#// hopefully I’ll be happy with Cybersecurity we shall see
aviiatrix · 1 year
// I haven’t been around today since I’m trying to get back into college after covid gave me the big bonk from it. I’m having to move all of my transcripts into another school. I spent most of my time doing that, but I’ll be around tomorrow! ❤️
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officialleehadan · 4 years
Guide By Stars
The Cobalt Coda recognized Patrick, or rather, Patrick’s necromancer robes, on sight.
“We don’t allow his kind here,” the head priestess, her robes thickly embroidered with constellations, said firmly. Her face was mostly covered by her veil, but Adrienne cold see the iconic crown of stars tattooed across her forehead. One for each year of service to the Coda. “Lady Shalla, you are, of course, welcome.”
Adrienne hesitated. She had seen too many stupid movies, and she knew how splitting the party went. Of course, this wasn’t a movie, so who knew? Maybe it would be fine. They were both pretty seriously dangerous on their own. It would take an army to be a real threat to either of them.
Of course, they were stuck in a video game, so there was that too. The possibility of hostile army was not zero.
“I’ll meet you in the market,” Patrick said, rolling his eyes. It wasn’t the first time he had encountered people who were prejudiced against necromancers, and Patrick’s own, apparently-terrible reputation didn’t help at all. Adrienne couldn’t remember ever having this problem running with Yvarian, and wasn’t sure what to make of it. Then again, it was possible to ruin a reputation score in a few days, and Yvarian’s house was as far from Forest Hall as hers was. Maybe he just… didn’t care. “Maybe see if there’s an inn around that will take my money. I want a real bath and a real bed.”
“If I don’t find you before then, I’ll meet you at the fountains by twilight,” Adrienne agreed. “I want to get some supplies too, and maybe stop at my Guild.”
“Because I like to know what’s happening around the kingdom, and if there’s trouble ahead, my informants should be able to tell me ahead of time.”
She spent a fortune on those informants, and they were worth every copper. She got advance notice of alliance changes, major monsters, and unique items. Hopefully now, it would translate to warnings about bandits and that sort of thing. The baby quests she used to ignore, and now didn’t dare pretend weren’t an issue.
She didn’t want to watch Patrick kill anyone else, even if they probably had it coming.
Patrick rolled his eyes again, but when the priest glared meaningfully at him, he went without another word. Adrienne watched him go, tried not to be relieved and hoped he wouldn’t cause problems in town. They were still fighting over whether or not the people in town deserved to be treated as people or as data.
In short, Adrienne was about three more hours from just stabbing him to see how he felt about the whole thing. They had healing potions, and he was a good healer, even if he hadn’t actually used any of the healing spells she knew he had.
It probably wasn’t a good idea to stab her one friend in this world, but she wasn’t sure she didn’t want to try it anyway.
When he was gone, she couldn’t hide a sigh, and the priestess, whose name she still didn’t know, offered a wry smile.
“Come inside,” the priest said, her smile kind and knowing behind her translucent veil. “You seek information, as you have many times before. Perhaps we can help.”
“I hope you can,” Adrienne admitted as they walked inside. The temple was a glory of incredible tiles, laid into grand mosaics depicting the night sky. The Cobalt Coda always knew where everything was, and they were usually the best place to buy maps, provided you had the gold for it. More importantly, for a small donation, they would give you a clue about your current Main Quest. Adrienne only hoped they could help this time. She was at a loss. Yes, there was the alchemist’s tower out on the coast, but she didn’t even know if that was the right direction. “As always, I’m happy to support the temple. Your sect has helped me more than I can say over the years.”
“And you have been a kind friend to us, Dria Shalla,” the priestess told her, and patted her shoulder. “This way. Tell me how you fell in with that one, as we go. My friend, I know your company is sometimes suspect, but him?”
“You’ve met him before,” Adrienne said, confused, and suddenly concerned. “Yvarian has been a friend of the Cobalt Coda as long as I have. He was with me when we found your Holy One up in the mountains.”
The priest gave her a very strange look, her wizened face mostly hidden behind her veil, but her eyes expressive.
“Dria Shalla, that one is a danger to us all,” she said grimly. “The stars watch him closely, and worry for you, our kind friend.”
“I don’t think he’s the type to hurt me,” Adrienne assured her, now very confused. She thought the Cod liked Yvarian. At least, he had always gotten a warm welcome before now. Maybe it was something to do with Patrick’s reputation. “But I know him. He and I… we study together, where I’m from, and he needs me as much as I need him. We’re on the Lover’s Quest. Can’t finish it without your spouse at your side, right?”
This time the priest looked entirely disapproving. “I wonder if he sees it that way. And yet, you are our friend, Dria Shalla, and for our friendship with you, I will help you all I can. Come this way, and perhaps we shall see about putting your feet on the road that will lead you to your destiny.”
Cybersecurity 101
Adrienne is one of her server’s top players, but the game is more than a game, and she will have to face love, and betrayal, to survive.
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