#+ giving more screen time for Eddie and his friends since they're new this season
lover-of-mine · 6 months
honestly I know I’m being deranged but not even a ‘brother’ could draw a line under anything for me 😅 there have been other tv show ships that have called eachother brother/sister and still got together in the future. and i guess right now the way they view their relationship IS brothers and besties so… unless eddie says ‘you are my legal and biological brother we actually have the same mom surprise!’ lmao it doesn’t mean it’s dead in my eyes. although i think most of the fandom will give up 😬
Okay, I don't think it will be dead either, as long as the show is on, there's a chance they'll pivot that way, like, legit *knock on wood* keep us limbo just to have them kiss in the final 10 minutes of the last episode of the show *knock on wood* just to say they did make them canon in the end *knock on wood* but I would take a brother as a "we don't plan on letting you see them being a couple" and settle in to watch them dance around it forever. But the thing is, the show is very careful about not letting them talk to or about each other in "you're my best friend" or "you're my brother" terms, and they even go as far as not having Chris call Buck uncle Buck when it is very common in latino cultures to have a kid call any safe adult tio/tia (I am tia Anna to kids I'm not biologically related to, and my parents' friends were always tio/tia for me growing up) and it would make sense to have Chris address Buck like that. They do have the "you're badass under pressure, brother" in under pressure and the "you said it, brother" in merry exmas, and Buck does ask Maddie "how do you tell your best friend you lost his kid?" and Eddie says he "lost his partner" in jinx although he means it literally as work partner. To have them say something like that after not doing it since the tsunami, and not letting them refer to each other directly like that since 2a, makes a statement. Even more with the way Eddie loves to dance around what Buck means to him. If Eddie makes any statement point blank, it will give the impression that he actually means it, considering Buck's insecurities putting them in the place he has to say it, does that make sense? I'm not abandoning ship anyway, the question is if after next week I will kick back and settle in for however many more seasons we have left of will they/won't they, or if I will be at the edge of my seat every time they're on screen together because any time now, yk?
Because the thing with this particular setup going the way it looks like it's going, is that they can keep it vague, they can make it platonic, but they can legit make buddie canon. Not they actually get together canon, but legit have Buck do something that can't be read as platonic, like for example Eddie goes "you're my best friend, man" *pulls Buck into a hug* *Buck relaxes against him* *sad noise* "friend, yeah" *fade to black* and bam, you have something, because Buck being frustrated with the idea of being the "best friend" after freaking out that Eddie has a new friend can't be twisted into something platonic. It would be the same thing they did with bucktaylor at the end of treasure hunt, while we all knew they were gonna go there, Buck's "friends, great" seals it. But they can keep it vague in less platonic ways, Eddie says something like "you're stuck with me" "I'm not going anywhere" "you really think you can get rid of me that easily?" and maintain the level of keep them guessing we are used to, along with the possible brother that draws a platonic line. I think that with the way the episode seems to be forming, that scene makes or break it, but in a "we will definitely see them be a couple in the future" or "we will be in limbo forever" way.
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exhuastedpigeon · 6 months
Honestly the only reason I would think Tommy and Buck would break up is if Tommy sees Buck and Eddie at the bachelor party and wedding and sees them being with each other and knowing that they’re in love with one another and then he’s gonna give Buck a push towards Eddie. I feel like when Lou was like if the fandom loved me now they will love me at the end of the next episode. I think it’s cause he truly gets the ball rolling on Buddie.
I mean, people break up for so many reasons. They could break up because Tommy gets a new job and moves. They could break up because they decide their better as friends. They could go on a few more dates and realize that the initial spark isn't there anymore.
I agree that it seems like Lou is dropping hints, but until I see it on screen I'm not going to assume anything about that. I trust the writers. They've done amazing work and this season really feels like they're laying real, actual framework for Buddie to be canon - but Eddie hasn't had his awakening yet and I don't mind the idea of Buck not realizing he's into Eddie until he knows Eddie is actually an option.
I also don't think Tommy would push Buck toward Eddie unless he knew Eddie was also queer - which he probably doesn't since Eddie was surprised to find out Tommy is gay. Like Tommy might tell Buck that he doesn't think it was just his attention he was trying to get or something cryptic like that and then he leaves because he doesn't have the energy for two queer awakening this year.
And then maybe once Eddie starts to explore his sexuality Buck sees Eddie flirt with a man and he's like... OH that's what that feeling was when I saw Eddie and Tommy. I had a crush on Tommy but I was also so jealous of Tommy taking Eddie's time.
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outrunningthedark · 2 years
"the friendships on this show are the things we do best." and then proceeds to separate them people can't tell if they're friends or not, makes half of Buck's convo with Hen this season pointless drabble, makes Buck and Chimney's interaction so barren some people are legitimately confused if they still hasn't gotten over the punch, etc etc. At least Hen/Chimney and Hen/Athena are still good, but when you can't even put your mouth where your money is for something she thinks the show does best...
Legit will forever be bitter at Tim for leaving her in charge.
@lovecolibri has been banging this drum since about 6x04, so I wanna make sure my friend knows there are other folks out there who agree. IT'S TRUE, NONNIE. WE SHOULD ALL BE SAYING IT. Friendship isn't just "two faves who share the screen". Friendship is two characters giving each other mutual attention, love, and respect instead of it being one-sided. Eddie and Chimney's "friendship" came about because Eddie still got to ride along as a paramedic, but while Eddie gave his perspective (again) about Chimney's feelings for Maddie...where was Chimney to listen to Eddie's struggles with Christopher beyond the quip about Eddie not being cool enough anymore? Why couldn't Chimney be the one to know about Isabel's experience with her curandera (healer) who promised to help her speak to her husband on the other side so he'd have a better understanding of why Eddie rejects jinxes and curses? And then there's the fact that Eddie said Chimney's greeting at the Madney apartment was "weirder than usual", yet we've never seen him there (because they don't write that, and even the one time Bob Goodman tried, it got cut). Hen and Buck? Important conversation after Lev's death in 6x02, but then he's seeking advice while drunk, and she's giving her POV while drunk, and it's not discussed for three more weeks until they can "laugh" about Buck stopping himself from jerking off, and there was the Hen + Buck + Denny scene which (I'm sorry) wasn't much more than an opportunity to put them in a non-work setting and have mre of that "fun" Kristen talked about. You know what culd have been useful? Buck hearing about Denny's bio dad situation and having it influence his future plans with the sperm donor situation. Maybe there's some of that in 6B, but it won't erase the choices made in 6A just so the story line could continue on for the rest of the season (because it's easier than coming up with new material). Maddie...continues talking to nobody, and it continues being weird. This is gonna piss people off even though it's not my intention, but...it's getting to the point where having someone who works so little is impacting the rest of the show. I'm not blaming JLH for that, though. Maddie can still be the #1 dispatcher while Sue or Linda or even Josh takes a call so we can see Maddie with other people, and it's not JLH's fault that Chim's screen time is tied to that relationship so often. It just...sucks that the limited hours make KR & co. feel like they shouldn't explore the character more and don't want to create a schedule that works for more than just three actors (JLH, Kenny, and Oliver, and not even at the same time). I have a lot of thoughts about the way "friendships" have been handled under Kristen's direction and it basically comes down to "Well. This could have been done better." [tagging @lovecolibri twice in one post because I would like to read more thoughts and you always expand on what I'm not saying <3]
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c4ts4ndstuff · 2 years
i feel like i'm missing something, some symbolism in the DnD/Basketball game scene in the first episode of S4 Stranger Things. it just feels like there's more to that scene, but i can't figure it out
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minttobe-treehill · 3 years
hey I've noticed you haven't posted anything about the last episods of 9-1-1. Did you stop watching? are you still interested in the show?
Hi there. This answer is gonna be long just fyi.
I haven't stopped watching and I'm definitely still very interested - more interested in the characters than the show itself, but I feel like that's what always happens to me when it comes to shows.
However, I haven't watched the last two episodes. I know everything that happens because of tumblr, most of the blogs I follow are 9-1-1 related so it's impossible not to see all the gifs and posts - plus, it also gives me an inkling about whether I should expect a good episode or not (most of the people I follow are interested in the same concepts/storylines I enjoy so I tend to trust their opinion when it comes to that.
Shows like 9-1-1 tend to get boring as they go on - kinda like Grey's Anatomy, mostly because actors start disappearing and the audience don't connect with the new ones, so it's hard to follow something you can't connect with. However, 9-1-1 still counts with their main cast and will continue to count with it for season 6 as far as we know (except for Rockmond Dunbar I guess; and also what the hell happened with John Harlan Kim? I know he's in another show but... Wasn't he a regular? I actually really like Albert, it's a shame).
The reason why I'm finding the show a bit boring lately is... Well, the lack of depth and screen time the main characters are getting, basically. We really had a whole storyline about a r*pist that involved the police too much for my own interest and liking, and another whole episode about... Uh, two recurrent characters trying to solve a mystery? I don't know, man. At least one of them was a detective.
I don't need drama, I don't need another tsunami. 'Jinx' (4x06) was such a good episode, it was fun, it was hilarious, nothing really happened and yet it was so entertaining; it had the main cast being silly and interacting with each other. I'd actually love an episode where nothing happens, where they're at the station for the whole episode, wondering why the alarm doesn't sound and they just have to sit there and talk and play and laugh. It'd be funny and interesting, something different.
And yes, Buck and Eddie's relationship (+ Christopher) is a big thing for me when it comes to the show. I read a post once where it said it doesn't really matter if you think they could have a romantic relationship or not, if you think there could be something more between them than a friendship or they'd be better off as best friends - I think it's safe to say everyone enjoys their relationship, whatever label you wanna put to it. It's so boring and disappointing to see Buck with T*ylor, and most of this has nothing to do with the fact I ship Buck and Eddie. Hell, I didn't like the way they wrote Ana, but at least her relationship with Eddie meant something to his development as a character - it was the first relationship after Shannon, it was a big deal. But Buck's relationship with T*ylor is... I don't even know what to say, there's nothing there, every scene seems pointless and they've completely erased Buck's growth (also, why do they keep trying to make T*ylor a more important character than... Idk, Karen? Who has been on the show since the first season and is Hen's wife?). It makes me wanna turn off the tv (well, my laptop) because the same writers who made me cry with emotion and admire the way they wrote Buck are the same ones who are laughing at me now.
What I'm trying to say is - this show still has a lot of potential. It has the best thing a show can have: good characters. I want more Hen and more Karen, I want Chimney back (there was no need to write him off on these episodes just because JLH can't be on the show because of her pregnancy, I want more Athena + Bobby scenes (I saw there was a really funny scene between them last episode and I'm really glad), I obviously want Buck + Eddie + Christopher, I want a PTSD arc for Eddie... To be fair, just more real interactions between the mains? We've see glimpses of Hen and Eddie's friendship and I think they're hilarious when they're together. Those are all things we CAN have, things that make sense, not just for the show but for the characters. I want the show to be fair and loyal to the characters they created.
I probably have more things to say but... Okay, I got carried away and those are the main things that come to mind.
Thank you for this question, it gave me an excuse to rant about something I wouldn't really talk about otherwise. x
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