#// frank: i want to drag but im also nice so i wont say it
hiii uh. dunno if this will make any sense, im kinda just throwing my thoughts at you
OKAY. so. been thinking about kuron(again) and the thing im just realising how ALONE he is, at least at the beggining. the people he thought of as his family fucking KILLED him, stole his body, and then basically forgot about him for YEARS. and after being ressurected- like, in the first few days, weeks, months- did kuron had ANY support? anyone to lean on?? to help him adjust to being alive again?
i know he starts to meet new people and make friends, and thats great! but. at the beggining....... lance was in a coma 'n shit, team voltron propably wasnt too enthusistic about helping kuron, and it just hit me that, at least the way i understand it(i might be wrong), he had to figure EVERYTHING out by himself
thats FUCKED dude
Oh god yes!!! To be honest i dont really have like a detailed idea for this part of the story like at best i have this one idea where Veronica is the first one to find him. Like in my head Veronica has been trying to track down Lance cause he ran away/didnt give the address once he moved out, isnt picking up his goddamn phone and literally dropped from the face of the earth and she cant find a trace of him. That was until apparently Lance?? 'Attacked' Shiro?? Like Shiro's fine just fainted and on bedrest and according to Curtis, Lance was saying something about "he is still in there" before apparently using Magic?? Somehow?? And taking something? From Shiro?? Yeah Veronica has no fucking clue. But a lead is a lead and she was able to track down Lance's new home only to find 1) a guy butt fuck naked coming out of a quintessence filled tub like the girl from Shining and who looks a bit like her boss. 2) her brother unconscious. She instinctly about to pull a gun on him except Kuron just slips and hits the floor, so now Veronica has two men she needs to drag to a hospital. Joy.
So like yeah Kuron's first stranger-to-acquintance-to-friend is Veronica. She neither has the history of All That™ the others have with Kuron, knows a bit about the clone situation to not be weirded out by it, but also doesnt really care about the whole Evil Clone thing™, cause i am so sorry but she has seen this man fall on his face first 5 times and counting, cry over a fridge ad that had kittens in it, and try to name himself Frank Shelley, even if he somehow becomes Evil~ Veronica is sure she can just Take him down easily, and like what is she supposed to do? Just leave him? He clearly has even less of an idea what is going on and she cant in good conscience leave him like this.
And thing is that Veronica does want to support Kuron, because he deserves that! It's the right thing to do and he deserves that! But at the start he really is a stranger to her and Lance is more of a priority to her than he is, and he is like one of the only leads that explains what is going on with Lance. And while she wont admit this but Kuron can tell and like logically He Gets That™!! He Gets That™!!! And he wants to help Lance too!! But he's also someone who is used and thrown away by everyone around him and this shit hurts like hell. Like this is a recipe of disaester for both of them and will result in a shouting match but right now Kuron is too high on pain meds and pain of being alive again to truly get into it so.
So like physically he isnt really alone in figuring this out, Veronica is trying to help him as much as she can help him, and the hospital staff she dragged him to are really nice to him as well. Emotionally......well there is effort. Vero is trying! Heck she even defended him when Shiro suggested they should lock him up cause he was a danger to everyone and is evil. She is trying but she also has her own trauma, whatever is going on with Lance, her family having separation anxiety, her job, etc etc and she can only do so much, and like Kuron is also trying but he is also dealing with so much and pushing it into the back burner and my guy is just not having great time at all. So like yeah he did had to figure out so much himself
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oflongbttomarchive · 7 years
"I’ve never heard that one before."
“ Probably because it was an original. ” Not that you know anything about that…
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Rose Coloured Glasses - Part 14
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A/N - OMG its been a while.... again!! Im so sorry i promise i’ll try to update quicker. 💕💕
Having no work meant i had no reason to wake up early....i slept in until 10am then went downstairs to grab some cereal and a cup of tea which i took out into the backyard being as it was a nice day out.
Andy had text me just before 9am saying good morning, so i quickly shot a message back to him. I checked my emails and quickly scrolled through the news before deciding to go shower and start my day of doing absolutely nothing!
The day had been dragging so bad, i had already cleaned the house top to bottom and done the washing etc and it was barely lunchtime! I never thought id say this but i missed work.
It was nearing 10pm when i heard my front door being unlocked, i had a sudden rush of fear until i remembered i gave Andy my spare key.
"Hey" he said quietly as he dumped his coat on the arm chair. I looked up from where i was laying on the sofa watching some cooking show.
"Hey, how are you?"
"Tired" he scoffed before climbing onto the sofa squeezing in behind me so he could hold me close.
"How'd your meeting go with Joanna?" I asked stroking my fingers up and down his arm.
"Erghh" he moaned as he buried his face in my neck.
"That good huh?"
"Jake told us Ben had been bullying him, thats why he didn't tell anyone when he found his body. He thought he'd get the blame.... then Laurie brought up the stuff about my dad....Jacobs now pissed at me for lying to him"
"He'll get over it, he's probably just lashing out...."
"Maybe" Andy nodded "then i went to talk to Duffy, i needed to know if they were still looking into Patz.... i asked her if she could get me a copy of his file"
"She gonna help?"
"I dont think so. I thought we were friends you know? But turns out she didnt agree with me" he said sadly.
"Really? I thought you guys we're friends"
"Apparently we're just work colleagues"
"Im sorry you've had a crappy day" i turned to press a kiss to his lips and he smiled down at me.
"Its getting better now"
"You eaten? I could make you something..."
"Not since lunch, but i'm good i just want to hold you" he mumbled with his head buried in my neck, a loud rumble from his stomach made us both laugh.
"Okay so maybe i'm a little hungry"
"I'll go make us something" i chuckled as i slipped from his arms and headed to the kitchen.
"You're the best, i love you" he called out making me turn to him with a smile.
"I love you too".
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Over the next few weeks Andy and Laurie tried to make Jacobs home life as normal as possible. They hired him a tutor, his 2nd grade teacher who had now retired....It had kept Jacob occupied.
When he wasn't working on school work he would be in his room playing computer games.
I had been spending a lot of time at the Barber house after Andy told me he felt better with me around, i also became good friends with Laurie. We'd often make lunch and evening meals together before Andy would drive me home. He would sometime stays the night if he didnt have to be anywhere early, It was nice just to have some alone time with him.
Laurie had decided to go back to work today so i had offered to help Andy get dinner ready. We were nearly finished with everything when Andy noticed the time.
"Laurie's usually home by now, i hope her day went okay" Andy said quietly as he wiped off his hands.
"Maybe she just had a lot to catch up on, she's been away for a while"
"Yeah maybe, i'm just gonna go check on Jake. You okay here for a few minutes?"
"Im fine, go" i chuckled shaking my head. Andy pressed a quick kiss to my lips and headed upstairs to check on Jacob. After a few minutes i heard Andy come back downstairs and head out to the front porch, Jacob came into the kitchen giving me a quick smile.
"My dad said to help set the table"
"Thats great, this is nearly ready" i smiled at him, Jacob had been a bit quiet around me when we first met but he was  more comfortable around me now.
"You okay?" I asked noticing that he seemed a little moody.
"Yeah, its just my dad...."
"Oh no, what did he do?"
"Got pissed at me for playing video games online"
"He's just looking out for you Jake, he knows how all this works. What they look into, the things that can go against you. I know you probably think he's being over the top but he just wants to protect you"
"I know, it just sucks" he said sadly.
While Jacob set the table Laurie came rushing in.
"Hey mom" Jacob greeted her with a smile.
"I'll be right there" she replied before rushing upstairs. Jacob shrugged and continued to set out plates.
When Andy didn't come back inside i went looking for him, Laurie had come back downstairs looking like she had been crying... what was going on?
As i walked outback to the yard i saw Andy standing in front of the garage door.
"MURDERER ROT IN HELL" had been spray painted in huge black letters.
"Oh my god...." i gasped holding a hand over my mouth, no wonder Laurie had been upset "Jesus christ Andy....."
"Im so sick of this shit" Andy mumbled under his breath as he tried to scrub off the hateful words.
"Have you got another brush, i'll help"
"You don't have to....."
"I want to" i smiled up at him, Andy pressed a quick kiss to my lips and then went to find an extra brush. We scrubbed for what seemed like hours and we still couldn't get it off, the letters faded to a dull grey but you could still see what it said.... at least it wasn't as visible to anyone passing by on the street now though.
I reheated some dinner for me and Andy and we sat down to eat together, Jake had gone up to his room like usual and Laurie had gone up to bed to read (i think she just wanted to be alone).
"Laurie seemed like she was struggling with everything today" i said quietly to Andy taking a mouthful of my beer, he nodded slowly picking up his own beer.
"Yeah, she was told not to go back to work..... they can't risk being associated with her"
"Thats rough, that would have been a great distraction for her for a few hours"
"It would have been good for her but i get why they done it. This whole thing with Jacob hasn't just ruined his life....."
"I know" i reached over taking Andy's hand "but you're handling it great"
Andy scoffed looking at me with a smirk.
"Im a mess....."
"You're not a mess, you're strong for Laurie and Jake, you support them through all this bad shit"
"Then i fall apart when i'm with you" he scoffed.
"But thats okay, they don't need to know that and i don't mind..... i'm here for you"
"I love you"
"I love you too" i smiled before taking a another mouthful of my beer "so, what was in the file...." i pointed my bottle towards a file Andy had placed on the table.
"Duffy came through on that Patz file" he cracked a smile.
"She did?..... huh maybe you guys are friends after all".
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The following day Andy and Laurie were meeting with a specialist in genetic inheritance and behaviour to discuss Jacob, Joanna had suggested it was a good idea just incase they tried to use everything with Andy's father against Jake. While they were gone i stayed with Jacob at the house while his tutor came by. I was sat on the sofa watching a rerun of Friends to pass the time when my phone vibrated in my pocket. When i looked at who was calling i was surprised to see who it was.... Frank.
"Hello?" I answered quietly so i didn't disturb Jacobs lesson.
"Hey beautiful, how are you?"
"Im good... how are you?" I hated how his voice still gave me butterflies!!
"Not too great, i miss you"
"I know, i know. You're with Andy now.... i... i missed my chance...."
"Frank are you wasted?" I asked catching the sound of his slurring.
"No baby of course not"
I sighed shaking my head, if he hadn't been drinking that must mean he was high.
"Look i cant talk right now...."
"Can i call you later?"
"Im not sure thats such a good idea"
"Please? i just wanna talk"
"Fine, i wont be home til after 9pm...."
"Thats fine i'll call you then"
"Okay, bye Frank" i quickly ended the call tucking my phone in my pocket, that phone call should be interesting.
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Everything taglist: @jesseswartzwelder @dumblani @barnesandrogersworld @patzammit @rynabarnesrogers-reading @rainbowkisses31 @rororo06 @supernaturalwintersoldier @fairlightswiftly @hiddelstannerbarnes
Rose Coloured Glasses taglist: @readermia @princess-evans-addict @jennmurawski13 @matsumama @ex-bloodjunkie @kaithezaftig @ms-betsy-fangirl
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