#&&. verse | the beat of wings | main
openshanklygates · 6 months
Like Father, Like Son
Whumpril April 2024 April 5th, 2024 RECKLESS William Regal TW: Drew Gulak Main Verse
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There was a pride in seeing his son doing so well within the company of his choice. That was, after all, why William Regal had chosen to make his return to said company. Despite the pride he took in his Combat Club, they were not his children. There was a different sort of pride when it came to ones progeny, after all. It was also, in turn, why he was so worried about the sort of company his son was keeping. Particularly, William Regal was concerned with Drew Gulak.
Most would find that laughable, he was well aware of that. Drew was extremely unassuming, just one look at his history in 205 Live proved that. The PowerPoint Presentation era of Mr. Gulak was not indicative of who Drew Gulak was as a competitor. No, this era of Mr. Gulak was the true Drew Gulak. He was strong, sharp-minded. As evident with the rest of the CatchPoint Gym, Drew knew how to get what he wanted through violence and careful planning. Regal recognized the man Drew Gulak was because he was that sort of man.
It was why he knew that his son was making the wrong choice in letting the man dictate his career.
Maybe it was reckless, showing up to the locker room the Catchpoint boys used. With some careful prodding at Ava Raine, the woman who had taken over for his old position as general manager, Regal had even been allowed inside of the room. He had taken a spot in a chair in the corner, patient as possible. The door opened and, as predictable as ever, Drew was the first of the team to arrive. If there was any surprise that Regal was waiting for him, the Philly native did not show it. He crossed to the bench, placing his bags down. "Mr. Regal. I've been expecting you."
Was that a smirk Regal detected in his voice?
"Expecting me, Mr. Gulak?" Regal raised an amused eyebrow, a chuckle in his throat, "For whatever reason would you be expecting me?"
"Yes sir," Drew removed his ring jacket from his bag, not turning to look at the other man as he spoke, "ever since I started mentoring your son. Though, I have to say, I've been a lot more respectful to yours than you've been to mine."
Now that was an interesting statement.
"Your son, Mr. Gulak?" Regal questioned, standing and crossing to the locker, "As far as I know, you were unmarried and without children."
"There's lots of ways to have kids. Adoption is one of them, sunshine."
Sunshine. The mere thought of the man brough a soft smile to Regal's face. There was only one man that Drew could be referring to. "So. Young Master Wheeler is your progeny?"
"Since I took him under my wing, I've viewed that boy as my own son," Drew finally turned to look at Regal, an anger in his eyes, "And you routinely beat him bloody. You routinely beat him into submission."
"So that is why you have the interest in my Charles, then?" Regal questioned, "I assure you, he is made of far stronger stuff than you believe."
Drew shook his head, "No, no. You misunderstand my intentions, your lordship. I don't plan on harming him like you did my Wheeler. I plan on making him greater than you ever were."
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val-victory · 9 months
Meet the Trainer
You can call me Val, i am an Ace Trainer from Unova on my way to become Champ. i can beat some of the Elite-4 but i lack the consistency to beat all of them. (and i am scared of the Champ).
Btw my Partner is Piper @/justyouraveragepoketherapist they are the loveliest Person i know.
Here are my two Teams, featuring the cutest and friendliest little Mons you could possibly meet.
6v6 Team: Glassstorm
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Every single Member is immune to Sandstorm which is my Main Strategy with them (bring your Goggles if you wanna fight)
Scizor - "Sense"
My beloved. Even though he lost a Part of his Pincer, he still packs a Bullet Punch. He is emotionally dependent on me and follows me everywhere.
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"Torterra - "Cheli"
he is just a sweet little Boy who often forgets that he is no longer a small Turtwig. a real gentle Giant, unless he wants to play.
Magcargo - "Kratik"
She is slow, but she warms my Heart and my Home. Literally, she lives inside of my Cellar and gives off enough Excess Heat to keep my Home at a warm 20 degrees even in the Winter.
Tyranitar - "Dess"
The bringer of the Sandstorm. Do not get on her bad Side, otherwise you will have to sweep the Floor(from all the Sand).
Mawile - "Schkrinkel"
He is cute and knows it, he constantly demands to be pet otherwise he will nibble on you with his small Mouth. But don't worry he might bite you with his Big Maw too.(positive)
Gliscor - "Fledex"
Tried to teach him Flight. didn't work. He's well versed in Literature and Art but because he can't talk he just hangs upside down on the Ceiling. i like his Pincers :3
3v3 Team: "Lightning Polygon Team Star"
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Porygon2 - "Bit"
It likes to digitize itself and lives in my Computer, i don't mind since it never corrupts anything. Also i won't evolve it, i am not giving a sweet little thing weird Data from another Dimension.
Vikavolt - "Don"
i honestly think that she is evil. But since she listens to my Commands i don't have to fear for my Life, but sometimes when i hear her flying around... those Wings are the sound of Death. She is larger than a typical Specimen of her Species, the Alolans called her a Totem.
Toxapex - "Quäli"
He is so sweet, i like him a lot and even though his poisonous Stings hurt a lot and for a long Time, i can't be mad at him, he is just trying to hug me. i think it's mostly on me when he attacks me, since i disturbed him in his Aquarium.
//HUGE BITCH ALERT. do not attempt Contact unless comfortable with being Called a Shithead.
mild rules.
if you don't want to be yelled at you have to write in an overly friendly tone, hype up Val's achievements or write something like "genuinely curious". Expect a rude answer otherwise.
Val is not an evil Villain, don't treat her like one. treat Val like a rude Person who just took your Bus Seat.
Pelipper Mail:open
Magic Anons: off(unless you think that your idea is like really good but i will probably delete anyway)
Musharna Mail: open
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pico-digital-studios · 10 months
Into, Above and Beyond! Cast: Mr. Needlemouse
Replaces: Spider-Ham Made by: @mcgamejolter
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“Am I a hedgehog or a rabbit? Who knows?! I just call myself Needle the Rabbit-Hog!”
Is he a hedgehog? Or perhaps a rabbit? I mean, who really knows? What I can say about Mr. Needlemouse here is that he inhabits a cartoon world of his own, sporting cartoonish physics even outside his land.
His usual routine is a mix of enjoying chilli dogs (the loss of one he had the burden of being his canon event) and fighting the villainous Dr. Beeman (think Robotnik's classic bee outfit, but also including bee's wings on his back), each time of which emerges victorious for the plucky hedgerabbit. Oh, yeah. He also faces foes like The Killer Six, Chomper Shark, Bomb-Bastic, Loonatic Hunter, and the Ferocious Fly.
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After one of his tangles with Dr. Beeman, though, a portal appeared which dragged the rabbithog into the OMT dimension, where he met OMT!Tails and the members of the Blur Gang thus far at that point. From there, this guy's the one to serve as the comic relief for when things start to get a bit rough.
As such, he serves as the fifth major member of the Blur Gang starting from One More Hero. He does express several jerk-like qualities, and is like that just for the heck of it, but still pulls through for his true companions.
He even comes to rescue EX!Alice from harm and gives Surge a good beating, though due to the limits on his toon powers, he can absolutely humiliate his opponents, but if he wasn't limited, any attacks from him to a villain would prove fatal. Due to this, an anvil to the head just went and near-harmlessly buried half of Surge's body underground.
Before it was time for him to head back to his dimension at the end of One More Hero during the final fight, Mr. Needlemouse lent OMT!Tails his signature hammer to make use of, and due to its hyperspace properties, he could always fit it in his pocket (or equivalent of). He made a grand exit by proclaiming "That's all, folks!", leaving CR!Sonic a bit confused, citing "Wait, can he legally quote that?".
Though he doesn't actively partake in More than One Universe's events, he does return for Into the Sonic-verse and Many More Heroes (the AU's version of Across the Spider-Verse), with the Blur Gang fully formed in time for this new batch of chaos.
Even then, he remains the main guy for comedy around this AU, and nothin' can change that! Prior to Many More Heroes, he also had a good laugh making an absolute fool out of Errorverse Eggman and his SSSSS Squad, being an absolutely-hilarious prick about it and causing them trouble just for the heck of it. It's to the point that the three dumbots were mainly assigned to catch Mr. NM whilst Metal and Sage paid more attention to EV!Sonic and Nitro. NM still has a good heart under all his troublemaking, of course. Don't worry.
That's also where he's technically a foil for AOSTH!Sonic, the original cartoon iteration of the blue blur; whilst they're both cartoons, AOSTH!Sonic is firmly heroic, whilst Mr. NM is a straight-up prick to a lot of people. The two initially got along marvelously due to being toons, though AOSTH!Sonic began losing his trust in the rabbit-hog when discovering his jerk act, especially when Mr. NM shrugged off the former recalling his angst and sarcastically remarking that it's a miracle he's even got a friend to be with.
That said, though, there is one thing Mr. NM is not heartless enough to cross; the point of harming someone mentally. Attacking a cartoon for giggles is one thing, but the heart is a whole other thing. And when he discovered that EV-2019's Zane Chaos had been neglecting both his brothers in their worst states, he was not amused in the slightest.
"I've hurt a couple of folks before, but at least I hurt them in a funny way! You can attack a cartoon all you want, but the heart is a different story, man! And you've been breaking that a lotta times, it ain't even funny!"
And Mr. NM's reason for joining the Quill Society part-time?
"Am I a useless asset? Sure! Heroic qualities? None. But I'm loyal if you feed me, and I'll never leave you because... well, I need the food."
As one of the scene posts shows, in Many More Heroes, he made a small bet with Mini Sonic as to whether or not OMT!Tails would get back from his scuffle with Crimtake in one piece. Of course, he did, so the rabbit-hog owed the miniature hedgehog 100 rings.
Bet you're glad I didn't say he had a cannon event
If you have any questions about him, @mcgamejolter's the one to ask, since he did make the character.
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2, 4, 5, 17, 18 for the ask game!
Ooh, more of these! This one's fun.
2. A character POV I'm exploring Probably Lucifer? Since I've so far only written him in a few scenes in Transformed Utterly.
4. A story idea I haven't written yet One day I will write my Harrymort time travel fic, with Harry going back to the 1950s and getting tangled up with Borgin & Burkes-era Tom. Probably just a long one-shot, that one, when I do think of a plot. I also have a few more side stories in the All changed 'verse. Including one with wing preening!
5. First sentence of the fifth paragraph of an unpublished WIP A Momentary Radiance: As the requiem mass ends, Alastor collects his hat and steps out into the sunshine.
17. My writing and editing process I am a very linear writer. I throw together a loose outline (a few bullet points for the main story beats) and then I write it straight through in order. After I've written it, I go back to fill in anything that's missing and cut anything I don't need. Then I let it sit before going back through to do a clean-up pass. I do a lot of reading out loud and edit based on how the prose sounds, but most of my editing is really just deleting things.
18. Share a deleted sentence or paragraph I don't keep them. I like to live dangerously and, unless I'm very confident I have a future use for something, I just hit delete. If that ends up being a mistake? Oh well, I guess I'm doing something else.
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verkja · 2 years
Recommended Stories
This is not an exhaustive list, but it features some of my favourite whump stories on tumblr. It is a WIP, and I'll be adding to it as time goes on. Please let me know if you'd rather your story not be listed on here for whatever reason.
The Dark Side of the Sun by quietly-by-myself
Grey-and-gray morality, an interesting non-human whumper, and a darker ending than I usually go for (but it's entirely appropriate).
Hidden Depths (and its ongoing sequel) by starlit-hopes-and-dreams
Very nasty torture, captivity, and a complex, developing relationship. Veers closer to nsfw than others on this list, but not explicit.
My Little Mermaid by thoughtsonhurtandcomfort
Merwhump with a truly nasty, seemingly hopeless captivity situation for the whumpee, though she makes it out in the end.
Unbidden by alittlewhump
Plotty fantasy with heavy angst and torture. Lovely character dynamics. The main story is over, but it has an ongoing epilogue.
Undeserved (and its plottier sequel) by i-can-even-burn-salad
Good old-fashioned torture-in-a-dungeon with a side of angst. Undeserved itself is hurt-no-comfort, but the sequel is comfort-heavy.
After Irithyll by sapphicwhump
Mainly recovery whump and angst, so far, set in the world of Dark Souls 3. Features a very sweet slow-burn romance.
Captured by redwingedwhump
Dungeon-style torture that moves into a redemption and recovery arc. D&D-inspired setting and a morally greyish protagonist.
Close to Human by whumpinggrounds
Android/cyborg lab whump with a complicit caretaker, and a complicated, tentative developing friendship.
Dark Water by cryptidwritings
Pirate whump in which nobody is having a good time. Lots of captivity, beating, and indentured servitude - ouch.
Immortality Blows by brutal-nemesis
Lots of very creative nastiness, with a snarky immortal whumpee and plenty of humour intermingled with all the suffering.
Kohat continuity by lumpofwhump
and the related
Kohat verse by soheavyaburden
Whumpy space opera with several sub-series. Includes many characters and a setting developed over many years by the authors.
Mage of Violence/Dragon of Diamond stories by crash-bump-bring-the-whump
AUs and non-chronological pieces centering around a cast of memorable characters. Angst, magic, and polyamory? Sign me up.
Raising Chaos by whump-in-the-closet
Very interesting magic and some abrupt, visceral violence, with a snarky and likable protagonist.
Traces by whumping-in-the-wings
Interesting character dynamics, with a centaur whumpee and a caretaker stuck working for a whumper character.
Unlikely Salvation by just-horrible-things
Whumper-turned-whumpee and whumpee-turned-caretaker, with loads of guilt and a dark, conflict-ravaged setting.
An Odd Little Thing by mortifiedatbeingknown
Robot whump featuring my dear 'literal garbage' trope and a caretaker character with her own struggles to address. The author appears to have deleted their blog and this story, but I’m leaving it up here in case they decide to come back.
Receiver of Guests (and its unfinished AU sort-of-sequel) by blood-is-compulsory
Lab whump with graphic insect-related gore, and a fascinating pair of characters. Has a fitting, rather bittersweet ending. The author appears to have deleted their blog and this story, but I’m leaving it up here in case they decide to come back.
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armafidelium · 8 months
her hands near tremble as they clutch upon themselves before her body , straining and pulling upon the skin in a fretful manner. she knows she wasn't late , for the tether of life still strung from his chest , it moved and reached out towards the aspect itself as if beckoning her to keep him retained to the mortal world. the scene around him was ignored by her , for she felt no reason to present herself in such a manner , only for the man who laid near slain amidst it all. bare feet pad her towards him , that tether curling around her outstretched hand , a cooing noise lifting from her lips as other reaches down to gently coax along his arm. there was still life , therefore she would not take one herself , yet it clung so loosely.
❛ awaken , warrior. ❜ her voice , though danced with a tremble of worry , held the baseline of the power that resided within. ❛ today is not your day. ❜ brilliant shades of blues and purples upon her wings curl in slight around her and the other , a near healing aspect it was to bring that tether back into the warrior. slowly it retreated within ones chest , and she merely sat upon the ground near his form in wait , violet shades filled with the concern that beat like fire through her chest. it was a warming sensation within her circle as life is breathed back into ones body , or at least , bringing forth a push to keep a hold upon it by ones self.
(aspect!morgana to main verse!)
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NOT now. it was not his time. many relied on him as did his sister. he had been prepared to offer his life if need be but when faced with the possibility of death nearing the horizon it filled him with a bone-chilling fear. he was scared for the first time in a long, long time. the numbness he'd become accustomed to couldn't weaken the fear he felt. perhaps it was the strength of the fear or perhaps it was a sign of how close to the end he was. not even his sister's voice echoed in his mind. the only thing he could hear was his own breath and a faint ringing in his ears.
the silence was the most terrifying aspect. even with his inability to speak he had become accustomed to some presence of sound be it his sister's voice or the sound of the world around him. what he would give to hear alune's voice or even hold her this very instant. he didn't want that battle to be the last moments she had with him. he couldn't bear the thought of her in her solitude worried over him. beyond his own present condition he felt the greatest pain at the mere idea of her being forced to live with what had happened. it stung painfully like a hundred daggers pierced deep into the tender flesh of his heart and each wound deeper than the last.
but then . . . something warm was felt. there was suddenly a soothing sensation that seemed to fill his person. he felt at ease much in contrast to the overwhelmed fear he'd been filled with. there was something the pulled him to open his eyes, to seek out what this sensation came from.
vision initially blurred from tears he'd shed. one blink. two. in three the world was slowly coming into focus once more. his breathing shaken as he slowly tried to mentally regain his footing. he didn't dare stand quite yet, he was still aware of what he'd endured. rather, at a snail's pace, he glanced around as his gaze fixated on one he hadn't seen prior. her form felt not of this earth and one he couldn't help but glance at for a moment more.
hesitating momentarily he'd opened his mouth to speak but held back, uncertain if it would be garbled noise or cause more pain. rather his outstretched a hand, hesitating to touch this being yet wishing to ascertain if she was real.
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marinecorvid · 8 months
Going through victory road in bw2 rn (both delightful in its winding length and a slog all at once) and so the game’s not technically over plot wise, we’ve gotten past the main plasma part so the real story’s just about done and I’m trying to find ways to merge my hcs with it to make it more compelling…. Nate (who goes by his middle name of ailbhe) in my ‘verse (which is mostly based on my adoring following of a semi-nuzlocke comic someone was doing on deviantart and never finished… TT-TT) comes across as a very mild mannered young man, very friendly; very battle competent, very thorough. takes his losses with grace. (tbh isn't this a common characterization tho........ whatever)
I started out my playthrough w the vague notion that while Nate is, on paper, going on his pokemon journey because he’s good at battling and enjoys it, he has the primary objective of figuring out What The Hell Happened To Gwyn (Hilda), the cousin he very much looked up to; he's using the excuse of adventuring to retrace her footsteps, and the goal of becoming champion-class to be able to access otherwise restricted routes and resources. (I’m almost glad in a way bw2’s plot was so bare, gives me opportunity to Go Ham (Chiquita Dave) in the sandbox of canon). I’m… not sure if I still want to go by that angle tho. I think his mom and aunt (gwyn’s mom) were very shaken by gwyn going missing, understandably, and I’d think it’s the kind of thing that would make his mom very worried about him on his journey, to the point where she’s both very excited for him to get out there but terrified something like that would happen to him, so he’d promise to stay out of trouble and focus on battling, which should’ve been easy bc team plasma’s been officially disbanded for years…. but it’s a promise he can’t keep. tying into the trend of people projecting both truth and ideals onto him as a kyurem mirror, he also struggles in that gray area for a bit; to search for gwyn or not, and whether he wants to find her, or find out what happened to her (colress poses this particular dilemma when Nate talks about the two goals interchangeably).
Another reason I think why he does what he does and gets so involved in the plasma plot despite his own promises and the danger (Hugh’s subplot notwithstanding) is that he has an encounter with zekrom before gwyn goes missing, and while I don’t mean to write every object or creature of power as some vaguely eldritch subject, zekrom and reshiram existing as someone’s literal embodiments of the desire for ideals/truth makes their presence at least a little intense, especially if you haven’t had any exposure to that level of power before. anyways what happens is gwyn goes home after beating N and ghetsis and hangs there for a while after the craziness of bw, and at some point Nate and his mom come over to visit! and Nate is told hushedly and sternly not to go near the paddock behind the barn or whatever. and he says yes of course auntie But it’s entirely possible he forgets (or his curiosity gets the better of him) and he’s wandering around the farm property at nightfall and he wanders back to that paddock and it takes him a little bit to start to understand what he’s seeing. at first it looks like just a pile of black, which isn’t normal for the the paddocks, but then it starts moving, in shapes he doesn’t understand; but then they become wings, and a tail, and then a neck and a head and eyes like red embers are looking at him, seeing him, and as the blood is rushing in his ears and at some point every hair stood up on his body and he can taste the static on his tongue he understands who he’s looking at and why he wasn’t supposed to be back here. and then zekrom looks away and curls back up to resume its nap, bc Nate is so small compared to it both physically and in purpose, and even if he was enough to be regarded with anything beyond disdainful apathy he has sort of gwyn smell like her den mother, so that means they’re kin its human’s kin are extended the grace of neutrality, and as it resumes its sleep the electricity in the air fades but Nate’s still breathing like he run a mile and it’s still hard to hear the sound of the trees rustling, but then gwyn is there and her hand is on his shoulder and she’s guiding him back around the barn, and reality snaps back in to place at some point but he’s forever a changed man bc one does not simply have an encounter with one of the legendary dragons and feel unshaken by it (unless you’re like N, in which being able to understand pokemon makes the initial weirdness easier to handle; or not, in which case N is just that weird) (or like ghetsis, who’s got enough layers of delusion going on that it doesn’t bother him too too much)
But Yeah. It’s the kind of thing one stays up late thinking about, staring at the wall at 3 in the morning, feeling slightly disconnected from everything else. Kind of guy who seems normal on the surface but inside has something deeply wrong with him except not something wrong with him he's just had an encounter with a living god-spirit-thing that has changed him in some small but irrevocably important way that he can ignore 99% of the time but when that 1% hits.
anwyays still figuring stuff out just wanted to ramble for a bit. aces
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epicspheal · 2 years
Cactusverse Timeline: Legends Arceus
So I thought it’d be a good idea to talk about the happenings for cactusverse during the Hisui era. Like much of cactusverse, it’s very gameverse compliant as far as how the plot unravels with a bit of Pokespe and Anipoke influence weaved in (and that’s moreso in regards to worldbuilding rather than narrative beats). There are some parts of cactusverse that I mishmash things together (Hoenn and Alola Events) or significantly alter (Kanto Let’s Go), but again mostly compliant. So starting from the beginning we have the Hisuian era and there’s really two main major differences from the established canon. The first is that our protagonist Akari is actually not isekai’d into Hisui. Akari is actually one of the last members of the Celestica people who pretty much exist on the fringes Hisuian society much like Cogita. After seeing Hisuian Snow, I realized that the MC didn’t really need to be from another timeline to show that humans and Pokemon can work together. Akari actually lived in Jubilife village is somewhat aware of her Celestica heritage from her parents, but with an intense desire to join the survey corps to learn more about Pokemon. The night before she runs into Laventon she does have a dream-vision from Arceus and wakes up with the Arc Phone and a message to seek out all Pokemon. She ends up running into Laventon and catching the three starters with ease which impresses him enough to vouch for her to Cyllene. There’s less mistrust of Akari compared to the game canon because she was from that time (and didn’t fall from the sky) but the mistrust is still there. Akari is a little bit too honest and mentioned the strange visions she got from Arceus and of course showing off this Arc-Phone definitely catches the eye of Kamado and he starts having Beni tail her and her family. Her mom however, was not at all pleased with her going out and joining the Survey Corps. Her mom has had previous nasty run ins with wild Pokemon and has a intense fear and distrust of them and doesn’t want her child to get hurt. Overall things progress through the plot with the Diamond and Pearl clans beef and the worry over the frenzied nobles. One big this is that for Akari, the Old Verse that she finds with Ursaluna is of great importance again because of her heritage. She’s well aware that her heritage is being lost and her mom in particular wants to learn more about their heritage but is unwilling to go out into the Hisuian Wilds again because of the aforementioned fear. As Akari quickly moves up the ranks and helps to quell the Frenzy Nobles she becomes the star of Galaxy Team Kamado grows even more suspicious of her especially as she continue to display such prolific talents and speaks about her visions. Both Irida and Adaman are very fond of Akari however, with Akari and Irida becoming especially close.
Eventually she learns of Ingo, the man who fell from the sky in the Pearl clan but also of three others who were said to have fallen from the sky. People from the Galaxy team, as well as the Diamond and Pearl clans all report of three individuals around the three great lakes of Hisui. Like Ingo they seem to have fallen through time and possess terrifingly proficiency at wielding Pokemon calming the Alpha Nobles that guard “whatever is in those caves”. They speak of a lady of Lake Verity who could wrestle with the likes of Ursaluna but also calm the raging Gyarados that dwells within the lake. She commands a strange Pokemon...large and green monster with a flower on its back
They speak of a man at Lake Acuity who complains a lot about the cold but is as agile as the wind when wielding a sword and holds vasts amount of knowledge. He too wields a strange Pokemon...a large blue turtle with what resembles pirate ship canons protruding from its shell.
They speak of another man who dwells at Lake Valor. Silent but with fierce resolve, commanding Pokemon with just a single look. He wields yet another strange Pokemon...a large red winged draconic creature with fire emitting from it’s tail.
All is going well with Akari until the rift over Mt. Coronet expands and Kamado already thoroughly paranoid, decides to banish Akari and her mom. Her mom is of course absolutely terrified to be out in the wilderness with the Pokemon but Akari is determined to clear their names. Her mom’s attitude does begin to change when she sees the little Shinx try to cheer Akari up. Volo eventually finds the two and takes them to retreat with Cogita and they learn of their mutual shared heritage of being Celestic people. Akari ends up going out do the trials of the lakes, choosing to partner with Irida. She first decides to go to lake Verity where she meets the Lady of Lake. She says her name is Leaf and she tests Akari with the Alpha Hisuian Goodra she wields along with the strange Pokemon she calls Venusaur. Akari wins and receives Mesprit’s Plume. Leaf tells her of a time “where humans and Pokemon stand side by side in friendly combat” and disappears in a flash of light Irida suggests going up north to Lake Acuity next so that’s where they go next. Akari then meets the man of Lake Acuity who says his name is Blue. Once again another battle ensues with Blue commanding the Alpha Hisuian Zoroark and the strange Pokemon he calls Blastoise. Akari wins and receives Uxie’s Claw. Blue speaks of how vast the world is and how it’s many mysteries can be solved when humans and Pokemon put their trust in one another and he too, disappears in a flash of light Finally Akari and Irida go to Lake Valor and they meet the man of Lake Valor. No words are spoken and a battle immediately ensues with the man wielding Overqwil and the strange fire lizard. Akari also wins this battle and receives Azelf’s fang. Akari questions the man and he speaks, telling her name is Red. He speaks the name of the fire lizard, calling it Charizard...and then he too vanishes Akari, Irida eventually head back to the Ancient Retreat and to her surprise her mom after having long convos with Cogita seems to be less weary of Pokemon. Seeing this as progress Akari has Cyllene’s Abra teleport one of the Pokemon she caught from the ranch, the Shiny Ponyta she caught before working to create the Red Chain, catching Dialga and Palkia and closing the rift for good. Kamado, seeing how utterly wrong he was does profusely apologize. Akari and her mom both forgive but Akari and her mom decide to stay at the Ancient Retreat wanting to learn more about the Celestica Heritage and still hurt by Kamado’s actions. Kamado understands that but still reinstates Akari as a member of the Survey Corps, a compromise Akari is willing to accept. Relationships between people and Pokemon rapidly begin to improve after the rift is sealed.
Akari hangs out with Rei, Cyllene and Laventon on a regular basis but begins to spend more time with the Diamond and Pearl Clan especially. She begins to get close to Ingo who is slowly regaining more of his memories. He eventually speaks of the Wielders from the Lake from what he remembers of them, mentioning they were all “Champions” at one point in a far off land. More importantly he begins to remember his old team and his twin Emmet. Akari still gets visions from Arceus and begins to seek out the rest of the Pokemon in Hisui as well as the plates with the help of Volo until he betrays her and tries to have Giratina destroy her and her team. She manages to defeat him and he disappears but not before vowing to complete his goals no matter how many centuries it takes. Eventually Akari manages to catch all of the Pokemon and upon playing the Azure flute meets Arceus. An epic final test of strength ensues and Akari emerges victorious. Arceus is pleased of her strength and was glad of its choice to choose her to help mend the relations between people and Pokemon in Hisui. Akari mentions Ingo to Arceus and asks for a favor since she won: to have him sent back home to his own time. Arceus obliges and Ingo is returned to the modern day.
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Some quick rules:
No minors. This is a nsfw blog obviously.
No godmodding this goes without saying
Along these NSFW themes light gore and violence will occur especially in the mha and GTA verse. With the smut.
I run on North American central time in the United States (-5 UTC during the summer until November, -6 UTC the rest of the year.)
Let me know what muse. It's basically the same muses I had on my old blog but adding a few.
I have ship biases but I am open to certain other ships if we discussed.
No hate/bigotry of any kind welcome here anon ask is turned off for a reason.
Send me an im or if you want my Skype and discord ask for plotting or RP offline as I have a life.
Please trim your posts for threads it's for ease for me reading them. I'll try to trim them myself as well.
I will use content warning for certain weapons, especially the GTA verse where firearms are common.
Speaking of muses here's my list:
Sanji from one piece: cook of the straw hats and a little bit perverted and lover of ladies. Does not fight with his hands, except that one time vs Wanze.
Markus my oc: protective lad but also really funny and silly and good lover. Usually GTA verse is main but open to others where he's a crime boss and beat up to the current dlc updates of GTAO. No fc currently. Hes pretty ruthless to enemies. Has a lot of of money and has a fleet of aircraft and vehicles. Very mature themes and firearms and weapon mentions. Mom was a prostitute. Dad was a John who was absent but had good male role models. He's quite blessed between his legs. MHA verse his powers are similar to Marco's from one piece. Most common verse is modern in which he's actually a solid dude. He's the most active and his default age is adult unless we've discussed prior to rp. He's usually around Los Santos (GTA verse's LA and GTA 5 & Online's setting) and Vice City (Miami, GTA VI's setting, yes, I watched the official trailer.) He's got brown hair or blond hair depending on the verse.
Hawks from my hero academia: flirty himbo bird and lover of nuggies and good hero. Brought in to safety commission as a child to become a hero. Quirk is fierce wings. Main shop is fuyumi todoroki or Mirko. He trolls endeavor quite a bit.
Fumikage Tokoyami: I aged him up so he's a third year or a pro hero. He has the sentian bird demon shadow dark shadow who is incredibly strong the darker it is. Lover of poetry and a certain frog hero or a ghost girl in 1-B/3-B
Ejiro kirishima: a firm boi. A bit of a himbo but really smart in certain battle scenarios. He is a fiercely loyal friend to most of 1-A (by then 3-a) main ship is Mina Ashido.
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Whumptober Day 5
After all the kerfuffle on the Whumptober blog over the prompt, I had to pick Hyperthermia for this day, lol.�� 
This is set pretty far in the future of the Goodbye!AU, a little glimpse of where that storyline is eventually heading. The next few prompts in this ‘verse will double back and fill in some of the gaps, so consider this a teaser for things to come. 
Also, I realised after the fact that I’ve kinda implied they use Celsius on Erna, because the temperature swing between day and night in a desert is more in the neighbourhood of a hundred degrees on the Fahrenheit scale. I’m Canadian, just let me have this one, m’kay?
P.S. I had entirely forgotten that there is canonically a desert somewhere on the main continent until I was rereading BSR with a fine-tooth comb for the mapping project. There’s one single mention of the ‘sandlands’ on page 28. Clearly it was inevitable that I was going to take that info and run with it. XD
Day 5 - Theme Chosen: Hyperthermia
The heat of the wind was the first warning. 
The sandlands cooled precipitously once the sun was down; most nights, it had already dropped thirty degrees by Coreset. What heat did linger was only that which shimmered up from the dunes, rising in gentle waves from the baked sand. This, tonight, was something else; a hot, dry gust breathing fitfully in from the north. 
He scanned the northern horizon warily, eyes narrowed, wings beating a little harder to balance against the unpredictable push of the wind. There were a few low clouds on the skyline, blocking the last of the light from the setting Core stars, but aside from that the night skies seemed peaceful enough. Prima was full, shedding her soft greenish light over the desert, but Domina was a mere sliver overhead and Casca less than half round; with such modest illumination from above, the currents shone brilliantly, flows of liquid radiance winding over the sands below. 
The wind gusted again, and this time he had to shut his eyes for a moment against the swirl of fine grit that pelted him. He blinked away the irritating grains and looked more closely at the clouds on the horizon again. The air was still warming, eddies of heat swirling over him as if he were standing too close to a fire - but when he realised what he was seeing, his blood abruptly ran cold. 
That was not merely a regular stormcloud rising above the sand. 
Cursing inwardly, he tilted his wings, banking into a gradually descending spiral as he turned his gaze on the dunes below. His skin prickled uncomfortably beneath the feathers, the unsettling heat of the air beginning to rouse a deeply-rooted instinctual dread, but he forced himself to focus past the growing unease; within moments, he picked out the distinctive swirling pool of currents that marked a cave’s entrance. Destination chosen, he dipped into a steeper dive, heart beating fast. 
This is not going to be pleasant. 
The ground rushed up to greet him, and at the last possible moment he flung his wings wide, arresting his own momentum aggressively and pitching his taloned feet forward. Giving himself over to the will of the fae, letting go of his sense of self enough to shift between forms, was always a terrifying endeavour; the anxiety that had already gripped him didn’t exactly make it easier, but he forced himself past the fear, flinging himself forward into that mental abyss. 
As always, the currents answered. 
Raw power roared through him, and blue-white fire erupted from the sand below his claws; for one wild, disorienting moment he was formless, feathers melting into the flame as the flood of Erna’s lifeblood sought to drag him under - then his flesh solidified once more, and he staggered, gasping for breath as his heart thudded in his newly-human chest. Though in many ways it was a relief to feel like himself again, there was that tiny twinge of loss he always felt, the quiet ache at giving up the freedom that his wings brought him - but it was buried quickly enough, this time, by apprehension. 
From the ground, it was much more obvious how quickly the storm was approaching. The wind was stronger and steadier, now, whipping over the dunes and sending sprays of fine dust into the air. The ridgeline he had found wasn’t much to look at, a low spine of stone that had once been a mountain’s foothill and was now all but buried in the sand, but it was the only thing dulling the edge of that rising gale; he sought out the mouth of the cave quickly, conscious of the hiss of swirling sand that was beginning to fill the air. 
When that cloud got closer, the untimely heat in the air would be the least of his concerns. 
Thankfully, the opening was narrow but deep, more of a fissure than a typical cave. He pressed deep enough to be certain that it was entirely empty, and to check that the jagged walls were entirely stable; then, assured that he had found a suitable shelter from the coming storm, he finally allowed himself to drop his shields and reach out to the link that hummed, cool and deep and unceasing as a river, at the back of his mind. 
I’m not going to make it back before dawn.
An instant spike of emotion echoed through the link, and the answer came back to him, wreathed in concern. 
What happened? Are you hurt?
He let himself lean up against the fissure wall, the rock warm against his back as a reluctant smile tugged at his lips. 
I’m fine, Gerald. Found a nice little hole in a cliff and everything. Only problem is, there’s a sandstorm bearing down on me.
The Hunter’s vicious mental curse made Damien chuckle out loud. He turned his head to gaze out at the desert, watching the darkly roiling cloud as it approached; it was only minutes away now, and he could hear the rising growl of the wind, laden with its scouring burden. 
Damien, this is no laughing matter, his other half reprimanded him sternly through the link. Do you have any idea how much the temperature can rise inside those storms? The sand is still warm from the sun, and with the friction of the wind - if you’re properly sheltered, it shouldn’t actually harm you, but it’s going to be extremely unpleasant.
Damien sighed, the smile slipping from his face. 
Yeah. I know.
He could feel it happening already, the air around him beginning to tingle with heat as the storm’s leading edge reached out to embrace his place of refuge. From what Gerald had told him when they first came to the sandlands, Damien knew that it hadn’t been like this on Terra - there, sandstorms had been dangerous only for the wind, and the abrasive grit it carried. Erna’s deserts were blanketed in earth-fae, though, and the power infused the grains of sand and volcanic debris that blanketed these lands; tossed against each other in the tumbling winds, that power ignited, and turned an Ernan sandstorm into such an inferno that it wasn’t uncommon for rock formations to end up coated in a thin layer of fresh glass after a sandstorm had passed. 
That extreme heat, though, was from earth-fae making direct contact with earth-fae. Here inside his shelter, Damien wouldn’t be at risk of direct contact with those burning particles - only suffering the excess heat they bled into the air. Already, he was starting to feel dizzy, the air stinging his lungs as he breathed. Swallowing against the growing dryness of his throat, he sank down to sit with his back against the fissure wall, drawing his knees up to his chest and reaching for the link again. 
Any helpful tips for this particular scenario?
Not really, Gerald replied, and Damien could feel the bitter trace of real regret in it. Nothing but the obvious; stay still as much as possible, try to brace yourself for when the lightheadedness comes. Make sure you rehydrate as soon as you can once the storm has passed. A pause, weighted. Do you want me to leave you alone?
Damien drew in a deep breath, feeling the first serious wave of dizziness sweep over him. The storm was at the ridge, now; he could hear the wind howling past the mouth of the fissure, the hissing scrape of thousands of grains of fae-charged sand dragging along the cliff face. The heat came on in waves, stirring a kind of animal panic in the back of his brain, twisting his stomach with nausea and slicking sweat along his skin. 
Moments like this were a keen reminder of how different things were for him, now. There was a time when he would have been entirely unbothered by this level of heat; oh, he might have been sweating a little, but it would have been a minor irritation compared to many of the conditions that he’d faced as a Knight. The overwhelming dizziness and sickness, the clench of fear around his heart - that was a product of his new existence, his hypervigilant instincts warning him that heat meant death and that he needed to escape. A reminder that a sandstorm’s heat, from within shelter at least, was a trivial matter for a human… but he wasn’t human anymore. 
Tonight, though, that thought wasn’t as bitter as it sometimes was. After all, he’d flown to this cave, a feat no human would ever claim. And while there was nothing that could block out the oppressive heat from his awareness entirely, as it filled the cave and wrapped around him, he found that the fresh memory of the cool night wind through his feathers was as good of an antidote as he could ask for. 
No, he sighed, shutting his eyes. Stay.
An entirely different warmth flickered through the link, and Damien felt the Hunter’s awareness curl a little tighter around him, powerful and endless as the coils of an ouroboros. 
Of course.
Deliberately turning his senses away from the sickening heat that rolled through the fissure, Damien sank into his awareness of the link, letting Gerald’s chill power wrap around him instead. The former Knight still couldn’t say he’d made his peace with the way things were now - he wasn’t entirely sure that he’d ever really, truly be free of remorse for how it had all turned out. This, though - the unwavering certainty of Gerald’s devotion, the bedrock of safety and strength that their link had come to represent - was not something he could truly bring himself to regret. 
Here, wrapped in the Hunter’s power, not even nature’s fury could touch him. 
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tinkerbcll · 2 months
verses under the cut
main verse ( the present ) ✦ resides in neverland with peter. she frequently adventures out of neverland to other places helping peter gather more lost boys.
pixie hollow/fairy haven ( past ) ✦ while the tinkerbell movies are cute, i don’t see them as canon and i use the fairy books as more of a guide for this verse. ( note: there is no limited pixie dust supply, the fairies simply have unlimited dust within themselves. ) this verse is set before tink meets peter and she lives among the other fairies. tink was living in pixie hollow when it was a large kingdom. there was a huge wildfire that burned throughout the entirety of neverland, killing a large population of the fairies. it was mother dove who restored neverland’s magic and pixie hollow, although it was no longer a kingdom and was only now a small place in the forest, it was a place for fairies to reside and be safe. but it had taken a toll on tink, losing her friends and now being confined to a small area with a job she hated ( tinkering ), she was moodier than usual and reckless. she started breaking the rules more often and leaving pixie hollow frequently, being gone for days at a time. then she ends up meeting peter and tink is gone for a very, very long time and doesn’t tell any of her friends. however, she ends up coming back when peter returns to his family in london, but tink is heartbroken, depressed, and furious with peter and feels abandoned. after some time she begins to visit the mainland to check on peter, not having it in her to forget him completely. it started as check ins, sneaking into his house to make sure he was safe. tink didn't like his family and how they wanted peter to be someone he's not. she didn't understand why he wanted to leave neverland and her for them when he could be his truest self in neverland. her check ins turned into visits out of selfishness, she didn't want him to forget about her or neverland. the visits started as multiple days a week, but the weeks dragged on, then months, and years. tink was losing hope of him returning, so her visits became seldom. then on one visit she heard his parents talking about marriage and kids for peter, as well as potential matches. so tink did what any loyal fairy would do..she hunted down those suitors and murdered them, truly believing she wasn't doing anything wrong and was only helping peter out. then one blissful night she heard him call out to her, with her tiny heart beating wildly she flew to the mainland, finally bringing peter back home to neverland. tinkerbell had left pixie hollow behind for good, staying with peter permanently. ( note: tink has feelings for terence while in pixie hollow in this verse )
merlin academy ✦ based on descendants ( rise of red ), tink attends merlin academy.
auradon university ✦ tink and peter’s twins ( leia and link ) attend the university when auradon is opened up to all other lands besides isle of the lost. leia is as restless as her mother and as adventurous as her father, she jumped at the chance to go to a new land. she doesn’t care about grades or attending classes, she’s mostly there to have fun and venture out of neverland without her parents. ( link can be found at pcterpan. i write leia in this verse. fc: somi )
acotar ✦ tinkerbell is a seraphim and used to be part of prince drakon’s people. she fought in the war over 500 years ago and during the war is when she met peter and the two discovered they were mates. when drakon found a place where he and his people could live peacefully and away from everyone else tink refused to go with them and moved to the dawn court to be with peter. centuries later when the war with hybern came about, she fought then too and during the final battle her wings had been broken. there were countless healers she’s been to and none of them have been able to repair them.
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brokendreamscreation · 2 months
@hellcharm liked for a Lil Lucid Verse starter!)
There is a sudden burst of golden glittery magic beneath one of the lobby sofa’s, accompanied by the rapid beat of downy feathered wings. Splayed on his belly, a small cherub-like creature lies still for a moment, bright sky blue hues blinking in shock. One moment the baby angel had been reaching for the dangling corner of a table cloth, tantalizingly out of reach, and the next he is here. Well, wherever “here” is. Nothing in the immediate seems familiar. So much red adorns the floors, the walls, the furniture. It is a stark contrast to the pastels of Heaven.
But one creature stands out against the red, a petite feline with a feather duster like tail and one large eye. The single eye makes contact with the glowing blue ones beneath the sofa. Lil Lucid vocalizes a babyish giggle, immediately crawling forward to go investigate the animal. She promptly bristles and darts away, leaving the perplexed little angel out in the open of the main lobby.
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abellinthecupboard · 1 year
The Skeleton in Armor
“Speak! speak! thou fearful guest! Who, with thy hollow breast Still in rude armor drest,      Comest to daunt me! Wrapt not in Eastern balms, But with thy fleshless palms Stretched, as if asking alms,      Why dost thou haunt me?” Then, from those cavernous eyes Pale flashes seemed to rise, As when the Northern skies      Gleam in December; And, like the water’s flow Under December’s snow, Came a dull voice of woe      From the heart’s chamber. “I was a Viking old! My deeds, though manifold, No Skald in song has told,      No Saga taught thee! Take heed, that in thy verse Thou dost the tale rehearse, Else dread a dead man’s curse;      For this I sought thee. “Far in the Northern Land, By the wild Baltic’s strand, I, with my childish hand,      Tamed the gerfalcon; And, with my skates fast-bound, Skimmed the half-frozen Sound, That the poor whimpering hound      Trembled to walk on. “Oft to his frozen lair Tracked I the grisly bear, While from my path the hare      Fled like a shadow; Oft through the forest dark Followed the were-wolf’s bark, Until the soaring lark      Sang from the meadow. “But when I older grew, Joining a corsair’s crew, O’er the dark sea I flew      With the marauders. Wild was the life we led; Many the souls that sped, Many the hearts that bled,      By our stern orders. “Many a wassail-bout Wore the long Winter out; Often our midnight shout      Set the cocks crowing, As we the Berserk’s tale Measured in cups of ale, Draining the oaken pail,      Filled to o’erflowing. “Once as I told in glee Tales of the stormy sea, Soft eyes did gaze on me,      Burning yet tender; And as the white stars shine On the dark Norway pine, On that dark heart of mine      Fell their soft splendor. “I wooed the blue-eyed maid, Yielding, yet half afraid, And in the forest’s shade      Our vows were plighted. Under its loosened vest Fluttered her little breast, Like birds within their nest      By the hawk frighted. “Bright in her father’s hall Shields gleamed upon the wall, Loud sang the minstrels all,      Chanting his glory; When of old Hildebrand I asked his daughter’s hand, Mute did the minstrels stand      To hear my story. “While the brown ale he quaffed, Loud then the champion laughed, And as the wind-gusts waft      The sea-foam brightly, So the loud laugh of scorn, Out of those lips unshorn, From the deep drinking-horn      Blew the foam lightly. “She was a Prince’s child, I but a Viking wild, And though she blushed and smiled,      I was discarded! Should not the dove so white Follow the sea-mew’s flight, Why did they leave that night      Her nest unguarded? “Scarce had I put to sea, Bearing the maid with me, Fairest of all was she      Among the Norsemen! When on the white sea-strand, Waving his armed hand, Saw we old Hildebrand,      With twenty horsemen. “Then launched they to the blast, Bent like a reed each mast, Yet we were gaining fast,      When the wind failed us; And with a sudden flaw Came round the gusty Skaw, So that our foe we saw      Laugh as he hailed us. “And as to catch the gale Round veered the flapping sail, ‘Death!’ was the helmsman’s hail,      ‘Death without quarter!’ Mid-ships with iron keel Struck we her ribs of steel; Down her black hulk did reel      Through the black water! “As with his wings aslant, Sails the fierce cormorant, Seeking some rocky haunt,      With his prey laden, — So toward the open main, Beating to sea again, Through the wild hurricane,      Bore I the maiden. “Three weeks we westward bore, And when the storm was o’er, Cloud-like we saw the shore      Stretching to leeward; There for my lady’s bower Built I the lofty tower, Which, to this very hour,   Stands looking seaward. “There lived we many years; Time dried the maiden’s tears; She had forgot her fears,      She was a mother; Death closed her mild blue eyes, Under that tower she lies; Ne’er shall the sun arise      On such another! “Still grew my bosom then, Still as a stagnant fen! Hateful to me were men,      The sunlight hateful! In the vast forest here, Clad in my warlike gear, Fell I upon my spear,      Oh, death was grateful! “Thus, seamed with many scars, Bursting these prison bars, Up to its native stars      My soul ascended! There from the flowing bowl Deep drinks the warrior’s soul, Skoal! to the Northland! skoal!”      Thus the tale ended.
— Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Ballads and Other Poems (1842)
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holloweddaughter · 2 years
main verse (any fantasy verse - ie: skyrim, dragon age, critical role)
growing up on the outskirts of the city, [redacted] and her family found themselves on a farm. filled with animals, trees, and crops, goods were fairly easy to come by. in the city, the alcantars sold their merchandise in the local merchant square. even in times of little, they often gave away money or food those less fortunate.
although, because of a large famine, crops became scarce and little of their livestock lived to make it to the market. with long overdue money owed, those who came to collect were far from affable. when the father, an ex-con, tallon, pleaded for more time, he was stricken by the butt of a sword. [redacted] older brother, arkady, attacked the aggressor before he was pried off and beaten for his transgressions.
in payment, the collectors took the livestock and demanded their remittance plus interest. each week, more and more will be taken until the entire farm is burned to the ground if they don’t get their money.
with the famine and working tooth and nail, it was only a matter of weeks until their mother, suri, grew ill and died from pneumonia. now, with their mother and wife gone—their home taken and burned, tallon is forced to work in the city, doing manual labor. in the beating sun, sweat dripping down his forehead and soaking his hair, tallon found himself building walls and fortresses for the aristocrats. losing hope with two starving children under his wing, tallon reconnected with an old friend from his past, both “charlatans”, jack of many trades, who spent their livelihood swindling folk of young and old.
throughout the years, the alcantars mastered the artistry of cons, tallon and his two “apprentices” in tow, each with a set of skills. tallon (selling things for much greater value/snake oil into immortality potion/tinkering master); raik (card tricks, disappearing acts, gambling (three-card monte); [redacted] (a master in forgery; finds herself in taverns, targeting drunkards out of their money, belongings and secrets). careful for wandering eyes, they were smart with their money and still gave charitably to those in need.
however, staying in one place for so long became a risk when the guards grew more suspicious of the family’s “trade”. when a forgery job was rushed, a guard went undercover as a client and discovered that the papers he had bought were forgeries. tallon was immediately charged and sent to prison. [redacted] blamed herself. she began to plan a rescue mission with elaborate schemes, however, arkady, being more level-headed, suggested they lay low.
without their “face”/salesman, business became limited. thankfully, tallon had planned for this and kept money on the side for them to escape. when arkady suggested they find a new town and start over, she denied and said she wouldn’t leave without their father. acknowledging the inherited stubbornness, the pair began to plan. schemes became more elaborate, searching for secrets and loopholes rather than gold. while snooping somewhere they weren’t supposed to, they witnessed an assassination of nobleman in an alleyway. the siblings tried to run, but others were waiting on the other side.
the assassin approached them, saying they recognized them from the marketplace. in exchange for their silence, their lives were given to the corvii. trained to be silent, quick and unseen, the pair learned fast what it took to be considered valuable. however, the corvii’s depths ran deeper with hundreds spread out across plains with no identification of the one in charge (besides the letter A).
facing many trials, the two were given new names, shayne and raik and were trained to be shadowed assassins. however, when a mission almost went awry, the guild decided to separate the pair in order to eliminate the weakness. when shayne woke up the next morning, her brother was gone.
years pass, shayne continued her training under the guild and perfected the art of death. After one of their own was arrested and awaited trial to be hung, the league had to act fast. shayne used this as an opportunity to find her father and suggested they free all of the prisoners as a distraction. everything was executed perfectly, but, when shayne reached the prison, her father was nowhere to be found. with the warden already dead, and guards on their tail, shayne had no other choice but to run. in a fury, she tracked down the man who had him arrested in the first place.
with a dagger to his throat, shayne demanded information about her father’s whereabouts. the man cowardly spilled everything in fear of his life, and revealed that count alistair lockwood approached him about her father’s whereabouts and seemed to take a personal interest in him. he offered the tax collector a generous amount for this information and that was all he knew. she didn’t suspect any dishonesty and no longer needed his assistance. knowing that he now knew she was searching for her father, he was left in the alley like the nobleman they witnessed before.
now, with a burning mission in mind, shayne returned to the guild and continues her journey to find her father in secret whilst still maintaining her vow to the corvii.
aliases: vhi, kindra tallon, the shrike
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globalworship · 2 years
Zehenaseeb - Highly Favoured (India urban bhajan)
“Formed in the year 2002 by lead vocalist, song-writer & music composer Cameron Mendes, ‘Yeshua Ministries’ is a team of musicians and singers from the bustling city of Mumbai, India, who are committed to spreading the message of peace, hope and love of Jesus through their catchy and up-beat music “ http://www.yeshuaministries.com/about/
Here's one of the band's popular songs, with over a million views since the video was released a year ago. English subtitles are on the screen, and also below.
The song has an easy-to-sing chorus, and the verses have a call-and-response structure of a bhajan (devotional song). It's a good example of a modern, urban fusion bhajan - it can be done as simple as voices and handclaps in a village, all the way to the complexity of a full urban band plus instruments of India.
Instruments include tabla and dholak drums, and harmonium (keyboard).
One of my friends, who introduced me to Yeshua Band, took the name 'Zehena' from this song for her daughter's name.
ADLIB: JANAM SE PEHLE TU NE MUJHE HAI JANA (You knew me before I was born)
VERSE 1: TERI BARGAH MEIN BEET JAYE SARI UMAR (May all my life be spent in Your courts) IBADAT MAIN BANN JAOO YESHU NAAM LE KAR (May my life become a sacrifice of worship as I sing the name of Jesus)
PRE CH: IBADAT MAIN BANN JAOO YESHU NAAM LE KAR (May my life become a sacrifice of worship as I sing the name of Jesus)
CH: ZEHENASEEB HU MAIN (I am highly favoured) PUR-UMEED HU MAIN (I am full of hope) HAI KAREEB YESHU (Because Jesus is with me) KHUSHNASEEB HU MAIN (I am blessed)
VERSE 2: AB MANGANA NAHI KUCH BHI HAI BAKI (Now there’s nothing more I can ask for) TERI MEHERBANIYA MUJH PAR HAI KAAFI (Your grace is sufficient for me)
PRE CH: TERI MEHERBANIYA MUJH PAR HAI KAAFI (Your grace is sufficient for me)
BRIDGE: TERE ANKHON KI PUTALI HU (I am the apple of Your eye) TERE HAATHON SE BUNNA HU (You have knit me) TERE ROOPSA BANA HU (I am created in Your image) TERE PYAR KA SILA HU (I am the result of Your love) TERE PANKHON KE TALLE HU (I am hidden under Your wings) TERE KHAYALON MEIN HU (I am always on Your mind) TUJH SE HI MAIN JUDA HU (I am connected to You alone) TUJH MEIN HI MAIN ZINDA (I am alive in You)
PRE CH: TUJH MEIN HI MAIN ZINDA HU (I am alive in You) TUJH MEIN HI MAIN ZINDA (I am alive in You)
Listen to the band on: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0T4YB2GygsXXUXtw52tMuc?si=Wzrg-XdvQC6tFQc8HefD4A&nd=1 https://music.apple.com/us/artist/yeshua-ministries/1290891642 https://music.amazon.in/artists/B0765DCDLM/yeshua-ministries https://www.facebook.com/yeshuaband
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perditus-a · 4 years
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@takakuyaku​ -  “ stop fussing, i’ll be fine. ” ( with Prohero Verse Takumi! )
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Injury/hurt prompts || accepting
                 “ Stop it ”
Keigo knew he was a giant hypocrite, but he wasn’t exactly ashamed. It’s not like he was wrong. Golden eyes dart over his predecessor, the original Hawks turned Falcon with bright splotches of red in places they shouldn’t be. From a medical perspective, he would be fine and Hawks knew it. Logic and emotions didn’t always run hand in hand though, and the fear of losing the only person who didn’t abandon him entirely was enough to rattle him up. Twitching wings, and words tinged with slight anger were the only break in his façade, the only moment of Keigo that emerged. 
“ Are you tryin’ to get yourself killed? unbelievable ” Hawks continues, scowling slightly and finally adverting his gaze to stare pointedly at a window. He expected to be called out soon, for his inconsistent track record on this to be dragged in to the conversation immediately. Keigo had certainly never taken care to keep himself safe for the sake of the mission, and it shouldn’t have been a surprise that it came from somewhere.
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“ Give me your missions and stuff for now until you’re healed. Let me do this for you ” he demands, a very faint hitch in his voice as he finally looks at his father once more. Maybe others would have simply said ‘I’m worried’ or ‘I care about you’ - but Hawks can’t do those things. It’s a vulnerability not even shown for his father, and all he can do is try to make the work easier. For Hawks, this is caring. “ you just sit back until you’re healed up, I’ll make sure you don’t have any workload to come back to ”
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