#// and he drank an alarming amount of it and ended up forgetting his own name for a bit.
ferromagnetiic · 8 months
Perhaps it was a bad idea to instigate the others celebratory drinking, after all he was sure the other captain had surely drank at least half his body weight in spirits by now. However in this moment, Sanji couldn't quite bring himself to care. Especially when he'd been roped into the celebration as well - but with a grin he'd set the rather large bottle he'd purchased upon the table and a gift box with some specialty polish ( for the other's arm, of course. ) courtesy of franky and usopp, before grinning up at the other captain.
" Happy birthday, you mangy squirrel~ "
【 KID'S BIRTHDAY 2024. 】 @marchebleu
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It comes as some surprise to Kid that his rival crew can be so full of generosity. Their Captain is an odd one, admittedly; perhaps he might have expected this kind of amicable behavior from Luffy himself, seeing as he is fixated on the prospect of uniting the two of them in a disinclined friendship. It would seem that affability has spread and infected even the rubber boy's chef.
From what Kid has both personally observed as well as heard from others about the cook, Sanji's congeniality tends to be best showcased when he is socializing with pretty women. This leads to Kid naturally being unsuspecting, as he is neither of these things.
Booze and specialty polish. Both are well received gifts, and the latter will definitely benefit him; polish is something he uses up on his projects a weekly basis, and having an additional supply can only be a good thing. He turns the container in his hands, checking the words printed on the label. A decent brand, too. Sanji had been thoughtful enough to not skimp out on something cheap.
     Kid offers the cook a nod.      ❝ Ta. It'll get used. ❞ He will not remark on being called a mangy squirrel. That comparison seems to be making the rounds; he has heard it too many times already to warrant giving it any attention. Unoriginal, he thinks. Be more creative. But then, he is sucking the inside of his cheek, as if he has more to say. It's a very nice present, and he could simply thank him and be done with the interaction, yet something nags at him to proceed.
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     ❝ ...Gotta say, ya picked the right choice in not cookin' me anythin' as a gift.      Knew ya couldn't compete with my chef, aye?      Smart boy. Saved yerself the embarrassment of rankin' second place. ❞
                    After all, they are still rivals even on his birthday.
Kid uncorks the bottle of spirits with his teeth, producing a satisfying pop in the process. He is still standing, still coherent enough to carry a conversation, and therefore he is still capable of downing another drink. Since the gift-giver is involved in the culinary arts, he's expecting it to be some high quality liquor; he'll never let him hear the end of it if the drink is shit.
He holds the bottle by the neck and extends his arm towards Sanji's chest.
     ❝ Pour us a glass, will ya? Let's see if ya got an ounce of taste. ❞
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aimeelouart · 4 years
Repurposing a bit of server freewriting for part 2 of purring!Cloud (Saving Subject C AU). Lil’ bit of whump, lil’ bit of hurt/comfort, and lovely fluffy cuddles
Also doubles as a preview if we end up going in a certain direction, but tbh I doubt it. Either way, spoiler free.
Cloud held pressure across his stomach, grimacing as the pain came and went in throbbing waves. He’d already pulled the shrapnel out so his body wouldn’t seal around it. Now it was just a matter of staying still and keeping pressure on until it closed enough for him to safely move.
His chest was doing the fucking thing (he refused to put a name to it) but he couldn’t make it stop, which didn’t make any sense. Didn’t cats only...do the thing when they were happy? Why was it happening to him now? 
Fuck, at least the SOLDIERs weren’t around to hear it.
The call was still fairly distant. Cloud loosed an involuntary, irritated grunt at the sound. Shit, they were persistent. Maybe that wasn’t surprising. He had run off and destroyed Shinra property at the first available opportunity. With any luck, his hiding space would work until the hole in his side closed and he could make a proper escape. It didn’t have to be long. Just...long enough.
Gaia, he was starting to feel lightheaded. He cracked an eye open and checked the size of the blood puddle spreading from his side. It was much wider than he’d hoped. He might be in more trouble than he thought.
“There you are.”
Cloud breathed out a heartfelt “fuck” as Sephiroth’s voice reached him. Grimacing, he tilted his head enough to see the silver-haired demon kneeling and peering into the dark space beneath the broken lift Cloud was using for cover. He snarled at the man, but it was half-hearted at best. Even if he somehow found the strength to take up his commandeered knives again, he was too weak to run, never mind fight.
He’d miscalculated, and how he was going to pay for it.
Sephiroth didn’t sound angry when he dropped down onto his stomach and slid as far into the narrow space as he could. “Cloud, where are you hurt?” He sounded…concerned, alarmed, maybe even a little bit…afraid? “Cloud?”
“Fuck off,” Cloud slurred, confused. His sight was starting to gray a little bit around the edges. A real pang of concern shot through him. Had he missed an exit wound?
Sephiroth snorted a little, disbelieving. “Even when you are bleeding out, you still…” He reached, but even his long arm wasn’t quite enough to snag Cloud’s shirt. “Cloud, can you move toward me? Just a little bit.”
He hunkered down into himself, trying to apply more pressure. The pain was fading, and he still couldn’t make the stupid rumbling stop. “No.”
“I can’t help you unless you move a little bit, Cloud.”
“Fuck off,” he repeated, eyes starting to slide shut.
Another voice. “Seph?”
“He’s here. I can’t reach him.”
Cloud’s eyes shut all the way.
“Let me try. Here, Angeal, take my coat for a second.”
The voices were starting to sound like they were coming from underwater. Cloud felt, distantly, that this was definitely the point at which he should have been outright alarmed. He’d missed something. Probably an exit wound on his back, based on the blood loss. He’d be fine, even if they left him where he was, but they weren’t going to do that. He wished he had the strength to grab one of his knives.
“Cloud, sweetheart, can you say something?”
He found the will to say “fuck off” a third time. It sounded like “f’k ov.”
Genesis—that was Genesis—snorted. “Okay. Okay, I’ve…” Fingers snagged the edge of his sleeve. “…got you! I’ve got you, come on.” He pulled, sliding Cloud across the blood-slicked ground until he could grab an arm, and then Cloud was dragged from the safety of his hiding space and out into the light. Alarms were still going off in the distance. He smirked weakly.
“Shit, kiddo,” someone breathed as he was rolled onto his back. He couldn’t quite find the strength to keep his hand over the wound and it fell limply to the ground. “Did you⁠—is this a shrapnel wound? Cloud, did you pull it out?”
Duh, he thought, unable to articulate his disdain.
“Later, Genesis,” someone else said. Large, strong hands provided the compression Cloud wasn’t able to any more.
“I need to see his back. Get the shirt off.”
His shirt was cut off as he drifted in and out of consciousness. He was shifted, then propped up across someone as two more hands pressed down on either side of his torso. Magic flooded his body, sealing the path carved through his flesh. The gray retreated a little as another flood of magical energy compensated for his blood loss until his body could make up the difference. 
And, finally, the stupid purring stopped. He really, really hated that it seemed to be involuntary.
Cloud was shifted again, wrapped up in something primarily leather and then picked up like a swaddled infant. Fucking rude, he thought, struggling to drag his leaden eyelids up. A vaguely silver blur hovered above his face. He tried to object, but what came out of his mouth was closer to a grumpy kitten growl than articulated displeasure.
“Hush,” someone said. It might have been the silver blur. A water bottle was pressed against his lips and since he wasn’t completely self destructive, he drank.
“Little idiot. What was your plan, hmm? To bleed out under there?”
That was probably Genesis. Out of pure spite, Cloud managed to spit out a “yeah” in response.
A frustrated noise. A tired sigh. A rumbling, half-stifled laugh against his ear.
“Stop antagonizing him,” someone said. A hand passed over his face, brushing his staggering eyelids down. Tired, he let them stay closed. “We’ll have plenty of time to talk about appropriate responses to severe bodily harm later.”
And Cloud was...increasingly confused. It was hard to think, drained and cold and barely hanging on to consciousness, but none of this was what should have been happening. They were threatening...scoldings? No one was angry. He’d destroyed a massive amount of Shinra property, practically spat in their faces, and somehow no one was angry.
He shivered, and it had nothing to do with the chill.
Cloud’s little stunt had scared the hell out of them. It wasn’t that they didn’t care that he’d demolished Shinra property and made their job fending off the Turks much, much more difficult—they did—but when they’d started searching, they really had thought it would be a tiny, lifeless body they found. Any anger and frustration they might have felt paled in comparison to the sheer relief of finding him alive.
Sephiroth was the one watching him (hiding him, more or less), while Genesis and Angeal dealt with getting all of them back to the Tower in one piece. It wasn’t going to be easy, but Cloud was so little and this event just reinforced the fact that only SOLDIERs had any hope of containing him. Hopefully that would bolster their argument rather than encourage Science to get involved, because...well, forget what he and Genesis and Angeal would do to save the kid, Cloud himself would rip the whole department to shreds using only his teeth if they even tried to take him.
On some distant level, Sephiroth wondered how Cloud had managed to ensnare the three of them (and more SOLDIERs besides) so quickly. Or at all. Sephiroth wasn’t supposed to have a heart. He was supposed to be the pure paragon of SOLDIER, a soulless weapon forged only to mete out death. But here he was, holding a child safe in his arms and feeling his breath stutter every time he wondered what it would have been like to find a cold, unmoving body beneath that broken equipment.
Cloud was asleep, face milk-pale where it rested against the dark leather of his coat. He had proper blankets now, and Sephiroth’s own body heat besides. Angeal had been very clear about that—Cloud was not to be without a heat source until he was no longer anemic.
Not that Sephiroth would have willingly put him down. He found himself oddly agitated at the thought of not being able to feel the boy’s heartbeat beneath his palm. And, more than that...he felt unwilling to give up the strange, powerful contentment he felt just having Cloud safe in his arms.
He startled a little, moving his eyes from Cloud’s face to find Genesis standing with one hand on the door frame, watching them with an unreadable expression. “...yes?” Sephiroth responded when Genesis didn’t continue. He realized that he had been shifting back and forth from foot to foot without noticing. When had that started?
“...you’re purring.”
What? He stopped—he stopped breathing entirely, actually. They’d told him about Cloud’s near-violent reaction to his own purring weeks before, but only now did he really understand. Because humans weren’t meant to be able to do that.
“Hey,” Genesis said quickly, crossing over to touch his arm, “stop. I know what you’re thinking.” His eyes were unusually gentle, maybe because he was riding the same relieved high Sephiroth was. “But...aren’t you glad Cloud isn’t alone?”
Aren’t you glad you’re not alone?
And he...was. He really was, once the thought was put to words. Cloud had been frightened by his own body and abilities, but he didn’t need to be anymore. Not when Sephiroth was with him. Neither of them were alone.
The rumbling started back up. He thoughtlessly leaned his head down and pressed his cheek to Cloud’s damp, unruly hair. The boy smelled like mako and blood and explosives. Sephiroth didn’t mind at all.
Genesis huffed a laugh, but it choked a little, and Sephiroth cracked an eye open inquisitively. “You’ve...you’ve never been injured enough or happy enough to do this before, have you?” he asked.
Oh. Was that it? He thought it might have been in response to Cloud, somehow, but...he really hadn’t ever felt such powerful relief and contentment until today, had he? Objectively, that was probably sad—that’s what Genesis’s expression was telling him. He didn’t much care though. There were more important things to think about.
So he just hummed noncommittally and gathered Cloud a little closer, shutting his eyes again. When Genesis huffed a second laugh, it was much lighter.
“So,” Genesis said, nudging him, “when is it my turn to play space heater?”
Sephiroth growled.
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mitsukijuni · 3 years
yet another smut fic of mondstadt npcs, this time Wagner and his apprentice, Schulz🤥
Summer in Mondstadt means days of living through hell for us blacksmiths.
While the others are busy frolicking around in the grassy hills, winds intertwining in between their hair, the both of us are trapped in this cramped space; sounds of metal pounding against metal, water evaporating swiftly into hot mist as hot red iron was dunked into it. The small canopy on top our heads a slight reprieve from the smoldering heat.
With that said, the heat is a blessing in disguise. Summer in Mondstadt could mean a lot of things to others, but to me summer means that my master, Wagner, strips himself off of his shirt more often than any other seasons.
Opportune time for me to let my eyes wander about.
The scars scattered on his arm attracting my eyes, moving like water as he flexes his hand, shoulder blades tensing, hammering down on a rod; shaping it. Sweat dripping down his chest, making him gleam in the light. His presumably rock hard abs clenching as he heaved yet another lift with his hammer.
Although, this does bring some unwanted attention from the others, the town folks walking by our store repeatedly, sometimes even pretending to forget something, their actions deliberate and yet he seem to take no notice. Hell, even Captain Kaeya made a move on my master, leaning in too close for comfort, his only eye lidded with obvious lust.
Okay, maybe I am being a bit overprotective. Not my fault he's so hot.
I never knew when the seed of this —whatever it is— had been planted deep in my heart. But the one thing that I do know of is that, he'd probably never reciprocate this feeling that I have for him, the thought of it making my heart aches. Does he even, feel anything for me, I catch myself wondering at times.
Even when I had begged to him, face facing down into the dirt below, to accept me as his apprentice, he had begrudgingly took me under his wings. Every time I had presented to him a new craft of mine, a simple huff would be his answer before he melts it back down. But, its fine. As long as I get to be by his side, I would be fine admiring from the side.
A hand; calloused and bigger than mine, circled my wrist, pulling it away roughly. I winced, the hold tight, almost bruising. "Watch what you're doing," he scolded, brows furrowed deeply. The slight panic in his voice alarming me back to reality. I raised my eyes to look at his bearded face, confused as to what happened that elicited such a reaction. That's when I noticed, the melted ore dripping down, my hand mere inches from it and nearly disintegrating my hand had it not been for him.
Silence fell, the topic dropped, faster than I could craft a dagger. The air around us tense as we continue to work and if there was a distance between us whenever we passed each other, neither of us did acknowledge it.
"Wanna go out for a drink?" I had blurted out, a silent hitch of breath escaping my mouth, scolding myself internally. He looked up, his dark eyes gazing into my own, his workspace now tidied and put away. "Sure," I almost missed it with how quiet he had whispered it out. My face lit up but I scrambled for words, explaining to him that he isn't obligated too but the tangent was cut short, "It's okay, Schulz. Let's just go already."
Knowing that I'd never get any other chance like this, I gathered myself, quickly catching up to his retreating figure, already heading towards Angel's Share. "Wait up, master!" I shouted, as I near him, walking briskly, following his pace. The night was silent, cicadas chirps filling it, when he said, "Just Wagner is fine, we're off work." It was my turn to stare at him, wondering since when he's become so, talkative. I hesitated.
"Okay, Wagner."
By the time we had reached the tavern, drinks were passed around, men and women stuffing their bellies with wine and countless pints of beers. The young lad, Venti was there too, drunk as it seems by how flushed his face had became. We sat on opposite ends, facing each other, between us a single pint of beer each.
Few minutes passed, the drink in my mug almost finished and yet not a single word was exchanged, leaving us-maybe just me-in an uncomfortable silence. The bearer stopped by our table many times, each time leaving a mountain of alcohol. And each time I drank and drank until I could no longer see the man in front of me clearly.
"I like you, Wagner."
I had messed up, I knew that and yet, I couldn't help but to gush out all of my feelings; bottled and finally being let out. Wagner sat there, his drink untouched. Empty beer mugs filled the space between us, the sight of the wooden table underneath vanished. By the time I had finished venting, an awkward silence hung amid us.
Wagner stood up, silently heading towards the bar, his pouch in hand. That's it, I was rejected, point blank. He must have left by now, the seat in front of me now vacant, my head hung low, tears brimming. A hand awkwardly clamped down on my drooping shoulder, sweat warming the spot. I glanced up, slowly meeting black eyes, red hue staining his cheeks.
He came back.
"Do you want to, um, come back to my place?" he sheepishly said, his other hand massaging his nape. I looked at him, surprised at what he had just said. With each seconds passing by, the red shade on his face grew brighter. "So, you're going to come or-"
Or so I said, brimming with confidence too. But now as I sat on top of his bed, palms gripping onto my knees tightly, my thoughts wandered wildly to where this would lead us. Wagner waltz into the room, face still flushed from the amount of beers and ciders he had swallowed.
Rustling caught my attention; the man trying to —clumsily— untie the laces of his corset. The saliva welling in my throat felt heavy, I swallowed it before nearing his stumbling figure. "Would you like a hand, with that?" Wagner looked down at it for a second, accusing almost before relenting; his arms hanging limply by his sides.
Shakily, I held the ribbons, sweaty palms making me lose my grip on it. I let out a nervous laughter to which Wagner replied with a warm smile, my giggles fading, bright red blushing my cheeks.
We stood in silence, my fingers deftly working on the ties of the corset, metal clasps making a loud 'snap' sound that echoed in the room. I became aware that, the both of us are alone, in his room, whilst I was untying his corset and we're alone and I could see the chest hair peeking through from the laces of his shirt and
I have an erection.
'Fuck, why now,' I lamented, tilting my head back in frustration.
"Is everything alright, Schulz?"
And my erection grew harder, the way my name rolled off his tongue, albeit it came out slurred, was just incredibly sexy. My thighs shifting, trying my best to cover up said growing problem. Wagner however, was sober enough that he noticed the tent, proceeded to grope it, a drunken crooked smile creasing the corner of his lips.
"Wagner, wait!" At this, his hand stopped, the air becoming tense by the seconds. "You're not thinking right, let's send you to be-" my words were cut off with a simple punch to my shoulder, eyes wide as I looked at the taller man. "Schulz, you idiot. Why else do you think I invited you here?"
I stared off to the side, feeling the embarassment creeping up my neck, unwilling to make any sort of eye contact with him. Calloused hand cradled my face, bringing me forward to look at him, warmth in his gaze as he lowered his head down, meeting my lips halfway.
The room, only lit by a candle, left us in darkness. Harsh breaths echoed in my ears as we deepened the kiss, my mouth clumsy against his own, experienced one. I let out a yelp when his hand brushed against my groin, making a shiver run down my spine.
Wagner's lips slowly moved away, leaving a trail of saliva and started to mouth at my neck, "You seem to enjoy this," he whispered with a tint of humour in his tone. "You don't even know the extent of it," I sighed out as his hand continues to rub against my cock.
A clank of metal and my cock was out, twitching upon hitting the cold air. The first stroke made me lean against the wooden wall, lips still attached on my neck, as Wagner leisurely jerk me off.
Hitched whines and gasp was the only sound that came out of me, his fingers lightly scratching the sensitive head before he flatted his palm against it, rubbing and rubbing until drool dribbled down my chin. "Fuck Wagner," I breathed out, eyes rolled back when he cupped my balls, rolling it in between his palm.
Suddenly, he ceased all of his doings, making me groan in frustration. "Can't have all the fun," untying the laces of his pants, Wagner sat on the bed; creaking under his weight, expectant as he looked at me. I gulped.
This was my first time doing anything remotely sexual afterall.
Kneeling in front of him hesitantly, I looked meeting the lust filled stare of his before opening my mouth and taking him whole. Which proved to be a mistake since moments later, I spluttered, choking on his length. Wagner's finger trailed over my throat, comforting, as his other hand slowly direct my head into motion.
Taking in his cock, inch by inch and with the help of Wagner, I was able to reach the base, breathing loudly at the effort taken. Wagner growled out a moan, the sound so feral making my own cock spasm. Mouth stretched open, painful yet pleasurable, I bobbed my head up and down, the tip of his cock hitting the back of my throat.
"Is this okay?" I asked, the words muffled and the only indication that Wagner was feeling anything, was the grip in my hair tightening. A popping sound echoed as I stopped to take a breather, momentary it seems when Wagner grabbed my head and started to fuck my mouth, leaving me gasping and holding onto his knees.
Just as sudden it happened, he halted, although his hips are still trying to buck into my throat. "Come on," was all the warning that he gave, dragging me up the bed effortlessly. 
Wagner, now stripped fully, crawled over me, his whole figure encaging mine. A dip and a kiss and I was writhing under him, clawing at any muscled surface I could reach. Tongue licking stripes over my neck, chest, stomach, and finally settling against my taint, leaving me a shuddering mess. Lapping at my puckered hole, he inserted a finger making my whole body tense.
He studied my face for a while, inserting another finger in, rubbing and searching for something. "Ah!" Wagner smiled, knowing. He pressed down, stroking it over and over, pre-cum pooling at the tip of my cock, face now scarlet all over. Mouth wide open as I tried to suck in air, desperate before Wagner took his fingers out, leaving me craving and hole throbbing in need.
Arms laid limp by my side, reaching out to spread my cheeks revealing my hole to Wagner, “Please,” a sharp intake of breath and he was on top of me once again, stealing all my air with a kiss, hands clumsy on my waist. I moaned into the kiss when I felt the nudging of the tip of his cock against my hole. 
Carefully, he pushed in, a gasp of pain released from my lips; breaking the kiss. Wagner braced an arm before leaning down, nipping and kissing my collarbones in an attempt to soothe my nerves down. It took minutes but finally, he was fully sheathed in. "Can I move?" Wagner breathed out, face scarlet and brows furrowed.
And with a nod, he moved. First, out all the way before going back in, making sure that I was opening up to his length. Tongue finds it to way my nipples, sucking in and sending jolts of pleasure, taking me away from the numbing pain.
He soon picked up his speed, brushing against that one spot, flashes behind my eyes. Muscled arms came to cradle my figure, bringing me closer to his chest as he slammed into me. Mouth wide open, a silent scream hitched, and with each thrusts I couldn't help but to just hang onto him.
Heat coiled in my gut and sweats trickled down my back; I am close, that I was certain of. Wagner seems to know that too, a warm palm circling my cock, jerking me in time with the thrust.
"Wagner, I, ah! I'm going to-" a kiss cut me off, moustache tickling against my chin. And with just a few more thrust of hips, I was cumming in his hand, stomachs splattered white and my insides filled.
We fell back into the bed, Wagner shifting his weight off of me, his cock slowly going soft in me. "Well, how's that for a first date," I laughed at that, Wagner letting out a huff. I let out a small whine when he pulled out of me. "Don't cry, there'll be a next time."
And to that, I looked at him, shocked.
"There's a next time?" My face was dusted red when Wagner gave me a look. "Of course there'll be a next time," hand ruffled my hair, making it unkempt even more. Smiling at him, I leaned forward to give him a kiss, Wagner grinning back into it.
"I like you too, Schulz."
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ancientechos · 4 years
gravity. cuddling up to a loved one when they are too tired to see straight.
Rest prompts (closed)
Thank you for the prompt @ink-dreams-ffxiv !
So, admittedly??? I kind of cheated. This is a direct sequel to the previous prompt, fog. But it can be read on its own just fine I guess? So don’t feel pressured to read that too (or any of them at all actually aaaaAAA)
Emet-Selch/Arianna ♡ 1441 words ♡ ShB [spoilers for end of expac]
Arianna’s mouth feels terribly dry, as if full of sand and grit. That’s the first thing she’s aware of as consciousness slowly returns to her -- then the awful weight in her head, as if she were carrying the entire contents of the Crystarium library within it.
It’s a struggle to open her eyes, though when she does, she immediately squeezes them shut. The light in the room is all but blinding. Despite the hollowness in her stomach, she attempts to throw herself to the side and bury her face in the pillow.
But movement is -- difficult. Almost disturbingly so. Were she in possession of more of her mental faculties, she would probably be alarmed by the sluggishness with which she endeavours to lift her arm.
As it is, she merely wants to sink back into sleep. She can’t even remember what she was dreaming of --
“Ah, you are awake. Wonderful.”
The voice is far too close for comfort, and much too loud besides, though she can’t find the willpower to move away. Instead, she decides to pretend she cannot hear Emet-Selch --
A cough leaves her as she struggles into a sitting position. Her arms feel floppy and useless, and she gives up as her palms slide against the soft sheets. Hades carefully pulls her up by her shoulders, bringing her to sit up against a deluge of pillows behind her.
Whatever her misgivings, her green eyes crack open. Her head lolls back as she squints to look up at the Ascian. He stands at her bedside, leaning over her slightly, his hands still upon her. He seems...hale and whole...even his robes are devoid of any tears...
“You are...all right...w-what about...”
“Your friends? Are fine. Even your Exarch.” He leans away, and, with a flick of his wrist -- no finger snaps this time -- he materialises a tall glass of water. She’s immediately reminded of her parched throat. Before she can think to reach for it, he presses it carefully to her mouth, his other hand supporting the back of her skull as her head tilts back to drink.
Too exhausted to feel flustered by his actions or even question them, Arianna simply sips at the water. Before long, she’s emptied half the glass, and for the moment at least, she feels satisfied. Satisfied enough to go back to sleep without that feeling of sand in her mouth. Once she pulls away, Hades places the glass upon the side table with a pleased hum.
Eyes sliding shut almost immediately, she makes to shift down the bed, her head nestling against the pillows as she slowly relaxes entirely.
“Now, though, I’m afraid it’s time for you to get up.”
The mere words are enough for her stomach to twist unpleasantly at the prospect, her dark eyebrows furrowing in irritation. Can’t he see how tired she is?
“No.” Grogginess makes her belligerent, the insistent drag of her eyelids begging her to ignore the absolutely obnoxious man. Whilst normally she would at the very least find his voice pleasant, it grates on her ears like chalk.
He always wishes to sleep. The one time she acquiesces without an onze of complaint, and he has the gall to refuse her.
The Ascian scoffs a laugh. “That should be my line, my dear. I’m afraid I cannot simply let you sleep. And regrettably for you, you’ll find I’m quite adept at keeping you awake.”
Arianna has no intention of believing him, nor listening to him. Instead, she squeezes her eyes shut stubbornly, turning her head to the side. He takes the opportunity to tap upon her cheek. The motion has her brows scrunching further. Unfortunately, exhaustion and crankiness make her easier to annoy than she’d like.
Though she doesn’t open her eyes, she does exhale loudly. “Why...?”
For once, his chipper tone vexes her thoroughly. His weight sinks into the mattress as he sits upon the edge of the bed. “Well, firstly, let’s see...you haven’t eaten in several suns, if I’m not mistaken. Nor have you drank anything...asides from the water. Alas, these mortal bodies of yours are quite fond of both food and drink.”
I think I will be fine for a few more suns, she wants to say, though she knows without speaking that he won’t be especially convinced.
“And I promise that once you eat, you can go back to sleep.”
The words are as seductive as a demon’s purr. It takes a moment for her to summon the energy to reply.
“...All right.”
She strains to look at his expression for a moment. He seems pleased, though his smile is --
It reminds her a little of that sad smile, though it isn’t especially...sorrowful now. Simply...light.
Once she’s sitting up comfortably again, the Ascian snaps his fingers, producing a plate with a sandwich cut into small pieces. “Allow me.” Without waiting for a response, though she has no desire to argue anyhow, he neatly picks one up and lifts it to her mouth. When she doesn’t take it immediately, he prods the corner of her lips with it, earning a twitch of her brow.
It’s small enough to not have to bite it, thankfully. Arianna simply chews silently as he waits with the next piece. With the silence blanketing them, she can simply turn her mind off...
“You used nearly all your aether to fix me. I’m frankly surprised you could at all...”
She really does hope he does not expect her to respond.
“Why did you do it?”
Of course he does.
She doesn’t want to think about it, about any of it. It’s not even a principle of running away, figuratively or literally. She is simply too tired to consider anything critically. Her head hurts, and merely moving her jaw to eat feels like a chore. She should probably be finding the sandwich delicious, but as it is it is simply a nuisance she has to deal with. She doesn’t want another on top of that.
Not to mention the question itself...
The bond, whilst in principle seeming easier to speak with, uses aether...which is not something she particularly wants to expend now, minute the amount is. Unfortunately, she supposes she will simply have to speak aloud. Writing isn’t an activity she wants to indulge in. Perhaps she can simply feign chewing until he forgets the question.
Alas, Hades may be old, but inattentive he is not. Rather than offer her the next bite, he waits.
Arianna’s mouth twists indecisively as she considers her reply...though truthfully there is nothing to really consider. And saying it aloud should be nothing...
The faster she says it, the faster she can sleep...
“I...did not want you to die...Hades...”
He looks as if he might be about to reply, until she says that name. He stops stock still, the sandwich piece suspended in the air. His eyes widen slightly as he stares at her, motionless
Then a quiet laugh leaves him as he exhales. “How I have waited for you to say that...”
The smile upon his face is fond as he finally brings the next piece of food to her. Silence fills the room once more; neither make an attempt to fill it.
She feels somehow lighter. She’s not sure if it’s because the void in her stomach has slowly been filled, or because of something else.
“Good.” He sounds utterly satisfied. “You’ve finished it all.” Putting the plate beside the now-empty glass -- of tea, this time -- he regards her for a moment. Then he gently brushes his fingers along her temple and down her cheek, pushing her dark hair from her face. “Now, as promised, you may sleep to your heart’s content.”
Wordlessly, he helps her back down against the bed onto her back, finally letting her sink into it. Arianna’s green eyes flutter shut, before opening once again when she senses him sliding onto the bed next to her. Pulling her against him with a pleased hum, he fusses with the pillows and comforter a moment before finally settling.
Blinking blankly, she grasps gently at the arm slung across her. Her eyes slide heavily closed as she turns to touch her forehead to his chest. Like gravity, the sleepy lightheadedness returns and pulls her toward him, something solid.
She finally summons the energy to mumble a word of thanks. He shushes her with a light touch to the back of her head, and she finally drifts off to sleep.
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atiny-orbit1219 · 4 years
Cheap Beer and Ramen
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*Pairing: Lee Taeyong x Reader 
*Genre: Straight cheesy fluff
*Plot idea: Pet store owner Taeyong loved every animal he had in his store, from the cats all the way to the bearded dragon but for some reason, he could never handle the snakes; the way they slithered sent shivers down his spine every time. So he hired a part-timer and she was in charge of the reptiles and making sure Taeyong didn’t take another cat home. 
*Word count: 3,200
*Warnings: Small amount of cussing, drinking, kissing, really really cheesy
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The sound of your phone blaring from its spot on your bedside table is what woke you up. You weren’t happy to say the least as the wonderful dream you were having started to slip away into an untapped part of your brain. You didn’t even have time to write it down before you forgot what happened completely. You groan into your pillow as your hand reaches out blindly, sliding all across the table until it found its target. Your fingers grasped the device as you brought it closer, lifting your head slightly, the blinding light from your screen causing you to squint and lower your brightness. But for your tired eyes it still burned straight through your corneas. You saw the time in the top center and was confused at first, you didn’t have to be awake for another hour… why was your alarm going off now? You sat up slowly, pushing your messy hair out of your face and finally you notice his name. You sighed as you hit the green answer button right before he was sent to voicemail. “This better be good Taeyong.” You deadpanned, not expecting to hear from your boss so early in the morning. 
“Good morning to you too Y/N” He just said back, sounds of people talking flowed through the speakers from his side. You pulled your pillow onto your lap holding it close as you spoke. “Why are people there? We Don’t open until eleven.” She question, slowly waking up as the call continued. “Haha... About that. I must have misheard the lady on the call last week, apparently, the new snakes aren’t coming in tomorrow but today.” Even though he couldn’t see you, he could tell you rolled your eyes as he explained his reasoning for this wake-up call. “Taeyong… You own a pet store but you can’t even handle a few snakes, you clearly didn’t think this through,” you said slightly annoyed. you knew the entire reason you were hired was because of your love of reptiles but at that moment you were too tired to remember that. “I know… I know, but the way they just slither and- ughhh.” you could hear his shivers over the phone just from thinking about it. “You’re such a Pussy Lee Taeyong.” you said, then after a small pause you continued, “I’ll be there in ten, you can at least unload them into the store right?” You asked in a teasing tone. “Yes! I can do that! You’re the best Y/N! I’ll buy you anything you want from next door, you deserve the most expensive ramen.” You couldn’t help but snort at his response before muttering a quiet goodbye and hanging up to go get ready. 
“Y/N is here to save the day!” you call as you walk into the store an hour earlier than you were scheduled. The bell that hung above the door rung, signaling your entrance if the obnoxious yelling didn’t do the trick. Taeyong was just finishing setting the boxes of baby snakes on the counter, his head turning at the sound of your voice, a wide smile spreading across his face. “My own personal superhero.” He teased stepping away from the reptiles as if he was avoiding the plague. You have worked for Taeyong for exactly one year and four months. You had just moved to the city for university, leaving everything you had known behind to follow your dreams of becoming a zoo veterinarian. Something about being able to work with animals from all over the world excited you more than words could explain. Of course, your parents helped pay your way into college along with the help of scholarships but you still needed to eat and pay rent so you went job hunting. Getting a job as a college student in the city was a lot harder than they made it in the movies, most of the places you applied gave you unrealistic hours that would leave you with no time to study. Just as you started to lose hope and went to the convenience store close to your apartment to drown yourself in cheap beer and ramen did you see the ‘Now Hiring’ sign on the building right next door. In one last desperate attempt, you entered the newly built pet store and your eyes immediately landed on the silver-haired man behind the counter. Everything from his small smile as you walked in, to his enthusiastic nod when you asked about applying, even to the way he shyly scratched the back of his neck when he asked you if you liked snakes… everything pulled you in. And the flexible hours was a bonus. 
It took a while for Taeyong to get close to you. He was shy and socially awkward but you found the way he blushed every time he spoke to you absolutely adorable. As time went on though you two slowly became more than just employer and employee, you two became friends. You started going to the convenience store next door together after closing the shop, talking for hours over the cheap beer and ramen you went to buy the day you met him. Taeyong was a total mom friend, he always nagged you for staying up to study and forgetting to eat; he would congratulate you on passing your exams and even splurge on the expensive beer and ramen and refused to go halfsies like you normally do on special occasions. You remembered the night you got your biology exam scores back and had almost a perfect score, the first person you wanted to tell was him. Why? You didn’t really know, but you ended up practically running to the store, your phone clutched in your hands that showed your scores. You threw the glass doors open, the bell ringing violently, Taeyong looking away from a customer to you with a shocked expression.  “Y/N! Are you okay? What’s wrong?” He asked, worry dripping from his voice as he stepped away from the old woman holding a cat she was planning on adopting. “A ninety-eight.” You said, your breathing labored, barely able to get those words out as you place your hands on your knees, attempting to stop gasping for air, damn you were out of shape. “What? A ninety-eight? What do you mean?” He asked, tilting his head in the dangerously cute way he does. “Excuse me Miss I am only seventy-four.” The old woman chirped in, your eyes going wide as you wave your hands in disagreement. Finally, enough air entered her lungs, “Not you Ma’am, I apologize. A ninety-eight percent. I got a ninety-eight on my bio exam.” She got out. Taeyong smiled at this, a small laugh leaving his lips as he steps completely away from the lady and jogged across the store over to you. “I can’t say I’m surprised.” he teased, ruffling your already messy hair as he smiled down at you, “But that’s amazing… I’m a proud boss. Drinks on me after close?” He said, raising his eyebrow at his proposition. You nodded quickly, smiling back.
“Lady’s choice.” Taeyong’s voice rung from behind you as you scanned the ramen isle, a finger on your chin as you pretended to contemplate your options before reaching for your favorite, which just happened to be one of the cheapest, as a college student you learned not to have expensive taste. “Predictable Y/N.” Taeyong said as you turned to face him, holding out the ramen in front of you with a wide smile. He had on a zip-up hoodie and a simple pair of jeans, but he was Lee Taeyong Afterall, everything looked good on him. His hands were in his pockets as he followed you around the convenience store, watching you with a small smile. “C’mon Y/NNN you got a ninety-eight on your exams, get something more expensive, I’m paying.” He whined and you just let out a laugh, “Oh don’t worry Taeyong, I’m buying kimchi too! I deserve to be spoiled.” You tease, setting the ramen, kimchi and a six-pack of the more expensive alcohol on checkout counter so it could be scanned. You don’t remember much more of that night, you drank a little too much you guessed. You woke up the next morning in your bed, Taeyong’s hoodie wrapped around you. He left you a note on your bedside table with a bottle of aspirin on top. ~How’s that headache you dummy? Why did you drink so much? I had to carry you home. Anyway, good job on your exam, I’ll see you when your shift starts. - Taeyong (P.S You’re a lot heavier than you look)~
You were brought back from your trip down memory lane, Taeyong waving his hand in front of your face. “You’re my snake charmer Y/N, you can’t zone out on me now.” you could hear the smile in his voice without even having to look up at him. “Huh? Oh yeah! Right! Snakes.” You muttered, shaking the thought of your boss from your head. you walked across the store to the counter where the three boxes of snakes sat. One by one you prepared their habitats and placed them in. Suddenly an idea popped in your head, a little payback for waking you up an hour early. you finished the last snake’s habitat, a smirk on your face the entire time. Thankfully Taeyong was busy doing inventory in the back. You placed the snake in its glass cage, the creature immediately slithering under the fake rock for shelter with perfect timing as Taeyong walked through the doorway the led to the back of the store. “How’s it going?” he asked curiously, leaning over the counter with his elbows resting on the surface.  “Oh Redtail Boa and Ball Python are done all that’s left is the hog….nose oh no.” Your report to him was interrupted. Taeyong’s shoulders tensed slightly as his eyes met your worried ones. “What do you mean oh no?” he asked, watching as you lifted the box the Hognose was shipped in. Turning it sideways for him to see. “I think it escaped,” you said, slightly above a whisper. “Oh no indeed,” Taeyong said, gulping nervously as his wide eyes scanned the tiled floor. You had to use all your willpower not to burst out laughing right then and there. You bit your bottom lip to keep it in as you pretended to look for the snake with him. He was obviously on his guard not wanting to scream like a little girl if the snake did end up moving past him… how embarrassing would that be? You’d never let him live it down. 
You two split up, thankfully the store wasn’t opened yet. You were in the cat aisle, hidden by shelves of cat toys from your boss’s eyes. You quickly searched for what you were looking for, you unloaded boxes of them the other day so it didn’t take you long. A snake toy on a rope for the everyday rambunctious cat. Your smirk only grew as you opened the toy as quietly as you could before walking over to the unexpected Taeyong. “Any luck?” you asked innocently and he nodded his head no, but you doubted he was actually looking, too afraid to actually find the reptile. You let loose of the string cautiously, letting the snake piece fall to the ground. You walked around him, acting as if you were checking the dog toy bins as you slowly pulled the stuffed snake over the shoes of the store owner.
You wished you recorded the scream that left Taeyong’s lips as he tried to get away, causing him to stumble backward and fall on top of you. That’s when you lost it. You started laughing louder than you ever have around him, tears collecting in your eyes as you hold up the fake snake for him to see with a sheepish smile. “Is this where I say ‘It’s just a prank bro’?” you asked curiously, looking up at him with a raised eyebrow. You didn’t even register the position you two were in until a couple of seconds later, a soft pink blush growing on your cheeks to match his already flustered expression. “A… A prank?” he asked more himself than anything and you nodded slowly, letting out a shy laugh. “As revenge… for waking me up early.” She said quietly, butterflies erupting in her stomach, did she go too far? What if he fires her? All of those thoughts were cleared when Taeyong let out a small chuckle, followed by another, and finally, he was laughing. “You truly are horrible.” he teased, rolling off of you holding out his hand to help you up to your feet. You took it cautiously, he pulls you up, but instead of letting go of your hand his grip tightens as he pulls your closer, your chests practically pressed together as he looks down at you. “Since you clearly don’t care whether I’m embarrassed or not I should stop caring as well.” He says vaguely, your eyes widened as you looked up at him, now it was your turn to gulp. “Remember the night we went to the convenience store after your bio exam?” He asked randomly and you nodded, did he someone read your mind and figure out what you were thinking about when you were zoned out? “Well you drank… a lot. And as I was carrying you to your apartment you said some amusing things.” He spoke slowly, bringing you more and more on edge. Oh no what did you say?? “Did I tell you that I accidentally flushed a live fish down the toilet because I swear I thought it was dead.” You panicked, not knowing what he knew and it drove you crazy. “No you told me- Wait huh? You did what?? Never mind we’ll talk about that later. You said you liked me… like, like like me.” He said, his confident demeanor fading for a moment as you close your eyes letting out a small whine. You did what?? How could you be so unprofessional? “I didn’t say anything because you were drunk and probably thought I was someone else.” He said honestly, scratching the back of his neck nervously as he looked down at you. You were quiet for a few minutes, trying to process what you just heard and decided the truth was better than lying. Finally, with your face as red as a tomato, you spoke up. Damn your drunken self.
“Of course I knew it was you… I… I do like you. I liked you since I first saw you that day, but your my boss so I just ignored it. It’s not like its something I can’t get over, just give me some time. I’m really sorry, I made you feel Awk-” before you even knew it your unnecessary ranting was cut off by a pair of lips on yours. His hands quickly followed, both of his palms resting on your face as he pulls you closer. Was this really happening? Were you dreaming again? Even if you were you weren’t about to let this one slip through your fingers. Your eyes fluttered shut as you leaned into the unexpected kiss, this moment played in your head so many times before but nothing beat the real thing. Your arms wrapped around him, your lips slowly moving with his. After a few more moments he pulled away but his hands remained in their place as he looked down at you with his adorable wide smile, his head tilting playfully as he muttered a quiet, “I like you too” before closing the gap between you two once more. 
If you could kiss Lee Taeyong forever you would. His lips tasted of the iced americano he drinks every morning and he smells just like the hoodie you ‘never got around’ to giving back. You smiled into the kiss, never wanting it to end and for a while it didn’t. You two were only torn out of love land by the ringing of the bell above the door. “You guys are open right?” a voice boomed from the entrance. Taeyong pulled away from you, stepping out from between your legs, somewhere in the middle of making out with your boss you ended sitting on the counter. Taeyong’s entire face was red as he nodded. “Yeah… Yeah we’re open.” He said, helping you down from the surface, holding your hand tightly as the customer looked around. You turned to Taeyong, looking up at him with a small smile. He was still out of it, your lipstick slightly smudged on his red lips. You leaned up slowly, using the pad of your thumb to wipe it off. If it was possible he got even redder, his eyes avoiding yours as he smiled shyly. “Beer and ramen after close?” you asked curiously, laughing softly as he shook his head. “I’m taking you to a real restaurant,” he said, more assuring himself more than anything. “And maybe a movie after?” He suggested, finally looking at you and not his shoes. “A dinner and a movie? Wow Lee Taeyong you really know how to spoil a girl, I didn’t even take an exam.” You teased, patting his shoulder playfully. “Well I shouldn’t need a reason to spoil my girlfriend. Wait you’re my girlfriend right.” He said, realizing his mistake too late. “Are you asking me out?” You ask, not able to help but notice how adorable he was being. He just nodded his head sheepishly, “I think so.” He muttered. “My only experience with relationships so far is animal crossing and I’m starting to notice it didn’t teach me much.” He muttered with a small pout. “Well my answer is yes, to the date and to being your girlfriend.” You said back with a happy smile and he matched your expression, his puppy-like eyes shining as he looked down at you. He bit his lip as he leaned in to kiss you again, forgetting the store full of customers. But before your lips could meet you were interrupted once more. “Excuse me, can I look at the Hognose snake?” You sighed, frowning softly as you stepped away. “Be right there!” You call out as you grab the keys to the enclosure. “Duty calls.” You said, playfully sending Taeyong a salute. You turn away to help out the customer but after a few steps you look back at Taeyong, “Also! Taeyong!” He was smiling to himself until he heard your voice, he raised his head, looking over at you with a curious glance. “Hm?” he asked. “Text me your Animal Crossing code.”
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆  。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆  。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆  
AHHH this is my first scenario I’m posting! I’m really nervous! I hope you guys liked it! I worked really hard and tried my best to edit it but if there are some mistakes I’m really sorry! Thank you so much for reading! :) - Mel
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peeterparkr · 5 years
limits of desire⤳t.h.||2
chapter two: make a guest list
So, after that photoshoot, I decided to get back on my shit. I’m re-uploading it, editing it and changing a few things. Yes, I’ve posted this fic before but I feel like I’ve grown as a writer and it’s a fic with so much more potential.
story summary: you met Tom a night he was trying to sleep with you, it didn’t work and you became best of friends. Wedding bells might be ringing for when you both realize what you really feel.
summary: the one with the graduation, and with Tom and Y/N knowing they both have thought about it. 
pairing: fuckboy!tom holland x best friend!reader
warnings: alcohol , swearing, graduation
word count: 6k (wow)
As usual tell me what you think
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4 years later. 
Tom’s phone was vibrating as the Spider-Man ringtone was playing. He tried to open his eyes but was too tired, he rubbed them as he tried to get off the woman that was kindly resting of his bare chest. Her hair was falling down on his shoulders and her fingers were caressing his arm. She moved while Tom, midst yawns, turned off his alarm. 
He opened his eyes and looked at the time. 
“Shit!” He quickly hopped off the bed letting the girl fall flat on the white blankets. He kept cursing under his breath while putting on his pants. “Hmm, where are you going?” The just awoken girl asked, confused by the lack of warmth she was faced with. She covered herself and reached out for his hand, impeding him from putting on his shirt and pulling him back beside her. She danced her fingers over his chest from behind, causing a paused laughter from Tom. 
He smirked and rolled his eyes. “I’m leaving.” “Just like that?” She asked. “So soon?” “Yep.”  “Oh, I thought we were gonna grab breakfast and arrive together,” she complained and then placed a kiss on his shoulder. “Please sweetheart, I’ve got more important things to do,” he admitted. “And we both know that your boyfriend won’t be happy. Neither won’t y/n.” “What if I call you later?” She offered. “We could hang out after it.” “You perfectly know I won’t answer, no back-to-back’s, remember? besides, what for? We both got what we wanted, already.” Tom pushed her arms away, turning around to wink at her. “I guess I don’t have to say this anymore, right? the whole congratulations! You’ve slept with a celebrity,” he rolled his eyes as he put on his shirt. “But-” Before she could say anything, he walked back to place a finger over her lips. “Tom.” “No buts, I’m leaving, Rach,” he leaned over to kiss her but she frowned, pushing his face away. 
“You’re an ass,” she stated. 
Tom chuckled, “Good thing you were really into mine, last night, huh?” Tom shrugged while he picked up his stuff. “Get out.” “And what do you think I’m doing, darling?” Tom walked out of her room and headed to the kitchen. He opened up the fridge and got out a juice box, he didn’t even care about pulling out a glass as he drank it straight from the box. “What do you think you’re doing?” Rachel asked him. “I’m thirsty, you know, I thought I told you you should buy the organic one instead, tastes better, next time I guess,” Tom answered with poor elegance as he handed the box back, now empty, while saluting with his two fingers, walking to the door. “Buy-bye, I hope we can do this again. See you later.” The girl screamed, kicked and slapped the door shut right behind him. “Guess not.” Tom let out a little cynical snicker while getting out. It could have been worse, he didn’t care, he knew he could call her up in a week or two and she’d answer. Tom called Harrison. “Hey, man, need a favour, would you please go and pick up the flowers I ordered? K. Cool, thanks, see ya there, can’t run late.” 
“You’re already late,” Harrison had stated before hanging up. Tom quickly hopped into his motorcycle while heading home. He had little time for what came next and he needed to look impeccable. He was riding through the busy and crowded streets of London, dedicating smiles to whoever recognized him. Gosh, even if he was wearing whatever he was wearing the day before, he looked so damn good. His ‘walk of shame’ made everyone else’s more shameful than they already were. 
Thing was, he knew it. He was perfectly aware that his Bad Boy appearance wasn’t strong enough to outshine his good and innocent boy facade. But at the same time, it gave everyone a chance to use their imagination and just try to figure him out. Only the people surrounding him knew he was indeed, the best friend they could ask for, they figured he was a good lover, too, but never someone to even try to get into a relationship with, that just wouldn’t work out. But people couldn’t stop thinking about it, because he was oh, so dreamy! His charming and innocent attitude quickly would outgrow anything bad. He already had all the attention he needed, but of course, he was hungry for more. Hence the motorbike, it added just the right amount of rebellion, to the new James Dean vibe he was trying to pull. 
He was late, so late. However, his stomach couldn’t stop growling and his eyes were closing. He stopped at a Starbucks. Clearly, he was diverting every single glance while arriving. He had the complete look, the leather jacket, ripped jeans and the boots. A whole snack, if it’s correct to call him that. It suited him. He picked up his helmet strutting to the entrance, even the baristas were left in shock breathless. The sweet redhead barista sketched him a flirty smile, while she scribbled Tom’s name on his cup. “Is it okay if I write Spider-Man instead of Tom?” She asked with a chuckle. 
Tom only winked at her while letting his hand run through his hair. “Whatever you wish for, darling.” The endearing pet name that would cause them all to fall flat to his feet. The power it held should be illegal. Darling. He knew it worked, because the undeniable line of girls that would ask him to say it only proved that it was his biggest weapon. 
He took a sip of his coffee while he read his name, kindly accompanied by a phone number. What a surprise. “See you around, Gloria,” Tom said with a wink. 
He drank his coffee, as some other girls approached him to take a picture with him, he knew they had taken pictures of him from afar. And there he left again, of course not forgetting to write down the girl’s number on his phone. He’d text her, sometime, maybe in 3 days. But he went back home, took a hot shower and put on the all suit he had chosen like a month before. His hair was perfectly brushed, and he had showered himself with lotion, he looked handsome and neat, he thought. 
He stopped in front of the mirror, doubting just for a second if it was right how he wanted to look, he changed the jacket for his own brown leather jacket. That was better, he snapped a picture, he liked the man looking back at the mirror. He doubted if it was too much. Ah, it didn’t matter. When it came to her, it didn’t matter. 
Tom arrived, just a tad late, of course, but he knew that he’d be the centre of attention, and that was all he wanted. That was, clearly, before he realized how awkward walking through the already sitting crowd would be. He finally found Harrison, who had saved him a seat. He had arrived just in time, ish. The ceremony had already started, but he had missed the boring parts, so it was good. 
“Where were you?” Haz murmured angrily, as soon as Tom sat beside him. “I’m here, aren’t I?” Tom defended himself as Haz gave him the bouquet of flowers he had asked for. “Where is she?”  “Shh, she’ll be out, easy,” Haz said. “I don’t understand what’s going on.” 
“Me neither,” Tom admitted. 
Haz stared at Tom, and smelled him. “Someone showered in Gucci instead of water,” he mocked. “One might only wonder why.” 
Tom nudged and shushed him. “And now our first class graduates, graduating with honours from the Bachelor of Journalism,” the man on the microphone spoke. Tom smirked as he got out his phone to take pictures. Harrison laughed. “You’re worse than a mother,” Harrison bothered him, but Tom ignored him. “Miss Y/N Y/L/N” They called her and she proudly walked into the stage to receive her diploma. 
The ceremony ended and after meeting with her mom and grandma, she ran over to Tom, who opened his arms to hug her and pick her up. 
“There she is, the woman of the moment!” Tom grinned. 
“Oh, shut up,” she laughed. 
“You don’t know how proud I am of you, y/n,” Tom whispered in her ear. “You actually came,” she chuckled. “You sound surprised,” he frowned. “I wouldn’t miss your graduation for anything in this world,” Tom grinned. She let him go, but her hands were still posing on his shoulders. “Thought that last night you told me you were with someone,” she said. “I was.” 
She rolled her eyes and laughed. “Will you ever change?” She finally let him go as she smiled at her grandma. “Thank you so much, nana,” she hugged the woman. “They’d be so proud of you,” the woman said with tears in her eyes. “I know,” answered y/n with a tinge of sadness. Tom quickly gave her the bouquet of flowers, bringing a smile back on her face. 
“We are all proud of you,” her mother stepped in to remind her.”You did all of this by yourself, you did it!” 
“Mum,” y/n said, just a little bit embarrassed. Y/n smiled and glanced over to the cheerful Harrison who offered her a hug. 
“Congrats, Sherlock.” 
“Thank you, Watson,” she giggled. 
“So, are you going to interview me already?” Tom asked, with a chuckle. “I mean if you call yourself a journalist.” 
She rolled her eyes, “Why would I? I know everything about you already, mister,” she chuckled. “But if I may,” she cleared her throat and pulled out one of the flowers. 
She turned around and used the flower as a microphone. “Hello ladies and Gentleman, tonight we are all pleased to be hosting this event, the red carpet for the big movie, the one we’ve all been waiting for, the thrilling sequel to ‘We thought she wouldn’t survive the last finals’,” she took a deep breath. “I’m here joined by Tom Holland, one of the stars from the movie, who seems very excited, hey Tom! How are you? We love your outfit.”
“Hello, hello,” Tom faked arrogance as he unzipped his jacket. 
“I can’t believe we are here already! The big premier to the movie we’ve all been waiting for: ‘ridiculous and cliche graduation pictures’! Such a great title that just makes me shirker! Mr. Holland how was acting along with your two  best friends, Harrison and Y/N?” 
“I’m glad you asked,” he played along. “You see, it’s a very interesting film, it was shockingly violent, acting with them was amazing, Haz did a great job, but this movie wouldn’t be possible without the amazing role y/n played, she surprised us all.” 
“Ah, yes the stunts she pulled, one would’ve thought she couldn’t have made it, don’t you think?” She bit her lip, suppressing a laugh. “After the events of ‘We thought she wouldn’t survive the last finals’, y/n must have been through a lot.” 
“Definitely, some of those stunts were hard, I could never do something like that, but thank goodness that she pulled them off so elegantly.” 
“Of course, of course,” she giggled but then turned back serious. “So please, tell me, what was your favourite scene?” 
“Uh,” Tom bit his lip. “I love we were able to do that scene when it all started, with an almost broken nose and Chanel n°5,” Tom said. “I think I thank god every day for that scene.”
“Yes we all do,” she agreed with a tinge of red on her cheeks, she cleared her throat and turned to Haz. “Any words on the film? Mr Osterfield?Who are you wearing tonight?”
“You guys are the worst,” Haz stated, rolling his eyes. Both y/n and Tom laughed. 
Y/N’s mother nodded in agreement.  “Can we please take the pictures now?” 
“You’re taking away all the fun, guys,” y/n complained. 
“We didn’t even get her to be interviewing us at the Oscars,” Tom pouted. “You both are the biggest idiots,” Haz told them.
“Thanks,” they both said in unison.
“C’mon,I need my bloody cliché pictures,” she said dragging them to the side. They found the champagne as well on their way. They drank a glass, took pictures, congratulated other graduates while some other graduates were divided: some were amazed by the presence of Tom and Haz, while some others were disgusted by Tom, probably from their past encounters.
 Y/N laughed while Tom and her walked away from her mom and nana, who were talking nonstop with another graduate’s parents. Y/N’s best friends, Hannah, Jessica and Lizzie had come too, and Haz and Jess were talking. Lizzie was glaring at Tom. “She still remembers how you broke her heart,” y/n pointed out as she took a sip of her champagne. “Probably most girls here do, now that I think about it.” She turned around to look at the guests. “Wow, there goes Rachel, I thought she wouldn’t come, she texted me that she would only come if you weren’t here,” she pointed at her old roommate. “You wanna go say hello? bet she’ll be delighted with your presence,” y/n laughed with malice while Tom rolled his eyes. “Ah, sure, I’ll go say hi to all of them,” he joked. “Oh, she did come.” “She came to congratulate me, I guess,” y/n said. “I don’t know, but I bet she’s not approaching us.” 
“Not if I’m here,” Tom admitted.
Y/N chuckled.“Can you blame her? We started to hang out every single day and she was embarrassed that she almost slept with you that night” 
“Almost?” Tom smirked, raising his eyebrows. 
“Wait, did you—when did that—?”
Tom didn’t answer, he just sipped from his glass, holding back his snicker. 
“Thomas!” Y/N frowned as she started to make some calculations on her head. “You’re kidding, right?” 
“I’m not,” Tom shrugged. “That’s the only secret I have for you, I guess.” That was a lie. 
“When did it happen?” She frowned. 
“The first time? our first New Years eve together,” he chuckled. 
“First—?” Y/N blinked. “And the last time?” 
Tom started to count with his fingers. “About five—maybe six?”
“Yeah, six hours ago,” he smirked. “After the party.” 
Y/N crossed her arms. “I can’t believe you,” she scowled. “I thought we had agreed on no friends of mine, you’re making me lose them.” 
Tom side hugged her and she just pushed him away. “Y/N I’m sorry.” 
But he truly wasn’t sorry, because what he had done with Rachel was yet again another attempt for him to stop himself from ruining the best relationship he had. Him and y/n had been too close the night before, and he had thought about kissing her, and he had thought about holding her. So he had to stop himself from having those thoughts, hence why he ended up shagging Rachel. It was a strict business. 
And it wasn’t like he had feelings for y/n, but sometimes he couldn’t deny that the way she smiled or the way she touched his shoulder would make his imagination go wild. 
“Be thankful those three haven’t stopped talking to me,” she motioned to her three friends. “I would’ve dumped your ass by now.” “Lizzie is still mad, huh?” Tom looked behind his shoulder. "And she will continue to be mad," Y/N reminded him, starting to walk further away. "You know, I turn to see most of the girls and almost all of them, you've broken their hearts."
"I've always been clear with my rules," Tom mentioned. "It's not my fault to be so charming."
Y/N shook his head. "I can't believe you," she said. "You're awful."
"Only if you sleep with me, I am," Tom agreed. "But look at us, we're fine."
Y/N kept walking, Tom following her. "You tried to sleep with me, though."
"Oh, I did, and you didn't give in,” Tom smiled. 
"I'm happy I did not." She laughed. “I would probably look like poor Rachel over there.” 
"What would have happened?" Tom asked her.
"I don't know, probably what you do with all of them, throw them away the next day,” she pointed out. 
"You never know," said Tom, watching her. 
"And we will never know because you haven't tried since," she smiled mischievously. 
Tom cleared his throat, as he blushed. “Nope.” That was another lie. 
"Who would say that someone like you would become my best friend?" She dedicated him a confused look. 
"I don't know, I'm grateful that my seductive gifts didn't work that day we met." Tom scoffed. 
Y/N nodded. “Cheers to that.” 
Tom noticed y/n’s tinge of sadness. "You're good?"
Y / N shrugged. "I do not know, I want to say yes. But everything is so overwhelming right now.” 
“The real world is waiting for you,” He said spraying his arms. 
“That’s scary,” she said and sighed. “I miss them.” 
And Tom knew why she had turned blue. 
“Bet they’re proud of you,” he said, lifting her chin. Only with her he could do this and be sure she wouldn’t be high heels for him. 
"Yes, and because of them I did it," she said. "I would like to go back and tell them, show both of them that I could do it, that I kept my promise."
Tom hugged her, while she only smiled bitterly at him. Tom knew how important this day was to her and how hard it was now that he remembered. Besides, it was more complicated while she watched the other families, all complete.
Her father and brother had died 2 years before. Tom still remembered how she had come to him and how she had curled up in the warmth of his arms. Sobbing and letting little pieces of her escape in each tear. Her life had collapsed into small pieces that had already vanished. It had been a car accident, Tom had never gone with the details. It was a horror story. She still had not overcome anything, and she never would. But Tom had been the small ray of light that illuminated her darkest moments, he had been there when she needed him the most.
As he held her he felt her release all her pain, as if Tom's arms had healing powers.
"You graduated," Tom told her, letting his head rest on her. It was weird, Tom knew that with her he could let loose all the 'bad boy' style. With her, he could let himself be carried away. He could be vulnerable and not all the farce that was charged.
"You guys say it like it’s a big deal, and shit it is."She let him go and smiled at him. "It scares me," she confessed. "It's strange as if... I still feel that it's not true."
"You have your diploma, don't you?"
"Sure, of course, but, I feel like I'm missing something in my life, I dunno," she told him. 
"What do you mean?" Tom questioned her.
"I dunno, I need to go out more, you know? I feel like I need to define myself before continuing, sort things out,” she added. "Anyway."
"Define yourself."
"Yes, I dunno, to explore the world before dedicating myself completely, to explore for a while, all my life I have been someone who has been locked up with perfect grades, and everything has been planned, so for the first time I want to be... free, to try other lands, not have to hide away.”
"Sure, of course, live a little."
"Something I've learned from you," she joked, staring at him. "Try different things, and then throw them away the very next day."
"Ah, come on," Tom shook his head, "you make it sound like it's awful, look at you now, having doubts when you literally just graduated."
"It is awful when it is with people," she corrected him. "Look, I just know I need a break."
"So you're not going to look out for a job?" Tom asked her.
"I already have, and—I got a job offer, but," she explained. "I feel like, I need something more. I need to sort something out before I do anything stupid."
Tom had already had this conversation with her. Y/N had done everything she had planned. Everything perfect, but at the same time, there was always a certain rebellion. She was independent but she had put on her own barriers, she had simply fulfilled the life of a perfect girl. But it was authentic, with her inappropriate comments, her blatant attitude, and her crazy ideas she had managed to tear apart the perfect girl without destroying it.  However, she was always held back by some fears, fears that Tom had noticed but she never really explained. He did not blame her, Tom was as scared as she was. Yet, it was the opposite. His biggest fear was the greatest strength of Y/N. Commitment. 
It was weird, while he was so committed to what he did, his acting career, he did not know how to escape later, Tom was so terrified that he was doing his best to avoid it, he was an expert escaping. 
She needed stability and plans while Tom liked spontaneity. They did not really know how their friendship worked. They liked being different. They needed each other, y/n didn't let Tom lose sanity and Tom made y/n take a little time to have fun, even to clear up.
"And what is that ... something else?" Tom asked.
"For now, I need to go out," she told him. "Have fun."
Tom smiled grimly. "With that, I can help."
"I asked you for a reason."
"Actually, I'm glad you did it then, Haz and I have something planned."
—- The music was loud and the blue lights lit up to the rhythm, making each rumble shine around them. They were in their best clothes, and there were boys and girls dancing near them. Some bottles and some glasses were on their table.
They had had a good time so far, and they were snapping pictures and recording Instagram stories while they were cheering out for the just graduated y/n, laughing. 
“So what’s the news, y/n?” Tom said, a terrible pun, really. 
Y N rolled her eyes at Tom but gave him another smile. 
After the event, they had gone to have dinner with her mother and grandmother. Tom and Y/N had shared their plates and ordered two different desserts. 
But now, they were enjoying themselves with y/n's friends, Tuwaine, Haz, and the twins. Tom had been a little uncomfortable with Lizzie, who completely tried ignored Tom's gaze at all costs. Harrison was not having a bad time, because Jess and him were having a nice conversation, Hannah and the twins were having the time of their lives and Tuwaine and his girlfriend were dancing.
Unfortunately, Tom had had to invite y/n's three friends. He didn’t mind Hannah and Jess, but Lizzie, Lizzie was a whole other situation. She was obsessed with him, and the tension in the room was something too peculiar. He had tried to ignore it but, but she had her ways of bothering him. Especially since Tom wanted to spend most of his time with y/n, and Lizzie kept dragging her away.
Tom had what he could say was the perfect life in terms of relationships, and he was well aware of that. Knowing that Lizzie was just trying to get his attention, he realized how easy his life was. He had a different woman when he pleased and could have fun all day with y/n. A perfect balance.
Now in the club, he was having the best time.
Celebrating the graduate with the best of everything, anything that could make the impossible possible. Tom seemed to not get tired of telling her how proud he was, and then as he was drinking more and more he couldn’t stop telling her beautiful she looked and she kept smiling shyly.
They danced together and laughed. He wasn’t sure if it was the music, the atmosphere, the type of reunion or the alcohol, but he felt that their looks had become significantly more flirtatious. It probably was his imagination.
They took some shots, showed their worst dance steps and kept enjoying. They ordered too many things and the attention in the club was diverted many times to their table.
Tom would not let his hand move away from y/n's waist in the whole night, but at some point, they both sat down to rest. There were times when Tom could not stop thinking about how she was his everything, this was one of those moments. He could never lose her, he loved her too much to ever let her go. It was amazing what Tom would be willing to do for her.
They were too close, everything platonic of course, so her head on his shoulder was nothing strange to him. Tom finally relaxed watching as their friends were having fun, although a fan interrupted them and asked Tom for a picture, who agreed with pleasure. Y/N watched them and the fan recognized her.
"You are y/n, I've seen you with Tom on his Instagram!" The fan cheered, and she laughed awkwardly. Tom noticed that the alcohol they had drunk had had an effect on his friend.
"Yep, that's me."
"You two make a beautiful couple!" The fan commented, causing her to shake her head quickly and Tom to laugh uncomfortably.
"Nono, nothing like that," Tom clarified, causing the fan to step back embarrassed.
"I'm sorry," the fan apologized. Tom winked at her before she left. 
Y/N giggled when she saw her leave. "She thought we're dating.” 
"She's not the first," Tom said, sitting down next to her.
"Nor will she be the last," she added. "Ha, you and me, a couple?"
"Ah, I love you too much to let you go with a stupid relationship."
"You're never going to try, then?" She asked him, and she did what she did best, stare into his eyes as if she was trying to read into his soul. And even if her eyes looked tipsy, he still thought they were the most amazing pair of eyes he had ever laid his eyes on. Tom did not know exactly where she wanted to go with that conversation. He knew that she didn't want him, so he did not need to worry. Or maybe he did.
"No, I love you, I want you in my life, I already told you," Tom assured her. "Or do you want me to try something?" He didn’t know where that question had come from. 
"We are too drunk for this conversation," she said as she reached for her glass, but then turned back to him.
"So you're telling me," Tom said as he rested his forehead on hers. "That you have  thought about this?"
"You're my best friend," she reproached him, pushing his head away. Tom brushed his lips lightly against her cheek.
"You have not thought about this?" Tom left a kiss on her neck, he felt her warm-up. She didn’t say anything. She cleared her throat and pushed him away again. 
"No, I just wanted to hear you didn't want to throw me away," she laughed. "What would I do without my Peter Parker?"
"I do not know," Tom looked at her. "You need me, and I need you.” 
"Don't start, Holland," she stopped him as she shuffled to get far from him. "But yes, I can tell you ... I wuv you!"
"Well, someone's a little drunk," Tom said as he watched her. Y/N kissed his nose. "Very drunk."
"I'm not," she said decisively. "Come on, you have to dance," she said, taking his arm and taking him back to the group as they danced. 
Lizzie was getting drunker and drunker. But y/n and Tom kept taking.
"Thanks for this," she said in Tom's ear, as they danced together.
"For you, I'd do anything," Tom assured him. Y/N paused to stare into his eyes. Tom meant it.
"I owe you one, I needed to forget everything about ..."
"Woah, okay, I need you to have fun, okay? We can mourn together tomorrow, but please! You graduated today! "
"Yes... Yes."
"And you'll be the best journalist, writer, reporter or whatever you want to be in the world," Tom said decisively. She leaned over to give him a sweet kiss on the cheek, their met eyes again, feeling like the music that had previously stunned them was fading slowly, she saw Tom's lips, and Tom saw hers, they came a little closer but they were quickly interrupted by a cry from Lizzie. Tom and Y/N separated before they could do anything foolish, something they could regret.
Lizzie clung to Tom as she danced, and Tom didn't hesitate to let himself go, letting y/n go, while she laughed and played along with Harrison. They both needed to escape from the situation. The night continued and they danced separately. Lizzie kept caressing Tom's shoulders and y/n watched them for a brief moment but let it go. One way or another, Tom ended up kissing Lizzie.
Y/N turned to see them and simply rolled her eyes with a little anger, but continued to dance, chatting and laughing with Tuwaine, the twins, her friends and Haz. She could have enough fun to forget about it. 
Tom and Lizzie were very busy doing their thing so they decided not to interrupt them.
They stayed there until 3 in the morning and they decided they would go to Tom and Harrison's flat, they would continue the party there. Y/N and Haz waited for Tom so the three of them could leave in an Uber, however, Lizzie arrived and discreetly approached y/n's ear.
"Let me go with Tom alone," she begged sweetly. Y/N frowned.
But before she could tell her anything, Lizzie smiled at them as she took the Uber with Tom, his lips still glued to her, closing the door before either Haz or Y/n could hop on.  Haz and Y/N were left along since Tuwaine had left with the twins, Jess and Hannah in another car.
Y/N watched them leave, although she didn't want to admit it, she felt her heartbreaking little by little. But she was trying to ignore it, so she just looked down at her phone.
It was not the first time she felt that Tom and her had something else, this wasn’t the first time they had had their ‘almost’ kiss. It seemed like in the past few months that had been a constant. 
But their friendship was too good to ruin it for their feelings, even if they both said they were non-existent. It was obvious to everyone in the room except for the two of them. She would often deny it to herself and Tom let it escape, ignoring it. But she always had to cross out the thought while seeing him continue with his life.
Harrison smiled apologethically at her. "Lizzie has serious problems, no offence."
"None taken," Y/N clarified as the next Uber arrived. "She's an idiot."
"I’d say Tom is the idiot in that equation."
"No, she knows perfectly well what she is to face with Tom," Y/N explained, as she looked back at her phone."I mean, that does not make Tom less a jerk, but he doesn't play games, he's very clear with his rules."
"Oh, yes, quite clear," Harrison agreed with her. "I think that besides his mother, the only constant woman in his life has been you."
"Someday he will throw me away," she shrugged.
Haz shook his head with a smile. "I doubt that."
"You do?" She questioned him, as they climbed into the car that had arrived.
"Sure, you're what Tom needs to be sane, he worries too much about you, it's unbelievable you're the only serious thing he has in his life."
"There's nothing serious."
"I mean friendship, I know it does not go any further than that, but I'm amazed how he really takes pains to have you happy, he loves you too much," Haz told her.
"Yeah, we are friends."
"I think there's more, but you guys keep ignoring it,” Haz pointed out. 
“Not from his side, no,” She gulped. 
“And from yours?” Haz questioned. 
 Y/N was silent for the rest of the ride. They arrived at Haz' place and she still was thinking about it.
The party continued, the graduate was happy, and they continued joking, playing cards and basically looking for excuses to get even drunker. They made a round of 'never have I ever' which started out as a game to destroy innocence and ended up being a war of who could embarrass who the most. They continued with a round of charades and ended up listening to music, scattered on the chairs. Lizzie and Tom were very interested in each other as they continued with their make-out session, quite gross if you asked anyone in the room.
Almost everyone had gone, only the owners of the place were left with Lizzie and Y/ N.
"Hey, Tom, mind if I stay?" y/n asked before Lizzie threw herself into Tom's arms.
"Oh, no, you’re good, you can stay in the guest room, you know," he told her, while Lizzie kissed his neck. Y / N felt like scorn and was quite disgusted by the scene.
"I'll take a hoodie of yours," she warned him and went to his room. Such a nice room, even if she knew what was about to happen next. She looked around, smiling at the pictures all over the walls. He had a lot of things about Spiderman, of his trips, it was...very him, very much his real self. Not that boy who was kissing one of her best friends downstairs. It was weird, it was him but y/n thought it was another role he played, the playboy life wasn’t truly him . Y/N saw a picture he had with her.
And then she realized it, she was the one who should be there, kissing Tom, not Lizzie. Because Tom meant something to her. But what was she thinking? 
She had hope, that maybe he had thought about it, too. That maybe he had only been sleeping around because he couldn’t have her. And maybe she had only been dying for him to ask her out again, she was dying for a kiss. Just one kiss, and maybe she could get back to her senses. 
She thought about it, maybe she could stop him, just go downstairs and stop him, tell him how she really felt after all those years. She turned around, but before she could even go out and ask Tom to stop what he was doing so he could come down to his senses, she heard them approach.
"Uh, we kinda need this room," Tom said mischievously, while Lizzie laughed shyly.
"Oh, yes, sorry."
And with that, y/n walked out. 
“You’re okay?” Haz had asked her as he bumped into her. 
“Yeah, I just feel a bit sick,” she had told him. 
“Probably the alcohol,” Haz suggested. 
“Probably, yeah,” she smiled. But they both knew it wasn’t the alcohol.  
Haz gave her a small smile as she started to walk away. “You know, he’s too scared of losing you.” 
“Yet he’s doing nothing to keep me,” she sighed. “I’m going to book my flight tomorrow.” 
“Does he know?” Haz pushed.
“No,” she shrugged. “But knowing me, and knowing him, it’s the best I can do.” 
“So you’re escaping?” Haz frowned. 
“I learned from the best,” she shrugged. “I can’t let this grow.”
Haz didn’t push it any further, because he knew that it was hopeless. And she knew it, too. She knew it was either too early or too late to accept it because she was doomed to never have him.
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maliby · 5 years
Ero (m) | Min Yoongi
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↬ Pairing: Yoongi x Female reader ↬ Story Genre: smut,vampire!au, cop!au, pwp (kinda) ↬ Warnings: blood, spanking, choking, cum play, degradation, deepthroat, explicit sex, strong language ↬ Word count: 5.5K ↬ Summary: Ero was magical realm specifically designed to fulfil all your sexual fantasies, and the guy you got paired with makes you want to come back for more.
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There was a myth going around of a secret magical dimension where all your sexual fantasies would come true - Ero. The rumours never spoke of how and why it was created, all they spoke about was of how great it was. 
Time would run faster there when compared to the real world, so if you spent 24 hours in Ero, only 1 hour would have passed in the real world. The great thing about Ero (besides all your senses being heightened, no sexual diseases being passed through and the impossibility of getting pregnant) was that the realm would recreate your most secret desires for you, desires that you might not even have uncovered yet. Ero would match you up with your most compatible partner or partners, whether they were real and in the realm or not. The only problem was that you had no idea how to get there. 
For 2 years now you’ve been single, and you’re not saying you haven’t had your fun with one night stands, but how lucky do you have to be to find that one guy that just knocks your socks off the first time you have sex with them? That’s why you needed to try Ero. Because you weren’t looking to just satisfy your needs, you were looking for a fucking experience.
So ever since you’ve heard of Ero you’ve been looking for ways of getting in. It took you months of searching and visiting questionable websites when you finally found something on a forum on a deep corner of the internet: a recipe for a potion. Now, you weren’t one to just believe everything you saw on the internet (especially since you had been fooled many times before) so you decided to simply send the guy a DM and check him out. 
Both of you ended up Skyping, and he answered all your questions. He was a Portuguese guy named Luis who had been exploring the world with his girlfriend Andreia when on one of their travels through southern Asia they hooked up with a girl that taught them all about Ero and how to get in there. Since then, he said, he felt like he should share the knowledge with the world because the more people came into Ero, the more possible compatible partners there would be and the happier people would be.
Feeling a sense of trust from talking to him you decided to try the potion out as soon as you turned off the Skype call. 
“Okay, 1 teaspoon of my arousal, check, 1 drop of my blood, check, and 100 mL of passion fruit juice, check.” You said as you looked at the instructions Luis had given you.  
You grabbed the glass with the potion and quickly drank all of it. “Not so bad. Now for the final step…” 
After drinking the potion you had to have an orgasm, and as you were cumming you had to chant some words in an indigenous language. So you went to your bed and started playing with your purple vibrator, the piece of paper with the recipe getting slightly crumbled in your left hand as you got closer and closer to ecstasy.
“Mikano farti, soli manu gatchi splechrt Y/N kuji Ero!” You chanted nonstop as your orgasm built. When your body started contorting due to your orgasm you felt a warm breeze run through your body, and suddenly it was like you were levitating. When you opened your eyes, after your beating heart calmed down from the euphoric feeling, you were no longer in your bedroom.
The room surrounding you was a small and simple one, the walls painted black, a single lamp above you and a golden door right in front of you. On the door there was a note that said the following:
“You are a thief.
Your safe word is ‘______’ (write your safe word).
Your sexual partner’s safe word is ‘piano’.
If the safe word is said then both the participants will immediately return to the real world.
You can’t stay for more than 24 hours at a time.
If you wish to leave, just say: Ero mati brati. 
When you read that you were a thief you immediately noticed your outfit. You were no longer in your pyjamas but were instead in a full-length black bodysuit with a very deep neckline that was one move away from letting your boobs pop out.
As the last step before going in, you took the pen that was right next to the note and wrote ‘frappuccino’ as your safe word. “Well...let’s go get it.” You had no idea of what to expect, but of one thing you were sure: you were going to enjoy it.
You opened up the door and walked into a jewellery store, the door behind you disappearing in a cloud of smoke after you had closed it. 
You walked around, inspecting the store and got surprised at how real everything was. You knew that this was supposedly a magical realm thus, making a jewellery store appear is nothing out of the ordinary, but actually being in there and seeing it first hand was a different story.
You passed by a display of an all diamond choker and immediately your chin fell to the floor due to the expensive item that had way too many zeros in its price for you to count. 
“They said I was a thief, let’s be a thief then,” you kicked the glass three times with your heels until it shattered.
As soon as you picked up the choker the alarm started ringing loudly and bars quickly descended, blocking every escape possible. There was nothing left for you to do except to wait and see what Ero would bring your way, though your mind already had a suspicion of the game of cat and mouse you were about to play.
About 10 minutes passed before the sound of police sirens started ringing in the distance, the distinctive blue lights appearing not long after. The excitement started to grow inside you, your heart pumping your blood faster due to the slight adrenaline kicking in.
“Police! Put your hands where I can see them!” a male voice said from outside the store, the light of his flashlight blinding you.
You obeyed and put your hands up in the air, showing submission. 
“Turn around. No funny business,” the way he was barking orders at you was already starting to make you wet.
Moments later the security system was disabled and the bars went back up. 
“Go up to that wall,” he commanded and you soon obeyed. “Hands behind your back now, slowly.”
As soon as you put your hands back you could feel his long fingers grabbing your wrist with some force before restraining you with his cold metal handcuffs. He then used the same fingers to place all of your hair on your left shoulder, presumably to say something in your ear, but it was then that he noticed the diamond choker on your neck. “Did you really think I’d let you leave with that, sweetheart?”
“Didn’t hurt to try,” you responded.
His hand loosely circled around your neck. His fingers then ran through the diamonds covering it until they reached the clasp, which he proceeded to unclasp, letting the choker fall right to the floor. “Not on my watch.”
He then grabbed you by your arm and started pulling you outside, straight to his car. He dropped you on the back seat, closed your door, and sat on the front seat, immediately starting the engine and driving off. 
You hadn’t managed to take a look at him inside the store, but the piercing eyes looking back at you through the rearview mirror told you way more about him than you needed to know. Just the amount of chemistry you felt through a simple stare was enough to make your loins burn with desire for him. 
“So...what’s your name, officer?” you asked in a sultry voice.
“Officer Min. What about you, thief?”
You must admit you’d like to know more about him, but for now the only thing you’d like to know is how his dick feels like inside of you. So, since Ero was designed to fulfil your sexual fantasies you decided to be a little daring. “Officer Min, what would it take for you to set me free?” 
He chuckled, the smirk he had on his face now visible through the rearview mirror. “Forget it. You’re not getting off so easy.”
So you’re making it hard for me, huh?, you thought, no problem, I’ll just make it hard for you too.
You turned around and started rubbing your breasts against the car seat so they would pop out of your slutty outfit. Once they were out, you moved a little bit to the front and smashed your naked tits against the car grid that was separating the both of you. “Are you sure about that officer?”
Once his eyes fixated on your breasts through the mirror, you slowly started rubbing them up and down on the grid so your nipples would get erect. Since you were in Ero, every part of your body was extra sensitive, so each time your nipples rubbed against the cold metal grid your mouth would release tiny little moans that made the veins on Officer Min’s arms pop out. 
“I’m willing to do anything…” you said.
The car immediately stopped on the roadside, in the middle of nowhere. Officer Min promptly left the vehicle and opened the door next to where you were sitting.
“Get out,” he ordered as he held the door open.
You obeyed. You had a little trouble getting out of the car with your hands handcuffed but you managed to keep your balance. It was when you properly looked at him and the huge boner in his pants though that you almost dropped dead to the floor.
He grabbed your neck and pushed you against the car door. The way his warm breath brushed your face, the way his strong hand grabbed you by your neck like he owned you and the way his rock hard dick was poking at your leg was making you so incredibly wet that you felt like a fucking faucet.
“Who the hell do you think you are, slut?” he sternly said as his eyes penetrated your soul. “Do you really think I’d let a little thing like you go? You...” his free hand twisted and pinched your left nipple making you moan, “...are mine now. Got it?”
“Y-yes,” you said with difficulty, as he was still grabbing you by the throat.
“Good,” he freed your neck, making you choke up, as you greedily tried to inhale as much oxygen as you could.
“Now, you were still a very naughty little girl, and I’m still an officer of the law so...” he grabbed you by your arm and dragged you to the back of the car where he bent you over the trunk, “you still need to be punished.” In a matter of seconds, his hands were on your crotch, and your full bodysuit was being ripped apart, leaving your most sensitive parts exposed to the slight breeze of the night.
“Look at that sweetheart, you’re so fucking turned on that your little thong is completely soaked,” one of his fingers ran through your cunt over your panties as if to taunt you.
The sweet sensation was driving you crazy, until your bare ass cheeks were met with the hardness of his club, a scream of pain immediately coming out of you. “How many should I give you? 1?” he soothed the aching area with his hand before delivering another hit with the club, “2?”.
“Fuck!” you screamed.
“3?” hit, “hmm...maybe 4?” hit. “Alright, I’ve made up my mind,” hit, “it’s 5.”
Tears were running down your eyes, because of your heightened senses, but fuck were you horny now. You couldn’t explain it, he just did that to you.
“Oh honey, did it hurt?”
“I’m sorry baby, but that’s the only way bad girls will learn,” he pulled your upper body up to him and started leaving sweet kisses on your neck. The combination of his sucking and licking and his erection poking at your ass was making you moan.
Just when you thought he was done with his club you felt it rubbing up and down your cunt, the sensation was so good that you couldn’t help but bite your lip and close your eyes, “mhmm, officer Min.”
“You like that?
“Fuck yes.”
“How about this?” he slipped your thong to the side, rubbed the club up and down your slick and slowly inserted it up your hole. The club wasn’t that huge that it costs a bit the first time, but it was big enough to stretch you up.
“Oh shit, that feels so good.”
Then, without any warning, he picked up his speed and started fucking you like a wild person. You wanted to reach your clit with your hands to give you that extra bit of pleasure, but the handcuffs around your wrists prevented you to do so. “Oh, officer-“
You were on the verge of cumming, when he suddenly removed the club from inside of you, leaving you a frustrated mess.
“You really didn’t expect that little a slut like you would have what she wants so soon, didn’t you? Get on your knees.”
Once more, you promptly obeyed his commands. He opened up the flyer of his pants and pulled out his dick. As soon as you noticed his protruding veins and the precum on the tip of his penis your mouth immediately filled with saliva, ready to accommodate him.
“Suck,” he placed his swollen dick in front of you and you quickly opened your mouth and surround it.
Your tongue swirled around his cock, making him moan in pleasure. You didn’t think it was possible, but the way he moaned turned you on even more. It was like a low and raspy growl, almost like you were taming a wild animal. You were sure his moaning would haunt you in the wildest of your dreams, and you were glad of it.
“Fuck baby, that feels so good. Swallow it,” he grabbed the back of your head and lodged his dick at the back of your throat. You gagged a bit but managed to please him.
“Shit,” he removed himself from inside of you, a string of your saliva following his red cock. “You’re gonna make me cum like that.”
“I’m sorry officer Min.” Really, you weren’t. You wanted him to explode in your throat. You wanted him to bless you with his warm cum. You wanted to watch his face contort in pleasure, as he moaned in pleasure. You wanted him to call you a good girl when you swallowed all his cum. You wanted all of that and so much more.
“Get here,” he helped you up by pulling you by your arm. You had no idea what he was going to do next and were surprised as you felt his lips crash onto yours. His tongue invaded your mouth and started twirling with yours. He was fucking devouring you like he was starving and you were his favourite food.
He backed you up to the trunk of the car and lifted up your legs as he sloppily kissed you. You circled your legs around his waist so you could get him as close to you as possible. You wanted to feel him, and you could tell by the way he grabbed you that he wanted the same. You weren’t a cop and thief anymore, you were two people so attracted to one another that all they wanted to do was fuck each other.
Not long into your heated making out session he inserted his cock inside of you, making the both of moan in each other’s mouths.
“Fuck Y/N, you feel so good,” he said.
“You fill me up so good, Min.”
He was practically drilling you at this point, the sound of skin slapping on skin echoing all through the empty road. Once more you wanted to touch your clit, but your restrained hands were keeping you from doing so, but as if he was reading your thoughts Min reached for your clit and started rubbing it. Almost as soon as you felt the extra friction your orgasm started building, and in a matter of seconds, you were cumming on his dick, the pulsing of your walls also triggering his orgasm.
As you both recovered you couldn’t help but be amazed at how this was the best orgasm you’d ever had. You didn’t know if it was because you were in Ero, or if it was because of Min, but fuck did you want to have it again.
“This is my first time in Ero. What’s the norm? Do you just leave or do we chat for a bit?” You shyly asked after you had recovered your breath.
“We can chat,” he said as he got off of you. “Here, let me get those off for you,” he removed the key from his pocket and freed you from your handcuffs.
“Oof, that feels nice,” you said as you rubbed your wrists.
“Was I too rough on you?” he asked as he heard your comment, concern showing all through his features.
“No, no, no! You were...perfect,” you felt your cheeks burn with the sudden shyness that hit you.
“Thanks. You too,” the way he smiled warmed up your heart. Who knew he’d have such a sweet smile?
“So, Min...” you said while you covered up your exposed breasts.
“It’s Yoongi, Min is my surname. And you don’t need to cover them up,” he said with a naughty smile on his face.
“Wouldn’t you like that Yoongi?” You both laughed. “But tell me Yoongi, what do you like to do in your free time?”
“Well, actually I love to play the piano-“
Suddenly everything went dark and a warm strong breeze came, the feeling of levitation you felt when you came here coming back. When you opened up your eyes again you were laying on your bed and Yoongi was nowhere to be seen.
What the fuck just happened?, you thought, why the fuck am I back in my room?! You wanted to know more about Yoongi, and maybe even go for a second round...or third...but then everything stopped. It was then that you remembered the set of rules on the golden door, specifically the one that said that both participants would return to the real world as soon as the safe word was said. ‘Piano’ was Yoongi’s safe word. FUCK! How would you be able to find him now? What were the chances of you going back into Ero and him being there at the same time as you again? 
Then a very important question emerged in your head: Was he even real? It was said that the partner chosen for you could be someone in the realm or a creation of the realm. So, how could you be sure he was real? He seemed real enough, but how could you be so sure when you’re talking about a magical realm?
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It’s been 2 weeks since you’ve been to Ero. You may be asking: “Why didn’t go back in there?” The truth is that you wanted to, you really wanted to, but you were afraid. What if you didn’t find Yoongi again? What if another guy came through and you didn’t have as much chemistry as you and Yoongi? And then, of course, the most heartbreaking possibility: what if Yoongi wasn’t real? Were you really ready to be disappointed?
But tonight you finally let go of your doubts and decided to get back in there. Ero had given you exactly what it promised: the kind of mind-blowing sex you always wanted. So really you were never going to lose by going back in there. If you found Yoongi again, amazing, if not, you were confident Ero wouldn’t disappoint you. So you drank the potion, had the orgasm and said the magic words and here you were again on the little black room with the golden door.
When you looked at your outfit and saw that it was the same as last time, your heart started racing thinking you could be fucking Yoongi again, but as soon as you looked at the rules and saw that the safe word for your partner was Australopithecus you realized you were wrong. What kind of a freak has Australopithecus as a safe word for sex?! Maybe he’s an archaeologist or something...you thought.
As you looked at the list once more, it was confirmed that you were, once again, a thief. You then wrote your safe word ‘frappuccino’ and opened the golden door to go into your fantasy.
This time you were in what looked like an old creepy mansion filled with antiques. If you were being honest you were a little scared of the place, but once you thought about how Ero is a safe place where everyone can enjoy themselves you relaxed a bit.
You started exploring the house and every piece of art there present. They didn’t provide you with any kind of bag, so you couldn’t steal much, but that wasn’t the reason you were there for anyways.
You decided to go upstairs. Once you reached the top of the stairs you noticed that all the doors on that floor were closed except for one that was slightly open - the door at the end of the hall. Something about that room called to you and you just knew that the fact that that was the only door open meant you were supposed to go in there.
You entered the room and noticed that it looked very different to the rest of the house; whereas the majority of the house looked like it hadn’t been touched or cleaned in years, you could tell that the room had been used by the lack of dust and cobwebs. The room had a weird vibe about it. Everything in there was dark, yet inviting at the same time. 
You approached a very old looking black wood vanity and noticed a beautiful gold box encrusted with emeralds. The stones and the gold details were placed in such a way that made it look like the box was covered in beautiful green and gold flowers.
When you went to open the box to see its contents you heard a creak from the old dark wooden floor that made you immediately let go of the box.
“I don’t like intruders,” a familiar voice said. You turned around and your heart rejoiced as you were met with Yoongi in a beautiful black suit with some simple embroidering.
“Yoongi…” you smiled, for you knew that whatever might happen next was going to be nothing but excellent.
“I see you really like being a thief, and that outfit in particular…” his eyes scanned you up and down, no doubt remembering your last encounter.
“Me? Maybe you’re the one who likes fucking thieves.”
He chuckled, “I do enjoy punishing bad girls, and that box you were planning on stealing belonged to my mother.”
“So what are you gonna do about it this time?” you teased as you saw the smirk on his face grow.
In a blink of an eye, he was right in front of you grabbing you by your neck. When he saw the confused look on your face by how fast he was able to move he showed you his fangs, sense immediately coming to your head. 
“I don’t know. All I know is that I’m fucking thirsty,” he had barely finished his sentence when his mouth was devouring yours just like it did the last time. 
You had no clue what it was about him, but it appeared that lust between the two of you never seemed to cease. Even when he was biting your lip with his sharp fang, you felt nothing but pleasure. You wished for nothing more than to just give him everything he wanted.
“Why do bad girls have to taste so good?” he said as he licked his teeth clean of your blood.
You didn’t even manage to answer, you simply slowly undressed under his prying eyes and made your way to the king-size bed. Yoongi soon followed you, immediately laying on top of your naked body and leaving kisses on your neck.
“Please don’t kill me Mr. Vampire, I’ll do anything you want,” you said, getting in the spirit of the roleplay.
“Since you asked so nicely, I’ll comply.”
“Thank you, sir.”
His kisses were trailing down your belly to your pubic bone region when he suddenly stopped. “But you said nothing about me eating you,” and that was when he opened up his mouth and bit you in the region above your clit, your blood immediately running down your pussy.
The way he was sucking and licking, both momentaneously drinking your blood and giving you oral was driving you absolutely mad. And the way he’d moan in satisfaction against your pussy lips only added more fuel to the fire, but it was only when he inserted his fingers inside of you that you instantly came.
“Fuuuuuck, Yoongi,” you were grabbing his hair with such a force that you were sure you might pull it out.
“You taste so fucking good, I might have to keep you locked in here for eternity,” he gave one last lick over your lips and clit, making you tremble in overstimulation.
“Let me taste you, please.” As soon as you recovered from your orgasm, sucking his dick was all you could think about. You could just imagine his thick veiny dick leaking with precum, and you could just imagine how he would moan as you’d start milking it with your mouth.
“You really like my cock, don’t you?” he said as he placed one finger under your chin in a tender manner.
“Tell me, what do you like most about it?” He had a very suspicious look on his face that told you that he was definitely up to no good.
“I like how thick and veiny it is, and I love seeing the pre-cum leaking out of it,” while you were telling him what you liked most about his dick you couldn’t help but look at the growing bulge in his pants.
“Hm, then since you were such a bad girl and broke into my house to steal from me…” he loosened the black tie around his neck and tied it around your eyes, “I’m not gonna let you see it.”
You couldn’t help but pout at his action, but you decided that you were gonna play along.
“Don’t pout, you’re not gonna change my mind baby. Now come here,” he safely guided off the bed and to the floor so you’d be on your knees. Seconds later you heard the sound of a zipper being open and his pants dropping to the floor. Not long after, his cock was touching your lips, “open up.”
You did as he said and started sucking him up. This time though, as opposed to last time, you could use your hands and oh boy did you take advantage of that. Not only did you pump his dick with both your hands as you worked on his tip but when you were deepthroating him you softly played with his balls.
“Oh fuck, I’m gonna cum,” he removed his dick from your mouth and came all over your face, no doubt staining his black tie.
“Did you like that baby?” you picked a drop of cum on your chin with your finger, proceeding to suck on it until it was completely clean.
“Who the fuck are you to be acting all smug? I’ll show you what’s what.” He picked you up and threw you back on the bed, immediately laying on top of you. 
As soon as you felt him rub his hard dick up and down on your wet cunt you knew exactly what he was planning. “So soon? But you just came,” you were amazed at the fact that he was already ready to go.
It was then that you felt his warm breath on your neck as he whispered, “this is Ero baby, I can go whenever and how many times I want.”
Without wasting any more time he entered you, both of you moaning in pleasure.
“Fuck Yoongi, you feel so good,” you laced your hands underneath his silk shirt and scratched his back as a reflex of the pleasure you were feeling.
It was then that he kicked it up a notch and started fucking you so fast that he could beat any kind of machine. 
“Yoongi, bite me…” you pleaded in desperation.
“My pleasure baby.” 
First, he kissed your neck to ease you into it, then he gave it a lick, and finally, he bit you. You were in such a state of trance that you practically didn’t even feel it, but just the fact that you were satisfying Yoongi’s vampire persona made you even more turned on. And because he was a vampire and was drinking your blood he was feeling more than euphoric, his hips drilling into you until the both of you came in each others embrace.
Yoongi was the first one to move after a few minutes of rest. The first thing he did was to remove your impromptu blindfold and check on your wounds. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah, I just hope these wounds won’t show up in real life-” when you looked at the place he had bitten you on your pussy you noticed that the wound was rapidly healing.
“You heal fast in here,” he said upon seeing your astonished face at the almost healed wound.
“Wow, this is amazing. And your bite, it almost didn’t hurt at all!” you noted, remembering the pleasure you felt.
“Yeah, Ero only lets you feel the levels of pain that your body can tolerate.”
“This place really is something else…”
“Hey, can I ask you something?” Something popped up on your mind, and you weren’t gonna rest until you knew the truth.
“Are you real? Or are you made by Ero?” You just had to know. This question had been eating at you since the last time you were in here.
“I’m as real as they come. And you?”
“I’m also real.” 
For a moment there it seemed that you both became shy, like the implications of your questions were way more intimate than what you had just finished doing.
“Hey, I wanna say sorry for last time. I completely forgot about my safe word for a second,” he looked away in embarrassment.
“It’s okay. Was that why you picked Australopithecus as a safe word now?” You laughed.
“Yeah, I didn’t want to risk it and have me saying it again on accident.”
“I was so freaked out when I saw that, I was like ‘what kind of freak has Australopithecus as a safe word?’” you both laughed, clearly enjoying each others company.
“Hey, so…do you wanna meet in the real world or something?” Yoongi was so shy right now that you thought he looked just like a little teddy bear. Who knew a guy that fucks like him could be so adorable?
“I’d love to. I work at a coffee shop in Seoul and we make the best frappuccino-” It was then that everything went black and you knew you were the one that had fucked up this time and said the fucking safe word.
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1 month had passed since you last saw Yoongi again. This time you tried to go back in Ero to find him but you were always matched with other people. You were so dead set on seeing Yoongi again that you didn’t even give those people a chance, as soon as you saw they were not him you said your safe word and went back to the real world. It was then you knew how lucky you had been the other 2 times when you got him, and now you’re probably not gonna get that lucky again.
“Hello, welcome to Aroma Mocha, what would you like?” you said at the new hooded client that had just sat at one of your tables.
“Well first, I’d like you, and second I’d like a frappuccino, someone told me that these are the best.”
When you really looked at his face and saw that it was Yoongi you almost fell to the floor. “Yoongi?”
“You’re a hard woman to find,” he said with his cute gummy smile.
“You’ve been looking for me?” you were astonished that he managed to find you, but you were oh so happy.
“Of course, I wasn’t gonna miss the opportunity of seeing you in real life.”
You were sure you were as red as a tomato now, but you were so freaking happy he was here that you really didn’t care.
“Hey listen, my shift ends in an hour. So if you want to go on a date…”
“I’d love to. I’ll come and pick you up.”
“Can’t wait,” you turned around and went to get his frappuccino, but were stopped midway by Yoongi.
“And Y/N?”
“I think you should pick a better safeword.”
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lunamusings · 4 years
Gravity Well
A Loki x Lithium Fanfiction (CanonxOC)
Set before the events of Thor, Loki receives as large mysterious crate of alcohol the day before his birthday. What seems like a strange yet benign gift from an anonymous person ends up being more than he, or the woman at the bottom of the crate bargained for.
Chapter Warnings: mild language, the occasional innuendo (because Loki)
At first glance, the crate was nothing particularly unusual or special.  Just a rough-hewn wooden box that had the sharp smell of being made of new boards. It was large but not so much as to cause alarm about what it might contain.
Not like the last time a larger container was in his room. Despite how many years had past, Thor still found it hilarious that he had pranked him with a box of angry water fowl.
So Loki was cautious of this crate that had appeared while he was at dinner. He circled it , head tilted at a quizzical angle, looking for any indication of what this strange delivery could be. The opposite side bore a brand that indicated it was from Binary Star Brewery, whatever that was.  He leaned his long frame over to examine it further and popped back up in surprise. If the brand was to believed, this mysterious delivery was from Midgard.
Who would be sending him anything from a realm so rarely visited anymore?
His curiosity piqued, he circled it once more, finding an envelope attached to the side opposite from brand. The paper was light and flimsy, like something mass produced with little care or attention, with basic black ink addressing it to him, care of the palace.
Loki opened the envelope as he sat down in the chair by his writing desk, leaning the chair on its back legs.
"Dear Customer, Enclosed in this crate is our Imperial Package-“
A smirk spread across his face. “I am already in possession of that, I assure you.”
“- of assorted house brews from our award-winning collection of fine alcohols, ordered for you by an anonymous individual in honor of your up-coming birthday."
He took a moment to consider this, staring back at the crate in question. It was tall enough to reach his knees. How much did this "anonymous individual" think he drank anyway? Hopefully the awards won indicated quality or he was going be quite literally knee-deep in bad fermentation.
"Please accept a bonus gift as our thanks for your business, packaged with the bottles.
Bartholomew Kranston, Owner and son of the Founder of Binary Star Brewery.
PS: Don't forget to leave positive reviews of our products on social media!"
Loki arched an eyebrow at the canned sign-off. What was this social media and why was this Kranston guy soliciting his opinion on the wares?
He looked up at the crate again, dramatically crumpling and tossing the paper into the small waste bin next to the desk. “May as well see what I’m stuck with for who knows how long.”
The construction of the box was simple enough and the boards as flimsy that he had no need of tools or assistance to remove the lid. He held a spell in reserve in case the contents proved to be more sinister than a ridiculous number of alcohol bottles.
He was not about to be chased through the palace by rabid geese again.
It proved unnecessary as removing the lid revealed a pleasing pattern of brown glass bottles in a stiff  multi-layered paper honey comb of slots to protect them. Another piece of paper sat atop them with a three layered diagram.
The first level contained something called “craft beers”, the former word having no meaning he could understand from the context. What did they do, knit the beer? There were also a line of bottles labeled as ciders of the alcoholic persuasion as well. Those were familiar enough, he figured, even if the names of the individual kinds left him baffled. The beer labeled “Hair of the Dog” was going straight to Thor because the literal visual was completely unappetizing to him.
The second layer sounded more his speed, with a selection of wines of different fruits. Asgard had none of them so those would at least be an interesting experience. There were a few more ciders, including a mix of cider and dark beer which also sounded intriguing. One corner was entirely a variety of rice wine, which from the context was a grain rather than a fruit.
But what was most interesting about that was the name of that layer’s line. All were created by a particular brew master from Binary Star, who called their work “Cute But Deadly”.
“Sounds like a person I could get along with with.”
The last layer was labeled as the bonus gift, and that it was meant to be a surprise. As much as that was intriguing as well, it was late and the next day would be boisterous as it would be busy. Royal birthdays were events for all to share and his was the one being celebrated.
At least in theory.
He placed the paper back in with the bottles and slid the lid back over. He would dig farther into it tomorrow, along side the other surprises the day would hold, probably share the mysterious beverages with his mother.
And not forget to give Thor the “Hair of the Dog”.
No sooner were the lights out and he tucked under the linens and furs did the rattling and thumping start. Loki cast his gaze to the crate, only to watch it jump slightly as another thump followed by the rattle of the bottles floated ominously across the room.
Lithium woke to darkness, the smell of pine wood and the rough feel of burlap against the side she lay on. The only familiar sensation was the smell of her old messenger bag, tucked under her arm, the novelty pins on its flap cool against her skin. Every other smell she discovered was foreign and set off alarm bells in her fog-muddled mind.
She did a mental check of her body. She felt no pain aside from a dull headache, but when she tried to stretch a leg out, it hit a wall with an audible thud. Glass rattled above her.
She kicked the wall near her foot harder, to the same effect. Breath suddenly ragged at the realization there were walls in every direction, she kicked until she heard splintering wood. Low light flooded into whatever held her captive and more scents filled the rush of air.
A person? But not a human…but faint…their place but they aren’t home maybe?
Regardless, Lithium figured shape-shifting into her human disguise was safer than not, before she went inching out of the hole she made. She listened intently, her surroundings were too quiet for comfort.
But what choice do I have? Stay curled up where ever this is and turn into five feet of cramped muscle?
Her feet went out first. Sure, they were easy to grab but kicking was still an option. Part way out, she wished she had not chosen to wear the fancy bra that day instead of her usual sports bra for work.
I just had to have a bad self-esteem day and now I’m not sure I’m going to get out of here because boobs only compress so much in this double-cupped death trap that attempts to defy gravity…
She wiggled around until she was on her stomach, letting gravity deal with the compression she needed. A few more shimmies and she was out, facing a delicate window with little moonlight shining through it.
She whipped her head around, the faintest flicker of movement sending a chill down her spine. Had she been in her normal form, no doubt the fur on her back would be standing on end.
She turned toward the movement, slowly backing away from it. Goosebumps made their way down her arms as she stepped to put the thing she had crawled out of between her and whatever had been moving.
And backed right into the person behind her.
She jumped away and spun, now facing said person’s chest with arms crossed tightly across it. Her head jerked up and kept going for a bit until she found a face.
A face with one hell of an eyebrow game.  
He, as her nose told her that much, stared  back at her one eyebrow raised in the silent question of the moment. Dark hair fell into his face, tousled by sleep if she had to guess, considering he was standing in front of a partially unmade bed.
He held her gaze for a few moments too long, just the right amount to unnerve her. She held up her hands and took a step back, but any words she had were held back by the lump of fear in her throat.
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Mercifully, he spoke first, in a steady soft tone that made him seem more dangerous than he was just staring her down. “Care to explain why you just crawled out of that crate of Midgardian alcohol?”
Lithium looked back at what she now knew was a crate and then back at this stranger whose bedroom she had apparently wandered into via her own brewery’s product packaging.
“I would care to, but I’m not entirely sure myself…I have a guess…but nothing for certain…”
“Guesses are acceptable, given the unusual circumstances.” His tone was no less molten, but the touch of curiosity softened the edge it carried.
Lithium looked back at the crate once more. “I am on the losing side of a hostile brewery take-over, it seems.”
“The papers said it was owned by some Whatshisname Kranston.”
Lithium ran a hand down her face. “Bart…that asshat, he really did it…dammit…”
The man tilted his head. “Am I to believe that you were the mentioned “bonus gift” that came with this Imperial Collection…thing?”
“Oh lord, he’s calling it that again?” She heaved a sigh and shook her head. “I’m not usually the bonus gift of what was supposed to be called the Galaxy Collection. I’m sure you can see I’m not branded drink ware for the different offerings in the collection.”
“Alcohol is not typically what one drinks from a woman.” His eyebrow raised again as she looked down at the floor in hopes he missed her blush at that veiled innuendo. “Galaxy is also a far superior name, given the name of the business.”
Lithium looked back up at him, her eyebrow now raised. “I appreciate that, but this conversation seems far too casual given I don’t know where I am or who you are but I just popped into your room out of a crate of product.”
“Would you rather I yell and demand answers you do not actually have?” He took one smooth step toward her. “Because if that’s your wish, I can oblige, though I would much rather not as the hour is late and the night guards tend to be less amicable than their daytime counterparts.”
She waved her hands and shook her head frantically. “Ah, no no this is fine, please continue as you were, I hate yelling.”
He took another step forward, the beginning of an arc around her. “Well then, I would like the name of the woman I watched get stuck half way out a wooden box for a truly entertaining though brief few minutes.”
“Lithium. Just Lithium.”
His circle narrowed as he went around her again. “Well, Just Lithium, I am afraid that intrepid crate of yours has landed you in the personal chambers of Loki, Prince of Asgard.”
He stopped to give her the most sarcastic shallow bow she had ever witnessed.  “The question, lady, is what do I do with you now that you’re here?”
Lithium made the mistake of meeting his gaze again and quickly looked back down at the floor.
I would land myself with some stranger with a deadly smirk…end me now…
“Well you could direct me to the nearest bathroom because the last thing I remember before waking up in a box was drinking my weight in coffee and it has run right through me.”
He straightened back up with an amused chuckle, gesturing to a door at the opposite end of the room. “It’s over there. When you’ve finished, we can discuss what else should be done with you, my little unintentional intruder.”
Lithium tried not to dwell on that ominous statement as she vaulted the crate to get to the bathroom as fast as she could.  She also tried to ignore the fact that she almost fell three times in her haste.
I am forever without a shred of dignity, I swear…
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fal-carrington · 6 years
On my own [5/??]
Tumblr media
Pairing: KamilahxMc
Disclaimer: Characters are not mine
A/N: sorry for taking so long :(
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4
Prompt: Love can happen on unexpected occasions, people fall in love when they least expect, bringing feelings that they thought they had buried long ago within themselves. Falling in love with mortals was off Kamilah's to-do list until a certain stubborn mortal emerges and changes the CEO's heart. When Kamilah finally admits being in love, an unexpected event happens, but can love survive death?
It was a normal morning like any other, Lily woke up earlier than she really wanted to wake up. With all the windows and shutters closed, she rolled over onto the bed and checked the alarm clock that said it was already 9:30 in the morning.
She grunted and buried her head under the pillow, cursing herself for waking up at that time. But in that moment of silence, she can hear the front door open and close silently. Lily sat up in the bed. In slow steps, she went to the door of her room and turned the knob and opened the door softly.
There was someone in the kitchen. Lily sneaked around the room, she still could not see the sight of that person in the kitchen, hidden behind the refrigerator door while stealing whatever was behind. Lily grabbed a frying pan.
"TAKE THAT THIEF!" She shouted brandishing the frying pan and stepped forward into whoever that stranger was. She preferred it to be a thief. Maybe a thief was less scary than the image in front of her.
"HEY HEY!!" And suddenly she was right there in front of her. Hayley. Her best friend who was legally dead a year and half ago. Almost. She looked good. Physically. Nothing had changed except that her blond hair was bigger. And she was wearing the same jacket, or maybe a copy of it, the same Nirvana shirt from the day of the accident. She did not look at all like a ghost, she looked real enough to a dead person.
She saw her so close, nor did she look like she had been away all this time. The same face, the same perfume, the same clothes. Lily dropped the frying pan at the same moment, knocking it to the floor without the slightest reaction.
"It's just me. Geez... Stay calm Lily.” Hayley rolled her eyes in that familiar way she used to do when Lily told her a bad joke and bent down to pick up the frying pan. Lily took a few steps back, bumping into the counter.
"I'm dreaming... I'm dreaming. Damn, I drank too much yesterday, it must be the hangover... Or the hallucination for the medicines I took to sleep.” She touched her own forehead. "Go back to the grave, spirit." She made the sign of the cross with her fingers.
"Very funny." Hayley sighed and went back to the refrigerator. "The eggs are gone? Had not we bought more last weekend?”
"She's still talking to me me..." Lily commented to herself. "It's not that I'm not happy to see you, Hayley spirit, it's just that it was a surprise to me, you can not get on that spiritual plane and scare me like that. You have to find the light of god"
"Shut up, Lily."
"I will not shut up, you have to accept the facts."
“Yeah. We are out of eggs.”
"The facts is you're dead! And it's in our apartment” Lily cried in shock.
"What the hell?!" Hayley turned back to her. "I'm not dead dumbass"
"Yes, you are and I can prove...!" Lily stepped towards her and touched with two fingers to Hayley's neck and at her surprise she felt a strong pulse, her body warm, she was radiating heat. "Are not you cold...?! Are not you dead ?! " Lily pulled away and touched Hayley's cheeks.
"Right, right, Sherlock. I think it's over the jokes for today, hm?” Hayley pulled her hands out.
"Damn! Sometimes I forget that I'm a vampire.” Lily smacked her forehead. “I think I was in a really big shock to hear your heartbeats.” Hayley laughed.
"Vampire, Uh? This is new.” She laughed to herself. Lily noticed the circumstances and pulled her back into a bear hug. "Lil—“
"Are you alive!!! It's a miracle! I'm so happy to have my best friend back! How did you survive ?! We saw your body, we made a funeral! We stayed so long apart, oh god I do not believe you're finally here! What happened? Adrian and Kamilah are going to be so shocked—"
"Wait, wait! Slow down" Hayley walked away with difficulty still touching her own chest to breathe better. "Funeral? Body? What are you talking about?! Is that some kind of joke? "
"It's not a joke!"
"What the hell? I'm not dead! And who is Kamilah and this Adrian guy?” Hayley looked at her in confusion.
"What?" Lily stopped to breathe. Analyzing for the first time the girl in front of her. "Hayley, they're our friends! It is not possible that you do not know who Kamilah is"
"I do not know these people."
"How did you get here?"
"I live here remember? We agreed I would go out on that date with that guy I met on Facebook. So I had some drinks and I spent the night with him and today when I woke up I was coming in a taxi to home."
Lily stopped breathing hard.
"Oh, boy. You don’t remember anything do you?”
Raines Corp 00h30pm
"What on earth could be so important that I had to reschedule an extremely important meeting, Lily?" A very angry Kamilah entered the meeting room of Raines Corp.
Adrian sat in one of the leather chairs beside Jax, both as curious as Kamilah herself. Lily did not answer, the girl stood with her arms folded, biting her bottom lip and staring at the window.
"... Lily?" The queen vampire stopped in her tracks with both hands on her waist, looking steadily at the young vampire.
"You said that it was crucial that all of us were together for this meeting. What happened? "Adrian asked quietly.
Lily did not answer. That made Kamilah even more impatient, the CEO certainly had thousands of duties far more important than the crisis of a vampire baby.
"I hope it's worth my time," Kamilah said quietly, trying not to lose her temper.
"... It's about... About Hayley" It was all that came out of Lily's mouth. At that moment she got the absolute attention of the three leaders. Adrian, unlike Kamilah, was more transparent, and she could not help, but see the pain in his face. The CEO sat upright in his chair and took a deep breath, even though he did not need the oxygen in his lungs, that name was like a blow to his chest. Kamilah, on the other hand, watched Adrian from the corner of her eyes, she knew that at any moment Lily's gaze was going toward her, so she stood motionless, standing like a perfect living statue, calculating her reaction as best she could think, surprisingly it was Jax who broke the silence first.
"What happened?" He asked first.
“Something that only in my dreams would be possible.” Then Lily began to speak quickly, letting go word for word about what had happened that morning. "... But it was not a thief who entered my apartment! It was not!” She paced back and forth like a crazy girl with the three eyeing on her. "... When I had a better vision, I could see and it was her!"
"Who?" Adrian asked not following the line of thought.
"HAYLEY! She is alive! She survived the fire and the car accident, somehow she survived!” She turned to the three of them with a desperate look on her face.
The following reaction was well expected, at least with the three extremely rational people — sometimes they were. Jax frowned, as if he had not believed a word. Kamilah did not move. She was a step away from turning and walking away, but Adrian had the reaction that Lily already imagined.
"Lily... Are you sure you're taking your needed amount of blood? You're not dehydrated or... Maybe the night before you drank something?” He asked quietly.
"I went out to drink with some friends, but—" Lily shrugged, but was interrupted by Kamilah.
"Oh, that's too much! I can not believe you pulled me out of my job to talk nonsense like that, Lily!” She turned her back ready to leave the office when Lily stopped.
"WAIT, WAIT! I can prove it!” Lily yelled, that made Kamilah stop with her back to her. "Hayley is alive, and is right now watching Netflix in our apartment without the faintest idea that I'm having this conversation with you guys, I can prove it!"
"Prove it." Kamilah turned enough to cast her a deadly look over her shoulder, enough to scare anyone.
Lily pulled her cell phone out of her pocket and dialed Hayley's number, showing them the moment she put it on the speakerphone. Kamilah crossed her arms impatiently. That joke would end any minute, she knew it. Not entirely convinced, she waited for the dial.
When she finally heard that voice. Her voice.
"Hey, lil. What's up?” Hayley's voice sounded on the phone, making the three of them freeze at the same moment. Kamilah stopped breathing, as if she had forgotten to do that. She noticed that Adrian was standing, motionless.
"Hey, girl. Nothing much, I just wanted to know what you're doing?” Lily asked.
"I ordered a hamburger. It's so weird, I feel like I have not eaten it in over a year.” She laughed on the other end of the line. "Wait... Why you asking—“
"Nothing, nothing. I love you. Byeee."
"Lily, wait—" Hayley could barely finish her speech before Lily hung up the phone.
The silence in the room was deadly. Lily looked at the three of them, waiting for some kind of reaction. Kamilah looked as though she had been punched in the ribs. Adrian was in seconds by her side.
"Is this true? It's her?!"
"How can be?! We saw her body, there was no way she could have survived that accident! "
"I do not know, Adrian. I'm also looking for answers. But it's her. She has the same eyes, the same face and personality.” She stared at Adrian sympathetically, she knew how much he was suffering, out of the corner of her eye she peered at Kamilah, who stared at the rug with a lost look. Lily wanted to be able to console her, but how could she doing that and not expose Kamilah feelings?
"This... It's unbelievable." That's all Jax said. "Why now? Why after one year? "
This... That's good is not it? "Adrian turned around with a smile on his face the first in months. "If it's her... If she's really alive ... She's back!" He smiled, turned to Kamilah looking for comfort from his best friend. "Kamilah ?! What do you think? It's great is not it? "
"Do not try to act rationally.” He shook his head. "She is back!"
"... Before everything. There's something you need to know, "Lily said, catching the attention of the three of them. "Hayley lost her memory in the crash. That's why she took so long to come back. She does not remember anything. No one... Just her old life. She does not remember you guys.”
The smile on Adrian's face fell away at the same moment, Kamilah looked at Lily for the first time.
"How... She does not remember?" Adrian sat back in his chair, touching his face.
"I'm sorry, Adrian." Lily touched his shoulder. "I think she hit her head too hard. I have this theory that she must have been founded by someone or saved by someone at that time...“
"What's the last thing she remembers?" Jax asked.
"Being in a cab going home. Months before she got the job at Raines Corp. "
"I can not believe I finally got her back... and she does not even remember who I am." Adrian said inconsolably.
"Adrian—” Lily tried.
"Adrian, you have to be patient." Kamilah touched his shoulder, taking a surprised look from Lily. The girl wondered how she was the only one who remained calm while Adrian was having a nervous breakdown in front of her.
"I know," he said. "But that does not make it hurt less."
After a long painful moment, Adrian and Jax were talking in the conference room, Adrian was still inconsolable, but after calming down he was able to talk again and Jax was the only one who was surprisingly making him understand the situation. Lily headed for Raines Corp's rooftop with slow steps, meeting the CEO with her eyes to the beautiful view ahead of her with a glass of whiskey in her hands.
"Hey, um... Kamilah." Lily tried to approach amicably.
"Save your words of pity for Adrian," Kamilah said without turning.
"Uh... It was not exactly what I was thinking of saying."
"Sorry." Kamilah sighed after a long time.
"It's all right. I will not hold a grudge against you.” Lily laughed trying to make a joke, but saw that there was no response from Kamilah.
She approached to stand next to the CEO and can see for the first time the pain in the beautiful brown eyes of Kamilah.
"Is she really alive?" Kamilah asked after a long time.
"Did you get to see her birthmark?" Kamilah asked. Only the two of them knew that. Hayley's birthmark on her back.
Kamilah took a deep breath, drawing the air as if it hurt her.
"I'm sorry," Lily said.
"Well, at least she's not dead," Kamilah tried to say. "And she's free from this dangerous world. She has no idea vampires exist... that I exist."
"I never got a chance to tell her. Never. And even with her back, the most painful part is knowing that I can not tell her. She does not feel the same way."
"You can make her feel again!"
"Oh, stop. Adrian will do that."
"Oh, please. So, she will soon be enchanted by the armor-gentleman he is and fall into his arms. It's only a matter of time. She will choose him"
"The first time she did not choose him. She chose you and now you got a second chance "
"Yes, but—"
"You know, of all the things she used to say, she was right in one. You're so caught up in your inner pain that you can not see what's around you. Stop being a complain, your old bat. You do not want to feel again, you do not think you can, but only you can do it."
"The moment she sees him, it's over, Lily. Adrian will do his best to bring her back into his life, and by the time he does, she will fall in love with him."
"Are not you going to try?"
"Adrian deserves to be happy."
"You deserve it, too."
"He deserves more. I will guard my feelings for myself, I should never have had them in the first place, we were not meant to be from the beginning. That was a mistake.” Kamilah drank the rest of her whiskey and left clicking her heels against the hardwood floor leaving a confused Lily behind.
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castawxayaway · 8 years
Mistaken Identity
we are almost at the end of wedif now, cannot believe how quickly this month has gone! day 25 now 
(and as a side note I am in no way trying to steal/copy Julie’s The Math Teacher series idea- so please don’t accuse me of doing so) 
- wedif post-
wedif masterlist: coming soon
masterlist / request / submit   (the usual stuff)
“Come on, you’ll be fine when you get inside!” My friend encouraged me as we neared the vivid neon sign with our tickets in hand. 
Glancing past the entrance I saw various people, some chatting and others smoking. I kept my head low as we walked in, got my ticket checked and quickly followed my friend up the stairs, not wanting to risk losing the only person I feel like I can trust. 
Mixed conversations surrounded us as we joined the queue for the bar, five different people working their way through the masses in need of a boost or some sort of liquid luck to get them into the mood. I eyed all of the drinks displayed in bottles or cans, saw the bartenders pour shots messily and have it spill down their hands. Once the shot was on the table it was gone within seconds, but I didn’t want to risk shots, not tonight. 
My friend ordered our drinks and we picked them up, my boots clinging to the sticky carpet as we walked away from the bar to find somewhere to stand whilst we waited for the act to perform. The nerves only continued to build up in my stomach as I drank the sweet liquid, forgetting how easy it was to be disorientated with a little bit of liquor. “I, I’m just going to the toilets!” My friend yelled to me as the first act of the evening came on, leaving me stood there speechless and struggling to breathe. 
Sighing I tried to calm and cool myself down by taking bigger sips of my drink, ignoring the sharp burn it gave me at the back of my throat. The longer she was gone the less I cared, the more I drank the more hazy everything was getting. A light tap on my shoulder I turned around, unsure who I was looking at in the dark lights. Snapping out of the music and my trance I glanced around, remembering where I was and how I was alone. 
Dropping the empty plastic cup I could feel my hands beginning to shake but my arms remained numb. Desperation crossed my face as the person before me motioned to an empty space on the sidelines, away from the gentle sways or pushes and shoves. “Do you need some air?” His accent differed from my own, but his voice was soft, caring even. 
Nodding I pulled my phone out to text my friend but struggled with the uneasiness of my thumbs. I merely sent her an ‘I’m okay’ so she wouldn’t worry of my whereabouts, or if she’d be aware for a while. The stranger guided me away from the live music and cheers, we walked slowly towards the stairs leading to the entrance. I could feel the cool evening air wrap around my ankles as my legs trembled down the stairs, gripping onto the stranger and the wall with equal amounts of urgency. 
Standing in the doorway I took deep breaths as I lent against the cool wall, ignoring the eyes around us and the wisps of smoke passing outside. “Thank you.” I muttered as I kept my eyes closed, concentrating on my breathing. 
“Are you going to be alright? Do you need someone or are you with someone?” He asked with such care, I wasn’t afraid, I didn’t feel the need to be away from the calming voice. 
Slowly I opened my eyes which remained focused on my slightly scuffed boots. My eyes began to move away from my own feet and towards his, black lace up boots with larger marks and stains covered the sides leading to black skinny jeans wrapping around his legs. Swallowing the lump that remained lodged in my throat my eyes trailed further up his figure. A white top slashed with holes covered with a black denim jacket, barely hiding his muscles clenching in the restraining fabric.
Focusing on his face I just paused, I wasn’t focusing on my breathing or the fact that everything around us had become a bit out of focus instead all I could do was look at his eyes and a affable smile. His eyes were freckled with green in amongst the warm hazel, coated with thick black lashes. Dark blonde hair that was in slight waves pushed back, tied up in a small attempt at a man bun. 
“You alright now?” He placed his hand on my shoulder, the light touch as opposed to being heavy handed. 
Nodding I readjusted my dress, pulling it down slightly as the back rode up as I clung to the wall for ease. “Yeah, yeah I’m okay.” Sniffing I checked my phone seeing over ten panicked messages from my friend. “Let me just call my friend.” I moved away from him but stayed in doors, not wanting to willingly walk and hang around in a cloud of smoke and fumes. 
“Where have you been?” She spoke loudly down the phone as the band could be prominently heard in the background. 
Sighing I glanced back to the stranger who remained patient, focusing on me. “I, I couldn’t breathe, I just needed some air that’s all. And I,” Moving the phone closer to my mouth mumbled to her, “made a friend.” Smiling to myself she yelled nonsense back. “Nevermind, I’ll be back in a bit.” I proceeded to hang up and just send her what I tried to say, knowing that would be a better attempt of communication with her. 
Holding onto my phone I pushed myself off of the wall and allowed myself to regain my sense of balance. He rushed over and held onto my arms, looking into my eyes with concern. “Okay?” 
Nodding he smiled in response. “Do you, do you want a drink at all?” I asked him, I doubt he would but it’s always worth a try. 
“Yeah, yeah why not.” We headed back upstairs and before we reached the intensity of the music he paused at the stairs. “I’m Ashton.” He spoke louder than he had to beforehand but it was clear, he wore a light hearted smile now, rather than a concerned look. 
Yelling my name back to him I swear I could see dimples in his cheeks, even in the low lighting. Nearing the bar I ordered myself a new drink, something a bit different. “I’ll have a vodka martini.” I spoke up over the bar and showed my ID, she checked it and gave me the all clear. 
Turning to Ashton I waited for him to order something, “I’ll have a whiskey on the rocks.” She nodded and proceeded to make it. Rummaging in my purse I pulled out some money but he stopped me. “My treat.” He winked and after some back and forth I gave up, gratefully accepting the drink. 
We made our way down to the live music with our plastic cups in hand as I scanned the crowd for my friend who remained elusive. “I’m sure she was here beforehand!” Yelling to him he merely shrugged his shoulders, sighing I took a large sip at my drink to calm myself down and the feeling of relief spread through me as I saw her dancing on the sidelines. “I’ll be right back!” Giving him my drink he stayed still as I headed over to her, thankful she hadn’t left. 
“There you are!” She squealed as she danced to the music in amongst others. 
We spoke briefly and agreed to meet outside once it ended, waiting for our lift to get us. Hugging her tightly I yelled into her ear, “You be careful!” Like a Mum would have to do for her child in a playground. She merely rolled her eyes and motioned for me to walk away and rejoin Ashton, whom she was unaware of. 
Accepting my drink back off of him we began to move closer to the dance floor without much hesitation. Swaying to the music I sang along, feeling relaxed and more easy going than before. Ashton sang too and as I looked up to him he was focusing on me with a soundless laugh, drowned out by the upbeat music. 
Two more empty plastic cups later the band had ended, the music for tonight was over. We all filed out and I relaxed into Ashton as he held his arm around my shoulder and connected his hand to mine. Helping me walk down the stairs with more care I giggled as I nearly tripped. “Come on, watch yourself now.” He joked as he managed to remain fairly intact. 
Once we were outside the bitter air nipped at my exposed skin, making me shiver. Removing his black denim jacket he motioned for me to open my arms, to which I obliged. Placing it on I felt goosebumps form on my arms as the warmth radiated through my upper body. “Thank you.” Smiling to him I found myself just staring at him, unable to tear my eyes from his. 
Unaware I placed my hands on his shoulders, pushing myself onto my tiptoes until his lips were on mine. They tasted of bitter whiskey and full of warmth, he was delicate and caring but I wanted more. Hearing my name being called with such questionability I pulled away and turned around seeing my friend with her mouth wide open. 
Rubbing my lips together I glanced back to Ashton, a nervous chuckle sounding from him as he scratched the back of his neck. “Hi.” I spoke up, giving her a small awkward wave. “Is Tom here?” She nodded and moved closer to us. “I’ll be a minute alright?” Giving her a pleading look she merely walked ahead, still in sight but giving us enough privacy for a goodbye. “Well Ashton, guess this is it.” Sighing I didn’t want to go, the musky smell of his jacket lingering already along with the taste of whiskey clinging to my lips. “But thank you, for you know, earlier.” 
He placed his hand on my cheek, stroking my soft skin with a sweet smile. “I’m sure we’ll see each other again. Keep that okay? Gives me an excuse to find you.” Chuckling lightly he put his hands in the pockets before pulling out a piece of paper, along with some old gum wrappers. He glanced around and asked for a pen but instead I just passed him my phone. 
“Cliche much?” I raised an eyebrow along with my sarcastic remark and he merely nodded. 
“You’ve got to allow yourself cliche moments once in awhile, just let this be one of them.” Giving me my phone back he tightly hugged me before walking the other way. 
As he walked I focused on the holes in his white top, his now exposed muscles and sighed as I reached my friend. “Looks like someone had a good night.” 
The loud droning beeping of my alarm sounds and reaching my arm out of the warmth and comfort I love I hit the snooze button. Rolling over I rub my eyes and blink rapidly as I adjust to the morning sunshine. Sitting up right I glanced over to my chair where his jacket was laid across the seat and remained thankful that I bothered going out on a friday night for once. 
Climbing out of bed my feet rubbed into the carpet, feeling the fibres rub against my skin as I adjusted to the cool room rather than the cosy duvet. I began to get ready and ran downstairs for some breakfast before my lift would arrive. “Ready for a new term?” My Mum asked with some joy to which I blankly stared at her. “Come on, at least try to be enthusiastic. It’s your second to last term dear.” 
Forcing a smile she sighed, “You can’t say I don’t try to please you.” 
Grabbing something for lunch I take the toast that popped out of the toaster, marginally burnt for once as opposed to filling the kitchen with smoke. “Don’t forget your sketchbook!” She yells as I run back upstairs, panting as I reach the top. 
Peeping through my blinds the street remains quiet besides the younger students walking in their uniforms towards the bus. The days of those ugly jumpers and itchy trousers are ones I do not miss. Picking up my sketch book and bag I hover at my door before glancing back at the jacket. Shrugging my shoulders I slip it on, serving as a reminder of Friday night. 
Hearing my phone sound I rush down the stairs and slip my shoes on before yelling a goodbye around the house, unsure where everyone was situated and joined my friend in the car. As I sat down she raised her eyebrows at my chosen jacket. “Oh shut up.” I joked as she drove on past the kids who shivered as the bus drivers kept the doors shut, refusing to let them on until it was at least 8:10 whilst they had a cigarette and exchanged small talk. 
Once we arrive I climb out and put my earphones in, listening to the band from Friday as a distraction from the screams and squeals of children surrounding me. Walking past them I headed towards art, knowing this was always my morning downtime before things got busy. 
In art I could relax, peacefully draw and be left to it without distractions. Mrs Callens always thought I had talent, but I just liked to draw what came to mind that day. Sitting down in my usual seat I opened my sketchbook and just began to draw some rough designs, unsure where it could go. A light tap on my shoulder alerted me as one of my few friends in that class smiled. Taking my earphones out she motioned to the front of the class. 
Taking my eyes off of my sketch book my mind flashed back to the club. Music filled my ears although my earphones remained on my lap, the taste of bitter liquor and soft lips against mine, the urge of wanting to know more about him. 
Turning to face the class as opposed to side on my breath got hitched in my throat, just like it did on Friday. A small smile was worn on his face as he examined the class, but as his eyes fell on mine it vanished, his eyes widened instead. Pulling on the jacket I swore mentally, I was wearing his jacket. 
The sound of heels clicking sounded behind me as I uneasily turned my head to see who it was. “Okay students, I know you’ve only got two terms left but Mrs Callens has had to leave. This is Mr Irwin, your new art teacher. Make him feel welcome like I know you will.” She smiled to Ashton and quickly left. 
Ashton remained quiet as all eyes except mine were focused on him. “Well, erm. Hi.” He stuttered and inside I felt myself falling apart. “Right, well like she said, I’m your new art teacher.” I lifted my head up to see him smiling uneasily and my eyes locked with his. 
Two terms left, maybe this is one too many cliche moments for my liking. 
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flatsuke · 8 years
KBTBB Cell Phone Headcanons
a/n: these memelords, i swear
@maidofstars @bolt8826 @tsundere-eevee @themysticaldaydreamer @alolan-lillie lolol
You betcha this guy owns the most expensive phone in the market. Practicality aside, he prioritizes prestige when it comes to using cell phones.
Uses this as a phone case. It’s luxurious, yet classy at the same time and hella pricey, too, this rich twat
He has MC on speed dial. On average, he probably calls her about 15 times a day. He claims to do it because he wants to give her errands, but, really, he just wants to hear her voice. Not that he’ll ever admit it out loud, this weenie.
His most used app is probably Gmail or some email app. This guy gets thousands of emails, and he has to skim through all of them in a day.
He has way too much paid apps. He’s the guy that buys his way through a game. 200,000 gold coins cost $59.99? No problem. He’ll buy 10 sets of those.
He never buys bootleg chargers or phone accessories. Why settle for the shitty ones when you can afford the original ones?
Because he’s a predictable weenie, his phone passcode is 0101.
His phone lock screen is a picture of some fancy wine he drank on a business trip, but his home screen is a picture he took of the coffee MC made for him.
He takes an unholy amount of selfies when he thinks no one is looking.
The photos on his phone are password-protected because he doesn’t want anyone to see the album full of secretly-taken candid shots of MC. They’re only for his viewing pleasure.
He doesn’t really care much for the price or popularity of the phone model. Durability and functionality are what matter to him.
Has this as a phone case. Since his job involves a lot of physical activity and occasional violence, his phone case has to be shock-proof, drop-proof—everything-proof, basically.
He has a ton of ebooks saved on his phone, but he still prefers reading physical copies of the book.
He always accidentally drops his phone on his face because of how bulky his phone is. Ouch.
He blocked Baba and Mamoru as contacts. Baba kept spamming him with memes, and Mamoru’s name alone just pissed Soryu off.
He doesn’t really take pictures, but his phone album contains a few. Namely, a few pics of the Ice Dragons lined up, the penthouse crew messing around, and MC making omelettes, of course.
He has virtually no social media apps on his phone except  the app for the bidders group chat which he can’t seem to delete no matter how much he tries. Looks like someone hacked into it lol
He has Inui and Samejima on speed dial. Samejima’s always quick to answer his calls, but Inui has this annoying ass voice mail that Soryu hates listening to.
He mostly uses the generic settings of his phone. Generic wallpaper, ringtone, brightness, etc. One time, Ota snagged Soryu’s phone and messed with the settings. His wallpaper was a picture of Ota dabbing, and his ringtone was a recording of Mamoru’s sneezing. Soryu was pissed.
There was this one time MC wore a cheongsam, and Baba (before Soryu blocked him) sent him a pic of her wearing it. Needless to say, it was his phone home screen for weeks. 
He’s not picky with his phones, so long as they have a decent amount of memory. He saves a ton of pics, videos, apps, etc.
Chose this phone case. He saw it at the mall and thought it looked really cool, so he bought it on a whim. Plus, it moves!
He definitely has almost every dating app on his phone. Tinder, OkCupid, Match.com—no wonder he’s always “busy.”
His photo album is full of juicy blackmail material of the other bidders (except MC, of course). No one tries to piss Baba off because only god knows what kind of secrets lie in his phone...
He has contact photos and names for everybody!
Everyone hates hearing his voice mail because he always adds a kissy sound effect at the end.
He’s extremely active on social media! He’s the guy who comments/likes the posts of all the other bidders. Too bad some of them blocked him lolol
No one can figure out what the hell his phone passcode is. The other bidders tried every conceivable combination that made sense, but they still haven’t figured it out yet. Baba can only shrug at them. Hint: it’s the day MC first met the bidders lol
His phone lock screen is a corny love quote, while his home screen is an even cornier love quote.
His phone rings every 0.001 seconds because of the obscene amount of notifications he gets.
He usually has the latest model of whatever phone is on the market. Gotta stay young and fresh, right?
Has this phone case, which he designed himself. Of course, most of Ota’s accessories are DIY. 
His most used app is Instagram! He posts pictures of doggos, art, and MC. According to him, she’s aesthetic.
He always has to delete apps every now and then to make space in his phone because he always has too much pics saved. He probably has more than 10,000 photos saved.
He always spams the group chat with memes. He has a folder just for memes and reaction photos.
His phone lock screen is a puppy, while his home screen is a picture of the blue bird painting he made.
He has a ton of songs saved on his phone for inspiration. Since doesn’t take care of his earphones, they always do the thing where one ear has music, while the other doesn’t. Ota freaks out when that happens.
He has a drawing app for sudden strikes of inspiration. 
He always runs out of battery because he uses his phone too much, so he usually mooches off the other bidders’ chargers and portable batteries.
His ring tone is a nightcore version of Numa Numa. He purposely set it that way to annoy the others.
He uses a relatively older model smartphone because he’s too lazy to buy a new one.
He’s dropped his phone so many times that the screen has cracks and scratches all over the place. He put tape on his phone in an attempt to fix it. It’s a miracle his phone still works.
He doesn’t own a phone case. Too much of a hassle to buy.
He doesn’t organize his apps, so they’re all mixed up. He probably has about five pages of unsorted apps, 98% of which he barely uses anymore.
He has waaaay too many unread messages, emails, missed calls, and notifications. He ignores people he doesn’t want to talk to.
He forgets to delete the spam texts, so whenever he checks his messages, it’s full of “YOU HAVE WON 1,000,000!!!”
He uses bootleg chargers, so he always has to replace them after a month or so, depending on how shitty the charger is. “Get a legit charger, dummy.” “Nah.”
He sets five alarms every day, but he never wakes up to any of them.
His phone lock screen is the generic preset wallpaper, but his home screen is a picture of him and Minami celebrating after they first cracked a case together.
He doesn’t usually call people, but when he does, he always hangs up first. 
He originally had the same phone model as Eisuke, so when Shuichi found out about it, he immediately changed his phone out of spite.
Uses this phone case. It’s simple, not too flashy, and nice to look at.
All his apps are organized painstakingly, each in their own specific folders. Hell, he even has a ‘delete later’ folder for apps he doesn’t like.
He hates it when people try to look through his phone, so he never leaves it lying around. He doesn’t want anyone seeing pictures of him as Shu. Only Hikaru and MC have the privilege of looking through his phone.
He uses the touch ID/fingerprint ID as a phone lock, so no idiot can invade his privacy.
His phone has been in vibrate mode for as long as he can remember.
He’s always stressed, so he loves using those calming, stress-relief apps. One of those apps is a punching bag app where you get to put a pic of a person on a punching bag and hit it repeatedly. Shuichi put Eisuke’s face on it, and since then, his stress levels have reduced significantly.
His phone lock screen is a pic of a tranquil landscape, while his home screen his a pic of the cactus he’s taking care of.
He made a separate group chat just for himself, Hikaru, and MC. The chat’s name is called “vent”, and they mostly trash-talk a certain brunette CEO.
He has a chess app on his phone that he uses all the time. He plays with other players around the world, but he has yet to lose to any of them.
He really doesn’t care about phones or owning one, but because of Eisuke’s insistence, he had to get a smartphone.
He’s not used to texting with a touchscreen, so most of his texts are full of typos. No one dares to make fun of him for it because MC will chew them out if they do.
He doesn’t use much apps, but he immensely enjoys Neko Atsume
He has never used social media until the other bidders forced him to.
His only contacts are the bidders, but even then, he still blocked them all (except for Eisuke and MC).
His phone is on airplane mode 90% of the time.
He originally didn’t want a phone case, but when MC gave him a cat phone case for his birthday, he loved it. Since then, he has never taken the case off.
He sets an everyday alarm for his precious tea time. God forbid he miss it.
His phone lock screen is a pic of a kitty he found, while his home screen is a pic of MC (with her collarbones showing, of course) cuddling that same kitten.
He doesn’t really reply to people when they text him. Even Eisuke has a hard time reaching Luke. The only time Luke replies fast is when MC texts him.
This guy jailbroke, cracked, and modded his phone and all the apps in it. He messed with it so much that the interface doesn’t even look the same anymore.
He’s the prick that can get all the in-app purchases for free. The only reason he gets high scores in most of the apps is because he cheats lmao.
He has the loudest, most obnoxious-sounding ringtone so that when he loses his phone, he’ll be able to hear it right away when he calls it.
He purposely uses an unusual phone case so people will be less inclined to steal his phone.
His lock screen is pitch black, but his home screen is a pic of himself, Shuichi, and MC hanging out together.
He screencaps some moments from the group chat to use as receipts later on.
His passcode is 6969 just because.
He always tries to distract MC by flooding her with memes and badly-edited photos of the other guys.
He prefers texting to calling because he hates having to use his fake voice even on the phone.
Whenever he calls MC, they always argue about who should hang up first.
Bonus - MC:
She prefers using a smaller smartphone because of its portability and practicality.
She uses this phone case. There was something about the Alice in Wonderland design that attracted her to it...
Her phone is usually burning hot because the bidders spam her and the group chat with notifications all the damn time.
She tried blocking them all, but Hikaru hacked into her phone, and now she’s forever stuck with those pricks. She’s currently saving for a new phone.
She uses to-do list apps all the time. Most of the things on her list are strange requests from the other guys.
She purposely answers Eisuke’s calls after five rings just to piss him off.
Her lock screen is a picture of money to motivate herself to keep going to the penthouse. Her home screen is a group selfie she took during her birthday with the other bidders.
None of the bidders are aware, but she has a folder full of blackmail material, too.
She has dating sims on her phone to relieve her stress, much to the others’ jealousy.
Just like Baba, she has personalized contact names for the others. She even set personalized ringtones for them:
Eisuke: The Imperial March
Soryu: Guile’s Theme (SNES)
Baba: Careless Whisper
Ota: Dogsong
Mamoru: Mii Channel Music
Shuichi: Ironside (Kill Bill Sirens)
Luke: Spooky Scary Skeletons
Hikaru: Windows Gourmet Race
261 notes · View notes
A sudden burst of energy surges through my body, and I wake up to my pitch black room. Anxiously, I pat down every inch of my bed until I feel the cool glass of my iPhone screen against my fingers. I go for the home button, but I already know what I’ll see: a picture of me and my friends with the numbers 4:02 right above our heads. My prediction is correct. It is exactly 4:02 in the morning.
I’m not psychic, although That’s So Raven did make that concept seem pretty cool. I also do not set an alarm for 4:02 -- I mean, come on; who wakes up this early intentionally? For the past week, I have woken up at 4:02 every single morning, for no apparent reason. Five hours ago, I drank half a bottle of ZzzQuil in hopes of keeping myself asleep, but here we are.
He wakes me from my slumber every night at precisely 4:02, due to his nocturnal ways. There is no way that I, a happy teenage girl, would let him control me during the day. However, daily from midnight to 7:00 a.m., I am unguarded, I am lonely, and I am available.
This is not the first time I have had to deal with his sudden visits, this just happens to be the first time they have been so frequent.
I toss and turn as I try to forget that there happens to be a demon inside my head who wants me dead; a demon who controls the deepest depths of me and tries to pass his actions off as my own. I instinctively reach for my nightstand as he begins to assert his dominance over me. Fear shoots through me as I realize I’m letting him in; I quickly open Instagram and absentmindedly scroll to distract myself.
I look at every post from the past 24-hours, all of which I have already seen multiple times. My mind begins to drift towards the unmentionable thoughts he is planting in my mind, and I quickly glance at the time ― 4:19. Only two hours and forty-one minutes left. Then the sun will rise, he’ll disappear, and my confidants will be wide awake.
The first few times this happened, I was foolish enough to believe that my friends would wake up at 5:00 a.m. if I called them. In reality, they never answer me until 7:15, when my unwanted visitor had already left.
Even knowing my friends are fast asleep, I still scroll through my contacts. My finger hovers over the call button next to my best friend’s name, and then my eyes drift towards my night stand. Immediately, I pull my eyes back to my screen and hit the home button. I open the tumblr app and scroll through posts on how to control your inner demons.
Over 100 posts in, I glance up at the top of my screen -- 5:04. One hour and 56 minutes to go. I close my eyes and breath in and out. I can do this. I can restrain myself. I can survive.
I force my limp body out of bed and practically drag myself to the light switch. I close my door and flip up the switch, and I’m immediately blinded by a fluorescent light. Grabbing the book on my desk, I open it, and cocoon myself in the thousand of blankets on my bed. Bibliotherapy is the next step in my nightly routine of slaying the demon inside my head.
I make it thirty pages into The Fault in our Stars, my absolute favorite, then turn on my iPhone once again: 5:49. Seventy-one minutes to go. I attempt to gather myself and insert a bit of confidence I will win this fight. I will distract my mind. I will not let the demon defeat me.
My hand drifts again towards my nightstand and I grip the knob. Without even thinking, I open the drawer and retrieve my wooden box. Once I close the drawer, I place the box on my bed and stare at it. The thoughts in my head begin to contradict each other, making it quite obvious that I’m only controlling half of my brain.
I open the lid and feel a wave of excitement run through my whole body, which alarms the small part of me that I’m still controlling. The X-Acto knives, box cutters, needles, and safety pins that lie among the blood-drenched tissues in the box make me yearn for a sharp blade against my skin. My fingers run over each of the devilish metal instruments, bringing back the memories of relief the objects have brought me, as well as the awful ones. The rush of indistinct feelings send my mind into a spiral.
Pick your poison. Be strong. A single cut won’t do you much harm. Your therapist wouldn’t agree. Just one cut. One cut can be the gateway. Your eyes won’t let the pain out, so you’ve got to open the flood gates yourself.
The demon’s  thoughts win the brawl. I pick up the purple-handled X-Acto knife, knowing it will be the best weapon. The handle is cool in my hand; the blade is even colder across my finger tips. I spend several minutes skimming the blade across my fingers, not puncturing the skin. A spot of blood appears on my forefinger.
As soon as I see the blood, I regain my self control, blocking the demon out as much as possible.  I drop the blade, stick my finger in my mouth, and use the other hand to return the box to the nightstand.
My phone is on the other end of my bed; without moving much, I grab it and press the home button. 6:04. Fifty-six minutes of this competition remain. Not even an hour. The demon is an unwanted guest, and I refuse to show him even an ounce of hospitality.
A tear falls from my face once I realize what I have done. I told myself it was over, but then I broke that promise. The tears continue to flow for what seems like hours. I click my home button. 6:31. Only twenty-nine minutes left. I did not cry for hours, but I did take up twenty-five minutes, leading me closer to the finish line.
Memories of the past three hours run through my head, and I curse myself for being this way; for letting the demon in.
The immense amount of self hate that radiates from me allows the demon to seep even deeper into my consciousness. I am no longer able to ignore the negative thoughts. The thoughts begin to consume me.
If you die, this will all be over. Suicide isn’t an option. You can take pills to make it easier. Suicide isn’t an option. You’re willing to cut yourself, but you’re not willing to die? Suicide isn’t an option. You’re right suicide isn’t an option -- suicide is the option.
I am so overwhelmed that I let out an anguished scream. Moments later, my mother rushes into my room.
“Honey, are you okay?” she says, sounding slightly more sincere than annoyed.
I can’t tell her what happened. It will crush her. “Yeah -- I just had a bad dream -- it’s nothing,” I try to say, but I fail to get it all out before the tears begin to flow down my face. My mother sits on bed and gestures for me to lay my head on her. We sit in silence as she runs her fingers through my hair.
My phone beeps obnoxiously. I let out a sigh of relief, I made it. A bittersweet smile crosses my lips, I defeated the demon. Barely. I can’t live like this anymore, barely sleeping, while my mind gets control with death as the only possible solution. One more night like this, and it will all be over, but I’ll make the most out of what could possibly be final 17 hours alive, since he could potentially reappear again at 4:02 tomorrow morning..
0 notes
theo-la-dora · 7 years
Ink Stained: Chapter 4 Kitchen Knives
Read here or on AO3
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3
Chapter 4 Summary:
In which the library is still creepy, Laura more or less kidnaps Kirsch's car and Carmilla thinks that Vodka is a great idea for problem-solving. Also, there are candles. A lot of candles.
The days passed in numbness for Laura. Long phases of being underwater interspersed with alarm clocks, phone calls and Betty’s concern and she felt cold.
So very, very cold.
Laura tried calling Carmilla but the number didn’t work. There wasn’t even a voicemail for her to leave a message on, to tell her that she was sorry even if sorry didn’t quit match the feeling in her throat.
Because how did you explain the life-long fear ingrained in your bones until it was part of you? How did you explain always covering up, never buying low-cut shirts, never having sex with the lights on, never quite trusting your friend because science was everything to them and telling meant being the shiny new research object, meant the end of being Laura? How did you explain wanting to run, full speed, and then stop before you stumble over the jagged edges of the world, tiptoeing in a minefield in a dance that was routine before you even learned to walk?
How do you explain the guilt at having failed to trust the one person who would’ve understood? The one person that needed to know?
Laura still went to all her classes, still wrote all her essays and drank too much coffee and when Betty questioned the amount of ice-cream she ate, she fixed her with a glare that shut even her usually so unflappable roommate up.  The routine held her up and kept her going and it wasn’t until someone stepped in her way when she tried to leave the library on Friday night that Laura finally woke up.
“Laura Hollis,” a boy drawled, tilting his head sideways in a weird angle that her instantly on edge. He was unfamiliar, with brown hair and eyes, a few years older than her tops. There was a gleam in his eyes that had Laura instinctively step back and reach for the bear spray in her left jacket pocket. “Laura, Laura, Laura,” he chided, grinning at his own words. “You’re a rather difficult person to get a hold of, little Laura Hollis.”
Laura bristled at being called ‘little’ – a lifetime of always being the shortest person in the room did that to you. “And why would you want to get a hold of me?” She was proud that her voice didn’t waver as she furtively widened her stance. There was no one around her that she could call for help with the library’s subbasements as deserted as they were and getting almost killed once should’ve really taught her better than this.
“See, that’s a funny thing,” the strange boy grinned, teeth sharp and too bright in the dimly lit hallway full of dust and books. “You’ve been making things rather difficult for me and it’s been quite… what is the word again? Annoying.”
“And why is your annoyance my problem exactly?” she asked with all the fierceness she could muster and more bravery than she felt. “Who are you even?”
“Always so curious,” he cooed, taking another step towards her, his movements strangely sluggish. “That’s not a good look on a girl, you know that, right?”
“Can’t say that I do.”
“And she’s talking again.” He shook his head condescendingly, his neck bending weirdly to one side. “I’d really hoped that you’d at least swallowed enough of that river to shut you up for good, but no, she’s still babbling-”
“You,” it escaped Laura, “You were on that bridge! You were the one trying to run me over, what the holy-” She walked backwards until her back hit one of the shelves and she was trapped.
“And she’s starting to get it.” He looked absolutely delighted at the prospect. “Yes, girlie, I was in that car and it would’ve worked so very nicely even with you jumping off that bridge if my dearest sister hadn’t intervened.”
“Your sister?”
“Oh, did Kitty Kat forget to tell you that precious detail? Technicalities, I suppose,” he brushed it off. “She’s always had a weakness for pretty girls.” The guy reached out a hand as if to touch Laura and she bared her teeth at him, all her senses telling her to run, run, run but something about her defiance seemed to amuse him enough to drop it for the moment. “Otherwise, why protect you – a mere girl?”
“Protect me?”
“The bat wing was a nice try to be honest” The boy – Carmilla’s brother -  grinned, pointing at her wrist. “Unfortunately, it was only designed to divert attention, not to make you completely untraceable, so with enough perseverance…,” he gloated, clearly pleased with himself.
Laura gritted her teeth. “So, you sent me the cursed necklace then, too?”
“Oh, yes. That would’ve been so very entertaining, too. Do you know how messy car accidents are? All that blood and intestines? In Mexico, there’s a whole group of paparazzi charged with taking pictures of gruesome deaths and I can tell you it’s just delightfully-”
“But then your other sister intervened,” Laura finished the sentence for him, her stomach revolting at the pictures he was painting with his words. “Sounds to me like your family isn’t all that fond of you.”
“Well, they will be.” He put a hand on the shelve next to her and Laura felt her skin boiling. “I will show them, little dolly.”
“Show them what exactly?”
“What I can do.” He stepped even closer and the smell of something overtly sweet and rotting assaulted her and made her gag. “It’s really quite unfortunate that in order for me to do just that, you must die, Miss Hollis. Sadly, there’s just no way around it. If you only hadn’t been so curious and gotten involved in all of this… But you know what they say…”
Laura saw something silver and sharp gleam in her periphery. A knife she thought, he has a knife. She forced herself to stay calm and grip the spray can tighter.
“Curiosity has always killed the cat.”
He lunged for her, but Laura was faster, years of self-defence classes ingrained in her movements and she punched him in the throat and simultaneously hit him with the bear spray right in his eyes. Her attacker reeled back, pained howls sounded through the empty hallways as he tried to rub the acidic spray out of his eyes and Laura used his distraction to knock the knife out of his hand.
“And satisfaction brought it back,” Laura hissed and, picking up the discarded knife, she took off running.
Laura feels like she’s in a spy movie.
Always looking over her shoulder, she sees the boy’s face and a hundred more like him everywhere in the crowd and she’s painfully aware of the stolen knife burning a hole through the pocket of her jacket.
She arrives at Kirsch’s place at two in the morning and it’s probably due to his decidedly not quite awake state that he hands her the keys to his car without discussion. She’s a long way from Toronto when the sun climbs across the mountains, a memorized address leading her somewhere she’s never been to before and hope burning brightly in her chest.
(Laura tries not to think about the knife.)
The cabin was dark when Laura arrived, the forest's silence eerie after the roaring of the engine and when she tried the door, it wasn't even locked. The familiar smell of ink and books enveloped her when she finally entered and it stitched up her throat with surgeon’s hands.
Whatever she’d been expecting here, it wasn’t this.
The cabin was small and cozy, consisting of just one main room with a kitchen in one corner and a door that probably lead to a bathroom in the other. A large couch took up most of the space, conveniently placed in front of the fire place with a multitude of blankets and pillows piled on top of it. The walls were covered in shelves overladen with books of any size and sort. Poetry, philosophy, medical textbooks, science-fiction from the 18th century as well as fairy-tales and photography books – they were all scattered across every available surface, interspersed with large candles and tea lights. Strange symbols and crystals were strung up in front of every window, the morning light casting foreign shadows and coloured flecks of light across the room.
Laura felt like she couldn’t breathe.
Because this was a home. This was Carmilla’s home, this cabin in the woods and it suddenly felt like an invasion to be here. But she was exhausted, drained to the bone and she just needed to talk to Carmilla.
So, Laura took off her shoes and pants and curled up in one corner of the couch under a pile of blankets. Her foot bumped against something hard beneath the covers and Laura jerked back, thinking knives and poison but it turned out to be just a photo album. An album containing over a hundred photos depicting the same forest scene over and over again and it wasn't until she discovered the dates written neatly in one corner of every picture that Laura understood the album's title.
There was a sense of profound loneliness about the picuture and its slowly changing landscape. It tugged at the edge of Laura's mind but she couldn't quite name it as her tired mind sowly overwhelmed her. She didn’t mean to fall asleep as quickly as she did and when she woke up, it was to the sound of glass shattering and someone cursing under their breath.
“Shit, shit, goddamn it… fucking miserable piece of shit throwing a motherfucking knife at me, who the fuck does he think he – oh fuck, stop fucking bleeding, I can’t – ouch, shit, this is-”
“Carm?” Laura asked sleepily, still half caught in strange dreams about fireworks and veils, and rubbed her eyes as she sat up, blonde hair a messy halo around her head.  
The cursing ceased abruptly.
“Who the fuck are you and what the frilly hell are you doing here?” Carmilla’s voice was dangerously low and Laura knew that she was curling her hands into fists right about now.
“Rude,” she chided her, slipping off the blankets and not caring that she was only wearing an oversized shirt over her underwear. She blinked at Carmilla, noting that something about her was different. Her hair reached just below her shoulders and was cut into bangs, the clothing different – high waist shorts and thigh highs paired with a see-through blouse – and she looked so very, very young.  
“I’m asking you what you are-“ Carmilla started again, brow furrowing and Laura swallowed, figuring that this Carmilla was indeed much younger, perhaps from years before she had met her.
“I’m Laura and you gave me the address, so stop snarling and-,” she began because if her theory was correct, this was in fact their first meeting for Carmilla. She let her eyes rove over the girl’s face, pain-laced fury and hunched over posture and it wasn’t until she blinked again that she saw the blood staining her blouse.
“You’re hurt,” she interrupted whatever hissed curse this Carmilla was ready to bite out. Disregarding the girl’s warning growl, she stepped closer, prodding at her arm until she let her examine the wound.  
“Holy Hufflepuff, what happened?” Laura asked, trying to keep the panic out of her voice as she tried to see the what, where and how deep through the stained fabric, but it was impossible to make out much of anything because of the sheer amount of black-blue blood.
“Idiot tried to stab me,” Carmilla muttered, eyeing Laura with suspicion. “And in case you didn’t notice, sweetheart. This kind of fucking hurts and I have no idea who the bleeding hell you are, so if you don’t want me to tear out your spine, could you please-”
Laura shot her a chiding look before pushing past her towards the small bathroom to find a first-aid kid of some kind. Her heart beat a lot easier when she actually found one in the cupboard beneath the sink behind an inordinate amount of liquid eyeliner flasks.
When she came back into the main room, Carmilla was leaning heavily against the tiny kitchen counter, pouring what looked like vodka into a water glass and almost missing it because her hand was trembling so much.
“Are you kidding me?” Laura exclaimed, rushing forward to knock the bottle out of Carmilla’s hand and pour all its contents down the sink. “You’re bleeding, you stupid vampire. Do you really think now’s the time to get wasted?”
“Numbs the pain though, darling,” Carmilla grins, teeth stained blue on the edges as if she’d been coughing up blood. “And vampire? Really?”
“Well, grumpy space-time anomaly was a bit of a mouthful,” Laura snapped back, pushing Carmilla until she was sitting on the counter, head leaned back against the cupboards with a pained hiss. Carefully, she unbuttoned Carmilla’s shirt and pushed it off her shoulders, leaving her in just a plain black bra.
“Oh, buy me a drink first, cutie,” the girl quipped despite the pain she had to be in when Laura started cleaning up the blood. The wound itself wasn’t that deep and Laura prayed to any deity currently listening that Laf’s proposed immortality extended to some kind of supernatural healing ability so that cleaning and dressing it would be enough.
Her fingers lingered on the white bandage long after she’d wrapped it up, eyes flickering over bare skin to check for other injuries and when she met the other girl’s eyes, Carmilla was staring right back at her.
“It was a cursed knife,” she finally said. “Any other injury would’ve been healed by the time I made it here but wounds like this one… they take longer.”
Laura nodded in the dim daylight, filtered by the clouds and the forest surrounding the cabin. “Who did this?”
Carmilla scoffed, the movement causing her to jolt when pain hit her once again. “Will,” she pressed out, “Who else? The little weasel thought it great fun to use me as target practice and then drain me just because I wasn’t careful enough to not step into that damn circle. Fucking sadistic piece of-”
“Will - your brother?”
“That’s what he likes to call himself.” Laura saw the fury in Carmilla’s eyes, the bottomless disdain. “A cockroach, that’s what he is. Fancies himself one of us but he’s no more than a grave robber, a thief that uses spells and violence to steal time, drinking our blood because he-“ She coughed at that and Laura remembered her blood-stained teeth and shushed her.
“It’s okay, Carm,” she whispered and the girl went rigid at the sound. “You’re safe here now.” Laura smoothed her own blue-stained hands over the bare thighs between shorts and stockings, the bandaged waist, the sides of her chest and up over arms before resting on her shoulders, hearing and feeling their hearts beating in sync. Carmilla took in a shuddering breath, pupils blown wide as she simply stared at Laura.
„So, was our touch half as sacred as I’ve made it seem?” she whispered, the quote unfamiliar, as she took Laura’s hand, grazing her finger tips as if searching for something. “Or just another fabrication of a half-dream?”
Her expression was one of deep unsettlement and that tinge of sadness did Laura in.
“Carm…” Slowly, carefully as not to cause more pain, Laura pulled the girl down towards her, fingers curled around her neck and in her hair, something flaring in her chest when the girl complied. She pressed her lips against Carmilla’s for a kiss that tasted like ink and the sharp tang of alcohol, more a promise than anything.
“And time can be such a funny thing,” she heard her murmur in the blueish light of the cabin. “Always moving to the future, glorifying the past and amplifying the pain in frames and glass (1).”
After past Carmilla disappears, still wide-eyed and searching, Laura falls asleep curled up on the couch, skin stained black-blue and she feels at peace for the first time in weeks, the burning longing momentarily dulled.
(When she wakes up, the ink stains are gone, replaced with even more words spreading down the insides of her arms.
There’s another girl in the room.)
Carmilla was sitting on the other end of the couch when Laura woke up sometime in the evening, the room illuminated by a myriad of lit candles. She took one look at leather pants, corset and ink-free hands to know that she was dealing with this time’s Carmilla. Her dark hair was messy, faint red bruises dotting her neck and Laura blushed at the memory, instinctively knowing from where Carmilla had come.
The girl looked almost nervous. Her face was carefully blank, but she’d pulled her knees to her chest, bare feet digging into the cushions and eyes tracking everyone of Laura’s movements as she slowly blinked at the intruder.
“Liebling,” Carmilla whispered, voice raspy and Laura felt something inside her choke up. But dusk had thrown its weight over her and moving seemed like an impossibility.
“When I saw you here for the first time I thought that I had gone mad,” Carmilla continued and she suddenly looked old and weary. “You… you knew me. Knew my name and what I was and you were in my home and you were real.”
Laura watched her, unable to look away and there was fear and anger and the helplessness of inevitability warring in her chest, a tenderness in her throat and fingers that she did not dare name.
“I drowned for almost seventy years,” Carmilla said almost lightly and the pain was right there, was tangible.  “It’s hard to kill someone like me. We are time itself. We’re relative, we’re unmoving and ever-changing. We are humanity’s heartbeat, it’s hymn, it’s lifeline. We do not die.”
She looked shaken for a moment and Laura couldn’t help but reach out despite her own mess of a heart and tangle her fingers with Carmilla’s as she pulled her down to lie next to her.
“You were like a hallucination, a creature of Will’s doing or a half dream from underwater that I faintly remembered but when you kissed me… I thought that it was a madness I’d gladly take.”
They’re quiet for a long time, their heartbeats thumping in rhythm in this still night. When Carmilla whispers “I’m sorry for leaving”, Laura finally turns to face her.
“According to my Dad,” she said quietly, throat burning and eyes focused on Carmilla, “the mark’s been there since my birth. At first, it looked like a regular beauty mark, a small black dot in the middle of my chest but then over the years it started to grow. My parents were so scared,” she whispered. “They didn’t know what to do or who to ask because they were afraid that people would hunt me down, so they covered it up. But then the accident happened.”
“The one where I-“
Laura nodded, smile a bit tremulous. “When I got out of the hospital and my father took off the bandages – he almost had a heart attack. Because the vines had opened to envelop what looked like an animal skull.”
It felt like they both took in a shuddering breath at the same time and Laura let her fingers skim over Carmilla’s hairline, smiling softly.
“So, I can’t really compete with you know years of I don’t know… pining or something-”
“I did not pine -”
“And I can’t really tell you what any of this means, but in a strange, really like to ask the universe why kind of way, it’s always been you.” She smiled at Carmilla who suddenly looked a bit flustered.
“Gee, thanks.”
“Anyway,” Laura rolled her eyes and reached for her coat, the movement startling Carmilla, and pulled out the knife that the guy in the library – Will – had tried to stab her with and one look at Carmilla’s blanching, coldly furious face told her everything she needed to know.
“We need to talk.”
She kisses her there, in candlelight, because that's what they do in the stories and sometimes, in the quiet moments, this feels just like a story. Something prewritten and already decided like the mark on her chest and the words on her skin and it makes her want to revolt. But then Carmilla smiles at her and it's the most real thing she can think of.
(So Laura kisses her).
1) Carmilla quotes La Dispute's song "The Most Beautiful Bitter Fruit" here (the song is more or less about hooking up). It's a post-hardcore band so while that's not for everyone, they have lyrics that read like poetry so definitely check that out - it's just the type of music that I think Carmilla would be really into (and i'm the kind of nerd that has playlists for characters, ok?) Also, any lyrics about time are somehow really bloody hilarious to me when writing a time travel story.
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