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suskeh · 2 years ago
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hunblarity · 3 years ago
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femsolid · 3 years ago
Any good book recommendations or saved posts about body image? Stress and poverty play a role for me, but I keep relapsing with my eating disorder... I am having the hardest time accepting my body even though logically I know, it weighs what its suppose to weigh, looks the way its suppose to look, although I am not teeny tiny or "conventual." I miss my anorexia a lot... I hate and feel ashamed of my body and am trying not to. My mother told me a doctor would say 120 pounds was healthy but she felt it was "too heavy." I was 13 and only 100 pounds when she told me this... My father also sexually assaulted me and was a grandiose narcissistic who constantly sexualized my body. I struggle to even feel my body is mine. My mother was a covert/vulnerable narcissist who felt the world was unfair to her, was in denial of the abuse and hated me for "making" her feel like a bad mom, and could not take criticism. I starved myself from periodically from ages 14-21 to lose rapid weight, usually in the summer, and got a lot of praise and compliments. I starved to stay at 105 pounds. Then sought recovery and she kept bullying me about my food portions, and complained that I was gaining weight. I was in shcok and so grief stricken and anxious by her behavior that I started throwing up and she told me I was vomiting because I was eating too much and encouraged me to vomit or to eat less. She's dead and I am still in shock. I struggle to love my body now... I feel so fat and ugly. I know beauty standards are based on pedophila and being thin is based on this oppressive system, but I feel so damaged and worthless over the praise I got for being thin, and being dehumanized where no one cared that I was essentially harming my health by starving myself, as long as I had virtually no body fat. I hate the fat on my body, and have rationalized that its ok to eat 1,800 despite my doctors orders to eat 1,800, telling myself its arbitrary advice. I hate this disease, and am afraid I will never feel good enough :( (sorry for the sob story; I love and believe in radical feminism, but due to trauma, can't apply it to myself, it doesn't register emotionally. I worry no one will ever love me or find me attractive because I am "so fat." I have a puffy tummy, but my jeans are only 24 inches... so my mind must be distorted. I have relapsed twice this month. I dont want to feel this way. I don't want to hate myself or my body. I wish I had a men in black stick to forget the trauma or their mean words, it has taken over my reality. I think people are full of it when they pull the (also harmful, cause it still tailors to the male gaze,) idea that men "prefer thick women" when a disturbing amount of men and women idealize anorxia. What is the obsession with women being only 105 pounds? Kim Kardisharin I remeber was saying she was only 105, my ex roommate further damaged me by bragging, like she was superior, that she was only 105 pounds. I feel so fat and ugly, I miss the love I got for being skinny. I felt most loved when I was sick and skinny.
Well that was a heartbreaking read... I'm so sorry this happened to you. I'm sorry you weren't protected and supported as every child should be. Sadly I can relate to a lot of what you describe. Feminism definitely helped me feel better about my body but it's not easy to get your abusive parents' voice out of your head. I was just looking into the very subject of eating disorders and anorexia lately, and I found this post about being praised for being sick and skinny that really shows that your experience is sadly all too common. I have a body category on my blog if you want to go through posts on the subject of body image.
I do have some book recommendations for you:
Unbearable Weight by Susan Bordo, especially these chapters:
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The Politics Of Weight by Amelia Morris
Beauty Sick by Renee Engeln
Wasted, A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia by Maria Hornbasher
Hunger, A Memoir of (My) Body by Roxane Gay
On the topic of child abuse and the resultant cptsd I would recommend:
A Practical Guide to C-PTSD and The C-PTSD Workbook by Arielle Schwartz
Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents by Lindsay C. Gibson
Daughter Detox by Peg Streep
Running On Empty by Jonice Webb
I have a blog where I share things that I find helpful to recover from child abuse and trauma. Also, finding a good trauma informed therapist could be helpful, especially considering you have been sexually abused.
I would also recommend these two uplifting books:
Self Compassion by Kristin Neff
So that you stop being so harsh on yourself.
The Joy of Movement by Kelly McGonigal
So that you focus on what your body can do instead of what your body looks like.
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peremadeleine · 5 years ago
just-another-fangirl-22 replied to your post:
Hey, I’ve been interested to learn more about Anne Boleyn so I was wondering if you could recommend any good books about her?
Book recs: The Life and Death of Anne Boleyn (Eric Ives), The Creation of Anne Boleyn (Susan Bordo)
I 110% recommend you start with Eric Ives’ The Life and Death of Anne Boleyn, which is sometimes called the “Anne Boleyn Bible” in that it’s by far the most thorough and least-slanted examination of her life (though Ives does admit that he admires his subject). It’s a little bit dense, but very informative, and I wouldn’t suggest beginning with any other biography just because almost every other is so biased one way or another.
From there, if you want to keep going, Susan Bordo is the author of he excellent The Creation of Anne Boleyn, part biography, part cultural critique examining how Anne has been portrayed in literature and on film in the 500 years since her death (thus the title). It’s entertaining, readable, and fascinating.
Of the three most common/well-known books about all six of Henry VIII’s wives, all of which have somewhat lengthy sections about Anne, I’d shoot for the ones by David Starkey or Antonia Fraser. Both have their drawbacks--Starkey’s a lifelong Tudor scholar but is also notoriously sexist and states a lot of questionable or biased information as the gospel truth, and Fraser thinks Anne was a poser in terms of her religious convictions--but they’re better than Alison Weir, who I would highly recommend you avoid. She’s everywhere in popular Tudor nonfiction (and fiction...), so you’ll probably end up seeing her name a lot--she has a biography of Anne, too. But she’s...not...very reliable.
Online resource recs: The Anne Boleyn Files, On The Tudor Trail 
The Anne Boleyn Files is another good starting point (especially if you can’t get your hands on new books right now). It’s a website run by Claire Ridgeway--who also does a series of videos about Anne and Tudor history in general on YouTube--and is a really accessible, invaluable resource. 
Documentary recs: Claire Ridgeway’s YouTube channel, “Henry and Anne: The Lovers Who Changed History”
My go-to source for audio/visual information would still be Claire Ridgeway’s videos, and I’d be wary of most documentaries until you read more about Anne and form your own thoughts based on the actual evidence we have for her life. That said...
“Henry & Anne: The Lovers Who Changed History,” presented by Suzannah Lipscomb, is a pretty even-handed (if somewhat romanticized) analysis of Anne Boleyn’s life and marriage. It’s available on YouTube! 
David Starkey has a documentary series on all Henry’s wives, but again, make sure to take his biases into consideration if you watch them. 
“Secrets of the Six Wives” is another widely available, recent documentary presented by Lucy Worsley that DOES have some decent points to make about Anne...but also notable exaggeration, misinformation, and omissions. There are a number of other Wives documentaries from the past 10 years or so that I haven’t watched, but which might also have some decent info...if you start with credible sources like Ives or The AB Files, you’ll know what’s missing or misleading in a lot of this media and can appreciate the good stuff!
(I would not recommend “The Last Days of Anne Boleyn,” which gives way too much airtime to George Bernard--the only academic I’ve ever heard entertain the notion of Anne being actually guilty--and histfic authors Mantel--whose attitude is more or less “Anne was probs innocent but deserved to be taken out”...gross--and Gregory, of “Other Boleyn Girl” infamy.)
And finally, there are a lot of great blogs on this website that you can use as jumping-off points, too! Some are dedicated just to Anne; others are run by Anne enthusiasts.
@lucreziaborgia @alicehoffmans @madamedepembroke @historicwomendaily @anne-the-queen-daily @lapetiteboullan @theladyelizabeth @marriageandthecrown @tiny-librarian @fyeahanneboleyn @redxluna @glorianas ...just to name a few.
Sorry that this turned into such a wall of text. Ives really is the place to start, or check out Claire’s site/channel. Hope this is somewhat helpful rather than intimidating, and happy reading!  😅
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erfigh · 6 years ago
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15 Things You Should Know Before Visiting Machu Picchu | The Wherever Writer
Visitar Machu Picchu por libre. Guía y consejos | Viajero errante
Entrada a Machu Picchu: 7 consejos que debes considerar | Blog denomades.com
Guía práctica para visitar Machu Picchu, Perú. | Touristear, blog de viajes
Guía para viajar a Machu Picchu | Ir Andando • Blog de viajes y etcéteras.
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Guía completa para visitar Machu Picchu | Patoneando Blog de viajes
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Planning a Trip to Machu Picchu in Peru | Uneven Sidewalks Travel Blog
What I wish I knew before hiking to Machu Picchu | Intrepid Travel Blog
Cómo llegar a Machu Picchu y Aguas Calientes (Perú) | Viajamosjuntos.net
Viaggio in Perù, cosa vedere dal Machu Picchu a Cuzco | *FullTravel
Guia de Viaje a Machu Picchu | Bitácoras de viaje
Cómo ir por tu cuenta y barato al Machu Picchu en 2018, paso a paso | Viajo, luego existo.
Cómo ir a Machu Picchu desde Cuzco en 5 consejos (actualizado 2018) | Aprendizaje Viajero
All Things Machu Picchu | A Blog About Love
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Mi amor a primera vista por Cusco | Patoneando Blog de viajes
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