#// bwuah :33 this was fun!
retrograderesemblance · 11 months
try + carolyn stoddard? 👀👀
The record player blared loudly and she wondered for half a breath if she'd go deaf; she almost wished to go deaf; maybe then it would finally drown out the incessant pestering of her cousin, of his keeper titled oh so irritatingly as a governess. It was old-fashioned, all of it; some days she could hardly stand it.
Carolyn pouted, leaning more so out her windowsill, trying to perch her hips so she could almost sit at the window's edge. The air of night was crisp and cold, but however much heat she let escape her bedroom, she cared little. She was preoccupied, an unlit cigarette balanced between her lips, her brow scrunched in concentration as she struck match to box again and again until--
Cupping her stolen indulgence, trying to mask it from the evening breeze lest the fire blow out, she found her enjoyment squelched as she began choking, the first breath of smoke like a pair of hands clamping around her throat, suffocating her. Sputtering, she coughed dryly into her fist, mindful to keep her balance all the while before she observed the glowing embers at the end of the cigarette.
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It was time to grow up, she could all but hear her mother's words echoed in her thoughts, yet Carolyn couldn't help herself from thinking that perhaps she would run away one day her age could be damned only she needed a bit of practice first.
Bringing the cigarette back to her lips, she inhaled.
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honorhearted · 2 years
☆ Put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. It's time to spread positivity! ❤
*inserts creepy Ben sneak attack hug*
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//Bwuah, thanks, right back atcha! <33 Even though Ben wants to suckerpunch Clint (pretty much every moment he breathes), I've been enjoying the laughs. Thanks for making the dash more fun! <3 And for putting up with Ben's sass lol.
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