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thefoxholecast · 10 months ago
The Original Foxhole Court Extra Content (Archived from Nora Sakavic’s Tumblr)
We copied the following text directly from the pre-2024 version of the Foxhole Court Extra Content page on Nora Sakavic’s Tumblr blog (korakos.tumblr.com/fox). In March 2024, she did “some spring cleaning” by shortening the list of links and deleting/hiding old posts. The links in this copy lead to archived snapshots of the old posts on the Internet Archive Wayback Machine.
Some of the links are broken. If you have copies of these posts, please let us know so we can fill in missing content!
Because Tumblr only allows up to 100 links per post, we're unable to replicate the full list here. View the full list of links on our blog here: thefoxholecast.tumblr.com/FoxArchive
The Foxhole Court
ETA 2023: most of the posts here are from 2013-2015. Some of them overlap with older drafts. Some answers have evolved over time, even if they haven’t been updated here. Most I haven’t changed my mind on, for better or worse. Take ‘em or leave ‘em, and good luck making sense of ‘em around all the drunk rambling and detours. One day if I have the energy I’ll just sort it into a coherent reference.
Two sections here: the questions submitted by tumblr users, and a miscellaneous collection of stories & factoids pulled from the oft-neglected blog. The questions aren’t in any particular order, though I did try to organize them by subject matter. Ish. Once the dust is settled a bit I’ll try to find a better sorting system. Also, the tumblr tag I use for questions is http://korakos.tumblr.com/tagged/foxhole-court-questions-and-spoilers
Lots of spoilers for The Foxhole Court ahead!
Preface: Why are Asks disabled in 2016?
—Exy Rules & Regulations
—Exy: A History of the Sport
—Palmetto State University
—The original “What Happens After King’s Men” post
—SON NEFES, the cousins’ freshman year through Renee’s eyes
——One . Two . Three . Four . Five
—Nicky Hemmick
—Seth Gordon
—Aaron Minyard
—Matt Boyd
—Kevin & Andrew
—David Wymack & the Monsters
—Wymack & Andrew re: Neil
—Dan Wilds is recruited to the Foxes *
—Allison through Dan & Renee’s eyes *
——pulled from an abandoned, unfinished book about the Foxes’ women
—Neil’s life on the run
—Do they ever celebrate Neil’s birthday?
—What if Neil told the truth earlier?
—Neil through the Foxes’ eyes
—Neil through Ichirou’s eyes
—Neil’s looks post-book and relationship with his reflection
—Does Neil ever talk to Bee?
—Neil’s millions
—Neil’s fight training
—Who’s Neil closest to beside Andrew
—Neil’s fashion style
—Cellphone ringtone
—Christmas/birthday presents for Foxes
—Does Neil ever cry?
—Neil’s lonely fifth year
—When Neil’s overwhelmed
—Does Neil crush on his teammates?
—Neil & Ichirou’s intimidation
—Andrew’s sober look at his teammates & Neil
—How did Andrew react to Cass’s letter?
—Andrew’s medication and the follow-up
—Has Abby seen Andrew’s scars?
—Andrew & Mama Bee
—Andrew & Roland
—How far has Andrew willingly gone?
—What animal figurine did Andrew buy Betsy?
—Andrew’s eye color
—Andrew’s opinion of the cats
—What’d Andrew say to Nicky in TKM?
—Andrew’s honest opinion of Exy
—Andrew’s thoughts on Neil’s binder
—Andrew and his sexuality
—If Andrew had met Neil’s mother
—Andrew’s thoughts on Neil’s sexuality
—Andrew’s fondest memory of Neil
—Andrew’s aforementioned withdrawal
—Do you think Andrew is really really really awesome?
—Proust and Andrew
—What happens to Proust?
—Andrew’s reaction to Neil’s bday blood
—Andrew on Neil eventually changing out
—Does Andrew get grumpy?
—Does Andrew get less dead inside?
—Does Andrew call Neil by his name?
—Why give the Foxes crackers?
—Andrew’s first choices in winning a fight
—Who liked knives?
—What got chopped from Drake’s arc?
—Does Andrew get off thinking about Neil?
—Post Andrew & Bee’s side story?
—When did Andrew start thinking Neil was interesting?
—Any other words he can’t stand?
—What does he think about nicknames?
—Explain Andrew’s fatal disease in the comic version
—Andrew’s canon mental state
—How did Andrew not know about Tilda’s abuse?
—Why punch Neil for “Sorry”, and when Andrew is sick
—What’s with Andrew and promises
—Andrew’s thoughts on Roland’s premature confession
—Andrew’s arrest
—Wanting nothing vs not wanting anything
—Why was Andrew laughing after Drake?
—If Neil had chosen Dan & Matt over Andrew
—The other 10%
—Which teammate caught on first?
—Do Andrew & Neil go on dates?
—When did they first hold hands?
—When did Andrew clue in?
—Exites self-censure
—Betsy’s & Aaron’s reactions to the news
—Roland’s opinion of things
—The breaking point
—Who tops?
—On tying people up
—Their domestic life aka Sir Fat Cat
—I love you
—Andrew and the bed issue
—Do they learn to talk to each other?
—Blaming Neil for Drake
—Andrew comforting Neil?
—Neil’s fondest memory of Andrew
—Neil getting Andrew off for the first time
—Neil seeing Andrew naked
—Neil & the sex how-to
—How was the first time
—Where’d it happen?
—When was their first hug?
—“I won’t let you let me be”
—Their roadtrips
—Neil waking Andrew up
—Andrew’s real smile
—How does Andrew show appreciation for Neil
—Their happiest moments
—Does Neil ever make Andrew laugh?
—Does Andrew take comfort in Neil
—Does Andrew get protective/possessive?
—Doesn’t Neil crave affection?
—Andrew re: Neil’s panic attacks
—Media reaction to Andrew/Neil
—Further reaction to Andrew/Neil
—On “accidentally” sitting in laps
—What if Andrew died?
—What if Neil died?
—Reaction to getting hit on by others
—Do they celebrate anniversaries?
—The first time Neil pushes Andrew down
—How tall are the Foxes?
—Why is everyone so short?
—Where did their names come from?
—What were their majors?
—What do the Foxes look like?
—What are their Hogwarts houses?
—Reaction to the kidnapping
—Do Neil & Renee become friends?
—What did Allison do with Seth’s urn?
—Nicky’s evolution over the drafts
—Do the Foxes get their skiing trip?
—Does Andrew know Nicky kissed Neil?
—When did Aaron & Katelyn fall for each other?
—How did Andrew and Wymack end up handcuffed together?
—Kevin’s favorite things
—Kevin and Andrew’s on-court kerfuffle
—Dan’s haircut
—Dan & Matt’s relationship
—Dan & Matt’s first kiss
—Matt bouncing back from Columbia
—Matt rooming with the monsters
—The other what-if OT3 aka D/M/N and the dynamic
—Do Allison and Renee have the hots for each other?
—Matt forgiving his father
—Any mistletoe shenanigans?
—Thanksgiving and the Foxes
—Kevin’s best friend
—Janie Smalls
—How did Kevin and Thea meet?
—Foxes’ favorite ice cream flavors
—Kevin & Andrew’s on-court argument
—Foxes’ taste in music
—Kevin’s middle name & drink of choice
—Do Kevin & Neil want to kiss?
—Which Fox would Kevin kiss, then?
—Kevin’s best non-Exy memory
—Allison’s three bets
—Why is Allison’s middle name Jamaica
—Kevin, Andrew, and Neil staying friends
—���Joan of Exy”?
—Can the Foxes sing?
—Some of the Foxes’ previous bets
—Do Nicky & Allison become friends?
—Are Foxes based on RL people?
—Nicky when Neil asks about friendship
—Dan & the monsters in Columbia
—What if Kevin was killed?
—Renee and her near-death experiences
—More background available on Renee?
—Why doesn’t Aaron let the Foxes in?
—Team’s reaction to Drake, Andrew’s reaction to being outed
—Andrew & Aaron’s time with Tilda
—Does Aaron reconcile with Andrew over Tilda?
—Nicky & his parents after Drake
—Foxes thoughts in Baltimore
—The Pro Teams
—The Weddings
—Neil as the Best Man?
—Kevin after TKM —Thea, Jean, Foxes, and Riko
—How does Kevin & Wymack’s relationship evolve?
—Renee after TKM
—Nicky after TKM
—Aaron after TKM
—Allison after TKM
—Dan & Matt after TKM
—Dan and the US Court
—Any pro-period scandals?
—Andrew & Neil’s relationship with their team
—Would Neil hold Matt’s children?
—Neil & babysitting the Foxes’ kids
—Which Fox’s child would curse first
—Who is Robin Cross?
—Neil and Jack
—Andrew’s reaction to Neil punching Jack
—Foxes’ reaction to Neil punching
—Kevin and Jack
—Neil’s new recruit
—Andrew and Jack
—Who is Riko Moriyama?
—Riko & Kevin’s evolving relationship
—More about Riko & Kevin’s past
—How did Riko break Kevin’s hand
—Riko’s brutality toward Jean
—Any draft where Riko wasn’t killed?
—Were Riko, Kevin, and Jean involved sexually?
—Does the Fox-Trojan rematch happen? Also how do the Trojans & Jean get along?
—Do Alvarez & Laila (Trojans) have backstories?
—Thea’s number & thoughts on Raven brutality
—Kayleigh Day & David Wymack
—Abby Winfield & David Wymack
—Wymack’s parents
—Did Wymack cry during the trilogy?
—Did Kayleigh know about the Moriyamas?
Nora & the Foxes
—Fancast and Andrew
—Changing opinion of Foxes over the years
—Bits of the scrapped K/N/A threesome here and here
—The KxAxN AU where Kevin died
—Will there be a sequel?
—What inspired you to develop Exy?
—Fox fanfictions, collected by coldsaturn
—Why a pseudonym?
—What came first, characters or story?
—Were you the artist of the comic version?
—What did the comic-Foxes look like?
—What do you do when you’re not writing?
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cleversteel · 2 years ago
Babes in Toyland?
Despite his display of nonchalance, Colm handles Lloyd’s redirect quite well. Several of the younger children seem interested in toys of the green-skinned people that also live in these lands, while another child wistfully spoke of joining the many street performers that brought music and dance to the city to Lilina.
While they weren’t responsible for the more complex musical instruments in the shop, they had whistles that might tide the child over until they could get something better to practice on.
And then, there was the heckler from before. He didn’t at all seem interested in actually getting a toy of any kind, and was content to park himself somewhere he could jab and brood from. He was the eldest of the lot, from a quick glance through all the little faces here, so Lloyd couldn’t exactly say he was surprised by the behavior. It was a difficult age to be at, and with the looming threat of a war…
“War has not yet begun,” Lloyd spoke, his earlier child-friendly tone now toned done. This boy was not looking for a friendly face, nor was he at an age where he could not recognize being spoken to as a child. “If you have such little faith in diplomacy, than a sword will do you little good. You cannot end a war or conflict soundly by mere force. An understanding must be made, ties built, ideals for the good of all harmed in the fighting brought forward so that it doesn’t happen again. If you do not have the will to do better, victory through strength of arms will only delay more fighting.” He passed off the little cow he’d picked up to one of the younger kids in the gaggle, shifting his full attention to this angsty pre-teen.
“Do you demand to know why the baker does not pick up a blade, or why the tailors continues to hone their craft instead of join the army?” he posed, gaze steady as he made eye contact with the boy. 
“We have seen what comes with conflict, and we chose to put our efforts towards bringing something good into the lives of children I can only hope will never have to endure the things I have seen and done. If you are so bothered by our perceived cowardice, by all means, you are free to leave whenever you wish.”
The boy sputtered and seethed for a moment, cheeks going a bit red underneath his smattering of freckles. “You are cowards! Who would want to sit in a dusty old shop, fiddling with kids’ toys when they could be fighting for honor and glory?! Maybe you’re sympathizers to those sub-humans, huh? My Pa never trusted ‘em to start with, and who knows what they’re up to where we can’t see!”
When he accepted the offer to make one toy, Colm hadn't expected a whole bunch of kids to ask for the exact same thing. He was getting to work pretty quickly keeping track of who wanted what, especially with customizations. (Sometimes, folks want opposable thumbs, you know?)
But his perceptive nature doesn't leave him — Lloyd's conversation isn't exactly quiet, and then the kid he's talking to gets all shouty? Ugh...
And he has the nerve to call us 'cowards'.
"You know, that's a pretty childish way to think about it, kid," Colm starts, attention split in two between toys and idiot. "First, you think war is glorious — okay," — he shrugs, — "I can sort of get that. You can get medals and awards and stuff if you perform well, — and don't die, — but come on!" (Here, the boy smirks.)
"You think some folks are bad just because your parents said so? What kind of 5-year-old mentality is that?" Turning to the children, he adds. "No offense to any 5-year-olds here by the way. You guys are much smarter than he is anyway."
The older kid definitely seems bothered by it, but Colm doesn't really care. If what he said upset him, then the kid just had to learn to cope. Nothing more to it than that.
"Don't go treating me like a kid!" the kid shouts. "When those aliens show up and destroy your stupid shop, then you'll realize who the smart one is!"
"Ok." (Unamused, Colm goes back to the toys.)
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jiniret-writings · 1 year ago
Sweet Nothings
Inspired by Sweet Nothing by Taylor Swift
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Pairing: idol!Bangchan x idol!Reader
Warnings: Reader ruminates over how they're constantly criticized
Comments, Likes, and Reblogs are welcome and appreciated!
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On the way home I wrote a poem You say, "What a mind" This happens all the time
They always wanted so much from you. It was like everyone had some expectation of you that you could never reach. Every lyric scrutinized, every dance move analyzed; even the way you walked was up for scrutiny. What once brought you joy started to feel like a chore. It felt like you weren't allowed to have fun with lyrics anymore unless you wanted articles written about how you had "lost your spark".
That was until Chan came along. The first time you met him you thought he would be like everyone else. Especially since he was a producer and songwriter, you were expecting him to give you feedback from the first meeting--as most producers you met did. Instead, he talked to you about your crocheting. It was a little hobby you had that you barely ever talked about, but he remembered it.
You two had a blossoming friendship that turned to more on a drive home from dance practice. You were playing around with a beat and wrote some lyrics that didn't mean much. It was just an in-the-moment type of thing. But when he heard it, he just smiled at you and added to your little bundle of nonsense.
Industry disruptors and soul deconstructors And smooth-talking hucksters out glad-handing each other And the voices that implore, "You should be doing more" To you, I can admit that I'm just too soft for all of it
He never judged you. That's one of the things you loved most about him. You were both idols who got extremely busy and each had your own bundle of problems, but at the end of the day when you two were airing it all out in the open and ranting about everything from a small inconvenience to huge scandals, there was never any judgement. Only understanding.
There were days when it seemed like nothing was ever enough. You'd go live and message on bubble and post on Instagram and weverse and even uploaded a vlog! But there was always something amiss. Some challenge you didn't do or some song you didn't talk about. Your captions were either lackluster or too cringe. You kept a brave face around the fans, and even started doing so in front of staff. It was only when you were with Chan that you could let the facade crumble and hide yourself in his embrace.
They said the end is coming Everyone's up to something I find myself running home to your sweet nothings
You were only 24 but were already reminded of how easy it would be for you to fade into nothingness. Every month a new artist debuted, and while you were secure where you were now, there was no guarantee for the future. One day, the world would deem you too old to be an idol and all you'd have left was your name.
But when you came home, it was like all your worries were silenced. There were no expectations between the two of you other than to just be.
"Be yourself, that's all I want from you", he'd said one day when you'd tried breaking up with him early in your relationship. Just be you.
Everything was something to be celebrated. Something as small as waking up was an accomplishment when you were with Chan. Lazy days in were rebranded to self care days. There was no such thing as a lazy meal because everything tasted better when you were together. Chan was your safe space and you were his. All there was between you two was pure love. You treasured each other as you were, not as you could be.
All that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing
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This has been sitting unfinished in my drafts for a while, but after Chan changed his Instagram caption I realized how I wanted to write this. I hope all of you have someone you can turn to who can just accept you as you are and not for what you can be. You deserve to be with someone/people who don't have expectations for what you need to be. As always, have a great morning, afternoon, evening, and night <3
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sugar-phoenix · 8 months ago
Intro + Masterlist 📖🌱✒️
take two on my big intro post
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Hello! I'm sugarphoenix (you can call me sugar or phoenix) and I'm a writer and aspiring author from the US. Here's the basic rundown:
19 years old
she/her pronouns
aside from writing, I am an aspiring UX/UI designer. I hope to one day be a pioneer in the industry.
feel free to tag me in anything! I enjoy being tagged in tag games, even if I might not have the time to get around to all of them.
Genres I often write in:
animal elements i.e. at least one character is an animal shifter/has animalistic traits/characters are compared to animals metaphorically
finding oneself in the mess
dark fantasy/ethereal vibes
You can also find me on ao3 with the same name + here's my kofi if you ever want to tip me <3 taglist: @ashirisu
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Current WIP(s)
The Blood That Bonds Us: A fantasy novel that can be succinctly summed up as Rapunzel with Red Riding Hood elements; where Rapunzel is also the Wolf, and the Prince is also Red Riding Hood.
There is a prophecy in the kingdom of Venatoria that a Black Wolf will rise from the forest and bring destruction and a new reign to the kingdom. Because of this, generations of royals have hunted down and killed most of the Wolves that reside in the surrounding forest.
Prince Rhydian's father was no different, and he died in a hunt when Rhydian was only a child. But now Rhydian is no longer a child, and he's old enough to prove his worthiness to the crown and possibly take the kingdom back from the greedy crown regent, Alaric. Alaric, however, sets a heavy task for the prince: he must go and rescue a maiden that has been locked in a tower by a witch near a neighboring village. Many young men have tried and failed to rescue her, and the witch is ruthless. But Rhydian will do anything if it means he can reclaim his father's crown and throne.
Daciana has spent all her life in a tall tower. She is protected and held captive by the witch Dame Gothel, who found her in the forest and recognized her for what she is: the Black Wolf. Dame Gothel doesn't hold back on telling her this, and Daciana knows of her fate. She is a monster, a bringer of destruction, and one of the most hated enemies of Venatoria, who are blissfully unaware of her existence. Daciana doesn't feel like a monster, and perhaps life outside the tower isn't that bad, despite what she's been told. But although Dame Gothel has done all she can to keep Daciana within the tower, it's often ill-advised to try and fight destiny. And it will only be so long before the beast is freed from her prison.
CHARACTER TAGS: #♚ . rhydian / #✧ . daciana / #◦ . vincent
This is my main WIP, and the one I'm working the most on.
Blood That Bonds Us Snippets -- screenshots taken directly from my scrivener that give you a little peek into the first draft
Chapter 1 snippet -- snippet of chapter 1 of the first draft
rhydian. -- short character exploration for Rhydian
mourning your captor, your only mother -- short snippet of Daciana's POV (spoilers)
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As of 6/22/2024, any further fanfiction will be posted on my fanfiction blog @sugarphoenixlovesfanfic !!
Fandoms that I'm in:
Honkai Star Rail
Wuthering Waves
My Hero Academia
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Honkai Star Rail Fics
the new barista -- a super short drabble about a college au in which Dan Heng is the cute barista at your college's cafe.
Death of a Cowboy -- in which I rewrite and expand upon Boothill's past.
𖥔 . overheating . 𖥔 -- Boothill overheats in your getaway vehicle.
cowboy, you have a hard time wrapping things up neatly. ✦ -- Boothill is loud and messy but he grows on you. One day he does something unexpected.
I think I'll take my noodles spicy -- You stop by Jiaoqiu's stall to try his noodles. They are very. Spicy.
My Hero Academia Fics
unfinished hawks x oc fanfic (ao3 link)
"there's this thing I want to say to you" -- short fluffy drabble about Hawks confessing his love to unnamed fem character
Deponia Fics
maudlin -- a short fluffy fic that expands a scene in Deponia Doomsday (spoilers)
All fanfiction can be found under the tag #��.fanfics .
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Short Stories / Miscellaneous
All my writing can be found under the tag #✎ . writings
drabbles in red
complete short stories in pink
she was a monster (monster) -- short drabble that uses experimental writing
Flash Fiction Friday Prompt "On The Edge" -- short drabble that follows the prompt. it may or may not be somewhat connected to "she was a monster (monster)."
I wrote that one tumblr post -- i wrote a couple of one shots of that one tumblr post with a crow and a cat being familiars and trying to find their witches.
dagger queen -- exercise where I write a drabble using two prompts. dark fantasy/romantasy vibes.
un-satyr -- COMPLETE short story about a satyr who is different from the rest.
vampire x poisoned werewolf -- COMPLETE (?) short story about a vampire and a werewolf putting aside their differences (and perhaps getting a bit too close) in order to save one of them.
cherry red -- flash fiction about a girl and what she leaves behind.
my roommate is a vampire -- currently unfinished short story about a college roommate who is, well, a vampire.
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Writing Challenges
2024 November 50k Words Challenge
dividers by cafekitsune!
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tenpintsofsundrop · 1 year ago
What would Dick Grayson be like in bed? (Titans Kink Headcanons)
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A/N: So originally I was going to publish all of these for all of the characters in one long post, but I got tired/creatively stalled out about halfway through, and it's just been sitting in my drafts unfinished for weeks now. So I have decided to post them for the characters one at a time so that way I can catch up on them and have the energy to complete them really well. The reader is meant to be completely gender neutral, and I don't really know how to put warnings on this, because there is mentions of kinky topics throughout, but it's basically just a list of kinks? Like, the content itself is like a warnings list for a fic. Main warnings are for kinky topics, Daddy kink, and discussions of BDSM.
DC Titans Masterlist
So... one of those things that is totally obvious to me from the source material is that Dick Grayson is Daddy.
Not just when it comes to Daddy kink (although he definitely does enjoy being called Daddy for sexual gratification). He is the living embodiment of the title of Daddy. And tbh, I think he would love being called Daddy in a non-sexual context - which might sound weird if you've never been in that kind of relationship before. But when you try it out with him, you would probably love it.
It's something he would find comforting. You calling him Daddy in completely non-sexual contexts when you have no sexual intent behind it - it would make him feel good because it brings the joy of having a long term partner who feels comfortable calling him that. And he would definitely also love the casual dominance of it. He would love feeling owned by you because he gets to wear that title 24/7.
But he would be likely to say that it's something the two of you can only do in private - like in text messages or when nobody else is around to hear it, because he holds the title very sacred and he doesn't want others to mock him for it, because it is like a safe space for him. Even if he would 'laugh off' any mockery of it, he would feel hurt deep down inside.
But anyway, speaking of casual dominance - it's something he is obsessed with. I think he loves BDSM as a lifestyle, and for him, when he has a partner, it definitely doesn't stop in the bedroom - he loves setting lifestyle rules for you as a way of taking care of you.
He will set rules about when you eat (to make sure you never miss a meal), what you eat - he wouldn't ban you from eating junk food, but he would limit your intake of sugar and make it mandatory for you to eat a certain amount of healthy foods, and if you have a bad habit of consuming too much caffeine or soda, he is sure as hell gonna use sexual punishments to curb it.
His goal with casual dominance and the rules he makes will always be to take care of you and improve your quality of life - including your physical health and your mental health.
Is he always dominant?
I think that he vastly prefers being dominant because he is a control freak who hates giving up any kind of control, and funnelling those feelings into a BDSM relationship can keep him from exerting his intense need for control in other areas of life - like having emotional fits when other people don't do what he wants and violently beating up criminals. And on very rare occasions, when he is with someone he knows very well and trusts, he will play the submissive role. But I don't think he would ever be a submissive in a long term relationship.
If his sub misbehaves, I think he would avoid using pain as a punishment. I genuinely think he wouldn't be into spanking or any other type of painplay, because at the end of the day - even if he's strict about rules, it really makes his soul ache to hurt you.
One of his favourite punishments is overstimulation. He loves giving oral simply for the fact that he loves overstimulating you with his tongue for hours, and he loves vibrators and even fuck machines for the same reason.
He would use attention denial or ignoring you as a punishment - denying you of affection, or going as far as to ignore you completely if you want to talk to him at all (unless it's an emergency, of course).
He would also use this punishment in combination with overstimulation - setting you up with a vibrator pinned between your thighs and leaving you alone until you're whining and desperate, begging for his attention and ready to apologize for whatever rule you have broken.
I can also see him being into semi-public sex. He would be the type of dom to enjoy putting a remote control vibrator in your underwear just to push the button and watch you squirm at the most inconvenient times. He would also love taking you out to dinner somewhere nice and teasing you under the table, living to see you squirm and become desperate for him.
He would love any kind of bondage - tying you up in different complex ways, blindfolds, gags, all of those kinky things. As long as it doesn't hurt you, he would love seeing you vulnerable and wanting - he would love seeing rope against your skin. (And he would absolutely have the patience and intellect to learn complex shibari just to tie you up.)
And lastly (one that is obvious to me from the show) - Dick has a breeding kink.
He wants to be a father so badly, even if it's unconscious for him - it would come out when he feels you squeezing around his cock. And whether you can get pregnant or not (and whether you want kids or not), he would be obsessed with roleplaying the act of knocking you up. He would be obsessed with seeing his cum leak out of you, and telling you how he's gonna knock you up while he's deep inside of you. The first time you tell him to ditch the condom while having sex, it drives him insane, and it's the best sex of both your lives.
(A/N: I think that's a good round-up of all my headcanons for him lmao.)
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bardic-inspo · 1 month ago
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love ❤️
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Thank you so very much lovely friends!! 💜💜
@honeybee-bard @caffeinatedmunchkin @pinkberrytea
Aeterna Nostalgia
[Read on AO3] [Read on Tumblr]
Ascended Astarion x Vampire Bride Tav | Rated E for Occasional Smut | Multichapter, Ongoing
This is my passion project and I think my favorite fic I've written. An evil power couple A!A x vampire bride story where the consort falls victim to a modify memory spell, resetting her memories to pre-tadpole times. Astarion has to hunt down whoever did her harm, reacquaint her with her own vampirism, and re-romance his spouse. Tav has to rediscover herself. It will unfold into a bit of a gothic rom com but has a fair dose of angst and lots of yearning.
Blood in the Mortar
[Read on AO3] [Read on Tumblr]
Ascended Astarion x Vampire Bride Tav | Rated E for Smut | One-shot
A close tie for my favorite fic I've ever written. I think it's the best smut I've written, and we'll say favorite completed piece! It's gratuitous, over-the-top, hot rich evil vampire sex, with vampire bride lore sprinkled in, and an evil power couple doing evil power couple things. It was so indulgent to write and I had a blast with it. They hate everyone except each other, they deserve each other (derogatory), etc.
Dhampir Dreams
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Post-Game Spawn Astarion x F!Tav (Generic/Unnamed) | Rated E for Smut | Part 2 is a WIP
A horny stream of consciousness exercise that turned into angsty reflective but hopeful post-game spawn breeding fic 😆I SWEAR I was not lying about writing a part two it's actually somewhat drafted and I WILL finish it one day, but part one can be read as a stand-alone.
Midnight Chimes
Full Chapter List (Includes AO3 & Tumblr Links)
Astarion x Cursed! Tav | Rated E for Occasional Smut | Multichapter, Ongoing
Naomi is cursed! She doesn't know it! But Astarion is strangely drawn to her, and where she goes, death seems to follow. A not-durge but durge-adjacent story that loosely follows the events of the game but focuses more on character subplot and romance.
This was my first foray into writing for BG3 and Astarion POV, and without it, I wouldn't have gone on to write other BG3/Astarion fic. Although it's unfinished (for now), I feel like it serves as a great taste test for how I write these characters, and an introduction to my cursed noise witch (bard), Naomi, who features in most of my other fic.
No Rest for the Wicked
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Deacon x MacCready x F!SoSu OT3 | Rated T | Oneshot
Throwing a wildcard out here, this is a Fallout 4 fic! It's also the first one I ever posted to AO3. It's a post-game one-shot about coming home after war when 'home' has always been a foreign concept. It's also about MacCready and Sole, who are in an established relationship, opening themselves to the very first inklings/overtures of loving another man together and letting themselves be loved by him, too. Although my writing has grown and changed so much since I wrote this, I think it holds up, and I think that's because I put a lot of heart and earnestness into it. It's a little slice of comfort for characters who have had so, so much hurt.
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baxteravenue · 9 months ago
been waiting for you to post your jack drafts since you don’t write for him anymore 🥺 love your writing!!!
here you go, these are VERY unfinished and unedited lol... hope you enjoy or not <33 not sure where I was going with this one
Jack had been in Denver for about a week now, feeling shittier than ever. He was not even sure what the hell he was even doing there, maybe getting away from things... Things he couldn’t even pinpoint.
You on the other hand were in Denver because you lived there and went to school there. But besides that, you were on his same page. You didn’t know what the hell you were doing with your life. You weren’t even from Denver, you just had gotten a full ride to a small school. 
You were just trying to get through the days, all of them moving in a blur that meshed together.
“Have you tried any of the coffee here?” A random voice broke you out of your daze. 
You shook your head a little, your head feeling like it still wasn't in your body.
“Huh?” You still felt like you were in a daze.
The curly haired man gave you a confused look, “The coffee? Anything worth recommending?”
“Oh…” You nodded, “Uhm I like the tea. I don’t really drink coffee if I’m being honest.”
He gave you a soft smile, “I don’t drink coffee either I was just... pondering I guess.”
You laughed, “Yeah that’s a way to put it.”
“Cherry-Hibiscus Iced Tea for Y/N!” 
“Well, whatever you get I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. Have a nice day.” You smiled at the stranger before grabbing your tea and walking out the door heading down to the record store right next door. 
Y/N… Jack had thought that was a nice name. 
“Next in line!”
“Um yeah, can I get a Cherry-Hibiscus Iced Tea?”
You loved Saturdays just like any other person, the one day of the week where you knew yesterday was yesterday and tomorrow would be tomorrow. The only day of the week were days felt separated. 
You usually spend it doing all your favorite things. Today you allowed yourself to wander into the record shop that you hardly ever went into for the sake of your wallet. 
Today would be a good day, you just knew it. 
“Crystal Castles?” A familiar voice speaks from beside you. 
You look up at the stranger from the coffee shop, “Yeah.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever listened to them.” 
“I’m sure you have, just without knowing it. They’re having a moment on TikTok right now.” You shrug.
“Is that where you found them?” 
You shake your head, “No I just watched a lot of Skins growing up and had a damaging amount of internet access at twelve.”
You expect this to be the last of the conversation but it’s not because he proceeds to introduce himself. 
“I’m Jack by the way.” 
You nod, “Nice to meet you Jack. I’m Y/N.”
Now you really expect it to be the last time the two of you talk but he’s still standing in front of you and now you feel nervous, but not in a way were you want to tell him to fuck off.
“Do you live around here?” Jack asks and you give him a questioning look, making him retract his words, “I’m sorry that sounded creepy as hell, I’m just asking because I’m not from here I’m just like visiting… Tryna get my head straight. I’m from Louisville by the way.”
His nerves somehow ease yours and you find yourself answering his question. “Mhm, I go to school here. The small one in the next town over.”
“Cool, you like it? Is this where you’re originally from?” Jack browses next to you, keeping conversation. 
You look down at his hand, he has the exact same drink as you and you smile. “No and no. What about you?”
“I think that you’re probably the coolest person I’ve met in this state in a whole week.” Jack says.
You look back up from the vinyls, staring him straight in the eyes. “Have you ever tried chocolate shrooms?”
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helenrourke · 12 days ago
December Writing Progress Wrap-up
Today I decided that on the last Saturday of every month I want to share my writing progress.  That way I can look back and see what I did or was inspired by in previous months.  December was a big month for me. After years of procrastination, I finally sat down and began to write fics I’ve been wanting to write for years now.  I’m proud of myself for finally gaining the courage to join the AO3 community and I hope to continue to be a part of it in 2025.
What I published
This is Me – Was a Camp Rock Inspired Seiya x Usagi fic, heavily inspired by an unfinished fanfic I wrote in the 2010s.  I honestly wrote this fic because I read a Tumblr post about reading our old bad fanfiction for funsies and this was the result of it.  I am honestly glad I did this.  Not only did I get to write a scene I always wanted to write, but this fic was also a tribute to a dear friend of mine who passed away who was part of the Camp Rock fanfiction community back in the day.  I hope she liked that the first fic I wrote was inspired by her love of fanfic.  Even though she never really got my love of Sailor Moon.
I’m Giving You the Fire – was the unasked for but written sequel in the same universe as This is Me.  This fic again is a Usagi x Seiya fic, except from Chibiusa’s POV, who in this fic is Usagi’s cousin.  This fic was heavily inspired by rereading my old fic outline and seeing how excited I have been about writing this scene taking place during Camp Rock 2 sequel I had planned.  However, I never got that far to begin with.  I’m glad I finally got to write that scene, and I had fun with it.
The Imperial House – This is the fic I was most excited to post.  I had planned on releasing it in January 2025.  However I had so much inspiration, I was able to post the Prologue and Act One early.  This fic is my Goong inspired, Hana Yori Dango fic where Tsukushi finds out she’s engaged to grandson of the Emperor of Japan.  The Imperial House is the first book of a planned trilogy and is my focus when it comes to writing longer fics.  Honestly, I’m glad it’s finally out and that people are enjoying it. I've had this story in my head since 2020 and I'm glad to be finally writing it out.
Currently Writing
The Imperial House –  I’m currently focusing on having a backlog written since grad school takes a lot out of me and I want to try to post a chapter a month.  However, I know real life happens.  Currently the first drafts of Act Two through Act Four have been written and I am currently writing the first draft of Act Five as of posting this.  The story has been completely outlined, so hopefully I can try to stay on track.
Future Goals for January
Mene – is a Hana Yori Dango Au - Canon Divergence Tsukushi x Akira one-shot that I’m working on as a side project.  I know I said I was planning on working on it one day, but I got a really good idea while working at my job today. It’s currently in the drafting stages and I have no estimate of when I’m releasing it.
The Imperial House – The goal is to finish editing and finalizing Act Two and post it in mid-January.
Final Thoughts
toxic till the end – is the AU - Non-powers Seiya x Usagi one-shot I wrote while listening to the album Rosie at 1AM when I couldn’t sleep after Christmas.  I hadn’t planned on publishing it because it’s about a toxic relationship. However, a fellow AO3 writer @purplesoil who I was chatting with a few days back encouraged me too.  The plans are to release it on New Years Day.
I want to give a quick shoutout to both @sojirosteacup (who is also an author on AO3 and you should check their blog to get a link to their account) and @hana-yori-dango-forever who have been nothing but nice to me since I've started my fanfic writing journey.  Both of them have encouraged me to write my fics, offer me advice, promote my stories, and listen to my rants about my works.  Honestly if it wasn’t for your both I would have given up writing my story, before I even started.
Anyway, writing in 2024 was great, looking forward to growing more in 2025.
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prima-materia-ttrpg · 2 months ago
We do this not because it is easy...
...but because we thought it would be easy.
It's been a while, and I need to put out a blog post or I'm going to go insane. This post was meant to be "Species Highlight - Sepia", which is still sitting in my drafts half finished. Instead, this is going to be a post about burnout and some not-quite-finished things I've been cycling between for Prima Materia. If there's one thing you take away from this post, let it be that you need to take care of yourself and take breaks. You need to rest or your body and mind will force you to rest and it won't be fun.
Last time I made a blog post, I promised that you would get the Sepia, and barring that I was sure that I would be able to get my "next experiment" up and running by the time the week was out. It turns out, I was very wrong. The experiment in question was an attempt to try and write mechanics relevant to the kind of adventures I wanted to see in Prima Materia. This entails actually writing a module, then seeing what mechanics it would require and writing those mechanics. I figured I'd churn out three modules that were intended to run for 3 sessions each, and start playtesting. To probably no one's surprise who's ever done the insane amount of work it takes to write a module that can be run by another human being, this hasn't worked.
The first module is currently unfinished, and I am still excited about it and want to finish it; however I ran into burnout while writing it over the course of a few weeks because I agonized about it not getting done and agonized when I was writing it because I was tired of writing the same thing. I then ran into several life snags that haven't allowed me to work on it. I won't go into details of my personal life here but suffice to say stress has been high and time has been relatively short. Add burnout into this and you have a recipe for not even thinking about Prima Materia for a month and some change.
So, in order to get back into the groove of trying to write, I decided to be a little self serving and write a part of the setting that I wanted to write right then because I finally got hit with the inspiration beam again. This bit of writing will have no relevance to anything for probably years down the line in this project, but it's fun and interesting to me so it served as a wonderful tool for diving back in. I will share with you the little blurb that I wrote about a planet that exists in the setting, though it is hardly even a first draft so much as a note. Names are placeholders and everything here is subject to change.
Ternaki Log(?) World: Carcosa; cold eyeball planet orbiting a red dwarf Carcosa is a planet engineered by the "Architects," a group of aliens that were active between three and four billion years ago. They left a beacon in orbit of the planet that tells us this planet is called "Carcosa" and was the work of an individual named "Hastur." Dating methods used on the beacon and ice core samples taken from the cold side of the planet reveal that this was likely one of Hastur's later works. The planet's crust is comprised of mostly water ice and water, which experiences varying degrees of tectonic activity. A circular portion on the day side is hot enough for this water ice to melt, resulting in the usually hidden subsurface ocean to be visible. In this melted portion there are a few rocky continents and a number of hot spots resulting in island chains and active volcanism. The continental portions are home to several forms of native life, mostly plant-like in nature. Native life on Carcosa has signature markers placed by Architect gene weavers, and share genetic similarities with several nearby planetary biospheres which are unrelated to each other. The native plants can be divided into two categories that use either red or blue pigment in photosynthesis. Animals on Carcosa are wildly varied, but due to the high gravity of the planet most are either very small or very robust. There is one native sapient species on the planet that boasts several civilizations; many of which use bronze tools. In modern times, Carcosa has been designated as a resort planet / nature preserve with several island chains being co-opted for resort use, and is listed as one of the 7 ancient wonders of the galaxy in several major periodicals. The planet is managed by a satellite station in orbit of the planet, which has been in place for several centuries.
The joke here is I saw the meme about the flat earth ice wall planet actually existing (specifically this planet spied by JWST) and decided to make something like it in Prima Materia.
So what's the current project?
When approaching everything again, I came face to face with more design decisions I made in the past that didn't mesh well with what I want Prima Materia to be. Namely, I don't want there to be a class system in the game for several reasons, but there are two main reasons. Firstly, because I want player characters to be able to learn whatever the character would be able to conceivably learn (within the bounds of the system, this isn't a simulation game). Secondly, while I want both vertical and horizontal progression, I want the progression to be more horizontal than it is vertical. I find that classes lend themselves more to vertical power systems and particularly power fantasies (at least when I write them). The profession system I have is just a class system I've been pretending isn't a class system because I cleverly called it something else. So, I've dissected the profession system because it was still in the early stages and divided up the parts to other systems, which made way for at least one new system (quirks of the soul) as well as trees of features that are specifically related to things like combat, medicine, or specific kinds of alchemy.
That was a lot of the word "system." In short, Prima Materia in my brain currently looks like a disassembled car, but I have a checklist to put it back together better than it was before. In fact, here's the checklist:
Tumblr media
The checklist isn't finished (and some stuff may be removed or changed) but it has enough to keep me busy for a while, and enough where if I start getting burnt out on one part of the project I can switch gears and start writing other parts. Currently, I'm working on quirks of the soul (working title) and integrating that into the character creation system.
That module I talked about earlier will definitely be finished at some point, though that will happen after more of this checklist is done. I'd love to tell you more but.. Spoilers. All-in-all I'm considering the experiment with side by side module / mechanics development to be.. a teachable moment.
If you read this far, thank you very much for your interest! I need to spruce up the "Species Highlight - Sepia" post before getting it out but I hope to put it up before or on the 16th, @donutboxers art has languished in my drafts long enough it needs to be seen.
Tl;dr: I'm not dead and neither is Prima Materia.
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rene-hl-trashcan · 5 months ago
Anger Has Never Looked So Good
Fandom: Hogwarts Legacy (Video Game) Relationships: Cariad x Riz (MC x MC) Summary : Cariad's little scheme got her into trouble with her boyfriend. But all is according to plan. Notes : Because @starryslytherin0 and I have been brainrotting about this for days (only 2 days actually) and we are too far gone with this ship by now. 💀 Warnings : No beta cuz I die like Ranrok's Loyalists. Also, it is still unfinished because I accidentally posted this (mayhaps in my sleep idk but it was in DRAFTS before I zonked out ���) AIGHT BABES I DON'T SLEEP AND IT'S FINISHED NOW. There's a bit of spicy scenes in there but nothing too much methinks. Just a heads up.
"What are you doing?"
Startled, Cariad nearly smothered the glowing communication ball with her own skirts, desperate to silence Sylvan who was still chattering from the other side. Thankfully, she had opted for the pillow instead, which did a decent job silencing the ball from exposing her crime.
But, it was already too late, no? Riz had sensed the ancient magic from the communication ball, and who knew how long he had been listening?
The cat is obviously out of the bag, but how far has it escaped?
How much did Riz manage to listen to?
Cariad was just about to gauge how deep in trouble she was in, only to whip her head in urgent panic in the direction of the smothered communication ball just as Sylvan's muffled voice came through;
"By the way, thanks for the idea, Cariad. Ieva and I had lots and lots of fantastic time together."
Sylvan's slurty chuckle which followed after that comment was a harbinger of doom for both him and Cariad.
Cariad could feel the temperature drop around her; the chills of ominous prospect made her tremble.
Why would Sylvan word it like that? Poppy was with him and Ieva. The three of them were having fun touring the world but Sylvan made it sound like it was just him and Ieva gallivanting the world together in some form of romantic escapade.
And with that suggestive tone plus slurty chuckle? The menace completely overdid his role.
Sometimes, Cariad couldn't help but worry that Sylvan's thirst for challenge and penchant for getting into trouble will get him killed someday.
Though now was not the time to worry about someone else.
Oh, Merlin.
Cariad shivered the moment the intimate nickname brushed down the length of her neck. It was so unfair. The two simple syllables fanned down her neck, followed with presses of soft lips—all of which were enough to get her knees weak. Again, she tried to gauge how deep in trouble she was in, not knowing whether to be terrified or delighted when realising that her boyfriend's breathing was calm and measured right there against the nape of her neck, the heat of his measured breaths sending shivers down her spine for each of his exhale.
Oh for the love of Deathly Hallows.
His voice.
Cariad shuddered and resisted the urge to whine.
It was far softer than his usual voice, far gentler too and by the love of Merlin, it somehow got deeper.
Cariad hadn't ever expected that standing straight and calm could be such a Herculean effort.
Unfortunately for her, his hands did not made the simple task of standing easy for her. His left hand—so much larger than hers—held her wrist in a shackling grip while his other hand rested over her stomach.
She has always loved it when he did that, and like the absurdly indulgent boyfriend Riz is, he would spoil her, giving her everything that he knew would send her floating to that blissful happy place. The simple act usually sent butterflies fluttering up her stomach, making her all giggly and blushing at the comforting touch.
However, that comforting touch was now laced with anger. His long fingers dug gently into the soft flesh of her stomach, uncaring of the layers of fabric—never enough force to hurt but oh did it made her tensed up and bit back a moan—and Cariad only have herself to blame for suggesting this little scheme.
Riz loved his niece to death—that was a well-known fact in their little circle. Ieva was the only family member he spared from the execution he personally orchestrated; and he has been raising her ever since, taking the role of a guardian, parental figure, and caregiver for Ieva when he was at the tender age of 7.
Sylvan practically kidnapping Ieva for a world tour, all the while leaving misleading notes and clues alluding to something more happening between him and the girl was a one-way ticket of enraging Riz.
It's reasonable. No father figure would be pleased if their trusted best friend kidnapped their daughter without much notice, especially combined with misleading notes alluding to the two of them eloping just to add to the simmering displeased ire.
Cariad and Riz have been tracking Sylvan, Ieva and Poppy (but Riz didn't know about Poppy, no no no no Cariad made sure her mouth was sealed shut) for weeks now and the notes Sylvan left have grown more and more outrageously suggestive and misleading, which ended up agitating Riz more and more.
Cariad felt utterly guilty for upsetting him, but by the love of Merlin, fury was good on him. He has always been this unshakeable, immoveable force. His composure was unfaltering even in the most tricky situation. It's hard to get Riz angry but when he did...
Oh, it was utterly delicious.
That's the reason she is the one who suggested and orchestrated this scheme. Cariad was the one who tentatively asked if Sylvan knew any way to get Riz agitated, to burn his cool composure into simmering ire that will bath Cariad in his silent fury.
And Sylvan, being the one who is always up for dangerous shenanigans, has instantly decided to persuade Ieva for an impromptu world trip, essentially kidnapping the sheltered girl from her protective guardian.
Initially, it had felt like win-win situation.
Ieva finally got to see the world that Riz was too busy to show her. The previous time the travelling trio checked in, the girl was having a blast trying out food and playing dress-ups with all the nice pretty clothes Sylvan kept buying her. She was chattering on and on about how fun the whole trip was, how well-connected Sylvan was that the guy has friends in literally almost every country they had visited, speaking their tongue nearly as fluent as the locals, all of which were happy to invite the travelling trio to experience their colourful variety of cultures. Ieva has lamented very briefly on how she wished her uncle could take a break and go on trips like this too.
As for the chaperons, Sylvan and Poppy got to indulge in their own little escapade, even with Ieva in tow. They were having a blast of their own too, especially with how giggly Ieva had been as she recounted what she had observed from her chaperons.
And Cariad?
She got her boyfriend angry just as she wanted him to be. Oh, she would apologise to him later, maybe accept whatever punishment he deemed fit because she has been such a bad girl upsetting him like this, but how else could she get him angry? He has the patience of a saint behind that devilishly handsome look. Cariad could pull the most annoying thing that would get other people ticked off but Riz would simply smile and brush a kiss over her cheeks, indulgently permissive and gentle, even if he had to reprimand her on her actions.
But Cariad desired him to get angry.
She craved the way his voice kept getting lower and growlier the more angry and agitated he became. His natural voice was so pleasantly deep and husky, but when it was tainted with anger? It was both feral yet so chillingly calm. Each syllable that he uttered was a caress that sent shivers down Cariad's spine, stoking her lust to this inferno that settled hotly in her stomach, keeping her knees weaks and trembling, thighs buckling together in her desperation to at least to be able to remain standing.
"Would you care to explain yourself, my sweet love?"
This time Cariad couldn't stop the whimper escaping her lips. Not when he was breathing hotly right to her ear, his hand that was gripping her wrist tightened with such a force she wished he would've left bruises while his other hand on her stomach shifted so that he was practically palming her lower belly in such a way she wished he would've gone a bit lower and gave her what she needed.
"I���" Cariad tried to explain, because naughty as she was for upsetting him like this, she also is always his good girl.
But, that has become increasingly harder now.
"—were involved in my niece's kidnapping, yes I can tell that much, sweetheart," he cut her off, practically growling right against her ears, his anger dripped from each word and her thighs instantly buckled as she moaned.
There was a brief startled pause, as if Riz was taken off guard by her reaction but she could feel him so intimately with the way the whole length of his body was pressed up against her much smaller one. Her needs taken over as she whined again, arching her hips to chase his palm that was right there at her lower belly, wishing for that hand to just move a little bit lower.
It was both endearing and torturous when he so carefully and tentatively trailed his hand lower, as if he was unsure he had permission to touch her there but Cariad is his to do to his heart's content. Yes, he had made her promise when they first started dating to let him know if she doesn't want to be touched and right now...
Right now, that was not that case.
It was sweet and endearing of him to set aside his anger in favour of her boundaries. But, the tentative care was nothing but the firewood to her burning lust and Cariad immediately whined again, spreading her thighs as much as she possibly could without her legs collapsing, wanting him to take her, to punish her for being his naughty girl.
There was a brief moment of inaction that made Cariad worry that he would back out—perhaps the stunt she pulled had crossed his line and he was hurt enough to not forgive her for it—but the words that she wanted to utter were forcefully wrung out of her throat in an incoherent moan as his hand finally, finally took possession of her cunt, and she could do nothing but to keep her thighs open wide—as wide as at the soaked panties at her mid-thighs would allow her—her chest arching out when he jerked her up by the wrist to keep her standing straight.
"You filthy needy little schemer," he growled, gentle and calm despite how obvious it was that he was getting angrier—his voice went deeper than she thought was humanely possible.
"Riz, I—" her words melted to a pathetic needy moan, her thighs buckling together to lock his hand in place, gasping as she tried to form a coherent apology. "Sorry—"
Her apology melted to a mess of moans and whimpers, one that it seemed he did not care to accept. He released her wrist just long enough to manoeuver her to the wall, hand then was back shackling her wrists, pinning her up the wall all while keeping his other hand inside her, wringing moans after moans from her throat.
Cariad arched her chest, sweat already dampening the white fabric enough to hint the outline of her bra.
"Sorry—" she tried again, grinding down to take more of his long fingers, whimpering when she was stopped from doing so by the hand that was pinning her up the wall.
In fact, he easily pulled her higher to his eye-level so that she ended up on her tip-toes, dripping on his palm as she tried to grind to his fingers to fill her empty quivering quim.
"A little too hungry for punishment, aren't you?"
He punctuated that growl with a quick brush of his knuckles over her drenched slit and she had immediately tried to keep him there, thighs buckling despite the slight pain from the strain on her shoulders from being suspended like that.
"Riz, I'm sorry—"
But he stopped her incoming apology with a kiss—his fury burned her with lust and she couldn't help but do nothing and accept his fury, let her lips be bitten red and bruised, moaning in grief when she was left clenching around nothing as his hand moved to her chest, paying attention to each breast with bruising feral touch he has never shown her before.
This was different from their usual love-making.
He indulged in his anger and Cariad loved every single second of it.
Because even while being rough and punishing, he still cares for her. A soft press of apologetic kiss over her red bruised lips. Gentle circles being rubbed over the forming bruise on her wrists. A slow loving lick over each bitemark he left on her tender breasts.
He was rough and angry yet still so loving and caring.
It made Cariad whimper, arching into him with a needy high-pitched whine.
"Inside—" she managed a soft plea, confident that her indulgent boyfriend would immediately yield to her request, giving her what she wants as he always did.
Riz halted and pulled back from her neck, wiping his lips with the back of his free hand, adding more fuel to Cariad's desperate lust when the action did nothing but smeared his cheek with her juices.
"Oh, love," he purred.
And Cariad trembled—in fear, want or silent pleas, even she did not know—whimpering just as he continued;
"What makes you think you're getting anything tonight?"
P/s : Somewhere in the background, if she was not too shell-shocked from his refusal to indulge her, Cariad would have heard a muffled amused cackle and a soft beep of the line finally disconnecting. Sylvan didn't hang up cuz that boy is always curious and has no shame.💀
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starzgaze · 5 months ago
hope you don't mind me ranting rq--
i constantly think about your yan!Hae-In and yan!Jinwoo ideas because they're so fun to mess around with.
bc what if the readers honest to god reaction to either of then confessing to then was "i don't feel the dame way.. you wanna see this cool bug i found?"
that OR the reader is a little freak of a poet and writes romance novels with concerningly detailed cannibalism scenes and is more interested in the shadow ants than either of them.
also i'm planning on writing a fic about the cannibal poet reader, but it's going to take a while because i'm shit at writing-
LMFAOO IDC IF U FLOOD MY INBOX ITS FINEEE more people to talk to anyway because im a bit of a pussy to talk straight up to my mutuals sigh
also thanks i actually have alot in my drafts its just most of them are unfinished and i have no idea if i should let them see the light of day or not... same with w.jc , chi, and sjw sick day fic LMFAOO uhhmm anyway!!
that's actually something i lovvee experienting with lowkey especially as someone who takes a big looong time to realize 'oh they liked me" and it's been fucking months since they confessed but anyqay I actually act like that most of the time it's pretty bad anywaaay this is funny as hell with yandere jinhae who's TRYING their best to make you swoon even if they're not the best with romance but you still don't... budge... bur hey you'll show them some cool colored bug you picked off the side walk! that's hopefully not a mutated monster that escaped a dungeon.
anyway more on the first idea this probably either ends really well or horribly depending on how both jinwoo and haein receives this ooooooorrr the circumstances really on how much they both value you but since im a freak for borderline this is insanity why are you writing this type of literature let's say that if you rejected then you have one swordswoman who accidentally fucks you up psychologically (I don't see haein someone who would do it willingly or deliberately gets enjoyment from it) but with jinwoo its a bit complicated to say because each person has a different take on how jinwoo perceives romance and how he processes feelings but since its my post im going with it's probably borderline fucked up if we consider the fact the more he levels up or grows the more apathetic or inhumane he becomes! im gonna abuse the hell out of this concept
but anywya with jinwoo u're probably gonna either get straight up kidnapped OR because you're lowkey desensitized and carefree that maybe kidnapping doesn't really have any affect on you then he might just sends weird eldritch horrors depictions of death and darkness when you're about to sleep so now you need a cute bug themes night light to sleep because no way you're letting some death incarnate screw up your sleeping schedule.
also those two as an attempt to maybe sway you might get into bugs or whatever little interests like jinwoo is having small consultations with beru or has him on standby everytime he spends time with you or haein overcoming her trauma (this takes place after jeju island) and learns and starts to love bugs just for you to reciprocate her feelings then these two quiz eachother on who knows more and what not it's literally amusing to see them debates over fuckinf caterpillars when you returned with take out because they insisted hanging out with you
anyway now on the latter I LOVE LOVE grotesque depictions of love especially like with murder OR cannibalism like how probably eating eachother is like a way of showing affection and how now your love will always be inside of them (literally) or something along the lines!! it's actually so cool how it's portrayed in media i need some suggestions actually anyway in the context of jinhae and mc being a poet uhmmm I'm not sure because i suck at making poems so im not the best on how to... make this work... i hate writing poems but I'll stick witj the theme of being a romance horror writer but not what you think of like colleen hoover or whomever the fuck wrote haunting adeline (god please i hope those books gets SMITED off the face of earth because this has stained dark romance to the point i dont even wanna acknowledge dark romance as a genre).
if you're a popular horror writer who specializes on creeping out your readers but still somehow delivers a good message or screwedd up message in between the lines of ripped boddies and intestines then jinhae has probably heard of you before like definitely.
like the themes of your books or poems to other people seems to be very disgusting or only written for the shock value but maybe to jinwoo or haein they have a whooole different meaning or one of your books/poems struck them really deep they got into a bit of a rabbit hole going through your collection as an author. i can definitely see both of them becoming fans and attending meet and greets.
oh my god a thought came to me and it's basically how would these two act in the internet if your name was beinf slandered like because your books or poems is not well perceived by all because you would occasionally write screwed up romance that you do not condone at all!! it's all for the sake of symbolism and experimentation with the material but anyway these two would have different reactions to this
for example haein seems to be the type to not be sooo like... like how do i explain this shes the type to have an anonymous account and goes to those forums to have actual discussions and tries to be civil as she can be when she tries to convert these haters why they should like you because i can't see her going as far to try to find this individual's address BUT but im just saying if ever that same hater was in the same dungeon raid as haein, there's no guarantee that haein will probably let them... die and say it was an accident.
anyway jinwoo is less interactive on the internet and is more of a lurker but he's probably the definitely the type to send ominous messages and then appear on their doorstep next morning or even minute if they're that unlucky LMFAO. another case of missing people otw!!
oh and i lowkey love the whooole idea of if you have a writer darling no matter how screwed or how fluffy their stories are the person or people who loves them will try to recreate this. yeaaah i can see this happening with jinwoo and haein and the tiny competition they have is who performed it better.
like for example if you written a poem about the elegant slashes of a sword on how it glides so easily through certain monsters, haein would try to replicate the feeling and explains to jinwoo that she obviously is better at portraying at this because she is a certified swordswoman or something along the lines and honestly jinwoo can't exactly argue against that because she's right but he won't admit it
then with paragraphs that depicts the most grueling experience of death and what not is something jinwoo is really familiar with and he's the type to copy it by doing it on random monsters he encounters in dungeons or even certain monarchs if they're that unlucky or jinwoo feels a biiit experimental LMFAO yeah okay what my brain is fried.
oh talking about darling being a horror romance writer, the moment jinwoo introduces his shadows or you find out about you become absolutely infatuated with them and the whoole idea like especially they're permanently serving death that's a pretty neat idea to you.
you start to write more and talk less to jinwoo and mooore to the shadows, it's pretty funny to see but you didn't notice the fact jinwoo is fuming in the background as he watches you get into in depth discussions with igris and bellion about their past lives and how you'll implement their experiences in a poem
yeha kay thats it my brain wugh dead bye uhm yeah talk to me more i love this sm thanks for food for thought
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gurugirl · 9 months ago
Heya girlie!! I hope you’re having the loviest day and have been drinking plenty of water💓 cheeky nosey question? Do you have anything sitting in your drafts that you’re undecided on posting?👀 or any concepts you’ve thought of or like that you might put out soon!
OH HI! I'm having a good good day yes! Just writing and sipping some iced coffee with my dog next to me so I have no complaints. I haven't had any actual water today but iced coffee counts yeah? 😬 I hope you're also keeping hydrated and having a lovely day :)
And I love these cheeky nosy questions!! Do I have anything sitting in my drafts??? Does this answer your question? 🤭
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Let's see...
Of the things in my drafts that I feel like I can talk about (buckle up, it gets wild!)
I've got another subrry that's partly done (based on this couple),
I've got an extra part to go with this but it's not finished,
I have a few requests for a bunch of things that are really similar that I didn't share because I started writing them but never finished - and still intend on getting to them,
an idea with a housesitter!yn I started cooking up based on a cute/cheesy movie from the 90s with Goldie Hawn and Steve Martin (🙈) called Housesitter.
AS WELL as another idea I started based on another 90s late 80s (just checked and this one is 1987 lol) movie with Michael J Fox called Secret of My Success (I don't know what to tell y'all, sometimes I just go off the rails and start something to make it my own and it's based on cheesy older movies but I can't help myself 😂),
military!harry x military!reader
A Don't Stand So Close check where Harry grows a bit of a mustache
a stepdad!h idea someone sent me with a lingerie shopping spree
a MFM threesome idea I've been working on FOREVER
the beginning of a part 2 to Sex Ed with Harry that never got finished
a body guard harry (but i wanted to wait bc it was at a time when there were a bunch of body guard harrys coming out and I didn't want to feel like i was competing with the other amazing authors already doing it and doing it better most likely lol
a request for harry x his wife's best friend 🫣 that I have two versions of and cannot figure out how to finish and also wanted to give y'all a break from the cheating trope for a bit
hitman!harry who's very protective of yn and she has no idea he has feelings for her (or that he's a hitman) until one day she's in trouble and he saves her 👀
dark!harry who's your bartender and winds up talking you into going home with him and things get... interesting but you wind up LOVING it - felt a lot like MCC Harry with those kidnapping vibes (even tho yn doesn't get kidnapped it felt too similar at the time so I didn't finish it)
Phew! So that's some of what I've got in there. That's not to mention what I've got in my actual Word docs drafts (that's where I have most of my WIPs and unposted, unfinished fics). Potentially I could just hit post on some of the things but uffff!!! I really prefer everything to be readable and perfect.
Is there anything on this list y'all would be interested in currently??
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remnostrum · 3 months ago
maybe Steve likes Dungeons & Dragons
I have an unfinished 20k+-word Steddie one shot sitting in my drafts from two years ago that I never touched since then because, well, it has an Original Character inserted in it and she's prominent in the story for the two to get together. I didn't know if people would be interested and I didn't get enough time to finish writing it. Maybe I got a little too into making their character sheets as well.
Anyway. Here's a rundown of the plot. Let me know if it's something you'd one day want to read.
It's a Steddie classic: It happens post-Vecna, in an Everyone Lives canon divergence, where they're focusing on high school life and playing Dungeons & Dragons. He grew closer with Eddie, having been one of the only dudes of his age group that understands him. Plus, the guy needs some company after what the town put him through. Didn't do any good to his damn thoughts though.
Steve's having a crisis, both sexually and life-wise, and is going on a bit of soul-searching. He ends up at a 24/7 diner a few minutes out of town, meets this girl working there as a waitress who happens to be an old classmate that never got out of Hawkins after graduation. He finds out she's a nerd, knew Eddie, and had a few inspirational things to say about life. She understood his feelings of not knowing where to place himself; of losing purpose and trying to find that for himself.
Robin is busy grabbing her diploma and preparing for college, and so it leaves him with this other girl who has no interest in him romantically and yet indulges his inner thoughts. They become close friends and she introduces him to D&D with a group of other folks his age that she usually plays with.
He has fun. He understands the joy of playing it and, for the first time, his brain is stimulated in a way that does not require a physical-type of adrenaline. He's using his brain to actively get out of situations, and he learns that what wit he has and the massive charm he already possesses was incredibly useful in a fictional setting. A bonus was getting to flirt with every waking being without punishment. In some ways, it was an exploration.
D&D isn't so bad. But he hasn't told Dustin or Eddie or Robin or any of the others. For once, he is doing something parallel to them that he is enjoying for himself. And not because they asked him to do it with them.
One day, it all comes out. She leaves a set of dice in his car when he took her back to her place after a six-hour session. Steve is hanging out with Eddie, the rest of the older teens, and The Party at a park when she suddenly shows up asking for her dice. They learn he's been "cheating" on them, playing as a paladin for a few months in someone else's campaign. They didn't know that he understood every single ability check and attack roll they've been throwing on the damn table since some time ago.
They rope him into playing a game as payment for his betrayal. But he's too shy, even with the encouragement of Eddie, because roleplay was different when the man he's been eyeing is the Dungeon Master himself. So, he refuses.
Dustin tracks her down. He invites her for a game as a guest player. She accepts, only with the condition of having Steve there to play with her.
Forced, Steve ends up at the table with a joint character sheet with her. They're playing a Victorian-esque, Gomez-and-Morticia, couple named Lord Alistair and Lady Freya Crowsong. He's a Warlock and she's a Wizard (that was secretly his patron). I'm using D&D 5E rules, just because it'd be entertaining and it's fanfiction lol. They roleplay it as a fancy couple devoted to one another in ways that are less romantic and more codependent for survival. The Party are entranced by the narrative which don't happen as hugely for them as most of their games were combat-focused. They wanted to know everything. They also thought that it works because Steve was dating her. He wasn't.
Steve is having fun teasing them. He's not quite sure yet what Eddie thinks, but he's kept a smile on his face and that's enough for him.
Here's the big event. Eddie and the new girl mention a LARP/RenFaire event happening a couple of hours away out of Hawkins. They explain what it is, and show photographs where they can of them meeting folks in various costumes. The kids want to go, as there's a huge Magistrate's Ball happening in one of the big farmhouses it's being hosted. They want to interact with other people using their characters and, specifically, Dustin wants to See Steve as Lord Alistair Crowsong.
He feels a little embarrassed. He says a flat-out no before the girl tries to bribe him to do it. That doesn't work either. Finally, Eddie says he'll show up in costume as Steve's favorite NPC--a handsome young bard that Lord Alistair met at a tavern named Elisor. He was Steve's favorite to flirt with, and most of his romantic intentions for Eddie was directed through this NPC.
He flashbacks to the description of the bard, imagines Eddie wearing the same outfit, and suddenly he said yes.
A month goes by and they're all ready to go. Their costumes are packed, as well as their gear, and Steve, Eddie, and Nancy are ready to ride out to a different city to let the kids experience a whole other breadth of nerdiness.
They have fun. The kids learn what it's like being around people like them, and they get to do different kinds of activities while in character. They watch bard concerts, play farm games, and even watch a bunch of fights at the makeshift coliseum. Steve, for the first two days, isn't Lord Alistair. He's his paladin character because it was easier for him to be someone similar to himself for an entire day.
The last night at the faire, the Magistrate's Ball happens. The kids and other people go first because Steve was strapped to his chair and forcefully had makeup put onto his face. They arrive some minutes late, but he's in his hand-sewn Victorian suit with a makeshift crow-headed cane and his fictional wife at his arm.
He's practically red on the face, if not the pale powder that she put on him, as he interacts with people in that same regal tone he usually speaks in as Lord Alistair. People flock them, asking questions about their "kingdom" and their fictional dead child. The Party swarms them eventually, teasing but mostly in awe, as the two of them kept their airs around everyone.
Then, the crowd parts way. Steve tunnel-visions when he spots Eddie by the punch bowl with a lute in his arms and a goblet at hand. He has his chest out in a white tunic and an open deep purple vest, smirking at a random ball-goer and talking. When their eyes meet, everything falls silent and suddenly, Steve forgets to breathe.
New girl pushes him to his direction, in the guise of "get your wife a drink" before disappearing into the crowd to find Robin.
Then, we switch to Eddie's POV. Who is not only smitten, but he's been glowing with jealousy since he found out he wasn't Steve's first Dungeon Master.
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annika-thelostlove · 2 years ago
Unfinished Draft #1
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Drabble for late valentines - Edward nashton talks to you, who he thinks is out of his league.
This is a random note i made in my notes app that has been there since February, which i didn't continue. This turned into a weird dialog drabble. I tried polishing it up, but I still kept it a rough draft in the end.
Edward catches the eye of one of the young COO who works on the top floor of their company. But after a long time trying to flirt with him obviously and even making grand gestures, Ed still doesn't get the hint. Ed just thinks you love his department and gives you all special attention. He believes you are so far from his league. I imagine him being ignorant and cute, clapping along with everyone when she COO buys a new coffee machine close to his desk, not at all realizing it's for him. But now that its valentines Day, the COO loses their patience and gives him a piece of their mind.
"You're here."
His magnified eyes looks up at you through those clear glasses. "Yes."
"You have no plans tonight? It's valentines"
He continues to work his keyboard while he responds to you, "I have no patience for holidays fueled only by consumerism"
"Ah, I didn't realize that's how you feel about this holiday." Biting your lip in thought "Well it wouldn't hurt, would it? I told everyone they could take half the day off if they had plans today. The rest of your floor is empty now."
Edward looks straight at you, suspicious. "I'm sorry to be so forward, boss, but are you trying to ask me to dinner perhaps? Because I don't think it would be appropriate."
"Or if it is a joke, it's not very funny"
"No! Mr Nashton, I have good intentions- " he has stumped you, though youve thought he was being ignorant this whole time. "Well, your first assumption is right. I admit. But we're not of the same department, so i didn't think it was going to be some issue. Do you really hate the idea?? That maybe, i am asking you to dinner?"
He looked at you skeptically. "You have no need to talk to me. I am just an accountant, and you have position of chief operations offcer, people like you should not aim so low for someone like me as a romantic partner ma'am."
"Don't say that."
"Don't wha-"
"Don't talk about me like I'm different. I can be interested in you if I want to be."
"Wait i-"
"What's so different about me? I have an Ivy League degree? I have a rich family? I'm tired of people thinking that people like me want nothing to do with you and the people on your floor. I come down here once a day just to see you. Did you know that?"
You swear you see Edwards face flush red. "But that, that doesn't make sense, I'm..me, and you're...you."
"What does that even mean? Edward, look at me! Do you think I'm pretty?" She doesn't know when, but tears have gathered in her eyes, ready to fall. This hurt her to confront more than she realized.
"Wha- well..."
"Am I pretty to you? Do you want me?"
"Of, of COURSE I do, who wouldn't?
"Eddie I want you. Is that enough for you?"
"Uh, what."
"Edward I'm really fucking mad right now, its valentines day, and i was hoping we would be together since two months ago, we are off schedule! so don't test me."
"Um, yes. Yes! It's enough. But I just dont-"
"It's enough for me. That settles it."
"What have I done for you to...I don't understand "
"It SETTLES it. You want to know what i want? Tonight we go on a date. I can answer all your questions then. We are behind on schedule, well..." Suddenly getting shy, you blush. "if you agree to date me, that is, after six months of dating, we move in together. Then I ask you to marry me. If you say yes, I plan we buy a house, I have had one in mind near here. I want children, at least two. But we can discuss that together."
Edwards face unknown to him grows dreamy while he stares at you. "...al-alright"
"But tonight, I'm still not happy with you, and I'm tired of waiting for you to get the fucking hint. So you're going to fuck me a few times to make it up to me. Alright?"
"Fuck, okay"
The scowl on your face melts into a sweet smile
Note: I was imagining the COO is also a little freak, they've been stalking him, got a full background check done on him, and fell in love even more with Edward loving puzzles and him being from modest beginnings, they also love his extremist alter ego, the riddler. But he'll find out that they know eventually, it was also a fun idea if they are funding him with money for his guns and explosives. They also hate rich people and people who are gold diggers. So Edward was the dream man for them 💕
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therulerofallpotatos · 3 months ago
So I found this in my drafts and welp...oops.
This was going to be what I posted last October when I wrote that day's whumptober fic. You know, before I wrote myself into being physically sick and then had a year long writer's block w v few moments of reprieve where I could write anything (and nothing I was supposed to be working on). (it did not help that I was spending most of my time doing oil changes at work and all of my energy). I plan on finishing the last week of that series this year. I currently have 153 fanfictions posted on AO3. I'm pretty sure They All Live, an Until Dawn fanfiction taking place one year after the events of the original game, was my 150th fanfiction. I Bit Him so He's Mine is officially my 50th Wednesday fanfiction. anyways lets all laugh at fate fucking with my plans under the cut.
I've officially posted 150 fics for AO3
Posted. Not written. I've written more than that, but they're in my files unfinished. And I've written original stuff too, but those aren't for fandom blogs and accounts. 74 of those fics were for teen wolf and 49 of those were for steter while in thestetervault discord server. It's actually really crazy that I spent years in the steter fandom writing and got to 74 and I'm hitting 50 before the year anniversary of Wednesday (2022). That said...
[link to day 24 here]
This is officially my 50th Wednesday fic and 150th fic total on my ao3
It's part 12 of Tyler's Bad Year, my big whumptober 2023 series (@ailesswhumptober) and part 16 of my whumptober 2023 series overall. This really snuck up on me, and I would've planned something special if I'd realized sooner, but this is also a part in the series I've been looking forward to the entire time so it's still exciting. To anyone who has read all the way through, I love you so much. This has been a helluva ride, and I might have actually written myself into a literal fever a week ago (that I'm still lowkey sick from but I'm fine), but no regrets. We're in the last fortnight of the series, and it's getting close to the end of Tyler's Bad Year!
Since I didn't really get to plan something special posted on number 50 for Wednesday, I'm thinking I might make post 200 my Her Monster sequel. I haven't started it yet, but I've got plenty of time to get writing. It was technically my second Wednesday fic, but it was the beginning of an era and it established a lot of what I'm known for in this fandom and the way I most enjoy writing within this fandom. And writing in general.
I have a lot of ideas in my files and works in progress (the two biggest being the novel-length projects All Roads Lead to Rome and I Bit Him so He's Mine) so I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. Some will be scheduled with special events. One in particular is a But I'm a Cheerleader! bi4bi wyler au that was originally planned for this year's international bisexuality day, but that was before I started whumptober and the kink bingo and wyler week. There wasn't time to put in the work that au deserved.
It has been suggested that I do something here for this occasion. @suchaladyy thought of a poll bracket or maybe a masterlist of fics that meant something to me. I suppose let me know your thoughts on what you think I should do.
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iced-blood · 1 year ago
Sugar, Spice, and Everything Ice.
I’ve been quiet this year.
This isn’t to say I haven’t been doing anything, as folks may have noticed. I’ve put up a whole mess of links to the work I’ve been doing in 2023—a grand total of 105 chapters—and that’s what I want to touch base on, at this tail-end of the year.
I found out early on in January that a dear friend of mine, my creative partner and the reason for my Paved with Good Intentions series, passed away in 2021. I’m not sure what it was, but that news hit me in a particular way. I realized that two of the projects in that aforementioned series, Blue Eyes, Violet Eyes and Lightbringer, were unfinished.
That didn’t sit right with me.
I set out to fix that.
There are many projects I’ve started that I never finished, and have been left languishing for . . . ten years? Yeah. Ten years.
That’s just ridiculous.
I decided that 2023 was going to cooperate with me whether it wanted to or not.
So, I bought a day-planner and set to work. Let’s go over the list, shall we?
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Coronam Crepusculum
This was first on my list because it was a work that I owed a good friend of mine, who is no longer a regular user of Tumblr. It’s a take on the Soulsborne universe, built around a series of personal interviews with relevant characters conducted by an OC I created specifically for this purpose, Wandulfin of Vinheim.
(the latin title translates, hopefully, to “crown of twilight”)
                                51,377 words.
Paved with Good Intentions: Blue Eyes, Violet Eyes
The first of the two stories I knew I needed to finish in memory of my departed friend, I resolved to write the 19 chapters required to reach a clean finish line for this one-shot collection of 100 installments. It felt like the right way to go about things, and I think I worked out a lot of important elements of the Kaiba brothers through those 19 chapters.
                                165,386 words.
Paved with Good Intentions: Lightbringer
The second of the two stories written in my friend’s memory, this is still being published every Saturday. I wrote what amounted to the second half of this story, 55 chapters to be exact, for a grand total of 110 (of which 98 are published as of this post). I think it’s some of my best work to date, and I can only hope my partner would have appreciated what became of it. Have you ever wondered how Seto and Mokuba would react to meeting their parents again? If so, this is the story for you.
                                Published + Rough Draft: 159,930 words.
The City That Wouldn’t Die
The first full storyline of my personal take on World of Warcraft and my main character’s place in it, this story has undergone a lot of changes since I last touched it. This year, I resolved to end it at a part that made at least some amount of sense, but I won’t pretend that it’s entirely satisfactory. All I can say at this point is that I do intend to come back to Azeroth eventually. And this time, I hope to give my characters the story they deserve.
                                41,890 words.
Cult of the Dragon King
I’m pretty sure this is the one that’s been left alone the longest; if it isn’t, it’s close. The basic thrust of this story is that Atem failed in his quest to gather the Millennium Items and put them to rest properly, and so it falls to Seto Kaiba to try this time. I could go into detail why I picked Seto to be Atem’s successor, but I think y’all know what to expect here. I picked Seto because he’s my favorite. Anyway, this one isn’t ready to resume publishing, but it has been drafted. Anyone who’s been waiting for this one to continue will want to pay attention to this blog in 2024.
                                Published + Rough Draft: 175,246 words.
The Lost Dragon's Lullaby
Another AU centered around the Kaiba family (what can I say? I'm a creature of habit), this story wonders what it would have been like if Noa had lived. What if Seto and Mokuba had another brother when they were adopted? What if they had a mother? What would the Kaiba family look like if it were whole?
Approx. 62,609 words.
Watching the Lights Go Down
One of two stories I revived this year, and will resume publication in the new year. Do you Blueship? Do you wonder how Seto and Kisara might interact in the modern world, regardless of romantic intentions? This is the story for you. I took a set of 100 words to use as prompts to build this story, and through these 100 snapshots I think you’ll get a pretty clear picture of how I imagine Seto’s relationship with his favorite dragon would unfold if said dragon was a woman. And his bodyguard.
                                Approx. 52,789 words.
Letting the Cables Sleep
This is a sister story to the one I just outlined. Taking place concurrently with Lights, this story explores the relationship between Noa Kaiba and Ryo Bakura. Why these two? Why not? I don’t really have an answer, except to say that I found their dynamic interesting. Unlike its other half, Cables is explicitly romantic. So if you’re interested in Domino City’s resident white-haired cryptid hooking up with an android, well, here’s where you wanna go. I used the same list of 100 words, but in reverse order, to build this story.
                                Approx. 52,708 words.
Butterflies and Hurricanes
The other contender for “story Ice left to languish for the longest time,” I’m not sure I have to explain to anyone reading this why I might have stopped working on a Harry Potter story. Put basically, this story is an exploration into what would happen if a fae prince took an interest in taking down Lord Voldemort, and then settled on Sirius Black as his instrument. It’s a time travel story at its core, with all the nonsense you might expect from such a thing.
Regardless of anything this series’ author might have to say on the matter, my writing this story does not in any way endorse or condone transphobia or any of her other myriad bigotries. I have not given this woman money in 20 years. I do not support her in any way, shape, or form. This story’s completion is for my own satisfaction, and for the interest of anyone who might want to read it. That is all.
                Published + Rough Draft: 80,506 words.
The Whitest Lace of Light
A continuation of my pet take on the Bleach setting, focused again on Toshiro Hitsugaya and Rangiku Matsumoto and their Tenth Division. Throughout the 50 chapters of this story, they face off with a new threat to Soul Society as they try their hardest to rebuild after the Thousand-Year Blood War. Throughout this . . . suspense? Thriller? Thing. They come across new faces and old, and might just learn some things along the way. Or something. Look, I just wanted to write one of my favorite ships again.
                                Rough Draft: 30,033 words.
At Sixes and Sevens: A Prince for His Kingdom
The shortest work I completed this year, but certainly not the least important. This is a continuation of my pet take on the “Kaiba Bros Age Swap AU” as first shown to me by my dear friend @kintatsujo. How might Seto have handled an invitation to Duelist Kingdom if he’d been 9 years old when it took place? What about Mokuba, if he was 15? Shenanigans abound. I hope you like where I took this one, Kinta.
                                5,000 words.
Last but not least, I resolved to break my record for my longest NaNoWriMo project this year, because I’m ridiculous and don’t know when to quit.
Much like I approached World of Warcraft,I take every MMORPG I play as an excuse to build a story. Nowhere is this more obvious than Final Fantasy XIV. My take on Eorzea and its various magical idiosyncrasies—which I call The Song That God Forgot—set me on a road to 125,000 words this past November.
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These projects, alongside various redrafts of my older stories in preparation for what I hope to be 2024’s migration from Fanfiction.Net to AO3, netted me a grand total of 902,580 words written in 2023.
I don’t say this to brag or to pat myself on the back (okay, maybe a bit), but to say . . . just hold on. Keep going. You’ll hit your stride eventually, even if it doesn’t seem like it. I’ve struggled to write regularly and with consistency for a decade now, and here I’ve got nearly a million words in a single year.
I believed in me this year, and I believe in you too.
Keep on truckin’. You’ll get there.
Happy New Year, y’all. I love you.
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