#+♥ bandwagon ♥+
vilsoo · 1 year
can you walk me thru the inquisitor situation just briefly (i'm not on tiktok so i'm not clued into any of these things)
tw: pedo/grooming mentions, suicide
inquisitor was a popular 23 yo ghost cosplayer on tiktok. he literally did nothing wrong except make silly fun tiktoks in his ghost cosplay with a lightsaber until one day this dumb fucking 17 yo girl lied about her age and started talking to him. when that information somehow got leaked by another popular cosplayer (their user was keegensmask or something like that, but idgaf bc fuck that bitch) inqusitor was obviously getting LOTS of backlash and accusations for being a groomer/pedo. these were proven to be false allegations in less than a day. i believe around yesterday or so, inquisitor started a tiktok live where he hung himself. there are some rumors that he might’ve survived his attempt, but there are some where he sadly passed. but gone or not, i’m so fucking pissed at what these bitches did to him. and all for what exactly??? what did they gain from falsely accusing this man as a pedo???
i hope they rot in fucking jail. i dont fucking feel bad for these kids that are gonna suffer the consequences of their dumbass actions. that’s gonna haunt them for their years and i legitimately wish them the worse in life. even the fact that they keep denying everything about spreading these harmful rumors? yeah they definitely don’t deserve anything nice in life.
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mythvoiced · 10 months
-. GOOOD timezone~ i am once again interrupting the regular flow of your dash to suggest you watch Rain or Shine (2017-18, Yoo Bo-ra, Kim Jin-won, starring Lee Joon-ho & Won Jin-A as main leads) since I JUST found out it's apparently also available on N.etf.lix but you can also watch it on V.iki WITHOUT pass, thank you~
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bunnieswithknives · 1 month
Also, are you on the "Peri's a bit more magically powerful but suppresses it bandwagon"? Because I noticed that Wanda and Cosmo have regular human ears while Peri doesn't.
Eneways Have a Good Day!!
YOU KNOW WHAT I actually hadn't heard that headcanon yet when I made the animatic but the more I think about it the more in love I am with the idea.
I would be so ironically tragic if part of Peri struggling so much to look human was a direct result of how powerful his magic is and having to suppress it ♥
POV the one thing you want most in the world ia specifically unavailable to you and you only because of something many would call a gift
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equinox-86 · 9 months
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Avoid NSFW topics. Let's keep this blog clean.
Keep in mind that Tumblr is not my main platform and I don't check it as regularly as I do Instagram.
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Art Requests Art Requests are always CLOSED unless stated otherwise.
If I take requests, I will announce it in a post or on my Instagram stories. Please stop asking me for free art. I never accept these requests.
I do art trades and collabs for friends and mutuals only, but keep in mind that I can't always join. I am a very busy person.
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If you're rude, you'll get the boot 🥾
If you're rude, hateful or start drama, you'll be blocked. Don't even bother because I don't read walls of hateful texts and I have better things to do. Your time to type them will be in vain. Just block my blog.
I won't answer asks I'm uncomfortable with.
I may need time to respond, especially if I'm responding with art.
Keep the asks DL related.
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As of now: I am no longer comfortable talking in DMs except for mutuals.
If I don't know you, please stop treating me like a close friend or as if you know me personally. It makes me very uncomfortable.
Please don't ask me to become friends or mutuals, to check out your posts or request free art from me. If I want to do something, I'll do it at my own accord.
My DMs are not open to vents unless you are a really close friend. I'm bad at responding to those kind of messages unless I know you well. I myself am dealing with issues and venting about certain topics may possibly be a trigger.
I'm not talkative with people I don't know or never interacted with in DMs and I might get quiet due to awkwardness.
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This goes for tagging me on posts on Tiktok and Instagram just to get my attention to gain more views. I don't like being tagged in posts that are unrelated to me and I am asking you to stop.
I am fine with being tagged in Tumblr and Instagram bandwagon posts for OCs and such.
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Thank you for reading ♥
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trixibebe · 5 months
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oc x canon ~ non-canon babytime
@spicyliumang gave me the brainworms so I gotta jump onto the bandwagon ♥
Headcanons under the cut (I got a bit carried away lmao)
It would totally be an accident. It would be either after she'd return to Japan after visiting home, or during their honeymoon. The jetlag, the different time zones and the excitement would cause her to mess up her contraceptive-intake.
She'd panic when her period would be late as it usually comes even a little early. But it coming a little late would happen every few months for seemingly no reason so this may be the case this time too.
Zhao would immediately note that she seems more tense than usual, and she'd even agree but would brush it off with "happens sometimes", not wanting to worry him (as usual...). She wouldn't really bring it up again until she'd take a pregnancy test.
By the time she has confirmation from the test after her period had been late for longer than ever before, she already kinda made peace with the possibility that she's pregnant. But the reality of it would only settle in when she'd see the positive result.
She's take the test alone after coming home from work one day at a time when Zhao would still be at You Tian. She would want some alone time, no matter the result. If the test is negative then she'd be so relived that she would immediately need a nap. If it's positive then she'd need to process that and think about how deliver the news to Zhao.
Both of them would be the definition of mixed reactions. He'd be coming home in the evening and would find her tear-smeared. She was happy of course. A little person made up of partially herself and part of the person she loved the most. Sounds like the best thing ever. But they didn't plan it. It would be a huge change in their lives. And being a parent nowadays is so difficult. And that made her unbelievably anxious. Zhao was at first in disbelief. He thought she'd definitely get her period and now he's gonna be a dad? Someone who only knew strictness from his own father? Would he manage? Here Kori would be the one for a change who would give him reassurance. That is if he would want the child at all. She would be okay with either outcome.
She always thought about kids as "cool if I have some, cool if I don't". Her life was complete without them. And it's not like she really expected to be a mom anyway being in her mid-30's. But now that there was a chance like this, she would tackle it with Zhao by her side. If he wanted to.
Zhao would be mulling over it for quite a while. It's not like they have never brought up the topic before. But he was also torn between "cool if yes" and "cool if no". He did have fun with them whenever he had to entertain a kid of a costumer. But that was just for a short time. Here he would be in for the long run. Eventually, he figured that he could do a so much better job than his own dad did with him. That lit a fire in him. Zhao was always a person who wanted to give others a place to belong, he would be capable of doing so with his own child.
They would agonize over the name. Should it be Chinese? Japanese? Hungarian? Initially they wanted to go with Japanese, since the baby would be born here. That seemed the most logical, anyway. With a Hungarian name she would probably stand out too much, and Zhao said he didn't wanna "monopolize" the little one's name, making it all Chinese, considering she'd be already getting his last name.
One thing was for sure at first, Kori would get another carnation tattooed on her back once she was done with breastfeeding down the line. And that's when Zhao had the idea of naming the little one "carnation". It would work well since Kornélia is rooted in a flower name too.
The problem was that the Japanese word for carnation is カーネーション or Kānēshon. Basically almost how you'd pronounce carnation in English. That was a no-go for Kori, to her that sounded wrong somehow. But since she loved the idea overall, but Szegfű wasn't an accepted name in Hungary, they eventually went with Kāngnǎixīn (康乃馨). At least that would be on the birth certificate. Some would still go on calling her Kānēshon. Though most of the time she'd end up going by Cara or Carrie. Kori would call her Nyuszifül most of the time, meaning "bunny ear", matching how she'd call Zhao Nyuszi (bunny) a lot (both rather common terms of endearment in Hungarian).
(Cara would later curse her parents a bit for giving her a name so complicated to write.)
Kori would be anxious a lot during her pregnancy, fearing she would do something wrong. Even if she was fully committed to the idea once they decided to keep the baby. To ease her mind, Zhao would spend a lot of time looking up healthy recipes for pregnant women and then cooking them, to at least ease her mind on that front.
In addition she's be quite moody during all of it due to all the hormones. On one hand she's nervous on how to do stuff, on the other hand if you tell her she should do something a certain way she might snark back in a "don't tell me what to do" way. (She would feel extremely bad about it afterwards though.)
In general she'd be pissed more often, mostly at trivial things like when people block the whole sidewalk all on their own, or the mail delivery man not even attempting to deliver packages, rather leaving a note even if she was home. Not that she'd say most of these things out loud (as to "not annoy Zhao") but these things would bother her more than usual.
Giving birth was "fun". *Screams in Hungarian* and God save Zhao if he didn't learn at least some words during their years together to at least minimally get what she means.
Kori would be a tad overprotective (just as she is with her friends and Zhao) especially after Cara's birth. She was a bit worried that her daughter will have a hard time for being of mixed heritage so she tried her everything to make her life as easy as possible.
Cara would grow up speaking Chinese, Hungarian, Japanese and English. Hungarian mostly only for the sake of Kori's side of the family. On that note Kori's parents would call them a lot (something Kori is not really used to anymore) and they would fly to Japan to visit as well especially in the early days after Cara is born. Their help is greatly appreciated.
[Depending on how canon Dumpling and Noodle are in this scenario they would constantly be all over Kori during her pregnancy any chance they get to make her feel comfortable.]
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sunnydaleherald · 25 days
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Thursday, August 29
Buffy: I You guys seem down with the slayage, all tricked out with your walkies and everything. Cordelia: Yeah, but the outfits suck. This whole Rambo thing is so over. I'm thinking more sporty, like Hilfiger maybe.
~~Dead Man's Party~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Watching (Angel/Cordelia, G) by Apache Firecat
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Kiss (Buffy/Giles, G) by The_Crazy_Knight
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Those Who Hold With Fire (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by Dirtyaim
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Evil Friends, Chapter 2 (Andrew/Warren, M) by JohnnyB
Supporting Loki (And Thor), Chapter 1 (Crossover with Marvel, M) by SomeMeaninglessName
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Mysterious Destinies, Chapter 6 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by EnchantedWillow
To All We Guard, Chapter 28 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by simmony
Keep You Ghosted, Chapter 11 (Buffy/Spike, R) by hydranjenna
Something Lost Something Found, Chapter 13 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Safire
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Dungeon Designs and House Keeping, Chapter 40 (Fantasy crossover, FR18) by MistofRainbows
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork:The Weight of the World by tmcarlee
Manip:Buffy and Willow Collage by gamerrat_13
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Manip: Collage #109 Song: The Night- Exitmusic by thedecadentraven
Sculpture: [polymer clay sculpture] by simongablelundmark
Artwork: hell's bells - anya deserved so much better i am currently kissing her on the cheek... by mistyintherivers
Artwork: for kairenn-n by magicinavalon
Artwork: The fleet of ships commissioned by a captain with great taste. by lilibethdrawsreylo
Artwork: design for Spike by captain-ghost
Artwork: [ref sheets and designs for cat-ified BTVS characters with more in reblogs and tags] by captain-ghost
Wallpaper: Scooby Gang by revello-drive-1630
Icons: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, S01E08 — I Robot... You Jane by nostalgc
Icons: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, S01E08 — I Robot... You Jane by nostalgc
Icons: Alyson Hannigan in Buffy - 1x09 (The Puppet Show) by nostalgc
Meme: buffy text posts!! by youhavethesun
Gifset: Buffy Meme: [5/5 Songs] Key - Devics by lovebvffys
Gifset: 7x05 | “Selfless” by clarkgriffon
Gifset:5.15 — "I Was Made to Love You" by dailybtvs
Gifset:buffy & angel + season two part one by ptieuca
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Video: Buffy summers - Figure You Out by juliaroxs241
Video: BUffy Summers - Half Life by juliaroxs241
Video: Buffy and Spike - Hostage By Billie Ellish by Naki-a Littlejohn
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Video: abby ♥ | bed chem! #bangel (mildly NSFW) by lostlcve
[Reviews & Recaps]
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I Robot, You Jane Fashion Part Three by theoverlookedoneedits1997
I Robot, You Jane Fashion Part Four by theoverlookedoneedits1997
The Puppet Show Fashion Part One by theoverlookedoneedits1997
The Puppet Show Fashion Part Two by theoverlookedoneedits1997
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Buffy the C̶h̶i̶l̶d̶ ̶P̶r̶e̶d̶a̶t̶o̶r Vampire Slayer | 7x6 "Him" | The Normies Group Reaction! by The Normies
Buffy The Vampire Slayer 7x02 - "Beneath You" REACTION! by Big Time Knights Reacts
Buffy S02E21 "Becoming (Part 1)" Spoiler Review by LGRN - Entertainment
Showtime: Buffy 7x11 Reaction by Dakara
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 4x5 & 4x6 REACTION | Buffy goes Stone Age & Oz meets Trouble! by The Horror Bandwagon
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Podcast: Buffy S7E8: Sleeper by Booze & Buffy
[Community Announcements]
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WIP Big Bang: Finish Your Sh*t ⋮ Round 4 of the Regular WIPBB art claims is live!
[Fandom Discussions]
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[found footage episode concept] by elliesgaymachete
[Academic essay: Good Slayers are Powerful in the Streets and not in the Sheets] by secretsofthewilde
[Spike's changes between seasons 5 and 6] by nicollekidman
[Buffy/Angel was NOT forced in 7x21] by zalrb
the very specific flavour of feminism in buffy [and about Xander Harris] by lordsfromelsewhere
the line “i loved him” —past tense lol—and making that the basis of proof [for a ship] by littlenastieswewhispered
[about Tara and Willow but no spoilers past mid S5 for OP] by lesbianmarrow
if season 3 Buffy was just super open and blunt with Faith. by imsorrythatusernameistaken
how angel looks... running a law firm... by figsandfandoms
[discussion of cat-ified BTVS characters with photos of real cats] by uss-genderprise and captain-ghost
... and why did they think that was the best catalyst for Spike seeking out a soul? [Seeing Red - with more in tags and replies] by boogiedown
one thing that bothers me about the sexual assault in seeing red... by suncaptor
Willow getting treated with such tenderness and support... by raisedbythetv89
[how people react to seeing vampires drinking blood] by lesbianmarrow
[podcasts and shipping goggles and show reviews] by lesbianmarrow
sorry sorry sorry but spike's behavior in season 5 so far is sooooo funny by lesbianmarrow
-.- — I could write in my BA paper about how the death of Miss Kitty... by krimreader
and then i glance up and see Buffy reading the card with the flowers from Brian... [The Body - with more in tags and replies] by alchemistc
I love that Willow and Anya end up becoming good friends after starting out disliking each other... by 5bi5
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What If: Faith died? by multiple authors
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Are the quirky, blunt characters on Buffy really just autistic? by multiple authors
Buffy's mates suck by multiple authors
Is season 7 better than season 6? by multiple authors
Am I the only one who was hoping Oz would come back in season 7? by multiple authors
https://www.reddit.com/r/buffy/comments/1f4ciaa/what_exactly_were_they_going_for_with_riley/ by multiple authors
Harmony: The Ultimate Arch Nemesis by multiple authors
Cordelia by multiple authors
Whose wardrobe from Buffy would you steal? by multiple authors
Do you think Buffys inconsistent strength can be explained by her powers being tied to her state of mind? by multiple authors
Slayers questions by multiple authors
Wonder how much insurance they would cost in Sunnydale by multiple authors
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mrsshabana · 2 years
Anonymous asked:
"You know what, fuck it! I'm joining on the bandwagon too!
My question would be how, if by some big one in a million odds, would Gyutaro handle a human baby.
Mostly asking this because I'm obsessed with cheesy humor and puns and I wanna picture the doc. Telling Gyutaro and Y/n , "Well AGAINST ALL ODDS, you two are gonna have a human baby. What are odds ey?"
Seriously I love when writers reference their title in their writing, idk why but it always makes me smile. And I loved it when you did it twice!"
If Gyutaro had a human child 🚼
♥AN: Thank you, and I'll probably do it again! I like doing that at important events. (This takes place in the Against All Odds universe) (✿◡‿◡)
𓈒 ꒪ ๋ ༺。° ୨❀୧ ° 。༻ 𓈒 ꒪ ๋
Gyutaro would be extremely relieved if he found out that you were pregnant with a human baby. Because the stress and the risks involved with your body would decrease drastically. Your survival rate would be much much higher when pregnant with a human baby.
And your well being comes first, so that would make Gyutaro feel so much better.
Now, he'd still be anxious because he has no idea how to raise a human child. But he's been with you long enough that he's learned to be gentle. So he isn't worried that he will accidentally hurt the baby, he's just worried that he won't be able to care for them properly.
Gyutaro will be very protective over a human baby. He'd be the parent that wouldn't let anyone near his child. The only people that he'd let hold the baby is your parents. He'd even be hesitant about letting Ume hold them since she's a demon. He'd literally force her to take classes on how to care for babies before he lets her touch them.
Gyutaro will do everything in his power to be a stay at home dad. He begs you to go back to work so he can stay home with the baby all day. He knows that he's much stronger than you, so he feels like he could protect the baby better. He trusts you, but he just gets lots of anxiety that something bad will happen if he's not around.
If he needs to take the baby somewhere, he has them strapped to his chest in one of those baby carriers. Even when he's just chilling at home he still likes to have the carrier on. The baby needs to be as close as possible for him to feel that they'll be ok. If his sight ever leaves the baby he gets anxiety.
He likes taking the baby to the park when the weather is nice. When you get home from work he'll show you the dozens of photos that he took. And you'll notice that the baby is wrapped in a giant burrito made of blankets. He says that he has to use blankets because bubble wrap isn't safe and the baby needs extra protection when going outside.
He'd be a great dad though. Very overprotective and a bit overbearing. But he'd try his best to give his child everything that he wishes that he had when he was growing up.
Repost from my old blog mrsshabana-archive
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cerosin-bis · 10 months
I just wanted to tell you how much I love all your Krueger/Nikto content, it genuinely brings me so much joy, and I fucking love all of your art, it’s so incredibly beautiful!
It’s so cool you’ve been here since 2019, as someone who’s jumped on the bandwagon later on it’s so cool to find all this awesome art and all this love for two relatively unknown characters.
I just wanted to show my appreciation to both you and all the other cool artists!
Thank you so much 🥺 I genuinely don't know how to properly thank you for taking the time to write this. It means a lot to know that what I do - which is super self-indulgent as, I'm obnoxious enough about it, I basically made up krueger/nikto entirely from scratch - makes other people happy. It's more than I could ever have imagined to achieve, and I'm not exaggerating. But yeah, reading this makes it all more worth it to share, even if it's a small niche, it's all that matters to me. And I'm sure other artists feel like so too. So, thank you! ♥
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apoptoses · 1 year
Let me start by saying at first I wasn’t sold that young James Spader would make a good Daniel (apparently I watched too much Boston Legal) but now I’m firmly on the bandwagon with you - that man would be a perfect Daniel.
All this is to say I think you’d enjoy this video of Crash 1996 set to the devils minion song, The Only Time by the Nine Inch Nails:
yesss, welcome to the club, anon!!
It's kinda funny watching his later stuff, like if you picture his younger self as Daniel then you kinda get a glimpse of what Daniel might have grown to look like had he aged. But he didn't! He stayed pretty and blond and the perfect fucking match to any of Spader's work up until the late 90s. It's crazy that in crash he was 36, like four years older than Daniel when he died, but he still has that boyish look about him as described in the books.
I love the video and that song, thank you for bringing that one to my attention ♥
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ofsavior · 9 months
So with the last hour of 2023, I will join the bandwagon ( but Madi posts something Concise for once ).
2023 has presented some of the hardest trials I've experienced in my life, and I am incredibly grateful for you all. Several of you have supported me through these very difficult times, and everyone here has been incredibly patient.
I don't do resolutions, but I give every year a theme that structures my mentality. My theme for 2024 is 'moving forward' meaning I will focus on moving past the trials and hardships faced in 2023 and baggage that's from beyond that.
Thank you for your friendships, your laughs, the laughs you've given me, and the opportunity to express my creativity here. I think it's far too easy to focus on the negative and forget the good things that happen. I joined two new fandoms that have brought me closer to so many people! I got to play so much Ark Omega hahaha. And I made a lot of progress on some personal goals. Thank you everyone for offering me stability and a safe space here ♥
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naffeclipse · 2 years
Hello darling Naff~ I am jumping on the song rec bandwagon! though you may need to squint for this one. I offer Run To You by Pentatonix, something of an epilogue song for Eclipse towards Sunny and Moonie. He did his best, which turned out to be his worst, but in the end it was still all for them. Maybe he can still find some peace? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UZDiTJrfqc
Hi, babe! ♥
Ngl, this is perfect for an epilogue song for Eclipse. It's making me emotional. It's the finality, the acceptance of the end, and the understanding that the damage was done despite his best intentions, even to the ones he swore he'd always protect.
I've been settling scores I've been fighting so long But I've lost your war And our kingdom is gone How shall I win back Your heart which was mine I have broken bones and tattered clothes I've run out of time
I'll run, I'll run I'll run run to you I'll run, I'll run I'll run run to you, oh
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 2 years
I will also add to the bandwagon of praises. I know this is a side-blog, but it's one of the rare few that I follow because of your willingness to engage and indulge. Your wit is fun, your writing inspires creativity to pursue trying my own hand at it and you're not a Drama Quing. Thank you for doing what you do, I will continue to annoy you with strange requests until the box closes ♥.
Speaking of which. Do you think Aemond would have interpreted things differently if he knew the whole truth about the prophecy of Aegon the Conqueror? He seems smart, learned and proud enough of his heritage. Would he have put together that 'oh hey, if we're meant to fulfil this prophecy, killing each other off is a bad idea'.
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This is incredibly sweet. Thank you so much! <3
Onto your point about Aemond - I think his passion for his Valyrian heritage would likely be at odds with his sense of duty to his family - and I think the latter would likely win out. Viserys is dead, Alicent and Otto could not give less of a fuck about prophecies, they just wanna put Aegon on the throne. And I think Aemond would go along with that, despite what his beliefs may be. First and foremost, he'll have Alicent's back no matter what, and second of all he'd rather yeet himself from the walls of the Red Keep than bend the knee to the mother of the boy who slashed out his eye.
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etes-secrecy-post · 1 year
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
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Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
#Onthisday: Aug 23rd, 2017
Title: Vanilla and Riya - Gal Chat
Nothing special here, they're having a "Gal Chat". 💬👩👩💬 (While Vanilla was holding her phone, probably a text message from her boyfriend Spot ♥ 💬📲)
I can't show ya nor typing their dialogs on what the fusses about, but if any OC girls want to join Vanilla & Riya's "Gal Chat" bandwagon, then feel free to do so. No toxicities or any negatives topics whatsoever (that's the only rule). 🙂
Vanilla (Chowder OC) - owned by GlassFu (dA) / SmileAhoy (tumblr) Riya Speedster (Chowder OC) - created by ME!
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laindtt · 2 years
I was tagged by @purplehairsecretlair (thank you dear ♥) for a playlist made of the first 10 songs played on shuffle, so here we go!
Dangerous Woman, Ariana Grande
Where do you go, Irma
Caught, Florence + The Machine
Nobody wins, The Veronicas
Cooler than Me, Mike Posner
Mauvaise fille de bonne famille, Anaïs Delva
How do you keep the music playing, Céline Dion
Stockholm syndrome, Vitamin String Quartet
Keep moving forward, The Toxic Avenger
Thunderball, Tom Jones
If anyone wants to jump on the bandwagon please do, it’s always nice to discover everyone’s music tastes and new songs! :)
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byenycfm · 1 year
I'm going to be around all night, so there's never been a better time to come and check us out! Maybe send in a question you have, a suggestion, or if you're loving what you see... an app!
If dark themes, dark settings and anything post-apocalyptic is your jam, than ByeNYCfm might just be the place for you! We've just opened up for applications, so come be one of the first on the bandwagon!
♥Admin N
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speedystarfield · 2 years
📜 The sibs
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