#// and im not sure how other people interpret it but it's very ....... exploitative and wrong to me so im tagging it as such
Hey!! I’ve recently come to learn that some of my actions to you have been extremely disrespectful and hurtful, and I just wanted to come on here and sincerely apologise.
I requested an Aragorn fic wich you so kindly fulfilled and it was absolutely perfect! But I also sent a similar request out to a few other blogs (and another writer also wrote for it as well). Additionally I sent in a bunch of other requests too you after you’d already written for my first one!
I’m fairly new to tumblr so I wasn’t aware of requesting etiquette or how my actions might impact you and other blogs. And this is a failure on my part, I definitely should have educated my self a bit more before jumping into interacting and asking for something from you or any other blog.
At the time I didn’t realise just how disrespectful and hurtful these actions are and for that im truly sorry. In no way shape or from did I intend to making it seem like I was dissatisfied with your work or unappreciative with your kindness in actually taking the time to fulfil my request! I sent the a similar request out to others because my sole intention was thinking how other blogs may write for the same character dynamic but create different plot lines which would have the characters being put in different situations. I guess I was just being greedy and that this isn’t an okay thing for me to do or have done.
I also wanted to apologise for sending in multiple requests after you fulfilled the first one already! I should’ve realised how annoying and taken for granted it must’ve felt to have me pester on and on. I understand now that this is completely disrespectful and not an appropriate thing to do! I think I thought that blogs saying they accept requests wouldn’t mind receiving loads because the writer could pick and choose which ones they’d feel inspired to write for. (This was so stupid and insensitive of me to think, obviously it’s overwhelming and like a complete disregard of your efforts) I’m truly sorry, I should’ve understood this before I went ahead and bombarded you.
In no way am I trying to excuse my actions or expect you to forgive me, I just wanted to take accountability for the way I might’ve caused you any hurt or negativity! I am truly very sorry and will no longer interact with your blog out of respect to you.
I appreciate your reply to my first original request so much and I’m genuinely so sorry if I made you feel like I was trying to exploit you or your kindness!
Anyways regardless, you’re such a talented writer and thank you for creating so much positivity and joy through your writing and generosity! I apologise again and wish you the best!
Hey my love! I'm not sure why you're apologising at all, in my eyes there's absolutely no need to apologise! You are free to send the same request to multiple different people, as you said people mind take the request in a completely different direction to how i've written it and it can be interesting to see. As a writer, I don't find it rude or disrespectful at all for you to send the same requests to multiple blogs so if I gave you that impression I apologise. I'm not sure if another blog has said something to you about it either and that's why you're apologising but in my eyes, you've done nothing wrong.
I've been running this blog since I was 16 so 2014 and the amount of requests I've had that have also been sent out to others is a large quantity. People have accused me of copying and stealing ideas etc but I don't listen to that.
You are allowed to send the same request to multiple blogs. It's not rude, it's not disrespectful. You admire different people's blogs and therefore you admire their different writing styles and the way they might interpret a request different to the likes of me. You've in no way been rude or disrespectful at all! There is no law in place to tell you that you can't send the same request to multiple blogs. I for one don't think it's rude at all so please do not feel like that when visiting my blog.
You've not been a bother, you've not been pestering me. I actually enjoyed to see your asks because you were always very lovely and kind so please don't think negatively like that.
The reason I haven't done your other requests is simply time. I go back to work on Monday and have been busy all summer so my time has been fairly limited so although I wish I could do every request I get, unfortunately I can't. I'm sorry you couldn't see these requests written but I do save them for a rainy day if I ever have time and inspiration to write them at a later date!
Again, you have no reason to apologise. You've not done anything wrong and you are allowed to send the same request to multiple people. If someone has told you otherwise, in my opinion, they're wrong. There's no law about it. You are well within your own rights. Hell, I've sent the same request to multiple blogs before!! I like hearing the different ways people interpret requests that's all!
Anyway, don't apologise, you're fine! Have a lovely weekend and take care, lovely. Feel free to always send requests to me, I may not do them but I do keep them aside for a rainy day like I said. xxx
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petruchio · 3 years
that is so fucking funny i can’t believe i typed out like 500 characters about how i disagreed with your take on the hunger games and tumblr didnt even send it. basically i just said that i’m not sure if i interpreted your post wrong but peeta’s family was not wealthy in the books despite being better off than katniss’s and breadwas not an unlimited resource to them (peeta says that they can’t afford most of what they sell and what they are permitted to eat from the bakery is always stale)
ok SO i know you sent this literal ages ago and i've been so slow about responding to asks recently but i did want to seriously reply to this and now im done with school i feel like i finally can!!! so here we go (for anyone wondering what this is about this is the post in question haha)
i think there's kind of two axes to the "wealthy" classes in my post that i definitely didn't articulate very clearly... as with most of my popular hunger games posts, had i know they were going to blow up the way they did i would have tried to be more specific and precise with my language, but i wasn't, so, here we are lol! but basically within the world of the hunger games there are multiple ways of being "wealthy" and the difference in what wealthy means to any single character is a huge element of the divisions which panem creates in order to trap the majority of their citizens in their oppressive regime.
so--to katniss, peeta's family is wealthy, because within district twelve, the social classes are (to simplify things) divided into wealthy/poor, aka merchant/seam. the point i was trying to make with this (which i recognize that i did not really explain in the post you're referencing) is that peeta's mother buys into this class divide by seeing herself as "the wealthy." because she sees herself this way, this gives her a sense of superiority over the "poor," the "seam brat" she sees looking through her trash for bread. whether or not katniss takes bread out of her trash is materially meaningless to her--were there bread in the garbage, it wouldn't matter whether or not katniss ate it because she has already disposed of it. but she would rather feed burned bread to the pig, because this allows her to continue exploiting the small sense of power and superiority over an individual she sees as lesser than herself. as the society of panem divides these lower classes, they convince themselves that the enemy is each other, not the oppression itself. so, peeta's mother sees katniss as a lesser being, rather than just another child struggling under the regime that oppresses all the members of district twelve.
and it's worth noting that katniss resents the merchants for this same reason, which is part of the reason peeta's revelation about the stale bread is so shocking to her. because until then, she hadn't considered that they were all struggling, she had (like peeta's mother, in some ways) bought into this externally imposed social divide, rather than recognizing their common experiences under the overarching societal structure.
but that's just the thing--you're RIGHT that peeta's family isn't actually wealthy within the broader context of panem. this is where i also just didn't word myself right, because when i was talking about bread as an unlimited resource to the rich, i was talking about the capitol. there's a lot of scenes where katniss is horrified by how wasteful the capitol people are with their food, and again, there's the scene in catching fire when peeta surprises her again by being frustrated about the very same thing. and with bread specifically, i mean, katniss thinks about the fact that all they have to do is press a button and bread will come down in a parachute to her in games, whereas in order to get fresh bread in her home district, she had to illegally hunt and trade for it because she could never have afforded it otherwise.
anyway in context of all of this, it's ironic that the hunger games films used subway as a marketing tool because like. bread is such an important motif in the book and someone took all of this nuanced and complex social commentary and was like "so i'm thinking, hunger games themed sandwiches."
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karelysse · 2 years
in your opinion, is there an underrated yzvr moment that you think should be talked about more? and/or is there a moment where you think your ‘take’ on it is drastically different from how other people interpret it? 🤔 tysm for taking the time to read this btw! i enjoy reading your thoughts!
oh man! what a good question! i have a terrible memory and my takes usually range from 'status-quo' to 'plain bad' so we're in for a ride!
underrated yzvr moment? this
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no reason. they looked peak good. we're not talking bout it enough.
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now i hear you. "bro this is THE yzvr gif what do u mean". it is indeed. what do i mean. i mean we're seeing it a lot but we're not talking bout it properly. the easiness with which yuzu dodged that neck grab/hair ruffle. he knew it was coming. the lil satisfied smile at having successfully dodged it,,, this time. javi's unimpressed face. this is all routine. nothing special. hypothesis: javi grabs often, and yuzu has got to develop reflexes. you got an older brother? you'd know what it's like. anyways the FAMILIARITY of the physical banter is what gets me. also the lil look yuzu gives javi right before? brat. you'd wanna smack him too. or squish him. not sure what was the exact intent with the movement but i would dare guess it was a mix of both. bref. the "smiling at the floor" yuzu serves after is just. it's just. ah.
also this video
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the absolute unhinged BULLIES yuzu and javi were to Nam i'm. djfjhggj. no words. like i know it was done with affection yadda yadda but the violence with which they drag him gfkgjfkg i would have cried. and the way they team up to skate him out of the crowd. and high five when they succeed. and their little shared laugh when Nam fell like. mean girls powerhouse yzvr. not exploited enough
NOW none of my controversial takes would make u happy anon i'm afraid. i can't think of anything rn but if i had to pull stuff out of my head i would say i feel some yzvr interactions are very unnatural. they feel wrong and i can't explain it. im thinking like. this high five and the weird ass hug that preceded it.
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wont elaborate.
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I really had to see someone say catra didnt abuse adora bc she "didnt have a position of power" over her. And claimed that i "didnt know what abuse was". Well i guess the abuse that ive been through in relationships (platonic and romantic), that has often been like catra/adoras dynamic, wasnt abuse huh. Guess im not an abuse victim after all by that logic
Dear anon,
Firstly, I just wanted to say that I’m really sorry for everything you’ve been through. And I’m really sorry that someone tried to invalidate your experiences with abuse. I really hope you’re doing okay and taking care of yourself.
Secondly, I disagree with the person’s statement of “catra didnt abuse adora bc she "didnt have a position of power" over her.” That’s false. 
Catra admits to manipulating Adora during the show. And this article talks about manipulation in a relationship and how manipulation is all about power and control. I extracted some parts of the article and placed it right below (within the quotation marks): 
“People who manipulate use mental distortion and emotional exploitation to influence and control others. Their intent is to have power and control over others to get what they want.
A manipulators knows what your weaknesses are and will use them against you. This will keep happening unless you actively and assertively put a stop to it. That said, it is not always easy.”
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Next, this article is from the perspective of a victim of abuse after leaving an emotionally abusive relationship. The author of the article wanted to better understand their past abusive relationship and shared the insights that they gained from reading the book, ‘Power Games: Confronting Others’ Hurtful Behaviour and Transforming Our Own by Kay Douglas and Dr Kim McGregor’. I feel that the article illustrates in depth the enormous power imbalance between Catra and Adora and I extracted some parts of the article and put it below (within the double quotations): 
“After leaving an emotionally abusive relationship, I found myself needing to understand what had happened. Like most people who leave a volatile situation I was, quite simply, unable to process and articulate what was wrong. Apart from being incredibly vulnerable, I was also just too close to my own situation to see it objectively.
So I decided to read Power Games: Confronting Others’ Hurtful Behaviour and Transforming Our Own by Kay Douglas and Dr Kim McGregor. What I found was a wealth of information confirming what I couldn’t express or even see for myself. Here are some choice insights from the book, as well as some of my own thoughts*:
1. Control is always at the heart of a power game. The need to assert control will usually involve undermining and/or discrediting another to achieve our own ends. For example, we are using power games when we:
bully or intimidate someone into agreeing with our demands;
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bait and provoke others through disturbing statements or actions and then claim they’re being over-sensitive/emotional, crazy or irrational (known as gaslighting); 
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engage in name calling, put-downs, harsh criticism or threats.
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2. Manipulators are not concerned with taking responsibility for their decisions/behaviours/feelings. Instead, they create a smokescreen by shifting the focus or blame to others. And consequently, the other party must assume the responsibility for making the situation ‘better’. If the other party is a ‘good’ person, they will comply with whatever demands are issued (peace at any price). As soon as they resist, however, the manipulator is likely to go on the attack.
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3. For the receiver, cumulative exposure to such tumult may reduce self-esteem and increase anxiety, resentment and fear. Receivers will experience intense emotional reactions and may end up interpreting these as proof they are selfish, unbalanced, over-sensitive and unreasonable. They may lose their sense of self; either over-compensating to ‘get it right’ and ‘be better’ or even adopting manipulative tactics against others.
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4. For the receiver, regaining personal power starts with a shift in one’s thinking. More specifically, an acknowledgement that the manipulator must take responsibility for their feelings and behaviours and any future change. It is accepting that the dynamic needs to change and learning to distinguish between real and manufactured guilt. It is constructing and defending boundaries and a willingness to listen to what anger is trying to say. It is the ability to cut through the smokescreen tactics and see the situation clearly. It is the ability to speak one’s truth and articulate one’s feelings. It is honouring the self. And, sometimes, this will mean leaving.
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What I learned is that while not everyone who feels inadequate is a manipulator, every manipulator feels inadequate. So do we all, I know. But, what sets manipulators apart is the way they consistently and systematically re-distribute this inadequacy onto others.
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What I also learned is that by disengaging I was not giving up, but that I was actively saying ‘I am worth more than this’.”
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On a personal note, I just wanted to point out some additional reasons I see a huge power imbalance between Catra and Adora:
- The fact that Catra was completely okay with controlling Adora and Catra was not willing to give up her control of Adora.
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- The fact that Adora seems to be the one who is constantly scared of Catra. At the present moment, I can only remember two scenes when Catra is scared of Adora: when Adora gets corrupted and attacks Catra at the beginning of White Out (S2E5), and when Adora gives Catra “The Look” at the end of The Portal (S3E6) . In addition, take a look at this scene. Adora honestly believes that Catra is going to kill her:
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- The fact that Catra is completely okay with taking away Adora’s power. In the following scene, Catra doesn’t even see Adora as a person but as a tool. Catra literally states that they’ll use the corrupted sword in order to control Adora and use Adora as an advantage for the Horde. Catra even states that she’ll control Adora to kill Adora’s own friends. That is unbelievably sick. Moreover, Catra was completely okay with controlling Adora’s choices and actions. In fact, this scene supports the fact that Catra was completely okay with taking away Adora’s freedom. 
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And honestly, there are some stark similarities between the previous scene with Catra and the following scene with Shadow Weaver. Shadow Weaver was ready to take away Adora’s power and use Adora as a tool against the Rebellion. 
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I’d also like to point out that what Catra was willing to do to Adora, Horde Prime had actually done to Catra in S5. Catra’s power and freedom was taken away by Horde Prime and Horde Prime controlled Catra to attack Adora. The fact that Horde Prime took away Catra’s power and freedom was cruel and despicable. And the fact that Catra was willing to take away Adora’s power and freedom is cruel and despicable. 
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Moreover, Adora ended up with Catra, a person who was perfectly okay with taking away Adora’s freedom and power. 
That is absolutely vile.
Finally I just want to add that my pinned post titled “Catra abused Adora.” has hyperlinks to resources relating to abuse:
- The Emotional Abuse section is reviewed by professionals. 
- The Physical Abuse section is provided by an online mental health service in Australia.
And these resources confirm that Catra emotionally and physically abuses Adora. 
In conclusion, you are right to say that Catra abuses Adora. Again, I’m really sorry that someone tried to invalidate your experiences with abuse. And I really hope you know that your feelings about Catradora are completely valid. 
I genuinely hope you’re talking care of yourself. Seriously, please make sure you check in with yourself and prioritize some self-care. 
Thank you very much for sharing. ✨
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Im kinda neutral about the tma metaplot but i really *want* to like it, id love to hear your thoughts on it!
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Oh hi! I honestly didn’t expect anyone to want to hear my thoughts!! (Keep in mind I am dumb and am generally bad at literary analysis but it’s something I’m trying to get better at so like,, pls be kind) It’s under the cut because its a thousand words long. Sorry. 😬
First of all, I want to talk about my personal reason for enjoying the meta turn. The Magnus Archives, even from the first season, was written in the podcast equivalent of a found footage movie. Everything that we hear as the audience could, conceivably, be found and listened to as if we are in the same universe, and I’m a big fan of that trope. It’s the same reason I enjoyed Percy Jackson so much as a kid. Percy starting the story off with a fourth wall break, addressing the reader, like I found his journal on my own, made me feel like a part of the story. So that’s my indulgent reason for enjoying this twist. It felt like a nice progression from “everything you hear is recorded on a tape recorder as a plot device” to “this is a thing that happened and you get to listen to it”. Very satisfying, in my opinion. It’s also the reason I can’t finish the pilot of my own fiction podcast because I want it to be found footage so BADLY but I can’t DO IT non-derivatively fuck
Okay, now that that’s out of the way, let’s talk about what it adds to the story metaphorically! Because oh boy does it have some implications if Jonny does it right!
We all know that The Magnus Archives is about capitalism and helplessness, right? Being trapped in your workplace and any attempt to escape or quit is followed with threats of violence (i.e. being evicted, starving to death) and upper management is manipulating you and using your labor to commit terrible crimes but you can’t do anything to stop it? Thanks to this blog post from 2019 talking about both capitalism and hopelessness in the narrative that initially got me thinking about that interpretation.
Even outside of the implications of being stuck at the Institute, characters find themselves helpless... a lot. In season one, Martin is trapped in his apartment and is helpless to do anything except wait out Jane Prentis. Again in that season, Sasha, Martin, and Jon are helpless to watch Tim unknowingly walk into a room of homicidal worms, potentially killing him. Season two, they find out after the fact that Sasha has been replaced and are helpless to save her because she’s already gone. Need I mention the amount of times that Jon has been kidnapped, and his autonomy taken away from him? Or how Jon spends the entire fourth season watching Martin fall in with the Lonely, unable to sway him away from Peter Lukas’s side (until the very end). Even Elias, at the end of season 4, tricking Jon into starting the Eyepocolypse follows this theme. Once he gets to “apologies for the deception”, Jon knows he needs to stop reading or something bad is going to happen but he’s helpless to stop it. Season five, on the other hand, is them trying to get back some of that autonomy. Even though they’re helpless to save everyone, they do what they can, killing a few avatars along the way, but it's not enough, and there’s still tragedies along the way. And these are all just things I could remember off the top of my head! There’s definitely more instances if you go looking for them.
This is my theory: With the implications of the meta twist, we, as the audience, are going to be forced to experience what it feels like to be truly helpless in the face of tragedy, just like the characters have felt through this entire experience.
Of course, we could, at any point, stop listening. The newest episode could come out and none of us could listen to it, but that’s not going to happen. Most of us, I’m sure, will listen to the next episodes, knowing we are going to leave the experience emotionally affected in some way. The Magnus Archives is a tragedy, and we all signed up to listen to that tragedy, knowing that nothing we could do will change the fact that our beloved characters are going to be hurt and traumatized and (possibly) dead by the end. All we can do is listen.
Meanwhile, the implications of Jonny hinting at a fourth wall break, including us as characters, means that, potentially, we could do something. If we exist in the podcast, we, who have the knowledge that something is about to go very, very wrong, could feasibly change something, fix something, save our favorite characters.
But we just can’t (firstly, because it’s not actually real, but secondly because that’s the point.)
We could take this another step further, too. Jonny could propose that instead of helping, instead of trying to change things, we the audience, were enablers to all the tragic happenings to the characters throughout the series, and we’re just using these traumatized people as our sick entertainment. That’s commentary in itself about the entertainment industry under capitalism, and it fits into that original theme of exploitation. Now, personally, I don’t think that’s the moral that Jonny is intending. It’s an awfully grim outlook, and, I think, a little harsh on your fans if the moral is you could have stopped this bad thing if you tried, especially considering most TMA fans are people oppressed in some way or another by the systems we live in. But it’s still a theory (and I want proof that I said it, just in case the narrative does go this way).
Anyways. I don’t remember where I was going with this. TMA meta good. Send tweet.
I’m a very inexperienced writer, so I don’t trust myself to formulate a good defense of whether or not Johnny is writing the meta correctly, but, on a gut instinctual level, I’m enjoying the twist so far, so we’ll see!
There’s also the potential for it being used as commentary on government surveillance, or social media, but when it comes to TMA themes, I’m a big fan of it’s approach to helplessness, so I’m biased to think that every new plot device is about that. Thanks for asking, this was actually a lot of fun to write!!
Tl;dr: imo TMA is about helplessness under capitalism and including the audience as a character will make it even more heartbreaking when the tragic thing happens and we can’t stop it.
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lemongogo · 4 years
hey im the anon abt gyutaro/ume and i dont remember what happens to demons after they die ?? did i miss smth ? regardless i wanna ask what do you think their fate should be ? cause on one hand i think they're just victims of a cruel world who took the first way out they could find but on the other hand it doesnt rlly justify all the slaughter, and i also think abt the demon slayers who also suffered horrible fates and used it to fuel their determination to save other people from that pain
hi !! i don’t think kny ever explicitly mentions what happens to demons after they die (as in we never have concrete evidence of where they go or how their lives after are spent), but i think the general consensus is that the demons go to hell. 
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in some cases, the family can decide to go with them (ex: rui and i think akaza? if i remember correctly?) but their fate is pretty much sealed from that point forward i believe. 
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heres a pic of gyuutarou and ume, actually, in chapter 97 !!
but yeah !! thats something i think about a lot tbh. as you mentioned, many of the demons we’ve seen have either been groomed into demonhood (rui, ume, susamaru, etc.) or had their pain and suffering exploited (akaza, gyuutarou) for the sake of advancing other demons’ plans (muzan, douma, etc). so i agree ! a lot of these characters are unfortunate victims in themselves and its impossible to view their stories without incorporating the struggles they’ve had to face as both humans AND demons. especially considering that lots of these individuals experience muzan’s abuse regardless of their status relative to him (such as with the upper and lower moons). i think this is best explained through akaza’s relationship with muzan,
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(ch. 67)
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and further explored though tanjiro’s observation of rui’s death. he notes that being a demon, for most, is an existence punctuated by extreme grief and despair, and that’s equally supported, i think, by the humanization of these demons following death. that their original conscious is restored (albeit with knowledge of everything they’ve done) and are oftentimes plagued by the guilt of what’s happened.
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what he says here is probably what sums it up for me. that while it’s important to condemn these demons and hold them accountable for the truly awful things they’ve done, it’s also important to consider the suffering they've experienced through existence alone. its so !! complex !! and thats what i love about kny. i love how .. you have some demons who are entirely despicable and bask in the carnage they create, but you also have some for whom demonhood was simply what appeared to be the only answer towards living a healthier life or righting the wrongs that’ve been done to them (usually with false promises and manipulation unbeknownst to them). and .. its so hard to figure out where to.. draw that line. or view these characters at least. because you sympathize with their pain, but you also realize that their actions have caused endless pain for many hundreds of people. tanjiro losing his entire family, giyuu losing his. shinobu watching her sister die before her very eyes, and kanao the same. the ubuyashiki family’s curse or the slaughter of himejima’s children. you look at characters like sanemi, shinobu, or giyuu and understand that you cannot invalidate their view of demons either. while kanae and tanjiro may find hope and humanity in demons, they exist as monsters who feast on pain to everyone else. its important not to discredit their perspective when making a personal choice to observe the demons’ hardships yknow. shinobu’s anger is just as warranted as tanjiro’s optimism and that neither are wrong for how they personally feel demons should be handled after death. 
im like. AAAAAAAA theres so much to it , its really hard for me to condense into a few sentences AHAHA im so sry for making u read this if u still are. but . i guess i’m not too sure. i think maybe, had i experienced the same pain as those above, it would be easy for me to say the demons deserve to go to the worst hell imaginable regardless of what they’ve gone through because that history isn’t accessible to everyone like it has been the audience (or that they’ve seemingly made the conscious decision to cause harm w/o understanding the ways in which demonhood obscures their original conscious/morality). but at the same time, you have those like tanjiro whose world view is shaped by positive encounters with demons like nezuko, tamayo, yushirou, etc. where it seems very evident that . theres more to it than what meets the eye. 
one of my friends ive talked to about this had a rly good perspective on it thats kinda stuck with me since !! she said she likes to view their conclusion as some . separation of identity?? if that makes sense?? that the demon side of them goes to hell while their human form goes to heaven (or division into whichever afterlife). and !! i think thats a really neat interpretation because there’s obvious descrepancy between demon personas and human personas. that the demon personas are like. exaggerations of their flaws, almost (akaza becoming hellbent on battle spirits and physical victories when hajuki’s fury & determination was fueled by love in a sense) while their human personas are the truest sense of self. and depending on which influence there is (muzan vs the appearance of loved ones), their identity changes accordingly. so ! idk ! thats one nice way of looking at it. holding their demon personas accountable while also recognizing that many of these characters deserve some form of healing after many hundreds of years of abuse. its hard because ofc i don’t want to negate the harms they’ve caused but its also? not cut and dry given the environment they were placed in and the fact that muzan’s blood essentially removes their humanity against their will you know. so in this way at least you have both forms of self receiving the proper conclusion. 
whwhwhw so im. !!!!!!!!!!!! ah !! i can’t say i have a definite answer but i think the one above is smth thats comforting to me. i think the story settles with sending them to hell once they’ve regained their past self but also .. “softens” it by providing them company by their loved ones who are willing to go w them?? so thats rly cool to look at too. because it holds them accountable for all that’s happened but also.. recognizes that they’re not wholly responsible for it either and that .. even in hell they’re able to keep their connections and human emotions/experiences . its tragic yet oddly. fitting, i think, of the kny narrative. while i like the aforementioned interpretation, i also really.. appreciate the way its set up in canon too. like yeah i want the best for them but also. it fits in with the tragic nature of demonhood and what it meant for them all. oddly enough. 
u make a good point too !! about demon slayers experiencing the same hardships but using their pain to help others. i think a lot of it is plainly chalked up to luck in terms of.. what they were exposed to following tragedy. how shinobu and kanae were saved by himejima, tanjiro saved by giyuu, kanao picked up by shinobu and kanae, sanemi given the guidance of kagaya while akaza was killed by muzan during his lowest moment, ume and gyuutarou were cornered by douma, rui misled by muzan, etc. i think circumstance is definitely a large factor in determining the paths that were taken. such as sanemi’s anger being validated and heard by ubuyashiki vs, say, akaza’s same anger being intentionally exploited for muzan’s gain.
aaa anyways. theres a lot 2 be said about this. like. SO much on my mind and obviously the extent of muzan’s abuse goes far deeper than what’s briefly mentioned here but.  i love talking about the complexities of kny . and how i view the demons vs the corps and how each of them have grown into their respective stories . AA but ill end it here THNK U >> also so sry for making u read thru all of this i get so excited i could talk abt kny all day long if i had the chance AAA 
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