#&& ororo munroe
rottenbabyfawn · 2 days
The X-Men house: Logan x Storm, ft. baby x-men. (Part 01)
art credit goes to: @giadacarboniart on TikTok! please check them out their art is AMAZING.
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icarusredwings · 1 day
Thinking about what would happen if Cassandra came back for revenge and borderline reset Logan's mental age in order to easily munipulate, but it backfires because Wade will be damned if hes gonna let another bald bitch steal his man. Finding home au what if.
Wade: Heeeyyy
Ororo: What did you do now?
Wade: About that-
Logan, Fully sprinting over: Mr. Wade I found a really cool stick that looks like a gun and I know you like guns so I brought it to you!
Wade: Oh way to go, Pup! Up top! Down low! From behind! Yeah!!
Logan: *giggles and double high fives him* Im gonna go find more! *runs off in wolverine*
Ororo: ....Waaaaddeee
Wade: I know, I know! That's what I wanted to talk to you about. *puts stick gun in holster* So anyway this witch got mad at me and now he's like tiny on the inside.
Piotr, whos being nosy: Oh was that my sister? Sorry she's PMSing... what ever that means. Mom said it all the time.
Wade: Oh no no- A metaphorical witch. No, Wanda's great. You bring her chocolate then.
Logan: *comes back* I found a sword one!
Wade: Oh my god, I love you so much. You're such a good stick finder. Oh yes, you are! My widdle wild wolvie! Such a good boy!
Logan: *giggles while having his face smooshed*
Wade: But aw no I need two of them...
Logan: On it! *runs off on a mission*
Wade: Heh... kids. But anyway. Sooo... do you have someone who can fix this ooorrrr am I going to have to divorce my husband and become a single father to a 200 year old man?
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okscallion-4221 · 3 days
I wanna just give you this comparison with Logan to basically everyone (off the top of my head) that he’s shipped with
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Edit: Morph is about the same height as Kurt
And the site I used
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proxy616 · 22 hours
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Elf spotted with Ororo, messing with Lockheed in:
The lovable Lockheed #3 (2024)
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silvixxen · 3 days
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Various xmen doodles !!!
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illyanarasputinfan · 2 days
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If it can cure Professor X, imagine what it will do for you.
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lukasadss · 21 hours
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More X-Men with the paint pens :)
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batterysoup · 2 days
Local here,, I disappeared for a bit but bring y’all fruits of the labor from the gambit server magma we did✨✨❤️
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Tumblr,, wtf is that crop😭😭 anyways gambit obsession still going strong y’all👍👍
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klauswalz · 2 days
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Ororo Munroe, Jean Grey, and Emma Frost - Art By Lucas Werneck
Happy Birthday @westcot!
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s10127470 · 2 days
Mutant Metabolism and The X-Men Food Headcanons (Part 1)
So a few weeks ago, I shared an headcanon idea with @a-roguish-gambit.
And thanks to an additional response from @littlekidsteve, it gave me the idea to share the headcanon with you all!
I've always had this idea of mutants being massive eaters.
I mean, it's pretty common to see super-powered beings possess much higher metabolisms than the average human.
So I figured, why haven't don't the mutants have this trait?
Well, today, I wanted to share some headcanons I have for The X-Men in regards.
Specifically on what their metabolisms are like when compared to each other, their favorite foods, and even funny stories involving each of them and food.
So without further ado, let's get started!
Cyclops' metabolism is definitely one of the highest of the team, due to his energy powers.
His favorite foods are quite simple. Mainly consisting of soups, cereals and sandwiches.
But let me tell you, he goes all out when it comes those three.
When it comes to soups, his favorite kind are chicken noodle, vegetable beef, and tomato.
He always uses a huge bowl to eat his soup out of.
And he's not above drinking the soup straight from the bowl.
When to comes to cereal, he loves just about any kind.
He always uses the same huge bowl when eating cereal.
He also likes to make himself a full-on spread of breakfast food to go with his cereal, like in the commercials.
It usually consists of buttered toast, some fruit, and a glass of orange juice.
When it comes to sandwiches, he always make them into Dagwoods.
Cyclops piles those babies all the way to the sky.
His favorite kind are salmon, reuben, grilled cheese, Italian, and meatball.
Food Funny: Whenever he’s eating cereal, Cyclops always hums the tune of this musical masterpiece…
Storm is another high one on the metabolism scale, thanks to her weather manipulation.
Her favorite food are fruits, mainly the ones of the tropical variety.
Most notably bananas, passion fruit, papaya, and mangos.
Given that she spent most of her life traveling across Africa, it would make sense that she would be so into fruit, considering it was one of the few food items she could regularly eat since remember: she was a orphan and a thief.
She loves to make herself a massive fruit salad with a huge bowl, which she'll eat during breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack time.
Food Funny: One time on Halloween, the X-Men decided to go as Brazilian dancers with Tutti Frutti Hats to a party. But when they arrived at the party, everyone noticed that the fruits on Storm's hat were noticably missing. Let's just say that she got a little....peckish, on the way to the party.
Wolverine possibly has the highest metabolism of all the X-Men due to his animalistic nature.
His favorite food is meat.
In particular, he loves steaks and burgers.
And similar to Cyclops, Wolverine always makes his burgers into Dagwoods.
He's also a fan of game meat such as venison, quail, boar and buffalo.
He was quite the hunter back in the past.
Food Funny: Wolverine considers Jughead (yes, that Jughead) to be his idol because of his renowned love for burgers.
Jean Grey:
Jean is quite moderate on the metabolism scale, but just like all mutants, she still has a huge appetite.
Like Cyclops, she loves sandwiches and always make Dagwoods.
Her favorites are chicken salad, ham and cheese, peanut butter and jelly, cubanos, and roast beef.
Jean also loves chips and soda.
Whenever she's snacking, you'll always find her eating massive bag of chips and multiple liters of soda.
Food Funny: She always gets the name brand chips and soda (Frito Lays, Pringles, Pepsi, Fanta, etc), and she hates whenever anyone gets the Great Value versions of those brands. You better believe she's gone on full rants over this.
Beast is another one on the high scale of metabolism thanks to his animalistic nature.
His favorite foods are snack cakes, mainly the ones from Hostess.
He especially loves Twinkies and Chocodiles.
Food Funny: Beast is able to recite the entirety of the Chocodile commercial from memory. He also considers Roger from American Dad his spirit animal, due to their shared love of sweets.
Rogue is pretty high on the scale of metabolism due to enhanced physiology via the absorption of Carol Danvers' powers.
Her favorite foods is some good ol' Southern cuisine!
Fried chicken, biscuits and gravy, shrimp and grits, cornbread, barbecue, collared green, mac and cheese, fried okra, hotcakes, lemonade, sweet iced tea, and mud pies.
Food Funny: Rogue actually did a PowerPoint presentation on which restaurants have the best fried chicken.
Gambit is more on the moderate side when it comes to metabolism.
His favorite food is good ol' Cajun cuisine.
Gumbo, jambalaya, boudin, étouffée, po'boys, pralines, red beans and rice, crawfish boil, and beignets.
Food Funny: Gambit gets really serious about the use of seasoning in food. He likes his food to have flavor! If he taste something with hardly any flavor, he will have a Gordon Ramsey moment.
Jubilee is also on the moderate side of the metabolism scale.
She is a massive junk foodie.
Any junk food you can think of, she loves.
Chips, soda, popcorn, candy, hot dogs, nachos, burgers, tacos, chicken wings, fries, onion rings, burritos, pizza, slushies, mozzarella sticks, ice cream, milkshakes, cookies, cake, and anything with either chili, cheese or bacon on it.
Food Funny: Whenever there's a marathon, she always stocks up on massive piles of junk food. And the crazy about all this is that she considers all that stuff just an appetizer!
Nightcrawler is actually on the lower scale of metabolism.
He has a massive sweet tooth.
His favorite sweets are cakes, strudel, gingerbread, donuts, pastries and spaghetti ice cream.
Food Funny: His favorite time of year is Christmastime, which he uses as a way to gorge down on as many sweets as he possibly can.
Well that's all for know!
What do you guys think about the choices I made for the X-Men and their favorite foods?
Also, what other food headcanons can you think of for these guys?
I'm planning on doing a part two to this, where I cover some of the other notable X-Men and their favorite foods.
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rottenbabyfawn · 2 days
The X-Men house: Logan x Storm, ft. deadpool. (Part 03)
art credit goes to: @giadacarboniart on TikTok! please check them out their art is AMAZING.
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icarusredwings · 2 days
What I thought as a kid: DC is so much cooler then Marvel.
What I thought as a preteen: Marvel is so much cooler then DC
What I thought as a teenager: The advengers are CLEARLY the best team that marvel has like yeah DD is cool and Spidey is top tier (but hes owned by sony so it dosn't count) but as far as teams go? Avengers all the way!!
What I've learned as an adult: The X-men fucking ROCK and are SO cool like wtf!? Why did everyone lie to me!? What kind of bullshit is that? You mean to tell me this whole time I could have been with these progressive and diverse mother cuckers and yet I was team mommy issues Billionaire when I could have had blue eyes romeo MURDERER over here and his half metal boyfriend!????
And don't even get me started on Rouge and Gambit!? How cool Ororo is!?? FUCKING KURT!? I would have been ALL over that shit if I had known how cute of a fucking fuzzball he was at 6 years old!
Why did my dad tell me Avengers were better then the xmen!? He lied to me for years!
Then again, he also said that Indiana Jones is better than Doctor Who. So, like... He's an omega level liar.
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missmarveledsblog · 2 days
Not just a flower child huh? ( logan howlett x reader ) part 7
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summary : stryker is getting more ready while y/n tries and fails to sneak bub into the school , she meets another and past student of the school while logan is sick of feeling like the butt of the jokes.
warning: not many slight angst but not really this is like a filler chapter some fluff pieces , grammatical errors and spelling mistakes
previous part
 Failure to  an ego that well was too big for the man it belonged to is always a recipe for disaster . especially when the ego was beaten and bruised in every way expected when it was though a different result would happen . a bigger reputation , more power  he wanted more than whatever was giving no matter what , no matter who was broken and beaten in the way , he was prepare to lie and manipulate to get what he wanted. By any means necessary it was going to happen . he watched over the tapes as it repurpose his drive to get her back . watched  her grow in a sequence of tapes that didn’t make him even flinch , not the way she cried and beg them to stop. He watched each power coming to light after the torture she would subsequently pass out from  , watching the wounds he and his men inflicted  slowly fading  but yet faster than the last time “ progress” it was put down to . Then  the tape of that day he watched Her scream , heard their screams the flash distorted in the lense Of the camera  the usual vine now glowing  , the way the flames took hold , he watched As she cut them like butter each man falling to an agonizing death and seemed as She wasn't stopping the sobs and harrowing Cries almost like a mother who lost her child . It was only when he seen Himself , holding gun to the cage she stopped it was almost Touching if she was human that when she was knocked Out .  The fight In her that day died  keeping to the cage like the animal she and rest Of mutant scum were . 
Amusement laced On his face logan watched Her hide the Little kitten In her top tip toe through the main entrance . 
“ y/n dear would you and your new friend come To my office please … i don't mean logan “ charles Passed bye  as she sighed. 
“ two minutes  impressive “ logan chuckled.
“ he is good” she rolled her eyes already thinking of arguments for Bub to stay . Walking Down the hall with the pitiful Fluff ball in her arms as jean And storm passed by giggling . 
“ only you would find someone In need” scott ruffled her hair making her glare. 
“ im not puppy” she Gruffed. 
“ come on sweetheart” logan led Her down the hall as she walked In Holding the little kitten closer to her chest almost pleading with logan to help her . 
“ my dear Please come in” charles Smiled. 
“ in my defense Is place For the forgotten no , the ones in need?”she blurted out instantly . 
“ mutants yes” he chuckled. 
“Who i to say bub isn't mutant , he could be very Special kitten” she stood a little taller . “ he Is baby that needs help to” She added. 
“ actually my dear i think it a good idea all the same but it not to be a habit” charles Smiled softly. 
“ he will die , you wouldn't want him to … wait i can keep him” she stood shocked. 
“ jean and storm are going to get what he needs , and scott is Going to get a vet friend that will help check him over , this is only time though” he added . 
“ you scared me , you hear that bub you have home” she lifted him up only for little mew to coming out as she headed out of the room ready to show the kids . 
“ your getting soft in your old age” logan smirked .
“ she been through too much , it would be good for her” he smiled . 
“ yep Definitely  soft” he laughed . 
“  i think in this case i am , somethings In humanity still have a way of shocking me the low of depravity That poor woman has Suffered an ounce of a soft moment is warranted” he explained , he didn't lie ,when he thought He'd  Seen it all and yet once more it all Was nothing Compared to the atrocities  he had seen her deal with on a daily basis . 
She sat watching a man well she thinks a man  the blue Fur covered him head to toe as she watched Him closely Checking over the kitten. 
“ you are a funny vet” she finally spoke. 
“ you must be Y/n , name is hank mccoy im not a vet  but i am able to check him over one beast To another” he chuckled holding his hand out . 
“what beasts” she asked looking around the room honestly curious  it was oddly  endearing , it wasn't a show  Or a facade she was genuinely curious . 
“ he means him and bub , his name is beast like mine is wolverine” logan explained. 
“ i've met beast he is not one” her head tilted. 
“ and you my new friend  are a breath of fresh air , lets dry him off now ” hank chuckled. 
“ i can do that” she nodded waiting for him to move to the side hold Her hand letting The air  not so heavy Cast over The kitten making him fluffier.
“ remarkable” hank whispered. 
“ she Like a box Of gifts” logan smirked . 
“ he only says that when i ice his beer” she rolled her eyes ready to take the kitten to show the kids . “ or fire up the pit or cigars ” she added. 
“ have they began your training ?” Hank asked . 
“ training? “ she turned brows furrowed. 
“ she not here for that furball , he thought you would be xmen” logan explained. 
“ im not hero material” she laughed understanding Walking out The lab . 
“ she humble huh?” He chuckled . 
“ no she just thinks she a monster think we all can relate to that feeling” Logan stood watching where she once Stood only moment before .
 “ i never though i would see this” hank stood . “ seen what” . 
“ the great wolverine in love”  he patted his Back . 
“ have i not Shown time and time again im not made of stone you know start sick of you all like im an emotionless Asshole” he huffed .  “ let me guess it was a joke huh?” He stormed off sick and tired. 
 yeah he was rough Around the edge not  a suck upike summers but hes proved time and time again he cares , he has feeling just like rest of em . sure he doesn’t show Them often but he's let himself get vulnerable enough to get message across or so he thought did they really Think So low of him. 
“ whats His Name” the little voice called only turn to see y/n crouched all kids not just her own standing around . 
“ bub , he named after good man , yes he grumpy but big heart “ she smiled . “ now i best get him to my room for nap but will bring him out Later ok” she stood cradling the kitten to her chest . 
“  seem she share Same sentiment we all do” charles  seemed to Always  had to appear . 
“ could of fooled me” he scoffed. 
“  you know we care deeply for you logan” . 
“ then why does feel like im the butt Of every joke” he asked  heading off once more .  Walking down the hall  already hearing her voice like his ear alway pick hers in a sea of noise .  he could of been in  the crowd  of a metal concert and he would hear her sweet melody filled voice  like she was talking directly in his ear  . he could tell she was singing , what he couldn’t tell but he had a feeling it was a song her grandmother sang to her . he walking more quietly watching she was singing to the kitten rubbing it’s head as it lay on her bed. Never in his life did logan ever find himself actually wishing he was a “ kitty” . the softness of the touch on the fur , the pure smile on her face as she watched bubs little eyes closing til she went to turn and see logan standing at the open door. 
“ how long were you standing there” she sat up properly. 
“ to hear you singing the lullaby to a cat” he smirked. 
“ he’s a baby cat or not , i sang it to the kids too used to get them to sleep maya really loved it” she smiled watching the kittens steady breathing. 
“ maya?” he asked confused .  
“ she was one of the children that did not make it “ she barely whispered . 
“ i’m sure bub loves it too although i’d say anyone would “ he came more into the room . 
“ maybe i should sing it to you , maybe you sleep” she blinked innocently at him . 
“ here's me thinking you liked my company at night” he arched his brow. 
“ i like your company all the time” she smiled , a genuinely honesty to her words . 
“ well least someone does” he sat at the desk looking down to see the books she had trying to learn to read english , she could speak it  almost fluently but reading it still seemed to be a challenge.  
“ i like your company too sweetheart , tomorrow we are continuing our walk around the park i’m sure we have lots ready to watch bub”. 
“ you know family is what they treat you , family teasing i say my brother is mainly the brawn and no brain , same way they tease you don’t think badly” she finally said. 
“ reading my thoughts ?” he asked hoping she didn’t   and see it all . 
“ i don’t need to read it , i heard you and as you call him hot wheels .. i was being nosey” she shrugged . 
“ yeah well nosey what else did you hear?” he asked almost nervously. 
“ just you giving out , but they do see you as family  , they joke but they care “ she smiled eyes turning to the kitten . 
“ you’re something you know that ,  how are you this nice after everything” . 
“ because i know what the other side is like” . 
“ well  i better get going sweetheart  i’ll see you later  i have to go to the simulation room” he stood feeling less upset and  more himself  which again she seem to bring out of him so easily out of him . it honestly at the start scared the shit out of him and yet in her true fashion she was able to quell that fear instantly she was even able to get him to sleep better after their midnight time together.  
“ simulation room ? how many rooms does this place have” she asked almost slightly shocked . 
“ i mean the professor added more each time it was blown up but hey it gives it character” he walked out the room . 
“ blown up  hey come back here .. what do you mean blown up” she called after only to hear a small laugh travel up the hall . 
Maybe he could run , get out of here and warn her then again it wasn’t just him at risk. If he left here well his family would suffer too , stryker made sure they had everything to lose that’s why his risk wasn’t just something he thought of on a whim it could of had dire consequences . but something told him how his family would see it all , his wife honestly he couldn’t tel her .yet he knew if she did know she would of told him do the same , she hated he worked for stryker , she hated how the whole anti-mutant agenda and it sickened him that why he took the job. He had his own reasons to hate them but even the mutant he hated most subjected to what he watched test subject 0224 or by her name y/n rasputin . no one knew she was a family of an xmen , stryker kept that information to himself til when she was in the cage first she told them all how her brother was a man of metal and steel who would come and save her , that they would all pay. More and more he slowly felt the guilt creep in , his views on mutants slowly changed this  little girl at the time showed him they weren’t all monsters , destructive murdering animals he thought they were . but he had a job to do and over time that job was becoming more meaningless especially when they brought more children he saw first hand how she protected them , how she made sure nothing could get close and yet in a way she made sure she never actually hurt anyone even the ones who hurt her.  DR. Thompson wasn’t there when the dreaded day happened but he seen how she was after it , nothing they could do to her physically made her look more in distress or in despair as when he saw her after it .  everything this woman was made to endure well it had it’s ending point and that risk to get her out well it was worth it all and for once he needed to do the right thing . now he was praying on strykers downfall watching as they  packed up the old lab ready to move to a more secure area  , one he seen no escape from if she was caught again . maybe another risk was needed  as he looked down at the plane ticket for new york .
taglist: @oscarissac2099 @ayamenimthiriel @mega-kittyglitter-1
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emmcfrxst · 2 days
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btw it’s canon that logan styles his hair so it does the pointy ear thingy :-)
source: Uncanny X-Men #246
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verycoolpersonyes · 2 days
Comic characters spider-verse variants!
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will post part 2 there’s more
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Written by Murewa Ayodele Art by Lucas Werneck Cover by Mateus Manhanini
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