#/ but Kit and Kieran are the same end of a spectrum
tweeds-rp-hub · 8 months
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Opposite Ends of a Spectrum
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Opposite Ends of a Different Spectrum
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I just finished Lord of Shadows and my heart is broken… and the story is so good – I love how this new series explores the Shadowhunter society and life even more. Even more than all the other series, and then the plot is really great, it works so well
I don’t really know where to start with this, so much happened, but yeah, I will start with the gut-wrenching moment… The ending – Livvy freaking dies, and it’s not fair… I thought I had been spoiled and I thought it was Dru – and I was heartbroken, because she’s my favorite in this series and I identify with everything she says, and I really hope there’s more of her in the following books – so I felt that if it was anyone else I would be relieved… but I wasn’t… I never thought it would be Livvy, there will be a series about Ty and Kit, and how can you have them without Livvy?? They are a trio, and there’s an empty space in there, and there will always be… Ty dealing with this death will be super hard to read in the next book, and it will be hard for him to deal everything, and while Kit can help, Livvy had been his rock his all life, and now… I still can’t…
And now another death, Robert Lightwood – I know that it won’t mean much to most people (unless with his connection with Alec, and the way he was going to save Emma and Julian) – but this death came after reading Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy, and watching the show which brought my love for him again!!! His storyline with Maryse was my favorite from the second half of The Mortal Instruments, and I remembered that with Tales and the show, and he was in such a good place now, and now this has happened – it broke into pieces… (and then to be broken again by Livvy)
Also Tales help me hurt even more with Jon dying, but I’m so glad he learned with Simon, and what he stood for. And then Arthur who I also LOVED – I LOVE his love for classics, and also how the pain he feels is described, but his death is good, his doing his best to save the children
Now, where to go too. The plot is so full, that I’m not sure where to start… Let’s go with London – they come to London!! And there’s Jessamine who I LOVED in The Infernal Devices, but also all the other little details (notes in books and carvings in the wall)!!! And Alec and Magnus come with the children – Max and Raphael – they are adorable with Tavvy (I love reading about young children), and there’s also something so special of Cristina talking in Spanish with Raphael (I love how the series includes lines in Spanish, and it flows so well).
Still in London, Dru and Jaime!! They could be quite good like in the next series, when they are older, and a three year difference is not much… but then there’s the scene with Ash (and again I feared she was going to die in there) – and I’m so curious about who he is. I’ve seen a theory that maybe it’s a son of the Seelie Queen and Sebastian, and the maybe even the weapon Clary and Jace are looking for (also surprising I actually like Jace in this series) – really want more of that!!! With more Dru!! Just again, with her talking about her body, and how other people see her, and it’s just something I identify with
Also in London, the development of Mark, Cristina and Kieran!!! I LOVED Cristina and Mark so much in the first book, but also like Kieran and Mark!! And then you get Cristina and Kieran, which is not yet love like the other couples, there is respect and caring that can grow into something, and I just think it could be a great polyamorous relationship, and there are so little of those…
And then there’s the politics and the society and it’s so well done. It’s my favorite thing!! The Shadowhunter world has grown so much, and you really get to explore the Cold Peace and the result of that – the Cold Peace is the Versailles Treaty clearly, but then it comes so interesting that the actions of the Cohort fit the Nazi uprising in Germany, so then History was twisted for this, and it works really well… I’m really scared of what will come from the Cohort and that it will rise to power; there will be a new Inquisitor (Robert wouldn’t stand for it, because of Alec, pretty much), but now anyone, including Dearborn, could take the place; and besides it was a dead-brought-back-to-life person who killed him and an innocent child; so there’s a big chance that they will rise. There was this speech on the show from Simon about the registering (because they are doing it now on the show, just ignore that), and comparing it to the Nazis, and his grandmother being under that regime, and how he would take it, and I like to imagine Simon doing this speeches in wherever he lives now. Also Luke standing up, because they want to annul his marriage with Jocelyn and register a lot of the people he loves. I really want to see people standing up with the Blackthorns against these racists in the next book, and I really hope they are stopped.
And then still in the society, the power of words, especially the ones that do not exist to the Shadowhunters and how harmful they can be. I love how Kit immediately notices that Ty is in the autism spectrum, and they don’t know about it – there’s all this medication, therapy, and techniques that will never have access too; the same with Arthur who feels the loss of Malcolm’s potions, and mundane medication would definitely help him, but it doesn’t exist to their knowledge. And then the most painful part was Diana’s story, it was happiness when she found out about the word “transgender”, and that it was something real, and her transition and her story was so beautiful, heartfelt and painful… I love having that scene!! And Gwyn and Diana are really cute!! (And when in the first book, I had mistrusted Diana, by the end I figured out she wasn’t betraying them, but now we found out what is her secret, and it’s really well done)
There’s so much more to say, but I don’t really know where I could start, where I could, so I leave this opened and it anyone wants to ask any questions, talk about anything… feel free to send me an ask :D And now it’s two years of waiting, but we will have The Last Hours in between with Henry and Charlotte!!
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bookishreviewsblog · 6 years
Cassandra Clare: Queen of Air and Darkness (The Dark Artifices #3) | Lara
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Dark secrets and forbidden love threaten the very survival of the Shadowhunters in Cassandra Clare’s Queen of Air and Darkness, the final novel in the #1 New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling The Dark Artifices trilogy. What if damnation is the price of true love? Innocent blood has been spilled on the steps of the Council Hall, the sacred stronghold of the Shadowhunters. In the wake of the tragic death of Livia Blackthorn, the Clave teeters on the brink of civil war. One fragment of the Blackthorn family flees to Los Angeles, seeking to discover the source of the blight that is destroying the race of warlocks. Meanwhile, Julian and Emma take desperate measures to put their forbidden love aside and undertake a perilous mission to Faerie to retrieve the Black Volume of the Dead. What they find in the Courts is a secret that may tear the Shadow World asunder and open a dark path into a future they could never have imagined. Caught in a race against time, Emma and Julian must save the world of Shadowhunters before the deadly power of the parabatai curse destroys them and everyone they love.
It came. Finally. After all that waiting and panicking I endured for this book, I can't believe I have finally read it. For me, this was the most anticipated book of this year and I am so glad my 2018 is going to end with reading this book. I've been following Cassandra Clare's work for years and I am huuge fan of her work. I was in love with Shadow World since I read the copy of City of Bones, I got for my twelfth birthday. Words can't describe how much I love her stories and characters she created. Reading this book made me extremely happy for so many reasons and I cannot be grateful enough that she keeps writing new stuff for me to fangirl over.
This book was enormously long, I think over 900 pages. I read the Kingdom of Ash in November and I am going to take a break with long-ass books and read some fluffy teen fiction for the rest of the year. But, despite its length, this book was really amazing, intriguing and entertaining from first to the last page. This book was never boring. No, for one moment I didn't think "God, I wish this scene would finally be over"; whether it was some action scene, battle, revelation, Clave meeting, romantic moment or even simple interaction between characters Cassie kept me chained to my kindle. It was nearly impossible to stop reading (seriously I read this in Tokyo metro, which is practically impossible).
There was a lot of action, parallel plots, problematics, storylines, and characters that filled this story. From the beginning of the Dark Artifices series, there was more than one villain: it is a long way back when we all thought Blackthorn's only problem was Malcolm raising his lost love. Now there is Unseelie King wanting to destroy all Shadowhunters sided with Annabel, who killed Livvy and Robert and cause a great havoc in Allicante. Then there is the inside, political threat of Cohort who want to bring back old ideals and hate for all who are not Shadowhunters. After (and during) Lord of Shadows so many new problematics made a way that I was seriously concerned how will it all turn out. But all I can say Cassie did a most wonderful job developing all those plots and problematics individually and in parallel and finally bringing it all together in one big finale.
I always loved how she represented political life of Shadowhunters and work of the Clave. Like, nothing is ideal and there are always new problems, new people with questionable agendas, but the point is to change for better, no matter how small the change is.
Cassandra Clare's writing style always was and will be one of my favorite things of all time. I adore her rich descriptions with a touch of purple prose, her love stories, and characters. Most of all dialogues and interactions make me burst out laughing whether I want it or not.
She has created an impressive spectrum of characters through all these books and all of them are equally special, unique and wonderful. One of the biggest perks of reading this book is POVs. There is just so many of them, but it doesn't seem too much at all. I wanted to read, with all my heart, I wanted to see this story from the perspective of each character, whether old or new. She combined all (surviving) characters in this one story that changes everything. Of course, TDA squad has the main word and it can be easily read without knowledge of other series, but for us hardcore fans it was soo inspiring.
*this part is going to be mostly about characters and spoilers will be clearly marked for those who haven't read to skip, but if you don't want my review to change your perspective of characters and their development through the book, I suggest you skip it*
I am going to do some analysis of characters because I really feel like it, so let's start with my otp Jemma: one of my favorite couples of all times. I love Jemma from the bottom of my heart and they are really so adorable. Cassie always does a great job with love stories, but this one is especially dear to me. Just how they are there for each other since they were children and how they complete each other uwu
“I still love Emma more than I ever thought was possible. I love her more every day, and more every time I try to stop. I love her like I’m being ripped in half. And I want to cut the throats of everyone in the Cohort.”
Emma is my favorite character from the Dark Artifices and one of my all-time favorites. I always, always come to adore badass fearless girls who fight for those they love. My favorite scenes were usually those that included Emma fighting (*plot spoiler* when she confronted Zara, god that was the best thing ever).
Another amazing and my favorite male character – Julian. I just want to give a huge shoutout to this perfect boy who raised five children, took care of his sick uncle and led the whole Institute by himself. He always tended to be anti-hero(ish), but that's what I loved so much about him, that he was willing to do anything to protect his family. He is considered ruthless and cold, while he is just protective of his siblings, who have suffered a lot. Many people were confident he was going to go all anti-hero, even villain, (and he almost did, khm we know why), but I kind of knew he wouldn't. *spoiler* It was believed he will try to break all parabatai bonds, that he was that selfish, but in the end, he knew that was wrong, and he stopped Emma because he knew she was going to regret doing that. (*end of the spoiler*)
After those two comes my new otp for TWP, Kit and Ty of course. I couldn't really see all the hype about Kitty before, but after QoAaD, I am probably the most hardcore Kitty shipper ever. I mean they are perfect, ADORABLE. ! Just the way they interact, work together and solve problems makes it clear they are made for each other. It was clear Ty was having an awful time coping with Livvy's death and Kit was always there for him. Not to mention Kit is one of the most hilarious characters ever (sometimes he beat Jace, Will even).
“Funerals are always so sad,” said a woman who had introduced herself as Irina Cartwright, staring at Julian with a deep pitying stare. When he didn’t respond, she shifted her gaze to Kit. “Don’t you think?”
“I wouldn’t know,” said Kit. “My father was eaten by demons.”
The boy gave Kit a considering look that seemed to say you look familiar. Several people had done the same. Kit guessed it was because he looked like Jace, if Jace had suffered a sudden and unexpected height, muscle, and overall hotness reduction.
I mean just reading his perspective made me laugh sometimes. *spoiler* Anyway, that moment at the lake when Ty did the spell and Kit said he loved him!!! I was so so so happy. So, of course, their separation at the end of the book almost killed me, because that means 3 years without any of them and they will barely be in contact since Ty will be at Scholomance and Kit is at Jem and Tessa's… TDA just ended and I am already desperate for TWP, it's going to be a long way.
I liked Cristina's and Mark's characters a lot, too. Cristina-Emma friendship is one of the most amazing things in these books, and if it weren't for the curse, they should have been parabatai. I rooted for Cristina and Mark to get together, but Cassie decided to go for polygamous relationship between Kieran, Mark and Cristina. As much as I love her representation and diversity (she is kind of a queen when it comes to that), I hated Kierarktina. For starters I never liked Kieran, sure he had his redemption and became quite more likable, but I always found him kind of bland and annoying. Then, I can literally see no chemistry between Cristina and Kieran. Kieran and Mark, sure, they had a lot going on in the past. Cristina and Mark had fireworks going between them, but Kieran and Cristina? Nope, I felt nothing. I really didn't like three of them together and, to be honest, I felt really uncomfortable reading Kierarktina scenes.
Those were characters I wanted to point out or say something about. I love rest of them as much, especially those who were important in other series. Their appearances, interactions and contribution to the plot warmed my heart (*spoiler* especially Livia's Army when all of them worked together).
*From this point there will be spoilers and they won't be marked because I am going to comment on ending and some parts of the plot*
I am going to refer to some parts of the book and problematics that were solved one way or another.
First: Thule. I didn't see this coming, so there was no particular theory of mine about this, but a trip to Thule took a good third of this book. I wasn't entirely satisfied with it and couldn't say I actually liked it. It brought an interesting perspective on what would have happened if Clary hadn't won The Battle of the Burren, but aside from that, it wasn't of much significance. Sure, they brought back the mortal sword, but they didn't figure out anything with the curse or how to defeat the Unseelie King. I don't like concepts of parallel universes and such, so that is the reason I feel kind of bitter about that part (if it is like that, there are infinite universes and versions of characters and all could go in any direction, so what is the point anyway…). So maybe I am wrong and it was really important (it will be important for TWP for sure), but I did not like that part.
Then comes the big problem that stretches through all three books –the parabatai curse. I was eager to know how are things going play out with the curse for Julian and Emma, Cassie created an amazing plotline and mystery about the origin of parabatai. My theory was that Cortana was going to break the curse somehow, but that wasn't the case. Not even close, actually. I liked how were the effects of the curse shown and how Emma and Julian suffered not only mental but also physical changes. Yet I didn't find myself entirely happy about how things turned out. I didn't expect Julian and Emma to turn into half-giant angels in the middle of the battle and then just ? stop being parabatai?. That part is still a little bit foggy, like all that with the True Nephilim and what that has to do with parabatai. It was cool and I can't say I hate how things turned out, but I expected something a bit darker or something.
Second thing, how things got resolved with Faerie. Honestly, I expected Faeries to be of more importance in the end. The Unseelie King died in the middle of the book and his half-drunk son inherited him, so the only actual threat that was left was the Cohort. I was surprised that Ash was the weapon that caused the blight they were talking about and that was one big and quite an important point to the plot. In the end, Kieran inherited the throne of the Unseelie Court, which wasn't a big surprise and I think there ends the rivalry between Shadowhunters and the Unseelie Court. About Seelie… well, Queen fell suspiciously quiet in the second half of the book and I have this feeling she isn't done yet (which leaves another thing for The Wicked Powers).
Now I'm skipping to final battle because I have been dying to say something about that. I always enjoyed reading Clare's battle scenes, because all of them felt so inspiring and epic. One of the best scenes I have ever read is fighting between Julian, Emma and Riders of Mannan when Emma killed Fal. It was one, the last thing this book needed – an amazing battle, with all characters working together. Let's just not forget Dru, who has become one of my favorites through this book and Kit (Heir with powers!!! I already see TWP is going to be awesome). The outcome was pleasant, but not unexpectable. I knew Blackthorns and squad are going to win, but I was (pleasantly) surprised with the lack of death. After Lord of Shadows, I expected this to be a massacre, but it was less brutal. I'm not sure if I could take any of them dying.
And finally, the political outcome aka Cohort plot. As I said before I love how Cassie develops political life of Shadowhunters, as a forever changing constant that needs to be updated and fought for constantly. It had all led to the point where Horace became the Inquisitor and turned whole Council against Downworlders. After ending of Lord of Shadows, where I thought nothing could go wrong with that final plan, I was kind of anxious about Livvy's Army, but it all turned out well. Except for the Exile. When Cassie said Shadow World is going to change forever I didn't expect anything near this. I am eager to see how Clave works without Idris and I feel like this is going to be a major plotline in The Wicked Powers.
The ending of the Dark Artifices was pretty important to me and I had really high expectations for this book. Probably too high. I was hyped all year about it, so when it finally came, I expected it to be this epic book where I wouldn't be able to breathe and everything would surprise me. Which is totally unrealistic, I know, but that sense of disappointment disappeared after thinking through it and seeing how amazing this book actually was. So, all these negative comments are just small critiques or something that bugged me a bit, but all in all, I loved this book. This is probably the longest review I have ever written, so I think it is time to finish.
Cassandra Clare will remain one of my all-time favorite authors and I will never stop being so excited about her books. Can't wait for The Red Scrolls of Magic and then Chain of Gold!
Some other notes that I can’t fit in my review but have to share:
· I hate Zara more than anything I have ever hated
Zara always chose the same chair in the Inquisitor’s office. Manuel suspected it was because she liked to sit beneath the portrait of herself, so that people would be forced to gaze at two Zaras, and not just one.
· Some Kitty fluff
He made a face that was probably supposed to be scornful but was actually just cute.
“Yes, you can,” Kit whispered. “You can. You think this will make your family stronger, but it will destroy them if you bring her back. You think you can’t survive without Livvy, but you can. We will go through it together.” Kit’s face was cold; he realized he was crying. “I love you, Ty. I love you.”
Ty’s face went blank with surprise. Kit plowed on, regardless, hardly knowing what he was saying.
“She’s gone, Ty. She’s gone forever. You have to get through this. Your family will help you. I will help you. But not if you do this. Not if you do this, Ty.”
· Jemma fluff of course
So who am I to you, then?” he asked, dropping his hand.
“You are the person I have to protect until my Julian comes back to live inside you again,” she said. “I don’t want this. I want the Julian I love. You might be in the cage, Jules, but as long as you are like this, I am in the cage with you.”
· Ragnor Fell is one of the most amazing characters that ever existed
· Jem calling Emma little sister uwu
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