#/ also if it sounds dragon agey....yeah
astarab1aze · 6 months
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The Fhal'Tir
Elves are best known for their dealings in the forests and rolling hills that give way to rocky slopes and snowy peaks, for they were born in the deep roots of the world, reaching toward the clouds as assuredly as any tree. Their presence in Kírât is no accident, nor is it intended, but they have managed to carve into the great castle-city a place of their own, where they will not be so easily discarded and instead beloved and honored as the kings and queens that should have done so all along.
The elves of the Diremark - the A'virda Fhal'Tir - hide away in a seemingly endless sea of swaying, whispering, creaking trees, protected by pitch blackness when night would fall and webs of emerald vines that stretched out like long arms, trapping would-be trespassers and the Tir'elfhen alike – but the widows forced into the Diremark do not stray too far, for they are easily caught in webs not their own, and those who still watch the Adamantine Gates are frightfully quick with notched arrows and curved daggers. These elves, however, often warm and soft of skin, know nothing of the suffering riddling the Dustveil and, just as well, they care not to. They are reclusive, elusive, dancing in their hideaways, ignorant to the threats at the edges of their borders, and often do they banish those who question tradition or seek to aid outsiders lost within their vast forests; They are hostile to any not their own and they fall victim to gossip and falsehood, turning on even the noblest of their numbers. Alas, it was not always this way, but the Warm Heart of the Mark was doomed to wither along with its king, who’d long forgotten the role he’d to play as a once-ally of the people of Kírât.
The Fhal'Tiran elves were born of the deep roots of the A'virda Fhal'Tir, grown and nurtured as saplings who'd yet to become towering trees of their own. Among the whispering willows, swaying imdraia, in the shadow of the Adamant Heart, they were pieced together by leaf and twig, bloom and fruit, rising from the grass, bark, and stem as elegantly poised extensions of the Mark's will. Blessed with its love, as its children, they received in kind immortality and spindly elegance, the ability to wield earthly magic and temperance, keen eyes and foresight. Thousands of years gave way to the formation of a proper kingdom upon meeting with the Eimadran Elves, led by the Queen of All, Vaadyni, built on the careful tending of the forest, natural inclination toward defensiveness and distrust of outsiders, and an alliance meant to unify all Elves. But Vaadyni had gone mad following the deaths of her husband and sons at the hands of the Myhalas - the nameless things hidden deep beneath the earth - and a desperate war was fought between Vaadyni and her most loyal against all others. Her power overwhelmed even the greatest of armies, but she had become weakened by the corruption of the Myhalas and, soon, she was defeated by the Last of her people, Telythin Surna. But her madness tainted the world, combining with the evil of the Myhalas, and thus has led to the incrementally increasing insanity of the Fhal'Tir. They were crippled by her, victims of their former queen, and in the many thousands of years since her demise, a dynasty came and went, seeing the rise and tragically slow fall of the House Sevaaris.
Though the Tir'elfhen, were born of root and leaf, they were accepted by the Eimadran Elves as Second Children to Imidr, the Bright-Burning Star. They were formally recognized as their own people, as royalty, and the first of all Arboreal kings had been chosen as consort and court wizard to the Queen of All, and such social standing had been maintained until long after her defeat though without the trappings of 'consort' or other 'courtly' titles. Skilled with their magic, they turned inward and focused much of their efforts into protecting what remained of all forestry in their domain, but their skill could not match the evil corrupting the land. Little by little, they began to fall, brought to heel by the screaming and crying - by the pain - of the trees and earth, forced to listen as it all slowly corrupted and died before them. In the Warm Heart, they feel the Mark as it, too, dies slowly, withering in the deepest reaches of their home. Many fall to madness and many more return to the earth, sacrificing their lives to preserve that of their home or to escape their enduring torment. And there are too few who have been spared this fate, uniquely resilient or, perhaps, disconnected from the spirit of the Mark.
Similarly to the Eimadra, Arboreal Elves are blessed with eternal life, though they stop aging in their 30s (roughly 5-10 years slower than the Eimadra). It is a cultural staple for them to have long hair, either left in intricate braids or loose, and to wear furs, leather, or hempen clothes. Their armor, dress, and architecture are evocative of the forest; Even their weapons resemble tree branches and swaying leaves. Sexually, they play a bit 'loose' until they've found what they call their 'Fírralaía', their 'brightest love' (or 'greatest love'), at which point they devote themselves entirely and for as long as they both shall live. Should an Arboreal Elf survive their spouse, they will succumb to despair, wither and die.
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❧ Fhal'Tir
Meaning: Free Folk, ‘fhal’ meaning free & ‘tir’ meaning folk. Pronounced: f-ah-ll tee-er - ‘ah’ as in ‘at’, ‘teer’ as in ‘tear’. ❧ The Fhal portion of the name is also commonly pronounced by outsiders similarly to the word ‘fall’, which is incorrect and deemed offensive as the word ‘Fal’, pronounced like ‘fall’, means ‘weak’.
Pejoratives: Fal’Tir, meaning ‘weak folk’; False Tongues, in reference to Vaadyni's broken oaths; Spindles, mud-skins, vermin, feyspawn, flesh eaters, Those Who Lie With Beasts, etc. Normal: Forest Walkers, the Long Folk, Fey Folk, Free Folk, Elves, etc.
❧ Fhal’Tir generally refer to themselves as Children of the Wood, Fhal’Khana or Free Mages, A’Virda Bela’Sahn or Daughters of A’Vir, Tir’elfhen or Elves, and more depending on who you talk to within the race. ❧ Tir’elfhen literally means ‘folk’ and ‘people’, ‘folk people’, and is generally used when addressing large crowds. It’s the Fhal’Tiran equivalent to ‘Ladies and gentlemen’ or ‘Everyone’; It may also be used when referencing the people in general conversation between a Fhal’Tiran and Jha’Tir (literal meaning: ‘non-folk’, but means ‘not of the people’).
The Fhal’Tir are favored by their gods of creation, A’Vir and Mhara’Vir (particularly the latter), and are thus blessed with extended life, though they are naturally long-lived besides. Before they were blessed, they lived an average of 300-450 years. Following the blessing, an event known as A’Virda Sheni’Sahlla (The Life-Blessing of A’Vir), their lifespans were extended to approximately 1,000 on average, though it’s not entirely unheard of that some might live to be much, much older or are even immortal - common enough to be about as normal as anything else. It is believed that the Fhal’Tiran A’vvala (or ‘queen’) and Mha’A’vvala (or ‘king’) are the longest lived of them all.
As a society, the Fhal'Tir were as matriarchal as they were imperial, thus women were prized and prioritized - and such persists into the current era, despite a general shift in power structures following the fall of Queen Vaadyni. Women are the dominant sex, both in population and in nature, though that isn’t to say their men are not also vitally important to the way their society functions. ❧ Men typically enlist in their military as it is well-paying and offers benefits, but they may also become anything they wish provided societal needs are met (that’s the caveat; in times of peace, they can do whatever, but in times of struggle or war, they are often victim to compulsory military service laws, conscription rites, etc). ❧ As women are dominant, they occupy most positions of power and have a tendency of prioritizing the education, prosperity, and futures of members of their sex. Women are venerated, celebrated, and have very well earned their praises, as they believe emulating A’Vir’s benevolence and attention to societal needs (as well as military in part) is akin to the ultimate expression of their love and gratitude for A’Vir’s Blessing, and all life - and they put this belief into practice, with some flaws. That being said, they, too, are funneled into the Fhal’Tiran military to serve as healers, battlemages, archers, tactitions, and various other roles - Men fulfill the same purpose; Everyone lives together, trains together, fights together, which encourages trust and teamwork, as well as the formation of lasting bonds. ❧ There are more women than there are men, at a 65/35 rate, and the total population numbers at about a billion.
Marriages are relatively uncommon, though that isn’t to say they do not have, promote, or treasure long-lasting loves; Traditional marriage events are just so long, but are held in high regard as grand romantic gestures for their thorough, respectful, and honorable displays of commitment to that love. They are also quite expensive; An apple would cost one Fhal’Tiran Crown, a night at an inn 50-100 Crowns, a small home 5,000-10,000 Crowns; Traditional Fhal’Tiran wedding costs begin at 3,000 Crowns for venue alone, but including food and the 3-day tradition, these costs can increase to upwards of 10,000 Crowns. The Temple of A’Vir commonly collects donations to help fund these traditional weddings for common folk and there are some venues who will discount their prices if an individual is lucky.
The Fhal’Tir originate in the Diremark, or Mirrhan Gha’Len, an expansive, lush forest serving as their A’Vir-blessed homelands - referred to as A'virda Fhal'Tir on common maps. These forests are ever changing, magical in nature, and incredibly vast, dotted with the hidden ruins of fallen villages and ancient empires of their people. Trees grow to impossible heights, towering over those who wander beneath their canopies, and they live as assuredly as any elf, stretching their roots deep into the earth and swaying, moving, carrying themselves in such ways that the forest then becomes impossible to map - no matter how steadfast the permanence of Fhal’Tiran settlements may be.
Some Language Primers
Pronouns ❧ Ada: I/We ❧ Ade: My ❧ Eda: You ❧ Ede: Your
Particles ❧ Da: Of, suffix ❧ Den: The ❧ Haa/Hah: Is/Am/Are, suffix ❧ Jha: Not/Non, prefix ❧ Nha: In (inside)
Names (some) ❧ A’Vir: The Mother goddess ❧ Mhara’Vir: The Father god ❧ Mirrhan Gha’len: Diremark
Family ❧ Avva: Mother ❧ Bela’Sahn: Conjunction of Belasa and Sahn, meaning daughter ❧ Mela’Sahn: Conjunction of Melasa and Sahn, meaning son ❧ Mhavva: Father ❧ Sahn/Sahan: Child, children
Other Words ❧ Athelan: Sorrow ❧ Belasa: Girl, young girl ❧ Elfhen: (elf) People ❧ Fal: Weak ❧ Fhal: Free ❧ Khana: Mage ❧ Melasa: Boy, young boy ❧ Sahlla / Sahalla: Life ❧ Shenis: Bless or blessing ❧ Valan: Time ❧ Tir: Folk
Their sentence structures are generally like this; ❧ Common: “We are the Daughters of A’Vir.” ❧ Fhal’Tiran: “A’Virda Bela’Sahn ada’hahden.”**❧ English understanding: “Ada’hahden A’Virda Bela’Sahn.”
**Names always come at the beginning of every sentence. Otherwise, consider the structures to be grammatically similar to English, with some exceptions. Basically, unless names or titles are involved, the sentences will flow almost exactly like English (example pending).
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5 notes · View notes
tabletopjourneys · 3 years
Session 36 Notes
The session in which I have come to realize that both Selphina’s player and the DM are spelling her nickname Fee instead of Phi. Henceforth, I will be doing the same. Also the session in which we further explore Longview and get to know more people in Rana's home town, help some of them out, get revenge for Harold the alpaca, Stellan gifts Fee with +1 daggers to help protect his sister, and then we head back out on the road for Bouldergap.
@gher-bear​ @aradow​ @telurin​ @epimetala
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On this day we continue catching up with various townsfolk of Longview, in particular the ones we meet at The Smiling Dragon tavern/inn.
We get lots of history lessons from the oldest dragonborn ever, tell the story of Perfection (among others), help Jibru the soft-spoken, new-agey orc with her plants (well primarily Rana does this), encourage, Dicho a travelling bard in training on his adventuring break (primarily Diem), and solve the mystery of Shima's missing alpacas.
This involves a revenge one-shot by Fee of the giant owl responsible for killing poor Harold in front of all the other alpacas.
We stop by for one last visit with Rana's mother, Romy, and her brother, Stellan. The latter gives Fee two +1 crafted daggers he made to use in place of her assassin ones she can't be seen with near Bouldergap and Stoneroost.
After that, we're on our way down the road to Bouldergap.
(Read More)
(The Smiling Dragon tavern)
On our way to the tavern, when Diem finds out the name, they rib Rana with a smirk. “The smiling dragon? How sure are you about the tavernkeep?”
Rana ignores them.
It’s probably 2-3pm
The Smiling Dragon has a nice, homey interior and basically looks like the Green Dragon Inn from The Hobbit inside.
The barkeep is behind the bar doing barkeep things.
We see an Aladdin-looking human bard with a lute (Dicho Acaa), a super ancient female dragonborn (Gran Tewafey; one of those ladies who are now just too old to die), and the barkeep-owner, Grismor Fefoki, behind the bar.
Rana knows both the barkeep and elderly dragonborn (no mention of knowing the bard, so I assume not). The elderly dragonborn, Gran, has looked this old ever since Rana’s known her. Rana nods to her as she comes through the door, this person is a fixture of the town and Rana is unsurprised to see her there.
The old dragonborn looks us all over as we enter, but it takes her a second before she goes “Rana? Who are these people with you, come over here, what in tarnation!?”
Rana: Oh hey, Gran…
Diem introduces themself as we approach with a respectful, hopefully charming bow. “I bet you have all the best stories.”
Gran: Finally, a young person who respects their elders - you look a little strange but you seem to have a good head on your shoulders, and I do have some good stories - people should listen to their elders more!
Rana: We’ll be more than happy to listen - I’m gonna run up and get some food first and then keep you company (Rana practically runs to the bar).
Gran: I was about to leave but yeah I’ll keep you company.
Fee: Ooooh no.
We’re in for having our ears talked off and Diem is loving it, even if it is the somewhat dry material one would expect from schoolhouse history lessons.
In one of the stories, Fee interrupts “Exactly what IS tarnation?”
Gran has a story about this and the etymology too. Her way of speaking is as if she was around for the entire growth of this word lol.
Rana picks up a dessert for Gran.
The barkeep gives Rana a commiserating look (I already got you, I see what’s going on). They gossip about Rana’s niece and niephio’s mischief, namely how Taniel had not so long ago brought home a wild animal, just like auntie Rana used to.
Meanwhile, despite the occasionally dry lesson-style stories, Diem is loving it anyway - sorry ya’ll they’re prompting off this etymology lesson by asking what she knows about all the animals around her speaking draconic.
Gran is definitely of the mindset all of the native animals speaking draconic is the blessing of V’kandis. “We’re a blessed town. Nothing bad ever happens here, no bandits come through, no wild animals attacking, we’re really favored by our god.” This segues into proselytizing and being urged toward the priest before we leave.
Diem is finally less than thrilled by the religious preaching bits and their attention begins to wander to the bard who misunderstands their attention and fumbles his song a little and is painfully self-conscious. He thinks Diem is watching because he missed a chord or some other critique-minded senpai is looking thing. Meanwhile, Diem feels bad for him and can’t wander over or try and encourage him instead because Gran is snapping her fingers at them to pay attention. Diem puts a pin in approaching the bard later to encourage and make it up to him.
All you can drink potions is probably mostly joke potions. Rana orders a round of the local brews including one for Gran.
Gran begins quizzing Rana about her recent travels and how we all met.
Fee: First we had these mighty rats to fight in a tavern much like this one.
Gran: Rats? Why would you just be going off and killing rats, where are you from?
Rana: They’re not the same kinda rats Gran, these ones don’t talk.
Gran: Not from around here, I definitely understand, I definitely knew that.
Rana: I picked up this group in Rethwellian
Gran gives us another once over, her eyes falling on Ixayl'anu now and squints at her “I didn’t realize Rethwellian dragonborn were feathered, I thought that was some kind of headdress but you’re not…?”
Ixayl'anu: No no…
Rana starts stuffing her face to avoid being involved in this topic
Ixayl'anu: Not from Rethwellian. From a little bit farther away than that I think.
Gran perks up: Oh okay, where might that be?
Ixayl'anu: The Seejit (spelling?) Isles?
Gran looks at her like she just said Atlantis: Never met anyone from there before. Is it true that ya’ll have a dragon as an emperor over there?
Ixayl’anu: Yeah
Gran: To each their own
Ixayl’anu: No less weird than animals speaking draconic
They move on as Ixayl'anu asks Gran what she does.
She teaches history.
More conversation I missed.
Rana: We came on a boat in the water, never been on one before have you?
Gran: I’ve seen ‘em but I don’t like ‘em, never been on one.
Rana: Apparently these two have shipwrecked before (she indicates Diem and Ixayl’anu)
Gran: See, that’s why you shouldn’t.
Ixayl’anu: I technically never shipwrecked, my ship made it, I didn’t.
Diem: I mean...yeah, my ship made it too, I just got swept overboard and onto the wild expanse no less.
Gran: That explains why you look the way you do.
Diem: I will try not to take that personally….
We get ship avoiding advice courtesy of Gran.
Rana asks after various rumors in town.
Gran talks about livestock going missing and various other things because Gran knows everything and everyone.
Except one thing, apparently: I’m an old lady how would I know what kind of animal is out there?
Rana: You talk to a lot of people
Gran: That would require them knowing what’s going on. (after some thought) About a week ago Shima mentioned she was missing a few alpacas.
Diem: Any giant mole hills involved?
This question eventually leads to the story of their recent adventure with Diem dropping the word abominations in Perfection and several eyes turn our direction.
Now that all eyes are on Diem, obviously waiting for more, they launch into the Perfection story loud enough for eavesdroppers (21 performance). The bard in training stops to listen as well. He adds a chord every so often but he’s very much entranced as well.
Diem notices and encourages with faint prestidigitation sounds, a smile and a wink which totally shuts the poor guy’s brain down instead.
Jibru Tiklot, an older orc lady claps at the end and afterward asks to make sure there was a noon sun druid there.
Diem says their leader was there (because Edea looks like a definite leader to them).
Jibru: How very fortuitous that you were there then, that’s good to hear. (She’s very soft spoken and new agey).
Now that Jibru has Rana’s attention though, she also wants to know if Rana is staying awhile because she has some things she’d love some help with.
Rana: Oh yeah sure (not missing a beat)
They arrange things in exchange for cookies, Rana presuming again to speak for the whole group without asking first lol.
Rana: What sort of issue am I looking at so I can come prepared?
Oh it’s my <insert jungle plant name I missed>.
They talk about it a little, Rana belatedly asks if that’s okay with us, we’re fine with it. Jibru and Rana arrange to meet after food, drink, and stories.
We learn one of the reasons Rana was inspired to leave Longview in the first place was probably traveller stories from this very tavern.
Fee at some point talks about Miova and taking ships to other areas and such.
Rana talks about how super nice and helpful Fee’s friend Dima is (and Fee’s sister being so nice).
Fee gives her a ‘really?’ sort of look about Dima being nice, looking around to see if anyone appeared to recognize the name.
Also, Fee starts investigating around this establishment regarding use of thieves’ cant (25). She notices there are a lot of intricate carvings in the walls and beams, lots of smiling dragons built into the craftsmanship, there are small symbols on the front of the bar that indicate secret codes. An X with a top and an oval with 3 wavy s lines on the bar (bread symbol). On a side beam there’s also a triangle with a pea in it, spear or arrow on top of pea (people inside will…?). Triangle with the downward sword.
(A conversation about bread)
When they pay, Fee tips extra to Grismor after she’s observed this guy seems to be a cool person who helps people in need out.
Fee, in thieves’ cant while complimenting his bread: We seem to have friends in common
Grismor (while also pretending to talk about bread): Not friends but it pays to know the local players/powers.
Fee (so much lovely bread and your brew was lovely): Yes, I agree. Used to be on the payroll myself, but guess I could call them acquaintances also.
Grismor (thank you kindly stranger, please don’t mind that Diem is totally filling in what our fake conversation was like - mmmm bread - these two can REALLY talk about bread) Sounds like you made the right decision, seem like a good group of people you’re here with now.
Fee (Yes, do you have any other pastries I can sample?): Oh you know Rana
(DM Clarifications about earlier points: When Rana mentioned Dima out loud, Fee had noticed Grismor perked up in a negative sort of way recognizing the name. Fee noticed he had lots of symbols. “Safe resting place” “we offer free food here” “People here will guard you”)
Fee (I am all about bread, simply can’t get enough of it, do you have bread I can take on the road?): Do you have any current business with our mutual acquaintance?
Grismor (Sure, I can pack you up some bread, always love a good bread aficionado): No, I’m happy...more retired at this point
Fee (Excellent, I can smell it all from here, could you add a few sweet breads? Stuffed pastries?): I feel ya. Well if you need anything hypothetically we’ll be going back there eventually, I’ll do you a favor (being charming). (insight check on Grismor’s response: natural one - 3 total)
He kinda looks at her and he pats her cheek (All the bread you like little gnome, I’ll toss in a few free samples for the road). “Anytime you need something, just let me know. This is a great conversation, I feel like it’s been illuminating, but I don’t need anything right now, thanks.”
(He is very happy with her though)
Rana is finishing up the story about Ixayl'anu’s feather theft, occasionally glancing over at Fee and the barkeep being 100% slick and believable about their bread conversation that Diem totally did not make up for them after the fact.
When Fee returns “Man I’m tired.”
Rana: It’s after noon…
Diem: To be fair your sleep was disturbed.
Rana tries to ask about missing livestock.
Ixayl'anu suggests we can go talk to people around town about it instead.
As things are winding down Rana tries to get Jibru’s attention.
Ixayl'anu says she’ll go with, Diem says they’re gonna stick around and talk to the bard. Fee says she’s gonna take a nap.
Rana: Here? In the middle of the crowd?
Grismor: I do actually have a spare bed she can use.
After a brief exchange he insists it’s between friends, don’t worry about it.
Fee goes upstairs to nap in the sort of hold-over room for emergency issues like a friend’s friend is about to sleep in a bush drunk, rather than an official room.
(Off to Jibru’s)
Rana and Ixayl’anu go off with Jibru. She ushers them into a house full of plants and crystals, and new agey homey stuff. “I just don’t know what’s wrong with it. It just doesn’t seem to…(missed words) I moved it into and out of the sun and it doesn’t like that either...can you help?” (among a list of other things she’s tried)
Rana nature checks 10 - the leaves look a little ragged in addition to being sad and droopy, soil is dry, and she knows that it’s a tropical plant, not a desert plant.
Jibru: I mist it every day and I moved it into the house…
The heat is fine, it’s probably drying out though.
So I should water it more, is what you’re saying…?
Rana casts lesser restoration on the plant, starting with that. It still looks a little droopy, but the edges of the leaves fill in a little bit and it gives her two new leaves immediately.
“Oh we need water.” Jibru leaves to go get some. When she gets back: “I knew you could do something with it, it’s already looking so much better.”
Rana: It did seem to have some sort of disease (medicine check of 13 - she notices some fungus gnat infestation crawling out while it’s being watered).
Rana advises her to get someone to sell her some gnat eating lizards for it. In a controlled fashion, she’s going to cast plant growth to invigorate it and all the other nearby plants too.
Jibru’s eyes get big “Oh my gosh…” She was just going to give us cookies but now...she gives Rana a plate of very delicious snicker doodles and an herbalist’s bundle which does some cool things: Rare (These ingredients can be chewed raw for minor effects or, if you are proficient with the ‘herbalism kit’, you can spend 6 hours brewing any number of one type into potions for no extra cost, each bundle has 1d4 ingredients, roll a D6 to determine what each ingredient is:
Witch weed - (raw) water breathing for 5 minutes; (brewed potion) disguise self or water breathing for an hour.
Pepper berries - (raw) resist cold for a minute; (brewed potion) resist any element or fire breath.
Ogre ear - (raw) advantage to your next attack roll; (brewed potion) hill giant strength or potion of growth
Lover’s thorn - (raw) advantage to charisma checks for 1 minute; (brewed potion) philter of love or potion of poison.
Ghostbloom - (raw) false life; (brewed potion) invisibility.
Mother’s rest - (raw) resist disease for an hour; (brewed potion) lesser restoration or greater healing.
Rana does have proficiency and sits in small talk with Jibru, chatting about plants, medicinal herbs, and things like that.
She’s one of the people in town Rana typically gets along well with.
Ultimately they say their goodbyes about an hour heading back to the inn where Diem has spent their time trying to encourage and set the bard there at ease. They roll an 18 persuasion at this, primarily accomplished by admitting they’re not a bard either, just an entertainer. The bard is a little sad about this, but also gets over his senpai noticed me thing enough for conversation. Diem finds out he’s on a little bit of an adventuring gap year.
They finish encouraging his future efforts by complimenting all the things they enjoyed about his current performance and rejoin their friends when they enter.
(Enter Shima)
Back together at the tavern, we take cookies, and a pretty lady named Shima Paravash walks in. She appears to be a human about Rana’s age with tan skin and long silver-white hair. They’re not really friends, but they know each other (she’s more Stellan’s friend).
Shima: Rana, I heard that you were in town...are you busy? Are you gonna be in town long?
Rana: Probably at least until tomorrow, but we have time for stuff - what’s going on?
Shima: We keep alpacas...we’ve had an alpaca or two go missing (nervous)
Rana: We actually just heard about that and were gonna check out what’s going on, don’t want livestock going missing.
Shima takes in her friends (the rest of us): I notice you have friends with you…
Diem introducing themself: Diem, lovely to meet you.
Further introductions are made. Ixayl’anu says her full name.
Rana: Ixie is easier
Diem: She doesn’t particularly like Ixie though, Rana (verbal elbow)
Rana (matter of fact): But Ixie’s just easier.
Ixayl’anu to Shima: I prefer Ixayl’anu, please.
Shima turns back to Rana: We haven’t found any bodies or anything.
Rana: We can check it out now.
Shima looks surprised: Oh yeah we can do it now.
Some conversation missed on the way to Shima’s farm.
Shima: Rana’s mom will buy some fleece from us on occasion (they have alpacas of various colours)
Shima’s family definitely does not own the town (Rana is confused about where that impression came from - and I am not sure who asked in the first place between Fee or Ixie).
Shima hangs out by Rana/closer to her, asking the same questions everyone else has so far.
Rana gives her a more complete answer since she’s friends with Stellan - nothing to cause a panic, but a little about the investigation on weirdness with the meteors. She wants the town to be informed but if she lets the wrong thing slip gossip would make it an apocalypse by morning.
Shima doesn’t take us to the house directly, but instead to the paddock where the ones that went missing were last. “This is where they were, we’ve check the fences, I just went out to feed them and do field rotation and they just weren’t here and nobody stole them, I don’t know what to do…”
Rana asks a question I missed.
Shima: There were only two
The other ones were acting nervous like there was a predator around but we haven’t seen anything…
We find out this happened about 4 days ago. Shima hasn’t heard of anyone else missing livestock around town.
Good perception checks all around (Diem actually got a 17!), Rana got a nat 20 - she hears birds but doesn’t see any. Alpacas in the distance do still appear to be nervous, it’s a nice clear day.
Fee squeaks out to lure a local rat for answers. Side note: For future reference, help Fee remember her rat ring adds 2 to her stealth - nat 20 for total 22 persuasion.
Shima looks like she thinks it’s very strange. As she’s saying she hasn’t seen any small things to question around for awhile now though.
However, as she’s saying that a vole pops up “Well, howdy.”
Fee: Oh hello rodent of the brown.
Vole: I’m a vole.
Fee: We are looking for the missing livestock, do you know where all the livestock went?
Vole: Well I uh don’t really go out from under the ground but I have been hearing a bunch of - I’ve been hearing some loud sounds at night, like a big predator so I didn’t think I should come out at night anyway.
Fee: That’s totally valid, stay safe my friend.
She finds out it’s just recently and not all night, but off and on.
Fee: Do they smell?
He doesn’t know he runs when he hears the noise.
Fee gives him a rat treat (Ixayl'anu has been translating the vole’s words)
Vole: Thanks!
Fee: Thank you Mr. Vole
Vole: Come back any time if you’ve got more of these snacks.
Rana heads toward the alpacas by the end of this exchange. She casts speak with animals to understand the alpaca.
Rana: Hey, I’ve got a question for you?
Their heads all swivel in surprise. The bravest alpaca approaches.
Rana: I hear some things have been happening in the area, do you know why that paddock over there is empty?
They all look at her and start talking over each other saying things like “Are you gonna help us?” and “There’s a monster at night that comes out.” and “Yeah, they ate Harold!”
Rana: That sounds really bad I’d like to make that not happen, do you know where it’s coming from?
The brave alpaca points with its nose toward the iron heights in the hillier direction: “Yeah it’s real quiet and then it suddenly appeared - just lifted him! It was a flying monster the size of a barn with glowing eyes.
Rana: Did it look like the normal big flying birds that come around?
They all look around.
Brave alpaca: I’ve seen little birds? I guess it had feathers?
Rana: You mentioned it had glowing spots?
Alpaca the Brave: The eyes, they were just bright yellow and it was just huge. They confer amongst themselves. It was a big bird.
Rana: I think I know what it might be...is there anything else you want me to do?
Alpaca the Brave: Can you tell them we’d like to be inside at night? In the barn please?
Rana: I will tell them, I have a feeling they won’t have a problem with that ‘cause we wouldn’t want anything to happen to anyone else like it did Harold. We’ll see about getting rid of big bird too.
They all nod like good good
Rana: Thank you very much.
Rana comes back and tells all of us and Shima.
Shima: But we would have seen...do you think it’s a roc?
Rana: All they know is that it was big, it had feathers, and it carried Harold off.
Shima looks confused: Maybe after all this is over I can have you tell me what the alpacas all call each other?
Rana agrees (and notes that she will do so before we leave).
Rana nature checks, knows there’s giant owls and giant eagles - ones she’s seen from a distance before. Giant bird form is thus gifted to her repertoire of shapeshifts.
We talk about spending the night out there to keep watch, help protect Rana’s village.
Rana makes sure we’re okay with that. We talk briefly about our quest, but we were planning on staying one more night anyway.
Shima, talking about sheltering the alpacas: It’s a little tight but if that’s what they want…
Rana: They were adamant about wanting that, and you might wanna tell the others to bring their livestock in for the night too so this thing doesn’t fly past here looking for food.
Shima says she’ll send a bird.
We return to Rana’s home/mother to tell her the plan and pick up our stuff for the night.
(A plan of revenge-camping for poor Harold)
Ixayl'anu is taking the elk with her to use as bait.
Rana convinces her mom to get the sheep inside and camels if they’ll fit.
Rana sets camp up under tree cover in the tiny hut.
Ixayl'anu and Rana swap watch places since Rana’s exhausted from the previous night’s lack of true rest (Ixayl’anu first, Rana with Diem on last watch).
Ixayl’anu’s perception is a 15 - it’s quiet for her watch, she spends a lot of the evening listening to the birds chitter in gossipy draconic, just regular bird talk in draconic though too. Nice little wind background noise. No owls spotted.
Fee’s middle watch perception 9. She’s just a little distracted, she’s confused about why we’re looking for rocks on the ground, why we keep talking about rocks, inspecting the local rocks for movement - it’s probably a desert thing. Something these farmers know that she doesn’t.
Elk has been told to stand watch, still in easy sight, beacon in the field, playing bait, as it were. Elk has passive perception of 10 - gets 14 perception, he snaps his head up a few times.
To Ixayl’anu through the night in their telepathic bond: Can i eat this? Can i eat this? He eventually goes over to talk to the alpacas for a bit: What’re you doing in there? (Ixayl’anu doesn’t get their side of whatever conversation might have happened)
Diem rolls 18 on perception, Rana 16. We still don’t notice what happened until (Ixayl'anu will notice immediately) the elk gives a screaming, bugling cry as it is already being lifted up by a dark shape - we didn’t notice the silent approach.
Rana: Found it!
Ixayl'anu is awake because the elk’s screaming bloody murder in her mind.
It is about 100 yards away.
The elk makes it’s contested strength check at a 22. It takes 1d6 dmg as it falls to the ground (full 6). As it does we hear an angry screech of frustration as the creature whirls back around.
Elk is stunned but Ixayl'anu is calling him back immediately.
Rana casts earthbind immediately: Yellow strips of magical energy loop around the creature. The target must succeed on a Strength saving throw, or its flying speed (if any) is reduced to 0 feet for the spell’s duration. An airborne creature affected by this spell safely descends at 60 feet per round until it reaches the ground or the spell ends.
She tries to identify what this is through the pale yellow glow of magic around it in the distance. She sees this is a giant great horned owl. 23 nature check - generally the ones who come down to hunt livestock only when there’s no other food available or they’re injured/can’t catch normal food in a proper hunt.
Rana: Take it down!
Fee hits the owl for 15 - 7dmg + 17 sneak attack dmg (24 sneak attack dmg). It dies in a poof of feathers, all salvagable parts are still salvageable.
The yellow magic binding it to the ground fades.
We trek over to check it out.
Elk comes up slightly bloodied and wild-eyed.
Ixayl’anu: Oh…don’t worry, it’s over now.
She lightly slaps her elk’s shoulder and casts lay on hands, getting an appreciative emotion back.
Even with our crap investigation roles, this owl is very thin, Harold didn’t do much for it.
Ixayl'anu is doing loops keeping watch, working off excess energy.
We discuss what to do with the rest of the night now, deciding to just keep camping out til morning.
Rana: We don’t need a hut
Diem just gives her a look and summons the hut anyway.
Ixayl'anu is too keyed up and running circles with the elk.
Rana camps out in the grass and fresh air.
Ixayl'anu’s perception is 16 - doesn’t see much.
Rana collects some feathers (11 survival - 5 feathers before she gets frustrated - tougher than she expected)
Rana and Diem talk about why it was starving and if more predators might be on the way.
Ixayl'anu calms down enough to take a good look at the bird (7 lol). She can’t see any obvious signs of broken bones, but she doesn’t see any other hints of anything. Feathers are kinda ragged but it’s late in the year, not sure if that means anything. Can’t tell its age. It was able to fly and lift the elk though.
We move on to talk about the two routes to Bouldergap and on to Stoneroost and how Rana has been there but reminds us you can’t just get in Stoneroost. One just does not simply walk into Stoneroost.
We discuss how unlikely it is this giant owl was a symptom of something more sinister that needs to be immediately checked out as opposed to an isolated incident that's been taken care of. We also discuss whether it would be worth taking Rana's usual path through the mountains instead to both make sure everything's good up there with the wildlife while still making our way to Bouldergap.
With an 8 survival check Rana thinks the travel time between her path through the mountains and taking the road is about the same, if she were on her own. In the process she calls them “my mountains” however, which Diem finds charming.
Diem: ‘My mountains?’ Well now I feel like I have to see them up close - like some of your family I’ve yet to meet.
Rana admits it may actually take us longer since we’re not used to mountain travel like she is. Her path through the mountains may be quicker, but she just doesn’t know about us because alone she’s very adept at mountains.
By way of a not serious answer, Diem alters their appearance to look exactly like her, clothing and all and mimics her voice: I’m very adept at mountains.
Rana: I’ll remind you of that when I’m fishing you out of a crevasse.
We decide to take the main road.
As sun starts to break the family comes out to see the bird and Shima talks to us.
Rana: Got you a present.
Some missed words about whether it’s the culprit.
Rana: It tried to snatch my friend’s elk so I imagine it’s what took your alpaca.
More missed words back and forth about these things being common, coming down to feed on farms when injured, all that jazz and how Shima’s never seen anything like it but Rana thinks it’s perfectly ordinary out there.
Shima: You go up in the mountains though...this could defintely eat a person.
Rana: I’ve never been eaten by one.
Diem: No, we left that up to the quetzalcoatlus *ribbing Rana quietly*
Shima is encouraged to hire somebody or something to make use of the rest of the carcass.
We totally gave Fee the credit but the story is gonna become Rana the giant owl slayer in stories.
We all get a nice breakfast.
(One more visit with mom and Stellan before we go)
We get herded back to Rana’s mom’s place.
We establish than when Diem and Romy were talking cloth/clothes, Diem gave Rana’s mom some of the nice cloth we got in Budelia from our fight with the vampire, Lady Sinnah.
We see Stellan one more time. He pulls Rana aside and hands her a pair of daggers: These are for your gnome friend - better daggers while she can’t use the other ones.
Fee thanks him, and wearing the daggers of a known blacksmith is going to be helpful. It’s also easy to notice they’re dwarvish style in make. There’s lots of teasing about Fee refusing the daggers at first, saying her old standard ones are fine, but I’m not sure if that refusal was actually in character.
On the road to Bouldergap we see a lot of priests of Sunhame for V’kandis. It takes us 2 days on the road to arrive to our next destination.
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idreamofhazeleyes · 6 years
Ties in Blood - Chapter 17
Here’s Chapter 17. Not sure if I’ll continue posting here after the 17th, but will continue posting on AO3 under the same title and username of LupusCorvus. If you want, feedback’s welcomed but not forced.
@mrswhozeewhatsis @revwinchester @percussiongirl2017 @winchestergirl-13 @impala-dreamer @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @because-imma-lady-assface
Chapter 17
“This is stupid,” Xander said. “Having them along with the possessed item is putting all of us at risk.”
Aaliyah had insisted they stop at a rest stop to stretch legs, use the restroom, and do whatever for a short time. Plus, it gave her and Xander to stand off to a side and have a private conversation about what was going on without their half siblings overhearing. “I know that. But what we supposed to do? I don’t know what to do with a possession here, Xander. There’s bound to be a method her that the Winchesters hadn’t told me about while dealing with the yellow eye demon.”
“Bobby didn’t tell you?”
“I didn’t know until after we left the house, remember?” Aaliyah strained to keep her voice low. “There’s got to be something more to this than a case of missing family members and a possible possessed item. I’m open for ideas, here.”
“Could always burn it,” Xander suggested. “That’s seen as a purifying rite in some cultures.”
Aaliyah nibbled at her lip in thought. “It might work, but I feel like there’s something else that goes with that. Unless that’s just for corpses.” She glanced around as a couple people came too close for her comfort. “I really don’t get this, why come all this way to find siblings we didn’t know about, to help destroy a possessed item, and act like this was just another day in the park for us?”
“Because our lives are complicated,” Xander answered. “You know hunters don’t really get the good hand at the card table.”
Aaliyah nodded. “I hate complicated. What happened to the days we knew what we were facing?”
Xander shrugged. “Remember back when I pretended to be a knight off to slay the dragon? And you were the captured princess.”
“If I remember right, we were both knights, and a stuffed animal was the princess.” Aaliyah smiled a little as the memory faded in piece by piece. “You decided to try and be all heroic and show offish.”
“And you kicked me down and ran in to play hero,” Xander pointed out. “I think that carried over to now.”
“You think?”
“You’re the one who charged in to slay the dragon in college.”
“Are we going or not?” Nissa shouted.
Aaliyah turned around to see her sister standing by the car. “There’s something about her I like. Leo on the other hand … He might get hit during a hunt.” She started for the car. There she found Leo already in his seat in a brooding position. Aaliyah shook her head when she slid into the front seat.
“What?” Leo asked.
“That head shake isn’t nothing.”
Aaliyah took a deep breath to steady herself as she turned to face her half brother. “Your constant brooding and butting heads with us. We’re here to help you and your sister…”
“She’s your sister as well.” Leo leaned forward.
“By blood only. What makes you think I should care about that?” Aaliyah worked her way around in the seat and stared Leo down for a minute before her mind brought up the memory of her watching Sam and John butting heads when dealing with the vampire nest. “Listen, Leo. Trust goes both ways. Nissa’s willing to trust us after knowing us for a short time. You. You’re not. I don’t know if that’s you trying to protect yourself or if it’s just part of your personality.”
“You’re not so open either, big sis,” Leo countered. “Are all hunters like that, or just you?”
“Most hunters want out of the life,” Aaliyah told him. “And I’m telling you now, since you’re not that deep in it to get out while you can. Not every hunt’s gonna be a milk run. You’ve seen the scars from the werewolf I took out. I could have died…”
“But you didn’t,” Leo cut in.
“Because I got lucky,” Aaliyah countered. “It may not happen next time. This possessed item you and Nissa have, if you actually have it, needs to be destroyed. The longer you have it, the longer the spirit attached to it gets to roam and do damage.” She stared Leo down, half aware that Nissa and Xander had gotten into the car and were watching. “You and Nissa have been hunting for a few months. Xander and I have been hunting for the better part of two years. We know what we’re doing.”
“Then how do you get rid of a ghost attached to a person?”
Aaliyah blinked a few times, taken back by the turn of events.
“You told me the ghost was attached to that family portrait we burned,” Nissa broke into the conversation. “Why didn’t you tell me …”
“Because you’d try to burn me as well,” Leo countered. “I’d like to live a few more years.”
“I think this is a call to Bobby,” Xander whispered to Aaliyah.
She shook her head. “I don’t wanna call him if we can figure this out.” Aaliyah racked her mind in the attempt to think of people who could help. “I think there’s someone back in Michigan would could help.”
“I’m game,” Leo said.
“I can’t promise it’ll work,” Aaliyah told him.
“I want this thing away from me,” Leo told her. “The quicker we get there, the better.”
Aaliyah sighed. “Alright. Xander.” She shifted back around in the seat. “Make all haste to Ann Arbor Michigan.” She freed her cell and thumbed through her contacts before dialing one.
“Thank you for calling Stone Dragon, Cassandra speaking,” a female voice greeted.
“Hey, Sandra,” Aaliyah greeted. “It’s Aaliyah.”
“I just had a vision about you,” Sandra said. “You were in a car crash and unable to move. A man with yellow eyes looked down at you with a blade in his hand. Do you know anything about that?”
“Can’t say that I do,” Aaliyah half lied. “Hey, I got a bit of a question and problem for you. If you’re up for the challenge.”
“Anything for you, love.”
“I got someone with me who’s got a ghost attached to them,” Aaliyah started, hearing a small hiss from Sandra. “Yeah, sounds bad. Is there anything you know or can do to remove the ghost?”
“There’s a couple things that might work, but I need to see the person to know how bad it is,” Sandra said. “How quick can you get there?”
“We’re on our way now from the west side of Saint Louis. Give us …” Aaliyah looked at the clock as she fought with the map. “A day plus some.”
“I can make it faster than that,” Xander chimed in.
Aaliyah felt the car gain speed. “It’s a good seven and a half hour drive, but my brother’s wanting to shorten that.”
“You just give me a call when you get across state lines,” Sandra requested.
“If I’m not sleeping, I will. I’ll see you when we get in.” Aaliyah hung up after receiving Sandra’s farewell.
“The roads here suck,” Xander complained as he made a turn following Aaliyah’s directions.
“Another reason why I walked or took public transit,” Aaliyah said, stretching. “There’s a couple lots right there you can see if there’s open spots in. I think the limit’s two hours. Hopefully we won’t be here that long.” She unbuckled even as Xander gained a parking spot behind a set of two story buildings.
“How long does it take?” Leo questioned as he pulled himself from the car.
Aaliyah shrugged. “Never had to deal with ghost attachments to people. This is a first.” She padded her pants pockets, assuring herself that she had her wallet and cell on her. Music that sounded like it was easily from the 1950s carried from the courtyard to the parking lot.
“What building is it?” Xander called out as he headed for the parking meter to pay.
“The one right in front of you,” Aaliyah answered as she stepped onto the narrow brick path then up the wooden steps. She led the way down the wooden ramp into the courtyard where an elderly man with bowed legs ambled about watering the plants. Aaliyah waved back to him when he noticed her and waved.
“You know him?” Nissa asked, coming up beside Aaliyah.
“Kinda,” Aaliyah answered. “There’s been a few times me and some college friends would stop in for either brunch on the weekends or dinner after class. It’s small and outta the way.”
“And the flags?” Leo asked.
“Gay bar,” Aaliyah said. “Pretty sure the owners are partners and also own the bookstore next to it as well. Love the dog there.” She turned and climbed the few steps to the building painted in the colors related to the chakras.
“And this place is attached as well?” Leo questioned. “Cuz with the paint job…”
“Nope. That’s the colors associated with the chakras,” Aaliyah answered.
“Since when did you become all new agey?” Xander questioned.
Aaliyah shrugged. “Back when I was in college.”
“You, college?”
Aaliyah heard disbelief in Leo’s voice. “Believe it or not, I attended U of M right down the street for their nursing program.” She opened the door and stepped into the main part of the shop.
Meditative music was piped softly through the sound system and the lingering scent of lavender and vanilla hung in the air. The sunlight caught in a stain glass frame of Yaggdrasill, casting the colors onto the wooden floor below. A good sized selection of crystal lined a wall while the area by the bay windows hosted a small but functional library.
“Nice,” Nissa complimented. “Feeling better already.”
“They hold classes upstairs,” Aaliyah said. “Yoga and mediation mostly. But there’s been times where the classes were like ‘make your own’ something. Or ‘learn how to’ classes.”
“That can’t be Aaliyah,” a voice called from upstairs.
Aaliyah looked up the stairs to see a woman a few years older than her poke her head around the corner down at her. “Why can’t it be Aaliyah?”
“Because the Aaliyah I know graduated and went to work at a hospital.” The woman started down the stairs and held her arms out to Aaliyah for a hug. “I’m glad you’re alright. I knew those two men were up to no good.”
Aaliyah accepted the hug, warmth flowing around her. “I’m fine, I promise. Just … a bit banged up.” She pulled away and smiled. “There’s stuff to tell you, but after what brought us here.”
“Right, this apparently ghost attachment.” The woman turned her attention to the other three who had huddled together away from her. “I’m Sandra, welcome.”
“That’s Xander, Nissa, and Leo,” Aaliyah introduced, gesturing to each. “It’s a bit of a story. Xander you may know from my stories.”
“Right, the older brother who looked out for you,” Sandra said with a nod.
“Nissa and Leo…They’re half siblings. Our father decided to drop the bombshell on me and Xander a few days ago. Said they were missing, not so much.”
“It was supposed to have been a simple thing,” Nissa started to crack before Leo elbowed her in the side.
“It’s okay, love,” Sandra said. “I know all about hunting and the things that go bump in the night. You think there’s only one hunter who stays at home and helps others out in the field?”
Aaliyah caught some looks. “Bobby,” she said before hearing the ‘ah has’ from her siblings. “So, you knew John and Dean and didn’t say anything about them to me?”
Sandra half shrugged before she moved down from the stairs and for the back room. “I figured they were just in town for the werewolf. I had heard that a college student had gotten involved, but really didn’t put two and two together when I saw you next.”
Aaliyah followed along even as she caught her siblings moving around the shop out of the corner of her eyes. “I was here about a month after the fight. How would you have known?”
“Word gets around.” Sandra started shifting through the cupboards and pulled items out. Some she put on the counter while others she put away. “So, who’s the one with the attachment?”
“That would be Leo.”
“What? Oh.”
Aaliyah angled herself as Leo came up beside her.
“I just wanna know if I can get rid of it,” Leo said.
“That’s one of the things I wanna find out here.” Sandra put what she pulled out into a basket and started for the door. “There’s all types of spirits out in the world, some mean no harm, others do, and there’s some that go about their business like they don’t know that they’re dead.”
“There’s names for those,” Nissa said. “Oh, what are they?”
“Intelligent, poltergeist, and residual,” Sandra answered. “There’s more names, but those three tend to be the more common names.” She headed back up the stairs. “Come along, you four. Now, Leo. When did you start to notice the spirit around you?”
“Oh, about a couple weeks after finishing a case. And that was … about a month ago.”
“Have you noticed anything odd? Any sort of injury you couldn’t account for?”
Aaliyah gave Leo a reassuring nod when he shot her a look questioning the amount from Sandra.
“Just things being moved for the most part,” Leo said.
“There’s been voices I couldn’t account for,” Nissa added. “I’d be alone in the motel and hear something from the bathroom or another part of the room.”
“Pretty common for an intelligent haunt or attachment,” Sandra said, putting the basket on the table.
The table had been pre-set with a small array of crystals and a few candles in place. Five chairs had been placed around it.
“Go ahead and take a seat,” Sandra requested.
Aaliyah looked at her siblings before taking a seat, muttering to herself about being the first one to take a seat.
“So, what’s all involved in this thing?” Leo asked, taking the chair next to Aaliyah.
“I’ll walk you all through into a relaxed state,” Sandra said, lighting a sage bundle on fire, allowing the smoke to trail upward. “Then I’ll focus mainly on you, Leo, with the hope of finding out why the spirit attached themselves to you.”
“Why are we involved?” Xander questioned. “We’re not effected by it.”
“True, but there’s more energy with more people. Now, go ahead and get comfortable. Steady your breaths, even them out, allow yourself to fall deeper into relaxation.”
Aaliyah adjusted herself in the chair as Sandra’s voice changed to a relaxed pitch that held the lure of being able to put someone to sleep. Her breathing evened out, her ribs stopped complaining for a time, and her eyes closed even as her chin dropped down to her chest.
Sandra’s voice guided them into imagining roots branching out from their feet into the ground.
Aaliyah’s hair stood on end as a drift of wind barely grazed her neck. Something told her to reach out around her with her energy. The table and chair were first, followed by Leo on one side of her and someone else – Sandra – on the other. Aaliyah eased around the table and felt Nissa and Xander across from her. There was something else in the room with them, and the little hunter voice in Aaliyah’s mind told her to go check it out. She edged around the table and stood in front of it even as it stayed the few feet away. The feel of the spirit wasn’t evil or bad, but Aaliyah had a feeling not to mess with it.
“Hunter,” came from the energy mass. “Kill.”
Aaliyah contorted her face in confusion. She dug through her mind to send out “Yes, hunter. No, kill.” There was more she wanted to send out to assure whatever spirit was there that she wasn’t there to kill or destroy. “Why attach brother?”
“Accident. Want move on.”
Words drifted into her consciousness as she watched the spirit fizzled in and out. Aaliyah sent out a piece of her energy over to the spirit, willing it to unattach itself from Leo and move on. She watched the spirit disappear from her sight before the sensation of feeling it faded away. Sandra’s voice drifted in again, giving instructions to return to their bodies. Aaliyah saw the temptation of remaining out of her body even as she heard the voices of her siblings ask why she hadn’t moved. A voice told her that giving up wouldn’t be that easy with Xander there. Aaliyah turned and floated back to her body, her energy being absorbed by it.
“Come on, Aaliyah,” Xander’s voice pled. “Don’t you give up yet.”
Aaliyah took a breath and held it even as she moved her body. Her lungs burned a little before she released the breath.
“There we go,” Xander said, relief in his voice. “Don’t do that again.”
“Do what again?” Aaliyah attempted to play off.
“You know what.”
Aaliyah smiled at him. “I’m fine, trust me. It’ll take more than a ghost to make me not wanna come back.” She eased herself up out of the chair, using the table to keep herself stable until blood circulated back through her legs. “Did it work?”
“I’m not sensing anything past us four,” Sandra said. “I would still keep an eye out in the next few weeks just to make sure.”
“I don’t feel any different,” Leo pointed out. “Am I supposed to feel different?”
“I’m not surprised you don’t feel different,” Sandra said. “You’ve only had the attachment for a short time, so you may not have any adverse reaction about. Go ahead and check out the store. Aaliyah, can I have a word with you?”
“Yeah, sure.” Aaliyah followed Sandra downstairs and into the back. “What’s up?”
“I’ve heard about what happened to the Winchesters,” the older woman said, turning to Aaliyah. “Word travels fast in the hunting community. You’re crazy getting involved in a big hunt like that. Going up against a powerful demon like that is stupid. What went through your head?”
“Paying back a favor to Dean,” Aaliyah answered without missing a beat. “He helped me when I was looking for my own father and brother. Peg it to be wrong in trying to help them when they helped me. But you’re worried about me going toe to toe against a demon, but not a werewolf?”
Sandra sighed. “You’ve survived all your hunts, which is better than most people who got into hunting. I’m just worried about you, that’s all.”
“You and Xander seem to be the only two who are well within that category.” Aaliyah heard her siblings work their way down the stairs into the shop. “I’m still holding court on Nissa and Leo.”
“Who are they to you?”
“Blood, half from my father side,” Aaliyah said. “Met them a few days ago.” She turned her head to the door. “Not sure what to make of them just yet.”
“What ever you decide to do, I hope you’ll be content in it,” Sandra told her. “It’s hard to come by good people in life. If the group of you can get along well enough, the four of you might make a good hunting team.”
Aaliyah opened her mouth to respond right when her cell started ringing. “Hello?”
“Where are you?” Dean’s voice shouted through the earpiece. “Why aren’t you at Bobby’s?”
“Something came up and Xander and I decided to check it out,” Aaliyah told him, risking putting the cell back to her ear. “We should be back in a couple days.”
“You should be working on getting your driver’s license,” Dean said, his voice had dropped back down, but still raised. “Or studying up on more lore.”
“There’s only so much lore I can stuff into my head, Dean.” Aaliyah caught Xander look up over to her when she said Dean’s name. She waved him off. “We’ll head back today even.”
“You better,” Dean said, his voice had returned to its normal level, as if he was assured that she was safe and willing to return back to Bobby’s.
“Yeah, we will. Love you, Jerk.”
“Ass,” Dean replied before his end cut off.
Aaliyah caught Sandra’s arched eyebrow in a silence question. “Dean, the one who had help with the werewolf a few years ago. Xander, we should get food and what not before we head back to Bobby’s.”
“Not to Casey’s?” he asked.
Aaliyah shook her head. “We can call him once we get there.”
“Who’s Bobby?”
“Are you all just popping up like daisies?” Bobby asked as Aaliyah brought up the rear of her siblings.
“You knew there were a couple siblings out there,” Aaliyah said. “We weren’t really planning on rushing back here; but someone had insisted we come back here instead of closing the case.”
“And what do you expect me to do?”
“We’ll figure it out, Bobby,” Xander said. “Unless Casey decided to stay in town and make an unannounced stop in here.”
Aaliyah dropped her bags on the couch. “Needless to say, the whole missing children weren’t really missing. They were off on their own hunting thing and apparently didn’t make a check in call. Then a ghost attachment had us make a trip back to Michigan. I know someone back there not far from campus that helped.”
“It made for an interesting road trip,” Xander commented, handing Aaliyah a beer from the fridge.
“Yeah, comparing stories from our childhoods,” Aaliyah said, opening the beer and taking a drink of it. “Any word from the boys?”
“They’re over at the roadhouse,” Bobby said. “They’ve finished up a case Ellen had for John. Oh, Aaliyah, your things came in the mail.” He reached over to the table and handed over a couple envelopes.
“Oh, good. This means I can finally go get that permit.”
Aaliyah signed her name to the thirty day permit paper while Bobby handled the rest of the with the worker. His address would work for any of her mailing and current resident needs, on the term that she didn’t do anything stupid to get in trouble with the law.
“Here,” Bobby said, handing her the keys as they left the building. “Might as well get some practice in.”
“You’re trusting me now with the keys?”
“No sense on not letting you drive now. We’re just gonna make a couple stops before heading back. And maybe work on your parking.”
Aaliyah pulled herself into the truck and put the keys into the ignition before buckling up. Bobby guided her through backing up as she moved the truck and started driving. She sensed Bobby holding back a lot of his anger, letting it build up, as she wasn’t getting up to full speed along the main roads.
“I could always get out and walk back home,” Aaliyah threatened. “Leave you here in the middle of the road.”
It seemed to calm Bobby down before he motioned to an open curb spot near the store he wanted to stop in. Aaliyah followed his steps in coming up beside the car in front of the spot before angling the front wheels and backing up into the open spot. She ignored Bobby’s endless “Easy” as she straightened the truck out enough out of the flow of traffic before turning the engine off.
“You stay here,” Bobby instructed as he climbed out. “I shouldn’t be too long here.”
“Shoulda brought a book,” Aaliyah commented as the door closed. She let her gaze drift out of focus as she watched the traffic drive by. She jumped a little when a knuckle rap came at the window. Her heart started racing seeing the officer on the other side of the window.
“Can I help you, ma’am?” Aaliyah asked as she rolled down the window.
“You didn’t feed the meter,” she said. “I’m gonna have to ask you to move or feed it.”
“I … umm…” Aaliyah started looking through the truck in search of any loose change Bobby may have kept. “Give me a minute, I’m sure my uncle’s got something in here.”
“Who’s your uncle?”
“Sherriff Mills,” Bobby’s voice drifted into the cab.
Relief flooded Aaliyah’s body even as she continued to search the cab for loose change.
“Bobby,” Sherriff Mills said, mild surprise in her voice. “This your niece?”
Aaliyah took that as her cue to sit up and lock gaze with the older hunter.
“Yeah, she is,” Bobby said. “What of it?”
“It’s the parking meter,” Mills answered.
“I told you to put some money into it, Uncle Bobby,” Aaliyah told him, giving him a smile even as he shot her a quick look. “Not sure if you actually heard me or not.”
“I’ll cut you a break, Singer,” Mills said. “You and your niece here can head on out, since she’s…”
“First day behind the wheel, ma’am,” Aaliyah finished. “Uncle Bobby’s been teaching me.”
“You pass your test and show me the certificate, I’ll make sure you get something for surviving driving with him,” Mills said.
“I’ll do that,” Aaliyah said.
“I’ll see you then, Ms. …”
“Aaliyah,” she introduced herself.
“Uh huh,” Mills closed the ticket book. “I wanna see that driver’s license when you get.”
“Absolutely,” Aaliyah agreed. She watched the sheriff walk away even as Bobby took her place.
“What got your head, kid?” he snapped.
“It got you outta a parking ticket, Bobby,” Aaliyah snapped back. She stretched a little and massaged her knee. “Come on, my body’s protesting. And I don’t know how much longer Xander can last against Captain Cold and the daughter of Ra’s al Ghul.”
Aaliyah spotted the Impala as she pulled up to the house. The drive back from town had been uneventful save for Bobby giving her instructions and tips on how to drive and what to do in certain situations. She tossed him the keys even as she slid from the driver’s seat. Bobby seemed drawn to something out in the yard, leaving Aaliyah to head inside. With a breath to steady herself, she headed inside.
She half hid in the kitchen and watched Dean stare down Leo. Aaliyah met Xander’s gaze and smirked when he gave a small shrug. Aaliyah spotted Nissa some feet away from Dean, as if she attempted to step between him and Leo but got scared of the older Winchester.
“Where is she?” Dean shouted. “Where!”
Leo startled at the last shout. “I … I … I…” he stammered.
“If I didn’t know better,” Xander whispered to Aaliyah. “I’d say Dean’s a bit protective over you.”
“You’re seeing things,” Aaliyah countered, her gaze shifted over to Xander for a brief minute. The look he gave her said he really didn’t believe her. Her mind hadn’t believed what she said as well. Was there a part of Dean that was just a tad protective of her?
“He’s right,” Bobby spoke up. “I haven’t seen Dean get this worked up over anyone save Sam.”
Aaliyah turned her gaze back to Dean, who had stepped in closer to Leo. Her half brother had hit a wall and slid down to the floor. The scene had gone from mildly amusing to almost deadly with how Dean was looming over Leo. “Ease up, Dean,” she called out to him.
His shoulders relaxed at her voice before he turned. “Wha…”
Aaliyah held up her learner’s permit. “Bobby helped with me getting this.” She moved to meet Dean just inside the living room before he took the piece of paper.
“License, huh?” Dean looked the permit over.
“She’s gotta get around somehow,” Bobby dropped in. “Speaking of which. Aaliyah, come on out and take your pick from the lot.”
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notsofly · 6 years
Ties in Blood Chapter 17
@mrswhozeewhatsis @impala-dreamer @winchestergirl-13 @percussiongirl2017 @squirrelnotsam @idreamofplaid
Chapter 17
“This is stupid,” Xander said. “Having them along with the possessed item is putting all of us at risk.”
Aaliyah had insisted they stop at a rest stop to stretch legs, use the restroom, and do whatever for a short time. Plus, it gave her and Xander to stand off to a side and have a private conversation about what was going on without their half siblings overhearing. “I know that. But what we supposed to do? I don’t know what to do with a possession here, Xander. There’s bound to be a method her that the Winchesters hadn’t told me about while dealing with the yellow eye demon.”
“Bobby didn’t tell you?”
“I didn’t know until after we left the house, remember?” Aaliyah strained to keep her voice low. “There’s got to be something more to this than a case of missing family members and a possible possessed item. I’m open for ideas, here.”
“Could always burn it,” Xander suggested. “That’s seen as a purifying rite in some cultures.”
Aaliyah nibbled at her lip in thought. “It might work, but I feel like there’s something else that goes with that. Unless that’s just for corpses.” She glanced around as a couple people came too close for her comfort. “I really don’t get this, why come all this way to find siblings we didn’t know about, to help destroy a possessed item, and act like this was just another day in the park for us?”
“Because our lives are complicated,” Xander answered. “You know hunters don’t really get the good hand at the card table.”
Aaliyah nodded. “I hate complicated. What happened to the days we knew what we were facing?”
Xander shrugged. “Remember back when I pretended to be a knight off to slay the dragon? And you were the captured princess.”
“If I remember right, we were both knights, and a stuffed animal was the princess.” Aaliyah smiled a little as the memory faded in piece by piece. “You decided to try and be all heroic and show offish.”
“And you kicked me down and ran in to play hero,” Xander pointed out. “I think that carried over to now.”
“You think?”
“You’re the one who charged in to slay the dragon in college.”
“Are we going or not?” Nissa shouted.
Aaliyah turned around to see her sister standing by the car. “There’s something about her I like. Leo on the other hand … He might get hit during a hunt.” She started for the car. There she found Leo already in his seat in a brooding position. Aaliyah shook her head when she slid into the front seat.
“What?” Leo asked.
“That head shake isn’t nothing.”
Aaliyah took a deep breath to steady herself as she turned to face her half brother. “Your constant brooding and butting heads with us. We’re here to help you and your sister…”
“She’s your sister as well.” Leo leaned forward.
“By blood only. What makes you think I should care about that?” Aaliyah worked her way around in the seat and stared Leo down for a minute before her mind brought up the memory of her watching Sam and John butting heads when dealing with the vampire nest. “Listen, Leo. Trust goes both ways. Nissa’s willing to trust us after knowing us for a short time. You. You’re not. I don’t know if that’s you trying to protect yourself or if it’s just part of your personality.”
“You’re not so open either, big sis,” Leo countered. “Are all hunters like that, or just you?”
“Most hunters want out of the life,” Aaliyah told him. “And I’m telling you now, since you’re not that deep in it to get out while you can. Not every hunt’s gonna be a milk run. You’ve seen the scars from the werewolf I took out. I could have died…”
“But you didn’t,” Leo cut in.
“Because I got lucky,” Aaliyah countered. “It may not happen next time. This possessed item you and Nissa have, if you actually have it, needs to be destroyed. The longer you have it, the longer the spirit attached to it gets to roam and do damage.” She stared Leo down, half aware that Nissa and Xander had gotten into the car and were watching. “You and Nissa have been hunting for a few months. Xander and I have been hunting for the better part of two years. We know what we’re doing.”
“Then how do you get rid of a ghost attached to a person?”
Aaliyah blinked a few times, taken back by the turn of events.
“You told me the ghost was attached to that family portrait we burned,” Nissa broke into the conversation. “Why didn’t you tell me …”
“Because you’d try to burn me as well,” Leo countered. “I’d like to live a few more years.”
“I think this is a call to Bobby,” Xander whispered to Aaliyah.
She shook her head. “I don’t wanna call him if we can figure this out.” Aaliyah racked her mind in the attempt to think of people who could help. “I think there’s someone back in Michigan would could help.”
“I’m game,” Leo said.
“I can’t promise it’ll work,” Aaliyah told him.
“I want this thing away from me,” Leo told her. “The quicker we get there, the better.”
Aaliyah sighed. “Alright. Xander.” She shifted back around in the seat. “Make all haste to Ann Arbor Michigan.” She freed her cell and thumbed through her contacts before dialing one.
“Thank you for calling Stone Dragon, Cassandra speaking,” a female voice greeted.
“Hey, Sandra,” Aaliyah greeted. “It’s Aaliyah.”
“I just had a vision about you,” Sandra said. “You were in a car crash and unable to move. A man with yellow eyes looked down at you with a blade in his hand. Do you know anything about that?”
“Can’t say that I do,” Aaliyah half lied. “Hey, I got a bit of a question and problem for you. If you’re up for the challenge.”
“Anything for you, love.”
“I got someone with me who’s got a ghost attached to them,” Aaliyah started, hearing a small hiss from Sandra. “Yeah, sounds bad. Is there anything you know or can do to remove the ghost?”
“There’s a couple things that might work, but I need to see the person to know how bad it is,” Sandra said. “How quick can you get there?”
“We’re on our way now from the west side of Saint Louis. Give us …” Aaliyah looked at the clock as she fought with the map. “A day plus some.”
“I can make it faster than that,” Xander chimed in.
Aaliyah felt the car gain speed. “It’s a good seven and a half hour drive, but my brother’s wanting to shorten that.”
“You just give me a call when you get across state lines,” Sandra requested.
“If I’m not sleeping, I will. I’ll see you when we get in.” Aaliyah hung up after receiving Sandra’s farewell.
“The roads here suck,” Xander complained as he made a turn following Aaliyah’s directions.
“Another reason why I walked or took public transit,” Aaliyah said, stretching. “There’s a couple lots right there you can see if there’s open spots in. I think the limit’s two hours. Hopefully we won’t be here that long.” She unbuckled even as Xander gained a parking spot behind a set of two story buildings.
“How long does it take?” Leo questioned as he pulled himself from the car.
Aaliyah shrugged. “Never had to deal with ghost attachments to people. This is a first.” She padded her pants pockets, assuring herself that she had her wallet and cell on her. Music that sounded like it was easily from the 1950s carried from the courtyard to the parking lot.
“What building is it?” Xander called out as he headed for the parking meter to pay.
“The one right in front of you,” Aaliyah answered as she stepped onto the narrow brick path then up the wooden steps. She led the way down the wooden ramp into the courtyard where an elderly man with bowed legs ambled about watering the plants. Aaliyah waved back to him when he noticed her and waved.
“You know him?” Nissa asked, coming up beside Aaliyah.
“Kinda,” Aaliyah answered. “There’s been a few times me and some college friends would stop in for either brunch on the weekends or dinner after class. It’s small and outta the way.”
“And the flags?” Leo asked.
“Gay bar,” Aaliyah said. “Pretty sure the owners are partners and also own the bookstore next to it as well. Love the dog there.” She turned and climbed the few steps to the building painted in the colors related to the chakras.
“And this place is attached as well?” Leo questioned. “Cuz with the paint job…”
“Nope. That’s the colors associated with the chakras,” Aaliyah answered.
“Since when did you become all new agey?” Xander questioned.
Aaliyah shrugged. “Back when I was in college.”
“You, college?”
Aaliyah heard disbelief in Leo’s voice. “Believe it or not, I attended U of M right down the street for their nursing program.” She opened the door and stepped into the main part of the shop.
Meditative music was piped softly through the sound system and the lingering scent of lavender and vanilla hung in the air. The sunlight caught in a stain glass frame of Yaggdrasill, casting the colors onto the wooden floor below. A good sized selection of crystal lined a wall while the area by the bay windows hosted a small but functional library.
“Nice,” Nissa complimented. “Feeling better already.”
“They hold classes upstairs,” Aaliyah said. “Yoga and mediation mostly. But there’s been times where the classes were like ‘make your own’ something. Or ‘learn how to’ classes.”
“That can’t be Aaliyah,” a voice called from upstairs.
Aaliyah looked up the stairs to see a woman a few years older than her poke her head around the corner down at her. “Why can’t it be Aaliyah?”
“Because the Aaliyah I know graduated and went to work at a hospital.” The woman started down the stairs and held her arms out to Aaliyah for a hug. “I’m glad you’re alright. I knew those two men were up to no good.”
Aaliyah accepted the hug, warmth flowing around her. “I’m fine, I promise. Just … a bit banged up.” She pulled away and smiled. “There’s stuff to tell you, but after what brought us here.”
“Right, this apparently ghost attachment.” The woman turned her attention to the other three who had huddled together away from her. “I’m Sandra, welcome.”
“That’s Xander, Nissa, and Leo,” Aaliyah introduced, gesturing to each. “It’s a bit of a story. Xander you may know from my stories.”
“Right, the older brother who looked out for you,” Sandra said with a nod.
“Nissa and Leo…They’re half siblings. Our father decided to drop the bombshell on me and Xander a few days ago. Said they were missing, not so much.”
“It was supposed to have been a simple thing,” Nissa started to crack before Leo elbowed her in the side.
“It’s okay, love,” Sandra said. “I know all about hunting and the things that go bump in the night. You think there’s only one hunter who stays at home and helps others out in the field?”
Aaliyah caught some looks. “Bobby,” she said before hearing the ‘ah has’ from her siblings. “So, you knew John and Dean and didn’t say anything about them to me?”
Sandra half shrugged before she moved down from the stairs and for the back room. “I figured they were just in town for the werewolf. I had heard that a college student had gotten involved, but really didn’t put two and two together when I saw you next.”
Aaliyah followed along even as she caught her siblings moving around the shop out of the corner of her eyes. “I was here about a month after the fight. How would you have known?”
“Word gets around.” Sandra started shifting through the cupboards and pulled items out. Some she put on the counter while others she put away. “So, who’s the one with the attachment?”
“That would be Leo.”
“What? Oh.”
Aaliyah angled herself as Leo came up beside her.
“I just wanna know if I can get rid of it,” Leo said.
“That’s one of the things I wanna find out here.” Sandra put what she pulled out into a basket and started for the door. “There’s all types of spirits out in the world, some mean no harm, others do, and there’s some that go about their business like they don’t know that they’re dead.”
“There’s names for those,” Nissa said. “Oh, what are they?”
“Intelligent, poltergeist, and residual,” Sandra answered. “There’s more names, but those three tend to be the more common names.” She headed back up the stairs. “Come along, you four. Now, Leo. When did you start to notice the spirit around you?”
“Oh, about a couple weeks after finishing a case. And that was … about a month ago.”
“Have you noticed anything odd? Any sort of injury you couldn’t account for?”
Aaliyah gave Leo a reassuring nod when he shot her a look questioning the amount from Sandra.
“Just things being moved for the most part,” Leo said.
“There’s been voices I couldn’t account for,” Nissa added. “I’d be alone in the motel and hear something from the bathroom or another part of the room.”
“Pretty common for an intelligent haunt or attachment,” Sandra said, putting the basket on the table.
The table had been pre-set with a small array of crystals and a few candles in place. Five chairs had been placed around it.
“Go ahead and take a seat,” Sandra requested.
Aaliyah looked at her siblings before taking a seat, muttering to herself about being the first one to take a seat.
“So, what’s all involved in this thing?” Leo asked, taking the chair next to Aaliyah.
“I’ll walk you all through into a relaxed state,” Sandra said, lighting a sage bundle on fire, allowing the smoke to trail upward. “Then I’ll focus mainly on you, Leo, with the hope of finding out why the spirit attached themselves to you.”
“Why are we involved?” Xander questioned. “We’re not effected by it.”
“True, but there’s more energy with more people. Now, go ahead and get comfortable. Steady your breaths, even them out, allow yourself to fall deeper into relaxation.”
Aaliyah adjusted herself in the chair as Sandra’s voice changed to a relaxed pitch that held the lure of being able to put someone to sleep. Her breathing evened out, her ribs stopped complaining for a time, and her eyes closed even as her chin dropped down to her chest.
Sandra’s voice guided them into imagining roots branching out from their feet into the ground.
Aaliyah’s hair stood on end as a drift of wind barely grazed her neck. Something told her to reach out around her with her energy. The table and chair were first, followed by Leo on one side of her and someone else – Sandra – on the other. Aaliyah eased around the table and felt Nissa and Xander across from her. There was something else in the room with them, and the little hunter voice in Aaliyah’s mind told her to go check it out. She edged around the table and stood in front of it even as it stayed the few feet away. The feel of the spirit wasn’t evil or bad, but Aaliyah had a feeling not to mess with it.
“Hunter,” came from the energy mass. “Kill.”
Aaliyah contorted her face in confusion. She dug through her mind to send out “Yes, hunter. No, kill.” There was more she wanted to send out to assure whatever spirit was there that she wasn’t there to kill or destroy. “Why attach brother?”
“Accident. Want move on.”
Words drifted into her consciousness as she watched the spirit fizzled in and out. Aaliyah sent out a piece of her energy over to the spirit, willing it to unattach itself from Leo and move on. She watched the spirit disappear from her sight before the sensation of feeling it faded away. Sandra’s voice drifted in again, giving instructions to return to their bodies. Aaliyah saw the temptation of remaining out of her body even as she heard the voices of her siblings ask why she hadn’t moved. A voice told her that giving up wouldn’t be that easy with Xander there. Aaliyah turned and floated back to her body, her energy being absorbed by it.
“Come on, Aaliyah,” Xander’s voice pled. “Don’t you give up yet.”
Aaliyah took a breath and held it even as she moved her body. Her lungs burned a little before she released the breath.
“There we go,” Xander said, relief in his voice. “Don’t do that again.”
“Do what again?” Aaliyah attempted to play off.
“You know what.”
Aaliyah smiled at him. “I’m fine, trust me. It’ll take more than a ghost to make me not wanna come back.” She eased herself up out of the chair, using the table to keep herself stable until blood circulated back through her legs. “Did it work?”
“I’m not sensing anything past us four,” Sandra said. “I would still keep an eye out in the next few weeks just to make sure.”
“I don’t feel any different,” Leo pointed out. “Am I supposed to feel different?”
“I’m not surprised you don’t feel different,” Sandra said. “You’ve only had the attachment for a short time, so you may not have any adverse reaction about. Go ahead and check out the store. Aaliyah, can I have a word with you?”
“Yeah, sure.” Aaliyah followed Sandra downstairs and into the back. “What’s up?”
“I’ve heard about what happened to the Winchesters,” the older woman said, turning to Aaliyah. “Word travels fast in the hunting community. You’re crazy getting involved in a big hunt like that. Going up against a powerful demon like that is stupid. What went through your head?”
“Paying back a favor to Dean,” Aaliyah answered without missing a beat. “He helped me when I was looking for my own father and brother. Peg it to be wrong in trying to help them when they helped me. But you’re worried about me going toe to toe against a demon, but not a werewolf?”
Sandra sighed. “You’ve survived all your hunts, which is better than most people who got into hunting. I’m just worried about you, that’s all.”
“You and Xander seem to be the only two who are well within that category.” Aaliyah heard her siblings work their way down the stairs into the shop. “I’m still holding court on Nissa and Leo.”
“Who are they to you?”
“Blood, half from my father side,” Aaliyah said. “Met them a few days ago.” She turned her head to the door. “Not sure what to make of them just yet.”
“What ever you decide to do, I hope you’ll be content in it,” Sandra told her. “It’s hard to come by good people in life. If the group of you can get along well enough, the four of you might make a good hunting team.”
Aaliyah opened her mouth to respond right when her cell started ringing. “Hello?”
“Where are you?” Dean’s voice shouted through the earpiece. “Why aren’t you at Bobby’s?”
“Something came up and Xander and I decided to check it out,” Aaliyah told him, risking putting the cell back to her ear. “We should be back in a couple days.”
“You should be working on getting your driver’s license,” Dean said, his voice had dropped back down, but still raised. “Or studying up on more lore.”
“There’s only so much lore I can stuff into my head, Dean.” Aaliyah caught Xander look up over to her when she said Dean’s name. She waved him off. “We’ll head back today even.”
“You better,” Dean said, his voice had returned to its normal level, as if he was assured that she was safe and willing to return back to Bobby’s.
“Yeah, we will. Love you, Jerk.”
“Ass,” Dean replied before his end cut off.
Aaliyah caught Sandra’s arched eyebrow in a silence question. “Dean, the one who had help with the werewolf a few years ago. Xander, we should get food and what not before we head back to Bobby’s.”
“Not to Casey’s?” he asked.
Aaliyah shook her head. “We can call him once we get there.”
“Who’s Bobby?”
“Are you all just popping up like daisies?” Bobby asked as Aaliyah brought up the rear of her siblings.
“You knew there were a couple siblings out there,” Aaliyah said. “We weren’t really planning on rushing back here; but someone had insisted we come back here instead of closing the case.”
“And what do you expect me to do?”
“We’ll figure it out, Bobby,” Xander said. “Unless Casey decided to stay in town and make an unannounced stop in here.”
Aaliyah dropped her bags on the couch. “Needless to say, the whole missing children weren’t really missing. They were off on their own hunting thing and apparently didn’t make a check in call. Then a ghost attachment had us make a trip back to Michigan. I know someone back there not far from campus that helped.”
“It made for an interesting road trip,” Xander commented, handing Aaliyah a beer from the fridge.
“Yeah, comparing stories from our childhoods,” Aaliyah said, opening the beer and taking a drink of it. “Any word from the boys?”
“They’re over at the roadhouse,” Bobby said. “They’ve finished up a case Ellen had for John. Oh, Aaliyah, your things came in the mail.” He reached over to the table and handed over a couple envelopes.
“Oh, good. This means I can finally go get that permit.”
Aaliyah signed her name to the thirty day permit paper while Bobby handled the rest of the with the worker. His address would work for any of her mailing and current resident needs, on the term that she didn’t do anything stupid to get in trouble with the law.
“Here,” Bobby said, handing her the keys as they left the building. “Might as well get some practice in.”
“You’re trusting me now with the keys?”
“No sense on not letting you drive now. We’re just gonna make a couple stops before heading back. And maybe work on your parking.”
Aaliyah pulled herself into the truck and put the keys into the ignition before buckling up. Bobby guided her through backing up as she moved the truck and started driving. She sensed Bobby holding back a lot of his anger, letting it build up, as she wasn’t getting up to full speed along the main roads.
“I could always get out and walk back home,” Aaliyah threatened. “Leave you here in the middle of the road.”
It seemed to calm Bobby down before he motioned to an open curb spot near the store he wanted to stop in. Aaliyah followed his steps in coming up beside the car in front of the spot before angling the front wheels and backing up into the open spot. She ignored Bobby’s endless “Easy” as she straightened the truck out enough out of the flow of traffic before turning the engine off.
“You stay here,” Bobby instructed as he climbed out. “I shouldn’t be too long here.”
“Shoulda brought a book,” Aaliyah commented as the door closed. She let her gaze drift out of focus as she watched the traffic drive by. She jumped a little when a knuckle rap came at the window. Her heart started racing seeing the officer on the other side of the window.
“Can I help you, ma’am?” Aaliyah asked as she rolled down the window.
“You didn’t feed the meter,” she said. “I’m gonna have to ask you to move or feed it.”
“I … umm…” Aaliyah started looking through the truck in search of any loose change Bobby may have kept. “Give me a minute, I’m sure my uncle’s got something in here.”
“Who’s your uncle?”
“Sherriff Mills,” Bobby’s voice drifted into the cab.
Relief flooded Aaliyah’s body even as she continued to search the cab for loose change.
“Bobby,” Sherriff Mills said, mild surprise in her voice. “This your niece?”
Aaliyah took that as her cue to sit up and lock gaze with the older hunter.
“Yeah, she is,” Bobby said. “What of it?”
“It’s the parking meter,” Mills answered.
“I told you to put some money into it, Uncle Bobby,” Aaliyah told him, giving him a smile even as he shot her a quick look. “Not sure if you actually heard me or not.”
“I’ll cut you a break, Singer,” Mills said. “You and your niece here can head on out, since she’s…”
“First day behind the wheel, ma’am,” Aaliyah finished. “Uncle Bobby’s been teaching me.”
“You pass your test and show me the certificate, I’ll make sure you get something for surviving driving with him,” Mills said.
“I’ll do that,” Aaliyah said.
“I’ll see you then, Ms. …”
“Aaliyah,” she introduced herself.
“Uh huh,” Mills closed the ticket book. “I wanna see that driver’s license when you get.”
“Absolutely,” Aaliyah agreed. She watched the sheriff walk away even as Bobby took her place.
“What got your head, kid?” he snapped.
“It got you outta a parking ticket, Bobby,” Aaliyah snapped back. She stretched a little and massaged her knee. “Come on, my body’s protesting. And I don’t know how much longer Xander can last against Captain Cold and the daughter of Ra’s al Ghul.”
Aaliyah spotted the Impala as she pulled up to the house. The drive back from town had been uneventful save for Bobby giving her instructions and tips on how to drive and what to do in certain situations. She tossed him the keys even as she slid from the driver’s seat. Bobby seemed drawn to something out in the yard, leaving Aaliyah to head inside. With a breath to steady herself, she headed inside.
She half hid in the kitchen and watched Dean stare down Leo. Aaliyah met Xander’s gaze and smirked when he gave a small shrug. Aaliyah spotted Nissa some feet away from Dean, as if she attempted to step between him and Leo but got scared of the older Winchester.
“Where is she?” Dean shouted. “Where!”
Leo startled at the last shout. “I … I … I…” he stammered.
“If I didn’t know better,” Xander whispered to Aaliyah. “I’d say Dean’s a bit protective over you.”
“You’re seeing things,” Aaliyah countered, her gaze shifted over to Xander for a brief minute. The look he gave her said he really didn’t believe her. Her mind hadn’t believed what she said as well. Was there a part of Dean that was just a tad protective of her?
“He’s right,” Bobby spoke up. “I haven’t seen Dean get this worked up over anyone save Sam.”
Aaliyah turned her gaze back to Dean, who had stepped in closer to Leo. Her half brother had hit a wall and slid down to the floor. The scene had gone from mildly amusing to almost deadly with how Dean was looming over Leo. “Ease up, Dean,” she called out to him.
His shoulders relaxed at her voice before he turned. “Wha…”
Aaliyah held up her learner’s permit. “Bobby helped with me getting this.” She moved to meet Dean just inside the living room before he took the piece of paper.
“License, huh?” Dean looked the permit over.
“She’s gotta get around somehow,” Bobby dropped in. “Speaking of which. Aaliyah, come on out and take your pick from the lot.”
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