#&;    verse 02.    \    ♡     ——    ﹙  kissed godless.  —  human verse.  ﹚
shecharm · 1 year
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[ @hembralfa , starter call. human verse. ]
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"Can I sit here?" She's already pushing the open chair out before they respond, plopping herself into it. "Thanks~" An iced coffee half-finished is placed on the table, dripping with condensation, along her phone and keys . . linked to them? around a dozen little charms. Wait, where was the lid to her drink? "Actually . . I have a small favor to ask, can I borrow one of your napkins?" She shifted tables because her wrist was saturated from spilling some of her drink on herself. She refused to tidy her own table or pick up the ice cubes, too.
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shecharm · 1 year
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[ @serpentsexile , starter call. human verse. ]
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She'd never gone to a casino before; in fact, she sometimes forgets they exist because they're not anything she's ever been interested in, yet here she was. In a casino. The amount of anxiety she felt in her body was almost enough to make her want to flee . . still, she was there for a reason. Her hands trembled instead, but she kept them tightly clasped together to try to lessen the tremor. The energy in this place was nearly suffocating, with brilliant flashing lights meant to pull you closer, to tempt you… ah, she felt so out of place.
"Uhm . ." How horrible, her voice was so tiny! she clears her throat before continuing, "Pardon me? I'm not sure who I'm supposed to speak with . . but I have some questions about possible employment?" Her head tilts, her thumbnails barely pressing into the skin on her hands. They were dressed in a mask . . very strange. Still, she believes they must work there - didn't it make sense?
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shecharm · 1 year
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[ @thornicidxs , starter call. human verse. ]
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Hearing footsteps behind you at night was always unsettling, but the faint buzz in her system kept her soul from physically flying out of her body. A shift of the head permits contact coated eyes to fall over another's frame; a woman . . how pretty. She smiles politely, her cheeks merely flowery gardens for growing roses in all their crimson hue.
She pats the grass next to herself, inviting the other to join her in a stargazing session. "Come, come~"
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shecharm · 1 year
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inari ; endless caps .
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shecharm · 1 year
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more inari headcanons regarding her human verse;
inari was considered something like a bully in high school - but it was a way to vent in regards to her homelife because it was unsatisfying. she only wanted attention and to her, it didn't matter if it was negative or positive. so long as someone was looking at her.
inari's hairstyle is a little unusual in appearance, because it's layered and chopped in such a way that makes it look messy and uncoordinated in comparison to the rest of her. this is done on purpose. it's meant to be stylish yet wild.
she has a tongue piercing as well as a belly button piercing, her ears are also pierced but just on the lobes. she doesn't really wear a lot of jewelry besides those and occasionally a choker or something when her shirt is cut low and doesn't cover her neck properly.
she smokes on occasion but it isn't an addiction, it's more so she's had the same pack for about a month and only cracks it open when she's had an especially stressful day at work.
it's not uncommon for her to get harassed or cat called at work, she works at a gentlemen's club but the security is very kind and protective of all the girls that work there. although the owner is a little weird sometimes, he does mean well and doesn't want any of the girls to feel uncomfortable. he only wants them to live wealthily and happily.
with the above mentioned, inari can have a bit of a mouth on her at times and she may or may not snap on occasion. she's usually very polite and sweet but sometimes it happens. most of the time this is due to stress and not anything said in those moments is from the heart. she doesn't mean to hurt anyone.
she works every day aside from thursday and saturday, most of her off time is spent either sleeping or catching up on tv shows she couldn't during the week due to late or long work hours.
her fingernails are always well manicured, either in a light pink color, black or a rose red. she enjoys intricate patterns and decorations. she prefers almond shaped nails compared to anything else since with the shorter length, she's still able to do things easily when it comes to work such as mixing drinks or carrying a tray - longer nails have a higher risk of breaking or getting caught on something which would only result in pain for her.
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shecharm · 1 year
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more human inari headcanons ( TW abuse ) [ put under a read more just in case ]
inari suffered physical and mental abuse from her mother all throughout her childhood and until she was twenty, when she finally had enough money to move out. she's suffered four concussions, which left her with long term effects; damaged memory, poor concentration skills and poor balance as well. even just standing still, she will lose balance at times or lean to the side without realizing it. she suffers from headaches often.
she does drink on occasion to loosen up or knock the edge of her anxiety away, but she'll never get black out drunk due to how her mother acted in front of her. she's terrified of becoming her mother.
she has trouble looking people in the eyes due to her anxiety and the abuse she endured growing up. eye contact makes her nervous, loud noises make her panic specifically raised voices or when people raise their arms above their head in her direction at a close distance. she will flinch, it does not matter if she knows you and is familiar with you. it is a natural reaction from her.
she's been working since she was fourteen, because she desperately wanted to move out. she hid her money because her mother would constantly go through her room when she was at school or work, etc and steal it from her. it took her longer than intended to make enough to finally leave her home due to this.
due to her terrible memory, she will write down important information whenever she can / asap because otherwise she'll forget it. she has about a dozen journals at home filled with notes regarding multiple things. she also has a tendency to say 'huh' in conversations with people - not because she wasn't listening but due to her concentration issue, things tend to go in one ear and out the other or she hears you but isn't processing what you're saying due to dissociation.
she says 'uhm' rather frequently when talking or pauses entirely because she's trying to put things together in her head before verbalizing them because otherwise she'll stutter.
she's terrified of angering or upsetting anyone, so she usually doesn't speak her mind.
she has pretty low self preservation, mainly because she's lived in survival mode for so long, she doesn't know how to turn it off. she may have a violent outburst if she's pushed far enough but it's very, very rare.
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shecharm · 1 year
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human inari headcanons / tidbits;
inari's hair is naturally black but she dyed it white and constantly has to touch it up.
she wears purple contacts because she likes standing out to a certain extent - she wears contacts also because her vision is awful. at home she wears glasses most of the time, though.
she's right handed, her handwriting is usually sloppy and rushed.
her favorite dessert is cheesecake, especially with raspberry drizzle.
she dislikes bitter flavors but sometimes gets a craving for sour candy, etc. she's a big fan of spicy foods.
her favorite animal is the fox, specifically, the arctic fox.
she'll overheat very easily - she's also anemic and tires out quickly. standing up too fast makes her light headed and in rare occasions, she may black out. she's often dehydrated, too.
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shecharm · 1 year
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more human verse inari headcanons;
an actual dumbass; very forgetful so she writes everything down like birthdays or important information. she's got about a dozen journals at home that are just packed full of things she's desperate not to forget.
diagnosed with severe social anxiety; she stares a lot and that often gets her in trouble with strangers. the only time she actually approaches people for conversation is if she needs something or is buzzed because it takes the edge off. she's awful with maintaining eye contact, though. it makes her very uncomfortable. she'll look anywhere else such as your nose, forehead or mouth but not your eyes.
don't ask her anything related to math, she has no clue!
always wearing a few hair ties of some sort on her wrist because she gets hot at work, due to easily overheating and will need to put her hair up and one point or another. her hair is down to the back of her knees so it's a lot to manage.
her apartment is a mess! don't come in, you'll regret it. there's clothes everywhere and boxes that she hasn't unpacked for like, a year. and yes, she is the type that still has christmas decorations up in the middle of the next year. don't judge her.
always takes care of her physical appearance because she's extremely picky and very self conscious! always wears makeup, has her nails done and her hair is always styled unless she's in the comfort of her own home then it can get a little messy and / or tangled at the ends.
has an oral fixation of sorts that revolves around her anxiety, so she'll bite her lip or the ends of pens or chew on the inside of her cheek. she always has to nibble or bite something or fidget to ease her nerves. she'll bounce her leg if she's sat still too long as well as pick at her nails or clench her hands together or ball her fists up.
under a readmore regarding her past due to tw of abuse.
her mother was a severe alcoholic and her dad kept a distance due to his work so he was rarely home. her mother physically and mentally abused her off and on for several years until she moved out. she has had bones broken, been bruised and has scars on her body from it. don't ask about it, she will cry.
she's an only child and didn't have many friends growing up due to her mothers behavior and attitude. she always had to be the best at everything otherwise her mother would get mad. other kids didn't like that, they thought she was showing off.
inari loved her father but she can never forgive him for leaving her alone all the time with her mother the way that he did. all inari could do was pray to god that it'd stop one day but no matter how much she prayed, nothing got better.
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shecharm · 1 year
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[ @ardenssolis , starter call. human verse. ]
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People watching was only enjoyable on rare occasions, and this was not one of them. Perhaps she'd been spotted watching, for she was now being approached… towered over in the end by someone who appeared to be really menacing. On the inside of her right cheek, teeth nibble. This person was furious because she had been gawking, but it wasn't for a bad purpose; she was simply enjoying their clothes! Yeah, that… but now this whacko was getting her face, and Inari felt as if she was about to die.
"I wasn't staring at you, like I said I was…" She pauses, her gaze feverishly scanning the crowd behind them. "I was looking at my friend," She says, with a little shrug of her shoulders, "Right there!" She points out someone else in the crowd before flapping her arms - oh god, please play along. "Come on, already!" She exhorts him. "I've already waited for an hour!" She'll have to explain why she got this stranger into her predicament.
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shecharm · 1 year
headcanons regarding inari's human verse;
she works as a cocktail waitress at an upscale gentlemen's club, at twenty five years old.
she's seemingly always full of energy and smiling but that's only a mask with deep rooted religious trauma from childhood. how is a silent god meant to save you from its own servants?
she has a very, very bad addiction to retail therapy. although she makes decent money, she lives in a relatively small and modest apartment. it's just stuffed full of unnecessary clothes, shoes and décor. she always feels better after buying something; after all, if she just has nice things to show off then that'd make up for the ugly parts of her personality. right?
very much is the airhead friend that has no idea what's going on at all times of the day; not a single thought behind those eyes.
has a pair of lovebirds named kiwi and guava, they are her babies. foxes are her favorite animal, though.
stress cleans. like, a lot.
has absolutely no idea how to cook, she was never properly taught and has tried taking classes but somehow things always end up burned - still trying to figure that one out.
has a small garden on the balcony of her apartment, she's very passionate about her baby tomatoes. she obviously doesn't use them so they're usually just little gifts for friends or something.
has no contact with her parents as her mother was an alcoholic and her father was always too busy with his work so they were never close anyways.
she has a very large number of friends but most is just for convenience so she doesn't feel lonely and always has someone that'll respond to a text.
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shecharm · 1 year
" feel free to form your own opinion ,  though it appears you already have . "
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[ @killcured , prompted. accepting. ]
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"I'll let you know, I have very strong opinions." This is true, and she doesn't dare disguise it - not in anything she does. She has a highly fluid expression; if she is feeling something, it shows. Joy, rage, grief, and contempt are all emotions. Regardless, that feminine visage was obvious. Still, she remains silent for a few moments. Time spent with her arms crossed and her head turned slightly to the side. "I have my opinions, but you have yours as well; at the end of the day, they're just that. Opinions. You should do whatever you want, regardless of what I or anyone else thinks."
She didn't like the notion of his doing something risky, not now, not ever, but she had no control over his life or deeds. "All I ask is that you be careful; I don't want to bandage you later. I have a limited supply of Hello Kitty band aids."
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shecharm · 1 year
“ pour me another drink, please, i don’t wanna have to think. ”
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[ @killcured , prompted. accepting. ]
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Worry fills her chest, but she dares not say anything - she wants to ask what ails him, what haunts his thoughts… but she realizes it'd be best if she just did what he requested. She pours him another drink, sliding it over the bar to replace his old glass with a newer, cleaner one. A small bit of alcohol spilled on her side of the bar is cleaned up with a dark cloth, temporarily distracting her.
Eventually, a lull occurs, and her contact-filled eyes linger on him for some time . . shoulders relax, and she leans closer, gently laying her palm over the back of his; aiming to pique his interest. "You know what, if you ever want to talk, I'll listen." Her brows knit in anxiety for the man in front of her. "You saved me once, now allow me to do the same." A pause . . "I know you're strong but sometimes it can help just to say things out loud." She gently squeezes his hand before withdrawing her touch - she didn't want him to be uncomfortable, after all.
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shecharm · 1 year
verse stuff tag dump.
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