#// hope this is fine!
salsedinepicta · 5 months
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My gift for @notomys-mordax-blog for the 2024 Handers Exchange (hosted by @handers-time - whom I thank for organising the event) 🌙
The "fancy evening but they are awkward" prompt captivated me - they are here just to shed feathers all over the place, really.
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livingfastandfree · 6 months
Sonic's still conducting his "investigation" of the city. There has to be a way out of here...right? Even running to the outskirts of the city, hoping to find something on the rest of the island, only resulted in him returning to right where he started. But Sonic doesn't give up—he just doesn't. Speeding by building after building, his gaze flicks from side to side before settling straight forward.
He takes a cursory glance behind him, just in time to witness the resulting gust of wind spill wine onto a strangers' (very expensive-looking) suit. Whoops. Skidding to a halt, Sonic, just as quick as he went, speeds back to the site of the incident in the blink of an eye... literally. So fast, in fact, that he's able to catch the glass before it shatters on the ground. With a bit of fumbling, of course.
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"Woah! Sorry, pal," He moves to place it back on the table (which is slightly below eye level, but he manages). His eyes move to linger on the stain, an apologetic look on his face. Hopefully he won't have to pay for the dry cleaning...
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therainbowinhell · 7 months
@hells-greatestdad liked for a starter! [X]
"Heeeey, dad!" With a small smile, the demon princess approached the other, holding her hands close to her chest.
"Now that I at least seemed to change some things around here- do you plan on visiting more?" After all, the blonde always went out of her way to change people and improve their situation, yet...it was about time she also tried to fix her own relationships with her parents.
Or at the very least, with Lucifer.
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"It would be a pity if after all the effort we...uhm...fell so silent to each other like before." She was looking elsewhere, perhaps awkward? And biting her tongue to not mention how much she actually missed her mother, as well.
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koboivanderlinde · 1 year
hey are you able to write something for dutch where his s/o has an awful nightmare and he comforts her?
Hello, thank you for the request ! I tried, it's a bit short but I hope you'll like it :)
Dutch comforting his S/O who had a nightmare
Pairing : Dutch van der Linde x Reader
Warnings : mentions of blood
Tags : angst, fluff,
A/N : As I am very new to writing, this is my first "fanfiction" ever. I am open to criticism as long as it's not too rude, I hope you'll like it anyways :)
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Fire, fire everywhere. The camp was destroyed, flames licking the canvas of the tents. You were standing in front of you and Dutch's tent, petrified by the vision before you. Everyone was dead, their lifeless bodies lying on the floor next to your feet. Your hands were covered in their blood. The Pinkertons had come and burned the camp to the ground. They mercilessly slaughtered your friends -- your family. You felt as if you were drowning, despair submerging you, smothering you as you gasped for air, your sight grew dim and-
Your eyes opened wide. Your chest rose and fell back down a few times, and you tried unsuccessfully to regain control of your breath. Tears were rolling down your face without a noise. You instinctively wiped your forehead with your forearm, but all you removed was sweat. A nightmare, again. It was not unusual for you to have those, but it has been happening more and more often lately. As silently as you could, you rolled over to see Dutch's back facing you. At least I didn't wake him up, you thought. He was tired as of late, the gang's dangerous situation had taken a toll on him. The last thing you wanted to do was tire him even more.
The camp was silent. Everyone had gone to sleep for at least an hour now; There was no sound but the occasional singing of a cuckoo. Careful not to make any noise that could awaken your lover, you slowly stood up. As you were walking out of the tent, you heard a low voice behind you.
“Come back, sweetheart. What happened?”
You felt your whole body become tense. So he heard everything, you thought. His voice was enough to make the tears you tried to repress flow. You crawled back into the cot, facing Dutch as he was now turned to face you. 
“Had a nightmare… These bastards killed everyone but me,” you whispered with a shaky voice, sobbing. You hated this feeling that was creeping over you; you felt like this was just gonna worry Dutch even more. But your thoughts were interrupted by his sleepy voice.
“Oh, darling,” he sighed. He slowly cupped your cheek. “You know I would never let these men come here.”
He looked at you with concern, as he lovingly moved his hand to your chin. He gently brought your lips to his, fondly kissing you. His facial hair softly tickled you, but you didn’t mind.
“I had your blood on my hands, Dutch. I felt so hopeless..”
“Look at me.” He grabbed one of your hands and kissed it countless times. “Those hands will never get dirty as long as I am here,” he said as he pulled you close to him and embraced you tightly.
  You wished you could stay here forever, protected in his strong arms as the hand that didn’t hold your chin was affectionately stroking your back. 
“You are safe. We are safe. Alright, dear?”
“I love you, Dutch.”
“I love you too. Now come here.”
He laid flat on his back and gently grabbed your arm to help you move yourself on top of him. You rested your head in the crook of his neck, closing your eyes as you smelled his comforting Cologne scent. His arms rested on your back, securing you in place as the two of you fell back asleep, the only thing on your mind being how lucky you were to have Dutch.
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yourfaveneedsakiss · 1 year
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Hunter Gathers from the Venture Bros needs a kiss! 💋
Requested by Anonymous
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choicesmc · 4 months
Fae OCs
@leafkingofbirds is looking for some OCs to repopulate the Moon + Sun Courts! Can be mortal, changeling, or fae! So here's some for submission! (I made them twins but feel free to change that!)
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Pronoun: She/Ze Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Affiliation: Currently Moon Court Personality: Eirlys is quiet but persistent. Keeping her eyes and ears peeled, she is always hungry for gossip --especially on those who've offended her. Once an unlucky fae gets on zir bad side, it's almost impossible to earn zir forgiveness.
Biography: Eirlys was one of Eisa's peers in the Sun Court and likewise switched when Eisa married the then Night Prince, Kieran's father (likely hoping for a similar rise in status.) However, ze didn't stay long as the Moon Court was picked apart by seemingly endless misfortune. Only returning after the final battle (or for the final battle, your call here!), ze re-pledged zirself to the Kieran and the Moon Court.
Appearance: Ze is extremely pale, even for fae. Her hair is a lavender color that she straightens and keeps in, usually, the same hairstyle save for special occasions. (the one depicted). Rather fond of head jewelry, ze appreciates adorning zirself in silvers, blues, whites, and purples.
EXTRA: Zir inspiration is snowdrop flowers!
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Pronouns: He/him Alignment: Chaotic Good Affiliation: Sun Court (or Exiled your choice!) Personality: Boisterous and loud, Galan could keep himself busy for days on end. Born into the Sun Court, Galan keeps an ever-rotating circle of friends that grew increasingly stagnant the decades following his twin's renunciation and her eventual disappearance.
Biography: Born into the Sun Court, Galan had found much trouble with the family's low peerage. Rather than gambling with fate as Eirlys had, Galan became an admirable fighter who challenged his way through fae ranks easily besting arrogant upper nobles who'd clearly equated his rank with skill. (If you decide on Exiled status, Galan loses a pivotal match against high ranking fae in the same show of over confidence he'd once used to climb high. As result, the Sun Prince banished him from Court leaving Galan's fate to the Fae Forests and beyond.)
Appearance: He, like his twin, is extremely pale. The two share very similar features with three major differences: 1) where Eirlys is adorned in lavender, Galan's hair and eyes are a light green, 2) Galan keeps a well-maintained beard with a bit of a goatee, and 3) Galan's hair is left in its natural curly state in a rough bun.
EXTRA: Galan dyes his hair from lavender to green though he refuses to admit it.
picrew used for both is linked [here]
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phantomuheist · 11 months
@queenxfjustice | Sc.
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"Well, well, if it isn't Miss Police Officer herself!" Akira got up from his desk to greet his old friend, smiling widely. "I hear you've solved a lot of tough cases lately. What brings you here? Oh, care for some coffee? It's my own blend and I serve it to everyone." Everyone who was cooperative enough to work with him.
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red-man-of-mustache · 6 months
@hxzelwallflower liked the Starter Call!
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"Pastagram!" From where he appeared no one knows. But! What was evident is this red-clad plumber was holding a steaming hot bowl of pasta topped with tomato sauce, carefully seasoned, complete with a complimentary fork! Random tests of his pasta were a great measure of his skill he thought, thus the invention of the pastagram! "Free bowl of-a pasta? I traveled through-a underwhere and highwater to bring it-a your way y'know! Don't-a send me home a failure." He urged the female with a wiggle of the mustache.
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oftempus · 5 days
@lightburnsyou liked x.
DEATH HAS ALWAYS BEEN AT A DISTANCE from the other, watching from afar as tragedy struck over and over within his very timeline enough to have them around. Never interacting, merely watching as time plays out for them until the very moment is ripe for the taking. THE VERY MOMENT when he shall inherit the title, becoming the very CHAMPION OF DEATH. BUT FOR NOW, they’ll allow this moment to happen between themselves. One must speak sooner or later to their to be champion, after all.
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THE VERY STENCH OF UNRIPE SOULS leaks within their ship, holding the wounded troopers at bay form their recent battle. They won’t survive the trip with Death on deck, especially with them being so near the troopers. Bountiful and ready for the taking. Their souls WILL belong to them. Attention is turned away from the other, looking towards the nearest trooper. ❛ You poor, poor thing. ❜ FALSE CONCERN laces their tone, running an icy finger on the troopers arm. ❛ Give in and you’ll be free with the rest. ❜ A pause, directing the following question towards the Jedi. ❛ Don’t you want that, little one? They’ll be free with ME. ❜
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patetpluvia · 14 days
@themosthatedbeingg continued from [x]
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“Trying to get him down where..?” Surely not Gehenna since the man before her was not Satan. Plus he wasn’t actively trying to drag Rin down to his land by force either. “Either way it might not be the best idea. He’s still a teenager, you know. Has a whole life ahead of him.. Unless you meant on a.. temporary basis?” Was that possible? Perhaps..
As the woman allowed herself to slip into deeper thoughts, her tail slipped out to wave behind her. It was still a handful to keep hidden. Ah right! He introduced himself as well. “Oh! It’s a pleasure to meet you Lucifer Morningstar.. I can tell you don’t mean any harm, that’s a relief.” That meant this meeting would remain peaceful. Not that she believed she would stand a chance in a fight against him.
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dick-meister · 4 months
Damn, he needed a drink. A meeting had been called by the high seraphim, only a small, selected group of Angel’s were allowed in. The fate of Hell’s residents rested on that meeting, a solution to its rapid overpopulation which lead to multiple sides of debates. A humane option verses one that was certainly out of character for Heaven as a whole. Adam, was on the side of a mass culling yearly and not only was he clearly on that side, but he would be leading that charge with exorcists.
The First Human had seen so much change over his years of living, his mental had slowly twisted and wrapped. Anger, confusion and betrayal lead feelings and decisions that should otherwise be made with calm, rational thinking…. He didn’t want to think about it anymore. Not when the ice that clinked clearly in the cup of alcohol could be heard so tantalizingly in the empty room of his home.
Sitting on the fine leather couch that was aimed at a large window, over shadowing a large part of the infinity that was Heaven. Ears twitching lightly as his front door had opened, a turn of his head, a light smile. They finally got on terms where she would let herself in? Finally. He didn’t want to get up anyways.
Temperance. “How’s it going, Beauty Queen!” Clearly his mouth had been stained even in these times, calling anyone practically anything he’d like, affectionate or not. Turning back to the large window, he’d raise his glass of whiskey and point with his pinky stretched out towards the counter where drinks scattered themselves practically all over. “Drinks are over there, help yourself.”
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ofcompanionship · 3 months
@knowsmonsters liked for a starter.
❛ Don’t start, my dear. ❜
A DEMAND given towards the other, one that he absolutely KNOWS the other is going deny and continue on with their foolish discussion at hand. Perhaps it’s a developed habit between the two or one that’s integrated within his (hard)drive, but the other can SENSE such thing from him. Whatever it might be that the other wants to say, they will not allow it.
He looks towards the other, giving them a look of judgement upon (false) features. He follows it up with another response.
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❛ I don’t want to hear it. ❜
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chunibyo-x-sorcerer · 4 months
For @mangher from here
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"I'm not being stupid!" Yelled the other. The person who retorted to Itadori's statement is no other but Daichi PheonX. The self-claimed great sorcerer or rather the infamous Chunbiyo sorcerer.
"Okay! Look! I'm doing this because...because...I want to do it, okay?! It's not every day I see a big monster and want to fight it." Daichi said as the monster in front of the two boys was just a semi-grade 2 curse.
"If I don't do this, I will never call myself the great sorcerer of the Dark Phoenix!" He points to himself. "So I'm going to take this one down because..." Daichi needs to explain himself,
Actually, he wants to do this for fun amongst other reasons.
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suavedolls · 4 months
𝜗𝜚. ( @duedrops - from this post. )
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❝ really now, ❞ jia's lack of amusement was palpable. the repetitive comment failed to elicit a flicker of interest. annoyance etched across her features, evident in the furrow of her brow and the sharpness of her tone as she continued, ❝ look, i just wanted a drink. it's been a long day and your jokes aren't helping at all. ❞
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tricoloredillusion · 4 months
Starter for @rubbarband!
It's been months since Neo has been around here, perhaps longer? She couldn't tell.
The same way she appeared in this world, she disappeared. Her small adventure in the Ever After possibly only made it worse for herself, but at the very least, she had time to reflect on what happened.
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And now that she was ready to go back to Remnant...she ended in a place that wasn't Remnant.
The now half-beast stood all alone in the middle of an alley, groaning to herself and adjusting her top hat before looking up.
...she sure needed a break.
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lgcjinyoung · 6 months
while it wasn't impossible to see an lgc trainee outside of the lgc building, it still was unlikely to a point that it took jinyoung aback when he found himself entering a convenience store to a rather unfortunate scene unfolding. it seemed like a technological failure on all ends for the poor guy just trying to buy himself some snacks-
while walking up to the cashier with his own array of snacks, the male suddenly recalls his mother's wise words of always carrying spare cash around. while technology was advanced enough to devoid the need for actual bills and coins, in situations like these, he understood why she had taught him that piece of wisdom.
"does this cover it," he interferes without much of an introduction, holding a bunch of 10K won bills to the flabbergasted cashier.
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