#&& development questions
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chcrryripe · 3 months ago
happy december friends !! <3 i recently got gifted a card game called 'talking hearts' which consists of 200 questions which are sorted into two categories : playful & thoughtful . i figured these could work great as character development questions whether as a meme game for your group or something to help you develop your muse + some of these are relationships focused / aimed at !! i will sort this into two separate posts with each category . therefore , below the cut you will find 100 playful questions to ask your muse .
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when you were younger, what did you save your money to buy ?
if i could pamper you for a day, what would you want me to do ?
if you had one hour to talk to your pets, what would you talk to them about ?
what's the worst haircut you've ever had ?
if you had to replace me at work, how well do you think you would do ?
how would you spend an extra 3 hours a day ?
when you were a kid, what chores did you take shortcuts on to fool your parents ?
what's something future generations will make fun of us for ?
what's the luckiest thing that's ever happened to you ?
what was one of your go-to outfits when you were single ?
how old were you when you had your first drink ?
what's the most adventurous thing you've done while traveling ?
what activity would you add to the olympics to have a chance at winning gold ?
what's your ultimate dream date ?
if you were a retired smallervillain, what course would you teach ?
how do you want to celebrate your next personal milestone ?
if you could make a rule that everyone had to follow for one day, what would it be ?
if you didn't know me, what sport would you automatically think i was good at ?
if you had to cook a meal for my friends, what dish would you make to impress them ?
how did you try to impress me in the beginning of our relationship ?
if you could pick the line up for a concert, who would perform ?
what's one physical trait you've always liked about yourself ?
what's one item on your bucket list that we can do together this year ?
what's one of the best times you've had on vacation ?
what was your favorite game to play at recess and why ?
what would be an accurate tagline for this week ?
what's the most spontaneous thing you've ever done ?
what in our lives is having its golden age now ?
how did you meet one of your closest friends ?
if you had one hour to go through a celebrity's phone, whose phone would it be ?
time freezes for everyone but you for one day, what would you do ?
what was the weirdest black market at your school ?
how did you earn and spend your first paycheck ?
if you were caompaigning to be my significant other, what would your slogan be ?
if you were stranded on an island, how quickly would you start making friends with an inanimate object ?
if you were an influencer, what type of content would you create ?
did you have any interesting or weird hobbies as a child ?
what's the first thing you would do in a zombie apocalypse ?
what's the craziest thing that happened on a night out ?
what embarrassing thing do you wait to do until after someone leaves the room ?
do you believe aliens exist ? if so, have they made it to earth ?
if you could eavesdrop on any conversation, what conversation would you choose ?
if you could plan a day trip this weekend, where would you go ?
what game do you wish they offered at the casino ?
what's something you're willing to splurge on ?
if you were to make a mixtape for someone, what 3 songs would you add ?
if you met me your s/o, where would you take them on a date ?
have you ever felt you've 'beaten the system' ?
if you won a shopping spree to any store, which store would you chose when you were 15 years old vs now ?
did your parents ever give you dating advice ?
what is your favorite family tradition ?
if we could live anywhere for a year, where would it be ?
what's the last product you bought from an ad ?
how did you come up with your first username ?
do you have a memory of me that always makes you laugh ?
how will you spend your time when you retire ?
have you ever been on a truly blind date ? how did it go ?
which outfit is your favorite to wear ?
if you could start a business with your friends, would you and what would it be ?
what new activity could you do that doesn't require a screen ?
how did you learn how to drive ?
aside from your current job, what's another profession you think you would be good at ?
what was your first experience at a party or dance like ?
what's the last thing you googled ?
how quickly do you think i could make you laugh without touching you ?
if you could get one more season from a show that ended, what show would it be ?
if i were arrested and you didn't know why, what would you assume happened ?
if you were a wrestler, what would your entrance song be ?
what's one of the silliest things you thought or misunderstood as a kid ?
if you were offered a free trip to space, would you take it ?
was there ever a time you didn't make it to the bathroom ?
what restaurant have you never eaten at, but want to try ?
what's your new favorite song ?
what would our celebrity couple name be ?
if you could pick a tattoo for me, what would it be ?
what's something you learned from social media ?
what's something you're proud of but don't get to brag about much ?
if you had to perform at a talent show in 1 hour, what would you do ?
what class would we enjoy taking together ?
what's your favorite part of the holidays ?
between the two of us, who becomes a bigger baby when sick ?
what are the best and worst purchases you've ever made ?
what's your go-to excuse to get out or something ?
has someone ever played a practical joke on you or vice versa ?
what does your perfect day look like ?
did you google me before our first date ?
what was one of the first things you told your friends or family about me ?
what reality tv or game show would you want to be on ?
if you received $10,000 and had to spend it today, what would you buy ?
who is more likely to go through bathroom drawers at someone else's house ?
what's your most recent obsession ?
what was your favorite video game as a kid ?
have you ever won a competition ?
what was your most memorable childhood field trip ?
in your best safari guide impression, describe me in my natural habitat .
do you believe in ghosts ?
what's a lie you told or a secret you kept from your parents ?
what's something you're surprised i'm not afraid of ? have you ever seen or met a celebrity ?
what small thing can easily brighten your day ?
what are you afraid of ?
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witchcraftandburialdirt · 2 years ago
do they enjoy silence or find it too loud?
do they have anyone they consider their enemy?  what did they do to gain that title?
what’s the first major event they remember in their life?
what do they consider their worst habit? 
for robibi
⎯⎯⎯⎯ Do they enjoy silence or find it too loud?
The Ionian woods are rarely silent, and Robin prefers the constant chitter of birds, cicadas, and the bubbling swirls of the stream beside his home. He often speaks to the plants, to the animals, and even to himself and Bel in order to pass some of the time since he's constantly working and doesn't have a lot of social interaction. He has to keep his mind sharp, and if that means playing chess with himself he will do it. That being said! While he enjoys this sort of noise he still, even after all of this time, gets overwhelmed when surrounded by too many people and rabble. And as in life:
Despite his high level of charisma and easy sociability he doesn’t usually interact with people in his spare time, preferring to skulk around by himself. - Carrd
⎯⎯⎯⎯ Do they have anyone they consider their enemy?  what did they do to gain that title?
Amazingly no. You think he would due to his dealings within Zaun but he is dead to them and has found quite a bit of peace (and maybe some quiet, simmering madness too) within the wilderness. Most poeple that come to his garden and home do not bother him to the point of being an enemy and he has even been known to assist lost Noxians. That being said he does think Swain is a jackass - but that comes from his leftover bitterness from the war; he's never met the man in person, but I imagine if he has the chance to end the aggression towards Ionia he would finally actually commit a murder.
⎯⎯⎯⎯ What’s the first major event they remember in their life?
He has a very distinct memory of the first time he road a bike and caused the scar on his upper lip, which you can read here!
He also remembers the day in which his brother and sister were born, which you can read here!
⎯⎯⎯⎯ What do they consider their worst habit? 
On his joruney of healing, Robin consistently finds himself falling into bad habits that he cannot seem to break; one of these, and what he considers the worst (granted he'll never stop) is his inability to stop working. He overworks himself consistently with little to no breaks because he feels that his purpose lies in whatever he's doing. This is especially shown in modern, but even within the deep Ionian wilderness he's cultivating land, making medicine, caring for animals etc --and it is something he does nearly 24/7 since he does not sleep.
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luna-azzurra · 10 months ago
A list of phobias that your OC (original character) can have
Arachnophobia: Fear of spiders.
Acrophobia: Fear of heights.
Claustrophobia: Fear of confined or crowded spaces.
Ophidiophobia: Fear of snakes.
Cynophobia: Fear of dogs.
Trypophobia: Fear of clusters of small holes or bumps.
Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD): Fear of social situations and interactions.
Glossophobia: Fear of public speaking.
Hemophobia: Fear of blood.
Nyctophobia: Fear of darkness or night.
Thanatophobia: Fear of death or dying.
Mysophobia: Fear of germs or dirt.
Entomophobia: Fear of insects.
Aquaphobia: Fear of water.
Astraphobia: Fear of thunder and lightning.
Dentophobia: Fear of dentists or dental procedures.
Selenophobia: Fear of the moon.
Taphophobia: Fear of being buried alive or of cemeteries.
Xenophobia: Fear of strangers or foreigners.
Atychiphobia: Fear of failure or not being good enough.
Consider which phobia fits well with your OC's personality, background, and the story you want to tell. You can also explore how their phobia influences their behavior, relationships, and journey throughout the novel.
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insertdisc5 · 2 months ago
im a little sick and need enrichment so im opening the asks for a bit again. read the faq beforehand or be cursed
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yourocdoeswhat · 4 months ago
Describe your OC's worst memory or experience in three words or less.
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ocprompts · 4 months ago
does your oc still go home to see their parents?
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oc-loving · 3 months ago
which oc is best represented by your #1 song on spotify wrapped? (and what song is it?)
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melamemea · 2 years ago
send me "be honest..." with a question your muse has been dying to ask mine and they'll answer truthfully.
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mimble-sparklepudding · 2 months ago
OC Language and Vernacular Questions.
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Is your OC a confident speaker? Do they find it easy to express themselves verbally? Or do they stutter or perhaps easily lose their train of thought?
Does your OC use any expressions or slang terms that are unique to the area in which they grew up, or a specific community of which they were once a member?
How often does your OC swear? Is it something that punctuates their everday speech? Or is it so unusual to hear them use "bad" language that it would shock those around them?
Does your OC have a particular accent? Do other people ever judge or stereotype them on the basis of their accent? How do they feel about this?
Can other people recognise when your OC is angry or serious by the tone of their voice? Or does their language become coarser? Or perhaps more formal?
Does your OC show courtesy in their language around others - do they routinely thank others, or do they only do so if they percieve that person as being of a higher social status?
Has your OC much experience of public speaking or any formal training in rhetoric? Do they find such things easy or intimidatingly difficult?
Did your OC's parents or other caregivers use any specific terms of endearment for them as a child? Do (or would) they use similar terms for their own children?
Does your OC consider their voice particularly "sexy"? Do they try to adopt a more seductive tone in romantic situations? How successful are these efforts?
Does your OC often punctuate their speech with filler sounds, such as "um" or "er"? Or words such as "like" or "you know"?
Has your OC ever made a conscious effort to change their voice? Perhaps by trying to rid themselves of a particular accent or making themselves sound more assertive?
Are there any particular words that make your OC cringe? Is this due to negative associations? Or second-hand embarrassment? Do they try to conceal their dislike?
Is your OC talented at creative writing, whether poetry or prose? Would they ever show their work to anyone else?
Are there any concepts or activities which are taboo in your OC's culture of origin, which they prefer to refer to euphemistically? How do the respond to others who do not share these taboos?
What is your OC's favourite or "go-to" swearword when under duress?
Does your OC's body language sometimes give away what they might prefer to conceal? Or are they practiced at ensuring that their physical presentation matches their stated positions?
Has your OC ever found other people struggle to understand them because of their accent? How did this make them feel? Did they resent the listeners? Or feel bad about themselves? Or both?
How does your OC feel about other people with "posh" or "upper-class" accents? Do they feel a natural deference to them? Or a resentment? Or do they not even notice?
To what degree does your OC amend their language and/or tone when speaking to children (or in front of them).
Does your OC ever use technical or academic language when discussing their specialist interests? Do others ever need them to translate these terms?
Does your OC like to ascribe nicknames or pet names to other people? How well does this usually go down?
What is your OC's singing voice like? Does it surprise other people by being better (or worse) than they expected?
How confident is your OC at writing? Do they regularly write letters or even academic papers? Or is their writing stilted, awkward - or even a source of embarassment to them?
How does your OC's voice change when they are trying to persuade someone else to let them have their own way? Is this particularly persuasive? Perhaps only to certain people?
Has anyone ever mocked or made fun of your OC's accent or the words they use? What was the impact of this upon them?
What kind of compliments might your OC bestow upon another person? Elegant flattery? Crude sexual banter? Measured, but positive feedback?
Does your OC ever use deliberately offensive or abusive terms towards particular social or cultural groups?
How easy does your OC find it to say "no"? Do they prefer to prevaricate? Is this out of courtesy? Or from a fear of rejection?
Are there any words or terms that your OC finds particularly offensive? Is this unique to their own experiences or something on which most people would agree?
Is your OC particularly vocal during sex? Do they tend to use actual words or even full sentences? Or just noises? How much control do they have over this?
How often does your OC raise their voice? Is this always deliberate or can they sometimes not help it?
Does your OC ever make idle threats? Or do they only state very precisely exactly what the consequences will be?
How long are the sentences your OC usually uses in conversation? Do they tend to communicate in brief, or even terse, pieces of dialogue? Or are they prone to flowery language - or even outright verbosity?
Does your OC yell or scream during arguments? Or do they become quiet and withdrawn?
Does your OC ever talk to themselves? How aware of this are they?
What is your OC's laugh like? Is it a genteel titter? A hearty belly laugh? Or a snorting noise like a constipated donkey?
How wide is your OC's vocabulary? Do others consider them eloquent or well-read?
If confronted by someone who cannot - or will not - speak how would your OC respond? If they cannot - or will not - speak themselves then how do others respond to this? How do they make themselves understood?
Is your OC particularly loud in combat? Do they yell? Roar? Or are they a silent and deadly presence?
Does your OC challenge others for perceived discourtesies? Or are they unwilling or unmotivated to cause a scene?
Does your OC ever wish that their voice was different? Are they ever embarassed or ashamed of their accent or the volume of their voice?
Does your OC find any particular voices or accents especially alluring or stimulating?
How often does your OC add new words to their vocabulary? Do they hungrily pick up new terms and words? Or do they struggle to remember such things?
How eloquent is your OC? Is their use of language beautiful, or at least skillful? Or do they struggle to communicate without sounding clumsy or awkward?
Does your OC ever change their language or tone when moving between different cultures or social settings?
What (if any) are your OC's go to "polite" expressions of disappointment or frustration? Do they ever substitute words like "sugar" or "darn" for stronger language? Under what circumstances might they do this?
Does your OC find it easy to talk about sexual activities or bodily parts? Or can they only speak about them using twee euphemisms or obscure slang terms? Or can they not speak about them at all?
What would be the most offensive word or term to use about your OC? How would they respond to this being used towards them? Would it matter what the intent or understanding of the person using it might be?
Was your OC quick to learn how to speak as a child? Was their grasp of language encouraged by those around them? Did anyone read with them? Or recite poetry or stories to them?
Does your OC ever revert to baser, perhaps even coarser, ways of speaking when under stress or anxiety? Or are they consistently poised and self-controlled, no matter how difficult the situation?
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adelar-storytime · 1 year ago
OC questions
60 questions that can be made into an OC ask game, or you can just fill everything out yourself to get to know your character a little better :)
[1] What first impression do they typically make? Are they likeable from the get go, or take time to grow on people?
[2] How does their social personality differ from how they act when they’re alone?
[3] What emotion is the hardest for them to deal with?
[4] How physically and emotionally affectionate they are?
[5] Are they good at keeping secrets?
[6] How direct are they in conversations, do they speak in hints and riddles or bluntly say what they think?
[7] Are they a good liar, and what would they probably lie about?
[8] How open they are about their true feelings, both positive and negative?
[9] What is their love language?
[10] How quickly do they fall for someone?
[11] What are small things that make them happy?
[12] How high is their self-esteem?
[13] What kind of sense of humor do they have, if any?
[14] What does it take to make them laugh, and what does their laugh sound like?
[15] How do they act around people they don't like?
[16] Do they easily rely on others to help them out, or prefer doing everything themselves?
[17] What is their biggest struggle that no one around them is able to understand or believe?
[18] Do they ever have to hide their identity and for what reason?
[19] If they could change one thing about their past, what would they change?
[20] When they’re sad or upset, do they need company or some time alone?
[21] When they’re sick, would they want others to visit and take care of them, or they would rather prefer not to be seen at not their best?
[22] Do they have nightmares, and if yes, when did they start and what are they usually about?
[23] What was the worst, the darkest period of their life that they have been through?
[24] How hard it is for them to not allow their emotions to cloud their judgement?
[25] Do they have fears and phobias, and if they do, do they usually keep it to themselves or talk about it openly?
[26] Do they have any physical or mental ilness, how do they handle it and how open they are about it?
[27] Do they have any scars, how did they get them and how do they feel about them?
[28] What is something that they will never be able to forgive?
[29] How do they deal with loss, stress and anger?
[30] What are their most healthy and most unhealthy coping mechanisms?
[31] How hard it is for them to own up to their mistakes and wrongdoings?
[32] Is there something they've done in the past that they deeply regret till this day?
[33] What are one of their fondest and most treasured memories?
[34] Do they have vices they don't want others to know about?
[35] Do they like their own appearance, and what do they do, if anything, to alter it in any way?
[36] Do they own items that have sentimental value?
[37] How would they spend a lazy day when they have nothing specific to do?
[38] What do they usually do or where do they go when they need to feel comfortable and safe?
[39] What is their sleeping habits and favorite sleeping position, either alone and with someone?
[40] How picky they are with food, do they have specific dietary requirements based on their health or culture?
[41] What’s their usual morning routine?
[42] What is their idea of a perfect friendly hangout and/or romantic date?
[43] Do they enjoy flirting or being flirted with?
[44] On a party, where would you find them?
[45] For an event, would they dress like they typically do, or go all out?
[46] Would they rather dress to look attractive or to feel comfortable, and what would they never wear?
[47] Do they drink alcohol, and if they do, how much and how often?
[48] Are they, or were they at some point in their life, a part of any subculture?
[49] Do they possess any unexpected skill or knowledge that surprises others, and otherwise, what is something anyone would assume they know or can do, but in fact they don’t?
[50] What are they really good and really bad at?
[51] How good are they with money?
[52] Do they speak any other languages aside from their own?
[53] Do they like to sing and how confident they are with their singing?
[54] Do they like giving gifts, and how good are they at picking good gifts?
[55] How long does it take for them to make a new place feel like home, and what do they need for it?
[56] How would they react to hearing a dirty joke?
[57] What was the most stupid or dangerous thing they have ever done?
[58] In the situation where they had to choose, would they rather stay loyal to their morals or to people they love?
[59] What would they want to be remembered for?
[60] If they were to commit a crime, what kind of crime would it most likely be?
some of these question were written myself, some are the courtesy of my friend, and some were brought from my questionnaires in my old fandom. if you use them, please reblog or link back to this post
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just-ornstein · 10 months ago
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[JK]  My first job was as an Assistant Producer for a video game company called Interplay in Irvine, CA. I had recently graduated from Boston University's School of Fine Arts with an MFA in Directing (I started out as a theatre nerd), but also had some limited coding experience and a passion for computers. It didn't look like I'd be able to make a living directing plays, so I decided to combine entertainment and technology (before it was cool!) and pitched myself to Brian Fargo, Interplay's CEO. He gave me my first break. I packed up and moved out west, and I've been producing games ever since.
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[JK] I loved my time at EA. I was there for almost a full decade, and learned a tremendous amount about game-making, and met the most talented and driven people, who I remain in touch with today. EA gave me many opportunities, and never stopped betting on me. I worked on The Sims for nearly 5 years, and then afterwards, I worked on console action games as part of the Visceral studio. I was the Creative Director for the 2007 game "The Simpsons", and was the Executive Producer and Creative Director for the 2009 game "Dante's Inferno".
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[JK] I haven't played in a long while, but I do recall that after the game shipped, my wife and I played the retail version for some time -- we created ourselves, and experimented with having a baby ahead of the actual birth of our son (in 2007). Even though I'd been part of the development team, and understood deeply how the simulation worked, I was still continually surprised at how "real" our Sims felt, and how accurate their responses were to having a baby in the house. It really felt like "us"!
Now for some of the development and lore related questions:
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[JK] So I ended up in the incredibly fortunate position of creating the shipping neighborhoods for The Sims 2, and recruiting a few teammates to help me as we went along. 
Around the same time, we started using the Buy/Build tools to make houses we could save, and also bring them into each new build of the game (correcting for any bugs and incompatibilities). With the import tool, we could load Sims into these houses. In time, this "vanguard QA" process turned into a creative endeavor to define the "saved state" of the neighborhoods we would actually end up shipping with the game.
On playtesting & the leftover sims data on various lots:
Basically, we were in the late stages of development, and the Save Game functionality wasn't quite working. In order to test the game properly, you really needed to have a lot of assets, and a lot of Sims with histories (as if you'd been playing them for weeks) to test out everything the game had to offer. So I started defining a set of characters in a spreadsheet, with all their tuning variables, and worked with engineering to create an importer, so that with each new build, I could essentially "load" a kind of massive saved game, and quickly start playing and testing. 
It was fairly organic, and as the game's functionality improved, so did our starter houses and families. 
The thought process behind the creation of the iconic three neighborhoods:
I would not say it was particularly planned out ahead of time. We knew we needed a few saved houses to ship with the game; Sims 1, after all, had the Goth house, and Bob Newbie's house. But there wasn't necessarily a clear direction for what the neighborhood would be for Sims 2. We needed the game to be far enough along, so that the neighborhood could be a proper showcase for all the features in the game. With each new feature that turned alpha, I had a new tool in my toolbox, and I could expand the houses and families I was working on. Once we had the multi-neighborhood functionality, I decided we would not just have 1 starter neighborhood, but 3. With the Aging feature, Memories, a few wacky objects, plus a huge catalog of architectural and decorative content, I felt we had enough material for 3 truly distinct neighborhoods. And we added a couple of people to what became the "Neighborhood Team" around that time.
Later, when we created Strangetown, and eventually Veronaville, I believe we went back and changed Pleasantville to Pleasantview... because I liked the alliteration of "Verona-Ville", and there was no sense in having two "villes". (To this day, by the way, I still don't know whether to capitalize the "V" -- this was hotly debated at the time!)
Anyway, to answer your question, we of course started with Pleasantview. As I recall, we were not quite committed to multiple neighborhoods at first, and I think it was called Pleasantville initially, which was kind of a nod to Simsville... but without calling it Simsville, which was a little too on the nose. (There had also been an ill-fated game in development at Maxis at the time, called SimsVille, which was cancelled.) It's been suggested that Pleasantville referred to the movie, but I don't think I ever saw that movie, and we just felt that Pleasantville kind of captured the feeling of the game, and the relaxing, simple, idyllic world of the Sims.
Pleasantview started as a place to capture the aging feature, which was all new to The Sims 2. We knew we had toddlers, teens, and elders to play with, so we started making families that reflected the various stages of family life: the single mom with 3 young kids, the parents with two teens, the old rich guy with two young gold-diggers, etc. We also had a much greater variety of ethnicity to play with than Sims 1, and we had all new variables like sexual orientation and memories. All these things made for rich fodder for a great diversity of families. Then, once we had family trees, and tombstones that carried the actual data for the dead Sims, the doors really blew open. We started asking ourselves, "What if Bella and Mortimer Goth could be characters in Sims 2, but aged 25 years? And what if Cassandra is grown up? And what if Bella is actually missing, and that could be a fun mystery hanging over the whole game?" And then finally the "Big Life Moments" went into the game -- like weddings and birthdays -- and we could sort of tee these up in the Save Game, so that they would happen within the first few minutes of playing the families. This served both as a tutorial for the features, but also a great story-telling device.
Anyway, it all just flowed from there, as we started creating connections between families, relationships, histories, family trees, and stories that we could weave into the game, using only the simulation features that were available to us. It was a really fun and creative time, and we wrote all of the lore of Sims 2 within a couple of months, and then just brought it to life in the game.
Strangetown was kind of a no-brainer. We needed an alternate neighborhood for all the paranormal stuff the Sims was known for: alien abduction, male pregnancy, science experiments, ghosts, etc. We had the desert terrain, which created a nice contrast to the lush Pleasantville, and gave it an obvious Area 51 vibe.
The fact that Veronaville is the oldest file probably reflects the fact that it was finished first, not that it was started first. That's my guess anyway. It was the simplest neighborhood, in many ways, and didn't have as much complexity in terms of features like staged big life moments, getting the abduction timing right, the alien DNA thing (which I think was somewhat buggy up until the end), etc.  So it's possible that we simply had Veronaville "in the can", while we put the last polish on Pleasantville (which was the first and most important neighborhood, in terms of making a good impression) and Strangeville (which was tricky technically).
But my personal favorite was Veronaville. We had this cool Tudor style collection in the Build mode catalog, and I wanted to ship some houses that showed off those assets. We also had the teen thing going on in the aging game, plus a lot of romance features, as well as enemies. I have always been a Shakespeare buff since graduate school, so putting all that together, I got the idea that our third neighborhood should be a modern-day telling of the Romeo and Juliet story. It was Montys and Capps (instead of Montagues and Capulets), and it just kind of wrote itself. We had fun creating the past family trees, where everyone had died young because they kept killing each other off in the ongoing vendetta.
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[JK] You know, I have never seen The Lone Gunmen, and I don't remember making any kind of direct references with the Strangetown Sims, other than the general Area 51 theme, as you point out. Charles London helped out a lot with naming Sims, and I'm pretty sure we owe "Vidcund" and "Lazlo" to him ... though many team members pitched in creatively. He may have had something in mind, but for me, I largely went off of very generic and stereotypical ideas when crafting these neighborhoods. I kind of wanted them to be almost "groaners" ... they were meant to be tropes in every sense of the word. And then we snuck in some easter eggs. But largely, we were trying to create a completely original lore.
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[JK] Well, I think we kind of pushed it with The Sims 2, to be honest, and I remember getting a little blow-back about Bunny Broke, for example. Bunny Broke was the original name for Brandi Broke. Not everyone found that funny, as I recall, and I can understand that. It must have been changed before we shipped.
We also almost shipped the first outwardly gay Sims in those neighborhoods, which was bold for EA back in 2004. My recollection was that we had set up the Dreamers to be gay (Dirk and Darren), but I'm looking back now and see that's not the case. So I'm either remembering incorrectly (probably) or something changed during development.
In general we just did things that we found funny and clever, and we just pulled from all the tropes of American life.
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[JK] The alien abduction started in Sims 1, with a telescope object that was introduced in the "Livin' Large" expansion pack. That's when some of the wackier ideas got introduced into the Sims lore. That pack shipped just before I joined Maxis in 2001; when I got there, the team had shipped "House Party" and was underway on "Hot Date". So I couldn't tell you how the original idea came about, but The Sims had this 50's Americana vibe from the beginning, and UFOs kind of played right into that. So the alien abduction telescope was a no-brainer to bring back in Sims 2. The male pregnancy was a new twist on the Sims 1 telescope thing. It must have been that the new version (Sims 2) gave us the tech and flexibility to have male Sims become pregnant, so while this was turned "off" for the core game, we decided to take advantage of this and make a storyline out of it. I think this really grew out of the fact that we had aliens, and alien DNA, and so it was not complicated to pre-bake a baby that would come out as an alien when born. The idea of a bunch of guys living together, and then one gets abducted, impregnated, and then gives birth to an alien baby ... I mean, I think we just all thought that was hilarious, in a sit-com kind of way. Not sure there was much more to it than that. Everything usually came from the designers discovering ways to tweak and play with the tech, to get to funny outcomes.
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[JK] Possibly we were just testing the functionality of the Wants/Fears and Memories systems throughout development, and some stuff got left over.
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[JK] I can't remember, but that sounds like something we would have done! I'm pretty sure we laid the groundwork for more stories that we ended up delivering :) But The Sims 2 was a great foundation for a lot of continued lore that followed.
I once again want to thank Jonathan Knight for granting me this opportunity and taking the time from his busy schedule to answer my questions.
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agirlwithglam · 5 months ago
The secret to actually being interesting and fun:
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Is to be interestED
Guys fr tho, talk about others. Ask OTHER people questions, react to what they say, get interested!! You may think that they are super interested in what you have to say, but most of the time, they dont actually care if ur someone who talks about yourself a lot.
Normally you can tell when somebody isn’t as interested as you’d like and if you start to see that. Stop talking immediately and ask THEM a question.
Also remember that if you have nothing to say but you want to keep a conversation alive, don’t insult them, don’t desperately compliment them as a way to get them to like you, ask about them. TAKE AN INTEREST IN THEM!! And if you genuinely do like something about them, then do compliment it + ask a follow up question!
(And esp if you find that they start getting excited/ passionate about that subject, encourage them to talk about it more!)
Compliment + follow up questions:
“omg i love ur (hair) curls, what’s ur secret!”
Your neckless is stunning it goes with your vibe so well! Where’d you get it from? (Might be a present, and then you can ask about that person!)
You’re so good at [school subject], how??
Questions examples:
Any plans when you get home?
What did you do over the weekend?
What’s your fav song? / do u like Sabrina carpenter/ Taylor swift? (Then proceed to bond and fangirl over the songs)
How’s your day been so far? (Sometimes asking the most simple questions can make a person feel seen)
What do you want to be when you’re older?
How would you describe your dream partner?
Etc etc etc
Also I found this on Pinterest and its all you need: Pinterest link <3
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witchcraftandburialdirt · 2 years ago
what is their idea of the afterlife?  does it scare them?
does their family/friends have any traditions they take part of?
what’s currently in their pockets/purse/etc?
do they believe in magic?  why do they have this belief?
For Haru
⎯⎯⎯⎯ What is their idea of the afterlife?  does it scare them?
Despite being from the south and his mom's insistent pushing on spirituality, Haruko isn't very religious in anyway, and he doesn't believe in an end all be all. He believes that our energies get recycled, how long it takes for us to return to being humans he doesn't know, but he always has had a strange feeling that this wasn't his first life. He settled that Heaven and Hell felt too binary and the Void was too depressing, so reincarnation it is.
⎯⎯⎯⎯ Does their family/friends have any traditions they take part of?
Haruko practices most American holidays but horrifically he doesn't care much about his cultural traditions besides the ones he grew up with; aka his creole roots. He stole of all of his mothers recipes (gumbo, jambalaya, crawfish etouffee), LOVES zydeco music and genuinely would love to go back down to Louisiana. He's a lot more removed from his father's cultural roots since he was often away on business.
⎯⎯⎯⎯ What’s currently in their pockets/purse/etc?
Keys, his phone, wallet, a switchblade, and a tiny pen.
⎯⎯⎯⎯ Do they believe in magic?  Why do they have this belief?
Haru is actually quite superstitious. While he doesn't believe in illusory magic, he knows that is completely fake - but bad luck and demons are a different story. While it doesnt effect his daily life and he doesn't actively worry about it if its placed infront of him he will react pretty hilariously compared to his usually cool demeanor. Ghosts and demons especially freak him out, its almost comical how swiftly his personality shifts when confronted with them.
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mellohiizz · 3 months ago
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so, um. that spoke uu episode, huh.
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blorboquestions · 4 months ago
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yourocdoeswhat · 3 months ago
What's your OC's most obvious red flag?
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