#// *actually had me on the edge of my seat. highly recommend it yall
monmuses ¡ 2 months
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hey all, just got back from watching Twisters with my family and. holy shit what a cool movie. i'm gonna get to some asks & replies today while redoing my tags! i hope yall are doing great <3
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nichester ¡ 4 years
Weekly Watchlist!
Yall I’m watching so many dramas lately... someone come kick my ass I don’t have time for this...
Hospital Playlist, Healer, and The Romance of Tiger and Rose all under the cut because I don’t know how to shut up!
Hospital Playlist (episode 9-11):  Ok I've talked a lot in a serious way about different aspects of hospital playlist's writing and construction, so THIS time I'm gonna talk about my ship and no one can stop me!
This team is very good at writing pining as deep as your bones, the kind that’s lasted years, and this show is no different it's killing me I love it. Ik Jun and Song Hwa have been friends for probably close to 20 years. He's been married and divorced in that time. He's had a kid! I do not think that he's had active, at least not conscious feelings for Song Hwa all this time. For one thing, that would be spectacularly shitty if he got married while pining for another woman. But mostly because that's just not realistic. It was a missed connection back when they were young that probably makes him a little wistful to think about, but that's nothing compared to decades of genuine close friendship. So what's changed to make him bring these feelings up now? Because he is making moves…very very slow moves. I think that now they're working together at the same hospital for the first time in years and he's seeing her every day. He's going through his divorce and his friends are there for him, and he starts to think that maybe he could live like this, with her, for the rest of his life. I think it's not so much having other characters express interest in Song Hwa that shakes him up, but that it's having her be a much bigger presence in his life, coinciding with his divorce, all making him think that maybe the timing is right to say something.
But! I do anticipate her saying that she's moving will throw him off track in a BIG way. Now he has a decision to make, and I'm terrified the writers are going to leave us on a cliffhanger. Does he say something right before she leaves and risk starting a new relationship long distance? Does he ask her to stay, therefore asking her to give up something she wants just to be with him? Does he not say anything and just wait, risking missing his chance again? I just hope we get this question answered in the last episode!
Healer (episodes 11-13): Straight up I do NOT remember the plot of this show, possibly because this is the point where the plot starts to go a little off the rails? What this means, however, is that when my sister is on the edge of her seat yelling at the tv, I don't get to sit smugly back and laugh at her anymore--I'm right there next to her!
Main thoughts about these episodes: it hurts to see Healer* be so hostile toward Moon Ho. I know that from his perspective he's protecting Young Shin, which is admirable! But it must hurt Moon Ho so deeply to see this kid he thought of as a little brother treat him like the enemy. Interestingly, it could be argued that Ajumma wronged Healer in exactly the same way as Moon Ho--keeping secrets, manipulating him--but his reaction to her is very different. His anger is defused by his trust that she cares for him, and did it to try to keep him from getting hurt (similar to his relationship with his mom). He's so angry at Moon Ho because he can finally vent all of his frustrations on someone he doesn't love, and who he doesn't think loves him. My sister and I both agree though that Healer's suffered enough and it's time for him to receive some affection! Poor kid gets lots of tough love, but that's not all he needs. I happen to remember things get worse before they get better, so the next episode will have to wait until we can find the time to binge at least two more and get ourselves through the angst!
To conclude, here's something to make all the Ji Chang Wook stans gasp. Last episode she thoughtfully goes, "you know, I guess he is attractive… I really didn't see it before." ….tough crowd.. but Healer got her in the end!
*I'm gonna keep calling him Healer until he actually tells Young Shin the truth lol I figure it's just easiest especially since idt my sister remembers his real name
The Romance of Tiger and Rose (episode 1-6): This is such a charming drama, and really really funny too! Genuinely had me laughing hard enough to make my parents ask me what I was watching. The premise has great comedic potential--a screenwriter struggling to rework her script gets sucked into it as a minor (villainous!) character she intended to kill off in episode 3! Now she has to figure out a way to manipulate the story to save her own skin, and hopefully keep things on track for the happy ending she'd initially planned. (If any writer has ever felt that their characters are getting away from them, check this show out)
The female lead won me over very quickly--she's smart, kind, and most importantly a very good comic actress--but the rest of the cast is also really fun to watch. (I particularly love her loyal, beleaguered servant) For a drama that’s mainly a comedy, I was surprised by how good the central romance has been! The set up is about as classic as a romcom can get--he thinks she loves him, so he decides to encourage it, not realizing that he's falling head-over-heels for her until it's too late. Yes, we are going Beatrice and Benedick best couple in shakespeare fight me, which is very hard to do well. You don't want it to seem as though the only thing he likes about her is that she flatters his ego. Instead, it comes across as a pretty natural direction for his thoughts to go, seeing as this is the first time poor murder kitty (™ dangermousie) has someone who seems to care about his safety and happiness. Of course he's going to fall for her! Meanwhile our heroine, Qianqian, is just doing her best to stay alive and try to get the story back on track (including trying to set him up with her sister) all the while totally unaware of the fact that he's madly in love with her. It's delicious--I'm only 6 episodes in but at this point I highly recommend to anyone who's interested in a lighthearted romcom with a lot of fun parody elements!
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jess-21990 ¡ 5 years
Otome challenge!
I saw this challenge while looking around totally wanna give it a shot! Here it goes!
What’s your favorite game right now? 
I don't have a favorite more like favorites!
Kissed by the baddest bidder, Enchanted in the moonlight, Star crossed myths, After school affairs, Be my princess 1 & 2, Seduced in the sleepless city, Scandal in the spotlight, Butler until midnight, True love sweet lies, Love letter from Theif X, & Dreamy days in West Tokyo (I know its alot but these are my major favorites though some of the others I like to but I wouldnt say they are on my favorite list)
Who’s your favorite character?
Hidetaka Sera from After school affairs! DAT SMIRK DOUGH!!! lmao and ....
Werner Olivers butler from Be my princess 2 (YES HE DOESNT HAVE A ROUTE BUT HE SHOULD I SIMPLY LOVE HIM!)
Who’s your least favorite game?
A knights devotion & Rose in the Embers (Even though Kyosuke is totally sexy! I just cant get into it due to the dialouge)
Who’s your least favorite character?
Hmmm this ones tough....I'm gonna go with either Edward Levaincois from Be my princess (HEAR ME OUT! I just thought he was much cheesier in this dialogue then any other characters I've read which is funny because I like Max from Be my princess 2) & Noel from Seduced in the sleepless city (I just couldnt really get into when hes in the other characters stories hes cool but it was my least favorite route in the game)
Who’s the hottest characters?
Oh god we're gonna be here all night! This is not in any specific order and I really had to narrow it down it was pretty hard I've read and seen alot of routes in my time forgive me if my list is long!:
Icthys (Star Crossed Myth)
Joshua, Zain, Alberto & Luke (Be my princess yea I know Luke & Alberto are only butlers and only really have two special stories but I DON'T CARE!)
Sieg, Oliver & Werner (Be my princess 2 yes another butler but as stated above I SIMPLY LOVE HIM!)
Yosuke (Kings of Paradise)
Hikaru & Rhion ( Kissed by the baddest bidder)
Trevor (Seduced in the sleepless city)
Kyohei & Iori ( Scandal in the spotlight)
Yuma & Itsuki ( Butler until midnight)
Rui & Nozomu (True love sweet lies)
Hidetaka & Rikiya (After school affairs)
Who’s the funniest characters?
Alone to me would be Ichtys and Hidetaka (because of the things they say) HOWEVER I have 2 dynamic duos that make for really hilarious dialouge:
1) Ota & Baba (kissed by the baddest bidder) I think everyone who's ever read this group of stories can totally agree with me when I say they are the most hilarious comedy pairing out their. They way they play off of each other is PERFECTION! Comic gold!
2) Oliver & Werner (Be my princess 2) now hear me out cause some of yall are probably like huh!? Well to me they are hilarious for the same reason Ota and Baba are they play off of one another amazingly! It's like Werners the big brother and Oliver's the younger one. It's fun to see them two especially when Oliver is getting into trouble for sneaking out of his duties and Werner catches him because he's placed a tracking device on him. To me it's a cute funny not comic gold but really funny.
Who’s your favorite MC?
Hmm this ones tough because for the most part I dont really care for the MC in any of them. Mainly because I'm literally yelling at her while reading most of the stories for some stupid shit. But if I had to choose a favorite probably be between either the MC from Be my princess 2 (especially in Sieg's main story when she chews him out in his office) or the MC in Masquerade Kiss.
Kiss, Marry, Avoid?
Depends on the game but if were going as a whole I would
Kiss Icthys (Star crossed myth)
Marry Hidetaka (After school affairs) or Werner (Be my princess 2)
Avoid Shinobu (Serendipity next door) homeboys CREEPY AS FUCK!!! I read his story once and it freaked me out so much I dont really wanna read Serendipity next door again!!
Which has the best artwork by Voltage?
Damn! That's hard to alot of Voltages artwork is great! But I'm gonna have to say my top 2 that are actually tied for first is Kings of Paradise & After School Affairs.
Who’s route was most interesting?
Oh god again! Hmmm this ones another tough one most of the routes I've read in stories are really amazing and as you can tell already I'm a highly indecisive person! So I have a top 3 not in a specific order:
1) Hidetaka Sera (After school affairs) In the many stories I had read before this one I had never read any where it tackled bullying and attempted suicide I think it really hit home for me making it truly moving.
2) Mitsuru Sanada (First Love Diaries -A kiss on the beach-) Even though Mitsuru is up there on my list of least favorite characters (hes not my least favorite though probably would be #4) his story touches issues such as teen pregnancy. To me controversial issues being drawn out in a story and the way Voltage has it are very moving and amazing! It really sucked me in.
3) Nozomu Fuse (True love sweet lies) his story even though not dealing with controversial issues really it was quite the read and is on my highly recommend list. Sometimes Voltage has a tendency of making stories pretty easy to figure out but with Nozomus it shocked me in the end and left me on the edge of my seat I simply couldnt put it away!
Who’s route was most boring?
Probably Kyosukes from Rose in the Embers. I mean yes hes incredibly gorgeous but to me it really lack lustered and it was a pretty typical love story between social classes. The only part that truly intrigued me was the prologue and how she came to meet the guys and how she choose him. No judgement for the ones who love Rose in the Embers. It's just that after I read it I was pretty dissapointed.
What’s your favorite character type?
Sexy smirks & Abs always get to me physically (a.k.a Hidetaka, Rui & Yosuke!). However tbh I dont think ii have a specific type of character I go for I mean if you look at my two favorite characters both Hidetaka & Werner are very different from each other. So to me I think it's all about the way the MC and the character bounce off of one another so well it makes for some hilarious and yet amazing dialogue. When I feel like I'm saying in my head "hey! This sounds like the kind of conversation I could possibly have" then the characters got my attention. But a sense of humor is a total must for me even if it's small jabs here and there like Werner with Oliver from Be my princess 2.
Who’s the most annoying MC?
I dont have a specific because as I said alot of the MCs in different stories their actions make me wanna smack my damn head! And make me wonder how have they survived that many years in their lives. Lmao
What’s your favorite Otome moment?
This one is simple...I dont have one. In truth I read the stories to get away from the stress of my everyday life. So any moment I have where I can laugh or smile because I'm reading an amazing story or even a moment where I'm smacking my head over an MC to me is a time where I'm able to relax and breathe away from all the stress which makes every otome moment I have a great one.
THATS IT! it took sooooooo long!
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literallyprentissstwin ¡ 6 years
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Week 10: Monday, July 16th to Monday, July 23th 2018 
bonjour & welcome to this new reading list which is already the tenth one wooow. i´m really really sorry for the delay and i almost couldn´t post it today, but i managed to do so bc i needed distraction. 
so as always, i collected some of my fav fics :) please leave some love to the authors & give them feedback! 
aileen xx 
1 - Big God by @lotus--writings 
oook wow. the angst was real. it had me shook. but it´s so good. it´s very well written and i loved reading it a lot. interesting plot as well! xx
2 - I Want to Tell You part 3 (Spencer Reid x Reader) by @spencerreidreads this story is really good and the perfect mix of everything. the end aka the convo with PG had me in tears. ooo and spence should finally make a move. well done xx
3 - Take Care of Yourself by @dontshootmespence 
ok, first of all: i never heard of stomach migraine before but they sound suck-y. spence is so caring and soft. i love him a lot. and i loved this fic xx 
4 - Caught Up in the Moment (Spencer Reid x Reader) by @a-bau-tiful-mind
 oooh god, this was perfect and the end was kind of unexpected. also, i can relate to that part about barnes lol. i love the team and spence and Y/N are cute af. great work xx
5 - What Does This Mean? by @spencer-is-too-perfect 
this is a reminder to myself to actually reread this story bc i only had the chance to slightly skim (?) it and i feel really really bad about this, but what i read about it so far sound SO GOOD. reid is just amazing. i def need to catch up on the whole story. 
6 - Infiltrated: Epilogue by @stunudo 
i´m actually so sad that this series is over bc it is so so good. you´re so freaking talented. i loved this epilogue a lot. i love and miss Hotch. i´m def gonna reread this series as often as i can and i can just highly recommend it. great work xx
7 - A Place to Call Home by @butsomeofusarelookingatthestars 
yes, my fav luke writer is back. i´ve missed u heaps. this story was a blessing. i love me some overprotective luke & i love that you integrated a men talk between Luke and Will. i think they have good friendship potentio (@ cm writers!!). this whole thing is perfect. i´m in love. 
8 - Article of Faith: Chapter 21, Chapter 22 by @dontshootmespence 
i seriously can never get enough of this series. it´s just so good and so different (good different!!!). it´s a masterpiece. also i´m living for this relationship billie and spence have. but i´m also curious to see what matt finds out. literally can´t wait for more. 
9 - Pancakes by @ionlyreadfivebookslastweek 
the beginning actually kind of broke my heart. like i felt so so bad. but i´m so happy everything turned out well in the end. yey for happy endings! 
10 - Redamancy: Pt. 10, Pt. 11, Pt. 12 by @xocriminal-minds-imaginesxo 
i´m so in LOVE with this istg. this series is life and i´m so happy that i came across it. i really don´t have enough words for it. all the plots each parts have are so different and good and cover all emotions. it´s perfect. great job xx 
11 - What Do I Do? by @gabriellewritermua 
i had the privilege to preread this story and i liked it from the very first second. it´s very well written and i loved the plot and the way the characters are written. well done! xx
12 - First Time Out by @dontshootmespence 
ok seriously??? how are people so creative with requests?  like teach me? this was so good and had me at the edge of my seat. a lot of suspense, my favv child Jack and a protective hotch. i mean can it get any better? i don´t think so. well done, nicole xx 
13 - I Will: Pt. 4, Pt.5 (Final) by @xocriminal-minds-imaginesxo  
again, another reminder to myself yall. i just discovered this multiparter and i really need to start at the beginning bc these two parts here got me hooked and i def need to check out all the previous parts yup. i love me some angst. 
14 - Tie My Heartstrings (Derek Morgan x Reader) by @spencerreidreads 
this story right here is an entry to my challenge, thank you for participating. :) yey, a derek morgan fic. my heart is already happy. but DEREK BOI WHAT ARE U DOING? like ugh, can i smack u? but then again, the ending was so cute i´m in love :)
15 - Smooth as a Bump in the Road by @dontshootmespence 
this was hilarious. i love spence so so much. he´s just so cute and i could hug him all day long. also, i miss his and derek´s friendship so much on the show. great work xx 
16 - The Best Job in the World - BAU x Reader by @curlsincriminology 
i loved everything about this story. EVERYTHING. i also loved JJ in this story like a whole lot, this little legend. perfect! well done x
17 - Talent >> Derek Morgan by @eideticreid 
woowza, another morgan fic. DAY MADE! this one was really good and the plot was really creative. you´re writing is so good, i´m jealous. 
18 - Sweet Lullaby by @tenaciousarcadeexpert 
aww, this one was soo soo soo cute. i def need to see more of matt and his family. this fic gave me life :) 
19 - the hardest goodbye´s are the ones we never get to say by @holoitsmeagaintoo 
this fic is also an entry to my challenge & also to you, thanks for participating :) so so so good. i loved it so much. it´s a really good way to integrate the prompt and the angst was there, i could feel it. well done xx 
20 - Just Us Now - Spencer Reid by @bookofreid 
oh god, Dad!Reid. ily. tho this plot was so so sad :( but i love their dynamic and now i want the writers to give this man a damn child. 
21 - Similar by @spncmshsvu 
okay, wow...wow. this was heavy angst, but i loved reading it. like holy cow, i don´t know what else to say except that i´m speechless and that this story was really well done and that you´re super talented.
22 - Movie Night by @xocriminal-minds-imaginesxo 
another reminder to myself yey. this story seem to be pretty awesome and i´m sorry i hadn´t have time to really read it. so consider this a reminder to myself for reading it asap. i bet it´s great :) 
23 - rubix. by @uncomfie  
yes, my fav derek morgan writer on earth is back. this is pure perfection. seriously, how are you so talented? i loved it a lot but you probably could already guess so. ilysm  <3 
24 - I´m Still Scared by @dontshootmespence 
this had me at the edge of my seat. also, my fav genius worries too much. the middle of the fic was quite a shocker but i´m super happy that everything ended up being good. 
25 - Graduate With The Truth II Spencer Reid by @alittlelessthanacirclefics
 i´m in love omg. emma and spence are perfect omg. also the end!!!! i´m in love...great work! xx
26 - She´s a secret by @docspencerreid 
another entry for my challenge! thank you for participating! omg this plottwist was so unexpected like seriously. the angst is real. this was so good well done. the end had me shook. maybe do a part two? 
27 - Morality Above All by @dontshootmespence 
ok seriously? please tell me that this isn´t stilla topic today, bc if so, i have no words. JJ was super badass and i miss hers and hotchs dynamic so much. really good story and very well written! 
28 - Roles Reversed by @ionlyreadfivebookslastweek 
this was funny bc i never expected derek morgan to ask spencer reid for relationship advice. this was everyting. 
29 - Cold Nights by @xocriminal-minds-imaginesxo 
a derek morgan fic, i´m in love. he is so underrated. and this story was so good and i loved it with all my stone cold heart! 
30 - Even You Can´t Save Everyone by @stunudo 
yey, another entry for my challenge! thanks for participating! but why don´t you just stab me in my face? like really. first of all. thanks again for participationg. i´m glad you were a part of this, bc tbh you´re one of my inspo´s on here. beyond that, this fic was perfect. the angst. i feel blessed. well done. 
31 - Familiar Strangers by @illegalcerebral
idk why but tumblr is still being a d** when it comes to those parts of this series. like i was damn sure i saw it in my notes, but it is gone AGAIN: @ tumblr: please fix yourself. so as a matter of fact that i need a lot of catching up bc this series deserves the world and i need to read this bc ELLE <333333 i tagged the whole masterlist so i can reread everything. guys, please read this fic! it´s amazing! 
32 - Second Chance: Part 6 by @docspencerreid
and another remind to me, bc i need to catch up on a lot of parts of this story. but nevertheless it deserves a spot on here. go check it out and give her some feedback bc this story is great! 
so this was last weeks reading list. i really hope you liked it. don´t forget to leave some love and feedback to the authors. see you all next sunday :) (hopefully)
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