket To give me some diagnosis of why I'm so hollow Please give me instructions, I promise I'll follow I tripped on my ankle and fractured my elbow But doesn't that mean that the tour's gonna sell though? I try to explain the good faith that's been wasted But after an hour it sounds like complaining Wait don't go away, can I lie here forever? You say that I'm better, why don't I feel better? The universe works in mysterious ways But I'm starting to think it ain't working for me Doctor, should I be good? Should I be good this year?
similar vibes to farther along but much less hopeful and more desperate while still trying to sound like an upbeat song. this is glade telling amaunator off for letting lent go when she is nothing but Good. this is glade when he’s still a thief, going hungry because he fed his sister tonight rather than himself, asking whatever god might be listening why it was them who were punished with this because they weren’t doing anything wrong. this is glade setting the table for the motherfuckers, smiling even though it’s immediately post lent’s rez ritual, because they were the ones who actually saw her die, not him, and they’re good people who need to catch a break so here he is, getting them to joke and laugh with him while lent sleeps off her resurrection sickness in the other room.
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
have you ever lied to impress a girl/guy? Yes. *SMH* have you ever made fun of someone to make yourself feel better? Putting someone else down wouldn’t make me feel better.  have you ever thought…”wow what the fuck is wrong with me?” All the damn time.
have you ever screamed at the top of your lungs? Yes. have you ever skipped more than 2 weeks of school? I had to miss months of school due to surgeries.  
have you ever sneaked out of your house, and didn’t get caught? I’ve never snuck out of my house.  have you ever lied to your parents? Who hasn’t? have you ever wished you looked different than you do? I do wish I looked differently than I do. have you ever wanted to cry, and you didn’t know why? I feel that way quite often. There are days where I’m just extra moody and on the verge of tears for seemingly no present reason. I just feel like I’m on the verge of crying and anything can set it off. have you ever went up to the wrong person in a store thinking it was your mom/dad/guardian? Omg, yes. Suuuuper embarrassing. have you ever got so lost you had to ask for directions? Not me personally, but I’ve been with others while lost and they asked for directions. have you ever gone a day without eating? Yes. I have a messed up appetite and other eating issues and yeah, it happens sometimes.  have you ever witnessed a hate crime? Look at what’s going on. have you ever found 20 dollars in front of walmart? No. have you ever visited a xxx site? Yeah. On purpose, but there were some on accident. That seemed to be more of a thing back in the day. Like you could accidentally type a website wrong and it’d take you to a porn website or something. Or when I was a kid I didn’t think something like butt.com would be bad lmao. I was just an immature kid who thought it was funny. Whoops. have you ever been camping for a week? When I went to science camp in 6th grade. We stayed in cabins, which was better than a tent at least. Still a lot of time outdoors around bugs, though. D:  have you ever seen the movie “the holiday”? Yeah. have you ever taken the credit off a survey you have taken? No, that’s shitty.  have you ever said “yeah you look great” when they really didn’t? I can’t say I never have. :X have you ever been cheated on, and took the piece of shit back? I haven’t been cheated on. It hurt when Joseph was hooking up with ex while we had our thing going on, but we weren’t together so it wasn’t cheating. Still hurt, though. have you ever got so drunk you couldn’t remember that night? Not completely, but parts of the night are splotchy or gone. have you ever looked what is actually in a cigarette? Yes. have you ever wished life was like the movies? I was more of a sap when I was younger and wanted a guy to fight for me like in the romantic movies and chase me down in an airport hahah. Or put on a whole flashmob dance just me for me like in Friends with Benefits. Or hold up a radio at my window. lol. I also wish things could be easily solved like they are in a movie. Everything generally comes together in the end. have you ever walked and didn’t have a plan where you where going? No. have you ever had a teacher you though was “dangg finee!” ha.? No. have you ever had an experience where your bathing suit fell off in a pool? No, omg. I would have DIED. have you ever said this “omg wtf what a whore!” ? Yeah, some form of that jokingly. have you ever swore at your parents? No. have you ever said “el oh el” in real life? No. I’ve said, “OH EM GEE” in real life, though. have you ever got sick in public? Yeah cause I was drunk. :X Ugh, so embarrassing. Happened a few times, too.  have you ever tried tofu? No. It never looked or sounded appealing. I’m picky with textures. have you ever wished you could turn back time? Ugh, I wish I could. have you ever wished you lived in a different decade? Nah. have you ever laughed so hard you peed your pants? No. have you ever heard people say something about you, in a different language? No. have you ever made your own survey? Once, several years ago during the Xanga days. I wish I had saved it somewhere else. have you ever liked your best friend, but never told them? No. I had a big crush on my best friend, Kyle, in middle school and a lot of people knew. Seemed like everyone knew who everyone liked back in those days.  have you ever seen the tv show “what not to wear?” Yeah. I used to watch it often when it was on. have you ever stayed up all night watching infomercials? Back when I was a kid and that’s all that was on at night. So glad that’s not the case now. I remember when some channels just went off the air at night until the morning. Some channels still show informercials at night, but there’s stuff to watch throughout the night on most channels.  have you ever though you where in love… but were wrong? I sometimes question the times I was in love. Hopefully one day I’ll know for sure and maybe I’ll look back then and realize I wasn’t before. *shrug* have you ever kissed someone and never saw them again? Well, technically, but it wasn’t after I kissed them. We drifted apart later, though. have you ever won at a staring contest? I always lost cause I’d start laughing and end up blinking. 
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laufire · 5 years
before I leave to finally watch FFH, a mini Stranger Things s3 review:
there was nowhere nearly enough Lucas and I’m not a fan ¬¬ (loved the fireworks, the axe scene, and his moments with Erica, tho)
Steve, as always, was AMAZING. his side of the plot (with Dustin, Robin, and ERICA --gosh I’m so glad she’ getting more focus) was by far the best part of the season. he and Robin high? poetry. and the scene in the bathroom where she came out to him was SO FUCKING SWEET. I wish I’d have friends like Steve in high school lmfao. anyway, all four of them were incredible (Robin solving the code, Erica’s blackmail & math skillz, Dustin to the rescue + his inventions. FAVES).
JOYCE REMAINS THE BEST. I end up whispering “why can’t she be MY mom” almost every episode asñdlkfajsd. I’d appreciate her more than Jonathan, that’s for sure xD (I mean, he hasn’t annoyed me too much this season, but err... that’s probably because I used his scenes --among others-- to practice tests xDD). she’s so amazing and I spent the entire last 20′ or so crying for her ;_;
Eleven’s actress is so, so good. I believe the raw power she has, idk. I love watching her use her powers <3. and the teen-sequence with Max in the mall was adorbs.
the patriotism angle kept taking me out of the story lmao. partially because up till they brought it up, I didn’t even remember the 4th of July is A Thing and I was confused xDD
ETA: I forgot to say, that one of the things I loved was how dismissive-yet-impersonal Robin’s opinion on Nancy was? Usually there’s some ~reverance reserved for characters like her. Which would’ve already made me rme if Robin had turned out to be Steve’s new li, but with the lesbian reveal I would’ve found it UNFORGIVABLE. I’m just tired af of queer and queer-coded girls being used as props and cheerleaders smh. Let’s hope it doesn’t change lol.
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aldiwali · 5 years
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8. your favourite graphic and or gif created by yourself
aaa probably this one?? it’s one of the first ones i did but .. the base panel was so good & it just. i think it turned out nice!! also this one was really cute.. i haven’t done gifs past then because i don’t wanna deal with downloading eps & shit like that (i don’t have the patience.. adhd mood) & i feel guilty using others’ gifs as bases even when they say it’s ok but! i think it’s. she’s babey
10. what graphics / gif trends do you dislike most?
i don’t… i don’t really dislike any? um i’m not really “in the graphic community” in that i’ve never like. studied it & i’ve only recently made them & made friends like u who make them too (& ofc bc of that i pay more attention to fully appreciate everyone’s works but!!! aa)
um if there’s a trend... whitewashing SDKFFJ like it’s not so much a Trend as a byproduct of heavy psds? yeah. also i really like soft colors & lining so when it’s just. Harsh (this is mostly from my experience in the rpc) it’s ... yeah.
oh and flashing things?? especially on people’s themes / whatever where there’s not a warning?? i rly don’t have patience for that ;; and those edits where it’s like. it’s clear it’s not meant to be readable / consumed well & it just looks like a blur & u can’t tell what’s going on????
OH AND THE LIP THING. MY PET PEEVE. this hasn’t appeared in the op fandom (yet.. thank goodness) but in the bnha fandom adding a giant lip to characters they hc as black or even to be of color ..... like.. it looks ugly?? first of all bc it’s not done how it would Actually look & kinda just arbitrarily placed like “oh they have big lips look im inclusive :)” & it’s clear they’re just using stereotypes & not putting thought into it? (ex: giving east asians big lips too even though east asians tend to have thin lips????) and it’s just. Not Handled well. and the noses too they’re so often made to be. caricatures really. like when doing indian characters they’ll make it like a giant triangle or something and it’s .... it’s like they tried so hard to be inclusive that they looped around and just made it racist.
11. what graphics / gif trends do you like most?
coloring things sdkfdkfjdskfj it’s so pretty.... i esp love seeing people’s colors for characters that haven’t been given official colors yet, esp when i like them better than the original!! um & just.. everything saint does w their graphics are. SO good i’ve talked abt this before for like an hour in my gc but.. Holy shit
21. how much time do you spend on a single graphic / gif?
i don’t usually do gifs??? like i’ve done it one (1) time. um but with graphics.... it really depends. how complicated is it? is there background? how many charas? do i already have headcanons for what the chara looks like or am i figuring it out as i go along? mmm i’ve been trying to spend more time on my graphics recently so i can try to be more proud of them but? for a single character no background panel... 20 min? it really depends tho because most of mine i make during lectures in class,, meaning that i’m not 100% engaged with it or anything,, it’s more like i’m doodling but instead i’m. editing graphics.
32. the least notes a graphic / gif of yours has ever gotten that you feel deserves way more. (link it!)
agjdskfjdsf i don’t really like my graphics very much? i think i’ve said this before. like to find things for this ask (part of why it took so long) i went through my shit and found like.. 5 i liked. and so it’s not so much “i think i deserve more notes” as i “wish it would have been better before i posted it but also like. i’m done with it at this point..” the ones i do like tend to get noticed, even if it’s like a week after it’s posted? so i think the least is like .. 71 notes? & 72 notes. those 2 respectively fsdkfj. now if it was about my art… there’s a recent alyanette i posted on @/atvie but it’s not rly noticed but that’s ok!! fskdfj
there are some graphics that are low-effort but i wish had more notes just because i want to interact with the fandom but the fandom’s like. Really Small like with lookism & act-age & oresama teacher (like my most recent posts basically) so i don’t really expect much sdfjdkj
38. are you working on anything right now? if yes, show us a work in progress!
i’m not really? like i’ll start one & then i’ll be like. Fuck it. & just never look at it again because it gets buried in all of my other pages but. here’s one from last night?? that im probably never gonna finish also click maybe bc tumblr quality is .. Not Great... this one was wild cause i had my colors in mind & then once i was done with the clothing i just. switched them to the canon colors (mostly) by looking up the anime cap & while it may be more fitting to them i Don’t Like the Colors. also i gave robin a pantsuit. yes i know she was on the fire side of the island but she’s goth smh... u gotta have dedication
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ask meme  /  @toooticki​
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beardyallen · 6 years
Well, that went quickly...
What day is it? I’m starting to lose track of how long I’ve been here...
Well, it’s been a week since my last post, and it seems that a lot must have happened, but honestly I feel like I’ve just been cranking through a bunch of comic books.
But I do know that Friday and Saturday involved a good deal excitement, so I guess we had might as well pick up pretty much where we left off!
Last Friday was Orientation for ICB, which meant getting all of the 35-40 instructors, 10 staff members, and the 6-8 people in charge of this program together in a room to introduce us to...basically what we’d been doing all that week. Also, aside from a couple study-abroad-undergrads and my officemate and me, everyone there had probably already heard the spiel.
It was scheduled from 5p-6p with a buffett afterwards, but a bunch of the Communications people from my floor were going out to eat (again?) afterwards, so I made plans with NR. She wanted to try this Mexican restaurant in what I’ll describe as the “international district” of Beijing. Most everything around us when we got there looked like it belonged in literally every metropolitan area in the world. Every major brand you can imagine had a store. Multiple. Too many...
But the Mexican restaurant we visited is owned and managed by a Mexican expat, apparently. He even stopped by our table to ask how the food was, and let me tell you: that quesadilla was the BOMB!!! And the margarita was pretty good (not as good as MHO’C’s, though!). By the time we finished up dinner, it was kind of late, so we wondered around the shopping center, found a bookstore. You know: the usual.
Fun fact: when a store or restaurant wants to indicate to their patrons that they are getting ready to close, they play smooth jazz and turn the lights down. Like for real. Had their not been windows open to the pavilion outside with it’s hundreds of light displays, I would have been seriously concerned when the lights in the place just went out and Kenny G popped up on the speakers.
We entertained the idea of finding the cinema nearby to see Alita Battle Angel, but during the 15 minutes that we spent wondering around in search of the complex, it seemed to elude us. Plus it was getting close to that time when the subway shuts down, and I wasn’t exactly hankering for a taxi ride this early in my stay....if at all.
The next morning, I got up early to meet back up with NR at the National Museum near the Forbidden City. Now, for the most part, the stairs I get don’t bother me. But I will say, if you’re going to stair at the pasty white guy with a hard-to-describe-its-color-accurately-beard, maybe don’t do it when you’re going 15 mph on a bike, facing in the wrong direction! *sigh.....Some people’s kids...
But what really bothered me, especially at the time, was the father-of-three who straight-up filmed me on his phone from 5 feet away for a solid 6 minutes, three hallways, and two escalators! I get it, I’m funny looking. But I really think I a picture would have done just fine...
One of the things that bothered me the most about that experience was that (a) he had a shit-eating grin plastered on his face, (b) his daughters seemed rather embarrassed, (c) he filmed me with the screen aimed at me so I could watch myself on his phone, (d) there was text on the screen, and (e) it went on for a solid 6 minutes.
In hindsight, I was wearing sunglasses and a hat, in a subway system, in the morning, heading to the center of Beijing. Maybe he thought I was a celebrity? I had spoken to a Communications graduate student the other day who happens to be black, and he told me the story of how a citizen here pull out their phone with a picture of Samuel L. Jackson on it, and gestured to him as it to ask if it were him...even though SLJ is for sure at 70 years old and this kid is no more than 35. And he looks 25. #smh
Anyway, after dealing with whatever the hell that was, I got to visit the museum! They, for whatever reason, were not allowing people to bring their charging blocks into the museum (external battery that you can use to charge your cell phone and other devices on-the-go), but more surprising to me was just how many people carried one with them! At least, it was surprising until I took a moment to think about it. As I’ve mentioned before, basically every payment made in Beijing is through WeChat, which needs internet access, so I guess it shouldn’t be too surprising. You also really can’t navigate through the city with some sort of Maps app; there are just too many bus routes, train routes, terminals and stops to keep logged in your head.
As far as the museum itself goes, the gifts to China from foreign governments exhibit and the Ancient China exhibit themselves took most of the day. Also, no surprise: the gift that took up the most floor space was given by a U.S. President. I also got a refresher in 8th Grade Social Studies. Too many small countries to remember all of them, and that space made me feel somewhat moronic.
The Ancient China exhibit was exceptional, though. They broke up the last, oh...750,000 years of human-ish life in China into 8-10 separate eras, the first few cataloguing the life and evolution of Homo erectus pekinensis into Homo sapien, while the latter eras were segregated dynastically. I’ve never seen the progression of human evolution laid out in such detail! The rock tools became better rock tools, then pottery and paper, stamps, buildings and so much more! There were even ceremonial helmets that would put the Juggernaut to shame!
It was strange, though, to have all of this knowledge just beyond my fingertips both literally and figuratively. The literal sense isn’t too shocking, as I’ve been to a museum before and know not to touch the pieces, but to have placards written in a language that would take years to learn was frustrating. Fortunately, NR has a never-ending supply of patience, and she translated much of the text. She even quizzed me on several of the characters. I’ve worked out how to write “rock” for sure.
After the museum, we wondered over to a nearby mall that, honestly, puts the Mall of America to shame. No joke. This place was huge! It just kept going and going and going! There was a particular alley that has all of the “exotic foods” that you might see on The Amazing Race, which I haven’t tried yet but intend to, but the rest is mostly-outdoor shopping center. Our reason for being there was to find food (we had been in the museum for a bit over 7 hours), and then sit our fine asses down in a movie theater to watch Alita.
We found a restaurant that served food traditionally found where NR grew up. It was exceptional. And the beer just made it better. :P
The movie experience was something else entirely. I’ve gotten used to watching television and movies with subtitles so that, when people decide to talk to me, I can follow along with both bits. Or if people are just talking near me while I’m watching television, I don’t have to rewind the show. That helped a lot; the movie was still spoken in English, but there were Chinese subtitles. I recognized the Chinese character for “1″ frequently enough, but that was about it.
The movie itself was way more than I expected. I shouldn’t be surprised, given that one of the primary characters is played by Christoph Waltz. If you haven’t seen it yet, you should definitely consider it.
Also, additional fun fact: I’m thinking that most (if not all) showings of major motion pictures here are in 3D. *shrug* Side note: we’re going to see Captain Marvel tomorrow and I’M SO FREAKIN’ EXCITED!!!!
After the movie, we wandered back to the subway station and parted ways mid-subway-ride to head home. The next day I spent playing Kingdom Hearts 3 and sipping some beer in the 3rd Floor Lounge. All day. It was blissful.
This workweek has consisted of four main things: teaching responsibilities, a bit of dissertation work, trying out another one of the cafeterias on campus, and reading comic books. Oh, and beer. But that kind of goes without saying, doesn’t it? There’s a convenience store on the other side of the building in front of the Guest House that has cans of beer. You can buy them individual for 3 yuan, or roughly 45 cents. I won’t lie to you: I bought 12 of them and it didn’t cost me more than 6 bucks. And it’s really not bad, and even more convenient than the liquor store I lived by in Denver.
Anyway, as I said, I’m going to see Captain Marvel tomorrow, then to “W-Town” (originally Watertown...so glad they shortened it...) in northern Beijing, which sits at the base of part of the Great Wall. More than 20 people from ICB will be heading up to their on Saturday, so I imagine one of them will take pictures. Probably ML or S. So you’ll have those to look forward to since you know I won’t be taking any!
Oh!!! I almost forgot the biggest thing that happened this week! Actually, it might be the biggest news of my entire stay!!!
I did laundry.
And I washed my slippers. I’m not convinced that they’ve stopped smelling, but I’m holding out hope that I’ve finally figured out how to resolve an issue that I know humanity has been seriously struggling with for decades. I’m on the verge of a breakthrough, people, I swear!
Anyway, time to finish this beer, read a bit more of Scott Lynch’s Republic of Thieves (WE FINALLY FIND OUT ABOUT SABETHA!!!!), and head to bed. Big couple of days ahead...
P.S. I bet you thought I was gonna forget! After class on Wednesday, I worked out how to make a phone call from here to the States to wish my Mom a Happy BIrthday. Caught her at work, and we got to chat for a good long while. It really put a nice cap on my evening, and it seemed it gave her a good start to her day. Anyway, I hope you had a great evening, found something nice at C&B and enjoyed that glass of wine you mentioned! Love you!!
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monohart · 6 years
5:42am. (roadtrip!au)
ft. sleepy!jungwoo, long drives and wong yukhei.
i made a mood board for this imagine too. 1/9 pics belong to me, the rest belong to others... and... in other news, i’m ?? overwhelmed?? with the unexpected support and feedback i’m getting with my content and you guys have no idea how happy that makes me. <3____<3 thank you. truly. and i’m sorry this ain’t as fluffy as my previous works i just really appreciate jungwoo’s hair and also wow he looks good in a seatbelt
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you were awake before the sun was.
thank goodness the alarm clock went off on time because you would’ve slept right through
and you hated falling off schedule.
actually, you and your boyfriend jungwoo both hated that.
being punctual was so important to you, and you were kinda glad that he valued punctuality too.
after waking jungwoo who slept on a spare mattress on the ground next to your bed that night, the two of you moved efficiently around the apartment
you got yourself changed and condensed your typical 20 minute morning routine in 5, and grabbed the bags you two packed last night
jungwoo dashed into the kitchen while brushing his teeth, and grabbed your groceries.
by 5:42am you were behind the wheel
and jungwoo was still trying to wake himself up as he flicked through the radio channels in search of something
yep he found it after a while
he glanced at you with a shy smile and you rolled his eyes
there was this early morning talk show he really liked listening to
it was a bit dumb.. the hosts were ex-comedians,
but you tuned in once, and they actually talked about interesting things. you’d learn a couple of new things from them
but you’d never admit that to him lol
or else he’d literally play it all the time
and you knew how much he liked that channel you were actually lowkey jealous because
if only he was just as obsessed about you as he was with those two hosts who were uh, middle-aged men with beer bellies
after a while jungwoo dozed off and you were stuck listening to the talk show by yourself
while stealing a quick glance at jungwoo, who was snoring really quietly, you reached over and changed the channel
bad move because the next channel was the rock channel
jungwoo sat up almost immediately, his eyes snapped open and scowled at you.
“i’m gonna doze off if i kept listening to that...”
he deadpanned at you for a second before resting his head on the seat to stare at you.
“what’s up, jungwoo?”
after getting no response from him, you thought he might’ve dozed off again, but after glancing at him, he was just staring at you with a drowsy look in his eyes
“whaaat?? is there something wrong?”
he shrugs before turning the other way to sleep again
and you sigh, slightly confused and frustrated tbh.
you were sleepy too and you kinda just wanted to cuddle with him and wait for the sun to rise but you had to keep to schedule.
you were kinda restless as well because you didn’t have breakfast yet and your stomach was making odd growly noises
you kept driving though because you guys had to pick up yukhei from the bus station
y’all had the worst communication in the past month and this trip was so badly organised but what can you do
so the three of you were off to a college reunion in a neighbouring state, but jungwoo wanted to stop by the beach
only God knew why he wanted to do that but then again maybe God himself didn’t even know why
and since y’all were best friends with yukhei, y’all let him tag along on the roadtrip
the only problem was he lived on the other side of the country and
he forgot to book plane tickets so the only tickets he could get last minute were bus tickets
they were much cheaper so he grabbed it
the only problem was he arrived at 6:15am that morning
you guys were on a tight budget so
there wasn’t really anything else you guys could do except wake up extra early to pick him up.
jungwoo didn’t have his license yet so
you behind the wheel was the only option.
when you pulled up to the bus station, you spotted your almost giant of a friend almost instantly.
you haven’t seen jungwoo jump that quickly out of a car before, to greet his best friend
not saying you were jealous but you were kinda jealous
but oh well i guess at the end of the day you were the one who was dating kim jungwoo
and real talk he was cute and cuddly to you
just not in public
nah he’s way too shy for that
UNLESS... he was either 1) feeling extra soft, 2) drunk or 3) sleepy.
he rarely showed you off in front of other people but sometimes you wished he would show you off a bit more, y’get what i mean?
yukhei was yukhei and he must’ve been on something because he was Hella Energised??
he noticed the sleepiness in your eyes and he knew jungwoo couldn’t drive
so he told you to have a nap at the back
you were like Sure but can jungwoo sit in the back as well
cue major?? eyebrow raise?? from yukhei???
oh right.. shit.. he kinda didn’t know about your relationship yet
jungwoo was Shifty Eyed but he was like ok the back is more comfortable anyway sorry bro
and yukhei rolls his eyes and then y’all were on the way again
yukhei was yukhei so he connected his phone into the sound system and the bass was booming again
he always had great music taste and you were kinda glad that you could sit in the back with your boyfriend while listening to yukhei’s playlist.
you stole a glance at jungwoo, and your heart went skrrt tiing boop because
he was!!??
already looking at you
he had that really cute hint of a smile on his lips
and he brushed his hair back every two seconds
kinda restlessly
and you could tell that he wanted to cuddle
but he was also hella sleepy
almost as much as you were
so you shifted more to his side, discreetly.
and he shifted to your side too
and you shifted again
and then him again
until you were only centimetres apart
phew that actually took a long time and you were glad that y’all were able to make it next to each other without being too obvious.
then he could finally place his warm hand on yours and you ran another hand through his bed hair which made his eyelids flutter and his lips stretched into a wider smile, one that you mirrored.
and then
he turned to you and slowly slipped an arm around your waist and pulled you flush against his side and -
“holy mother of grated cheese.”
jungwoo slammed his back against the seat and you started laughing but you leant against your boyfriend, hiding your flustered face in his shoulder.
“you two are disgusting.”
jungwoo’s laughed nervously and ran a hand through his hair again
“you, kim jungwoo, you are a f*cking brat. and i am so disgusted.”
jungwoo was laughing now, and you shrunk deeper in your seat as he placed his arm around you again.
“i tried to tell you lucas, ᶦ ˢʷᵉᵃʳ!”
“no you didn’t. you’re a disgrace.” yukhei snapped back playfully.
he kept glancing at you guys in the rearview mirror, pretending to be angry, but he was biting onto his bottom lip to stifle his grin..
because you and jungwoo were a flustered and giggly mess at the back
and y’all were so cute together and so obviously obsessed with each other
like what in the actual hell..... he’s never seen jungwoo so whipped for someone before
and maybe you couldn’t see it
actually now yukhei finally understood why all this time, jungwoo’s tone always changed when your name popped up in their conversations
y’all were embarrassed and flustered as heck but you guys held on tighter to each other while trying to deny anything shifty happened
to hell with that, won’t you just look at you guys smh
yukhei was cringing and screaming so hard inside but he maintained an unamused face while speeding along the highway.
jungwoo, on the other hand, was so nervous and shy and flustered you could feel his entire body just heat up
and it was kinda funny how yukhei was able to tease his best friend so easily
“i did, i swear i did! you were too.. ᵇᵘˢʸ .. ᵇᵘʸᶦⁿᵍ ᵍʳᵉᵉⁿ ᵗᵉᵃ ᶠᵒʳ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᵍᶦʳˡᶠʳᶦᵉⁿᵈ.. to listen to.. what i was saying..”
yukhei scoffed and shook his head
but he was smiling now
“you guys are cute or whatever.”
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get to know me tag~
rules: make your simself and answer the 125 questions provided!
question time!
1. what is your full name?: kaitlyn dawn! 2. what are your nicknames?: kait, katie 3. birthday?: october 14th! 4. what is your favorite book series?: the if i stay + where she went books! 5. do you believe in aliens or ghosts?: ghosts definitely. 6. who is your favorite author?: lauren oliver! 7. what is your favorite radio station?: i don’t listen to the radio lol 8. what is your favorite flavor of anything?: chocolate everything pls 9. what word would you often use to describe something great or wonderful?: idk but i say “holy shit” a lot 10. what is your current favorite song?: monster by dodie 11. what is your favorite word?: fuck 12. what was the last song you listened to?: monster by dodie 13. what tv show would you recommend for everyone to watch?: scream 14. what is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down?: shitty romcoms 100% 15. do you play video games?: yes 16. what is your biggest fear?: losing loved ones 17. what is your best quality, in your opinion?: i’m good at cheering ppl up i guess. 18. what is your worst quality, in your opinion?: i’m an anxious mess 19. do you like cats or dogs better?: cats. but my mom’s allergic smh 20. what’s your favorite season?: fall + winter 21. are you in a relationship?: does being madly in love with my best friend count? 22. what is something you miss from your childhood?: i’m still technically a child, but i miss literally anything i did with my dad. 23. who is your best friend?: if i told you, i’d be giving away who my crush is~ 24. what is your eye color?: hazel 25. what is your hair color?: dark brown 26. who is someone you love? @waterlily-sims is my only friend, and i cherish her. 27. who is someone you trust?: see 26 28. who is someone you think about often?: my dad 29. are you currently excited about/for something?: i’m gonna play dbh after this so i’m pumped 30. what is your biggest obsession?: detroit become human 31. what was your favorite tv show as a child?: ok look, blues clues was the shit. 32. who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone?: there’s this kid at my school named carter. he’s pretty cool i guess. (i’m kidding, we share memes all the time and it’s great.) 33. are you superstitious?: fuck yeah 34. do you have any unusual phobias?: not that i know of 35. do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it?: behind it 36. what is your favorite hobby?: writing and drawing 37. what was the last book you read?: before i fall by lauren oliver 38. what was the last movie you watched?: idk 39. what musical instruments do you play, if any?: i played viola in 6th grade 40. what is your favorite animal?: butterflies 41. what are your top 5 tumblr blogs that you follow?: everyone 42. what superpower do you wish you had?: i just wanna be an android ok. 43. when and where do you feel most at peace?: writing my shitty fanfictions in my bed. 44. what makes you smile?: seeing other people i love being happy 45. what sports do you play, if any?: what’s a sport? 46. what is your favorite drink?: sprite 47. when was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody?: probably sometime last year 48. are you afraid of heights?: yES 49. what is your biggest pet peeve?: people ghosting their friends 50. have you ever been to a concert?: yep 51. are you vegan/vegetarian?: i tried being vegetarian. that lasted 2 weeks 52. when you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?: a youtuber (we’re talking 4th grade me who said i wanted to be a gamer lmao) 53. what fictional world would you like to live in?: the detroit become human world 54. what is something you worry about?: other people’s opinions of me 55. are you scared of the dark?: yes 56. do you like to sing?: i do, but i’m not great. 57. have you ever skipped school?: i’ve faked being sick, but i’ve never gone and left halfway through. 58. what is your favorite place on the planet?: my bed 59. where would you like to live?: detroit 60. do you have any pets?: 2 dogs 61. are you more of an early bird or night owl?: night owl 62. do you like sunrises or sunsets better?: sunset 63. do you know how to drive?: nope 64. do you prefer earbuds or headphones?: earbuds 65. have you ever had braces?: no but i need them tbh 66. what is your favorite genre of music?: indie pop / alternative 67. who is your hero?: my mom 68. do you read comic books?: no 69. what makes you the most angry?: everything 70. do you prefer to read on an electronic device or a real book?: both 71. what is your favorite subject in school?: art 72. do you have any siblings?: no, my mom isn’t available 4 commited relationships 73. what was the last thing you bought?: music 74. how tall are you?: 5′7 75. can you cook?: i can bake 76. what are three things that you love?: sunflowers, music, sims 77. what are three things that you hate?: stress, school, people 78. do you have more female friends or male friends?: female 79. what is your sexual orientation?: pansexual 80. where do you currently live?: texas 81. who was the last person you texted?: @waterlily-sims​ 82. when was the last night you cried?: who knows 83. who is your favorite youtuber?: vixella 84. do you like to take selfies?: sometimes 85. what is your favorite app?: tumblr 86. what is your relationship with your parent(s) like?: my mom is the best, and i haven’t figured out whether my dad ended up in heaven or hell 87. what is your favorite foreign accent?: british 88. what is a place that you’ve never been to, but want to visit?: paris 89. what is your favorite number?: 42 90. can you juggle?: nope 91. are you religious?: nope 92. do you find outer space or the deep ocean to be more interesting?: space 93. do you consider yourself to be a daredevil?: fuck no 94. are you allergic to anything?: dogs (but only the ones that shed) 95. can you curl your tongue?: probably 96. can you wiggle your ears?: no 97. how often do you admit that you were wrong about something?: pretty often, but it takes me a while to realize that i’m wrong 98. do you prefer the forest or beach?: beach 99. what is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you?: not everyone is as bad as one person who fucked you over. (we love my therapist) 100. are you a good liar?: depends on who i’m lying to 101. what is your hogwarts house?: hufflepuff 102. do you talk to yourself?: yep 103. are you an introvert or extrovert?: introvert 104. do you keep a journal/diary?: i try to, but it’s not going great 105. do you believe in second chances?: yes 106. if you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do?:  turn it in 107. do you believe people are capable of change?: yes 108. are you ticklish?: yes, but if you even think about tickling me, be prepared for war. 109. have you ever been on a plane?: yeah 110. do you have any piercings?: no 111. what fictional character do you wish was real?: the entire dbh cast 112. do you have any tattoos?: nooooo 113. what is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far?: letting go of old friends 114. do you believe in karma?: yes 115. do you wear glasses/contacts?: i’m supposed to 116. do you want children?: YES 117. who is the smartest person you know?: my therapist 118. what is your most embarrassing memory?: all of them 119. have you ever pulled an all-nighter?: fuck yeah 120. what color are most of your clothes?: black + moss green 121. do you like adventures?: depends 122. have you ever been on tv?: i got interveiwed on the news because somebody stole my special needs bike (i have a disease that affects how i walk) 123. how old are you?: 14 124. what is your favorite quote?: “you can’t kill me, i’m not alive” 125. do you prefer sweet or savory foods?: sweet
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ok I cant believe I’m typing this out right now AHHH!! ok so I went to the tour alone because no one ever wants to go smh! And I went to the 1989 tour alone also so I was determined to make some new friends and have fun! So I went to my seat and I meet this guy with an incredible costume he made a snake out of cardboard and had “REP” in lights on his shirt and I was like oh my god I love your costume and I noticed he had 2 snake rings and I was like hey I have mine too and we took a picture of them and we became like bestfriends instantly! So when it was almost time for Taylor to come on I noticed that people were standing around b stage and I didn’t know if we could stand there so I went and I met Salli aka SWIFTIEGINGER13 on ig @swiftieginger and she is the sweetest most amazing person ! Ok so her and I were at b stage the entire time talking and bonding and now we are bestfriends too lol ! and so when Taylor came out on to the b-stage we DIED! She started crying and I started crying it was a mess! And when Taylor was walking to the other b stage I told her to go to the other side with me but we lost each other, so after I went to the second b-stage I went back to my seat! So I found my other friend with the big snake and he was jamming out having a good time and when I saw him just going crazy having the time of his life I joined him! So THIS IS WERE MY NIGHT CHANGED!!!! Taylor was singing Don’t Blame Me and omg that is my fucking song so I was going crazy (lol)! and towards the end I turn to look at my friend and I see andrea !!!!!! WHEN I TELL YOU I RAN !!! I freaking ran! she gave me the biggest hug and my friend was still dancing! So she looks at him and goes are you guys together ? And I was like yes ofcourse ! And she’s like that is sooo cool! and she started walking towards him and was like so are you guys together! I was like no lol I came alone and so did he so we just kind met here and she’s like so you guys barely met and are dancing like this together? You guys are practically bestfriends and I was like heck yes! and she goes “have you guys ever met Taylor before” WHEN I TELL YOU I FREAKED IM NOT LYING GO LOOK AT MY PICTURE ! My friend and I looked at each other and we were like no and she’s like “you promise me?” And I was like I swear! and she looked at the lady next to her and she’s like “you are going to the rep room!” WE STARTED BAWLING AND SCREAMING SO LOUD AND JUMPING ! the rush I felt during that moment oh my gosh ! My dream was literally coming true and I just screamed!!!
ok so flash forward to the end of the show my friend and I ran to the section we were supposed to but we went outside the stadium instead of inside lol so we went inside and met everyone who was going to rep room and everybody there deserved to meet her so much! They all had such beautiful stories as to why the wanted to meet her and I’m just so happy that everyone in there got to meet her ok so we filled out whatever we were supposed to and we started walking back to the rep room!!!! AHHH I SAW THE DOOR AND MY HEART DROPPED! ITS EVERYTHING YOU THINK IT IS SO BEAUTIFUL ALL THE COSTUMES AND THERE WAS PIZZA COOKIES BROWNIES SODA!! TAYLOR LOVES US SO MUCH OMG! OK AND THEN EVERYONE WAS TAKING PICTURES, WITH THE THRONE AND THE COSTUMES AND IT WAS JUST SUCH A GOOD FEELING ! AND SCOTT CAME IN AND WAS LIKE HI AND HE SAID THAT IT SHOULDNT BE LONG TILL TAYLOR CAME IN AND HE WAS SO NICE HE WAS TALKING ABOUT HOW EVERYONE ALWAYS COMES UP TO HIM SCREAMING ABOUT HOW THE WISH THEY COULD MEET TAYLOR AND THAT HE TELLS THEM HE DOESNT DO IT AND THEY NEED TO FIND ANDREA AND HE CONTINUED AND WAS LIKE IM A SMART DAD I DONT DO THAT STUFF AND EVERYONE STARTED LAUGHING THEN A GIRL ASKED IF HE HAD GUITAR PICS AND HES LIKE YOU KNOW WHAT I DO AND HE TOOK THEM OUT TO GIVE THEM TO EVERYONE AND WE ALL CROWDED HIM TO GET A GUITAR PIC AND HE YELLED “IM FEEDING CHICKENS” AND ANOTHER PERSON TOLD SCOTT “THANK YOU FOR MAKING TAYLOR” AND SCOTT SAID YOURE WELCOME IT WAS FUN AND EVERYONE DIED LAUGHING OK SO EVERYONE WAS JUST CHILLING AND TAYLOR JUMPS IN AND IS LIKE “BOO!” AND EVERYONE STARTED SCREAMING SHE SAID SHE WAS SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG BUT SHES EXCITED TO MEET US ALL AND THAT SHE WOULD SEE US INSIDE !! THEY HAD US LINE UP TO MEET HER AND WHEN IT WAS MY TURN I GOT TO ANDREA AND SHE HUGGED ME AND SHE WAS LIKE “AWW MY LITTLE PERUVIAN” and was oh no lol that’s not me that’s her and I pointed to the girl in the back and she stepped back and took a better look and was like oh my gosh no that’s right you were the one that ran to me and the one that was dancing with that guy! It’s all coming back to me” and I was like yes!! And she goes you guys could be sisters you look so much alike and I was like aw thank you lol I’m Mexican not Peruvian but hey and she’s like ahhhh mexicooo! and she went in and gave me another hug and said I’m sorry hun this 60 year old brain of mine sometimes jumbles things and I was like oh my gosh no it’s ok I forget stuff all the time and I’m only 20! she started laughing and SHE NEVER LET GO OF ME SHE WAS LIKE HALF HUGGING ME THE ENTIRE TIME!!!! so then we were talking basics like what’s your name, are you from here! What was your favorite part and I was like honestly it was when you told me I could come meet her and she’s like omg you are so cute! And she was like so are you and that guy gonna keep in touch and I’m like yes definitely! we already followed each other on instagram and Twitter we got each other on everything and she’s likes that amazing and you came alone? And I was like yeah no one in my family really supports my “obsession” And she started laughing she’s like well they are gonna kick themselves when they find out you met her and I’m like oh my gosh yes I can’t wait to go and tell them! and she was laughing again and said I love the way you say that and I’m like it’s true and I told her that I had been wanting to meet her so I can ask her about how she was doing and I wanted to find her for her and not just for Taylor! And she’s like I know I felt it ! It was so genuine that’s why I picked you! and I was like omg ! And she’s like how do you come to the shows by yourself and I was like I don’t know I kind of had to it was either I come and see Taylor for the first time love by myself or I don’t and I would rather be here with Taylor that miss out cause I didn’t want to do it alone and she’s like wow you are so brave a lot of people don’t do stuff by themselves and that shows how brave you are! and I was like reeling on a high at this point !
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markfthearts · 6 years
thank you @oksws for tagging me to do the 85 questions tag! 💘🌬💙🌸
rules: answer these 85 questions about yourself and tag 20 people.
1). drink - water...i literally don’t drink anything else (except coffee lmao)
2). phone - iphone 6s...yeeth
3). text message - “girl be quiet” to a boy i don’t want to talk to 
4). song you listened to - party favors by tinashe ft young thug
5). time you cried - like 15 minutes ago lmao!
6). dated someone - yeah haha hard to believe 
7). kissed someone and regretted it - nope!
8). been cheated on - no 
9). lost someone special - haven’t we all?
10). been depressed - yeah! 🤠
11). gotten drunk and thrown up - nah lmao i already look like mr. krabs i refuse to let myself get shitfaced and become even uglier ajkjsdk
fav colors
12). periwinkle 
13). whatever the color of a baja blast from taco bell is
14). black/white (they go hand in hand imho)
in the last year have you...
15). made new friends - yes!! i love them dearly!! 💕
16). fallen out of love - yeah and thank god.
17). laughed until you cried - LITERALLY LAST NIGHT BECAUSE OF THIS 
18). found out someone was talking about you - yeah...
19). met someone who changed you - yes!! 
20). found out who your friends are - yeah...all 3 of them :^}
21). kissed someone on your facebook list - i’m running out of ways to say yes (yes)
22). how many of your facebook friends do you know irl? - all of them tf 
23). do you have any pets? - i have two cats who i’d do anything for
24). do you want to change your name? - idk tbh because my name is kinda boring but what else could it be?
25). what did you do for you last birthday? - took an exam :/
26). what time did you wake up today? - 6:58 am
27). what were you doing at midnight last night? - i was making a playlist!! 
28). what is something you can’t wait for? - to finish uni! won’t be for a while tho :/
29). what are you listening to right now? - skejsen by molo
30). have you ever talked to a person named tom? - yeah in like 5th grade...he was nice.
31). something that gets on my nerves? - hearing people chew and just mouth sounds in general like i actually go full fucking spartan 
32). most visited website - youtube!
33). hair color - reddish brown 
34). long or short hair? - uhh...depends. my hair is like...just past my shoulders or so?
35). do you have a crush on someone? - nope!
36). what do you like about yourself? - HA.
37). want any piercings? - yeah! i wish i had my ears pierced but i’m actually the biggest bitch.
38). blood type - idk...i think o?
39). nicknames - i don’t have any smh people don’t even refer to me by my own dam name 
40). relationship status - single! 
41). zodiac - pisces sun! uwu
42). pronouns - she/her
43). fave tv shows - f.r.i.e.n.d.s
44). tattoos - i don’t have any nor do i want any atm!
45). right or left handed - right
46). ever had surgery? - yeah i had my wisdom teeth taken out
47). piercings - as previously stated, i have zero.
48). sports - horseback riding and tennis!
49). vacation - i’d love to visit iceland and southeast asia!
50). trainers - 👟
more general 
51). eating? - nothing it’s 12 am
52). drinking? - nothing its 12 am 
53). i’m about to watch? - nothing its 12 am 
54). waiting for? - not to be fuckin weird but i don’t even know
55). want? - to speak as many languages as possible and visit as many places as i can
56). get married? - perhaps 👀
57). career? - anything that allows me to travel and lets me utilize my language skills!
which is better?
58). hugs or kisses - ZONT ask me this i could write two essays on why i love both
59). lips or eyes - uh eyes perhaps
60). shorter or taller - in what context...i’m short as fuck i wish i was taller 
61). older or younger - than who...(if u mean like...in a relationship...i find it more reassuring to be younger)
62). nice arms or stomach - i think i should have either of the two before i comment asdjkjk
63). hookup or relationship - relationship! 
64). troublemaker or hesitant - neither of them are necessarily a good thing tbh...
have you ever...
65). kissed a stranger? - no
66). drank hard liquor? - yeah haha
67). lost glasses - no...i don’t wear glasses
68). turned someone down? - in 7th grade i still feel so bad jake if ur reading this i’m sorry
69). sex on the first date? - i...no
70). broken someone’s heart? - not that i know of
71). had your heart broken? - yeah.
72). been arrested? - no bitch i don’t go outside
73). cried when someone died? - of course
74). fallen for a friend? - yes
do you believe in...
75). yourself? - LMAO
76). miracles? - to an extent!
77). love at first sight? - eh...in certain cases but for the most part nej
78). santa claus? - no my mom threw the presents at me instead of setting them up like santa would
79). kissing on the first date? - i personally wouldn’t because i get nervous asksjd
80). angels? - yes mark lee
81). best friends name? - geraldine! 🌟
82). eye color - brown
83). fav movie - tbh idk. perhaps seven with morgan freeman and brad pitt?
84). fav actor - i really haven’t thought about it tbh there isn’t one person who’s performances i like enough to consider my favorite
85). fav thing to do when bored? - listen to and create music! 
i’ll tag randomly from my notifs if that’s okay, but don’t feel obligated to do this!! @hoseokbabie @angelicleefelix @sunshinepjs @wholesomejeno @neosity and anyone else who would like to do this!! sorry if you guys have already been tagged! 
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blairwaldcrf · 7 years
tagged by @china-anne-mcclain who is a sweetie go follow them
Rules: Answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people.
1. Drink - Breathe Easy tea
2. Phone call - best friend
3. text message -  "Sorry I forgot to remind you lol I got stuck in a really good book"
4. song you listened to -  lol “Ocean Avenue” by Yellowcard
5. time you cried - sometime this month idk
6. dated someone twice? - in high school
7. kissed someone and regretted it - yes
8. been cheated on - yes a few times
9. lost someone special - unfortunately
10. been depressed - yay for mental illness
11. gotten drunk and thrown up - once and I’m so mad about it because before that I could quote Ted Mosby
fave colors
12. Indigo
13. Yellow
14. Burgundy
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends - yep
16. fallen out of love - I wish
17. laughed until you cried - yep, thank you Welcome to Nightvale
18. found out someone was talking about you - nope
19. met someone who changed you - yeah
20. found out who your friends are - i mean I’m not in high school anymore so I don’t have this sort of drama lol
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list - well… I mean the people I did are blocked now…
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl - all of them??? Oops I guess except one
23. do you have any pets - a dog!
24. do you want to change your name - every now and then
25. what did you do for your last birthday - went to the bar and crashed someone else’s birthday party lmao
26. what time did you wake up today - 10:30ish
27. what were you doing at midnight last night - reading a book (Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo)
28. what is something you cant wait for - being able to manage my mental health for once
30. what are you listening to right now -  my roommate has football on smh
31. have you ever talk to a person named tom - yeah…?  
32. something thats getting on your nerves - football
33. most visited website - tumblr lol… Well that or Google Drive where I write stuff 
34. hair color - dark brown
35. long or short hair - medium
36. do you have a crush on someone - define crush
37. what do you like about yourself - lolol
38. want any piercings? - nah I’m good
39. blood type -  В+ (ah, irony)
40. nicknames - anica, cherry
41. relationship status - single 
42. zodiac - Libra is my sun sign
43. pronouns - they’re a construct when it comes to me tbh
44. fave tv shows - marvel’s runaways, b99, the good place, the magicians… depending on my mood also shadowhunters
45. tattoos - lol I have a small cactus on my ankle (long story)
46. right or left handed - right
47. ever had surgery - a few times
48. piercings - just one for my ears
49. sport - soccer, volleyball, or basketball
50. vacation - San Francisco when I can, or the Sequoia forest
51. trainers - whut
more general
52. eating - is also a construct
53. drinking - usually coffee
54. im about to watch - Grace and Frankie season 4
55. waiting for - me to get to my life together
56. want - money
57. get married - who knows
58. career - writer or counselor
which is better
59. hugs or kisses - kisses 
60. lips or eyes - eyes
61. shorter or taller - depends on gender
62. older or younger - pretty much always older if I can help it
63. nice arms or stomach - idk like either on another person makes me dysmorphic so…
64. hookup or relationship - relationship lately, i hate my brain
65. troublemaker or hesitant -  depends on the situation… In career, hesitant. In life, definitely troublemaker
have you ever
66. kissed a stranger - yep
67. drank hard liquor - I hate beer and wine… So yeah usually exclusively
68. lost glasses - lost, no, broken yes
69. turned someone down - men suck
70. sex on first date - have I? yes
71. broken someones heart - *eternal sigh*
72. had your heart broken - only like frequently
73. been arrested - try and catch me boi
74. cried when someone died - um, yes??
75. fallen for a friend - only frequently
do you believe in
76. yourself - hahahahaha
77. miracles - sometimes
78. love at first sight - gross
79. santa clause - no?
80. kiss on a first date - sure
81. angels - surprisingly yes
82. best friend’s name - i don’t pick favorites
83. eye colour -  um one is green and one is blue but they both change with my mood
84. fave movie -  aghhh… Recently, Wonder Woman
85. fave actor - Rob Williams
tag: fuck the police
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lilmamaash · 4 years
1. Last beverage:
2. Last phone call:
my best friend hehe
3. Last song you listened to:
All I want - Kodaline
4. Last time you cried:
last night, because i’m simpin lmao
5. Have you dated someone twice:
yes, kinda
6. Have you ever been cheated on:
7. Kissed someone & regretted it:
8. Have you lost someone special:
9. What are your three favorite colors:
pink, mauve, dusty rose/nude, lilac, white, black
10. Met someone who changed you in the past month:
yes, a boy on tinder lol
11. Kissed anyone on your friends list:
12. How many kids do you want:
4-6 LOL
13. Do you want any pets:
yessss, dogs forsure
14. Do you want to change your name:
yes, my last name when i get married
15. What did you do for your last birthday:
went to soju belly LOL
16. What time did you wake up today:
i can’t remember, i sleep throughout the day.
17. Name something you CANNOT wait for:
to love and finally have that love reciprocated
18. Last time you saw your mother:
earlier before i went to target
19. Most visited webpage:
snapchat or insta
20. Nicknames:
21. Relationship status:
single as fuck
22. Zodiac sign:
23. Male or female:
24. Height:
25. Do you have a crush on someone:
yes, i do lolol
26. Piercings:
like 13? some are taken out though.
27. Tattoos:
28. Strong or Weak:
depends on the situation
29. First surgery:
kindergarten, i broke my arm lmao
30. First best friend:
jenn, nika, tiff, kat, etc
31. First sport you joined:
ballet, if that counts
32. First vacation:
prob vegas for my 10th bday lmao
33. First school:
post elementary
34. First pair of trainers:
i wore my first training bra in like 3rd grade LMAO and i got made fun of and i cried.
35. Lips or eyes:
36. Hugs or kisses:
depends on which person LMAO
37. Shorter or taller:
taller, but i’m short so it doesn’t really matter.
38. Older or younger:
older preferably, but if younger by maybe 1-2 years but not any younger.
39. Romantic or spontaneous:
doesn’t matter as long as i’m with who i wanna be with
40. Sensitive or loud:
41. Hook-up or relationship:
42. Shy or outgoing:
doesn’t matter, as long as we vibe
43. Kissed a stranger:
yes, when i was drunk lmao
44. Gotten a speeding ticket:
yes smh LOL
45. Lost glasses/contacts:
contacts forsure, they get stuck on my acrylics without me knowing LOL
46. Sex on first date:
47. Broken someone's heart:
48. Been arrested:
49. Have you turned someone down:
50. Fallen for a friend:
51. Moved out of town:
not yet, maybe in the future
52. Miracles:
yesssss, i do believe in them
53. Love at first sight:
i believe that a person can fall in love with the connection at first sight, yes lol living it firsthand right now
54. Heaven:
55. Santa Claus:
no, my family was too poor for that lmao
56. Kiss on the first date:
i don’t see anything wrong with it, as long as you feel like there’s a second date too!!!
57. Angels:
yes, my denise esp <3
58. Yourself:
59. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time:
60. Been in love with someone you couldn't be with?:
def lmao
61. Ever cheated on somebody:
62. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?:
childhood, i would try to remember more of it
63. Are you afraid of falling in love:
never, only afraid of not being loved back
64. Was your last relationship a mistake?
like bf/gf? or just interest in someone? cause if so, no. just wish things could’ve been different. wish we could start over.
65. Do you miss your last relationship?
i miss the last guy i was interested in, yes.
66. Who did you last say “i love you” to?
my best friend, jenn hehe
67. Have you ever been depressed?
basically my whole life
68. Are you insecure?
def, isn’t everyone
69. How do you want to die?
peacefully and painlessly lol
70. Do you bite your nails?
if i don’t have acrylics, cause i have anxiety, thats why i have fake nails to prevent it
71. When was your last physical fight?
it’s been a while LOL
72. Do you have an attitude?
73. Twirl or cut your spaghetti?
74. Do you tan a lot?
i used to lol
75. Ever eaten food in a car while someone or you are driving?
yessss lol
76. Ever made out in a bathroom?
noooo hahah
77. Would you take any of your exes back?
the last guy i was interested in, yes.
78. Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
79. What are your plans for this weekend?
bitch, we in quarantine.
80. Do you type fast?
81. Can you spell well?
yes, most times.
82: What are you craving right now?
someone’s attention
83. Have you ever been on a horse?
nooo lol
84. Would you live with someone without marrying them?
85. What’s irritating you right now?
i miss someone a lot but i’m too stupid and emotional and i fucked it up
86. Have you ever liked someone so much that it hurts?
87. Does somebody love you?
hopefully lmao my friends and family
88. Have you ever changed clothes in a car?
yes hahaha
89. Milk chocolate or white chocolate?
90. Do you have trust issues?
no, and i think that’s my problem. but i also do get defensive if someone doesn’t text me back/open my snaps but their score is going up lolol so take it as you will
91. Longest relationship?
92: Do you believe your most recent ex thinks about you?
a don’t have an ex
93. Have you ever walked outside in your PJs?
always LMAO idgaf
94. Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
i try to
95. Did you have dream last night?
yeah and i cried cause it felt so real
96. Have you ever been out of state?
97. Do you play the Wii?
i used to have one!
98. Do you like Chinese food?
99. Are you afraid of the dark?
100. Is cheating ever okay?
never wtf
101. What year has been your best?
i can’t even remember, but maybe 2017
102. Do you believe in true love?
yes, i think so.
103. Favorite weather?
cold cold cold, winter forever pls
104. Do you like the snow?
love it
105. Do you like the outside?
depends lmao
106. Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?
love ittttt
107. Have you ever made out for more than a half hour straight?
with breaks in between
108. What makes you happy?
my loved ones
109. Ever been to Alaska?
no, but maybe one day!
110. Ever been to Hawaii?
no :(
111. Do you watch the news?
no, i don’t lol i prob should
112. Do you love MTV?
back in the day LMAO
113. Do you like subway?
yessss, i love sammiches
114 Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?
no, but i wouldn’t care to
115. Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
been there, done that, we’re still friends
116. Why did you decide to do this quiz?
because i’m bored as fuck in quarantine and i miss this shit lowkey LMAO
117. Have you ever seen someone you knew and purposely avoided them?
always, i’m very shy and weird like that
118. Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around?
yesssss, i’m v grateful
119. Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?
the guy that i miss lmfao
120. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
my best friends, myself lol
121. Ever bought condoms?
no haha
122. Ever gotten pregnant?
123. Have you ever slipped on ice?
yessss, at work being a bobarista LMAO
124 Have you ever missed the bus?
yessss, in eighth grade, i had to take naother bus home, it was fucking scary LOL
125. Have you left the house without money?
126. Have you ever smoked cigarettes?
used to :(
127. Have you ever smoked a cigar?
noooo, sounds gross
128. Did you ever drink alcohol?
bitch plssssss
129. Did you ever watch “The Breakfast Club”?
130. Have you ever been overweight?
all my lifeeee, 4″11 gang
131. Ever been to a wedding?
yes, i fucking love weddings!!
132. Ever been in a wedding?
yes, kinda lol i was shy tho as the flowergirl
133. Have you ever been on the computer for 5 hours straight?
yesss, more so back then.
134. Did you ever watch TV for 5 hours straight?
yessss, binge watching everything.
135. Ever kissed in the rain?
yesss, it’s not as romantic as you’d think LMAO
136. Did you ever shower with someone else?
as kids, not w a lover
137. Did you ever fail a driver’s test?
nope, never
138. Ever been outside your home country?
139. Ever been on a road trip longer than 5 hours?
yesss, lake tahoe
140. Ever been to a professional sports game?
i don’t think so
141. Have you ever broken a bone?
yesss, my arm in kindergarten
142. Did you ever win a trophy in your life?
like a medal LOL
143. Ever get engaged?
nope, hopefully one day
144. Have you ever been on a diet?
i’ve tried many times
145. Have you ever been on TV?
146. Ever ridden in a taxi?
yessss, vegas baby
147. Ever been to prom?
yesss, junior and senior year hehe
148. Ever stayed up for 24 hours or more?
yesss crack head hours
149 Have you ever been to a concert?
so manyyyyy
150. Have you ever had a crush on someone at work?
never LMAO
151. Have you ever been in a car accident?
yes, i wasn’t driving tho
152. Ever had braces?
153. Did you ever learn another language?
154. Do you wear make-up?
usually every day LOL
155. Did you ever have your wisdom teeth taken out?
156. Did you ever kiss someone a different race than yourself?
yesss lol 
157. Ever dyed your hair?
too many times
158. Did you ever wear someone else’s clothes?
159. Ever ridden in an ambulance?
160. Ever ridden in a helicopter?
161. Ever caught the stove on fire?
162. Ever meet someone famous?
many people
163. Ever been on an airplane?
164. Ever been on a boat?
yes and i get seasick as fuck
165. Ever broken something expensive?
LOL, i’m sure of it
166. Did you ever kiss someone before you were 14?
no, my first kiss was at 15 i believe
167. Did you ever find something valuable on the ground?
a pack of cigs LMAO or the $100 bill my friend accidentally dropped and we finally found it like an hour later
0 notes
thatgirlfromwindsor · 7 years
92 Tag!
I was tagged by @roleplayingexo, my lil love
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people. (20 ppl ur funny)
1. Drink: Iced water to go with my cookie bc I’m lactose :c 2. Phone call: I think my auntie. She wanted to talk to my dad or something. 3. Text message: My cousin :D I think I was asking her to steal a baby for me
4. Youtube Video (this was fked when I got to it so imma just do my own…): My girl Taylor Nicole Dean
5. Time you cried: Yesterday. I was talking to Mel about my hypothetical dead bird dying because it outlived me and got sad and didn’t understand why I was gone and I broke
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: Boy I haven’t even dated someone once r u kidding me 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: :’) I’m a boyfriend virgin and a kiss virgin I feel personally attacked 8. Been cheated on: See above 9. Lost someone special: My puppy was run over by a car the other day. That effing sucked. 10. Been depressed: I haven’t been diagnosed by a doctor and I don’t really have sad periods or anything. I don’t think I have serious depression but sometimes a girl just wants to d*e ya feel me lmao  11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: *sigh* I’m a drunk virgin too. I have gotten tipsy before tho (my first time drinking and it was soju smh the inner koreaboo strikes again :////)
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: Pastel pink, mint green, coral pink/red
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: Yes! I started uni this fall, so I’ve met loads of new people :) 16. Fallen out of love: I don’t think I’ve ever really been in love. I did unbias Minseok though. All the merch is a lil awko taco now. (Still loaf him, but Jongdae owns my heart n soul now uwu) 17. Laughed until you cried: Today. I was reading a confessions post from my uni and o lor d 18. Found out someone was talking about you: Yeah. It sucked 19. Met someone who changed you: @universitykpop when did we meet again lmao 20. Found out who your friends are: ?? Who knows all of y’all could be snakes and I’d be none the wiser 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: See above for further explanation 
GENERAL 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: Almost all of them. I have Mel on there and some distant family friends or something 23. Do you have any pets: I had Chocolate but I had to leave her behind in Vietnam when I came home (technically I only babysat her for a lil bit but she was my puppy and I cried when she died) 24. Do you want to change your name: Yes. My last name is stupid and in the wrong language. 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: I just had a small get together with friends. We chilled, played jenga, gossiped, the usual 26. What time did you wake up: Today’s a saturday so like probs something dumb like 11am 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Watching animal videos 28. Name something you can’t do: Not cry during an argument I’m a lil pussy 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: Like 2 hours ago before she went to bed 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: I wish I got into working out so I wasn’t a fat out of shape slob
31. What are you listening right now: My songs of the moment are Babe by Hyuna, Forever by Exo, Kokobop by Exo, p much all of Exo’s discography. I slide in some Pierce the Veil and All Time Low too. They’re rad 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Most likely?  33. Something that is getting on your nerves: My makeup is nearing the end of it’s run but 1) I spent a lotta time on this look and 2) I’m lazy to wash my face (I’ll post a pic if any of yall are interested) 34. Most visited Website: Loncapa :’))))))))) Fuck me up chem
LOST QUESTIONS. I JUST PUT IN RANDOM INFO ABOUT ME 35. Mole/s: Nope! 36. Mark/s: Beauty marks/birthmarks by my eye, on my arm, on my back. They’re not moles though. They’re very much flat. I have some scars on my hands from stupid things like getting cut on coral and shit 37. Childhood dream: I wanted to be an author. I thought I loved writing but I guess biomed was always my true calling 38. Hair colour: Black 39. Long or short hair: Long 40. Do you have a crush on someone: Yeah and the bitch’s name is Kim Jongdae 41. What do you like about yourself: I think I have pretty lips. I like my eyes 42. Piercings: Just my ear lobes but I’ve always wanted a nose piercing or a double helix 43. Bloodtype: No idea but according to an old wives tale I’m an O type 44. Nickname: I like to go by Vivi on here, or Viv sometimes. Mel likes to call me Weimoney :’)))))))))) 45. Relationship status: Single af 46. Zodiac: Pisces 47. Pronouns: She/ Her 48. Favourite TV Show: Go Fighting! I used to be really into the Flash, I really like Orphan Black too 49. Tattoos: Nada 50. Right or left hand: Right 51. Surgery: I don’t think so. My parents thought I was dead when I was born tho so who knows what the doctor did to me 52. Hair dyed in different colour: I’ve tried! My hair is a really really dark dark black colour. I’d have to bleach it and I don’t wanna fuck with that at home lmao  53. Sport: I like jogging sometimes. I’ve tried to pick up yoga 55. Vacation: I loved loved loved China. I visited Xiamen recently and I love it so much. I feel so at home. Also Grand Cayman. It’s beautiful there (my heart goes to all of those affected my the hurricanes. Stay strong!) 56. Pair of trainers: (does this mean sneakers or runners???? I don’t get your foreign slang Jess) I like my converse. They’re my babies. I have a pair of Free Runs tho. They look really good with skinny pants.
MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: I ate a cookie bc I skipped dinner oops 58. Drinking: The same iced water 59. I’m about to: Do some chem hw 61. Waiting for: My next trip to NR to I can justify blowing all my $$$ on Exo notebooks 63. Get married: I would love to. It requires that I’m in a relationship first though… 64. Career: Med school is the dream. It’s a big dream and a big ambition, but I hope with hard work and perseverance I can make it a reality. I’m not sure what I want to specialize it, but I’ve always found reproductive endocrinology super interesting. 
65. Hugs or kisses: I love hugs. Hugs are the greatest. They make me feel warm and loved. No experience with kisses
66. Lips or eyes: Eyes. Eyes hold so much expression and history.
67. Shorter or taller: Both! Kyungsoo and a smol lil cutie patoot, and Channie is a tol giant full of love and cuddles. Both could take me any day
68. Older or younger: Older. I can’t imagine being with someone younger at this point in my life
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: I just want my boothang to be happy and healthy. Channie bear pls don’t starve urself abs aren’t worth it bb :((((
71. Sensitive or loud: I don’t know what this means but if it means what I think it means than kinky sex
72. Hook up or relationship: Relationship
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: I’m a massive piece of shit with social anxiety so you know what who fuckin knows at this point
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a stranger: SEE ABOVE ONCE AGAIN HOLY HSIT 75. Drank hard liquor: I’ve had soju so it’s like half vodka? I’ve tried a berry alcohol (it’s native to Vietnam and super hard to come by) that’s 40%. 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: I lose my sunglasses on my face. I’m a failure 77. Turned someone down: Possibly? I’m terrible at reading signs. 78. Sex on the first date: I feel personally attacked at this point. No first dates ever :/ 79. Broken someone’s heart: That would mean that someone would be interested in me…  80. Had your heart broken: Yes 81. Been arrested: Nope. I’m a good girl 82. Cried when someone died: Yes 83. Fallen for a friend: Nada
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: Meh. I guess so 85. Miracles: Yeah 86. Love at first sight: I believe in lust at first sight. I don’t believe that you can truly fall in love with someone before meeting them 87. Santa Claus: Nope 88. Kiss on the first date: Sure, why not? A kiss is just a kiss 89. Angels: I like to think so, yeah
OTHER: 90. Current best friends name: @universitykpop is it sad if I say you? 91. Eye colour: Brown 92. Favourite movie: Rush Hour. It’s a fave of mine. Brings me back to the good old days :’)))
Tagging: @universitykpop @penseuls I have no other friends oops. If you see this then I tag you too!!! And tag me in your responses. I love reading them. Haneul I dare you to do this all in your bullet journal (might as well get some content for your blog)
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