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naptimeneos · 2 years ago
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(& (plural symbol) + romantic + sexual + -flux)
&roseflux ; a variant of aroaceflux specifically for those who are plural.
specifics are left to the user, but someone* who is &rose may... ⠀(a) use different identities on the aroace spectrum depending on who is in front ⠀(b) collectively be aroace, but feel either romantic and/or sexual attraction when a specific person is in front ⠀(c) be aroace, but feel romantic and/or sexual attraction through bleedover ...or any variation of these!
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coined by div ! flag based on the plural (kenochoric) and aroaceflux (astraldomination) flags
(alt id ; a five-striped flag. the middle stripe consists of 5 angled stripes and is surrounded by a white outline. the main stripes are equally sized and are the following colours, from top to bottom: light red, coral pink, (middle stripe), faded blue, twilight. the stripes in the middle sit at a 45 degree angle and are the following colours, from left to right: blackberry, dusty purple, chetwode blue, moonstone blue, pale chestnut)
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bimalewife · 2 years ago
petition to change the name from aroaceflux to roseflux
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systemtermz · 1 year ago
Ok, terms from our old hoard:
- asensual / asenspec
- anattractional / anatspec
- roseflux / aroaceflux
- mandilec
- delusofluid
- ambiamorous
- gendersteal
- universalian / paraversian
- Grayromantic / graysexual
- Cupioromantic / cupiosexual
- reciprosexual / recipromantic
- apressexual / apresromantic
- fictosexual / fictoromantic
- fictoaego
- Unutrasexual
- b?y / th?ng
- abroandrosexual
- gendercrash
- quoisexual / quoiromantic
- quoigender / quoimasc
If you need more lemme know
For some reason I can’t add the rest of the links but. Here ya go. Couldn’t find some of them, though.
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dream-sans-mogai · 2 years ago
Lazy flag combos pt.71
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Ft. Aloeian/nullic/x loving none with...
Magimasculine × gay × nb gay
Questioning × butch4femme × aroacespec
AgLag × Roseflux × aro
No credit needed
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cogsmetics · 2 years ago
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Hello~! I’m member Rose (Signed with ⚙️), & I like to make Edits, even if I’m still learning along the way! Most recently, since we’ve been collectively getting into GameToons’ Rainbow Friends again, I’ve been excitedly making stuff for it.
For anyone curious:
- Rose, feat. Mxtery.
- We use Clip Studio for our Edits!
- Rose, feat. Tealquoise, & the flag is our own interpretation of the Roseflux flag ( Aroflux + Aceflux ) because we do that! Yeah!
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many-of-mycelium · 4 months ago
sleepyqueer moment !!
(pt: sleepyqueer moment !! end pt)
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(id: a drawing of a person with light bluish purple skin and hair in a light purple onesie with bunny ears and a cat's tail. their sewn on arms of the onesie are dark purplish blue, have purple paws, and are covered in pinkish purple eyes with light purple sclera. they have fangs, their nose is bluish purple, their sclera are light purplish pink, and their left pupil is a bright blue star. their paws are light greyish blue with light greyish purple ends. the base of their tail is greyish purple, while the rest is light pinkish purple. they have two spirals, two greenish blue stars, and two pink and blue mushrooms with greyish purple spots on the front of their onesie. they have a light cyan piercing on their left ear. their eyebrows are dark greyish purple and the inside of their hood is dark bluish purple. the zipper of their onesie is the cdid to hcdid flag. they have the transwarriorcatsscript, transaiwscript, transverbalflux, and mobility aidfluix flags sewn onto their tail is patches. the blue text with a thin black outline above them says "(the) violet/lilac (sys) // it/star/love/hate/they/xd // cistism & cisschizospec // gaybian roseflux ambiam // darkshipper & selfshipper // sims and minecraft nerd // enderkin & l. faba endel // poor sight in left eye // surgeon & artist & writer. end id)
template by tiny-tykes (found on archive, can't find current blog)
lilac is a surgeon as in they fix ripped body parts, perform amputations, and stuff like that !! it is a writer and artist as in xd does commissions for fandom things (i have no idea if sleepyqueers can have jobs lol) !! the reason star can't see well with loves left eye and hates left pupil is star-shaped is due to a condition they had since birth !! xd wears an eyepatch over it during surgeries to block the distorted view, which would have distracted it a lot !! star is only based on us partially, not all of our transIDs are the same !!
species by @/permasinner
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itsoktocallmegay · 2 years ago
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Cupioroseflux/Cupiroseflux: being Cupiorose (Cupio AroAce) and AroAceflux/Roseflux
Another way to phrase it: being both Cupioflux and Cupiroflux
I made this flag for myself, but anyone who feels that this may describe them can use it.
(I think both of these explanations work? I apologize if my explanation is isn't good)
I apologize if this is too similar to a another flag.
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cupids-rose · 3 years ago
In further inspiration of “demirose”, I coined some other terms for aroace microlabels for aroace people who don’t feel fully aroace just like me and use the same microlabel for their combined sexual & romantic attraction
Greyrose = greyromantic + greysexual
Aegorose = aegoromantic + aegosexual
Apothirose = apothiromantic + apothisexual
Cupiorose = cupioromantic + cupiosexual
Bellusrose/bellrose = bellusromantic + bellussexual
Lithrose = Lithromantic + lithsexual
Nebularose = nebularomantic + nebulasexual
Quoirose/wtf rose = wtf/quoisexual + wtf/quoiromantic
Roseflux = aroflux + aceflux
Frayrose = frayromantic + fraysexual
Idemrose = idemromantic + idemsexual
Caedrose = caedromantic + caedsexual
Vague rose = arovague + acevague
Novirose = noviromantic + novisexual
Orchidrose = orchidromantic + orchidsexual
Let me know if I missed any or if I should make more!!
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mogaicave · 2 years ago
Rosegender! 🌹🎀
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Rosegender // Xenogender!!
A gender related to being feminine, presenting feminine, wanting to be feminine, or wanting to present feminine; without identifies as female/a girl/a woman. Alternatively, rosegender can also be a gender that at times feels lacy, pretty, and/or soft; but feels sharp, thorny, and/or pokey other times. This second definition can also be called roseflux/fluid, or thornflux/fluid. These all fall under a general rosegender umbrella.
Please feel free to make flags/alt flags for any terms mentioned here, and if you do, I’d really love it if you dropped the link in a reply or a reblog: I’d love to see! <3
Photo IDS:
Photo 1: A pride flag with 5 stripes. One thick deep red/pink stripe, one thick pinky-maroon stripe, one thin pink-cream off-white stripe, one thick deep purple (with pinky-red undertones) stripe, and one thick pinky-green stripe.
Photo 2: The same stripes as described in photo 1’s ID, but with a lace-patterned border around each stripe, as well as a yellow-pink lace pattern overlayed over the corners.
Photo 3: The same stripes as described in photo 1’s ID, but with a yellow-pink lace pattern overlayed over the corners. (The stripes are flat and smooth)
Photo 4: The same stripes as described in photo 1’s ID, but with a lace-patterned border around each stripe. (No overlayed corners)
Pronoun ideas:
I’m very sleepy now lol. (It’s 1am here) Goodnight, sleep well everyone!
Oh, & *ANTI* Mogai/Xenogender/neopronouns pls DNI! Basic dni also applies. Your statements will not change my opinions, please block me if you do not support xenogenders & neopronouns as a concept. (If the context they’re being used in is harmful that’s diffferent ofc.)
Basically, if you don’t like Mogai/xenogenders, please block me. Regardless of your beliefs, you all deserve to live a wonderful life. Sleep well! You’re loved, loving, and deserving of love.
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itsoktocallmegay · 2 years ago
I am like a cat who is unsure about kisses.
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itsoktocallmegay · 2 years ago
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I made another Cupioroseflux flag
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Desaturated Alt Cupioroseflux flag
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itsoktocallmegay · 2 years ago
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Sunset Harmony Cupioroseflux/Cupiroseflux flag
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dream-sans-mogai · 2 years ago
Lazy flag combos pt.25
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Ft. Aloeian/nullic/xlnone with...
Aroaceflux × abrosexual × acevague
Cis ally × she/her × he/him
They/them × it/its × ey/em
No credit needed
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itsoktocallmegay · 2 years ago
I haven't made a flag, anyone feel free, but I think I may try coining the term Cupiroseflux/Cupioroseflux, meaning: being Cupirose (Cupio AroAce) and AroAceflux
Also, I just found the term Roseflux (I did not coin it,) but it only has one flag.
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itsoktocallmegay · 2 years ago
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Sunset Cupioroseflux flag
(I will add an image description later.)
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itsoktocallmegay · 2 years ago
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Harmony Cupioroseflux/Cupiroseflux flag
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