#// first ask of this blog and the part-timer already being like that :/
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[ Bubblegum ]
❝ Uh... I heard Combo talking about how we found some stray cat in the dumpster and we were gonna adopt it.... ❞
He narrows his eyes until he's squinting hard at the feline-man standing before him. He really didn't fit the bill of the animal Combo had been describing. He had made it sound like some filthy flea bag; old, round, lazy, scruffy, smelly. The man before him was finely dressed, elegant — suave, even. He certainly didn't bear any resemblance to the idea Bubblegum had formed in his head thanks to their head chef's description.
Still. Combo had said they had found a stray cat, and suddenly this person shows up... Maybe this was that very cat after all? It would be a very strange coincidence if that wasn't the case.
❝ ...That you, Meatball? Pspspspsps, C'mere, Meatball...❞
✠ Sadly, the elderly “gentleman” who Faust was feeding the past days wasn’t there; probably moved to a new block since the mice’s population decreased. The magician was about to leave when a stranger’s voice was heard. It’s not the first or last time people mistake him for his fellow felines, he’s used to that treatment due his past, it’s not surprising. Instead of addressing the mistake, the mink simply looves to go along with it to test the limits of human’s stupidity. He shortens their distance. “Cough cough.” He says the words instead of the action, raising a paw. “Meeow meeow.” Mischievously blinking in slow pace, speaking in a humanely tone that doesn't sounds a bit like a cat's meowing. “Meeow meeow.”
#✠ Puuuresto | ic#✠ Answered Asks#beithirs | bubblegum#// first ask of this blog and the part-timer already being like that :/
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i've grown up in quite a secular family, never went to church etc, and only in the past couple of years started celebrating serbian orthodox christmas with my mum where we attend part of the christmas eve mass. i want to get to know christianity a little better, and i know ur lutheran and not orthodox but i was wondering if u have any tips for just. starting somewehere? it feels very strange to sit down and think "Im Going To Pray" when ive neither done it nor seen anyone do it before, but i want to explore a bit, if that makes sense. your blog is very nice and calming i feel like you might have some insight :)
Welcome, beloved!
Prayer is quite strange sometimes and Sitting Down and Doing It does not come easily to most, especially if you didn't grow up doing that. I'm honored to be asked and I have a few thoughts.
At some point as a kid I was taught the acronym ACTS—Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication. I was told a prayer should contain these elements. And I don't technically disagree; I think those are all good necessary things. If you want a formula, there's a formula. But I always found "I pray because I can't help myself. I pray because I'm helpless. I pray because the need flows out of me all the time- waking and sleeping" a much more real description of prayer.
We're told to pray always, without ceasing—prayer is something to bring with us. It is to be in relation with the God who is Love, who knows our suffering, and who hears. To pray is to be heard—and to listen in return, even if what we receive may be holy silence.
Mass is a prayer, one the Church does together. Liturgy is where I learned most of the prayers I say, where I first chanted the psalms. I learned to read in church. Even once a year, it shows us many parts of prayer—it fulfills the acronym, sure, but attending services has shown me that prayer can be somber, joyful, certain, wondering, penitent, musical, silent. We can also think of things prayer can be that we don't want to replicate—Jesus talks about hypocritical ways of praying, of calling attention to oneself, of "heaping up empty phrases."
It doesn't always look like Sitting Down. There are not always words. I sit down (or lie down, depending) and pray at certain times—this was a hard-won habit, that still doesn't come easy—but it's easier for me to use my own words in the woods.. You can be anywhere, and be doing anything. You don't have to commit to a form—do it a little bit differently each time. Ask a question. Confess something. Picture someone you love in your mind, and feel that love. Look at each person on the subway and wish something for them. Set a timer on your phone to spend five minutes tentatively thinking about God—this is a prayer that can be more deeply felt than all the books in the world.
Whatever strangeness or embarrassment there is in addressing an unseen being, in coming to the Universe with your one quiet voice, it is the strange embarrassment of caring, of attempting what seems impossible, of being earnest about this whole being alive thing. The uncertainty of a new relationship, the doubt of whether it all matters, the unfamiliarity of learning a new skill. But you can do strange things, new things, vulnerable things. Love is continuing movement, and each step takes more bravery. You need communication with Love to live in it.
Of course there are countless people who do not purposefully pray and yet show more love than I could ever hope to. God has met many, and sustained many, without their ever asking, sometimes without them ever knowing his name. But the asking is another kind of love, and I am one of the many who devote myself to even slight knowledge of his face. You have all you need to join me—because you have God.
The need that flows out of you, all the time—the draw you feel to start—is a prayer already. Really, there is no start—only a joining of a current already in motion. A dipping into a well that never runs dry. Others have the words, if you don't. I learn the psalms because, for all my poetry, I can't say it all, and never as perfectly as they do—and because it's a connection with centuries of voices. The practicing of the divine hours is another connection.
But really, putting aside the walks in the woods and the going to church more and the acronyms and the metaphors—how do you pray on purpose? Ultimately, there is no better answer than the one Jesus gave: Go into your room, shut the door, and (without an earthly audience, without looking a certain way or believing a certain thing) pray to the secret, listening God, in whatever language/version you have,
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever, Amen.
You've never done it or seen it before, sure, but it's built into you, to need this. Once you've done it, you will have seen it. Once you've seen it, I expect you'll realize you have done it before, without noticing. You don't have the words, so they have been given to you. You don't have to believe wholeheartedly each word—that comes later for those of us who grow up in it, and it can come later for you, too. Start in the somewhere you have been placed.
The first thing we learn how to ask for as babies is the result of every prayer: being heard. So cry out.
<3 Johanna
#asks#i'm not formulating a god/breastfeeding metaphor at the end there but know one exists#anyway good luck i'm on your side! you make me happy!
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Mega-Giga Ask Comp: Part 3
@manorinthewoods asked: I'll be honest, I wrote the Locked Tomb ask having not read the Locked Tomb series. I literally only know the starting and ending strokes of the first book. That being said, I do like the half-soul-Sollux idea, and it works pretty well with the Locked Tomb's general theme of Lyctorhood, and how knotted the whole situation with Alecto, Gideon, and Harrow ends up being. (What is even going on with Nona) ~LOSS (4/13/24) @manorinthewoods asked: You know, if you hadn't already read Gideon the Ninth, I'd have recommended it as a good second liveblog. It really does fit your preferred sort of mystery. From all the clues presented, you could probably hit very close to the ultimate solution to the Lyctoral puzzle - as close as anybody could be expected to get. ~LOSS (25/4/24) @manorinthewoods asked: The Locked Tomb's prose is pretty good. On occasion, it happens to chime with a sound of 'Homestuck', but I only recall that twice so far in my reading. I like the skelebook. ~LOSS (27/4/24)
Once again, I'm glad my hidden agenda - convincing this blog's entire readership to check out The Locked Tomb - is bearing fruit.
I agree! TLT does occasionally give Homestuck vibes, presumably because its author is a fan. For the most part, though, its prose style is all its own.
Anonymous asked: Reference to American culture: the sphere of Jade's home dropping and the timer that preceded it are references to the Times Square Ball, an annual event held every New Year's Eve. A giant ball descends down a pole at 11:59 PM and reaches the bottom at 12:00 AM, January 1. I believe that you can figure out why the reference was included in the first place. Anonymous asked: btw the gamzee page was released on new years. ‘the miracle of a new beginning’ is the new year and the lab dropping is supposed to be a reference to the ball dropping in times square
Some America Lore here that I wasn't aware of.
I was wondering exactly what Gamzee meant by 'a new beginning'. Maybe Alternia practices the tradition as well.
@omnilew asked: the way you speculate and go indepth into sburbs features and how it affects the kids, made a silly headcanon that your kidsona is reading the comic while playing out their session though this is mainly because "Eventually, we were bound to cross a couple of wires that should never have been allowed to touch" kinda references chargerkind
I like it! Maybe my 'sonas have access to a more in-depth version of Rose's walkthrough, and are adding their own commentary in quiet moments during their own adventures.
@manorinthewoods asked: Your excitement over the resurrection of Dream Jade gave me a form of suspenseful mirth. Seeing how happy you were at her resurrection, while also knowing exactly what came of it, is perhaps textbook dramatic irony. If only you'd read a panel further… ~LOSS (26/4/24)
She looked so happy to be back, too! That certainly didn't last long.
She was prototyped with a smiling corpse, though. Maybe that was just her 'default' expression, and it vanished as soon as her actual feelings asserted themselves.
@thetinygladiator asked: 'I hadn’t really thought about Sally’s ectobiological parent - but now that I am, I think the funniest possible option is that it’s her landlady.' okay but i just gotta say… this immediately makes me think about how that relates to the house-building aspect. Like, with the giant tower, are they gonna charge the Imps for rent? That might work, honestly. Where do imps even live? Bet they don't have good AC or Wi-Fi, lemme tell ya.
@manorinthewoods submitted: How many computers would you have on your person if you were playing Sburb? Jade recommends at least 5. I say I'd have a laptop, phone, a spare of both of those, and computer gloves if I need to compute really fast. Also spare gloves. Speaking of the phone - is it possible for people to put phones in their pockets? Given Karkat (and a minor gag in Act 6), we can assume that it's difficult or uncommon to carry items without using the Sylladex - or maybe it's just tied to your dexterity, and you have to hold things gingerly to avoid captchaloguing them when you pick them up. On the other hand, there's no issues with accidentally storing something you've unstored and are using - so how does the Sylladex actually work? Do people just instinctively store their items once they're done using them? Is it difficult to avoid storing something you aren't using anymore? Can you stuff phones in pockets? If not, then why develop a PDA in the first place? Given the Sylladex, it should be much more commercially viable to make a tablet. ~LOSS (24/4/24)
Since Karkat can physically pick up a book, you can probably pocket your gear - although maybe there's a difference between holding an object and trying to add it to a physical 'inventory'. Either way, the issue is easily circumvented by employing wearable tech, like the kids do.

As depicted in my alchemy binge, my primary computing device would be the Pocket Holodex, which can remote into any computer in my sylladex.
In addition, my Modular Ring shirt is also a computer, which can presumably be augmented by adding extra mod1ules over time. I'd probably also captchalogue every computer in my apartment, of which I currently have six.
I'd be exploring the Medium with a minimum of seven computers, plus one pseudo-computer, plus a phone. Jade would certainly approve.
@iris-in-the-dark-world asked: the tension in act 5 act 2 is perfect, i love it. maybe even moreso on rereads, the foreshadowing and generally ominous vibes always get to me @heliotropopause asked: You're getting to the part where the comic really starts hitting its stride. This'll be fun.
The ever-present countdown certainly adds a degree of urgency to the situation.
I'm really liking the pacing of this current act, as things slowly progress towards some critical point - one which, for now, is still shrouded in mystery.
Anonymous asked: Forwarding another ask for the person with no account ~DJ: Eridan's deal seems to be based on Wizardry Herbert - a proto-Homestuck work by Hussie. A parody of Harry Potter dealing with whether magic is real. [] But Methods of Rationality began in February 2010, so "Harry Potter but obsessed with science" might have also been an intentional reference to that.-RM @heliotropopause asked: Eridan Ampora and the Methods of Rationality sure is an idea for a fanfic. He'd be so bad at it.
Eridan would be an extremely funny choice for a ratfic protagonist. He'd be so smarmy about it - and thus, a perfect addition to their ranks.
What would the definitive Homestuck ratfic be called, do you think? I think Tool-Assisted Speedrun would be a decent choice.
@killedthekat asked: An interesting thing about doomed timelines is how they serve to prevent stable loop metagaming. As a basic example, in a typical stable time loop scenario, if you observe yourself unharmed in the future, you can throw yourself into high danger high reward situations and know that probability will twist itself into whatever improbable knot it needs to do to keep you safe. But in homestuck if you lean too hard on predestination you just get shunted into a doomed timeline for your trouble.
It's true. Timehopping just isn't fun in Homestuck, as you're constantly walking a tightrope, desperately trying to stay in the one timeline that might not get you killed.
It's a good way to prevent time-travelers from becoming overpowered - something which is probably necessary for a comic which makes such heavy use of the concept.
Anonymous asked: Now that you're updating while HS^2 is, I've realised that while I'm barely keeping up with ^2, I just yelled "Oh! Upd8!" out loud when I checked your blog, so to me? You're the real continuation of Homestuck
What an honor!
For veterans of the comic, this blog is more Homestuck: Revisited than Homestuck 2. As a woman who would much rather watch video essays about old Simpsons episodes than new seasons of the show, I completely understand why some would prefer the latter.
@manorinthewoods asked: I've since finished Worm. I think Sophia's by far the best Vriska candidate. Lisa, Amy, and Colin are less so, I think. ~LOSS (21/4/24)
Oh, nice, you got all the way through it! Worm is an absolute behemoth, and I know a lot of people who started it, and gave up halfway through.
Sophia is likely the closest match to Vriska in personality. I agree with an earlier comment, though, that the most Vriska-like character in terms of audience reaction is probably Amy.
Anonymous asked: Cannot believe someone would propose a Homestuck/Locked Tomb scenario and leave Gamzee as part of a spare pairing, when the Homestuck fic The Serendipity Gospels, written by the author of The Locked Tomb, stars Gamzee and Terezi in the proto-necromancer/cavalier dynamic. Absolutely appropriate to have Gamzee as Ninth though, since his facepaint is the direct ancestor to Harrow's. Gamzee and Terezi is such a funny pairing to go with. I'm certainly looking forward to checking out The Serendipity Gospels when I'm done with the comic - both to compare it to Homestuck and to the Locked Tomb.
As am I. Apparently it was left unfinished - but considering how long this liveblog is taking, maybe Taz will have updated by the time I'm done!
Wishful thinking, of course, but I live in hope.
@bladekindeyewear submitted:
(I started Dragon's Dogma 2 a couple weeks ago and did my best to a Gideon Nav pawn (NPC ally), facepaint and two-hander and all, and the "Jaunty Straightforward" voice selection has been EXTREMELY distracting / game-improving because her voice and attitude chatting beside my player all the time sound almost straight out of the audiobook.)
Damn, you really captured her essence. Pawn is a very fitting title for her, too :(
@manorinthewoods asked: On the topic of blood color names - Blue through Purple were renamed in Hiveswap. Originally, Vriska was Cerulean, Equius was Blue, and Gamzee was Indigo - which I like more than their modern incarnations. I think 'bronze' might also be a Hiveswap thing, although I won't dispute it, and rust might have been renamed to burgundy? Maybe burgundy is a synonym. Idk. ~LOSS (4/13/24)
I think I prefer the likes of olive, indigo and bronze over more generic terms like green, blue and brown, which would quickly lead to confusion.
Vriska's blood, for example, is also a shade of blue, so it would be a little strange if blue blood was an official term, but it didn't apply to her.
@mxamericanblue asked:hi i have been absolutely BINGING your live blog rn and i gotta just get this out this is so so cool watching you react has been giving me so much joy, i don't have a computer so i can't really experience homestuck again casually when i want to but watching you read it and react and THEORIZE??? omg your theories have been so fuckin killer it's given me a new appreciation for Hussie as a story teller and how spectacular this comic truly was thank you for this, i've been having a grand ol' time, and it's all cuz of u
Thank you! I feel like I've been theorizing a lot less since I came back from my hiatus, mostly because the comic hasn't introduced many big mysteries recently - aside, of course, from Aradia's unexplained explosion.
(Pre-posting update: Since first drafting this ask, my statement above is no longer true, as Gamzee has been revealed as Homestuck's most important character. What the actual fuck.)
@lilietsblog asked: re fifth house aradia: she's an archeolodist :)
Oh, shit, you're right.
Maybe she'd be in more danger from the Lyctor than I thought.
@ben-guy asked: Vriska's ascension to god-tier is, in my personal opinion, one of the most visually striking scenes in all of Homestuck. Also, one of the panels you didn't include (which is understandable w/ Homestuck lol. Sacrifices for the sake of brevity) specifically the one where she has him write "[…] plenty of time for that l8r" above her head… Think about the position she would have had to move him to to write that.
…jesus, Vriska. You can't just do that!
@martinkhall asked: "What is treasure but a fortune, waiting to be found?" Or stolen if you're the THIEF of Light.
Son of a bitch. That's why she's a pirate, isn't it?
Because a Thief of Light is someone who steals fortunes!
@manorinthewoods asked: Eidolons. A species purpose-built to play Sburb, while breaking every mechanic you can solely with biology. Eidolons don't sleep, and live in a hive mind. Their psychologies are very poor at recognising distinct things, with Eidolons seeing the world more in terms of a blur of colors and shapes. They thus have a very difficult time understanding Classes and Aspects, never mind that their mythology never involved deities, and they never invented chess, or games of any sort… ~LOSS (15/4/24)
The idea of a species engineered from the ground up to be Players does raise the interesting question of whether there was a first species to play Sburb.
Of course, with all the time-loops we've been working with, there might not have been a first species - unless Sburb was 'created' in some sort of metatemporal space, 'before' any loops were put in place.
@manorinthewoods submitted: You are very good at analysing Vriska's psyche. Vriska's character was executed very well, I think, and I would hate her with a burning passion platonically but to a high degree if I knew her in real life. She's just… really horrible. She's a horrible person. And half her shtick is that she keeps evading consequences in spite of that. All of her mental torture of Tavros, for instance, ends in her becoming the most powerful player in the session. What sort of justice is that, Terezi? ~LOSS (15/4/24)
She hasn't entirely evaded consequences, but it's undeniable that none of the consequences she's experienced have actually stopped her from doing the things she does.
She's lost an arm, an eye, she's been beaten up, she's bled to death, and literally none of it has caused her to let up on Tavros, even a little. Letting up on Tavros, to her, would be worse than any physical harm, because it would be an attack on her worldview.
@sanctferum asked: "Has anything come of this since, actually? I haven’t heard anything about this new comic – although I do scroll in the opposite direction any time I see a reference to Homestuck, so I guess it makes sense that I wouldn’t." - The general feel I've gotten from the community has been largely positive re: the new Homestuck 2 updates, which have indeed been happening. It's being updated once per month for now, so a lot slower going than non-hiatused OG Homestuck. But I'm enjoying it so far!
Once a month seems more sustainable than Hussie's original barely-believable pace for the comic. With Hussie no longer at the helm, expecting daily panels seems like a pretty big ask - most people don't have the time, money or energy do what Hussie did.
Anonymous asked: I don't know if you read UTDR fanfiction, but this Tavros and Vriska situation reminds me a little bit of Flowey Is Not A Good Life Coach. she's trying to push him to his limits and torture him into being someone who will kill, and he just won't. say, what's your read on comparing Flowey : Vriska?
Flowey does what he does because he's lost his emotions, but Vriska does what she does because she's consumed by her emotions.
If anything, Flowey has more in common with Aradia. They're both time-travelers whose ability to feel is somewhat compromised.
This has happened before - but before, I was also removed from Tumblr's search function, which doesn't seem to be the case this time.
Is anyone else having issues with Wertsearch post notifications?
@elkian asked: So has anyone mentioned the godhood joke yet? (The God Tiers costumes have hoods. God Hoods. Badum-tish)
LOL, I did miss that.
Anonymous asked: Fun Homestuck fact! After writing Karkat, someone brought up that the writer of the 'Programming For [Expletive]s' book sounded a lot like Karkat. Andrew responded by telling them to imagine that it was actually written in all caps, basically canonizing that the 'Programming For [Expletive]s' book was written by Karkat. At least, I think that's how that went? ~LOSS (28/2/23)
And it could be any Karkat, too. Maybe one of the Karkats from a doomed timeline actually learned to code from Sollux, and became a famous ~ATH developer.
@morganwick asked: So with conversation 8=8 apparently taking place in the immediate aftermath of Rose destroying her gate (even technically during Descend), and Rose's attitude towards Kanaya in the part of it that we see, does that change how much you think her attitude in their previous conversations reflects her genuine mental state?
Oh yeah, no, I’m pretty sure she was genuinely in a bad mood here. Not really so much because of Kanaya, and I think the anger directed at Kanaya specifically was inauthentic, but the bad mood itself was real. She'd recently been injected with several months of traumatic memories, after all.
@manorinthewoods asked: That panel, of John in Vriska's 'fabulous outfit', is actually pretty neat, because you can see from the proportions how young John really is. He's small, not even fully a teenager yet, and he's been thrown into this chaotic world of humans and trolls, quadrants, violence and danger. Everyone in the game must be scared, in some degree, but none of them ever show it. It makes you wonder just how strong Skaia's children really are. ~LOSS (29/4/23)
Seriously. In what universe are 13-year-olds the people most qualified to make universes? Sburb has some very funny ideas about the optimal way it should be played.
I suppose this is something that had to be true, though, for Homestuck to be the coming-of-age story that Hussie wanted it to be.
Anonymous asked: My interpretation has always been that "the Blind Prophets" are actually just Terezi herself, in a time loop-y/predestined way. She's blind, her class is Seer, AKA prophet, and those are her numerals. Also, on an unrelated note, but to weigh in on your last ask, according to Latin conventions, the plural of lusus is lusus. Does Homestuck follow those conventions? Well…
Or, since there are two Seers in Homestuck, maybe they’re Terezi and Rose. She’s a Light Player, so a blinding would be suitably ironic.
Anonymous asked: re: captchalogue codes and the states of objects: it takes a relatively small change in the physical arrangement of atoms and whatnot to turn a ghost dad poster into, say, a little monsters poster, but the two have a relatively large difference between their conceptual nature. on the other hand, it would take a relatively large rearrangement of atoms to make the slime pogo ride be anything other than a slime pogo ride. perhaps this makes the former change state more easily than the latter? alternatively, maybe the captcha system just knows that all it would really take to make the slime pogo ride stop being covered in oil is soap and water and it's happy to do that on its own, but paper is harder to clean so it wants you to jump through more hoops for that one new question: if john had used his posters for alchemy before he was able to see their defacement, would the resultant objects also be beclowned? evidence seems to suggest that players with unawakened dream selves Will draw on their walls in their sleep and not see it until Ready, so there not being mechanisms in place to deal with that seems less likely than the alternative to me, but especially considering people who aren't them Can see the drawings, how??? would that even??? work??? what would've happened if john had done alchemy with the arms cake. i think it would be funny to see that
I think he’d still get the clown posters.
The kids keep accidentally making magic items, so It's clearly possible for someone to alchemize an object with properties they didn't foresee. Therefore, I think John would make what appears, to him, to be a normal poster - but Rose would still see it as it truly is.
Anonymous asked: any thoughts on what the horrorterrors are? beyond their (admittedly vague) intentions?
I think they’re a sign of the wider cosmology beyond Sburb - and, more specifically, a sign that there is a wider cosmology beyond Sburb.
I don't know if we'll necessarily get more expansion on them than we've already had, because their whole shtick is that they're unknowable. Needless to say, I'd love to be proven wrong.
#asks#full liveblog#act 5.2#ya girl also thought she had more asks to finish. I swear there were like ten but there were actually only two
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So, I was recently part of a server run by a system as an experiment. A month of chatting with people, but we couldn't mention our origins, and at the end, we had to guess others origins.
Let's talk about it.
[Note: I am just going to be talking about the server, the survey, and a few thoughts about origins here. This is largely fluff and disappointment and bitching about the flaws I saw in the server. I'll be making a proper post about origins later that's not as connected to this.]
So, firstly, I used an alt account in order to participate in the server. My regular discord ID has my system name in it, and I didn't want to make things too easy. I popped in and talked, and I tried my absolute best to make it so obvious that I had a CDD, while also trying to make it obvious that I wasn't just a CDD system. I knew it would be next to impossible for people to guess my origins, so I was just there to have fun.
I knew immediately that I would dislike the server. For one thing, I already didn't really like the server runner -- sorry, if you're reading this, but genuinely, my system has an aversion to you. Not sure why -- don't fully remember -- but it's there and it made me wary. But, bigger than that, I figured out quickly just how poorly planned the server was. It got BIG, fast, and moderators were chosen seemingly at random. I remember a user was picked because the group names were based around food, and their username matched the food their group represented. That... is a very bad way to pick mods. Then there was the 2 minute speaking timer, which had to be circumvented with threads, and the realization that there was a thirteen year old in the server after I had brought up NSFW content... I do not join servers with younger people anymore and genuinely thought the server was 18+.
It was just... very disorganized. So, strike one.
Regardless, it was fairly easy to guess what people's origins were (not accurately, but I'll get into that at the end/in another post) at the most basic level, and who they were, as evidently, nobody else tried to hide their blogs or identities as hard as I did. I shared servers with around half of the participants already, and others were... fairly easy to guess from their syscourse presence. I think the highlight of the experiment was someone from the server contacting me (Circ) and talking about the experiment with me, not knowing initially who I was in the server. Genuine hilarity there.
But, of course, we were there to try to guess people's origins, so I was trying to find out what I could about those in my group. 7 participants in the group (myself included), and... Well, strike two.
Genuinely, this was the stupidest premise for a server in the world. In my opinion, at least. The thing is, all of these guesses have to be based entirely on stereotyping -- the language the system uses, the way they speak, the concerns they have about the community. A system who uses the term "headmates," is concerned about fakeclaiming more than symptoms of plurality, and focuses more on the plural aspect of systemhood than anything else is likely not experiencing a CDD.
Which, in this set-up, means you're endogenic. And that's a problem. But we'll get to that in the next section. First, I just want to mention that I consider this a strike against the premise of the server because so much was banned from being mentioned. It wasn't... formally said to be censored, but even amongst my friends outside of the server, I saw them say numerous times, "It's so easy to guess who X is because it's obvious they have a CDD!" And genuinely, that indicates nothing about a person's origins, spoken as a true CDD mixed-origin system. It's the Fenmere Clause, right? There's always an exception. So to see this sort of culture on never mentioning your disorder, never mentioning trauma, never mentioning your experiences in the system community while being asked to share them... Eventually, I just started censoring myself entirely in the server, cutting out chunks of writing with little brackets saying [Origin Information] or something similar.
If the point is to be able to guess origins, I need to be able to share more than just the stereotyping that people rely on. It needs to be a fair chance.
Then the end came, and... for fucks sakes, that's what sparked this entire post. I had planned to wirte up a post, of course, but lord.
At the end, we had to guess how likely it was that someone "had a CDD, was endogenic, or was a created system." Funny enough, my origins (mixed-origin, fully traumagenic CDD system with multiple created parts AND a dreamway part) weren't listed, not fully. Traumagenic wasn't even an option for those who don't have CDDs.
Now, look, I am a CDD system. I consider that to be my "main" origin. But to only count "CDD, created, or endogenic," you discount one of my parts entirely, one who is one of the most helpful parts. The survey also didn't ask if people had created parts, but if they were a created system, which... I'm not. So that furthermore discounts two of my parts who are created -- and still equally traumagenic.
Furthermore, when asked for clarification, the moderator had... this to say.
For CDD, you either have one or don't (or at the very least it's more cleanly binary than origin), so I asked for the positive For origin, people "testing for purity" for lack of better wording coming to mind usually care about any percentage of endogenesis. And while CDD does not necessarily mean traumagenic, traumagenic is very nearly a subset of CDD
To translate, as that left such a sour taste in my mouth I thought I threw up a little, what this meant was, "Some of the users are anti-endos, and so if you have one endogenic part, most of those users will assume you're entirely endogenic."
So, rather than the point of the server being, "Can you guess someones origin?" it became "Can you guess someones origin if I painstakingly make a survey that caters to anti-endo beliefs and erases the origins of members of the server?"
Wonderful. Strike three.
Genuinely, I'm not sure what possessed the server owner to phrase the questions this way. Catering to the anti-endos wasn't the point of the server, and it erases the members origins. There should have been a way to identify what, exactly, you felt each member IDENTIFIED as. If an anti-endo does not believe in endogenic plurality (which, yes, many members of the server did not), then at the very least, they can say that a user identifies as endogenic, or mixed origin, or spiritual, stressgenic, adaptive, quoigenic, OR ANY of the THOUSANDS of origin options out there.
I would've done a multiple choice list of, "Here's what members of your group identify as, based on their intake survey; can you assign each of these labels to individuals in your group?" What was the purpose of an intake survey at all if you ignore the origins to cater to the anti-endos?
I'm not going to lie, I was incredibly frustrated, more than a little mad, and just...
Disappointed. Which, I figured I would be going in.
The thing is, origins aren't guessable in this manner. Nobody in that server could have looked at me and gone, "Ah! Yes, it is clear that this individual is a mixed-origin CDD system who identifies with CDD as an origin while having created traumagenic parts and a dreamway part." DREAMWAY IS A LABEL WE FUCKING MADE UP!!!! It would be impossible to guess unless they heard about me personally.
And that's the reason this type of experiment is bullshit. Sure, you can... hazard a guess if someone has a CDD or is endogenic or is mixed-origin or any of the above. But... You can't know. You can't get it perfectly accurate. Sure, based on vibes you can guess, and maybe you can even guess accurately for the most part.
It doesn't.
But the system community doesn't seem ready to accept that yet.
All in all, I'm incredibly disappointed in the server and how it went. I enjoyed the conversations we had there, and I enjoyed the company. I'm still enjoying talking there!! Now that origins are revealed, I want to talk about how my mixed-origin parts impact my CDD parts, and how they are CDD parts at the same time. I want to discuss it!!!
I would even hazard to say I made some new friends, and likely a few enemies (someone from my group, not knowing who I was, was even liking posts that were actively libel against me from harassers I have. How fun!)
But the experiment portion of it was an entire, complete disaster. And I think... genuinely, most people expected it to be.
#I'm not going to make this reblogable.#I'm also posting this after the surveys close and everything#diamonds are a boys best friend#syscourse
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FFxiv Site Write #1: Steer
((Ah yes, Site Write. That time of year when I fool my followers into thinking this shitpost blog contains FFXIV content.))

The Shirogane manor house was a common gathering place for the monster hunters of Nightingale Company. Sure, everyone had their own places now and they didn't need this home for wayward souls - but somehow folks kept gravitating back to it anyway. Even Aeluan had his own little house on the beach in La Noscea. Although the manor held some bad memories for him now, it held plenty of good too. And it had the easiest access to Arli's cooking.
Aeluan was in the middle of availing himself of some of that cooking - leftovers in the coldbox - when Shev Mhalikh walked into the kitchen.
"If you're looking for the curry," Aeluan said as he closed the oven, "it's going in my belly in ten minutes. You're too late."
"Aww!" Shev groaned. "But Arli's curry!"
"Too. Late."
"I'll wrestle ya for it."
Aeluan gave Shev a squinty eyed look. At one time, he'd have taken that offer in a heartbeat, because even though Shev had been beefy, he was much smaller than Aeluan. That was less so the case now. Add in the tall ears and he actually topped Aelu by a few ilms.
"No deal. I got to it first, it's mine."
Shev crossed his - still beefy - arms across his - just as beefy - chest and pouted. Nevertheless, he watched as Aeluan dug out a bowl and a spoon and a fresh few handfuls of rice to cook on the stove.
Aeluan filled a pot with water and set about cooking rice to put his warmed-up curry on. For a few moments, the two friends stood in the kitchen in companionable silence. Aelu, for his part, was working up his nerve. He had a question. One that had been burning in his breast for days now and he could think of no one else to ask it.
"Hey Shev?" he blurted out as he stirred the rice gently.
"Yeah, Blue?" By this time, Shev was leaning a hip on the counter, arms still folded, as he watched his friend cook.
"You're into polyamory." It was a bald yet true statement. Aeluan didn't see Shev roll his eyes at it. "So. Hypothetically. What would you do if you came across two people already in love who showed interest in you?"
A brow shot up nearly as high as Shev's erect ears. "Tha's not a question I expected from ya. Why d'ya ask?"
Aelu quite studiously did not look up from his rice. "Just curious. What would you do?"
"I don't know," Shev answered honestly. "I've never come across a situation like tha'. Each one's unique."
"I know. Besides, I'm just asking what you'd do. Being a polyamorous person and all."
Shev studied Aeluan for a long moment. "Hypothetically," he deadpanned. He didn't believe it for a second. For his part, Aeluan didn't notice that fact. He was oblivious to Shev's disbelief. He was glad, though, that he didn't have ears like an Elezen to blush and give away his thoughts. Truth be told, the answer was extremely important to him. As his friend suspected, it was not a hypothetical question.
"I'd really have to get to know 'em an' see if it was a real interest, y'know?"
Aeluan stopped stirring for a second too long.
"Who'd ya meet?"
And that tell-tale blush that would've shown on ears (if he had them) found purchase on his tanned cheeks instead. "Nobody. It's just hypothetical," Aeluan said as he tried to steer the conversation away from reality.
"Mmhm." A moment of silence passed. "Is this abou' tha' courtesan Kismet mentioned? He said somethin' abou' you takin' a fruit basket somewhere?"
The big Raen made an undignified squeaking noise, like a mouse being trod upon. It sounded a bit like "No!"
Shev chuckled and shook his head. "Talk it out with 'em. Communicate. Tha's the biggest part. Make sure everybody's on th' same page, y'know?"
"But what if they belong together?"
"An' ya think ya wouldn't?"
Shev snorted softly. "It's yer road t' walk, Blue. Ya won't know 'til ya talk it out with 'em."
The little timer next to the oven dinged and Aelu set aside the rice in favor of pulling out the reheated curry pot.
"Are ya sure there's not enough t' share?"
"I've seen how much you eat, Shev!"
(Shev belongs to @chocoblep!)
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Rouge & Ruby: February's Situation - 3
Writer: Umeda Chitose
Season: Winter
Characters: Ibara, Hiyori, Jun, Nagisa
Proofreading: royalquintet (JP) & Skyress (ENG)
Translation: Mirei (Adam) & hyenahunt (Eve)
Ibara: … I slither above the surface, yes, but also beneath it.
[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Time: On the day of the meeting
Ibara: —I’m truly happy to see that everyone has been punctual in coming here♪
With this, I can easily move on to the explanation. But first of all, please look at the document that I have handed out.
Hiyori: What is it? "About the first-ever Chocolat Fes to be held at ES"...
Ibara: Yes. I'll start by roughly explaining what Chocolat Fes is, so please give the document a skim.
… To start off, the Chocolat Fes that we will be participating in is not the same Chocolat Fes that has been held at idol schools throughout the country.
This will be the first year that Chocolat Fes is to be held at ES, after all. Even if the name does not change, I believe there is no need to stick to the original idea.
Jun: So we're good as long as we nail the spirit of the event, huh? I see...
Nagisa: … There will be various units from all agencies joining ES' Chocolat Fes.
… It's the first one at ES, too. Regardless of any prior experience with Chocolat Fes at Yumenosaki or elsewhere, in a sense, it will feel like a first time for every participating unit.
Ibara: Exactly. The “first” is the important part.
If we manage to stand far above our other first-timer peers, I’m sure Eden will be remembered by the masses as the face of Chocolat Fes.
Hiyori: Being the first would make it special, after all. First impressions are important, and the first performances of any stage will be the talk of the town.
Nagisa: … Just like how the first time you visit a shrine in a new year is an important occasion.
Jun: Yeah, that's definitely a thing. If you ask me, the first time for anything seems extra special.
Ibara: And that is exactly why I believe there is great significance in performing well in the first ES Chocolat Fes.
On top of that, while we are showing our power as Eden, it would also be beneficial if each of CosPro’s units are able to achieve success as well.
… Yet, as for now, 2wink is the only unit who replied to my request for their appearance in Chocolat Fes.
Hiyori: They're Yumenosaki students, too. What do they intend to do about their school's Chocolat Fes?
From reading this document, it seems that all idol schools across the nation will be holding their own Chocolat Fes, no?
Ibara: They have decided that they will be participating in both Chocolat Fes. Given the dates of both events are different, it’s possible to join both of them.
Jun: 2wink sure is fired up about this~
Ibara: Well, there was talk about how it was still unclear whether Yumenosaki would hold their Chocolat Fes or not, so even if the Chocolat Fes there might not happen, they already have plans to participate in ES’ Chocolat Fes.
However, I surmise that they intended to join ES’ Chocolat Fes from the very beginning.
At the moment, it seems that Chocolat Fes in Yumenosaki has been given the green light, so as a result, 2wink is aiming to participate in both events.
Nagisa: … (Raising his hand) Question.
Ibara: Go ahead, Your Excellency.
Nagisa: … Can you explain what you mean by the fact that Yumenosaki wasn’t sure about holding the event? Also, I’m curious as to why you know so much of Yumenosaki’s internal information.
Ibara: It's quite difficult to explain briefly, but… They were experiencing trouble with the confectionery manufacturer that provides them chocolate every year.
Due to the projected lack of supply, there was a proposal to put Chocolat Fes in Yumenosaki on hold.
Nevertheless, from His Eminence Eichi’s standpoint, as the heir and son of the Tenshoin Zaibatsu, which is Yumenosaki Academy's greatest investor—
He would prefer to avoid the rising of strange rumours, just because they decided to change out a company that already has a long history of providing chocolate to Yumenosaki.
As a result, the entire project was put on hold temporarily because it would be difficult to hold in the same way as in previous years.
Hiyori: Hmm? But if there was a chance that it’ll be held, then surely Eichi-kun would have done something about it, no?
Ibara: He did. He managed to pull it off using power that only the Tenshouin Zaibatsu has.
Jun: Being able to hold it is something to be happy about, right? After all, there's bound to be folks looking forward to it every year.
Ibara: You are right. I also think it was great that His Eminence managed to solve this problem.
Because of that, fine, which is led by His Eminence, now has to focus on Primavera — the derivative event from Chocolat Fes… ♪
Hiyori: Ah, you're looking pretty cheerful about this, Ibara. This must mean you undoubtedly have something wicked in mind!
Ibara: Something wicked? Oh no, Your Highness, that's unthinkable!
… With the fact that a powerhouse “unit” such as fine having no choice but to focus on a different stage than Chocolat Fes—
Even if they do decide to participate in Chocolat Fes, it would no doubt be a lower priority than Primavera for them.
Which means, it's fair to say that we will have one less enemy to face. The possibility of winning has simply increased!
For us — Eden who aims to conquer ES' first Chocolat Fes, this is a great opportunity that we cannot overlook!
Jun: Aaand out come your true intentions, Ibara!
Nagisa: … That simply shows how strongly Ibara wants to be the winner — by not letting a winnable war slip away.
… That's why Ibara was collecting information from Eichi-kun's side while preparing for Chocolat Fes.
Ibara: It’s as His Excellency says! Victory is what’s important, and I care little if you call it a cheap strategy!
While His Eminence has focused on dealing with the Yumenosaki side, I’ve been working on ES’ Chocolat Fes since last year with the intention to take it up as my responsibility.
… I slither above the surface, yes, but also beneath it.
Hiyori: So it seems like the snake's been making a move while we were oblivious to it all.
Jun: He does this often, though. Even in our other work, namely SS, for instance.
Ibara: It's not much of a hardship if it's an effort to embrace the ambition I am holding. Especially when the victory lies in waiting ahead.
Hiyori: Hmm. I understand that you want Eden to take control of Chocolat Fes, Ibara.
But isn't Chocolat Fes a splendid event centred around love? I don't believe there'd be such a thing as winners or losers.
Nagisa: …Knowing Ibara, he has probably already set a victory condition for himself.
… He has brought up the word “conquer”, but we haven’t gotten a proper explanation on how ES’ Chocolat Fes would work.
Jun: Or why we've been getting so much separate work as Adam and Eve, huh?
Hiyori: That's right. Ultimately, it has to do with Chocolat Fes, yes? Am I wrong?
Ibara: I'll answer His Highness' question first in order to give a detailed explanation. Yes, there is a connection to it.
Hiyori: There is, hm?
Ibara: In order for Eden to demonstrate our full power at the first Chocolat Fes of ES …
And for Eden to stand out the most, heat up the stage the most, get the most attention, and gain more fans and even support from the public —
I’ll have to divide Eden into Adam and Eve to stand on stage in this Chocolat Fes.
[ ☆ ]
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#ensemble stars#enstars#enstars translation#hyenahunttl#s: rouge and ruby#jun sazanami#ibara saegusa#hiyori tomoe#nagisa ran
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hello hello Author! I just stumbled upon your blog in my search for new TWST content, and I am very intrigued by your blog! Your theme is just so interesting, and I can’t wait to see where you take this blog!!! despite my energetic nature, I’m a Diasomnia kinda person, so could I ask for some HCs for Malleus Draconia, Lilia Vanrouge, & Silver (separately) with a really energetic, playful, and observant S/O? S/O may not seem like they’re paying attention to their surroundings with how they quickly bounce from place to place, but they take notice of everyone and everything! (Which means when one of boys are down, S/O can instantly tell and is already doing their best to distract the boys from whatever they were thinking about by cheering them up)
Aw, thank you so much! I'm glad I'm a blog that caught your interest~ I hope in due time, I can do some cool things around here like lore with this shop or the mysterious part-timer, hehe! But for now, enjoy the headcanons! -Shopkeep
Headcanons with Malleus, Lilia, and Silver with an energetic but observant S/O
Malleus is charmed by your energy, dear reader. He finds you almost as playful as the fairies and sprites back home, flitting about from one flower to the next. It’s familiar and soothes him despite his usually stoic demeanor.
You are a welcome ray of sunshine despite his dark and gloomy surroundings. He humors you in your antics and playful nature.
Sometimes he gets a little worried that your bounciness will get yourself hurt like running into something or tripping over. His hands would shoot out to protect your head or keep you from something hazardous. But then he’s surprised by how quickly you notice your surroundings, a testament to your observation.
He’s amused by this at first but when you actually can pick out times when he is frustrated, even when he hides it well, he is stunned by your efforts to quickly distract him.
To him, it’s another reason why his adoration for you grows deeper. The big, scary dragon who everyone doesn’t spare a thought to, now has a dear companion to look out for him. Sometimes he wonders who’s really the guardian in your relationship, you or him?
You two get along well like two peas in a pod! Lilia loves having someone around who can join in on his little pranks and fun.
I can almost imagine him hanging upside down, arms locked with yours, as he swings you around in the air. It certainly has the rest of the student body worried for your safety but Lilia would never let harm come your way.
Lilia has years worth of insight behind him so he would notice right away how in-tune you are to your surroundings and others. It makes him smile knowingly behind his hand and would be proud whenever you try your best to help someone else that’s feeling down.
Though the last person he’d imagine receiving your help would be himself. Lilia tries his best to remain calm and composed on the surface. But when you reach out, trying to cheer him up, he’s happily surprised.
He’d sweep you up in his arms, float high in the air, and give you a cheeky grin. Boops you on the nose and teases you that he should be the one taking care of you, not the other way around!
But dear reader, he loves your kindness and very much appreciates moments where he can rest his weary shoulders and rely on you sometimes.
Out of the three, he’d be a little more reserved about your energetic ways. Not in a bad way, far from it! Rather he can’t really keep up with your pace. Couples sometimes have differing energies and that’s okay!
He’s more than happy to let you have your fun while he hangs in the background, maybe dozing off a bit.
I’d like to think that you two are different personalities that bring something new into each other’s daily lives. Silver teaches you to maybe slow down and take a moment to really appreciate being in the moment while you teach him to loosen up in his seriousness and have fun!
Silver I see as someone who may be private with his personal feelings. Duty first before emotion and all that. So when you pick out that he’s feeling down, he wouldn’t know what to say at first at your efforts to distract him.
He’s so used to being the knight in shining armor that he forgets that it’s okay for him to show emotion now and again. He feels grateful for your presence in reminding him that.
He’d smile that charming smile that could make any noble swoon. Then he’d bump his forehead against yours, staring at you with those dazzling eyes of his and thank you softly. Maybe you both can hold each other for a quick nap and help him relax?
#lovelygrimoire#twisted wonderland imagines#twisted wonderland headcanons#twisted wonderland x reader#twisted wonderland x you#twst imagines#twst headcanons#twst x reader#twst x you#malleus draconia#lilia vanrouge#twst silver#malleus x reader#lilia x reader#silver x reader
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Cafe BigNSmall - Bucky Barnes (Chapter Two)
New book
Bucky x Fem!Little!Reader

Word count - 1.5k
SFW - my blog is safe for work, please keep your comments and intentions safe for work when you interact with my fics!
Warnings - again just a little bit of tears due to happiness and being tired, lots of fluff, nicknames like “bub” and “baby”
Read the first part - here
“Mr!” Bucky heard someone call from the door, looking over and seeing y/n standing in the foyer of the cafe, overalls and backpack on.
“Hi bub!” He said back, motioning for them to come over and sit at his table. “Are you hungry at all?” He asked as she sat down on the booth seat opposite of him.
She nodded her head, clearly not comfortable enough to talk yet, Bucky stood up and began to walk towards the cafe’s counter, he was able to take four steps before a hand softly gripped his wrist, he turned around to see Y/n holding out a $5 bill. “Its okay bub, i'll buy it”
“But you gave me crayons” she whispered, her eyes silently pleading him to take the money.
“I want to buy you a cake pop, why don't you color me a picture? That way we’re even?” Bucky hoped she would take the bait, he finally was able to take care of someone, his avengers payout money finally being spent on someone he felt deserved it. Y/n nodded and walked back to her seat immediately pulling out her coloring book and the box of crayons that bucky gave her, quickly flipping through to find an empty page.
Once the barista gave him the sprinkle cake pop and water bottle he ordered, he began to walk over to the table, Y/n was still focused on her coloring page. When Bucky sat down she looked up and smiled, ripping the page out of her book and sliding it over to him.
Bucky looked at the picture, she had coloured a pony in black and gray, and coloured another pony in green and blue, clearly symbolizing the two of them. The top of the page had the two words “mr” and “bub” written in messy crayon,
“Is this us?” Bucky questioned, looking up at the girl who had a large smile on her face.
“Mhm, and those are your crayons” she pointed at a little yellow rectangle that she drew at the bottom of the page, her smile growing bigger by the second.
“I love it, here bub” he handed y/n the cake pop that had multi color sprinkles on the top.
“Tank you” y/n’s words began to slur, clearly comfortable enough to fully slip into little space.
“I brought you something y/n.” the girl perked up at his words, excited to see what he was grabbing from his bag. Bucky pulled out a new my little pony coloring book, similar to the one y/n already had but it had different pictures inside.
Y/n shyly reached for it and held it in her hands, the cake pop forgotten about and placed on a napkin. She flipped through the pages, tears filling her waterline. “All for me?” She whispered.
“Yah bubba, you need a new one.” Bucky smiled and began to speak again “I was out buying groceries and saw it and thought ‘bub would love that’ so I had to get it for you” his words caused y/n’s tears to finally descend down her cheeks.
Before Bucky could sooth her with kind words she stood up and walked to his seat, sliding her knees onto the booth and hugging Bucky's side. “I lob it.'' she whispered, a few tears still falling down her face, some making their way down her neck.
Bucky went to hug her back but y/n’s arms had already unwrapped themselves from his torso, her body now sitting forwards on his side of the booth. Y/n reached for her coloring book and crayons and slid them over so she could continue coloring beside bucky.
Without saying anything she ripped out a page and placed it in front of Bucky, sliding the crayons over so they sat in between the two of them. “Fer you” y/n said, her eyes meeting buckys. He felt appreciated and loved by the girl, he felt useful and couldn’t ask for more.
Another cake pop and many coloring pages finished, y/n’s timer went off, silently she turned it off and continued coloring. “Bub you need to go home.” Bucky's voice held authority and a sense of worry.
“But m’having fun” y/n whined, puppy dog eyes on full display.
“I know, me too, but it's going to get dark soon!” Bucky's voice soft and convincing. Y/n was still engrossed in her coloring page.
“You dribe me?” She asked, still not looking up from her page, though she had stopped coloring and placed her hands in her lap.
Bucky didn't know what to do and had no idea how to respond, should he be worried that she trusts him so fast? He hasn’t even told her his name. Does she know who he is? The big scary winter soldier driving home a sweet neighborhood girl was a headline he could already see.
Bucky's mind continued to fill with negative thoughts, completely forgetting where he was and who was near him. He felt his metal hand being picked up and moved around, regaining focus he saw y/n holding it in her hand, playing with his fingers absentminded like she would play with her own.
“Ip’s fine, I’ll go home” y/n was now looking up at bucky, his left hand still in her right one, her left one quickly piling up all of her things.
“Bub stop” Bucky reasoned, “I’ll drive you home it's okay, we can stay for 30 more minutes okay?”
Y/n’s face lit up and she did a small happy dance, more of a wiggle with her legs swinging but Bucky still found it cute.
Bucky coloured a few pages while y/n sat and focused on one, trying her best, but ultimately, failing to stay in the lines of her pony picture. Tears gathered and threatened to spill, her mind and body extremely tired, her emotional control beginning to dwindle.
“Bub what’s going on?” Bucky’s tone was soft and concerned, confused as to why y/n was crying.
“The libes, and the colors, they don't work” she sobbed, her tears falling onto her page, her body shaking slightly.
“It's okay, the picture looks better like this” Bucky pointed out, he loved her coloring pages more than he loved his own, maybe he was biased because he liked y/n so much but her use of color always warmed his heart.
Bucky rubbed circles on y/n’s back, he could tell she was tired, her eyes drooping every now and then and he could hear her breathing fall into a deep pattern. “Why don't we get you home hmm?” Bucky let out a breathy chuckle as y/n nodded, she slowly got up and bucky followed behind, leading her out the front door with his hand on her back. He wore her backpack on his right shoulder, his shoulders too broad for it to sit the right way.
The two of them loaded up into Bucky’s Jeep, y/n commented on how much she liked the green color and how comfy his seats were. Before Bucky could leave and drive her home he asked her to punch in her address into his navigation system.
After some contemplating y/n finally punched in her address “should be right” she mumbled, moving around in her seat to find a comfy position.
Y/n’s house was only a 3 minute drive away, Bucky wasn’t surprised, she clearly walked to the cafe everyday. When Bucky pulled up outside of her apartment complex she had somehow found a way to fall asleep so fast.
“Bub, Bub you’re home” bucky cooed, softly waking her up.
“I don't wanna go”
“Don't worry baby you'll see me tomorrow.'' Bucky said, brushing a few strands of her hair away from her face as she still sat comfortably in the passenger seat. Her face heated up at the new more personal nickname that Bucky had given her.
“You promise again” she mumbled.
“Of course, and if you hurry to bed i'll take you to the park tomorrow too” y/n lit up at bucky’s words and gave Bucky's cheek a quick kiss before grabbing her bag from the floor beneath her feet and rushing out of the Jeep.
“Walk baby” Bucky said as he could see her already making a run towards her building's door.
She walked until she thought Bucky couldn’t see her anymore and then began to run once again. Bucky saw the entire thing and laughed to himself, before he left he favorited her address in his phone and set an alarm so he could wake up as early as possible the next day.
Ready to see his baby again and take her to his favorite park.
#bucky barnes#bucky#bucky age regression#james buchanan bucky barnes#bucky x little!reader#bucky x little reader#little!reader#bucky x reader#bucky barnes x reader#bucky barnes x little!reader#age regression fic#SFW#Cafe BigNSmall
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hey just wanted you to know that these asks you sometimes answer with "how do you x" and your response invariably always being "i just practiced it a lot lol" is insanely motivating to me. love your art, love your vibes, thanks for everything
I love getting these asks too because I love being able to share whatever knowledge I've acquired but I do feel bad that the answer is always just like...
I did the thing a lot.
Because practicing is hard and it sucks and sometimes it can feel like a chore, especially for someone like me who is quick to want to give up if I don't get something the first time.
The trick for me to practicing anything is to make it a game for yourself. You gotta fool yourself into thinking you actively want to draw the thing you've literally always avoided or told yourself "well there's no way I can do that anyway."
For Kid's arm I used to doodle the metal scraps with pen in no particular shape or anything... I just did stream of consciousness-type doodles and see how big I could make it or if I could turn it into something.
I also used to draw it while doing something I already loved, which was ask blogging... So I was drawing it a lot and seeing how quickly I could do it, since part of making responses to asks (for me) is also like setting a timer in my head and seeing how quickly I can bust out an answer with it still looking presentable.
I have to play games with myself constantly or else I won't be able to do anything. Most times my brain will immediately turn to self-deprecation as a motivator, but it never works and just makes me feel worse. The most productive way to motivate yourself is to try to make it as fun as possible, because at the end of the day drawing doesn't have to be miserable.
And if trying to make it a game doesn't work, get yourself a little treat as motivation.
Even if you didn't do the thing.
Shit's stressful. Treat yourself.
#asks#text post#I'm sure it sounds like I'm some art monk coming down from atop my mountain to bestow my wisdom#but really this is just stuff I struggle with and have to remind myself constantly#even now I'm struggling with feeling very unfulfilled by the things I've made#or rather not very satesfied#but I've also been doing this long enough to know this is pretty normal for me to have periods of this and if I wait it out#that enthusiasm will eventually return#just gotta be patient with yourself and treat yourself as kindly as possible
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do you have any advice for younger / newere writers? you write so much and you're very skilled! i'm inspired by you
Aww thanks! Maybe I write a bit too much ahaha.
Well, idrk what you’re searching advice for so I will give general tips.
Before writing:
Do your research. Not only about the subject, but if there’s people out there who have also thought about the idea and have a tag for it.
Set a goal. I suck at this myself, but having a not-rigid word count goal (with timer if it makes you feel more motivated) really get your gears going. There’s a few pages that make it more entertaining too!
Warm up Drabbles. Nothing better than writing something adjacent to what you really want to write just to warm up and get a bit more creative so you hit the zone quicker.
This is optional but if you have time, make a page for your characters and setting. Like a reference page so you don’t go write someone is 160 cm when you have already said they’re 178.
While writing:
Limit your editing. It’s tempting to correct in the moment, (more if you’re unsure about grammar) but sometimes while fixing something you lose your pace and in the worst cases, forget where you were going. Editing can come later.
If you’re gonna have CW at the top, highlight the key words so it’s easier to go through it later.
After writing:
Don’t delete your scrapped ideas. You don’t know when you might wanna use that idea, so even if it’s never used having an scrap document for them is great.
If you didn’t like the end product altogether, it’s fine to put it aside for a while and come back to it later to see if it really should be abandoned in the scrap document or tossed away. Sometimes a little bit of time makes the errors look less severe and fixable and the good things to pop out more. Let it brew!
Pass your text through a beta reader and a program that allows you to correct your grammar and spot typos.
To gain attention:
Quick note here, don’t get discouraged if you don’t receive millions of likes in your first chapter. Sometimes it takes two projects or more to get traction. Keep going regardless of numbers! They don’t dictate how good you are!
Interact with others. Slide into inboxes, participate in ask and tag games, reblog other people’s fics, make collabs. most people are cool with being tagged in games even if you’re not mutuales with them so don’t be shy! Although, Don’t just talk to people to use their following.
Take part in writing/drawing challenges. July has the @whumpmasinjuly event with a prompt list, as there is events like the month of writers, nanowrimo, whumptober, etc.
Keep writing and explore other ideas besides your comfort zone. This started as a whump writing blog, but evolved into positivity, some art and writing (even occasional thoughts and poetry) The variety lends itself to grow your range of public and to expand your creative library.
Promote yourself. Shamelessly self reblog your favorite fics, or just reblog it for the timezone difference. You’re proud of what you wrote and I’m proud of you for writing it, but sometimes tumblr sucks and I won’t see it immediately. So don’t be afraid of reblogging your own things!
Make your own events and ask games. DTIYS, requests, giveaways when you hit a follower milestone. If you have the time for it and have fun doing it, go for it!
This is my personal opinion, but having visuals for your story such as mood boards, picrews, illustrations, etc. Makes me more interested in a story. It’s also an easy way to present your characters to your readers.
Have fun. It’s noticeable when an author is having fun writing it and when it feels like a chore. I’m not telling you to absolutely love it, just to trust in yourself and what you’re doing a bit. If it doesn’t feel right, revision it. If you can’t find it, hand it to someone and ask for their opinion. Not having fun doing what you love hurts like a bitch, and it just rubs salt in the wound when it flops or you can’t stand reading through it. So, explore ideas, maybe go back to your comfort to come back to the new a bit less scared. Or maybe find new inspirations so you can go rush and add new stuff and weed out what doesn’t seem right.
Overall that’s it I think. @ashintheairlikesnow has a great tag for new writers in her blog so I advice to check that out and ask more people. @thewritershandbook is also a good resource place!
Good luck anon! I’ll be cheering on you.
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Soulmate!ATEEZ Headcanons - Meeting their Soulmate
❧ Anon asked: Heyy! I was wondering if you would like to write an Ateez soulmate!au headcanon? like what type of soulmate bond would they have (tatoos, colourblind untill they meet their soulmate, feeling pain when soulmate feels pain...) and how they will meet their soulmate very briefly. I hope is okay for you and i explained it well. Love the blog💞
❧ Anon asked: Hii can i request a fluff non idol soulmate au scenario of yunho? This is specific but can u include it where both of u are able to sense and feel each other's emotions and feelings? I love ur writing. Thank you 🥺🥺💕💕🥰🥰
❧ A/N: so I looked up a bunch of different soulmate aus so no one would have the same one and oml there are a lot of soulmate aus. Some of these are non idol!au as well this took me so fucking long to write omg each one is like the size of a drabble
~※ Main Masterlist ※~
Hongjoong - You can hear whatever song your soulmate is listening to
That familiar sound of singing echoed in your head. You were practically hypnotized by it. You were so entranced that you didn’t realize you had been zoning out while standing in front of the recording studio. You shook your head and headed into the studio. The group you were going to work with for the day stood up and greeted you. You noticed they were practicing for the recording. One of the boys got up and went into the booth to record. You put on your headphones, as did he. You started recording then started the track. Your mouth went slightly agape when you heard that familiar voice but this time in the headphones. You pulled yourself out of your thoughts when you heard the man asking for your opinion on how the recording sounded.
“I think...here, try it like this.”
You sang the last part, the part he had just recorded, changing a few of the notes to fit the track better. Now the man in the booth was the one with his mouth open. He blinked a couple times before looking back at the lyrics in front of him. He’d definitely have to say something when the two of you had a moment.
Seonghwa - The outline of your shadow is your soulmate
You stood with your back against the sun, your shadow hitting the pavement in front of you. You stared at the shadow trying to engrave the outline into your memory. You were so curious about the shadow that you saw whenever the sun was bright- What were they like? Did you know them already? What did they look like? Who were they?
While you were lost in thought, your friend Seonghwa walked up beside you. He called out your name bringing you back to reality. You looked over at him, sending him a smile. You looked down at his shadow. The shape felt familiar to you. Too familiar...
Yunho - Feel each other's emotions
You sighed as you leaned back in your desk chair. You were far too stressed out from your homework. You really just wanted to stop worrying about your homework but you had to get it done for class the next day. You ran a hand through your hair, deciding maybe you should take a bit of a break. You made your way to the kitchen to grab a snack and some water. When you returned to your desk, you heard your phone ringing.
“Hey Yunho,” you said answering the phone
“Hey Y/N. You feeling okay?”
“I’m just a little stressed out right now. How’d you know?”
“I guess I just have a sixth sense,” he chuckled, “You wanna hear what Mingi did today?”
You let him tell you the funny story of his adventures with Mingi, making you feel a lot better. He was always right there the moment you started feeling bad, even if you didn’t tell him. Maybe he did have a sixth sense...
Yeosang - A red string tied around your pinky is connected to your soulmate’s pinky
You’ve never seen your red string. You knew it was there, everyone had one, but you were never close enough to your soulmate to actually see it. That is, you didn’t see it until you moved to Seoul.
You were out at a local coffee shop just relaxing on your day off. You sipped on your drink, a book in your other hand. You looked up briefly when a small group of boys dressed in athletic wear wandered into the coffee shop. They were chatting among themselves as they got in line to order their drinks. You didn’t think much of them until you went to take another sip of your coffee. Out of the corner of your eye you saw a bright red string tied in a bow around your pinky. You followed the string with your eyes until you were met with one of the boys. He noticed you staring between him and your pinky, his eyes glancing down at his own pinky. He quickly muttered something to his friends before coming over to you.
“Hi, I’m Yeosang.”
San - Timer for when they’ll first meet
“You have to stop obsessing over your timer,” Wooyoung peaked over at San’s wrist
“It’s almost hit 0 though! I’m going to meet them any minute!”
San and Wooyoung continued to walk through the halls of the KQ building towards the practice rooms. They didn’t notice you also walking down the hall. You were looking down at your phone when you bumped into something- or rather, someone. You apologized profusely, a dark pink blush appearing on your cheeks. The blush was mostly from the embarrassment of running into someone but also because the person you ran into was rather attractive. You quickly scurried away down the hall. San and Wooyoung just looked at each other in confusion and surprise. Wooyoung’s eyes glanced down at San’s wrist.
“Hey, look!”
He pointed at the counter on San’s wrist. There was a large zero where the numbers counting down used to be. San looked up at Wooyoung then back down the hall where you went.
“Wait, were they...?”
Mingi - Write something on your own skin, appears on the other’s skin as well
You were too young to know. The two of you just thought you both had magic powers or something. No one told you about how soulmates could draw and write on each other. You wish someone had.
You rushed into your kindergarten class and sat down at your table. You pulled out a piece of paper and your crayons. You started drawing, your eyes constantly glancing up at the door to the classroom.
In came your best friend Mingi, a large smile on his face. He sat down beside you and looked over at your paper.
“That’s a pretty rainbow,” he smiled
“Thank you,” you giggled, “You wanna draw too?”
You dug around for another piece of paper but you didn’t notice Mingi had already pulled out a pen and began drawing on his arms. You giggled when you started seeing the flowers and stars appearing on your own arms. You took out your own pen and doodled on the free skin on your arms. The two of you happily laughed and doodled together completely oblivious that you were sitting beside your soulmate.
Wooyoung - Get the same injuries as your soulmate does
“My soulmate needs to chill out. This is the third bruise this week,” you groaned while putting some ice on your leg
You left the nurse’s office and headed towards the entrance of your school. Just as you were about to leave, your friend sent you a text. You mentally slapped yourself. You had promised your friend that you’d come with them to the school’s dance club meeting. You really wanted to reschedule due to your bruised leg but knew they’d scold the hell out of you for rescheduling on them for the third time. You sent a text saying you’d be there in a second before limping down the hall towards the music room.
You arrived at the music room a few minutes later, your friend standing outside the door looking impatient.
“There you are!” they looked down at your leg, “Did you get hurt?”
“I didn’t,” you huffed, “My soulmate did.”
“Ah, well at least Wooyoung won’t be alone then.”
“He hurt himself and can’t really participate today so the two of you can hang out.”
The two of you walked into the room, the other members of the club greeting you. Your friend introduced you to Wooyoung before going off with the other club members. You tried to strike up a conversation with him, asking him about his injury.
“I bruised my leg trying out a new dance move,” he said pulling up his pant leg to show you the purple bruise that looked similar to yours, “What about you?”
You said nothing, only showing him your own bruise. He looked between your leg and his, his eyes going wide in surprise. His eyes wordlessly said what you were both thinking.
Jongho - Each other’s initials on their wrist
“Just come with us, Y/N!” Wooyoung whined, “It’ll be a lot of fun!”
“Will you shut up if I say yes?” you looked over at the boy
You rolled your eyes playfully when Wooyoung promised to leave you alone if you came out with the members of Ateez to karaoke. You hadn’t met all the boys yet so you were a bit apprehensive at first but after Wooyoung’s relentless pestering, you finally broke down and agreed.
You and Wooyoung walked into the karaoke room, the loud sounds of singing and yelling coming from the room. Everyone, well almost everyone, were on their feet singing along with the song being played through the speakers. Wooyoung quickly joined in on the fun but you decided to sit with one of the boys- one you didn’t know. You introduced yourself, leaning in close to hear him tell you his name- Jongho. You talked for a bit before the boys were pulling Jongho up and shoving a microphone in his hands.You peeked at the initials on Jongho’s wrist. Your eyes went wide when you saw your initials on his skin. Was it just a coincidence or...
#kpop#kpop blog#kpop writing blog#ateez#ateez reactions#ateez reaction#ateez headcanon#ateez headcaons#ateez scenarios#ateez scenario#ateez x reader#ateez x you#ateez fluff#ateez au#ateez soulmate au#soulmate au#ateez hongjoong#ateez seonghwa#ateez yunho#ateez yeosang#ateez san#ateez mingi#ateez wooyoung#ateez jongho#kim hongjoong#park seonghwa#jeong yunho#kang yeosang#choi san#song mingi
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dog tags and photographs - s.r. x fem!reader
a/n: this was adorable and just so domestic so thank you Al! I’ve fallen into a nice little writing routine recently and ive been cranking these requests out like they’re NOTHING. as always, thanks for supporting my writing and fics i put out- i really want this blog to turn into something great, but i need to work on it a little bit more.
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author: abby<3
words: 1385
cw: mention of stress, rough mission, domesticity, worry

Y/N smiled to herself as she listened to her boyfriend’s snores echoing through the apartment, something he swore he didn’t do. She had half a mind to record it, but the win wasn’t worth the fight.
She picked his uniform off the ground of the bedroom, shaking off whatever dust she could. His undershirt was thrown across the room next to the bed. She gathered it in her arms before looking towards his sleeping face. His hair had stuck to his forehead, sweat and dirt acting as an adhesive. Her nails picked at it, brushing it away from his face, before laying a sweet kiss to his forehead where his brows were drawn up with whatever dream he was having.
It wasn’t uncommon for her to wash Steve’s uniform. While he was definitely a gentleman, who would never make her do his laundry, Y/N took pride in doing this for him whenever he had a rough mission. He could sleep off the stress while you made sure he woke up to a stress and responsibility-free environment.
She huffed, walking towards the washer, making a mental reminder to set his combat boots out to dry the mud he tried to avoid tracking in. How many pockets does a combat suit need? You don’t see Nat with this many pockets. She knew how Steve was, how he had his own knives, and tools scattered between the fabric of his uniform. Opening every pocket was more of a chore than actually doing the washing, but it was part of the process.
Her hands brushed over soft paper, different from the usual metals that she found from extra bullets to blades. No, this was soft, pliable to her working fingers. She tugged the gently folded piece from his chest pocket. Curiosity grabbed a hold of her, urging her to unfold it and inspect it carefully. It was a photo of the two of them, when they had gone out for her birthday in the last month. He had pulled them to the park, stopping by her favorite store, and then taking a stroll. Y/N had convinced him to take pictures with the self timer on her polaroid, leading to him keeping the photo.
She hadn’t expected him to hold to it like this, folded neatly into the pocket of what he wore whenever he was away from her. She smiled, remembering how he had wrapped his arms around her that day, resting his chin at the juncture of her neck. Happy looked good on him.
She set the photo down in the basket she used to keep his things together, reminding herself to ask about it later. The washer rumbled slightly as the heavy fabric sloshed in the water.
“Sweetheart?” He called through the apartment, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
“Hi sleepyhead,” she wrapped her arms around his middle. “Did you sleep okay?”
“Yeah, I think so. Where’s my-”
“In the wash, don’t worry about it.”
“Wait,” his back stiffened in panic. “Is it already running?”
“Baby, I said don’t worry I got everything out of the pockets.”
He paused again, cheeks going a little bit redder. “Everything?”
Y/N only smiled knowingly, reaching up to press a smile to his cheek. “Everything. Now what do you want for dinner?”
He smiled sheepishly, following her into the kitchen.
A couple of weeks had gone by and all Y/N felt was guilt. While she knew that she was caring enough in her relationship with Steve, she had sort of underestimated her importance to him. Important enough to carry a physical photograph in his uniform.
And while he obviously had held onto something of her while he was away, Y/N had yet to find something to bring her own self any kind of comfort. Most days spent alone while Steve was on a mission were spent trying to stay busy, to keep her mind off worrying. The missions where he couldn’t communicate were the worst. The only thing to keep her feet on the ground was their apartment. The way his scent lingers on the sheets, the small stack of drawing journals in the corner of their room, the record player sitting in the living room. While they were all things uniquely him, they weren’t close enough, needing to hold more meaning.
He was gone now, hundreds of miles away, doing what he did best - be a hero. Y/N’s knee bounced as she sat back on the couch, waiting for her boyfriend to return. He had sent a message hours ago, saying he was on his way back, saying not to wait up. She knew she would stay away as long as she could though, just to see him when he returned.
She tried to relax, wearing one of his large t-shirts and listening to a soft record as she waited. Time, however, was not kind and only continued to move slowly. With a sigh, she decided to do some chores, any chores that were left, to pass the time. That is when she saw them.
While Steve had amazing leadership skills, he was, in reality, quite forgetful when he wasn’t focused on doing his patriotic deeds. That’s why when Y/N moved to the bathroom to change out the towels and saw Steve’s dog tags on the counter, she paused. Thin metal was smooth through fingers, save for the imprints of his name and service numbers that her thumb ran over gently.
It was bittersweet, honestly - holding the thing that began Steve’s entire career, and not having him there to bring any kind of comfort. She pushed away whatever sadness remained, clutching the chain to her chest as she walked back to the living room. Without thinking too much about it, she slipped the necklace over her head, letting the tags hang just under her sternum.
Suddenly, she had something. Something with much more meaning than a scent, something tangible, something close enough. Her worried adrenaline left her body, and as she settled into the couch, she was able to fall asleep with ease for the first time since he had left.
Steve was almost worried when he entered the quiet apartment. His return was usually met with some kind of fanfare - a tight hug around his neck, a body scan for any injuries, an interrogation of his mental well-being. Tonight though, the apartment remained quiet as he shuffled through the threshold of the front door. His eyes swept over what he could see, finding nothing too out of place. Of course she cleaned. His ears, those genetically modified ears, however, picking up the slight snore, something she swore she didn’t do, of her sleeping form.
His feet carried him to the living room where she laid against the cushions, wrapped in his shirt, clutching his military tags in her hand. His shoulders dropped as he took in the sight, a new kind of relief hitting his body.
He crouched down, a dirty hand gently brushing the hair away from her forehead. “Y/N?”
“Mmm?” she mumbled, brows scrunching at the vibration of his voice. “Steve? You’re home.”
“Yeah, baby,” he smiled. “Want me to carry you to bed?”
Y/N rubbed her eyes as she nodded, tags falling from her fingers. He swept her up in his arms, thanking a god he had strength in his body. Her head rested against his chest, hand trailing over his heart. His mouth pressed a kiss to her forehead, adoring the sight before him.
“You wearing my tags?” he asked softly, not wanting to disturb whatever peace she still held onto.
“‘M sorry. Was missing you.”
“Shh, baby, don’t apologize.” He set her body down in the bed, pulling the sheets up over body. “You look better in them than I do.”
He left her to take a shower, but not before she called out for him, grabby hands sent in his direction. “Steve?”
“I’m coming right back, I just gotta wash off. I’m covered in sweat.”
“Don’t care. C’mere.”
He chuckled, slipping out of his uniform and saddling up next to her under the sheets. He kissed her head again, whispering words of love and comfort as she fell back into her slumber.
He had never been happier to fall asleep in his life.

forever tags: @avengers-do-it-better @maisondumepris @hamiltonwrite12
steve and bucky tags: @fab-notfat @mcueveryday @nanners-the-great @mcubuckyandsteve @captainfile @moonstuffsteve
steve only tags: @patzammit
#steve rogers x reader#captain america x reader#steve rogers x fem!reader#captain america x fem!reader#nomad steve?#i just like to look at him#steve rogers fluff#steve rogers fic#steve rogers request#captain america fluff#captain america fic#captain america request#marvel#captain america#steve rogers#chris evans
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Positively Happy
Pairing: Coco Cruz x Female Reader
Word Count: 1.6K
Warnings: cursing
Request from anon Hi, if requests are open, I was wondering if I could request a Coco imagine? Where him and the reader had been trying to get pregnant but the reader deals with PCOS, which can make it extremely hard, and the last test she took said negative but she's had symptoms and then gets another test and it says positive? And she surprises Coco and they go to her 1st appt. And they see their baby?
A/N: sorry this is so late! But I hope I did well for this request and that you enjoy it!
You can read about what PCOS is HERE and HERE
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•• Main Masterlist •• Coco Masterlist ••
Coco had explicitly said for years that he didn’t want another kid, not after fucking it up so much with his previous ones. He was glad that he had Letty in his life now and had started to form a relationship with her. A year or two after having Letty in his life, he got to know you, the love of his life, and he felt blessed and happy that he had his two favorite women with him. That was all he needed, and frankly, so did you.
You had both agreed that having your own kids wasn’t a priority in your life, at least not now, or maybe it never would be, but you still had it open for discussion in case something changed in the future.
And for Coco, it did change. It changed the day your sisters dropped off your niece at your house for a few days because she was going overseas for a week for her job. His eyes opened up for a new possibility for joy and laughter in his life watching you interact with the toddler.
Playing, taking care of her, loving her. He wanted that, he wanted that so bad, he loved your niece, and she loved to be with Coco as well, but he was scared to bring it up to you in case you had changed your mind completely, but eventually, he did, and you were more than happy that he wanted to have kids with you.
He told you he was scared. Scared that he would fuck it up as he did with his two others and Letty. He didn’t believe that he could be a good father, but you and Letty convinced him otherwise, especially Letty. She had told him, even though he hadn’t been by her side most of her life, that she loved him with all her heart and that he was the best dad ever to her.
He then knew that he could do it, be a good and caring father with you and Letty by his side.
The baby-making part wasn’t the hard part of getting pregnant because you and Coco were experts; it was the getting pregnant part that didn’t work. You tried for a long time before you went to a doctor. They diagnosed you with PCOS, which along with a few other problems, also makes it harder to get pregnant, but it was still possible. So the doctor suggested that you try more before you could look into other methods of getting pregnant.
Each test you took came out negative, again and again, and each time your hopelessness increased.
“What does it say?” Coco asked as you both waited in the bathroom for the pregnancy test to get ready. You picked it up and hoped that it would finally say positive. But your face dropped when you looked at the results, and Coco knew what that meant. “Nothin?” “Nothing.”
He let out a long sigh, his heart sinking in his chest. He wrapped his arms around you and yours around him, just holding onto one another and giving each other comfort. “We can try again.”
After a few weeks of trying some more, you and Coco had given up on trying the natural way, so you scheduled an appointment with the doctor to work out some other methods. The appointment was some time away, so the weeks leading up to it, you and Coco hadn’t in your thoughts to make a baby while having sex; you just focused much more on each other than you ever had.
A few days before the appointment, you started to feel a little different. Your period was late since it had always been so irregular, so you didn’t think much of it, but you also woke up feeling very ill. So later in the day, you went to buy a pregnancy test just in case. Coco wasn’t home, so you asked Letty if she could join.
Letty loved you like you were her mother. You were best friends and always was there for one another. “Do you think you're pregnant?” “I… don’t know. I don’t think so, but I just feel different than the other times, so I figured just checking wouldn’t hurt.”
When the timer on your phone went off, you lifted the stick straight to your face to look at it, not thinking so much of it because you were expecting it to be negative as always. To your surprise, it said positive, and your heart started racing. “What?” You said in the tiniest whisper, your eyes glossy with tears that began to form in them.
“Y/N, what is it?” Letty came to stand by your side. “It’s… it’s positive.” “Are you sure?” You gave her the pregnancy test so she could check for herself. “I don’t have an extra to check it, but… it’s never said positive before. This is the first time.” Now Letty was crying and overjoyed with excitement. She hugged you long and hard, and you did as well. Emotions were running all over. “I’m gonna be a big sister.” “You're gonna be a big sister Leticia.”
“I need to call him.” You couldn’t wait for him to come home; you needed him to know right away. His phone went to voicemail, which means he was in Templo because he always answered his phone no matter what except when he was in there. So you sent him a message and a picture.
📲To: My Coco❤️

Let’s hope this means that baby Coco is on the way❤️ I’m so happy❤️
Letty and you moved over to the living room to wait for Coco’s response. Even though it wasn’t 100% sure that you even were pregnant, you started talking and planning for the baby already. What gender you wanted it to be. Letty wanted it to be a girl while you wanted a little Coco running around, but regardless of what, you would all love the baby no matter what. The future for the baby and all the adventures you all would go on.
Fifteen minutes later, the phone rang with Coco’s face lighting up the screen, and you picked up in a second. “Is-is it real,” his voice was shaky as he spoke; you could hear that he was on the verge of tears. “Yes, Johnny, it's real… it’s so real.” He told you he was on his way home to you. He didn’t care about the club or anything other than you right now.
When he arrived, he wouldn’t let go of you, holding onto you as his life depended on it. Letty joined in the cuddling and love. After some time, he got down on his knees so that his head was at level with your belly. His hand softly caressed it as he talked in a gentle voice, “I hope you are in there, little one. I love you so fucking much.” Only the appointment in a few days could tell, so you didn’t entirely hold onto the hope that you were pregnant, but you all wanted it to be real, so you acted that it was.
A few days later, at the doctor's appointment, you, Letty, and Coco all held your breath as they searched for a glimpse that you were pregnant. Coco held your hand tightly as he watched the screen, his leg bouncing up and down in anticipation. Letty held tightly onto her father, just as nervous and anxious as him. To your luck, they found evidence that you were indeed pregnant, and all of you were overjoyed at the news.
Letty squealed in happiness as Coco started lightly crying at the discovery of his entire world changing for the better, but the doctor told you that it might be too soon to celebrate. Because of your PCOS, there was a bigger chance for you to have a miscarriage or other complications with the pregnancy. So you would need to be closely monitored and taken care of.
Coco vowed from that day that you wouldn’t do any hard work around the house or anywhere else. He, Letty, and the rest of the guys would do everything for you. All you needed to do was sit your pretty ass down and relax as they all treated you like a queen.
A few weeks had passed, you and Coco were on the way to the doctor again for another appointment. This time hoping to know the sex of the baby. Coco was driving with one hand on the steering wheel and his other hand playing with your fingers, which always calmed him down. The window was down as the warm wind of Santo Padre seeped into the car.
“I hope it’s a girl,” he admitted. He had told you since the pregnancy was confirmed that his dream was to have a baby girl. A sweet and beautiful little creature that looked exactly like you that he would protect with his whole heart and kill anyone that dared to harm her.
“I hope it’s a boy.” You could see in your dream a little miniature Coco. Him and his father running around in the yard playing together as they laughed in the grass like it was the funniest thing ever. The two being messy boys and getting into trouble all the time and hiding it from mommy.
But you knew no matter what you found out today at the doctors that the little miracle in your belly would be loved unconditionally by everyone in your lives no matter what.
Let me know what you think❤️
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A3! Miyoshi Kazunari - Translation [R] WONDER RUSH (2/2)
*Please read disclaimer on blog
Hisoka: We’ve got customers already, Kazunari.
Kazunari: Welcome!
Kazunari’s friend A: Ooh. Kazu’s legit working, eh?
Kazunari’s friend B: He’s rocking the uniform.
Amabi student: Hello~.
Kazunari: Ahh! Thanks for coming, guys~!
Kazunari’s friend A: Since it was a nice chance, I brought my girlfriend who’s in the same club as me.
Amabi student: It’s nice to meet you!
Kazunari: Hey! Nice to meetcha~. What can I get for you guys?
Kazunari’s friend A: I think I’ll try this drink.
Kazunari’s friend B: Alright, I’ll have this!
Amabi student: Umm, which one should I choose? I’m not that familiar with alcohol, so…
Kazunari: Then how about this cocktail? It’s sweet and goes down smooth. I recommend it.
Amabi student: Really? Okay, I guess I’ll go with the staff’s recommendation.
Kazunari: You got it. Coming right up!
Kazunari’s friend A: Yep, this tastes amazing.
Kazunari’s friend B: This one’s great too.
Amabi student: Wow, this cocktail is delicious! It’s easy to drink and the colours are really pretty too.
Kazunari: Great to hear! If you’re lost again, feel free to ask me.
Amabi student: Thanks~. You’re handsome, friendly, and the total package, Miyoshi-kun… *Sigh*, I wish my boyfriend would be a little more considerate… Like being attentive to all the little things like this~. …Ah, I’m sorry for complaining like this even though we just met for the first time!
Kazunari: No worries, no worries. This is the type of place where you can blow off steam that usually builds up, isn’t it?
Kazunari’s friend A: It's just like Kazu to say things like that so easily.
Female customer A: It’s really amazing that part-timer’s listening to complaints without even looking annoyed.
Female customer B: I might be his fan now too!
Kazunari: If you don’t mind, all of you can talk to me about anything as well.
Female customer A: Really? Sounds great.
Female customer B: So, like, at my job the other day…
Guy: Miyoshi's high communication skills are something we should learn from.
Hisoka: The customers also look refreshed after chatting with Kazunari.
Kazunari: Guy-guy, I totes appreciate you letting me work part-time this time! Even though I’ve been to the bar before, I haven’t worked there. So this was a super valuable experience.
Guy: Actually, thanks to you, Miyoshi, I think the range of our clientele has expanded as well. Thanks to Miyoshi and Ikaruga, we were able to attain new customers. I will serve you two, on the house, to express my gratitude. So please drop by the shop as customers next time.
Kazunari: EH! You sure!?
Guy: Yes, of course.
Kazunari: Yay, thanks, fam~!
Guy: It’s the same with Ikaruga as well, but there are some guests who are sad to see Miyoshi's temporary work period end. They liked the usual relaxed ambience of the bar, but they also enjoyed the different atmosphere when the two of you were there. So I would be glad if I could have you back in as a temp one day.
Kazunari: Seriously!? I’d be hella psyched for that! I also wanted to do it again. Just lemme know whenever you need helpers, alright!
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Writer question, how do you start a piece? I have such a hard time writing an opening line. :/ I never know what to say or what to describe without the fear of it being boring or stupid - ⌨️
I wanna say first that this is one of my favourite asks ever.
First thing I wanna say is that no matter how experienced you are as a writer, there will always be a moment in a piece where you’ll feel like your writing is stupid or boring. No one is perfect straight away, and no piece you’ll ever write will be perfect to you. Someone else will read it and think it’s the best thing ever.
I write in two different ways, for myself and for this blog. When I write for myself, it’s free. I usually don’t go in with a completely clear idea or maybe a loose situation. It’s not as structured so I set a timer for 30 minutes, put music on and see if anything happens. It’s always hard to do the first sentence, but the thing to remember is that it’s just the start and once you start, your fantasy will begin to roll.
However, when I’m writing for the blog, it’s much more structured and a lot more goes into it. I almost always start with a song. With the song, I go through and find the lyrics that I want to use as inspiration for the fic, sometimes I even use lines from the song in the piece (if you’re an og, you may remember this lol). If you’re writing smut, sometimes it’s better to go for the singer's tone and general vibe of the song. R&b has always been my favourite genre so I typically start there.
Once I have a song, I write a “blurb” (loose term) of what I want to write. This blurb can be anything from a few mashed up sentences to a very rough and choppy draft that is basically a bunch of ideas put together. If I can’t figure something out, I skip it and just write **something happens here** and move on to the part where I know what will happen or I write something that I want to happen and fill in the rest later. Again, if it’s smut and I want them to have sex, I’ll skip the beginning and put them in the bedroom already semi-naked. Smut’s my comfort genre, so it’s easy for me there, but the important questions to ask are, one, have they done this before? Two, will they use protection? Three, are they relaxed or are they nervous? Four, is it nasty or is it sweet, or somewhere in the middle? And five, is there a significant act that must happen (i.e. oral sex, a position, a phrase).
The first line is always the hardest, and that’s why it’s important to know that you can do whatever you want, you’re the one writing it, there’s no right way to do it. I also know it’s terrifying to write, especially if you look up to so many amazing writers. But start small. If you’re sitting down to write, start a 30 minute timer and say “I’m gonna write the shittiest piece of fiction ever imagined.” Your first draft is simply that and trust, everyone’s first draft is shit and barely makes sense. It’s basically just a heap of words.
I really hoped this helped in some way, writing is and always will be my favourite thing but it’s not easy. I feel like I said a bunch of stuff that could be helpful but could also mean nothing at all. If you want me too, I can share some of my blurbs or notes just to give you more of an idea.
Happy writing, I’m sending you all my luck and love. Take your time and don’t be hard on yourself!!
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Why did Jungkook not want to be on Jimin's team in the last run episode? He has changed a lot from before. Thoughts.

My first thought is, you don't gotta interpret everything in a negative light.
Not every strong reaction is a bad reaction.
I'd be a phony ass fraud if I sat here and told you with my two thumbs that I didn't raise a brow at that moment. I did.
Especially when you contrast that episode with run 112 which falls on all fours with this current situation- ok may not all fours.

But in that video, like many others, RM had suggested they form teams based on the sunglasses they wore, just as he had suggested they form teams based on the seating arrangements.
Of course he'd meant it as a Joke just as we discussed in a previous blog post. Personally, I expected they make a draw, rock papers or even dance in circles like they did in the other episode to decide who got who in the competition.

But it seems in all the times he's been paired with JM he's been supper thrilled about it. He even warned the members not to underestimate him and JM when they'd unanimously concluded they were the disadvantaged team in the game- Jin not even bothering to ask them what their scores were on Korean.
He reset the timer to 10 seconds when Jk pointed out he wasn't good at reading fast

When the time stopped and they were asked to make a team of four, he turned to find JM almost immediately as if to make sure JM was part of the four, he held on to his arm to prevent RM from breaking the link.
He was supposed to pair with Yoongi and Jimin with Tae but he didn't even try to find Suga. At least V did try to find Jimin. He moved towards JM and when he realized JK was hugging him he went for Suga.
Throughout the episode he was giving JM tips on how to cheat and shot when he wasn't sure of the answers.
Yet in the last run, he didn't seem as enthusiastic about being paired with JM- or so, he'd have us believe. Smirk.
He ain't slick. Lol.
To me he seemed, on the surface of it, either really salty about the others having Jin or RM on their teams or upon reflection, just plain ass overcompensating for something.
I'd go with the later.
It's similar to how, Jimin got the Sauna card and he'd complained about not liking the Sauna but then swapped cards with Tae so he could be on JM's team.
Or how he'd make a theatrical show of wanting to win a competition but smirk satisfactorily to himself when he loses.
I really don't think it's a big deal.
Personally, I love watching them paired up and doing such activities. It's a great way to see how they work together as partners and as a team.
It's also a great way for them to spend time with eachother, enjoy eachother, nurture their bond and strengthen their relationship.
Fanservice or not, scripted or not, you cannot deny that spending time together doing activities together is good for building a relationship.
They spend a considerable about of time together off cameras but a lot of their time is spent on cameras and at work.
They gotta find a way to make their relationship work on the work as I keep saying. All that 'fanservice' people say they are doing? That's them making it work. They gotta find a way to go on dates, feed eachother, hold each other's hands, tell Jokes, laugh at eachother's jokes, express their attraction for each other, flirt, share eachother's interests and do things couples do without inviting public scrutiny to their every interaction and invasion of their privacy.
So where they see an opportunity they go for it. For JK it's the the little decisions he makes on their behalf like choosing where they will sleep, what activities they can do together, wanting the bigger room, making sure JM wins the presidential suite, or choosing a room detached from the other rooms.
He invests in his relationship the best way he can. Same goes for Jimin.
I keep saying this whole fanservice culture is a win win situation for them- for even any queer idol couple in the same band.
What seem like a challenge could technically be an opportunity for a date for them without dispatch breathing down their necks.

A typical example would be this. Jimin said he wanted to go get Yoga with the others but ended up going with YoonKook on their brewery excursion.
The more time they spend together, on and off cameras the more closer they get and the more they get to know eachother on a deeper level.
But you have to bare in mind, they need their personal spaces too in order for their relationship to function properly.
Jimin used can be very needy in his relationship but for the most part he enjoys his independence too.
Jk has always had a strong sense of independence but he can equally be quote needy and over attached once he is in a relationship- especially when things are going great for him.
Spending time apart, persuing personal goals and interest is good for them.
If it helps, think of moments when they hang around eachother as Jikook dates and when they hang quietly in the background of videos do think of those as them having their me times at work...
Would they miss an opportunity to 'date' or hang privately with eachother? I don't think so.
It's in their dicks interests and the interest of whole production team and crew to allow them to be around eachother as often and as much as they want and can.
I for one, I'm not prepared to sit through yet another excruciating episode of Jungkook wanting Jimin- physically and emotionally. I'm still dealing with the PTSD from the last BonV four episodes.
Y'all buy me Ko-fi please. I don't intend to sit through that shit sober.
If Jk is pushing to be on JM's team and what not it's mostly because he feels he needs to spend more time with him. If he's not pushing for that it just means he or they are both allowing for space and room in their relationship for eachother to pursue other activities and interests or even connect with other members- unless of course they are having relationship problems which I don't think is the case.
Jimin is particularly good at this.
He goes out of his way to nurture his relationship with the others even on set.
He does this especially with Tae.
He'd take Tae to go see places he and JK had already been to, he'd request to take pirate rides with Tae- even though JK is available and won't hesitate to let him know, he often make plans involving Tae or even the others- in Soop when Tae asked him to go ride around the town with him he chose to stay and manspread on Jin and Yoongi. *I'm cackling. Lmho.
Jimin is a funny guy.
Now does this mean he doesn't like spending time with Tae or that he's changed? Hell no.
Hell, Tae does the same thing from time to time too. I mean when he found out he had picked a Sauna card he asked to swap it knowing very well Jimin had picked that card too. Soulmates coulda soulmated that shit in hot piles of steamy.
Sure JK lurks around sometimes. He is the resident intruder stepping on Jimin's other ships' neck. Love him for this. Lol.
Perfect Disney villian.
Tae had to drag his ass away from the kitchen for intruding when he and JM were cooking in the Kitchen. Let's not talk about him physically removing him from JM's car or all the times he's complained about JK raining on his Vmin agenda.
When V wanted to be on a team with JM this man literally sabotaged him, hugging Jimin first. It's his laughter afterwards for me. Lmho.
V needs to insure his Jimin cos at this point it's trademark infringement. Hashtag soulmates. Lololol.
Jk needs to go ahead and free Vmin.
But JM does this too, in much more subtle ways- I'll never forget the look he had on his face when he had to get off the bus and walk home as punishment. It was the most heart breaking thing I ever seen.
Then he had to hang off Hobi to get JK to leave his friends and come to him.
It's why I used an ellipsis the last time I talked about Jimin being very mature now. Old Jimin would have, clapped back, made JK pay for that outburst if he genuinely thought JK meant what he said or believed JK really wanted to be on a team with someone else.
Y'all don't see him when JK compliments other people? He stays kicking his feet under the table🤣🤣🤣🤣
I used to pinch a gurl I liked when other gals talked to her when I was little- In my defense, I didn't even know I liked her or that it was straight up abuse💀
Jimin can be pretty scary and petty when he's mad or offended.
If it helps you sleep at might, think of this moment as just another one of those 'we've been a unit for so long do you wanna be with someone else now' scene from February last year.
Jk answered yes when JM asked him that. But do you really think he meant it?
Jikook is complex, not complicated.
They love eachother.
We can't be looking at their interactions as either or. Grey areas exist and it's not a negative thing.
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