#&&. drogo | the rizh ki bharbo  | head canon
vorsakhal · 5 years
                            ♞ | Headcanon | The Dothraki
Important Note: This Headcanon will be delving into my portrayal and ideas on the Dothraki as a culture, including inner workings, ideals and beliefs. It will include and build on what is known in canon as well as what I think would work alongside it. 
However please be aware the Dothraki do not have a modernist ideal on humanity. They have a lot of beliefs and habits that will upset some people, writing this out and including it is not me agreeing with it it’s just how they are. Ignoring a problem doesn’t make it better. So a coverall TW for de-humanisation, slavery, rape mentions, exclusionists, war, violence ect ect ect
So as mentioned this is a long ass HC giving my ideals and how I will handle the Dothraki whilst writing Drogo. This post will be a link back for anyone curious as to his views or the views of his people. 
Firstly: Social standings and positions within the Dothraki. 
To clear something up, a lot of canon states the Dothraki see women as lesser but it’s a lot more complicated than that. Women who are not of their Khalasar or are not Dothraki at all - they are lesser, but so are their men. It is a matter of us vs them, gender isn’t as simple. 
The Dothraki do not think women can lead individual Khalasars because they believe a woman who has personal agenda is a woman who will betray their people to protect what she loves first. A mothers instinct above all, but a mothers love is the strongest thing and so without a khalsar she is more capable leading which leads to the Dosh Khaleen, ex-wives of Khal’s who have died who now watch over all of the Dothraki from Vaes Dothrak. All of the Khalsar are their children and the mother mountain protects them, they will always do best for their people. Their word sits above everything, so the strongest men bow to them. 
It’s this reason women cannot enter the mother mountain, they are already gifted by her, able to give as she did. Men will ascend it to seek her blessing and newly risen Khal’s will bath in the womb of the world lake to be granted her protection.
It is not that women are lesser so much as they are considered blinded by a bond beyond what men can have. They can become warriors, they can become Khaleesi, reminded of their loyalty by their Khal but they cannot become Khal. A woman who cannot become a mother is not blinded and so can become a healer, a confidant or advisor. 
Women who can not fight or ride are considered useless, just as a man would be if he could not do the same.
Now that that’s cleared up, in order top to bottom is the Dothraki social standing. 
Dosh Kahleen
Khal Khalakka
Jaqqa Rhan
Healers - Barren born first then the Eunich Healers
Hunters and Cooks
Seamstresses and Smiths
General Warriors
It’s common enough knowledge they also worship the Stallion, their God who will allow them passage to ride in the night lands but they also believe in the Gods of the sun and moon who guide them in the Stallions name. They have their own idea of Hell, reserved for the men who died inhonorable deaths or betrayed their Khalasar. Women will only find their way to hell if they murder their Khalakka or betray their Khal. 
It should be noted that what the show does a SHIT JOB of showing is that the Dothraki are a roaming farming culture. They have their sacred lands and fields, moving between each of them, taking and cultivating as they go. They will “gift” (their idea of trading) horses in return for gifts of what they need, alongside weapons, slaves and food. They are adept with herbs, berries and poisons - they kind of have to know what’s safe for them and their horses for gods sake. 
As a warrior culture they’re capable healers in their own right. Barren women are taught herbs, polstices, bandaging and protection. Eunich men know how to use fire and needles to burn away problems. 
( Yes this is canon, yes I stand by the fact that if Dany had allowed the Dothraki to work instead of the witch he’d have lived (that parts actually shaded about IN canon). Yes I will hand fight GRR over it anyday )
The Dothraki view on outsiders comes with a tainted history that dates back to the wars for the seven kingdoms. Many Dothraki have not forgotten the stories of slaughter and pillaging and rape, they give it back tenfold in the name of it. Vaes Dothrak remains the only place willing to trade with outsiders due to the fact it was never breached when the ships first crossed. Cities learnt not to try again. 
Because of this however they see anyone they consider not Dothraki to be less than animals. They are nothing but a gift from the Gods to use as a tool of their fitting be it to fuck, eat, kill or trade. They have no sympathy or empathy over it because they do not see them as people to begin with, however, some outsiders will be granted a pardon. If taken in by a Khalasar the way Mormont and Dany were they are typically given clothing and markings to wear that will tell people they are one of them.
If they do not wear the clothing or markings it is a dismissal of that Gift, other Khal’s and Khalasar have every right to deny them as an outsider once more.
When it comes to sexuality the Dothraki have a view that they don’t really care. As long as a Khal sires an heir everyone else is pretty much free to do whatever they want as their heirs will matter little and their bloodline adds only to the Khal’s power. Yes this means wlw and mlm relationships are common, enough that they even speak openly about it. It also means that the women are not the only one raped and taken, despite what outsiders might think.
Because of this Marriage is held as more sacred than other parts of Westeros. It is not a bid for power but done because they wish too, after all a Khal is only interested in strong women and you can only climb the ladder with your strength. It makes Drogo’s marriage to Dany all the more strange and it’s why some of them reject it as violently as they did. To them he brought her, he didn’t love her when he married. He swore off women of their own kind for Dany and it was essentially a sell out of what could be a stronger union. 
It’s also why Dany’s demand that any women raped be married is taken so seriously. To them it would mean buying a wife, a sign of weakness again. 
Polygamy is also common, on both sides. Women can take multiple men and if they disagree they can fight to the death for her. A man can take multiple women, the same option is offered.
Sexuality and Sex is not considered shameful. It’s strange to cover yourself or your desires among the Dothraki as they consider it hiding your truth from the Gods. Women are not shamed for taking many men, infact a women who can take more men is considered stronger and more capable.
The Jaqqa Rhan are the mercy men. A group of warriors who sweep battlefields after the battle and behead and burn bodies of the dying or injured who have not yet died. This is given only in battles where the enemy has earned a Khal’s respect. If the Khal deems the fight too easy or the enemy too weak they will leave the soldiers to die in the fields.
In terms of the Khalasar as a whole they move as a herd. Each warrior and soldier has a part to play to the betterment of their people and group. Scouts, Cooks, Healers, Seamstresses and even the slaves are all considered vital and important in the unified strength of a band. Because of such each member takes their part seriously, to the point of being willing to kill if someone attempts to replace them. 
Outsiders, slaves and other Khalasar members are able to become a member of a Khalasar by proving themselves to the Khal. To become one of them and be considered Dothraki is to be safe, to have strength and protection and food and clothing. 
Typically this is done in a great act, by proving yourself in battle of the Khal’s behalf OR bringing them a gift of great value. Personally delivering something to impress a Khal and pledge your loyalty will likely grant you favour faster than being noticed in battle but it is harder to do if you do not know the Khal’s preferences. 
The Khal is unlikely entertain an outsider who does not prove themselves with offerings or blood first, to come with nothing and no show is an insult and demand.
Politics is an odd affair. To the Dothraki what betters the Dothraki is more important than their own wants. In that, they’re oddly diplomatic. The Khal and Dosh Khaleen will meet and decide in the event of war, famine or crime. Anything that does not effect the larger group is dealt with privately, most Khal will have an advisor with a silver tongue to deal with wanting outsiders. 
They do not write or agree to written contracts however, to deal with the Dothraki is a matter of keeping your word. If a mans promise is broken his arm will be as well. If it becomes known among the Dothraki you are dishonourable and prone to manipulation and you piss off enough of the Khals, the Dosh Khaleen will place an open invitation and a gift for whoever first brings them your head.
Each Khalasar has it’s own unique markings, paints and colourings. Drogo’s Khalasar have paints of blue that drag like claw marks along skin. Others use yellows and whites in intricate swirls and loops. These markings are identifiers, helpful when crossing wide expanses of open country and more so finding your kin in Vaes Dothrak through the crowd.
Each Khalasar is expected to return to Vaes Dothrak once a year to receive the Dosh Khaleen’s blessing. There they will trade whatever they have found, collected or harvested in their journeys and there is where outsiders are safer to approach and impress if they wish to join or bargain. Within the walls of Vaes Dothrak everyone is considered equal bar the Kahl’s, Khaleesi and Dosh Khaleen. Warriors and Healers intermingle and even slaves are allowed small comforts under watchful eyes. 
Just as most do the Dothraki also have their own festivals, note worthy dates and celebrations. 
They celebrate a fall harvest with a great party beneath the harvest moon, they will sing, chant and give offerings to the sun and moon there in hopes of safe travels. 
They celebrate the spring, a time in which mares breed and new Stallions find strength though it’s typically used as an excuse to fuck and drink for a few nights it is also the time in which they will parade horses through Vaes dothrak and most offerings of marriage are done then. 
They also have the cold silence. A night spent with no sound in which they are given strength for their travels by khals past. To make a sound on this night is to offend the spirits and spook their stallions, you will be killed. 
ANYWAY that rounds that up for now! Thank you for reading :D
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vorsakhal · 5 years
Did I tell yall the hc I have for the first quote unquote friend or somewhat friendly person drogo has over past the sea is a stable hand who he bonds with over horse care?
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vorsakhal · 5 years
BOLD  WHAT  CONSISTENTLY  APPLIES italicize  situational ,   not  always REPOST ,   DO  NOT  REBLOG  ! 
Tagged by: @arcusignis thank you so much ah!!
Tagging: all of y’all with feisty bastard children
fight honorably   /  FIGHT  DIRTY /  prefer   close - quarters /  PREFER  RANGE /  chat   during  /  go silent  /  low pain tolerance   /  HIGH  PAIN  TOLERANCE /  attack  in  bursts /  ATTACK  STEADILY  /  GO  FOR  THE  KILL /  aim  to  disarm  /  FIGHT  DEFENSIVELY  /  strike  first  /  PROVOKE  EASILY  /  PROVOKE  THEIR  OPPONENT  /  tease  /  get visibly frustrated  /  SHOUT  WHILE  ATTACKING  /  use  strategy  /  focus on their battle   /  experience  conflicting  thoughts  during  battle  /  rush  in  recklessly  /  TRY  TO  READ  THEIR  OPPONENT  BEFORE  FIGHTING  /  FIGHT  WILDLY  /  fight calmly and / or apathetically  /  FIGHT  WITH  ANGER  /  fight with excitement  /  FIGHT  BECAUSE  THEY  HAVE  TO  /  fight  because  they  want  to  /  FIGHT  WITHOUT  REGARD  TO  WOUNDS  /  run  away  when  wounded  /  HIDE  WOUNDS  /  TAKE  A  BLOW  TO  PROTECT  ANOTHER  /  prefer  a  blade  /  prefer a gun  /  PREFER  TO  USE  THEIR  ABILITY  /  PREFER  A  BOW  /  prefer a shield  /  prefer a pole arm  /  prefer  a  personalized  weapon  /  prefer magic or spells  /   prefer  brawling  /  their greatest weakness is physical  /  their greatest weakness is mental  /  their  greatest  weakness  is  emotional  /  transform  for  battle  /  FIGHT  AS  THEY  APPEAR  /  rely on strength  /  RELY  ON  SPEED  /  USE  EVERYTHING  THEY  HAVE  /  hide their full potential  /  exhaust quickly  /  high  stamina  /  doubt  their  strength  /  proceed with caution  /  behave  arrogantly  /  brag  after  landing  a  hit  /  belittle their abilities  /  use psychological tactics  /  use brute strength  /  avoid  civilians  / strike  down  civilians  /  damage  surroundings  /  avoid damaging surroundings  /  signature fighting style  /  MAKING  IT  UP  AS  THEY  GO  /  MASTERED  SKILLSET   /  learning their skillset  /  fancy footwork  /  sloppy footwork  /  messy  fighter  /  elegant fighter  /  accept defeat  /  REFUSE  DEFEAT  /  beg for mercy  /  compliment  their  opponent  /  INSULT  THEIR  OPPONENT  /   use unnecessary movements ( flips, twirls )  /  MOVE  EFFECIENTLY  /  barely move  /  prefer to dodge  /  PREFER  TO  BLOCK  /  defend  their  blindside  /  has no blindside  /  USE  ALL  AVAILABLE  ADVANTAGES  (  EX :  USE  A  GUN  BUT  ALSO  THROW  PUNCHES ,  KICK  OUT  WHILE  BLADES  CLASH ,  ETC.  )  /  strictly use one main method  /  play around  /  hold back  /  FIGHT  RUTHLESSLY  /  show  mercy  /  wait for opponent to be ready  /  STRIKE  WHEN  OPPONENT  ISN’T  READY  /  fear  death  /  fear  pain  /  fear killing  /  HAS  PTSD  /  avoid fighting  /  has  lost  a  fight  /  HAS  WON  A  FIGHT  /  HAS  KILLED  /  refuses to kill  /  WANT  TO  DIE  STANDING  /  would succumb slowly .
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vorsakhal · 5 years
♞ | Do you ever think about how strange Drogo actually is as a Khal compared to what we know of the other Dothraki? 
Firstly his age: he’s noted to be one of the youngest Khal, gaining the title incredibly young as well but despite that he has a mass following. Like?? His Khalasar are fucking huge compared to mentions of others. People almost talk about them like they’re THE one you want to impress and keep happy sheerly out of numbers.
Then you’ve got his preferences and company. His translators and Advisers aren’t Dothraki. Mormont is not only allowed to live freely among them but also talk to him ?? openly ?? and his Khaleesi. He leaves Mormont alone with her despite him very much being an outsider, yet, not a slave? Really? Canon notes he favours Foreign beds. Women who aren’t Dothraki, he actively seeks out strangers to their lands and they live ?? to talk about it ?? Infact they go free and live to talk about it ?? 
Then you’ve got the fact that he would even entertain the idea of crossing the sea. It’s mass taboo for them because the horses can’t drink the water so they consider it poisonous, cursed, right? Yet he marries a girl who (sorry bb) has quite literally nothing to offer him at the time. No kingdom, no riches, no people. In fact She and her brother need his people and his riches to maybe secure their maybe existing kingdom and riches and he’s willing to do it purely because they want to take him and his Khalasar across the taboo water to lands he has no idea about. 
Then you’ve got his softness for allowing women to talk back to him. Most noticeably Dany, obviously, she literally back talks him infront of his entire Khalasar and the little shit just smirks about it the conflict comes because the OTHER Dothraki are like woah now wtf. 
And finally the Dothraki who hold Drogo’s memory closely? Who are actually loyal to him and Dany? Who ralley when she calls on it? We know the Dothraki aren’t precisely loyal to their Khal more like loyal to whoever’s strong enough to get them somewhere alive yet they do show actual real solid loyalty to he and his Khaleesi.
Just a pondering thought. Drogo shows a lot of intrigue in outside lands for a culture that shuns them.
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vorsakhal · 5 years
In my verses Drogo does know and speak a few varying languages. Having either learnt them through Captives, Dany, Mormont or varying traders. Whilst I wouldn’t call him fluent in them he knows enough to listen and understand when outsiders attempt to negotiate.
It would be foolish of a Khal to rely on the word of a slave or a fellow fighter for what was being said. He knows better than to place true understanding in someone else's hand, it’s a lessening of Power, it gives someone else an advantage he doesn’t have. 
The key, however, is getting him to actually speak it. 
Most of the time he wont. Having outsiders believe he’s ignorant to what they’re saying leads to them speaking more than they should around him. That’s an advantage. Not to mention he doesn’t think most people worth his time and, well, he’s more comfortable speaking his native tongue. 
Meaning gets lost in translation after all. 
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vorsakhal · 5 years
tag drop - character
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