#/ this was fun to do
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heavyheavycream · 18 days ago
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cool six panel i got to do for @loopsnboops for his valentine Mugutu!
thanks for commissioning me, have a great valentine's day!
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wallowaffles · 4 months ago
Happy Halloween!! my Skelekon Gift to the amazing @lemonlimestar!
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and one more too for fun!
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daeyumi · 11 months ago
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​yeah u know mm is one of my fave zelda games & i barely draw it. criminal
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toothstealingpossum · 1 year ago
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kindaasrikal · 2 months ago
Slapping the ninja with hobbies that aren’t just ninja-ing or the already clearly stated ones because they desperately need lives
Cole seriously likes arts and crafts. He’s got his own little area in his room thats just filled with arts and crafts supplies. Glue, glitter, fabric, ribbons, sticks, gems, you name it. He creates ribbon roses, makes his own birthday cards, creates cute little designs almost all the time and gives them to all of the ninja in random little areas.
Zane actually likes taking small random items and fixing them. Nothing big like how three certain somebodies (Cough nya jay and pixal cough) do but just little things everyone owns and can’t fix. Kai accidentally broke a massive candle in a har and he ran off to find Zane to fix it, a bracelet Nya owns broke so she immediately hands it off to Zane, Lloyd breaks a tea cup and presents it to Zane with a ‘please help me.’
Jay really likes any sort of skating. Roller skating, ice skating, skateboarding, you name it he knows it and much better than you do. He takes pride in knowing the most complicated of tricks and moves, and may or may not have used his ninja training to cheat a little but we all would do that let’s be real. He sometimes starts skateboarding in the monastery and Wu may or may not have snatched it from under his feet multiple times but Jay has no proof.
Kai, after having everyone constantly talk to him about how ‘fun’ it was, got hooked onto adventure books. he reads them all, he knows all the big authors, he knows every character and every piece of lore and if he's obsessed enough he WILL buy the entire series. A guilty pleasure he got hooked onto right after was fanfiction. He reads it all.
Nya, strangely enough, got hooked onto flowers. She loves making bouquets and giving them to anyone and everyone who wants them. She’s memorised every meaning each flower has been given, and soon enough she got interested in other plants too, especially ones under water. She takes care of them like her babies and if they die she will be found sobbing in a corner holding the pot or whatever it was in.
Lloyd tripped his way into making clothes. He learnt how to sow from Misako, who was used to altering clothes for Garmadon and Wu. Lloyd specifically likes making designs on shirts and hoodies and the such, usually working with Cole on that front. You could usually find him hunched over anywhere dimly lit with a needle, a shirt, a bunch of thread and a will to make something cool. He could use the machines, but he once accidentally shoved his finger right underneath and he’s held a grudge ever since.
Skylor loves to write, and write she does with that uncompleted 200k original story she’s afraid no one will like, and keeps procrastinating so much that she even writes fanfiction of stuff she hasn’t been into for years. The reader named ‘redhotshot204’ keeps leaving comments though, so she supposes she should keep updating.
Morro is unashamedly good at ballet. He first learnt it for his ninja business, but he became so good at it he couldn’t let it go. He’s graceful with every step he takes and never makes any mistakes every twirl and spin and whatever and he will kick people in the face. Hard. He honestly hates tutus so he will try strangling people with it if forced to wear one, but he absolutely loves ballet shoes. Spinning around in his tip toes became an instinctual habit after a bit.
Harumi likes making jewellery, and makes them as heavy and as sharp as possible. Shes capable of making earrings, necklaces, bracelets, anklets, whatever. It mainly started because she couldn’t find the type of jewellery she wanted during her SoG years, so she began making it by herself. She even glued the spikes of her gi on herself.
Echo got interested in cars, specifically toy cars, and making them functional as actual cars. Not the most normal of hobbies but knowing who he’s related to its to be expected. He once accidentally made an evil toy car and it kept hitting everyone’s heels and ankles the entire day. Harumi ‘accidentally’ pushed Cole onto it so it would break. They had to perform a funeral because Echo was going to actually arrest them for murder if they didn’t.
Pixal got into painting. Sometimes shes slapping paint onto a canvas and then calling it a day, other times shes making something that rivals the Mona Lisa. Landscapes are what she prefers the most, often drawing the scenes they all see when going on big missions, with bright colours to show the beauty they saw. They love hanging it all up around the monastery.
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lulu-draws-stuff · 1 year ago
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Don't fraggle me I'm rock. er.. fraggle scared. umm....
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linkedin-offficial · 1 year ago
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stress and overthinking makes for an unwilling sage
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the-and-sign-anon · 4 months ago
Coincidental Matchup
Despite everything Dazai’s been through, he can be a very a silly guy and will take full advantage of any opportunity to enjoy that
So when the ADA is promised to attend a huge Halloween bash in Yokohama and Kunikida is on everyone’s case about dressing up and behaving professionally, Dazai takes it to heart
On the night of the party, everyone is in costume
Ranpo is dressed as Sherlock Holmes, a little uninspired, but acceptable
Atsushi and Kyouka dressed as toned down slashers from a cheesy horror film they enjoyed
Even Yosano had agreed to come, dressed as a corpse bride
Dazai decided to indulge in one of his favorite movies, Howl’s Moving Castle
Dressed as the titular wizard, he mingled and played it up to the fullest
It wasn’t long before he started getting comments about ‘his partner’ having created an equally impressive costume and people thinking it was so cute that they’d dressed up together
Naturally, he slipped away to get a better view of the party and figure out what people were talking about
That’s when he spotted you, a meticulously managed white-gray wig on your head, lingering by the buffet
He took full advantage of the opportunity and sidled up to you with a fittingly flattering compliment on your costume
You responded with a kind smile and an understanding look when you took in his costume
For the sake of ease (or so he says) Dazai suggests sticking together, especially once you mention your colleagues have all disappeared into the unfamiliar crowd
You agree to do so, enjoying yourself far more than you expected now that you had someone to talk to
And Dazai is more than happy to listen, watching with focused eyes as you chat about your job, your costume, and anything else that comes to mind
As a joke, you both just pretend to be together whenever someone compliments either of you for the remainder of the night
You have to admit, you’re a little surprised when you try a cafe on a whim a few weeks later to see him sprawled out dramatically in a booth while a young man with an unfortunate haircut listens to him moan about his big missed opportunity
Without saying a word to alert him, you pass by and smile at the waitress there, ignoring the exaggerated gasp he lets out when his eyes land on you again
Maybe he’d make a good costume partner next year too
For Chuuya, I don’t really see him dropping the mafioso business for a costume party unless his partner asked him too, so we’ll go with an au
Chuuya is a sophomore in college, and his roommates decide to throw a Halloween party that he can’t really get out of
Rather than pouting about it, he decides to just go with the flow and come up with a simple costume that won’t draw much attention
He digs a black t-shirt out of his closet that has flecks of bleach on it, which conveniently makes it look sort of like ground pepper
Paired with some black jeans and a little slip of paper labeled ‘pepper’ safety pinned to his front, he has a low effort costume that will keep his roommates off his back
The party is a little more popular than Chuuya expected for how little he sees his roommates bring friends over
He primarily keeps to himself, listening to the music, staying close to the walls, and manning the front door when handfuls of trick-or-treaters come by
Right as he goes to close the door after a pack of teenage princesses leave, a voice calls for him to wait
You come strolling up the front steps with a friend of yours just behind you, each of you carrying two six-packs of drinks
Chuuya holds the door open and ducks back to make for your full arms, nodding as you offer a quick thanks
He doesn’t really take notice of your outfit, since he has no reason to do so, but it doesn’t escape him that it’s pretty simple
All he sees as you and your friend walk by is a flash of white
You meet with one of his roommates in the kitchen, setting down the drinks and trying not to watch him greet your friend with an enthusiastic kiss
Once he steps back to say hello to you, he takes in your costume and gets this stupid grin on his face you’ve learned to dread
All he’ll say is that you have a missing piece out in the party, and encourages you to find it
You try to brush the comment off and wave to your friend who has already drifted into a conversation with someone else
The only reason you’d agreed to come was because your friend insisted they wanted to introduce you to their boyfriend’s roommates
Of the other five young men who lived in the rented house, three were in college, same as you
Two of them were single and your friend never let you forget that you were too, but could easily change that
So you conceded to their begging and slapped a name tag labeled ‘salt’ onto your white shirt and let them drag you off to the party
Now that you were here, you wished you could have turned them down
The music was too loud, and everyone was too close
So you shuffled along the edges of the main room and darted over to sit halfway up the staircase leading to the second floor
You had about two minutes of peace before a heavily inebriated guy stumbled up past you headed for the bathroom and made a comment about having seen ‘your boyfriend’ by the front door earlier
You didn’t have a clue what he was talking about, but you received similar remarks for another half an hour while Chuuya heard the same
He was the first to break and went looking for his supposed ‘partner’
You were still on the stairs when he found you, scrolling on your phone and tapping your feet to the beat from the living room
“Hey there, Salt.”
Your eyes flickered up to meet his, drifted down to his shirt, then back up.
“Ah. Pepper. Now I get it.”
“You’ve been getting comments all night too, huh?”
“Yep. I was starting to think there really was a boyfriend I didn’t know about.”
Chuuya chuckled and came up to sit a few steps below you, both of you curling in on yourselves to take up less room.
“My name’s Chuuya, by the way.”
It didn’t take long for Chuuya to realize it was too loud in the house for both of you, so he lead the way back out to the porch, where you spent the remainder of the night handing out or eating from the bowl of candy and chatting
Your friend finally came to check on you when they realized you hadn’t responded to a check in text, and found you fast asleep on the porch, side by side with Chuuya in matching camp chairs
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mossyphroge · 1 month ago
stormbringer chuuya my beloved <3
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i sure hope nothing bad happens to him or those he holds dear
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rukafais · 1 year ago
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a messy little zine about two types of stars (based on this piece)
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1brickat-atimes · 1 month ago
In Stars and Time Two Hats spoilers.
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It’s literally all I could think about after beating the game.
All of the images in the favor tree are referenced off Start Again Start Again Start Again: A Prologue artwork.
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ashthegreendragon · 3 months ago
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Panel redraw.
please don't repost.
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curlz-zy · 19 days ago
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I have a hc that mephiles has terrible back posture so I did an analysis on him as evidence and proof of my hc
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naijawhims · 1 month ago
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Feeling Frosty ❄️❄️
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cottenkiwi · 1 year ago
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The old style swap, featuring two girls with magic and their cat companions
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