sandyman2000 · 26 days
Its still all about you
Its really all about you and, how you use the good stuff to make it all work or not. How you understand how to use the good stuff and, to keep away from the not so good stuff. 47
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sandyman2000 · 26 days
Its really all about you and, how you use the good stuff to make it all work or not. How you understand how to use the good stuff and, to keep away from the not so good stuff. 47
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sandyman2000 · 2 months
Food for thought 
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sandyman2000 · 3 months
Its all up to us
Its up to the kind of nation we want and what kind of Leders we should either chose or not
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sandyman2000 · 4 months
How your gonna call?
Who you gonna call if your wrong??
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sandyman2000 · 4 months
All to often over looked when you need realhelp
That terrable word consulting its all to often over look for so many reason. However if both parties communicate and pay attention its something that can and will make a difference.
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sandyman2000 · 5 months
Its all about what you want for our country
The business of America is business but, its also about who runs the country.
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sandyman2000 · 5 months
The business of America is business but, its also about who runs the country.
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sandyman2000 · 5 months
It effects us all
The business of America is business what happens in government does effect us no matter what type or size of business is.
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sandyman2000 · 6 months
Trust can’t buy it cant see it it has to earned
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sandyman2000 · 6 months
No side lines  standing
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sandyman2000 · 7 months
Its up to us VOTE
Today we all need to decide what will our country become a country were no one is above our laws or one in which a mad man rules???
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sandyman2000 · 8 months
Tumblr media
Something different
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sandyman2000 · 8 months
Tumblr media
Happy Valentine day to all
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sandyman2000 · 9 months
Helping to keep your system safe and secure
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sandyman2000 · 10 months
What kind of nation do you want?
Is all about our future?
Any nation is only as strong as its people and its laws. Laws that enforced equally no matter whom brakes or makes up lies about them.
Today as a nation we engaged in a battle for our future and our democracy do we believe that women count? or does white cruel politicians who have no medical degrees have the right to in danger their lives for greed?
Should we let republicans seek to continue to deprive those they don't like the freedom to vote?
Do we want a dictator to hold the highest office in our land to take our hard fought freedoms away?
Its now the time we take a stand and honor the countless Americans at home a abroad to disregard their service because of lies and greed? Its all up to you your voice your vote does count its up to yuo were or nation goes from here.
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sandyman2000 · 10 months
Stuff you can use now
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