ofthornsandfury · 6 months
@legends-and-savages is getting a starter for Ruhn (and Lidia) cause, well, duh...
You'd think by now they'd be used to this -- Ithan or one of the other AUX members calling with some tale of what Seren and the rest of her squad had gotten up to. But was one ever really prepared to hear that their daughter, while high af, had decided to go skinny dipping in the fountain of the fae archives...wearing only a pair of purple heart sunglasses.
To be fair, though, it wasn't the AUX that had called this time. It was Maddox. Terrified that the AUX was only moments away and if not them, the press. They did NOT need Seren's picture all over the front pages.
Because yeah, sure, things had changed a while back. But that didn't change public interest in Ruhn. Or Bryce. Or any of them really.
Also he and Adrian were supposed to be keeping her out of trouble. They had gone to the White Raven and were on their way to drop her off when he decided a side quest was needed.
And so here they were...trying to keep their best friend from drowning while awaiting the arrival of the former fae prince. Who hopefully would not have told their dads that they allowed this...
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vaedar · 8 months
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𝐎𝐎𝐂; Hello everyone! So I have been RPing on discord a bit, warming up and such, but I still have to come up with BG3 and Fourth Wing verses for Vaedar at some point.... Not sure yet what. I've been rereading CC and ACOTAR in preparation for CC3 also, which means I'll probably go back to @ofrhysand too or at least pop by. Maaaaaaybe do the same for @rhaegxr.... But anyways, hope you all been good and had a nice start of 2024! And if not, then may it take a turn for the better very soon!
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gccdstories · 3 months
@crownednight sent an ask to (Ruhn) //
When one is never invited to speak, one learns instead to observe.
He sat beside her, listening. Quiet moments like this, when it was just the two of them-- Ruhn almost wished for more of them. There had never been enough as he grew up, and he hadn't really understood why, for the longest time.
Until he really came to see the kind of male his father truly was.
❝ It doesn't take a lot to observe what is obvious, ❞ he mutters, fingers drumming on the table, Ruhn tilting his head as he turned his gaze back to her. ❝ You tried to speak before... Didn't you? ❞
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ofaflower · 1 year
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fightfirst · 2 years
@sherez ♡
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Was he poking the proverbial bear? Absolutely. Did he know she had a late shift the night before and the sun was only just starting to peek through over the horizon? Yes. Did Ruhn care? Nope. Not as his fist banged against the door to her apartment, anyways. “Y’got two minutes before I bust the door down, V!” Which, he realised, wouldn’t be all that hard since it was nearly swinging from its hinges already. Another knock, dust falling from the ceiling of the apartment hallway with that one. “I got coffee!” 
Coffee and a boat load of ulterior motives, more like it. 
Another, much firmer, knock was whacked against her door as his patience was growing more and more thin. Another minute and then he would call her, if there was still no reply then he’d pay for her security bond and send his boot through the door. "Vaaassyyaaaaaaa."
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luxmaeastra · 2 years
Ruhn was going to die here. The Changelings were going to kill him and destory him. Velaris would fall and then where would he be? He just wanted to go home. He hadn't wanted to be dragged into someone else's -
The Changeling went down, their body cut in a diagonal. Lorin whirled slicing another's head off. She grinned grimly at her son. 
"I was a Princess of this court Ruhn. I would have been a queen in Vallhan. I was taught to fight."
She lowered her blade at the rainbow shown over Velaris. Reinforcements had come. She moved, the shock and despair falling off her. She hated being here, hated being trapped into expectations that she had never asked for. A life and personality she'd never been to emulate. Everyone wanted her to Dream as long it was a dream that benefited them. 
"I know Rhysand wishes to speak to you. My father is very...sly with his words and charm. Do not trust it. He'd sooner cripple your power than take you in. This isn't our home Ruhn."
"And the one where Einar is?"
Lorin turned to see her mother walking toward them. She glowed armor made of silver and moonstone. Her blue eyes cold as she took in her daughter. Lorin raised her chin, she would not be the same girl who never met her mother's eye. That one had died the moment she had seen what true war was. 
"Einar has been good to me mother. So yes, home is where Einar is. I doubt he is doing well under Amarantha and Narcissus's thumb."
Tisphone smile didn't hold any warmth only contempt. She had never wanted her daughter to be so weak. Hadn't she learned yet the only person you worried about was yourself?
She'd mourn Rhysand, would probably step down if it came to that. But she didn't spend her time worrying for him. He would take care of himself. If he couldn't what use was he? What good was a mate who couldn't be worthy of you?
She strode to the railing looking over the Sildar.
"Amarantha is dead. Your father stabbed her in the neck. It was all very dramatic and long coming...I am sure Narcissus is keeping him close Lorin. You are able to walk around Velaris."
She glanced to her daughter, her lips thinning. 
"A mercy I am beginning to think you do not appreciate."
She brushed past them to where Rhysand stood taking his hand. Lorin closed her eyes trying to regulate her emotions like Aunt Hypaxia had taught her. 
How could her mother not understand when she looked at her father like she did? How could she not want her to have the same type of love she did? After all the stories she'd heard of how her parents had fought tooth and nail for each other? Didn't they understand not all love looked and acted like theirs?
//For Ruhn and Rhys!!//
His body tensed, remaining closer to his own mother, as his grandmother swooped in. Like a fabled goddess, beautiful and powerful in her own right....Yet even gods were dangerous, especially when they were not on your side.
Ruhn took his mother's warning to heart, he would hold his tongue the best he could and maintain his composure. He didn't like the words that were said though, he didn't like how this female treated his mother. She was family though, her blood was in his own and he hated it.
Rhysand's glance turned away from the boy as Tisiphone returned to his side, his hand reached out as he took her hand and rose it to his lips. Their love was strong, but neither needed the other. They were capable to be alone, to stand on their own feet.
"Why are you here Lorin? I thought you would stay away from Court for as long as you could."
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famefckr · 8 months
muses added: ruhn danaan, lidia cervos, danika fendyr
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tofeelthecold · 2 years
ruhn tags
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b00kdiary · 10 months
Euphoria | Ithan Holstrom
Ithan Holstrom x Plus Size Reader
Where Y/N finds herself needing to be reminded just how desirable she is, and Ithan Holstrom is more than willing to show her. Here's to all my thick, fat, plus-size girlies who want some SJM men love too xo
Warnings: mature themes (18 +) swearing, body-image issues, eventual smut and the Ithan being utterly infatuated with his thick, beautiful lady.
I stared, unblinking, as Ruhn Danaan, Crown Prince of the Valbaran Fae, kissed his way down the neck of a gorgeous and dark-skinned Faun. I trailed my gaze along as he sucked and bit gently against her soft skin and perfect bone structure, the Faun's eyes closed, her face a mirror of lust and bliss.
The grip I had on my glass tightened and I willed myself not the shatter it, to not draw attention to myself, to how jealous and seething I was.
The fluorescent lights inside the White Raven danced over the two of them, highlighting their ungodly beauty as they danced and rocked against each other to the beat of music. My chest tightened at the way Ruhn's arms wrapped so effortlessly around her slim waist, resting against the perfectly flat length of her stomach, revealed by her cropped bralette.
She was lovely by most standards and typical of the kind of females Ruhn was seen with- tall with small breasts and a small, yet nice ass and petite enough that there wasn't a single place that sat out or rubbed or curved too much.
Unlike me.
I swallowed down the lump in my throat, taking a long indulgent sip of my drink to drive away the dryness and the sorrow. It was hard not to trail my mind into those uncharted, dark waters, the kind of scary, hollow place of insecurity where I could pick myself apart and rip any sense of security I had to pieces.
Because unlike that Faun, who had turned now, her toned back facing me as Ruhn kissed her, kissed her with so much passion and need that it made me feel sick. Unlike her, I was not petite or skinny and I did not look like the kind of girl that Ruhn Danaan desired.
"You're glaring, Y/N." A deep voice interrupted my pity party and snapped me back into this room, away from all the meanest, cruellest thoughts I had of myself.
I turned, levelling out my eyes and surprise-filled me when I met with honey-brown eyes and a smile that could melt a girl's heart and drop her panties.
My lip kicked up as I took in the golden-brown soft waves of hair and tan sun-kissed skin, my gaze moved down, over the acres of strong, corded muscle that was further accentuated by the form-fitting t-shirt he wore.
"Ithan Holstrom," I mused, cocking my head at him, and seeing his lip tilt into a lazy smile "You're the last person I expected to see here, I didn't think this was your kind of scene."
"It's not, not really but," He shrugged, glancing over his broad shoulder to where a few wolves sat gathered around a table "But the pack forced me."
"You don't strike me as the type of guy who can be forced to do anything," I raised a brow, tossing a long strand of hair over my shoulder and felt Ithan's eyes track each movement. "Don't try and hide it, you came here for a good time, a good fuck maybe?"
He chuckled at my playful words, the sound rough and heady, running over me and prickling my skin. I forced myself to breathe as he stepped closer, close enough that his hard chest brushed against my breasts, and I felt the warmth and scent of him.
"Is that what you came for?" He asked, though his words weren't a question, not as he looked over my head, his stare pointed, straight to where Ruhn and that Faun stood "Or were you planning to glare at Ruhn Danaan all night, hoping he'd notice you?"
"Don't be a prick," I scowled, my lip curling and I pushed at his chest, hearing a rough bark of laughter escape him as he saw the fire burning in my eyes " I might be pining after Ruhn, but it's no different to how you trailed after Bryce like a lost puppy all these years, Holstrom."
His eyes darkened at that- those honeyed pupils shadowing into a starless night sky. Bryce was a sore topic still, even after two years and I felt guilt gnaw at me, hating myself for mentioning her, for the way that smile tilted down now.
"Bryce didn't want me, I knew she didn't," Ithan gritted back, his jaw locked and his eyes hard "Ruhn might want you, he could want you as badly as you want him, you're just too scared to find out."
"I'm not scared," I said defensively, crossing my arms over my chest, and yet again, I didn't miss how his steely gaze fell, something sparking in them as my top lowered and revealed my ample cleavage. I clear my throat, ignoring the twist in my gut "I'm just realistic, I know Ruhn's type, I've seen his type and I know I'm not it."
"His type?" Ithan mused, raising a dark, thick brow at me "What? Gorgeous? Desirable? No, you're definitely not his type." It was sarcastically drawled, accompanied by a sassy eye roll and it was the least serious I had seen Ithan in years- since Connor died.
"Try petite, skinny and perfect," I snort, but my voice isn't as joking as I would like, it's heavier, weighed down by the reality of the words.
"Bullshit, Y/N," Ithan scowls, and the way his eyes glared out in protest, in defence, it was as if he was furious at me for even saying what I did. "If Ruhn fucking Danaan thinks you're not perfect then he's a bigger asshole than I already thought he was."
I felt my face heat, my body turning hot and needy at his words, at the honesty and conviction behind them. He stepped closer, close enough that I smelt the mint and alcohol on his warm breath, and a fire sparked in my core- and I didn't step back.
"You think I'm perfect?" I whispered, my voice hoarse and shaking slightly. I couldn't stop staring into his eyes, couldn't stop watching the lust roil in them, darkening them by each second, we inched closer, drawn together like magnets. "Don't fuck with me Ithan, I mean it."
"Y/N, while you were busy glaring down Danaan and the Faun," Ithan said, his voice slipping into a low timbre, the gruffness clawing over my nerves and making me breathless "I was staring at you."
"You were?" My voice was softer than I wanted it to be, but my defences were wearing down. I had always found Ithan attractive, always wondered what he would be like as more than a friend. And as his hand snaked around my waist, large, veined, and ringed, and slowly dragged me to him, I knew that those feelings hadn't faded with time.
"You might not believe me, but I was staring at you, alongside damn near every other male in this room, Y/N," Ithan muttered, his face inches from mine and when his nose brushed against my cheek, my eyes fluttered. "If you had just looked around you, you would have seen how many wanted you- and how could they not?"
I felt his hand trail down my back and sides, over the rolls and curves of flesh, and I felt nauseous, hating that he could feel it. But he growled, a purely animal sound, his fingers digging into my flesh as if he was holding himself back as if touching me brought him to the edge of his control.
"Ithan," I swallowed, steeling my spine, and forcing back the fierceness and power I was used to wielding with men, "I'm not Bryce Quinlan."
"And I'm not Ruhn Danaan," He shot back immediately, his lip quirking "But that doesn't change the fact that I fucking want you, and I know you want me too."
I inhaled a shaky, long breath, my throat drying out at his words and at all the sinful, dirty images that flashed through my mind, filthy enough that I had to clench my thighs shut.
"Let's walk to yours, no cab," I say hoarsely, ignoring the way he grinned as I grabbed his hand and began dragging him to the exit. He followed dutifully, his fingers interlocking with mine, his thumb brushing soothing, soft strokes against my palm.
"Why?" He laughed, his brow raising at me as I glanced over my shoulder and I didn't miss the way my body ignited, striking, and burning as his gaze trailed over my skin.
"Because I can't promise I won't ride you in the back seat," I said honestly, gnawing on my lip as my eyes met his over my shoulder "And I don't want the night to end before it's even begun."
"Fuck," Ithan swore, low and dirty, and I could smell his arousal.
Just like I knew he could smell mine.
We walked through The Wolves Den with ease, silent and quick-paced as we waded through each corridor and climbed floor after floor.
Ithan had wanted to take the lift straight to his floor and had been so on edge that he looked as if he might have taken me against the wall in the goddamn lobby if I had given him the say-so. But I wanted him at breaking point, wanted that wolf inside him to come out clawing, biting and roaring.
So instead, we walked, each second that passed and the silence that stretched drawing the tension tauter and tauter, and I could feel my blood thrum in anticipation. Ithan looked over at me as we walked down the final corridor- and the smirk he wore, the knowing gleam in his eyes, told me everything he wanted to do.
"You have got to be kidding me, Ithan," A voice declared, female and high-pitched, loud enough that it grated against my senses and had both of us coming to a reluctant halt. I eyed the fifth door, which happened to be Ithan's room, with need. "Bringing the trash home?"
"Watch it, Amelie," Ithan growled, his eyes tapering in warning as he turned to glare at the dark-haired, golden-eyed female before him. His pack member- and a total hateful bitch.
"Why? Scared I'll scare away your whore for the night?" She snorted, her arms folding over her chest as she looked at me, amusement and cruelty gleaming in her eyes. I saw her stare trail between us, taking in our interlocked hands, the way our arousals wafted in the air, and she scowled.
Jealous, that much was obvious.
"Hey, Ithan?" I mused, glancing sideways at him, and smiling sweetly. He rose a brow at me, confused and half-amused. "Are the walls here thin?" I stared pointedly, past Amelie, to the open door at her side, number four- right next to Ithan's.
Ithan seemed to catch onto my thought trail and chuckled lowly, nodding his head "Very thin."
"Amelie," I smirked, my hand trailing up Ithan's muscled chest as he punched in the code and pushed open his room door, "When you touch yourself tonight, imagining that Ithan's fucking you and not me, don't be too loud- Ithan might hear it and go limp."
"You fucking-" Her eyes burned, and so did her cheeks, outrage and embarrassment filling her as she stepped toward me.
"Have a good night, I know I will." I winked and Ithan's laughter flittered over to me, caressing my skin like a phantom touch. The door clicked shut behind me, and suddenly, Amelie was gone, and it was just me and him, in his room, together, and alone.
"I don't think I've ever seen Amelie that red before, she's not used to being put in her place like that," Ithan noted, his eyes dancing with amusement as he leaned against the back of his sofa "She's not going to let that go, you know?"
"Amelie's a neurotic, insecure bitch," I scowl, walking a few tentative steps further into his room, "She can get fucked, I couldn't care less."
Ithan doesn't say anything else, remaining silent as my gaze lifts and washes over his room. I take in the four bare walls and the simple brown sofa, glass table and TV, a large double bed at the furthest wall and a chest of drawers and a matching wardrobe at its side.
"Not what you were expecting?" Ithan asked, cocking his head to the side as he observed my expression. I pursed my lips, looking over his folded arms, the way the muscles bulged, and I swallowed.
"I'm not sure what I expected," I say honestly, my voice quiet and when I slowly began to walk over to Ithan, I felt the tension in the air go taut. I paused, standing just before where he sat on the sofa's back, looking at me with a wry smile. "Were you being honest when you said that the walls are thin?"
"I was," He chuckled, revealing two sharp canines on either side of his upper teeth and I shivered at the sight of them. I imagined them against my skin, teasing, scrapping, and biting and I clenched my hands. "Were you being honest when you said you would be having a good night?"
I smiled at the heat in his eyes, at the way we were so close, yet we didn't touch not in one single place, and I knew he was holding out, restraining himself from grabbing on to me, just as I was.
"I plan to have a good night," I say, cocking my head in challenge "But really, it's up to you how good of a night for me it is."
One second, I'm standing before Ithan, smirking, cocky as I watch the lust burning in his eyes, and then the next, his fingers are wrapping around my throat, his ring digging into my jugular as he pulls me to him.
I groan as his mouth collides with mine and my body shakes at the heady, desperate way his lips move against me, tasting me, devouring me, taking me like it's his last night on Midgard. I melted into the strength and solidity of him, his hand at my throat, the firm pressure there, making my body turn weak.
Ithan's lips move against me, deep, languished strokes that fan the embers sparking in my stomach and I dig my nails into his chest, curling my fingers around the fabric of his t-shirt, needing to tether myself to him, to keep myself upright.
I whimper at the feeling of his left hand descending my body, his fingers gripping against every bit of flesh and curve with need, all the way from the top of my spine to the curve of my ass, and he groans as he cups me, the flesh spilling out and soft against his palm.
“Bed, now,” I pull back, my faces only inches from his and we’re both panting wildly, lust and need dancing in our gazes, like a mirror.
“Hm, not sure I’m a fan of being told what to do in my own place, sweetheart,” Ithan smirks, and my eyes flutter as he draws me closer, biting and suckling against my neck, the feeling of his canines against my skin driving me crazy. “Why don���t you try again?”
“Stop trying to be an alpha male, Ithan,” I manage to grit out, desperately trying to force down the moans that threaten to slip past my lips, but his mouth and tongue against my hot skin make it so hard. “We both know you’re really just a puppy- ah-“
A squeal escapes me as both of Ithan’s arms wrap around me, hooking under my ass and there’s a whoosh of air as he yanks me up into his arms, so fast my heart lurches and I’m locking my legs around his waist and holding onto his t-shirt so tightly I’m surprised it didn’t tear.
“You’re far too coherent right now,” Ithan grumbles and fuck if the sound of it doesn’t go straight between my legs. I hold onto him tighter as he begins to carry me over to bed, looking as if my weight is less than nothing to him right now. “I’m going to need to fix that.”
“Please do,” I whisper, tossing my hair from my face and bringing my lips back against his, slower, deeper, the hardness and ridges of his body brushing against my breasts feeling so good and the long, thick length rubbing against my thigh feels even better.
Ithan smirks against my lips as we thump against the bed and true to his word, Ithan drops me on the bed, so hard and fast I grunt at the impact, my body and tits bouncing as I land on my ass. The sight makes him smile, and the way he towers over me, looking like some kind of God has every nerve in my burning.
“You’re fucking incredible,” He mutters, and the honey in his eyes is gone, melted into the darkest chocolate, the kind that told me every filthy, heady, dirty thing he wanted to do to me. I leaned back on my palms as he rested a knee on the mattress, lowering his pleased face down to mine. “But I bet you’d look even better without all the clothes.”
His hand snakes around to the zip at the back of my top and fuck, fuck, fuck- I freeze.
“Or not?” He mutters, a crease forming between his brows at the way my body physically locks up and his hand immediately stops, resting flat against my back, his thumb rubbing softly to soothe me. “We don’t have to do that if you don’t want-“
“No, no-“ I shake my head, clearing my throat as I bring a hand to cup his jaw, loving the way he melts into the touch, “It was just a habit, a muscle memory reaction- No, trust me, I want to, I want you, Ithan.”
“Good, because I want you too, Y/N,” He mutters, smiling as he brings his mouth down, but he doesn’t pull at the zipper, instead he kisses me, tastes me, and enjoys me, and my hands curl into the root of his hair, glad for that moment of reprieve.
I can tell he’s being sweet because he is sweet, and now that he knows I’m hesitating, he won’t make the next move until he’s sure I’m ready- and I am, I am so fucking ready.
I pull back from him, my eyes locking with his and the room is so silent, deadly silent, as I draw my hand back and ever so slowly tug down the zipper to my top. The sound is almost sensual, making Ithan’s face darken, in anticipation, in feral lust.
I gnaw on my lip as the zipper pulls free and still keeping my eyes on his, I draw the top forward, down my arms, every movement deliberate until the fabric is discarded on the floor beside us. Ithan says nothing as he stares down at me, as he stares down at my bare chest, my breasts heavy and aching and I’ve never been gladder that I chose not to wear a bra.
His Adam’s apple bobs and the breath seizes in my lungs as his cold hand traces across my back, around to my chest and he groans, low and deep, the second his hand cups around my breast. I gasp as he kneads the flesh, his fingers slowly and deliberately tugging on my pebbled nipple.
“Ithan,” I growl, I can’t help it, he’s staring at me, looking like he wants to devour me, but he hasn’t bloody moved. “Do something, for Cthona’s sake.”
“So needy,” He croons, and I nearly sigh when he leans forward again and pushes me back to lay flat against the mattress. My body shivered as he climbed onto the bed, his large figure moving to hover over me, and I felt almost small in comparison to him, a feeling that was unfamiliar to me.
He kissed lower down my neck, his mouth inching closer as his hand kneaded my breast, rolling the sensitive bud between his fingers and tugging gently igniting so many sparks that I couldn't even speak, merely moaning breathlessly with each sure touch.
I gasped when his head ducked, his eyes shielded by the strands of hair that fell forward as he plucked one nipple into his mouth. My back arched and my fingers dug into his shoulders hard enough to hurt as the raw feeling of his tongue and teeth teased me.
“Ithan,” I moaned when he began biting against my nipple, not too hard, but firm enough that I felt the shock go through every nerve ending, sparking, burning, and throbbing, so hard I felt it in my core.
My head spins as Ithan begins shifting lower, and I cringe when he begins trailing his hands down my stomach, instantly thinking over every roll and stretch mark and flesh that was there- not that he seemed to mind. No, he kissed against the skin, trailing his tongue languidly down, just as infatuated as he had been before.
The tension in the air is thick as Ithan runs his calloused hands down the side of my thick thighs, kneading the flesh and teasing the material of my skirt, his intentions obvious. And with the ache beginning to become unbearable between my legs, I don’t hesitate to lift my hips, glad when he immediately hooks his fingers into the top of my skirt- pulling it and my underwear down in one go.
It’s almost amusing how quickly he discards the excess material over his shoulder, so transfixed on the sight of my naked body before him, sprawled out and burning from the intensity of his gaze.
“Fuck, you’re perfect,” He groans, his voice hoarse and the tightness coiling in my chest eases as he runs his hand up my thighs, feeling the cellulite and stretch marks and grins as he spread my legs apart for him to come between.
My heart races in anticipation as he sinks down below my parted thighs, his eyes burning with satisfaction as he comes level to my core, and the urge to clamp my legs shut fills me- which he seems to sense, if his strong grip on either side of my thigh, keeping spread wide apart is any indication.
I feel his hot breath against my most sensitive part and just when I feel like the seconds are dragging into minutes, making me fidgety and restless, I gasp at the feeling of his tongue flicking against my clit, soft and probing, coaxing out quiet moans from me.
“That’s it,” Ithan purrs and the sound vibrates against my core, making me clench my fingers into the duvet under me for purchase. Ithan seems encouraged by my moans, his tongue lapping against my clit in long languish strokes that draw pleasure from me in waves. “Taste so fucking good.”
He grins against me, cocky, sure, and under any other circumstances I’d hate it, but right now, I can’t find it in me. Instead, I reach down, lacing my fingers through his soft hair, tugging, yanking, and scratching, coaxing Ithan to give me more- which he happily does.
“Fuck, oh my-“ Two fingers prod my wet entrance, and the sound is so lewd as he quickly stuffs the two digits inside me, stretching me in the most perfect yet painful way, especially when he curls those two digits, hitting a spot that has me seeing stars.
“There we go,” Ithan coaxes softly, feeling my body start to vibrate and writhe, that pool of pleasure building and building within me, plummeting fast and harder as he fucks his fingers in and out steadily, in tandem with the smooth agile movement of his tongue against my clit. “There we go, such a good girl.”
I cry out, trembling and moaning as a white-hot blaze burns through me, starting at my core and running into my thighs and stomach, all the way down to my toes. I pant, my head fogging with the overwhelming blanket of pleasure that Ithan’s smothered me with.
Ithan groans, his teeth tugging at my sore clit before he eventually lets go, his fingers slipping out of me with ease. I exhale harshly at the loss of contact, sagging back as the euphoria dies down and my body settles into calm again.
Ithan ascends my body, a shit-eating grin on his wet lips and I don’t have time to even speak before he captures my mouth in his, pushing his tongue deep into me, letting me taste myself.
“How’s that for a puppy, sweetheart?” He mutters, biting my bottom lip and I roll my eyes at the sheer masculine satisfaction in his voice, in those bright eyes as he stares at me.
“Don’t be an arrogant prick,” I snipe back, ignoring Ithan’s laughter as I place either hand on his shoulder and the surprise that lights his face as I yank him down onto the bed beside me, flipping us so that I’m straddling him, makes me grin. “I’m still in charge, Ithan.”
“If this is you being in charge, I’m not fucking complaining,” He smirks lazily, his voice heavy with lust as he leans back, his eyes oh so slowly trailing across my body atop his, looking like the cat that got the cream as he enjoys every inch of me.
I smile, soft, as I run my hands against the seam of his t-shirt, my thumbs hooking under the material and slowly dragging it up- revealing inch after inch of tan, smooth skin, so much corded muscle it makes me hot. Ithan easily helps, and it’s not long before the material is over his head and thrown to the ever-growing pile of clothes on his floor.
I drag my core against the front seam of Ithan’s jeans, and our groans mix in the air at the feeling of his hard length brushing against me. I don’t waste any time, Ithan’s eyes never leaving me as I move my hands to the front of his jeans, my fingers fumbling against the button and zipper, almost desperate as I open them, tugging the materials down just a little.
“Shit,” I mutter, my eyes widening as Ithan’s hard cock slips out, breaking free and slapping back against his stomach. Ithan snorts at my reaction, at the sheer surprise on my face at the size of him, and my cheeks heat in embarrassment as he smiles at me. “Shut up.”
“Fuck, Y/N,” His eyes flutter as I grip my hand around his hard length, my fingers struggling to find purchase as I palm up and down, every moan and gasp that escapes him egging me on. “You’re fucking killing me here, sweetheart.”
“Poor puppy,” I tease, smirking and Ithan’s canines expose in warning, his hands coming to either side of my hips, and when he slowly lifts me up, dragging me closer to him, I prepare myself for the feeling of him inside me.
“Shit, shit,” I moan as Ithan’s cock brushes my entrance and I ever so slowly sink down, down, down, until he’s stretching me like he’s going to break me in two, until his tip brushes something far and deep inside me.
“Fuck, you’re so tight,” Ithan swears, his fingers digging into the flesh of my hips and thighs so tightly, I can feel the cut of his nails.
I flutter my eyes as the burn soon seeps into pleasure and we both suck in a gasp of air when I drag up, so deliberate and slow, all the way to the tip, before slamming back down, hard and fast. Ithan swears, his chest rising and falling so fast as I do it again and again, his cock slipping against my wet core like it was made for me.
“Ithan, oh-“ I whimper as I ride up and down his cock, alternating between fast, hard strokes and long, slow ones, Ithan’s hands at my hips guiding me along, helping me chase after the relief, and I know I won’t last long, not with the cord within me tightening so perfectly.
“Look at you riding my cock so well,” Ithan praises roughly, his teeth gritted as he pants and moans every time he sinks into me, and when my eyes lock with his, I’ve never felt more seen, more desired in my life. “Look at those tits bouncing, fuck, taking me so good Y/N.”
He ruts his hips up to meet me, the sound of him fucking in and out of me, so wild and demanding, is like music in the room, mixing with our moans, our low curses, and the way our hands wander over each other, unable to get enough.
My fingers scratch against Ithan’s chest and abs, my body starting to shake and weaken at how good it feels, how he’s hitting against a spot that makes my insides turn to mush, again and again. Ithan must sense my fatigue, sense my head spinning, because he grabs me, and within seconds, we’ve flipped over and he’s on top of me now.
His hand guides my thighs around his hips and my eyes roll, my back arches, as he sinks in even deeper and I whimper into his lips, into his mouth at the brutal pace he sets, slamming into me again and again, unrelenting, and merciless, so fucking good I can’t catch my breath.
My eyes flutter open as Ithan’s hand wraps around my throat, pressing firmly on either side of my neck and when my eyes meet his when I see the burning, commanding, domineering power behind them, it’s like something in me rips in two.
He hits a spot, some magic, fathomless spot inside me and it all shatters to pieces like glass.
“Ithan, I’m-“ I cry out, black dots blurring my vision and my body bucking and writhing against his hard muscles as release ripples over me like a tidal wave. Ithan grunts as I clench around him, suffocating his cock inside me, the orgasm hitting me and lasting longer than I’ve ever had.
“That’s it, that’s fucking it,” Ithan whispers, panting against my lips, and I feel his movements become sloppier, more erratic, more careless, driven to the edge by me coming around him. “Everyone in the whole fucking Dens gonna know whose making you feel this good.”
I whimper at the filthy words he grunts into my ear, my body trembling with the aftermath of my orgasm, edged on by the way Ithan still fucked in and out of me, chasing his own high and when his forehead rests against mine and he groans, guttural and heady and low, I know he’s found it.
The sound he makes, the growl that escapes him, reverberates through the whole damn room and my body is aching as he comes to a gradual stop inside me, our sweaty, panting bodies, melting into each other as we climb down from our peaks.
Ithan groans as he slowly slips out of me, the feeling of his warm cum leaking from me and dripping down my skin making me blush, and the small smirk that lines his lips as he inches back to look at me tells me he finds it both amusing and adorable.
“I can feel your cum leaking down my thigh,” I breathe and Ithan's eyes flutter, rolling as he laughs, burying his face into my neck dramatically, as if I were completely ruining him.
“Keep saying shit like that, Y/N and I might just have to chain you to this bed,” Ithan mutters against my skin, kissing and nibbling across my neck and jaw before he meets my lips again, kissing me sweetly as if memorising the taste and feel of me.
“After that, I’m tempted to let you, Ithan,” I grin, sighing as he rests his weight on top of me, his arms on either side making sure not to crush me, but the warmth and touch is welcome.
“Are you still thinking about Ruhn Danaan?” He muses, cocking his head, and the honey has returned back to his eyes, that smile turning boyish and soft again as he stares down at me.
“No,” I say simply, honestly, dragging my hand up his chest and neck, before settling against his jaw, my thumb drawing lines across the hard ridge there. “Are you still thinking about Bryce Quinlan?”
“Definitely not,” He smiles, earnest and firm and the sight makes my entire body heat again.
“Good,” I let my eyes darken, letting him see just what I was thinking as I wrap a leg around his hip, drawing his hardening cock back down against me- and he grins with feral delight at the action. “Because I haven’t quite gotten you out of my system yet, Puppy.”
@mis-lil-red @hyemishii @assaultsofthought @starswholistenanddreamsanswered
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 6 months
Could you write an imagine with Ruhn x Reader, like maybe someone that isn’t rlly swayed by his look and is very out off by like the smoking and parties and for the first time he actually has to try to get the girl he wants??? Luv u!!!
Polar opposite
You frowned the moment the loud music hit you. It felt like a physical blow the moment you yanked the door open, trying to press through a sea of sweaty bodies. If it wasn’t for your best friend you would be miles away from places like that. But when duty called, you weren’t about to leave her in place like that drunk. You pull up your phone, hoping the Find Me app will magically guide you to your friends as you curse beneath your breath.
After bumping into an unimaginable amount of tipsy people and dogging at least four sets of hands you finally catch a glimpse of Merc’s silver hair. But the minute you move to take a confident step towards her a firm frame covers your view of the room. You let out a frustrated huff. “Want a hit?”, you don’t even need to lift your head to know who the voice belongs to. Biggest fuck boy this city had seen. But you know his type. Already faced more than one on your visit here. You look him up and down with a scowl, “Ah.. no thank you”, you shoot him a fake smile, trying to outstep the crowned prince only to come in contact with his outstretched hand. “I got the best”, he smirks, waving the cigarette in front of your face.
“Lung cancer?”, you muse, crossing your arms over your chest. “What?”, Ruhn frowns too high to follow through the conversation probably. “The best lung cancer”, you tap his shoulder, “Not interested”, you move to the side once more only for him to follow your lead. Was this guy seriously blind or something? Wasn’t your body language enough for him to understand that you weren’t interested?
“A drink?”, he wiggles his eyebrows, leaning in closer. “You know what I would love actually”, you smile at him as you back away ever so slightly. “Tell me”, Ruhn practically purrs, “I’ll get it for ya, gorgeous”, he beamed. You smile right back at him, hoping that he can’t see the way your eye is practically twitching with annoyance. “I would love for you to piss the fuck off”, you huff, using his surprise to push past him. Was this playing with fire? Most definitely. And was your heart practically beating out of your chest? Yes. But he didn’t need to know that.
A loud sea of “Uffffffff”, echoed around you both. “You just got put in your place”, someone muttered with a laugh, followed by a sharp, “Shut up”, by Ruhn himself. You pushed it all back. Choosing to focus on your friend who was puking into the potted plant. “Come on, Merc”, you breathed out, wrapping an arm around her middle as she tried to apologize but it all barely made sense. You could feel the same purple eyes watching your every move. Even outside as you tried to get your friend seated in your car. It felt as if someone was watching.
His skin had prickled with annoyance when you had kicked him to the curb as if he were nothing. He loved the chase. It was fun at the time. Got the blood flowing. But Ruhn just wanted a careless fuck that night. With someone who had no stupid agenda when it came to him. And too many faces around the room were familiar but he had never seen you before. There was something different about you. No twinkle of excitement as you walked through his living room. At first, he thought that this was just a mask. A game of sorts that would crumble as soon as he introduced himself. But you had looked him up and down the same way you had looked up the messy hallway and the sea of intoxicated people. “Dec”, Ruhn leaned closer to his friend, who even in the middle of the party had his computer propped up on the kitchen counter. “Hmm”, he barely acknowledged Ruhn, throwing back another shot that someone plopped in his hand. “Dig up everything you can find about her”, Ruhn breathed out. Dec lifted his head. Scanning his friend’s face before breaking into a knowing grin.
Ruhn had been leaning against his car for hours. At this point his cigarettes were running low and so was his patience. Until the back door opened up. “The library closed three hours ago”, his voice echoed through the dark alley. Making the person let out a loud shriek. “Urd spare me”, you hiss, hand over your chest as your blazing eyes lock in on him. “Are you insane? Are you following me?”, huffing you reached for the book that had slipped out of your hands, turning back to lock the door.
“Thought you weren’t the one to break the rules”, Ruhn flicked his cigarette one more time before, stepping on it with his foot. Killing the last bits of amber. “I have a card that…”, you stop mid-sentence, raising your head higher, “I don’t have to explain myself to you”. A smirk crept onto his face. Ruhn liked this. This push and pull. The fact that you didn’t want to cave in.
“How did you even know I’ll be here?”, you huff, stepping under the same lamp light. Eyes still blazing in annoyance. But such beautiful eyes. Eyes that pull Ruhn under for a heartbeat too long before he mutters, “Thought I’ll hand deliver an invitation to my party”, he pulls a folded card from his leather jacket. He never sends out invitations to his parties and from the way you raise an eyebrow at him, you appear to be aware of that information.
“No”, you say in that venomous sweet voice before turning away from him. “One party”, he calls over your shoulder but you simply wave him off. “Or are you scared?”, Ruhn throws the last desperate hook and to his surprise, you stop before turning back at him. “I don’t see a point in all that”, you simply shrug, “Drinking, smoking, drugs, strangers puking in your toilet”, you bend finger after finger as you list the things you hate. “Grim”, you add at the very end, making Ruhn let out a chuckle.
“What’s your form of fun?”, if only his friends would see him like this. He’s borderline desperate. To keep this conversation going. To keep you in his company. You just shake your head, “Something you would never like”. Your eyes dart yo to him and Ruhn doesn’t let his gaze falter. “Try me”, he almost dares you, “You might just be surprised”. He can see the way a breath hitches in your throat. You stay silent for a bit before muttering, “I like books”, and there it is, that glimmer, one that people have at his parties. The shine in the eyes, “I like book browsing and just walking through little shops”, your admission has your cheeks growing slightly pink. And fuck if it’s not the most attractive thing Ruhn had seen. He’s not sure what demon makes him do it but, Ruhn finds his mouth betraying him, “How about this. I go with you to do what you like and you do the same with my kind of fun?”, and it’s like you are both taken back by that suggestion. Ruhn catches a flicker of a challenge in your eyes before you nod, “Fine”, your breath, “But you have to enjoy yourself fully, not fake your way through it”, you breathe out, making Ruhn nod as he extends his hand towards you, “Deal”, he mutters. You hesitate to shake his hand for a moment but then your way smaller palm is sliding into his callused one and you are almost sure that you feel a shiver running through his whole body.
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sadiegirl2021 · 2 months
Ruhn, Dorian and Azriel talking about Gwyn
Ruhn: my shadows love her! They weave through her copper hair when I'm not looking
Dorian: So do mine! They dance with her breath and reach out to caress her cheek
Azriel *thinking he was special*:
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For @freyjas-musings
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angstywaifu · 6 months
Shut up. Make Me. Ruhn Danaan x Reader
What better way to announce I am writing for the Crescent City boys, than writing for my favourite one Ruhn Danaan. This man.... god damn. If anyone has requests for this man please send them through. I have a lot of requests at the moment, but I promise I am getting through them!
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People we’re everywhere. As was the norm for any party the boys had. Luckily the street they lived on housed mostly CCU students so they we’re also having their own parties or came and joined Ruhn’s. As I walk up the pathway to the house familiar faces smile and wave as I pass. I do my best to return them all. I had never missed a party these boys threw since I met them back in my days at CCU.
None of them had attended CCU, but I had run into them at a dive bar after a late night class. They had claimed the pool table and were having a competition to decide the best pool player amongst them. I had laughed at their antics, which had drawn their attention to me. And that was it. Since that night where I had promptly kicked all their asses at pool, we had been attached at the hip. But I had drawn my line at living them, instead choosing to keep my own apartment in the city. As soon as I walk through the door, the smell of mirthroot, sweat and alcohol hits me like a truck. Clearly the party had started earlier than normal if the smell was that strong already. I weave my way through the crowded house, doing my best to avoid the sweaty bodies. I break through the crowd to see Flynn, Dec and Marc standing around the pool table, Flynn and Dec in the middle of a pool game. I walk over and join Marc who is sitting on a stool watching them.
”Whose winning this time?” I ask him as Flynn and Dec proceed to argue about a shot that Flynn had just made.
Marc laughs and shakes his head. “Honestly neither of them are. They’re tying at the moment, but they’ve been at this for a few hours.”
As I watch them bicker I know this has been a regular occurrence tonight. Was a normal occurrence anyway with these two. So competitive. I’m almost thankful Ruhn isn’t part of it cause the argument would be way louder. But regardless of that I can’t help but scan the room for him. Seeing as I can’t find him as easily as I normally can I know he must be elsewhere. Probably off trying to convince some girl to go upstairs with him. Though it never took much convincing when you’re the Crown Prince of the Valbaran Fae. Females practically threw themselves at him with the hopes of going to bed with him, and even more hopes of it turning into more. As much as Ruhn slept around, I knew the instant he found a female he wanted to pursue more he would be all in. But his father looming over his shoulder stopped him from doing so. The pressure of an arranged marriage from him also lead Ruhn to never pursue a female for more than just a casual hook up.
”He’s outside talking to Bryce.” Marc says as to me before taking a drink from his glass.
I roll my eyes at him. Damn him being so perceptive. “I’m not looking for him.”
He raises an eyebrow and shakes his head. “You are, you always do. And the fact you knew who I meant instantly only confirms it.”
”She looking for our boy Ruhn again?” Dec teases.
I turn to see him and Flynn leaning on their pool ques looing at me with mischievous grins.
”I am not.” I say sternly, causing all three males to laugh at me.
”Honestly, you two just need to fuck and get it over with.” Flynn muses as he walks over to grab a drink from the table Marc and I are sitting in front of.
I smack his shoulder. “We do not. And we don’t see each other that way.”
Flynn just laughs before leaning towards me, the smell of mirthroot and alcohol thick on his breath. “And I’m not the next in line to take over from my father.” He muses in a teasing tone.
I push off the stool and push past Flynn who continues to laugh at me.
”Oh come on Y/N, we’re just teasing.” Dec calls out to me.
I turn and smile at them, “And I need a strong drink before I can deal with you lot.” I call back before flipping them off and disappearing into the crowd to find a drink.
The kitchen is full of various types of alcohol. Various punches line the benches, crates of beer and other pre mixed drinks scattered around, and a giant collection of spirits and mixers. Plenty of options to deal with the teasing and banter of that lot. I head for the spirits and mixers, knowing I can make as strong of a drink as I want.
As I head over, movement of very familiar red and black hair catching my attention through the window above the counter. Outside Ruhn and Byrce lean up against the railing of the deck, looking out over the yard filled with more party goers. I curse myself as my heart skips a beat at the sight of Ruhn and hope he isn’t paying attention or he’s had enough mirthroot and alcohol to not hear it through the wall. I turn my attention back to my drink, pouring in a few different spirits and flavourings before adding my mixer. As I raise my head to place the bottles back in a safer spot on the counter my eyes flicker up, and meet the intense stare of Ruhn who is now leaning on the railing looking at me as Bryce talks to him, completely oblivious to the fact that Ruhn’s attention isn’t focused on her in the slightest. A smirk forms on his lips as he raises his drink to me. I raise mine back before throwing him a smile and walking back through the house to the pool table where Flynn and Dec are once again arguing about their game of pool.
”Bloody hell, I can smell that from here.” Marc says as he crinkles his nose as I sit next to him
”I told you I needed a stronger drink to deal with those two and their stupid opinions.” I say as I raise my drink to my lips. The drink was very strong indeed. The liquid burning its way down my throat. Marc laughs as I lower my drink and grimace as I swallow it.
”Not opinions if its the truth sweetheart.” Dec teases with a smirk.
I roll my eyes at them again and shake my head. “It isn’t. So get that idea out of your little brains. It ain’t happening. He doesn’t see me that way.”
”Who doesn’t see you that way?” An all to familiar voice says from right behind me.
I go rigid in my seat, earning a snicker from Marc. I know instantly who is standing right behind me. So close I can feel the heat from their body. His smell envelops me instantly. A smell that instantly calms me, and has put me to sleep the few times I’ve slept here and he’s insisted I take his bed over the couch.
”Oh just some guy that’s been pinning over her for years, and she can’t see it.” Flynn drawls with a smirk of his own.
Bastards knew exactly what they we’re doing. And their smirks only widen as I glare at them. Thankful Ruhn was still behind me unable to see it. Ruhn whose scent changed ever so slightly. A slight increase in his heart rate. It was a smell I had never scented on him before. What was that?
”Anyone we know?” Ruhn asks as he steps up next to me and looks down at me.
Ruhn’s face is unreadable as he looks at me. Not one hint of what that change in his scent could have been. Must have just been something he had taken or drank. Something new. That had to be it. Right?
I shake my head as I avert my gaze from him down to my drink clutched in my hands. “Maybe in passing. But it isn’t important. I am not having my hypothetical non existent love life become the topic of discussion.”
Ruhn shrugs and seems happy with my answer before walking over to Flynn and Dec, who are getting closer to finishing their game. This would be the decider from what I could pick up from their conversation over the loud music. I feel another familiar presence and look over to see Bryce pulling up a stool, Hunt close behind her. Yelling from the pool table pools my attention from Bryce back to the boys, to see Flynn dancing around the table with his hands in the air. Clearly the victor of the game judging by Dec’s slightly annoyed face as he walks back over to us, wrapping an arm around Marc as he leans into him.
”You may all bow to your winner.” Flynn says as he places an arm around Ruhn and drags him over to the group.
”I’d rather jump in the Istros than bow to you.” Bryce says without missing a beat.
Flynn purses his lips and narrows his eyes at Bryce as we all burst into fits of laughter. After the shit he had given me tonight he deserved it. But the reality was, those of us who were Fae might actually have to bow to him one day when he took his fathers title. So ironically there was some truth to his comment. But something tells me Bryce would actually jump into the Istros just to prove a damn point. Probably with Tharion nearby to deter anything that might lurk below. Bryce and Flynn start their usual bickering, Hunt rolling his eyes while looking torn between annoyance and amusement, Dec shaking his head before turning his attention to Marc, and Ruhn removing himself from Flynn before walking over to me.
”Bloody hell, what the hell did you put in that. Can smell it from here.” Ruhn remarks, scrunching his nose similar to Marcs earlier.
”That’s what I said when she walked over with it.” Marc comments before turning back to Dec.
”And as I said before, I needed something strong to deal with those two idiots.” Motioning towards Flynn and Dec.
Ruhn simply shrugs his shoulders and nods, well aware of some of the antics our two closest friends go up to. It often made for some interesting nights out, and a lot of stories. God forbid the day any of us have kids. We would all have stories to tell them. Despite his agreeance though, Ruhn reaches out and takes the drink from my hands, pouring the contents into one of the house plants. I go to object but Ruhn simply grabs my hand and drags me back to the kitchen, leaving our friends behind.
”I was drinking that.” I say bluntly as he guides me over to a bench before moving around the kitchen and grabbing bottles.
”Yes you were, and I am not letting you drink that.” He tells me bluntly as he starts making something.
There was one thing I couldn’t deny. Ruhn made a damn good drink. He was often making drinks for those who wanted it. And he usually took it upon himself to be the one making mine. It was rare I would make my own. And clearly the way I had made this one didn’t make him happy. And soon he is holding a new drink out to me that smells far nicer and way less potent than the one I had made myself. This time as I drink it barely stings my throat.
”Better?” He asks as he leans up against the counter next to me, another drink clasped in his hands as he looks down at me.
I look up at him and nod enthusiastically, earning a chuckle from him. “Way better.”
”Good.” He says as he grabs my hand and pulls me from the kitchen.
Ruhn leads me effortlessly through the crowd that parts for him with ease. The benefits of being a Crown Prince and next in line. As he pulls me outside I don’t miss the smirks from our friends watching as he leads me outside. I lift the hand grasping my drink, doing my best to give Flynn who has decided to make do kissy faces in my direction a vulgar gesture which has the others laughing. Out the back is far quieter than inside and the yard out the front. It seems most people wanting to keep close to the alcohol and mirthroot that was on hand. Which I was grateful for. As much as I loved partying with these guys, it always gave me a slight headache with the constant noise. I know Ruhn was the same, we would often end up escaping upstairs to his room, go for a walk, or find our usual spot out the back where he was taking me now. Out the back, behind a large tree was a couch he and I had dragged here years ago. We had claimed it as our spot immediately, which was easy as the other two didn’t seem fussed on it. Meaning it was our spot to get away from them and have time just us. I couldn’t deny that out of the three boys I got along with Ruhn the most. We just clicked more, understood each other more. Which is what made falling for him oh so easy. Way to easy. But I had held back my feelings and buried them as best I could for the last fifty years. Ruhn was a Crown Prince, and I was… Well I was just me. Ruhn sits down on the couch, pulling me down next to him, pulling my legs over his lap as I lay across the couch in my usual spot. Ruhn’s hands running up and down my legs like he always did. A gesture that always had Goosebumps forming on my arms, and a chill running down my spine that I always had to try and hide.
”I didn’t think you were coming tonight. Not like you to turn up this late.” He states as he rests his head on the couch and looks towards me, his blue eyes piercing into mine.
God damn those beautiful eyes. “Yeah some stuff came up at work and I had to stay back late. You know I would never miss a party.”
He chuckles and smiles. “This is true. I would be very upset if you had broke your streak of never missing a party.”
I roll my eyes and reach up and shove his shoulder. “You would have lived. Some party girl would have come and distracted you.” I tease.
”Trust me, you coming to these parties is the highlight of them. Those girls don’t matter.” He muses.
”Don’t let them hear you say that. Might break their hearts.”
He shrugs. Ruhn who usually appears so cocky and smug about the girls who come at him when the boys bring it up. But here, just the two of us he doesn’t seem phased by the topic of the girls.
”Just an added bonus I guess. Something to keep my mind off the impending doom of my arranged marriage.” He drawls before taking a big chug of his drink.
”Could have a worse arranged marriage. Hypaxia seems nice, and she is gorgeous.” I wasn’t lying. I had only briefly met her, but she had been so lovely. Back then none of us had known who she was. And now she was betrothed to Ruhn.
He nods and smiles slightly. “This is true. Would still rather be getting married to someone I actually loved though.”
”Who would be your ideal girl then? Who do you see marrying if you had a choice in the matter?” I ask in an attempt to lighten the conversation.
Ruhn laughs and shakes his head before downing the rest of his drink and looking up at the sky. “Someone I can be myself around and who doesn’t care about my title or what I am. That can look past all of that and just see me for me. Who wants to have fun and enjoy life. Maybe someone willing to run away with me from all this. Someone that screams a massive fuck you to my father.” He holds his hand up and gives a vulgar gesture to the sky making us both laugh before Ruhn turns and looks at me. Really looks at me.
”Couldn’t agree more about someone sending a massive fuck you to your father. I’d love to see that.” I muse as I sip my drink.
”Would be rather satisfying wouldn’t it.” He says softly, the joking tone almost gone from his voice.
”It would be. Hell I would love to send a massive fuck you to your father myself if he didn’t scare the hell out of me.”
”What if you could?”
I furrow my eyes at Ruhn who shuffles towards me. “What do you mean what if I could?” My heart beating loudly in my chest.
Ruhn edging closer me, my butt resting against his leg as he cradles my legs against his chest as he looks at me. I vaguely register the increase in his heart rate before mine starts hammering in my chest.
“What if you could send a massive fuck you to my father? What if I had a way that you could?” Ruhn whispers.
Ruhn stares at me in a way I’ve never seen before. As if I am all he ever needs. All he wants. I vaguely register the slight change in his scent. Arousal and… was that… me? I panic and push off the couch and out of Ruhn’s grip, my drink falling to the ground spilling everywhere. I turn and look at Ruhn who has also stood and is standing a few feet away from me watching me intently. His purple eyes looking worried and scared. His nostril flaring as if scenting me, his eyes going wide.
”No, you’re the crown prince, you don’t belong with someone like me.” I say in a shaky voice.
I had squashed my feelings for Ruhn for years. Since the day I had met him. Ruhn was destined to go on and continue the royal bloodline. One day rule the Valbaran Fae. Not be with someone like me. No one would take him seriously if he was with someone like me.
Ruhn laughs and shakes his head at me. “Trust me, I am no prince. That life isn’t for me. I couldn’t care less if the royal blood line ended with me. Hell I’d welcome it.” He says as he walks over to me and places his hands on my hips. “Especially if it meant being with you.”
Instantly my body relaxes at his touch like it always did. My body so attuned to his comforting presence. My eyes fluttering shut as I relax despite my racing heart.
”Ruhn stop messing with me.” I say as I try to step out of his grip, but his hands tighten keeping me in place.
I open my eyes and am met with his intense stair, almost angry at my words.
”Trust me sweetheart, I’m not messing with you. I would never joke about something like this.” His voice low and stern, almost commanding.
”Then why is this coming up now? You talk like you’ve been in love with me for years.”
”Because I have. Ever since you laughed that day in that damn bar. I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind.” He replies without missing a beat, his hands tightening again on my hips.
I shake my head and finally push out of his grip and walk over to the tree and rest my head against it to try gather my thoughts. There was no way. No way Ruhn wanted me and had hid it for fifty years. Every week was nearly a different girl.
”Then why wait till now Ruhn? Why wait fifty years while I watch you take a different girl back to your room? Till now when you are betrothed to another?” I snap as I turn to face him again.
I watch as anger rises in his eyes. The same anger mirrored in mine.
”Because I didn’t think I was good enough for you.” He starts before slowing walking over to me. “There was no way someone like you would want me. I was damaged. Broken. And I didn’t want to ruin my friendship with the one girl who didn’t care about my title. You didn’t care. Didn’t even bat an eye at our names when we introduced ourselves to you. Hell you already knew who we were. Who I was and you didn’t care. It was the one time I had felt normal around a female. And every time I saw you after you proved time and time again you didn’t care about my title. You wanted to be around me for who I was. And gods I loved it. I was instantly putty in your hands. I would and will do anything you ask of me.”
Ruhn stops in front of me, backing me into the tree, caging me in with his arms. No escape.
I shake my head. Not willing to believe what Ruhn told me even though I knew it was all true. Every single word was true.
”No. This isn’t real.” I say, denying it again.
”It is real. You know it is real. I can hear your heart beating as loudly as mine. Hell I can even smell me on you and I know you can smell you on me. This is real.”
”Shut up!.” I yell as I shove him.
Ruhn just smirks and leans down, lips meer inches from mine.
”Make me.”
Before I can think I’ve closed the distance between Ruhn and I. Our lips meeting in a heated passionate kiss that’s all teeth and tongue as we fight for dominance. Ruhn pushing me roughly against the tree. Ruhn grips my thighs as he lifts me up and pulls my legs around his waist, my arms wrapping around his neck to hold me against him as he walks away from the tree. Not once breaking the kiss. But as I realise he isn’t heading for the couch I break away and kiss down his cheek and jaw, before moving to his neck. A deep groan rumbling through him and into me as I lightly bit down on his neck.
”Careful sweetheart or we won’t make it to my room.” He growls out.
In response I bite down on his neck, his hands tightening on my thighs, profanities escaping his lips as he pushes through the crowd and back into the house. Instantly I hear cheers and hollering from Flynn and Dec, followed by Bryce. Without missing a beat, Ruhn removes one of his hands from my thigh to give them a vulgar gesture that has them laughing. Ruhn rushes up the stairs with speed I didn’t think was possible. The smell of his room hitting me instantly before Ruhn drops me on the bed, pulling his shirt over his head, revealing blown out eyes and the proud smirk of a male about to claim what is his.
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shadowdaddies · 4 months
I love your work ❤️ can I request a Ruhn x fem!reader, where ruhn hasnt been a very good boyfriend, like he is working a lot, and has to put off many date, the reader is trying to be understanding. maybe there are supposed to have a date but ruhn is late, he comes into the restaurat and sees that the waiter is talking to the reader and she is laughing. Some angst and ruhn is scared he is going to be single, but a fluffy ending
Try Hard
Ruhn x Reader angst/fluff
A/N: I put a little twist on this, hope that's okay💜
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Smoothing the front of your sleek black dress, you stepped out from your bedroom to the sound of a low whistle. Bryce laid back against the couch cushions, blanket draped over her legs as she looked up from her phone with a knowing smirk.
“You look hot,” she praised, golden eyes flicking down your form - hair down in loose waves, silky fabric of the dress hugging your curves - and winked. “What time is Ruhn supposed to get here?”
The small light in your eyes at her compliment dimmed at the question. “He should have been here twenty minutes ago,” you mumbled, glancing down at your phone to avoid meeting her gaze.
Bryce’s demeanor changed at that, a subtle shift in how she reclined on the sofa. Long, manicured nails flipped her own phone anxiously as her gaze bounced between you and screen of messages. 
“Well, he’s probably dealing with those alphaholes in the Aux, but you know Ruhn’s never late.” Scooting in her legs closer to her body, she patted the cushion next to her. “Come sit with me while you wait. I’m just watching ‘Fangs and Bangs’.” 
Eyes flicking to the couple on the TV, you slumped down on the couch, feeling lower than you ever had. Bryce was wrong - Ruhn had been late, nearly every time you’d seen him over the past several months. That is, when you saw him at all. 
He blew you off more than followed through on dates, and when you were with him, it was as though his mind was elsewhere. Anytime you tried to talk to him beyond shallow conversation, his eyes would dart from yours, opting to stare down at your hands over your face.
You couldn’t stop the tears that welled in your eyes as tumultuous thoughts raced through your head. You loved this male more than you had ever thought possible, yet here he was, like he wasn’t even trying. 
“Hey,” Bryce murmured, voice soft as she set her phone down. A hand came to rest on your shoulder, rubbing soothing circles there to coax you to look at her. “What’s wrong?”
Sniffling, you took a deep breath while your hands found the tassels on the pillow next to you very fascinating. “I don’t think Ruhn loves me,” you whispered, the words immediately feeling wrong once they left your lips. 
“Or... It’s not that he doesn’t love me,” you continued. “Maybe just not like I love him, or he doesn’t see a future with me?” Words tumbled from you faster than you could process, pent up emotions from the last several months coming out to Bryce as you told her of Ruhn’s detached behavior.
Her face was pale, crumpled in anguish that matched your own. She took a long moment before responding, “I know he loves you... But I also know I’m not the person you need to hear that from. Why don’t you see what happens tonight? Talk things through with him?”
Amber eyes were soft with understanding as you swallowed thickly, granting her a weak nod before checking your phone once more to find no response from Ruhn. “We’ve probably already missed our reservation,” you mused, fingers pinching the bridge of your nose as aggravation overtook you.
“Then go,” Bryce suggested. “They have his card on file, it’ll be charged to the Autumn King if all else fails,” she murmured behind a twisted smile. “You look beautiful, and deserve to have a nice evening regardless of how stupid Ruhn is.”
You looked down at your outfit, the effort you had put into looking and feeling beautiful tonight, and felt resolute as you nodded. Standing up from the couch, you gave Bryce a quick hug and thanks. 
“I’ll go to the restaurant, and I guess if he shows up or not will give me the answer I need.” Your attempt at sounding confident in your decision was weak, voice wavering at the thought of ever giving up on Ruhn, but you followed through nonetheless and hopped into a car to the restaurant.
The shakiness of your legs as you stepped from the car caught you by surprise, leaning on the handle as you willed strength to your muscles and strode inside. After an arduous explanation to the hostess that you were late for your reservation for two, and were in fact, alone, she begrudgingly took you to your table with a firm reminder that the rest of your party had fifteen minutes to show.
With a defeated sigh, you refused to look at your phone before sliding it into your coat pocket which you draped over the back of your chair. Slumped against the soft seat, you couldn’t help but feel clownish in your overdone hair and makeup. Just as embarrassment seemed to sink its claws into you, a polite voice interrupted your spiraling thoughts.
“Welcome in,” the handsome male to your left greeted, eyes sparkling with sincerity. “Could I bring you something to drink?” he asked, and your gaze drifted downward to find a name tag and uniform, toned body veiled thinly beneath.
“You look like you could use a glass of wine - or something stronger - if you don’t mind me saying,” he joked, earning a laugh from you. Stomach tightened, your eyes found his to indeed ask for a large glass of red wine when a familiar figure showed in your peripheral.
Ruhn cleared his throat, drawing your attention from the exchange to where he stood. He was in a finer suit than you had ever seen him, all black and neatly tailored to hug his form. Onyx hair shone in the dark evening lights as those violet eyes focused on you with a fae-like intensity, possessiveness practically tangible.
“We will have a bottle of your finest red. The manager should know our order, in fact. Thank you,” Ruhn greeted the waiter stiffly, waiting until the male left to take his seat across from yours.
“I was worried you wouldn’t show,” you drawled, the effort to keep the scowl from your lips distracting from that to keep the frustration from your tone.
Ruhn’s arched brow only served to infuriate you further, knuckles tightening on the arms of your chair as you dared to look at him. “You sit there silently, staring at me as though you are surprised in my doubt. But the past several months have been a constant cycle of me waiting for you, Ruhn.”
Jaw dropped slightly, purple eyes wide at your words as Ruhn had the nerve to look surprised. A scoff escaped you, gaze flicking to the bright city lights out the windows - bustling streets ignoring the advertisements and light shows that shone across from you. 
“I feel... I feel like those signs, Ruhn.” You gestured out the window. “Sending you messages, pleading for attention while you walk by like the people on the street. Do you notice me and not care, or are you trying to avoid me?”
Silver lined Ruhn’s eyes, tears threatening to spill as he reached into his pockets, hands fidgeting nervously while he thought. “I have never purposefully ignored you,” he breathed, eyes desperate as he looked to you. “To think that I might ever make you feel unseen makes me feel unworth-“
The breath stole from his chest as onyx hair whipped to the windows at your right, eyes wide. Ruhn dove in front of you, arms wide as he attempted to obstruct your view of whatever was happening. The lights changed behind him, catching several glimpses from others at the restaurant as you exasperatedly looked around his outstretched arm to look at what was outside.
‘Will you marry me?’ scrolled along the electronic billboard, bright for everyone to see. You looked down at Ruhn, the face of defeat clear as he let his arms finally drop to cover his face. 
“Ruhn...” you whispered, catching his attention from the self pity in which he was consumed. “Is that...?” 
You couldn’t find the words, merely gesturing to the bright lights outside while you studied your boyfriend’s face. He sighed, glanced over his shoulder with a nod before turning back to you.
“I was late because Dec had some issues getting the message up on the screen. But now it all seems ridiculous. I spent months planning to make tonight special, but all I did was make the love of my life feel like she isn’t special.”
Warm, tanned hands enveloped your own, resting in your lap. “I was too nervous that I might give something away, I did avoid you these past few months. But I would never have done any of this if I thought it would make you feel any less than the incredible female you are.”
You felt your lower lip wobbling, eyes welling with emotion at the realization. It wasn’t for lack of trying - Ruhn was planning for your future this entire time. “Ruhn...” you whispered, voice shaking as you cupped his cheek.
“It feels ridiculous now, to think of something as cheesy as night lights to ask you to spend forever with me, but-“
“YES!” you practically shouted, earning interested glances from other diners. “Ruhn, I would be honored to spend a lifetime with the male who went to such lengths to make me feel special, not only tonight, but since I have known you. I shouldn’t have doubted you.”
A broad grin stretched upon his face, crooked smile making your knees feel weak for only a moment before Ruhn’s lips crashed to yours. The echoes of those in the restaurant cheering sounded in the back of your mind as he pulled the ring from the pocket in which he’d been fumbling, slipping the band on your finger.
“I love you,” you murmured, tugging him by his chin into a deeper kiss. You glanced to the table, empty with unordered food. “Can we just go home? I only want to be with you,” you admitted.
Ruhn’s smile deepened, tongue toying with his lip ring as he considered your words. “Deal. Let’s order in,” he purred, grabbing your hand to lead you from the restaurant.
Hopping in the back of the car he’d called, you leaned into Ruhn’s warmth as he pulled out his phone to assure Bryce and Dec things had gone well. “You should have heard the call I got from Bryce after you left for the restaurant,” he grumbled, eyes wide with genuine fear.
A laugh escaped you, drawing your fiancé’s gaze to your own where he grinned with satisfaction. “What are you thinking, my love?” he asked, thumb tugging lightly on your lower lip.
“I’m thinking... how excited I am to do life with you,” you murmured, scooting closer to the warmth of his lap. His gaze grew heated, violet eyes making you shrink at the power within them for a moment before you regained your composure. “And I’m wondering,” you paused, pulling out your phone, “what you want for dinner...”
Your scrolling was interrupted when Ruhn took your phone, tucking it into his leather jacket as he pulled you fully across his hips. Hand pulled the back of your neck so your cheek brushed his. 
“I know exactly what I want for dinner, tonight and every night,” his low voice growled against your skin, sending a shiver down your spine. 
Pulling back, you looked into his eyes again, peace filling you at the familiar look of love you found. “And I want you, tonight and always,” you promised, leaning in to find the soft, promising passion of his lips against yours. Something restless settled inside of you, body and soul relaxing into his as you knew this was where you were meant to be.
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gccdstories · 3 months
@siderealxmelody / *
Ruhn just ignored Sathia's presence entirely after he gained the name of her friend. After his attention focused right back on the rather intriguing female. Eyes shone as he followed the way her gaze traveled over him.
❝ You must be bored out of your mind stuck in that place all day, ❞ he muttered. It wasn't that Ruhn didn't appreciate certain aspects of the histories and the legends--it was just his memories of such education wasn't exactly fond. Pleasant.
So he'd rebelled in his own way by refusing to show any sort of interest in it, in any of what his father wanted him to know. To learn. To study. He'd do the exact opposite, if only to piss the elder male off. He'd argued that he'd learn what he wanted to, not what his father did--
That had never gone over very well, every single time the discussion arose.
❝ Oh Bryce? ❞ Ruhn shook his head. ❝ She's the lucky one. She usually gets to escape these sorts of things. ❞
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azsazz · 3 months
SJM Ask Game
Thank you for the tag @daydreaming-nerd !! 💙💙 (I do want to hear those redacted answers for where you put tharion lol) I feel like it's been so long since I've been on tumblr or even done one of these but I'm excited💙
1) What’s your favourite SJM book?
Hmmmm I'm gonna say ACOMAF because that's when I was first introduced to Azzy and the obsession began 💙😈
2) Which is your favourite series (tog, acotar or cc)
If you don't know me, CC is one of the worst books I've ever read. It's hard to choose between ACOTAR and TOG tho because they were both really good....
3) Who is your favourite character? (And why?)
Hehehehehehehehe. Az obviously 🥰
4) Do you have a favourite quote from one of the books?
Hmmmm...tbh not really...the ones that stay stuck in my head are the cringey ones...BUT, let's go with "Cassian shot him a glare. 'I don't see you spouting poetry, brother.' Azriel crossed his arms, still smiling faintly, 'I don't need to resort to it.'" THAT'S GODDAMN RIGHT BBY YOU DONT 💙💙 legs spread for mah boi
5) Favourite ship?
Azris frfr
6) Elriel or Gwynriel? Or neither?
Azris frfr
7) Who’s the most underrated SJM character?
Oooof there's so many. Fenrys. I've never gotten enough of him.
8) Which character do you wish to learn more about?
Azris frfr. I want both of their backstories rn
9) Are there any characters you don’t like?
Bryce Quinlan and Danika Fendyr
10) Favourite bat boy?
My king azriel 💙💙
11) Favourite court?/ Which one would you most like to live in?
Honestly I'd probably either live in Autumn or Night tbh.
12) Favourite SJM villain?
Does Tamlin count? lol.
13) If you could change one thing in any of the books what would it be?
That CC never happened
14) Favourite SJM theory?
Azris frfr
15) Favourite Archeron sister?
Prob Ness
16) A character you feel is over-hated/ underrated:
over-rated: bryce quinlan
under-rated: chaol 💙
17) Aelin, Bryce, or Feyre?
18) What’s your favourite character from each series?
Fenrys, Azriel, Ruhn
19) If you wrote an acotar book what would you call it?
A Court of Smoke and Cinders? (azris frfr)
20) Who is your favourite acotar blogger?
nah there's literally too many to choose from
21)What fics would you recommend to people who love the series?
The Serpent and the Wings of Night
Questions for writers
22) Easiest character to write for?
Azzy because i built him brick by brick
23) Hardest character to write for?
24) What’s a character you’d like to write for but haven’t yet?
lol who haven't i written for? hmmmm...maybe fenrys, aedion, or hunt?
25) What’s a court you’d like to write about more?
26) What’s a character you won’t write for and why?
hmmm...idk I'd like to say that I'd try anything once...
27) If you could only write for one character ever again, who would you pick?
azzy. nobody compares to him
28) Whats your favourite trope to write about when it comes to Azriel?
right now i think modern aus...in any sort. or anything that involves angst i love putting everyone thru some shit
29) What do you think is the best/favourite acotar fic you’ve written?
hmmmm...i feel like this is impossible to choose
30) Who are your favourite friendships to write about?
eris x anyone because this man needs a friend
31) For first time readers to your blog, which three fics would you recommend they read?
LMAO ummm...I'll list at least one for. every character
Az: Cupid's Chokehold or Midnight Muse
Cass: In Storm or Dial Drunk or Better Men Have Hit Their Knees and Bigger Men Have Died
Eris: You Know I Always Liked Playing with Fire or Hide
Rhys: Clandestine Love or Dioxazine
Lucien: The Other Woman or My Happy Ending
or literally any poly can't go wrong with those tbh
No pressure tags: @writingsbychlo @acourtofwhatthefuck @i-am-a-lost-girl16 @azrielhours @a-frog-with-a-laptop or anyone else who wants to participate!
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lady-of-tearshed · 4 months
How to be rebellious, Tristan Flynn's guide for dummies
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Ruhn Danaan week 2024
@ruhnweek @cadiawrites
Day 2: Crowned Prince
Ruhn Danaan x Reader
Sumarry: "First rule of being a prince: Rebel when you can!" Tristan Flynn's steps to turn Ruhn into a rebel.
A/N: Being rebellious is unnecessary. Do not listen to Tristan Flynn. Don't repeat Ruhn Danaan's mistake of taking Flynn's tips. Or do... At your own risks.
Warnings: Lots of warnings. Smoking, drinking, tattoos, needles, sex, mention of a threesome in a pantry... yeah. That's pretty it I think.
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First step: Feel like a rebel.
“First rule of being a prince: rebel when you can!” Tristan Flynn stated, leaned in the bathroom door frame. Ruhn sighed, and looked away from him, keeping his eyes fixed on the wall in front of him to focus on trying to empty his bladder. “And how, exactly, is pissing with the bathroom door open supposed to feel rebellious?” Declan chuckled from behind Flynn, at least he had the decency to give his friend some privacy by waiting in the hallway. “Alright- just shut up! You’re distracting me.” Ruhn mumbled, teeth gritting and cheeks reddening from the alcohol they had inhibited earlier that night watching sunball.
That and from the embarrassing situation he threw himself in.
The newly crowned prince had made the calamitous mistake of confessing to his friend that never in his life had he dared deliberately confronting his father. Which had made Dec give him a comforting pat on his shoulder, but Flynn had nearly choked on his beer, staring goggled-eyed at Ruhn. Which had led him to make it his mission to teach Ruhn how to be, how to feel, and how to act rebellious. Because in Flynn's humble opinion as a noble himself, a Lord, to be precise, it was a fucking necessity to misbehave from time to time. Daily, in his case.
Ruhn sighed as the pressure of his lower abdomen slacked, and he evacuated in the toilet. The door wide open in his own house. Declan chuckled, and smugly said, “Good job, man,” Flynn still stared at him while the black haired Fae zipped up his pants, flushing the toilet before heading to the sink. Flynn walked closer to where Ruhn was, “Soooo? How does it feel?” He mused, and Ruhn rolled his eyes. “Dangerously rebellious.” He said under his breath.
But Flynn didn't seem to pick up on the Crowned Prince of the Valbaran Fae's sarcasm. “See? Told you so. Now you're ready for the next step.” He continued. This time, Declan walked into the bathroom too, exchanging a worried glance with Ruhn before asking the lordling carefully, “What next step, Flynn.”
Second step: Look like a rebel!
“That's a waste of money,” Ruhn tried to resonate with his friend. And himself. Because if he was being honest, getting a tattoo, or tattoos, was expensive. And those needles didn't look soft.
“Chicken.” Declan muttered under his breath, but loud enough so that the princelling would hear it.
“You're not even getting one!” Ruhn scoffed, his alphahole ego slightly bruised. Declan laughed, and said, “No, I'm not. Because I have the balls to tell Flynn no.” Flynn gasped and punched his friend on the shoulder. “You say this as if I'm forcing him!” He put his hands on his chest, as if Declan’s accusation had stabbed him in the heart.
“Are you not?” Declan smirked before getting back into his car, ready to leave those two dickheads at their appointment before picking them back up later. He just hoped he wouldn't have to bring back two wailing Fae males back home.
“No! I just… convinced him.” Flynn rolled his eyes as if he was stating the obvious.
“By telling him the tattooer had nice boobs?” Declan leaned over the opened window of his car, a knowing grin spreading on his lips as Flynn flipped him off. He dragged a red faced Ruhn towards the tattoo shop. “It's been nice to be your fucking chauffeur!” Declan yelled as he rolled back up the window of his car, before speeding down the street.
The bell rang as they entered the shop, and Ruhn gulped at the sight of the curved lioness shifter standing at the front desk, checking on the computer for their appointment.
“I'm sure you'll eat those for lunch man,” Flynn gestured with his chin to the massive pair of tits of the lioness shifter. She chuckled, hiding her annoyance, then started to tattoo Flynn first, since he had insisted that he and Ruhn got at least one matching tattoo. The lioness shifter greatly punished Flynn’s obscene comments by being not so gentle while she tattooed him, the needle hurting more than usual.
Ruhn gulped.
Ruhn would definitely not have those delicious looking round breasts for lunch.
And he received his punishment too, for his friend poor, so stupidly poor way of flirting with women.
Third and final step: Act like a rebel!
“This is going to end very badly,” Ruhn said, his eyes taking in the sight of their messed up place. People and red plastic cups were scattered all over the kitchen and living room. The floors, even the walls were sticky from the alcohol or whatever substance Ruhn didn't even want to think about. He was also pretty damn sure that Declan had broken his bed frame upstairs with his new boyfriend. Mark, Declan had said his name was. Or was it Max? Mike? Honestly, Ruhn’s brain was too fucked up to recall anything about that conversation. Only that Declan and Mark had smelled like mirthroot, alcohol, and arousal, which had distracted Ruhn to register whatever Dec was saying to him.
He just hoped it wasn't important.
“Why would it end badly?” Flynn raised his eyebrow at Ruhn. He gave the girl that was currently straddling his laps and eating his neck a small slap on the ass before rolling her off him, promising her with a charming smile to get back to her later. Once the female walked away, he scooted over Ruhn’s side of the couch, placing an arm around his shoulder. “This is your house, you do what the hell you want!”
Ruhn huffed at how ridiculous Flynn’s slurred voice sounds when he’s high and drunk. “Yeah, but technically it's my father’s house. He pays for it.” Everything his father paid for, he could take away from him, Ruhn thought. Before the culpability started to gnaw at him, Flynn raised his voice over the music. “So what, just enjoy the party and the pretty ladies, Little Prince!” He poked Ruhn's cheek, and the sound of furniture shattering from Declan's bedroom resonated right above them. “See? Even Dec is having fun. Just enjoy the party, and the pretty ladies, while you're at it! Come on, let it all out, little prince!”
Rhun’s head pivoted in his direction, he bared his teeth out and looked around to make sure no one had heard that stupid friend of his call him that. Ruhn’s formal title was probably not a secret to anyone here, but Flynn didn’t have to shout it from the rooftops. “Don’t call me that.”
“Oh, my apologies, your Royal high-mess.”
“Don’t call me that either.” Ruhn snarled his answer. Flynn only shrugged, watching Ruhn blabbering angry nonsense as he almost stumbled off the couch. As soon as Ruhn wiggled out of his seat to head towards where his stomach was calling him, the female that had been sprawled over Flynn all night settled back in her spot. The newly crowned prince weaved through the mass of partying people, every accidental touch against his body feeled like the most delectable caress, and the bright colored decorative neons all around the rooms made it feel as if he had been transported on another planet. A planet where everything felt, smelled, and tasted erratic, delightful. It was fucking sick, and godsdamned awesome.
He managed to reach his destination: the kitchen. His body felt like it was floating, and yet those doors seemed so heavy to pull. He tugged again on the walk-in pantry doors, and what waited for him inside looked a million times tastier than the waffles he had planned to devour. The set of females that were currently making out inside the pantry stared at him, stunned at first, then the three of them just bursted out laughing. “Join us?” The doe shifter asked, looking at the blond female pinned against her for her approval. The second female agreed, and both of them stared at Ruhn, waiting for his answer. They smelled good. The pantry smelled like sex, female hormones, and mixed food odors. That only made Ruhn hungrier.
Those waffles could wait, though.
“Fuck yeah.” He drawled.
Right now, he felt like he truly was a fucking rebel. Fuck his title, fuck his dad, and he’d most certainly fuck these two females. He planned on worshiping them like the goddesses they were.
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