#&& The first step of the journey is the hardest to take ;; Starter Call
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lightreigned · 3 years ago
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OK FRIENDS!  If you rp a character in Smash, or want to rp in a smash Verse.... Like this post. I cannot be contained. I’m VIBRATING! SO COME HMU??
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icynhot · 5 years ago
Man... I’m always down to write a fantasy verse. Hit the heart for a starter because I’m a sucker for fantasy verse?
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chaserainbows · 4 years ago
Five HC's of Barry's worst experiences during his League Challenge.
Send me “Five of those ______ HC’s” and fill in the blank with a topic, and I’ll give you five headcanons about that topic for my muse!
Top 5 worst experiences but this time it's Barry's turn to suffer
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5) The first time he got to Veilstone. By that point, he was pretty much convinced that there was something his friends weren't telling him- he was collecting badges much faster than them, after all, to a point where it seemed less like he was just doing better than them and more like they were outright incompetent, a fact that didn't match his perception of them- but since he didn't know about Team Galactic yet that led to him trying to find other causes for this problem.
The thing is, when Barry's own insecurities come into the picture, he ends up making assumptions that don't necessarily match up with reality. In that case, the lack of information made him feel left out and wonder if people weren't just humoring him so he'd pay attention to the league challenge and leave them alone. That wasn't the case, of course, but sometimes when you get ideas like this it's hard to get them out of your head.
4) Right before being given his starter Pokémon. Barry was always motivated to take on the league challenge and become a famous trainer, so he wanted to ask Professor Rowan for a Pokémon so he could officially get started. Being an impulsive 12 year old, however, he wanted that as soon as possible and didn't consider the risks of going through Route 201 without any Pokémon of his own, even convincing one of his friends into going along with it.
What got him out of trouble back then was the professor showing up at just the right time to interrupt him. Being called out on his recklessness was one thing- he was willing to admit he was wrong after thinking it through- but what really scared him was the fact that he could've ruined not just his own chances of getting a starter Pokémon, but also those same chances for one of his best friends. The idea of causing trouble for someone he likes was so distressing that his first thought was to convince Rowan that the whole thing was his fault so he'd be the only one blamed for it, which ironically is what kickstarted the plot of the whole game.
3) The Giant Marsh bombing, for two big reasons- the first one being, of course, that a bombing happened in Pastoria while he was there and regularly visiting the Great Marsh, meaning that he could've died had his timing been slightly different. The second one is that it was the first time he actually saw Team Galactic in action, which made him realize he was suspecting his friends for no reason.
That made him recontextualize many events over the course of his journey that were suspicious but didn't stand out too much at first. Why he was always several steps ahead, why his friends were always spending time with some shady police officer, why Kouki was so cagey about losing his Pokédex if he simply got robbed- that was all because Team Galactic was a much bigger threat than expected. If he could beat them, then everything would go back to normal- or so he thought.
2) Losing to Kouki right before getting to challenge the Elite 4 was something he was bitter over, but eventually channeled into motivation to become stronger. After all, becoming the champion meant a lot to him, as he wanted to surpass his father's legacy and prove he was good enough, so while he was happy for his friend that didn't make his own failure hit any less hard.
There was a certain amount of envy to it too, as he felt like he wanted it more than Kouki and that it was a waste for the title to get passed over to someone that didn't intend to stick around and maintain it for very long. He got over it eventually, though, as there would always be a next time and the title did matter to his friend, even if in a different way.
1) Lake Acuity. After learning about Team Galactic in Pastoria, he wanted to make up for his previous lack of assistance by stopping them himself, both to take weight off his friends' shoulders as well as to prove that things weren't so bad, because he was still young and didn't completely understand the situation. So when the professor told him to investigate Lake Acuity, he jumped at the chance to be the hero.
Getting there, however, he got defeated by Jupiter, failed to rescue Uxie and could've gotten into serious trouble if not for, again, someone showing up at just the right time to bail him out (in this case Kouki). That was the reality check he needed to understand the gravity of the situation, but at the same time because he was trying so hard to be optimistic to the point of ignoring things that didn't match his worldview, that failure hit him the hardest.
Honorable mentions: Stark Mountain (his loss at the league still hurt and that made him lose to Buck), Spear Pillar (didn't make the cut because he got revenge on Jupiter at least), Veilstone but in the Canary Diamond verse (holy fucking shit)
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aleapoffaithfiction · 6 years ago
“And you? You my destiny.” - Shyne
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“More wine Mr. Marshall?”
Whether you’re from New York City or not, we’ve all in some way, shape, or manner ogled over the renowned skyline and created our own fantasies of everything that it is supposed to represent. Whether we’ve fed into the brutalizing gangster narrative painted in The Godfather or tried to figure out life and love along with the famous four in Sex and The City, it’s meaningful and will always represent either a new beginning or the backdrop of your wildest journeys and dreams. Tonight, as I’m in the midst of its beauty, it’s serving as a testament to either a potential new beginning or a distaste of some sort. I’ve been too focused on the soothing waves lightly rolling along the Hudson River and the patrons dinning around me to be able to figure out which predicament I’m actually in.
“Bring the bottle.” As my lips curved, my eyes panned over to the barely touched glass on my side of the table and they eventually landed on him. I’m assuming that was supposed to impress me and it might of if we were a bit more acquainted with one another. I’ve never been cozy with overindulging with any type of alcoholic beverages while on a date, because I need to be of sound, mind, and body in order to properly comprehend body language and most of all, the dialog between myself and the person I’ve chosen to go out with. Even with this so-called history that Quinton believes we have with one another, I still don’t trust him enough to expose my comfort zone with him. He’s not Taylor.
The River Café. It’s uniquely right under the Brooklyn Bridge and literally over the river. I’ve heard more than enough people rave about it for it to be in contention as one of the elite restaurants in borough and there’s no hiding the reality that it is also one of the most expensive places to have a bite to eat. Its romantic ambiance sets the mood with the dim lighting and panoramic views but in my opinion Dom Salvador, the Brazilian samba funk innovator, is the true main attraction. I’ve found myself nodding my head and occasionally snapping my fingers along to many of the tunes the celebrated pianist played since we’ve arrived. Quinton deserves credit for taking my stomping ground suggestion into consideration. Being in Brooklyn is a reminder of where we’ve come from, but sitting in this stunning restaurant in the heart of Dumbo, is a testament of how far we’ve come. Touché.
“How is your fish?” I chose the black sea bass as my main course. There was something about it being sautéed with lobster brown butter that attracted me to it over everything else. It was served with grilled artichoke ravioli and fresh artichoke. It’s pretty good, I can admit. The gnocchi I had for an appetizer may have been slightly better, but I’m not complaining. Quinton began his dining experience with an ounce of caviar that immediately cost him a hundred and eighty bucks. Caviar tastes like shit, so I wanted no parts of that.
“It’s really good. I’m enjoying it. And your steak?”
“It’s decent. I’ve had better.” I didn’t expect him to show up in a suit, but he did, in politician blue. In that field, your head can never leave the game. Who’s to say that he won’t run into some multimillionaire that he may need some campaign contributions from or maybe he’ll shake hands and kiss babies with a few supporters before we call it a night.
“Have you eaten here before?”
“Once before. It was a business dinner.”
“It’s my first time here. I’ve heard about it, but I never kept it in the back of my mind to come. I’m impressed for the most part. The location is literally perfect.” That it is. I can even say hello to our France gifted Statue of Liberty from here.
“It is right?”
“So, let me ask you this. Why sports?”
“Why not sports? Don’t get me wrong, the sports industry within itself has a lot of bullshit within it but what industry doesn’t? You just have to learn how to move amongst the vultures. Overall, I don’t think a lot people realize how sports are one of the primary aspects of life that brings people together. When you step into those arenas, stadiums, or fields, you see people of all ethnic backgrounds sitting together, uniformly, and basking in the moment. Sports drive our emotions, serve as our conversation starters and endings, are reasons for our road trips, and bring tradition within our families. They began lifelong friendships, cure pain, and have served as a shift within this country and many others for centuries. I fell in love with them. They’re what thrilled me ever since I was a child and I had a parent who advocated for that.” I’ve gotten that question a lot; sometimes in a sexiest manner and on occasion, out of genuine interest. I’d like to think it’s what I was meant to do. I have a high regard for our nation’s doctors, lawyers, business people, artists, and everything else, but I’ve never had a passion to be anything else other than who and what I am right now.
“I don’t know. I’ve always thought you’d end up being an actress or some type of model.” Should I be insulted by that? I don’t know. “Why?”
“Of course, you’re beautiful, but you’ve also always been great at speaking and being expressive.”
“So, then we can attribute that as to why I’m so good at my job now. Why politics?”
“It wasn’t always my passion. Initially, I wanted to be a forensic scientist. Well, now that I think about it, I guess I always wanted to be involved with the justice process in some aspect. I’d like to think that’s what politics is but just in a much grander fashion.”
“Justice? So that’s all you’re in it for? The justice aspect of things?” I find that hard to believe. Sure, politicians have power but, in my opinion, it’s typically for all of the wrong reasons when it comes to most of them. I’ll give credit when it is due to those who actually do bring about the shifts in culture, growth, and renewal that they speak of but other than that, I’ve never been drawn to anything about it. I’m no American flag waving, super patriotic chick. Most would say I’m living the modernized American dream since I have no husband or children within my home seemingly by choice, but what the hell is the American dream anyway? What makes it the ultimate goal?
“I’d be liar if I said that is the only thing on my mind. I do want to make a difference, but not only within this city, but also within this country. For me, that’s a duty much like it is for a military officer who willingly signs up to protect and serve, but politics comes with networking unlike any other and that’s the type of networking that I need so that I can continue to take not only myself but also my businesses to new horizons.”
“I see.”
“You sound displeased.” His soft chuckle followed the sound of his fork hitting the plate. He then took a sip of his wine and leaned in to get a better glimpse at my facial expression.
“I’m not displeased. I can’t or won’t knock your hustle.”
“My hustle?”
“Everyone has a hustle.”
“This is true. I haven’t heard that word in quite a while but we know it well, being from here and all. Let me ask you this about your hustle Sarai. We all know and see how well you’ve done for yourself. We’ve applauded it and continue to do so. But is that it? All that you want to do with that powerful voice of yours is use it for sports? You only want to lend your voice to analyze, occasionally critique, and celebrate a bunch of pompous athletes who will never do the same for you in return?” This man has a lot of nerve.
“I lend my voice to what moves the world no matter what is going on. As I said, sports are a vital part of the culture of not only this country, but the entire world. People turn on their televisions every day, tune in through mobile devices, tablets, and whatever the hell else, just to be able to hear what I have to say. Those pompous athletes you speak of approach me whenever they’re able to catch me out somewhere and they either thank me or humbly admit they can understand why I critiqued something they did. I have no problem lending my voice to them, because they’re ordinary people with once in a lifetime talent, who live their lives under microscopes of misjudgment and scrutiny. As a politician, shouldn’t you understand that? Aren’t you supposed to be a voice for the people?”
“Yes, for the people.”
“And they’re people just like anyone else is.”
“I see bigger things for you. I always have. Why do you think I’ve been so adamant about us having a moment like this? It’s not only because I’ve always been attracted to you and interesting in having something more, but also because I want you with me during this journey. I believe that we can really get out there and make a real difference within this world. The Obamas were just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to black faces like ours being in positions of power. I don’t want what Barack accomplished to be a one and done because that’s what these white motherfuckers are working their hardest to make sure of. No one’s pushing back enough as far as I’m concerned but I’m going to be the one to do so.”
“You just said that you saw me becoming an actress or a model and now all of a sudden, I’m Michelle Obama’s successor? That’s funny. Ultimately, I’d like to believe we’re both already making a difference. No?”
“We are, but we’re just in the early stages of it. We’re still gold fish in a world full of sharks. You want to get ahead in this world? Not only do you have to be a shark too, but in our case, we have to be the sharpest ones because we don’t get to slide by with mediocrity like the others do.”
“I agree with that in some aspects.”
“Sarai, I don’t want to do this alone and this country prides itself on the foundation of family. I need a family. I can’t continue running for these higher offices without a wife by my side and eventually, a couple of children too.”
“You just said Sarai I don’t want to do this alone, and then you went on to explain all of the political reasons why you need me. What am I supposed to be? A prop? I’m not into politics. I’m a Democrat by default and it’s only because it’s the lesser of two evils. That’s all I have in that department and as far as I’m concerned, I’m fine with it. In addition to that, is that what our foundation is supposed to be? You’d be sliding a ring on my finger, when? Tonight? Next week? Maybe a month or two from now? And it’ll all be for the sake of you continuing to catapult your political career? Excuse my French, but you must be out of your fucking mind Quinton.” The octaves within our voices hadn’t shifted whatsoever and if anyone were closely observing us, you’d think we were two people gleefully enjoying one another over a candlelit dinner and yet the reality is, propositions are being laid out on the table and underhanded insults were being slipped in somewhere in between them.
“Your mother said you would say that.”
“My mother? You spoke with my mother about this? Oh yeah, you are the idiot that I’ve always thought you were.”
“An idiot? So, you’re calling me an idiot for having yearned for you for all of these years while you deliberately ignored me? I’m an idiot for ignoring the advances of women of many different statures all for the sake of having Sarai Nazaire, the around the way girl, as my wife?” I nearly spit out the wine swirling around in my mouth onto the table in response to the manner in which he said my name. He’d said it like I was some damsel in distress who needed his rescuing.
“Are you blaming me for decisions that you made on your own accord? You chose to ignore those women. You could have done whatever you liked. Also, I wasn’t ignoring you. I had a lot going on and I wasn’t in a place to nurture a relationship.”
“But you were in enough of a place to be with Shamel?”
“I didn’t do much nurturing of that.” And neither did he. I tried. If no one will give me credit for it, I certainly will give it to myself. I tried to be a lot of things for that man but from his perspective I came up short in every category. There wasn’t a single aspect of me that he believed to be more than or even just enough for him.
“And even with our history, there isn’t anything about you and I that makes sense?”
“What history? Are you speaking of our friendship or the one time we slept together? I hope for the sake of us walking away from this table with somewhat of a decent connection to one another, that you’re speaking about our friendship.”
“I’m speaking about everything; everything that happened and everything that you resisted. You’ve never given me a chance.”
“What do you think I’m doing right now? Why do you think I’m sitting here? I’m trying to give you a chance and yet you’re sitting there propositioning me instead of courting me. Am I supposed to be flattered?”
“I am courting you. I want to court you. I’m not trying to jump into all of this as quickly as you assume. I’m simply letting you know my intentions. I don’t want to date you just for the sake of dating. I want us to work towards having a future together.”
“How can I feel good about hearing something like that when I know that it comes with a motive?” If he and I were to choose to move forward after this date tonight, I’d know that there may possibly be only a small portion of our union that has some authenticity to it.
I’ve never considered myself to be the hopeless romantic type of woman who idly sits around waiting for my prince charming to show up at my door in shining armor and sweep me off of my feet. I don’t even know what I want or need out of love. Far more than anything else, I believe that aspect of life is the most complex and it doesn’t seem to have the patience for me, and that’s alright I suppose because the feeling is sort of mutual.
Even in admitting that, I can’t fake it until we make it with Quinton. I’m not capable of smiling until my cheeks feel like they’re going to shatter, while I pageant wave at crowds of people as a figure within his enormous shadow. We’d eventually become something more corrupt than Watergate and more scandalous than Clinton and Monica Lewinsky. We’d unravel in a manner that this country has never seen a First Couple ever do before. He’s barely tolerating my resistance now, so imagine the reaction he’d have to it once his ego is unbearably and uncontrollably colossal.
“With the places that we’re at within our lives, everyone who we encounter that shows interest will have some sort of a motive.” I, too, have had thoughts that mirrored his. I’ve observed women toss out all of their integrity for a chance encounter with someone prominent and affluent enough to raise their stature within society.
I’ve had men offer to buy me a drink at bars just to be able to speak about their glory days as a high school athlete while noticeably slipping in desires that they believe I can help them with. There are family members who I’ve probably only spoken to once or twice since my birth who have given odd interviews to tabloids for a few bucks about aspects of my life they know nothing about. So, while his statement holds its truths, how can I ever live comfortably if I believe anyone who I encounter has it out for me?
“Well Mr. Politician, let that be so. I won’t applaud you because you’ve made your motive known, but I will politely decline your offer. You’re not a bad guy Quinton. You’re just not my guy. I don’t know who that is or where he’ll come from, but I’d rather wait a lifetime for a man that I’m going to actually have undeniable chemistry with rather than force something for the sake of political bliss. You’re asking me to sacrifice everything about who I am and what I stand for, for you. I’d never ask that of you or anyone else. As you said, there are women out here who would love to be on your arm. Stop turning them down and open yourself up to finding the one for you. Do that for yourself, because this is a cold world and I’d hate for you to have to lay next to someone at night who you don’t even love because you want to sit in the highest office in this country. It’s not worth it, at least for me it isn’t.”
While staring at him, I raised my arm to move one of my tight curls out of my face. Suddenly, my lips rose into a grin that quickly erupted into a giggle. The morning I woke up against Beckham’s chiseled chest with his arms tightly wrapped around my body, he joked about my hair being in his mouth at one point while we slept. As we lay there, he switched my name during every sentence that spilled from his rose toned lips. I was Diana Ross, Donna Summers, and Chaka Khan. He even joked that if I’m going to keep my hair like this, then I’d have to put on one of those bonnets that black mothers wear outside to embarrass their kids. I hadn’t laughed so hard since the last time we were together. It seems like all of my laughter comes from him being around him these days.
“You’ve made your choice. I guess I have to live with that.” He grabbed the bottle of wine off of the table and refilled his glass to the edges of the brim. He then tightly gulped it down while my eyes washed over the motion of his Adam’s apple. The tension radiating from his frame snatched what was left of my appetite. We certainly don’t have to bother with dessert.
“You’ll be living with a choice that’s what’s best for both you and I. You don’t want me. I’m sure if I allowed it, you’d climb into bed with me tonight, but anything more? It’s not realistic. I’ve never felt wanted by you and you’ve never felt that from me. We both deserve more. If you don’t believe so, then I do. I deserve someone who looks at me like I was born to be his. I’d prefer to be with a man who indisputably wants me and only me.”
“Well I hope you find that, Sarai.”
“I’m not looking for it. If it comes my way, then that’s amazing. If not, I’ll be alright.”
Silence fell between us and once again, my eyes were gazing out at the striking scenery surrounding the restaurant. As fucked up as it sounds, this would have been a beyond perfect date if that unknown man that I speak of were sitting across from me tonight. Instead of tension, there’d be flirtatious giggles and glances of affection. My heel clad feet would be intentionally grazing against his calves to entice him just as much as he’d be doing to me simply by existing.
While speaking, my ears would be listening to anything he chose to say while my eyes would be reading the clear message of him having every intention to have me gripping the sheets and crying out his name in our bedroom, within his. Not being able to take it anyone, we’d call for the check with half eaten plates in front of us and would waltz off into the night with a care or concern about anything or anyone other than one another. In a perfect world, that’s how things would be, but this world isn’t perfect and neither am I.
“Check please.” I guess he wants to get out of here just as bad as I do.
“Quinton, I’m going to go. I can cover this if you’d like.” I ruined his night. It’s the least that I can do, right?
“There’s no need for you to do that. You’re here by the way of my invitation. I have it under control. Enjoy the rest of your night.” Everything about his tone reeked of dismissiveness and yet I’m unbothered. I get it.
“I’ll see you around, okay? We usually catch one another at church from time to time.”
“I suppose so.”
Upon my arrival to the restaurant, we greeted one another with a huge hug and yet as I’m making my exit a few minutes short of an hour and a half later, I can feel his cold glare following my every move. I insisted that we meet here instead of allowing him to come and pick me up from my place. I’m not comfortable with too many people knowing where I rest my head at night. I know him well enough to know he’d surprisingly pop up at my door and that would easily leave a bad taste in my mouth, so I saved him the future embarrassment and myself the annoyance. With the way this evening ended, my driving here was clearly God being on my side.
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Though the night was barely young, boredom coerced me into cruising around Brooklyn for the hell of it. It was my favorite past time in my hooptie Honda Civic during those summers when I’d be on break from college and had time to spare after putting in the necessary hours for whatever internship I was working for that particular summer. There’s something about it that makes me feel close to my father. I’d turn corners on familiar blocks and those great memories of the two of us taking this borough by a storm would come to the forefront of my thoughts. I’d remember the conversations we’d have with him endlessly dropping knowledge for me to carry with me on life’s journeys and the constant words of reassurance so that I’d always know how proud of me he was. We’d playfully debate about who is greater between Michael Jordan and Magic Johnson, why the Fresh Prince of Bel Air is better than the Cosby Show, and why Allen Iverson will never be my husband. In his neighborly manner, he’d speak to everyone sitting out on their porches and would even buy ice cream for whatever kids were outside if the Mister Softie truck was around. Though my mother would scold him for spending so carelessly, he did it anyway.
It’s cold now. The sidewalks don’t have girls jumping double-dutch, boys aren’t riding by on their bikes, nor are people sitting out on their porches scoping the scene and gossiping about what’s hot on the block. Those memories aren’t coming to me either. Instead, my mind is consumed with something or rather someone else. It’s funny how that works; do you call it a crush or infatuation? Interest or just simple attraction? I don’t know how to define it but this is the first time I’m learning just how out of control our emotions can be.
On the surface, you can put on a performance like you have it all together and absolutely nothing can faze you, but internally? There’s this train wreck on an endless loop. This doesn’t feel like a train wreck though. Instead, there are flutters within the core of my body. Chills trickle up my arms and onto the napes of my neck, and trigger goosebumps that linger around enough to unnerve me. My toes curl, chest tightens, and taking breaths becomes a task to focus on. My duties and concerns for those beyond myself now includes an additional person. How has it come to a point of me not wanting to fail him? How did I get here?
I don’t know how to navigate any of this. I’m a small fish taken out of a pond and thrown into an ocean of the unknown. What now? Do a swim and explore what may be one of the most beautiful experiences of my life? Do I stay right there in the one place I landed and resist learning or exploring everything out of fear? Do I hopelessly swim and end up getting viciously eaten up by something that is beyond me? Shamel was easy, frustrating as fuck, but easy nonetheless. Easy became toxic but in the midst of that, I never had to think this much. We just co-existed. I fear the expectations. I may not live up to the fantasy style of hype that circulates about me.
Just as Quinton had mentioned, I’m the cool around the way girl who can carry a conversation with the dudes probably even better than I can with the chicks. I’ve seen men on social media deem me to be the type of wife who can make the platter of hot wings and then come and flop down on the couch to watch the NBA Finals with my man. It’s possible, but I’m so much more than that. I have my baggage and bullshit with me too. Is that okay? When the make-up is off, my hair is up in the sloppiest ponytail ever, and a t-shirt three times my size with some socks and Nike slippers are covering my body, will I still be the fantasy? When I’m nagging about something that’s irritating me, having one of those days when I don’t want to be bothered with anyone or anything, or having some sort of a mood swing because Mother Nature is running her monthly course, will everything still be all good? I don’t know.
“Oh, fuck you Fantasia. Fuck you.” I’d been letting Apple Music do its thing by allowing my own playlists to flourish while I drive. Having the formatting on shuffle made the transition from Biggie’s “I Got A Story to Tell” to Fantasia’s “When I See You” completely catch me off guard. I’d quickly gone from being lost in my thoughts to listening to Fantasia sing them.
“Screw that.”
I switched to a playlist filled with the Best of The Bad Boy Records Era. I kept the sappy and moody vibe, with just the right amount of Hip-Hop added in for the drive back into Jersey. I saw my home in my rearview mirror as I slowly drove past it. Though I should have parked in my garage and called it a night, my hands remained attached to the steering wheel and my foot pressed on the gas to continue the journey to the person and place invading and conquering my every thought. In one of our many conversations we’ve had, we discussed how many cars he owns and all three of them were very much parked in their usual spots, but the additional cars were a warning that he had company in the house. Somehow, in the back of my mind, I knew that he did, and yet I’ve come here anyway.
I remained unnoticeably parked in his cobblestone driveway for minutes in an attempt to gather my thoughts. It feels like I’m the one who’s pursuing him nowadays. I’m the one in an odd chase.
Hey. Are you busy?
Seconds later, the bubble appeared at the bottom of the screen.
No. What’s up?
I’m not sure what vibe he’s giving. There’s something about that reply that seems short or rather standoffish.
I’m in your driveway.
And looking desperate as hell while at it.
Come in the house. I’ll have someone unlock the door.
I’d be uncomfortable and fearful of what could or would go behind the walls of his home. One innocent slip up with the wrong person could easily cause a world of trouble for me more so than him.
You think maybe you can come outside?
What am I thinking? The man is on crutches. That wouldn’t be fair.
Never mind. I know you have company and I don’t want to disrupt. I’ll just come by tomorrow.
It’s what I should have done in the first place.
Give me five minutes. I’ll come outside.
It was less than five minutes. Despite the crisp cold air, he crutched himself out of the door in a pair of Nike shorts and a hoodie. There was one Virgil Abloh designed Jordan I on his one foot and of course his protective boot on the other. I suppose the beanie hat covering his blonde curls is what is supposed to serve as his protective barrier from the chill. Once he opened up the passenger side door, he tossed his crutches into the back, and carefully slid into the front seat. For the sake of comforting his ankle, he used the side panel on the bottom of the seat to adjust it further back from the normal position it’s usually in.
“Sarai. What’s up?” He finally closed the door and I couldn’t be any more thankful. The fall air was beginning to win against the low heat I had going in the car.
“Nothing major. How are you?” His large hands reached up to readjust his hat as he responded with a shrug.
“Chillin’. Nothing major for me either. I went back home to Louisiana for a couple of days. That was cool.”
“That’s good. I’m sure it was good to get a change of scenery since the injury has had you so cooped up in the house.”
“Yeah, it was a nice little visit. I got to kick it with my brothers and my sister. We even did a family dinner and both my momma and my pops were there. That shit rarely happens these days, so, I’m pleased with how it all turned out.” 
“Did you visit LSU?”
“Not this time. I’m going to visit later on in the month. I’m designing an exclusive Air Force I with Nike and I plan on giving the whole team pairs. So, while I’m down there, I’ll probably kick it at a game.”
“That’s dope. I’m sure they’re going to appreciate that coming from you. Not only are you a hometown hero, but you’ve certainly cemented your legendary status within the LSU history books.”
“For sure. I care about giving back but in this case, I definitely care about inspiring those boys to know that I haven’t done anything that they aren’t capable of achieving.” His humbling spirit is a major part of the foundation that draws me to him. It exudes itself during any conversation he’s having.
“That’s real.”
For the first time since he sat inside of the car, our eyes met and he slowly panned his own down to assess every aspect of my frame. His lips flattened as he tightly pressed them together and with a slight nod, he turned his head forward just as it had been before.
“How was the date?”
Breathless; it’s how he left me. I opened my mouth to speak and whatever words I thought I mustered up to tell him instantly fell flat.
“You’re not wearing a dress like that to church.”
“It was thought provoking and extremely disappointing.”
“And that’s why you’re here?”
“Then why are you here? Let me correct that before you assume. I’m not bothered by your presence. I’m anything but that. You’re just confusing. I spend a lot of time trying to figure you out and I feel like I understand some areas and I come up short in others. I’m just wondering if you’re here because things went badly with him.”
“I’m not here because of that. I already knew how things would go with him before I even went but I needed to, because he’s been in this weird state of limbo and has been filled with hope for years and I needed to know why. Now I know.”
“And that’s all it was?”
“That’s it.” It’s been years since I explained myself to a man. Shamel and I ended damn near four years ago and I despised explaining myself to him because I was made out to be a liar no matter what I said.
“So, you’re here now. Now what? We talk and you run depending upon the way the conversation goes? Or is this the official moment when you friend zone me?”
“Odell, I’m not friend zoning you.” A huff escaped my lips as my fingers trailed from the top of my head and through the curls cascading over my shoulders.
I couldn’t bear to look after him after blurting out what I’d been so afraid to say. Early on, I attempted to keep him as nothing more than a random figment within the professional realm of my life. That failed. I then chose to view him as an acquaintance I run into from time to time and that flopped before I could put it to the test. After spending all of those days in the hospital, the friend zone felt appropriate and as if it could be a success between he and I, but I’d been telling my mind a disastrous lie that my emotions refused to adapt to. ��
“I just don’t know how any of this works. You say I’m confusing and I can be, but this is just as confusing.” I motioned between he and myself for emphasis.
“Well let’s figure it out.” The intensity of his glare silenced the mental clutter. The tone of his voice created a safe and comfort zone unlike any other.
The warmth of his palm met the top of my hand and I instantly flipped it over so our palms could meet. Our fingers laced, interlocking everything we weren’t saying and sealing a deal we’d yet to make.
As the faint music played, the clock grabbed my attention.
“I have something for you.”
“You have something for me? Like what?” His lips curved into that all too familiar smirk of his and his eyes blissfully gleamed. Rather than saying it, I exited the car and quickly made my way to the trunk. I’d been riding around with the box and garment bag in there for over a week and now I can finally cure my anxiousness.
“What’s that?” Again, I didn’t say anything as I leaned in from my side and passed them over so he’d be able to place them on his lap.
“Open the box first.” Once I closed the door, I turned the heat up just a notch more. I didn’t think fall would be hitting this hard. Usually the weather is all over the place, but this year, that shit seems to be no joke. We’re going to be brutalized with snow at the rate things are going.
“Okay.” Like a kid on Christmas, he rubbed his hands together in glee and quickly lifted the lid off. In an instant, he erupted into a booming fit of laughter. I had to join him, because it was so infectious.
I have decent friendship with Angelo Baque, who is more the former brand director of Supreme. We met two years ago at New York Fashion Week and we’ve remained in touch ever since. He even had me model in an ad campaign for the brand last year that was plastered all over New York City in anticipation for fashion week. So, though his Supreme days are behind him, it doesn’t mean that he isn’t in good standing with the brand. It ended up being fairly easy to have a custom Supreme x Louis Vuitton printed walking boot created for Odell.
“Sarai. This is fire.” He closely examined it with bits of giggles that eventually turned into laughter once again. It amused me just as much when I picked it up. It’s fashionably loud and just as gaudy as he can be sometimes. If he’s going to have to wear a big ol’ medical boot, why not make it something representative of himself?
“You like it?”
“Hell yeah. This is perfect. You already know that I sometimes get frustrated as hell when I look down at that boot and you just fixed that problem.”
“I know. That’s why I got it.”
“I love it. I love it so much.”
“I know you have so much of the collection in your possession already because I’ve seen it on your Instagram, but you don’t have this. It’s a sample piece that never made it into the collection. I asked your mom for your size and by a miracle, one of the two jackets of its kind can fit you.” I held the box to make it easier for him to unzip the garment bag and he pulled out the vivid red bomber style of jacket. Everything about it screamed his name when I laid my eyes on it and I had to have it for him, no matter what the price tag was for it. Luckily, it wasn’t as overly hefty as I thought it would be. It’s the perfect piece to pair with the walking boot. Just because he’s injured, doesn’t mean that he can’t be as on point as he usually is when he’s out and about.
“And I thought I had connects. Whew! This is crazy. And it’s a one of one? At least for me it is. I’ma have to stunt with this one. It’s only right.”
“I know a few people.”
“Shit, a few more than me. Sarai, this is amazing. You got me cheesing like a kid on Christmas right now.”
“I know.”
“Oh, so you know me huh?” Why did he have to bite his lip after such a question? My backside shifted in the seat as my thighs pressed together much tighter than they already were.
“I know some things.”
“I want you to know everything.” Our hands met again as I reached to turn the heat off. I didn’t need it anymore.
In an attempt to mask the fluttering radiating throughout my body, I slid further down into the seat.
“I’d like that.”
My eyes panned over to the clock once again. Just as I did, midnight was finally upon us.
“Happy Birthday Odell.”
All week long, I’d been contemplating how I’d go about acknowledging him on his day. I didn’t want it to be the typical call or an impersonal text message. It certainly wasn’t going to be some social media post with a long heartfelt caption like I’m sure he’s going to receive from many throughout the day. Since I’d be bearing gifts, I knew it needed to be done here, but the exact timeframe was a silent debate. Finally, I settled on coming right around this time.
“Thank you, baby.”
Like he’d been doing since he was finally able to trap me into his world at the Bleacher Report party, he leaned over to invade my space. As my head turned, his plush lips brushed mine in a fiery passion and demand. He took possession of all seven of my senses and shifted us into a place where only he and I exist. The warmth of his minty breath rid our space of any bit of cool air trickling into the car.
“Sarai.” He huskily whispered my name; savoring every syllable as if he’d never heard anything more beautiful. Our breaths mingled as his lips pressed into mine.
I would have thought after all of the footage I’ve watched, all of pictures I’ve looked over, and all of the time we’ve spent speaking that I’d know quite a bit about his lips because they’re certainly my favorite part of him to look at thus far, but absolutely nothing could prepare me for this. Nothing.
His tongue sensually brushed over both of my lips in a plea for entry and I granted it. The warmth of his tongue grazed mine and his arm wrapped around my waist and drew me closer in a ravenousness that could not be ignored. He awoken parts of me that have been ignored for nearly four years. I yearned for a type of touch that I haven’t been able to properly satisfy through my own store-bought measures. I’ve laid awake at night wondering how his kiss would feel and as he sucking on my bottom lip in a tease that is sure to send me to an early grave, my wonder didn’t have a chance of measuring up to what I’m feeling right now.
“Take me home with you.” My heart thrashed against my chest as I pulled my quivering bottom lip in-between my teeth. Dear, God.
“Not for anything more than just me spending time with you. That’s it.”
“You have company in your house. You can’t leave them.”
“Yes, I can and I am. Drive.” It wasn’t a request but rather an order.
He settled back into the seat and boldly pulled the passenger side seatbelt over his body and properly secured it. For the sake of my own comfort, he removed the box from my lap and placed it back onto his.
I gazed into his tempting dark chocolate eyes for just a minute to see if he’d change his mind, but he sat patiently waiting for me to make my move and so I did.
I slowly pulled around his driveway and drove off into the night.
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atrainernamedradish · 5 years ago
Top 5 Favorite Rivals
Least Favorite list: https://atrainernamedradish.tumblr.com/post/190290513502/top-5-least-favorite-rivals
Top 5 Favorite Rivals:
5) Barry [Diamond & Pearl; Platinum]
I think people can agree with me when I say Barry either needs to lay off the sugar and caffeine, or needs some Adderall, because holy fuck he was so damned hyper it was unreal! And before someone gets mad at the joke let me remind you that there is some dialogue where he tries to count to ten, and proclaims he can’t even sit still to do so! Like sweet Lord Barry calm the fuck down lol!
Jokes aside, I thought Barry was a solid rival. He wasn’t mean-spirited about being so or always trying to act better than you about it. Sure, he was cocky, but he eventually learned that he had to put his ego aside to actually learn how to be that much of a better trainer. His teams were pretty solid too. He wasn’t the hardest person to face, but he wasn’t a pushover by any means. Sometimes his hyperness was a bit annoying, but nothing that bugged me for too long. He was a good rival to have when you’re trying to deal with the headache that is the other rival that is your boring opposite gender.
4) Marnie [Sword & Shield]
Marnie is an interesting character. When I first saw her in the reveals for Sword & Shield I thought she was going to be this arrogant punk (I blame the black leather and spikes :P), but when you actually meet her that isn’t the case. She’s actually someone who doesn’t have that much confidence in herself, at first though, but as you progress through the game she builds up to that. In fact, the only thing she was confident in was not taking over her brother’s gym and setting out to do her own thing. Besides believing how confident she was going to be, I was also expecting Marnie to have this annoying personality (but I feel like that was due to Team Yell being there more than anything), but once again she blew my expectations out of the water! Her personality was sweet and likeable and it was refreshing! Her team was actually a pretty powerful one and was actually fit her aesthetic! That’s actually rare for a rival in this series if I’m being honest… From her aesthetic that mixes hard and soft (which yay the girls will be getting her outfit which I adore and can’t wait to have on my alt character!), her sweet shy personality that eventually gets some quiet confidence behind it, and her battle prowess, I enjoyed her as a rival as opposed to the other two who either got shafted by the overdone formula, or the one rival trying to be the OG rival who we’ll never truly get back.
3) Blue (Green) [Pokemon Red & Blue (Green); Yellow (Pikachu Edition); FireRed & LeafGreen; Let’s Go Pikachu & Eevee]
And speaking of the OG, here he is: Blue (or Green if your Japanese). Many Pokemon games after the originals have tried to replicate this character, and haven’t quite made one that is up to snuff. This character is a perfect blend of cocky asshole and a strong trainer. You almost liked how much smack he talked then enjoyed kicking his ass after the fact, and doing so wasn’t always an easy feat, even in the remakes (excluding the Let’s Go series since he isn’t your rival in that). He had almost the perfect team not only against your starter but to also counteract your team members that made up your team for said starter’s weaknesses. That’s why kicking his ass was all that much sweeter because he didn’t just hand it to you. He made you work for that victory. While I’m not necessarily someone who is looking for a rival that has to be an elite trainer or anything, it’s nice to not have a friendly rival who talks a big game but is always going to face defeat, and quite easily and quickly too, by your hands. There have been some other rivals that have been pretty tough to deal with, but not as challenging as Blue will ever be… There’s a reason you will find this asshole on almost every top rival list. He earned that spot. Because despite being that smack talking asshole that you have to work extra hard to beat… he is kind of charming. He’s the rival you love to beat.
2) Bianca [Pokemon Black & White; Black 2 & White 2]
I want to make this clear with about my opinions on characters in Pokemon: they don’t have to be the strongest to be my favorites or even liked for that matter, and Bianca is one of those characters as far as battling prowess is concerned. I like Bianca for her character arc as well as the character herself. I think this character gets a lot of hate for no reason other than her not being a strong trainer, or not automatically being this confident cool character that should be ready to adventure which is honestly sad…
For me, Bianca is a very relatable character who in my honest opinion is a very underrated character. She is a character who wanted to do something with her life, but wasn’t sure how to start or go about doing it. Her first attempt is by doing what all the other characters her age do and that’s to set off on her own Pokemon journey, even if she wasn’t exactly ready. As her story progresses she comes to realize that that isn’t for her, and honestly not every person in that world is going to go out there finding out that this is for them. Not to mention not everyone who sets out on their Pokemon journey is going to find themselves being these super powerful trainers who are always going to confidently beat everything in their path. Bianca getting picked on by Team Plasma was not all that farfetched. She was a brand new trainer experiencing new things making her an easy target for them. Your character could have easily been just as privy to Team Plasma. Generation V showed that anyone was susceptible to them. But anyway, I’m going a little off topic, Bianca did struggle, but her struggles eventually took her to her calling: being a professor’s aid. Which fits her and overall is a good story arc for her. She’s not your typical rival of going around trying to one-up you and getting on your nerves trying to do so. She’s a friend, a main character, and unlike the typical power hungry overused rival archetypes, she grew and I was happy for her.
Not to mention, Bianca is one of the first few characters in the series to actually really… notice that there is this big new world around you and it’s something to explore taking it in as opposed to rushing into filling the Pokedex or doing the Gym Challenge, and honestly that’s refreshing for a character! Because you cannot tell me that if you were to leave your home setting off on a journey traveling to many new places that you’d overlook everything? Probably not. You’d want to explore all the new sites. That’s the whole point of an RPG is to explore. I felt more immersed in Black & White than most Pokemon games because I had a character in my journey to make it feel like it was actual exploration instead of bare bones places with much to be had. Unova, as to other regions, had a lot more sightseeing options and a lot more to explore. Unova just felt big, kind of like Johto and Kanto for GSC/HGSS. Just, thanks Bianca for feeling like a real person, instead of one-dimension rival who either wants to kick my ass or is so boring that I wish they were annoying lol…
1) Wally [Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire; Emerald; Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire]
It’s like I stated with Bianca: a rival for me doesn’t have to have battle prowess to be liked by or be a favorite for me. Not gonna lie, I wish Wally had a better team, but unfortunately Wally falls under the earlier formulas of forcing trainers to use entirely new Pokemon instead only peppering their teams with a few new ones, but whatever… 
Wally has one of my favorite rival arcs. He is a sickly kid who wants so badly to be healthier and have a Pokemon of his own so he could one day to set on his very own Pokemon journey like the other kids who have probably left by now on it. Nicely enough your character is there to guide and watch over him as he finally catches his very own Pokemon, even if later you were there to kick his ass a bit later on… While I do like how ORAS gave more facial expressions for this character to make you more sympathetic to him in the story… I wish they hadn’t had him show up after your battle with your dad to keep that mysteriousness of him actually progressing along side you on your Gym Challenge (yes I know you could read the gym signs to see that he’s doing it, but no one thinks to read those, let’s be honest!) before running into him at the end of Victory Road, but oh well. Honestly I wish they had had him in the Champion spot, kind of like what RBY did with Blue, but instead of knowing your rival was one step ahead of you as always you had the sickly kid you thought you sent home after a crushing defeat there instead who actually overcame it and decided to meet you there to prove he did so.
Overall Wally was an underdog and I like characters like that. You don’t expect him to become much more powerful after Mauville. He takes his defeat and he does his best to make up for it by having it push him. He wants to be stronger to prove to everyone, but more importantly to you, the person who was there to witness his journey from the start, how capable he was. Yeah, you do inevitably beat him, which is the fate of the main player in Pokemon, but when you do it you don’t think “aw man I beat another weak rival” or “hah! I beat your smug ass again!” you think of how it was a fun battle and a great progression in a well developed character’s story. And even then, Wally doesn’t take the defeat as a loss, but more as a way to push himself even further. He sees losing as a way to overcome something as to trying to cover up his frustration or to go packing home, and that is an admirable trait. Plus the final battle with him on Victory Road was pretty epic with that new theme of his as well as made me a bit sad because I had to beat him and all he did was smile and thank me… Made me want to cry lol… But that’s why Wally is my favorite rival. He has a great character arc, personality, and he makes me feel so many emotions that I feel like other rivals or characters couldn’t give me… Good job Wally you will always be the rival. 
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wroteclassicaly · 6 years ago
Goodbye prompt please !!!!
Smut Prompts - Michael Langdon 
69. Goodbye - Our muses have one last night before breaking up/leaving each other
A/N : Calling this one  ‘Goodbye Means‘
Pretty happy with the turn out. It’s a lot longer than a drabble or a starter, lol. Most of the time my brain takes off. Fucking Michael. Anyways, hope you enjoy, nonnie! And I hope all of you like it too! Lemme know! 
Warnings : Language and explicit smut.
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You try not to look at him, not wanting to, not being able to tolerate it. Michael has this way, however, of changing your entire resolve. You know what is going to occur before the next sunrise, is for the best, necessary for you both to attend to the next stages of your separate lives. Doesn’t mean it feels entirely right or doesn’t hurt any less. You try to keep that suffocating choke back from clouding your senses.
You want to be open for this last stolen night with your boyfriend. This is the hardest fucking thing you’ve ever had to do, knowing you won’t get this anymore after it’s all over. He’ll find someone else when he finally reaches the purpose in his life that he’s always been meant to. And this is all you can think about, well, besides the obvious horizon. You no longer look forward to them, they’ll just remind you from this point on.
You feel the bed dip, Michael’s cologne attacking your senses and increasing the burning in your eyes. You turn your head, wanting to run from this, go with him, forget all of everything until you’re okay again. It isn’t possible. You don’t need his sigh to tell you that. He noses your shoulder, lips pecking your flesh.
“Please don’t shut me out, Y/N.” Michael pleads, his voice on the verge of cracking.
You want to laugh but you don’t. Shrugging him off you, you move in front of your dresser, wrapping your arms around yourself, his lips already a ghost to your skin. There’s this fleeting moment where you desire to push him out the door and forgo your agreement.
Look at you trying to tell yourself it’s a simple business arrangement to lessen the pain you’re denying.
You don’t have to turn around to be aware of the hurt you caused Michael. Rejection doesn’t bode well with him, especially when he’s already tangled in a sea of emotions, having lost Ms. Mead only days ago. It kills you to be the one doing it to him, but you can’t help it. If you two have sex then won’t it be harder to let go in the morning?
This is so stupid, fucking crazy and absurd.
He can’t choose you after you have been loyal to him, with him every step since you two met. You support what he has to do to finish this, begin his true mission, avenge Mead. But he’s leaving you behind and it’s more than you can bear. Thus, your heart begins to override your head, speaking for you.
“You might as well just end me before you end the world,” You whisper, eyes now fully glassed over by the hot tears.
Nothing but watery shapes are visible in your vision, everything losing all meaning, your heart splattered all over your feet. You can feel yourself detaching like you were before you met Michael, obliterated beyond repair. It has your soon to be ex who just wants to shove his cock inside of you one last time, on the verge of a panic attack.
No, he loves me, it’s not just sex for him. It’s becoming one together before we can’t be anymore.
Rationality is trying to reason with your painful anger. You can’t fight, too tired and defeated. You can’t go through with this, because that means it’s true. Michael has a bigger and better purpose than you. And you’re not fit to travel the journey with him.
He has disagreed but you state it fact. I’m nothing when it all boils down.
Michael is wrapping his arms around your waist from behind before you know which end is up, making your lungs stutter, stumble, trying to remember the simple art of breathing. It hurts, you’re scorching, skin singeing. You try to bite back how your entire body feels safe in his hold, how nothing can ever harm you, how you’re both at your best together. Your hands, how laying them atop his own sends an electricity so powerful through you that you can’t feel your feet on the hardwood.
You unravel quickly, panicked adrenaline twisting through you, poisoning out all emotions in a vile wash.
Michael tries to speak and you tug your jean skirt down with your panties, bending over to hold onto your dresser, watching in a sickly trance as your tears sprinkle the floor below. You’re sour, closing those iron doors off, wanting to slam them in Michael’s face, in fate’s smug form. Your lips stretch around a crackling chap, throat dry and wet with anguish, sending your heart back out to reveal. “Take what you want and get the fuck out of my life. It’s all just time after this, doesn’t matter anymore.”
It’s all still, like a fresh snowfall on a quiet morning when nothing exists but the cold beauty of nature. You take the opportunity to assume he’s done and you close the door but a crack, heart splintering in the first few shattered pieces. He isn’t fighting for you anymore. Relieved, disgusted, confused, you are at your bedroom door and you have it open, vice spinning every last ounce of strength you can create-out of you to look directly at Michael. His shoulders are rolled back, his breathing eerily husky, eyes dangerously glaring daggers through you.
You aren’t afraid of him, not really. But right in this moment? His lips are pursed, hands balled into fists. You might’ve just sliced his last rope of sanity. Something inside you is hungry to keep pushing him, make him hate you and go.
He will destroy you soon when he offs the world and that means you can collide into your solitude.
You almost turn your head from his heated lockdown when he’s biting back at you. “Fuck. You.”
The door slams shut, ricocheting off your entire body, leveling you breathless. You gape at him, suddenly wishing you’d kept your clothing on. You rudely wipe the back of your hand over your eyes and start to slide around the door to go, find your breath. Michael is there by your side in seconds flat. You jolt, a reaction so strong that your palm is snapping across his cheek before you can stop yourself. It doesn’t help you, it only releases the flood gates inside you that come barreling through you, forcing the gates back open.
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I can’t breathe, I can’t–” You begin gasping, verging a double over.
Michael is clasping your cheeks in his hands, hit forgotten, forehead sloping to fit to yours. “Shh, shh. Y/N–”
“Please don’t leave me, Michael, please.” You begin to struggle, choppy gapes of air brutally clawing from your throat, puffing past your lips.
You fall into him and you both hit the floor, your lips meeting his in animal instinct, inhaling the air he shares with you, his breath warm, cool like the toothpaste he uses. You fist your fingers into his soft curly hair and pull, spreading your legs to secure him between. There’s a new mission, your hesitation gone. You do NEED this. You’re swelling, teetering into that violent ache.
Clipping your right hand around his neck’s nape, you break a wet kiss, saliva matted to both your mouths. You’re uncaring, Michael’s moving in to leave his marks behind on your neck, teeth scraping, lips sucking to soothe. You maneuver your free hand to his crotch and squeeze, sliding your hand back and forth to console his hardness. He attempts to unsnap your blouse and tires, ripping it open, tearing your bra down to free your breasts. You arch into his awaiting mouth, plump lips closing around your nipple, the stimulation spreading like wildfire down to your already soaked cunt.
You uncuff your other hand to yank at his belt, undoing his pants and shoving them down below his ass with a wild cry of starvation to have him. You’re more than ready to coat him and bring him inside you, legs trembling at the thought of his cock parting your swollen folds, leaving him sticky with your creamy arousal. He uses all his power to quit, pinning your hands in his gently, both of you panting endangered animals.
“I want to savor you, go slow, touch, taste every inch of you,” He brings his mouth down to kiss your jaw, nosing you. “fill every single opening with my cum.”
You lick at his mouth, getting him to part for a sloppy kiss, shaking your head.
“You said earlier before we made this deal for one last night, that maybe someday we’d have another.” His blue eyes drown in tears, he nods, brushing some of your hair off your forehead, letting you continue. “Let’s go slow after the world ends. If I find you, promise me that night.”
“Whether you’re with me or not, my nights are always going to be yours. My moments. I love you more than what is inside of me. Know it, Y/N, please say you know that.” You’re rapidly melting, uncurling with a crash.
Your heart spills out into Michael’s hands, forever with him. “You’re my whole world.” Is all you can get out, the sobs pounding your chest, launching out of you.
Michael slides his fingers into your mouth for you to suck and he’s preparing you, stroking, memorizing you so slowly it hurts. By the time you’re ready he is shaking, damn near falling apart. You hold him close to you, both of you locking eyes, you guiding him inside of you, relishing in that deep set pushing pull, that prickling stretch that causes goosebumps to puncture your flesh. You curl your legs around Michael and move in rhythm with him, tears dropping off your cheeks and onto your breasts. Michael intercepts, licking the salt off you, pressing his nose back against yours, not taking his eyes off you, neither of you daring to look away.
He’s so beautiful you smile through your cries, Michael kissing you through his breakdown, his cock swelling inside you. He looks at you in apology and you wrap an arm around his neck, hand resting in his hair. “Please…. please come inside me.”
Michael shakes, wanting you to have yours too. “Together.”
He has his hand hovering over where you’re joined, prepared to rub your clit but you opt out of it. “Just let me feel you.” You slide your fingers through his in a clasp, arching off the floor and clenching around him, jaw dropping.
“Baby, please come,” Michael whispers as if he’s drunkenly wedding your soul here and now, and fucking help you it hits you both that this is a turning point, that he is. The next time you meet things will be different, a new world. Your combined breathing is an echo surround sound in your sex steamed room.
Pleading pleas.
You both can’t deny.
Your muscles lick you sated, holding Michael deep inside you, his cock pulsing, swelling. You’re holding each other’s hands so tightly your fingers are turning white to the knuckles. You let the tickle flame you down, your vision darkening around the edges until all you see is Michael’s blue eyes holding yours. His brows pinch together, innocent, he cries out, a warmth drenching your sensitive pussy, gifting you with every piece of his essence he can offer. He collapses atop you in a fit of sobs, both of you shattered.
When the sun rises you find yourself tucked into bed, alone with Michael’s scent. You climb from your bed, sore, reminding you he was really here hours ago. You open your blinds to watch the pink sky catch golden hues in her blending magic.
Some time later, many empty nights, you are following your unusual routine. With your chips, copy of your newly purchased DVD Misery and Big Gulp in hand, you head into your house for a night that means nothing in hindsight. But when you go to your dresser to pull out your pink cardigan sweater, an envelope is stuck to it. Your heartbeat gallops full speed ahead, taking your throat hostage.
You don’t think about possible intruders, danger, who could’ve gotten in here. You are opening its contents and sliding down into the floor, a disbelieving cry cartwheeling out of you. Your fingertips stroke the paper, wide eyes alert. Gates flashing a welcome sign.
Goodbye means I never left you.
From the ashes I will forge a paradise.
When the smoke of winter clears, I will bring into fruition, our promise.
Sanctuary is salvation, only if you are by my side.
Bring what matters to you, I have provided the rest that you will receive upon your arrival. Someone will be coming for you by sunrise.
You will be taken to a familiar place, one where you will be safe.
There’s a woman there, she has a face you will recognize, but she isn’t aware of what you and I know. She is under direct orders to make sure you’re taken care of. Trust her.
Things will be rough there for a while and you will not see me until it’s time. I have given your last name as Langdon. They’ll refer to you as such. What’s in this envelope, please accept it.
They won’t question how you got in, but in case they do, Ms. Mead left me a fortune that also belongs to you. I’ve used some to gain you entry. To them you are just another rich body of bones.
I dream of rebuilding the night with you.
Goodbye means I’ll see you after the world ends.
Goodbye means I will ask you after we go slow.
Goodbye means
 I love you,
You dip your fingers into the paper to pull out a gold band.
“Goodbye means I will ask you after we go slow.” You repeat out loud, rocking into yourself, holding onto what Michael left, reality settling in. 
He chose me, he needs me. 
“Goodbye means yes.” You answer, sliding his ring onto your left hand.
The ride was long, scenery catching you into memory lane. By the time the black limousine is arriving, you recognize this place as Michael’s old school. A woman with Miriam Mead’s face is greeting you as you stare, eyes sparkling in wonder.
“Welcome to outpost 3.” She speaks curtly, leading you. You focus on your ring finger, serene, whole.
Goodbye means I’ll see you soon.
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bryonysimcox · 5 years ago
Driving round the world in an old van? You’re crazy!
Living in unknown places in a confined space and with little money is a dream for some and a nightmare for others. As I prepare to embark on a two-year overland adventure, I reflect on the plan for our trip and my motivations behind it.
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WHAT So. What’s the plan?
In short, we’d like to end up in Chile, having driven eastwards from England to get there. I know, it’s a mammoth task, but for my partner George and I, it’s about the process of getting there (or attempting to!), and not the final destination. So we thought we’d set our sights on something totally aspirational and see how far we get!
Step one is to prepare the vehicle. We’ve always known we wanted to do the trip overland, seeing all the borders and in-between-places rather than just hotspots and capital cities (as you’d usually experience on a trip reliant on flying). We also knew we wanted a van that would serve as our home, to find comfort and constancy in as our surroundings change.
Step two is doing the travelling itself. Starting in the UK, our provisional route will see us moving through the south of Europe, down into Greece and Turkey, then eastwards into India. From there, we’ll go across into China or down into South-east Asia. At that point, assuming the van is still intact and the numbers stack up, we’ll ship the vehicle across into Canada - a considerable journey but one which other overland adventurers have proved is possible. And then from Canada, we’ll head south, down through the United States and Central America, across the Darién Gap, and eventually, down into Chile.
We know, it’s crazy. And possibly not possible. (But that’s sort of the point!)
Step three, as if we don’t already have enough on our plate, is to launch a documentary channel along the way. Rather than just share the same old #VanLife photos of dreamy sunsets and coffee in the van (which I’m sure we’ll do some of!), our channel, called Broaden, will document the stories, people and places we find along the way, in what we hope is a meaningful and engaging way.
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(image)  Broaden will be our storytelling platform
WHEN When was this wild idea born?
It all begins with eighteen year-old George. Inspired by Ewan McGregor’s motorcycle travels in ‘The Long Way Round’, George decided he wanted to undertake his own epic adventure - from the northernmost part of Scotland to the southernmost part of Chile. But why Chile? Well, George’s best friend is half-Chilean (they later travelled to Chile together in their early twenties), and I think the extreme distance of this trip appealed to George; this idea of going from two polar opposite places, north and south. 
As with many wild dreams, George slowly let go of his Scotland to Chile idea. Life got in the way, but his passion for mechanics and do-it-yourself projects didn’t. He’s a real self-starter and the subsequent years saw him open his own recording studio and then teach himself video production, making films for a living both in the UK and Australia. Not long after I met George in the summer of 2014 at Spanish music festival, he told me about his overland pipe-dream.
The audacity of the idea, the sheer insanity of driving that far, living on the road and making do with very little somehow made a lasting impact on me.
As an architecture graduate, I’m interested in problem-solving. Even though my career path took me away from architecture specifically, I still love strategising, designing things and finding ways to make projects work. And the idea of building our own van to drive around the world seemed like the ultimate design and project management challenge!
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(image) The early days: George and I working together at a festival, Summer 2015
George and I started dating, and moved to Australia. Gradually, we re-ignited George’s idea about driving to drive to Chile. It started as a ‘one-day’ idea that we’d talk about, and gradually became a tangible plan that we could aim towards - saving money up for it and setting milestones. Once we’d told other people we were going to do it, we knew were accountable and it all suddenly felt real.
And so a date was set to move back from Australia to the UK to buy a van and start the trip - April 2019. Since then we’ve been heads-down and knee-deep in van-building (more info on that in a later blog post).
WHO So who’s going to be part of the adventure?
It goes without saying that I’m mainly embarking on this with George - I hope we get along because we’re going to be seeing a lot of each other! Really though, I’m pretty sure we’ll be just fine in each other’s company, considering we’ve forged on through the van-building process together. In fact, these last few intense months have surely made us stronger, and proved our compatibility (or maybe just our mutual stubbornness!).
What I lack, George makes up for with his ‘we can fix this’ attitude, his mechanical-mindedness and his courage to tackle the big scary things head on. And what he lacks, I make up for with my love of planning (a.k.a. list-making), my upholstery skills and my interest in interior design.
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(image) Building cabinetry for the inside of Suzi
But really, part of the very raison d’etre of the trip is to meet OTHERS! Having four seats in the van was always a big priority for us, so that we could pick people up along the way, sharing the experience and splitting fuel costs. These people may be strangers we meet en-route, or perhaps even friends who come along to visit us. There will be nothing quite like the sight of a Brit or Australian we know and love so dearly catching up with us in some far-flung place!
There is a considerable #VanLife community across the globe, so we’ll likely meet up with and travel with ‘vanlifers’ too (I’m still coming to terms with that word, feels so super-cheesy). It’ll give me a chance to snoop on other people’s van interiors and get top tips on places to visit, things to do, and hopefully some hidden campout spots.
HOW But how will you survive?!
Firstly, there is so much planning we could’ve, should’ve, but haven’t done. I know part of this ‘travel round the world’ plan probably comes over as very naive, and I’m not even going to say it’s not. BUT, there is also a lot of planning and prep that we have done, and there’s no better way to find out where the gaps are than just set off and start living it.
One of the biggest hurdles to living on the road will be financing it.
Living in Australia was really the first thing that made this trip feasible. Wages are considerably higher over there and, although it is tempered by the extortionate cost of living, George and I were still able to put some savings aside. Month-by-month we saved what most sensible people would tell you to use for a deposit on ‘that first flat’, but what we decided to put towards a van.
Needless to say, the van cost more than we expected to build and kit out (a lot more). So we’re not necessarily starting with as much of a financial safety-net as we would have liked. But our van overspend and tighter budget was probably to be expected, and it will surely force us to innovate. 
Having both worked in design, George and I are familiar with freelancing. We plan on building our portfolios on the road, whether that be shooting and editing videos, doing graphic design, writing articles, or making collages. Our channel ‘Broaden’ will serve as a ‘production-house-on-wheels’, and we imagine video production to be our main income stream, through both YouTube and traditional commissions. We’re also exploring subscription content services like Patreon, where subscribers can back the films that we make in exchange for exclusive content. Whilst planning to get paid for making the videos/photos/art that we love making feels like a leap of faith, we take comfort in the fact that so many other inspiring people out there are making this model work and proving that you can fund life on the road! 
Of course, for all the pennies that we earn, we’ll be saving those pennies at every possible opportunity. This’ll mean camping freely, conserving gas and fuel, generating solar power, eating locally and living frugally.
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(image) Suzi, our 1994 Toyota Hiace 
WHY Okay. But why on earth would you undertake this whole project?
This is the most important question of all, and also the hardest question to answer (hence why I’ve left it until last!). I can thank my dear friend Chris for inspiring me to write this blog post, as he asked me this very question in a recent letter he wrote to me: “but why are you actually doing all of this, Bryony?”. Whilst his letter left me frustrated that I couldn’t answer it immediately, I was so grateful for the challenge to think long and hard about the motivation behind our plans.
Simply put, the reason why is: Why not? In true ‘YOLO’ spirit, I can honestly say I haven’t got a good enough reason not to want to go and explore different parts of the world. 
To add to that, there’s a practical side of things. If we’re going to do something like living and travelling in a van at some point in our lives, it seems like the ‘right’ time - we’ve got no children, we are miles away from even contemplating a mortgage, we’re not deep into careers, and we’re in good health. Doing something like this is also bound to give us heaps of life experience which will no doubt add value to other parts of our life, like problem-solving, collaborating (and persevering!) with each other, engaging with different people and cultures, being outside of our comfort zones and perhaps even finding a place where we’d eventually like to live.
Whilst all of the above are valid reasons to be setting off into the unknown in a 1994 Japanese van, I think there are other, more intrinsic reasons that I’m embarking on such a massive project. And it’s so hard to put my finger on what those reasons are, because they’re so deep down (and have, until recently, been buried by the everyday frustrations of building the van itself), but I’ve tried to dig them up from inside of me and put them into words:
1. The bigger the project you attempt, the greater the sense of achievement when you succeed.
I think that’s why this project is about proving something to myself (and perhaps others). Whether that is healthy, I’m not entirely sure, but I can see that I’ve set myself a goal that is far bigger than any of the ones I’ve ever set before, and I want to prove that it’s possible.
2.  Living and travelling in a van also reduces life to something very fundamental.
By being so far removed from the comfort zone of a stable city, house and job, the very act of surviving each day will be a cause for celebration. The ‘mental clutter’ of social pressures, disposable income, hobbies, norms and status will go completely out of the window, and be replaced by primitive needs and desires like finding somewhere to park up at night and making sure we have water to drink and gas to cook with.
3.  Taking ourselves on this journey maximises the opportunity for revelatory moments.
This last point is the crux of it all for me. I’ve come to realise that when the stakes are so high, and when you live a life centred on fundamental daily needs, the potential joy you receive is unlike any other. And although I am sharing this journey with George, I can already say that I’ve had some of these moments of deep internal joy in a very personal way. I feel immense gratitude and appreciation for the experience so far and the lessons I’ve learnt both about myself and the world around me. That’s not to say I haven't felt pain, anger, frustration and helplessness too but, along with the ‘revelatory moments’, they have put colour into my life and given me perspective about what really matters. And what are life’s highs if you they aren’t seen in light of the lows?
So yeah, it is all a bit of a crazy plan. To drive to Chile in a van together with your boyfriend, picking up people along the way, making films and living frugally is definitely not everyone’s cup of tea. But it is for me.
It’s a chance to set the stakes high, live life fundamentally, and hopefully experience moments of joy along the way.
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ghostmartyr · 6 years ago
Pokémon Black 2 Randomized Nuzlocke Run [Part 1]
White was so much fun, the sequel was obviously inevitable. Only I don’t own White 2, so Black 2 shall be our contestant. All encounters and starters will be random, static pokemon are what they are originally. Any pokemon not randomized is ineligible for use.
Nuzlocke rules, again copied from Bulbapedia:
    Any Pokémon that faints is considered dead, and must be released or put in the Pokémon Storage System permanently.
   The player may only catch the first Pokémon encountered in each area, and none else.
My added rules of choice:
Each pokemon must be nicknamed.
If the first pokemon in an area is a species I’ve already caught, the first one that isn’t will become the catch option.
The catch rules start applying once I have the option of catching things.
No looking anything up on guides.
Team wipe means continuing on using whatever I have in the PC.
Let’s have some fun.
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Second verse, same as the first.
I haven’t adjusted the text speed yet and it is driving me insane.
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I remember having so much love for this gen, but the designs of these poor children still provoke odd looks. Not that I mind walking around with a palm tree on my head, I just question why anyone thought that I would want that.
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Wait, do I get to pick his name?
I do!
Wow, I forgot that this was the hardest part about Nuzlockes. I can’t just go with Hugh if this is a true random. Hm. Okay then, in honor of friendship, this guy’s name can be Russell.
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The first thing our mom does in this game is give me cause to ship her with Professor Juniper. Our mom knows her first name. It’s Aurea. Why would she know that if they were not secretly involved in some way???
Is this the first game that has an outside character get first crack at moving the screen around after we’ve chosen our name? I kind of like it.
I like it more now that it’s ending and I can switch the text speed to Fast.
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Heeeeey it’s us. Palm tree hair and all.
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I never find out what the contrary answers lead to, because I can never make myself pick them. It makes my completionist nature very sad. As does the reminder that I do not have the ability to run yet. Someone please give this poor boy some shoes.
Bianca is here to meet us!
She is not our bestie in this version, but she is in our hearts.
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This is our bestie this version.
He’s got a little sister.
Just so we know all that black and red in his color scheme is for show.
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Look at him walking in time with us like the total bro he is.
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Dude is this his room? I want one.
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Bianca! Friend!
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That awkward moment when you have the same name as one of her best friends who will never be seen this entire game.
Okay okay okay it’s time.
Time to receive our starter.
Our choices are:
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Ah that’s rough. Hm.
My preference is always going to be to have something’s first state, that I can level up and evolve myself, but I recently finished my White run, and in it I had Larvitar’s line as well as Aggron’s, so really, there can be only one choice.
Snorlax, I choose you!
And my first act as your new friend is to give you a brand new name that I need to come up with!
Snore, sleep, yawn... sleep words... Dreamor?
Heck that’s a dorky name. He needs it.
Dreamor got, Russell steps in and asks for an in on our journey. He has his own super special mission that I’m not supposed to remember but I do, and talks Bianca into giving him a pokedex as well. Because Bianca’s a sweetheart.
But before we can go any further, it’s time to d-d-d-d-duel!
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Everything about Russell’s design screams childhood-friend-gone-villain and I love how little that has anything to do with his arc.
Oshawaott vs. Dreamor! Lesgo!
Snorlax knows Tackle and Defense Curl, which is actually appropriate for a starter. I am going to be dull and Tackle spam.
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Dreamor appears to be... enthusiastic. in his participation.
G-good job, boy.
Bianca even walks us to the Pokemon Center, because she’s just that wonderful. She also gives us some Poke Balls (again, see wonderful), which means that we’re officially in business to get this run on the road.
...I really hope Dreamor doesn’t faint everything in one hit. This could be a lonely start for the two of us if he’s as strong as he looks.
Our mother greets us outside the Center and gives us Running Shoes.
Thank you mother. I knew you loved us.
Aw, and Russell’s baby sister gives us a Town Map. Thanks, kiddo. I will deliver your brother’s copy with great haste and competence.
(They keep calling Dreamor Tepig.)
Before we go any further, let’s find out what sort of critter Dreamor is.
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Rash and capable of taking hits. Well, if you’re going to be rash, you might as well be prepared to handle what it gets you into. The nature gets a sad face out of me for mechanics, but I always love having Thick Fat available, and look at that smile.
Oh my gosh the gate attendant knows our name and gave us a Potion for our journey. I feel so cared for.
Bianca teaches us how to catch stuff, and we, being an experienced trainer, completely ignore the lesson and wait for control to be returned to us.
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The first tall grass awaits our first step. Dreamor! Let us go forth and meet our next friend!
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..Oh heck though.
She’s level 2.
I don’t know if she can eat a Tackle from Dreamor.
Also I might end up not using her because I used her line in the last run but hey I didn’t use Politoed (and I also don’t know how to get a Politoed given the settings).
I’ll throw a ball first, then see if she lives through a Tackle.
...Ah, the return of Hypnosis.
...Is all she knows Hypnosis? No, there’s also Water Sport.
Hey, she lives through a Tackle!
Ball thrown, Poliwhirl get!
From now on, your new name shall be... Stella. And we need to run back to a Center pronto. Your new teammate whacked you one good.
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Stella is Quirky and alert to sounds. Sounds good to me, but I have zero clue how to evolve you to a Politoed. I think normally you need a King’s Rock and trading, but I selected the box that cleared up trading requirements for evolutions, giving me no clue whatsoever what to do with you, darling.
All the same, welcome. Your line is one of my favorites.
...Also you are not a Zubat.
Zubat was an option for this route.
Stella, your worth just went up.
Even if I end up not using her due to memories of Wagston overriding sense, I don’t think I can keep her at level 2, so we’re going to do some switch training for a tiny bit.
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...Sir, what are you doing here I have been playing for five seconds.
He offers training, but since he gives me my controls right back after him and his neat soundtrack walk around inspecting me, I’m going to go ahead with my original plans.
Stella downed a level 2 Zubat all by herself. She’s growing up so fast.
Oh, wow, the next Pokemon Center is just. right there, isn’t it.
“Flocessy Town Prophecy Flocks Here”
You have never known a love as true as Pokemon translators and wordplay. Apparently this is where Alder’s house is. Apparently Champions are now allowed houses, and not only if your name is Cynthia. I call hax.
Alder wants Russell to have his Town Map before training, and Russell is on Route 20, which means....
our next friend
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Are the leaves grass, or just pretty?
After tromping over them for several seconds, it looks to be that they are merely pretty. Very pretty, though.
Aha, grass located. What awaits us?
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Hello there!
It’s a grand ol’ gen one time, it seems. Dreamor can’t hit you, so Stella, up you go. Please do not kill her.
Gastly get!
You shall be... Caspet.
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Caspet has a Mild nature to go with her sturdy body. With her we shall find if I actually screwed up the evolution options. I’m still really new to Randomizer, and probably should have looked up what the choices did on Google before starting this run, but the rule after the run has begun is no guides, so here we are.
We enter Flocessy Ranch, which is a new location. Another friend already. Our fortune is pure.
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...How do I keep finding every generation one creature that needs trading to evolve. Is this going to be this run’s theme?
Oh, it Teleported.
I forgot they liked to do that.
...Welp. There’s that route dead.
Is there anything in this route that can give me exp?
Even if there is, it’s so Kadabra heavy that I’d just as soon not bother. Having things constantly run away from you is really tiring. We’ll give Russell his map and leave.
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Wait what.
We just fought five minutes ago. Russell. Russell. Just because your theme music is rad as heck and demanding action doesn’t mean you have to be running a mile a minute. That’s the scarf gen’s deal.
Dreamor eats Oshawott and all is well.
Then we get a random sidequest to locate a Herdier for the owners of the ranch. To which Russell experiences Emotions at, because Reasons.
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Everyone needs a screenshot of Mareep running in a circle.
Hey, something not Kadabra. Hi Cottonee. Bye Cottonee. And that item ball in the corner is a Poke Ball. Oh, and here’s a Basculin. Look at all these things not running away from us.
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...I... need an adult?
Dreamor has taken on the role of adult. I’m not sure Mienshao even knows Fighting moves at that level, but fully evolved things this early on are scary regardless.
We find the Herdier being unhappy with a Team Plasma Grunt.
He throws the Frustration TM at us. Hee.
Herdier has such a cute bwoof.
The day is saved, and now Alder’s down for palling around with us.
By palling around, I mean Alder introduces us to two small children he expects us to beat into the ground. As you do.
All passes without incident. Yay.
We walk outside and Mr. Medal gives us a Medal Box, which I don’t clearly remember, but suspect is intending to prey on me and my achievement hunting ways.
Alder is also kind enough to alert us that a Gym Leader has arrived at our home town. I wonder who it might be, but before that, Alder has a random cave place behind his home. New route?
It’s counted as part of Flocessy, it looks like. I haven’t caught anything within the town limits, but there doesn’t appear to be grass. Water, but I can’t do anything about that yet. Sigh. Oh well.
First badge is Normal, I believe.
...Let’s train Dreamor a tad more before we go after that. I believe in you, buddy, but I am also very rightfully paranoid.
Azumarill live in Caspet’s home grass.
When does Caspet learn something that isn’t Lick or a status move. My poor little ghost.
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Yeah it’s level 3 but it’s still a scary thing to see.
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Hey, first legendary of the run!
And Caspet has Mean Look... We could see if she has what it takes to Lick Kadabra down to size. Like tootsie pops. You could be an owl, Caspet.
This place was crowded with Kadabra, and now there’s Ambipom just hanging out. Okay then. Cue Geodude for some reason. Oh. And Linoone.
-tears for Bandit-
Hey wait hold up. Psychic is super effective against Ghost in this version? That’s... good to know. It also doesn’t sound right, but I don’t think the game cares about that. That’s annoying.
No Caspet, you can’t learn Curse. I’m going to come close enough to killing you as it is. Don’t enable the process.
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Let’s go for it, shall we?
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Cheren! Friend!
I actually really like the arrangement of his Gym. It isn’t the aesthetic wonderland that other Gyms of this gen are, but that’s kind of what makes it awesome? Cheren runs a school that doubles as a Gym. You battle in chalk-marked arenas out back.
I guess I misspoke; the aesthetic is still rich with this one. School day feels of being young are so very alive here, and I really like it.
Other things deserving of being liked are Cheren being an educator. Our buddy’s found his way, and we get to be his first challenger!
That’s another thing to love, honestly. We spent a whole game with this guy around, and now we’re his debut Gym Leader match. It’s so touching.
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Cheren, stop blushing, you’ll be fine.
I mean. Dreamor’s going to mop the floor with you.
But that’s your job now. Losing to trainers of a certain level.
I believe in you, man.
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I just believe in Dreamor more.
Awesomeness achieved, and that will do it for this part!
(Except for squeeing because Bianca showed up and gave us the Return TM, as well as the C-Gear I’ll never use, and Cheren and Bianca get to be in the same shot, and it’s the magic of friendship all over again. You did good for yourselves, guys. I’m sorry you don’t remember me as your bestie anymore.)
Until next time for the next badge.
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sage-nebula · 7 years ago
hey so i saw someone vaguely translate the argument between lillie and lusamine in today's ep and apparently it amounted to lillie being mad that lusamine evolved her clefairy without her consent and lusamine's answer amounting to "well technically it was my clefairy that i gave to you and also your reason for not evolving it was stupid" and? is it wrong for me to hope that pokeani will give us like (cont.)
more of this? like. lusamine being overly smotherly and lowkey selfish and overbearing and those aspects of her get more and more pronounced as an early warning sign that she’s not the ally the other characters think she is? like it’s pokeani there’s so many things that could go wrong here but the fact that this argument was bad enough that even sato and kukui notice that lillie is NOT here for her mom’s shit and that sumo-ani has been p. good with developing relationships make me hope.
Well, first of all, if that’s the same clefable that Lusamine has in the games, then it can go get fucked, tbh, because that clefable gave me the hardest time in the final battle. Not because it kept killing* my pokémon, but because it wouldn’t fucking die, none of my attacks did significant damage to it, and it kept healing itself and it was just The Worst™. So honestly, Lillie, you dodged a bullet there, because that clefable is a fucking bastard.
(*No, I do not nuzlocke. This is just an expression, not meant to be taken seriously.)
On a more serious note (because yes, the above is supposed to be a joke, please don’t take it too seriously, anyone), hmm … honestly, I don’t know!
It’s hard to judge because the PokéAni is inconsistent across the sagas in many ways. There are some constants that we can always count on: Ash will always leave all of his pokémon sans Pikachu behind when he goes to a new region, he will never win a game League, and he will always have at least one (1) of the new region starters as a mainstay on his team, so as to promote the new generation to kids. But aside from constants like that, the PokéAni tends to change its narrative style each season (and Ash along with it, but this post really isn’t about him). For instance, the first two seasons ever produced—and the first season itself in particular—are markedly different in tone from everything that followed, even when compared to the Johto seasons of the OS. The Johto seasons were more formulaic; they’re chock full of episodes that are very same-y and that you can skip right on over without losing anything of value. Meanwhile, the Kanto season was really treated as an adventure; it was less about showing Ash going through the game journey, and more about showing him on a journey, period, even when it included messier aspects like the kids being lost for two weeks on the way to Vermilion City, and being completely caked in dirt by the time they finally arrived, longing for baths and laundromats. Similarly, the Kalos saga is markedly different in tone from the Alola saga. The Kalos saga took itself more seriously, and so while there still were moments of comedy and some typical anime expressions here or there, by and large it was more … I don’t want to say realistic, because it still is a modern fantasy anime, but you had a lot less exaggeration in terms of animation style. By contrast, the Alola anime doesn’t seem to take itself nearly as seriously (at least right now), and the animation is a lot more exaggerated and over the top. Compare, for instance, animation sequences of the twerps falling asleep thanks to Jigglypuff’s song in the OS to the same situation in SM. Yeah, a lot of it is due to the fact that their animation budget is much higher now, and the technology they have to work with is much better et cetera, but a lot of it also has to do with a tonal and style shift.
So with all of that said, it’s really hard to predict what this saga will do, because we can’t exactly use previous sagas as a concrete frame of reference. We can try to make guesses … but it’s hard, because each saga is so distinct, they all have different things they were trying to accomplish. Just because one saga might have followed through doesn’t mean that this one will, and vice versa. And even though it’s been about a year so far, I feel that the Alola anime is still a bit too young to make a call, especially since …
Well. We all remember what happened in Kalos, don’t we?
Lysandre was a realistic depiction of an abuser. The emotional abuse he layered on Alan, and the way that he lied to, manipulated, and used him like a tool is blatantly obvious, despite the cordial way he behaved around everyone else. As a result, and speaking as someone with C-PTSD from abuse myself, the C-PTSD that Alan has is also very obvious, and is also a realistic portrayal. Lysandre was an abuser, Alan was his victim, and this is obvious to everyone except those who purposefully refuse to see it so they can have an excuse to keep trashing all over Alan the way they do. 
And for the most part, PokéAni handled this well! Like, I was legitimately impressed with how well they handled it! Again, Alan’s C-PTSD was extremely well portrayed. His severe depression was extremely well portrayed. In XYZ044, we see that this has (more than understandably) hit such a critical mass that Ash essentially talked him down from suicide in their garden discussion, even if the actual word was never spoken. (Like, has Ash ever looked that anxious when asking someone to promise him to battle again in the future? I don’t think so. Let’s be real, like pretty much everything else in their relationship, it really was not about the battle.) And yet, despite all of that being done so well, despite it being portrayed so well … the PokéAni writers decided “fuck this lmao” and ruined it in all the episodes that followed by sweeping Alan’s issues completely under the rug, disrespecting his boundaries and wishes once again in a way that actually triggered me in XYZ045, and sending him off on a journey again in the last episode of the saga. They were doing so well, XYZ044 was actually a perfect conclusion for him, and then they … ruined it all at the last second, as they are wont to do. 
So I mean, if we follow that as an example, then it’s perfectly possible that they could continue doing a great job with Lusamine, that they could really show how she is inarguably an abusive parent, how she doesn’t care about Lillie’s wishes or boundaries … and then ruin it all at the last second by “redeeming” her and having everyone decide that she’s not really abusive after all. Or maybe they won’t continue doing a great job, and her following appearances will be disappointing because they’ll pull an OS and forget that they were supposed to be keeping up with this subplot. (I mean, this isn’t really a subplot and so I doubt that will happen, but to be honest, any one of the subplots in the OS could have been a main plot, and they chose not to do that, so like …) It’s really hard to say. The PokéAni writers proved with Misty’s and Brock’s cameos that they can do anything at this point. Almost everything is fair game. (Almost. Ash is still never going to win a game League. People need to just give up on that dream.)
That said, I’d say that if you’re enjoying it now, then enjoy it now! Enjoy it while you can, for as long as you can (and hopefully forever). At this point, like I said, anything can happen. I don’t think it’s wrong to hope for just about anything at this point. (Again, just about. No League wins, no eleventh birthdays, et cetera.) So keep watching and keep enjoying; might as well make the most of it while it lasts. :)
(On that note, “technically it’s my clefairy that I gave to you” fjdksjdf fucking yikes. Bullshit like this is why I adamantly maintain that Lusamine is the most realistic depiction of an abusive parent the series has had to date. Ghetsis is cartoonish compared to Lusamine—a caricature. Aside from the fact that Lusamine’s “you betrayed me when all I ever did was give you love” line in the games pretty much mirrors the last conversation I ever had with my biological mother, my biological mother used to hold Shiloh like that over my head all the time. She hated the fact that Shiloh and I were so close, so she used to threaten to get rid of her, telling me that she was going to all the time so that I’d step in line and behave, justifying it by saying that she was the one who gave Shiloh to me, so she could do whatever she wanted insofar as keeping her at the house or not. Of course, she was also fond of the “I brought you into this world, so I can take you out of it” line, but tbh my own life has never mattered as much to me, so that never scared me as much as threats to Shiloh did. So yeah, Lusamine telling Lillie that the clefairy was actually hers, legally, is just … yiiiiikes. There are so, so many ways in which Lusamine is written as a realistic abusive parent. It’s what hands down makes her one of the utmost, absolutely most vile villains the series has had yet.)
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toldmystory-madehistory · 8 years ago
Re-Starting The Journey
It has been a long time since I have updated this blog. Truth is, life got insanely busy and my journey hit many, many road blocks. I had big plans for this blog. Big plans for my weight loss journey and it just all crumbled before my eyes. This first update in a very long time will be raw, real, and open, tackling a few things I have put off consistently because of disappointment in myself, in the journey and in the choices I have made on some things. I warn you that it will be long, and most likely will start to ramble. But here I give everyone an update on the journey and what is next. 
Let’s start with the good. In 2015, after several disappointments in my weight loss journey and a overall very hard time finding a job that made me happy, doing something that I love, I decided to apply for grad school with the hopes of getting a degree in Music Industry Administration. I was accepted and started in August of that year. Fast forward to May 2017, I sit here now with said Masters degree and wonder what is next, where to start? What to do? During the tenure of my masters program, I was meeting a lot of new people, changing in ways I never thought I would. I became more open, got better at public speaking, learned how to network and interact with people in ways I never could before. 
But I was also going through another side journey. Watching all that I had worked for in my weight loss journey fall apart. I was at the tail end of a several month struggling mightily with my purpose on my journey. I was no longer losing weight, I was stagnant, and I felt no matter what I did I was no longer going to lose weight and that frustrated me to no end. I felt I could eat fast food or another meal of chicken and broccoli and see the same results. I was switching up my workouts, trying new additions, changing the cardio, everything that I could think of and nothing seemed to work. The stress and anxiety of this time, I’ve come to learn a bit more, was probably a huge indicator of why nothing was happening. Our bodies are marvelous things. They respond accordingly to what they sense we are feeling. My body was under major stress and felt it needed to hold on to whatever it had. My trainer at that time, bless her heart, tried everything she could as well. It got to a point that my food was so strict that if I couldn’t track single morsel, I wasn’t eating it. In the end, I was completely unhappy in any fitness and nutrition capacity and just had no desire to continue what I felt had become a chore. 
So I started my program, while working, and commented to Northridge every week for classes, projects, and events, and just pretty much let my fitness journey fall. I could no longer afford training, so I just figured I was done. I put my full focus into my program while kind of going to the gym irregularly and still continuing to prep food but not really track it as much as I used to. I still ate relatively healthy for the most part, but ate a lot more junk that I had been when I started my journey in 2011. 
In 2016, I felt a desire to, again, start to lose the weight, but had a strong lack of motivation to start over because I was so upset at myself for basically undoing all that I had worked so hard to accomplish. I was angry at myself, still am, about basically gaining most of the weight back and getting back to a place I swore I never would. My mood, my stressors, my anxiety, and most importantly, my confidence, have all taken quite the hit since then. I was genuinely happy and fully confident in myself for what felt like the first time ever at the beginning of my weight loss journey, but that has gone away. It will take a lot of work to get back there, but I am determined to do so. But I am getting a bit ahead of myself.
Flashback to 2016 and that desire to start losing the weight again and the thought of having to go through that again killed me. Did I really want to put myself through all of that again? Let me tell you one thing, the mind is a very powerful thing. It will tell you things that will never be true, but will convince you they are. And I struggled still, in staying consistent. I knew with my commute, working 30 hours a week, and trying to get my Masters, adding the gym back into my routine would be no easy task. I knew I would have to be so on top of everything. 
I knew what needed to be done, because I had done it before, but just didn’t know how I would fit everything or really, where to start. The gym had become intimidating again and I just had a hard time getting past things. While researching workout plans, nutrition logs, and everything in between, I came across a woman by the name of Karina Baymiller, who runs an online fitness and nutrition coaching business called Knox Strength and Performance. I ended up contacting her and seeing if what I was going through was something she could be of help with. We ended up connecting quite well and our journey in trying to get to to the core of my problems and restarting my weight loss journey began, very slowly I might add. Success has still not come in the form of full blown weight loss results, but I have discovered a lot more of the in-between. 
The in-between is the little things. The mental road blocks, and really just discovering things about yourself that you may have pushed away, not thought of, or really did not just want to see. The first thing I did with Karina is pretty much bare all. She wanted to know as much as I was willing to give, to judge my mental state and to judge where the next logical step in my weight loss would be. And boy was I sure in deeper than I thought!
The biggest thing over the course of about 8 months that she has made me discover is my borderline unhealthy obsession with calorie counting, scale watching, and overall mental state in how I had begun to treat losing weight and eating healthy. In short, I was stagnant for many more reasons besides working out. Like I had mentioned earlier, my food tracking had got to the point that I wanted to track literally everything I ate. I was also very restrictive on what I would allow myself to eat and when. Even if I cheated, I wasn’t going to In-n-Out or eating a 1/2 dozen donuts on a Saturday. I was considering things like bagels, an ice cream cone, and little small things like that, that overall in the grand scheme would not be make or break in terms of weight loss. Truth was, I just didn’t let myself have too many cheats or anything rather blatant because I was so afraid of gaining the weight back. The breakdown for me, was seeing that I was no longer losing weight and wondering why I kept eating so healthy when it *clearly* wasn’t working. 
With Karina, the plan is all about flexible dieting. There are no cheats, there are no restricted foods, but you follow a more simplistic plan of eating healthy but having that ice cream cone if you’re craving it, or having that donut on a Saturday morning if you’re feeling it. This is not to say that I should be eating a donut every morning or eating ice cream every night for dessert, but if I wanted it, sometimes I could have it. Her biggest thing in all of the many nutrition talks we have had, was the mindset shift. So what if you couldn’t track every morsel? In fact, no tracking app is ever really truly 100% accurate, so a bite of this or that, again, will not break you. My mindset needed to shift. And not see food as the bad guy, as the thing that caused me so much grief. But the big key was that I needed to switch up *what* healthy food I was eating. Chicken breast, brown rice, and broccoli is boring, let’s be real. Who the heck wants to eat that for lunch everyday for the rest of their lives? So I needed to start varying what I eat and that should bring about the hopeful lack of frustration on having to eat the same thing I was feeling. My goals were to find new things to cook and try. My biggest deterrent in most weeks throughout our time together so far has been really finding the time to accomplish any of this while in this program. When I say this Masters program kicked my butt for two years, that’s an understatement. I felt at times that I was struggling to come up for air after being stuck under water. But I’m getting off- track again. 
Overall it sounds so simple, but it really wasn’t and hasn’t been. The food thing was the first step. The second step was not letting the gym control my life. The gym was to fit into my schedule, my schedule was not to fit around the gym. My social life had suffered during my initial weight loss journey, but it also suffered during my Masters tenure, both for different reasons.  But I needed to find a schedule that worked. I pride myself on organization and planning, but for the life of me, I could just not get all 3 to work together like I wanted. 
The next biggest thing was really just getting myself in the gym. Easier said than done. With my commute to school, I needed more time on those days to drive, which cut into my time for things like getting in the gym, or doing something else. This proved the hardest in my time with Karina so far, which I am hopeful will alleviate itself now with one less thing on my plate. I was getting randomly sick throughout last year, ended up straining my ankle quite severely, both things keeping me out of the gym more than being on a fitness program should allow. Needless to say, I never really felt like I ever settled into a consistent routine. Because my life didn’t feel consistent. 
Another major thing on the food topic that Karina and I had gone back and forth with quite a bit was how much I was eating and what it consisted of. In being so restrictive of my food, I had messed up my metabolism, which was most likely a contributing factor to the lack of weight loss. What we discovered, is that I was actually not eating enough. I was not eating enough protein for starters, but surprisingly, on some days, I was not even eating enough carbs. I thought she was crazy when she set my numbers for food intake, and believe me I still struggle with it today and fought for a long while, still in the mindset that they were just too high. But after many explanations and back/forth we’ve met common ground and I see now why they are important, even though my mind sometimes says otherwise. Choosing the food to fill your day is even more important when you have specific numbers you want to meet. The great thing here, is we worked up to them slowly. We focused on one thing, then another, then another. And now we’ve got a better focus on the main protein/carb/fat ratio. It’s still not great, it’s still not complexly consistent, but I know it can be done. 
Even though I was busy, there were many excuses that still held me back from actually being consistent with trying to lose weight again. And in all honesty, I think knowing how hard I would have to work, it kind of deterred me from starting sometimes. I was going through the motions, walking to the gym, doing my thing, not great, and leaving. Or skipping cardio workouts. Not eating consistently enough to be able to see changes. I just wasn’t focused enough to see many positive changes. 
Flash forward to current time. I continue today with Karina, still really struggling mentally and physically to find my full groove, but now with the weight of my Masters program behind me, I am restarting the journey to a healthy body, mind, and soul. Karina has been insanely patient with my schedule and with the real lack of physical results we have been seeing. But the mental change, in many ways, as become quite different. In discovering the things I had pushed off, had been doing, and so on. She has been great at getting down to the root causes of just what I am thinking, things I am interpreting, and what the next steps would be. She calls me out when she knows I can be better. I know I can be 100% better than what product I am putting out now. I know that staying consistent for longer than a week or two will start to yield positive results and she reminds me of that constantly. I know it will not be easy. I know that I have not put even close to my best effort again into losing weight, but I know, most importantly, that it is in there to be done. I’ve done it before, and can do it again. 
As I sit here and write this and think back on everything that has seemed to move so quickly yet not at the same time, I am reflective. I know I have a lot to be thankful for in my life. I have a good life, but I want it to be better. Because in the end, I know how great it feels to be free of the weight and walk around with great confidence in your accomplishments. I am sure there will be more speed bumps and road blocks along the way, but as long as I can continue to navigate around them. I am hopeful that I will find success once again. I know this journey won’t be easy, in fact, I know just how hard it is. But I know it will be worth it in the end. 
For now, thank you for taking the time to read my rambling thoughts. I’m going to  continue on with trying to find a job in this crazy music industry that I am so passionate about and continue my journey into the next phase of my life. And I want to invite anyone who’d like to join in this weight loss journey to hop on. Because if I haven’t learned enough, I have learned that having people around you that feel the same way and that are doing things you are doing makes all of the difference. Whether that’s going to the gym, getting out in nature on a hike, or going out for a healthy lunch/dinner with friends. That connection is so vital. Because, in the end, my weight loss journey affects the people around me, and what is going on around me, in turn, affects my journey as well. 
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carlycmarathecat · 8 years ago
Love of Pokemon and Trainer
Your first day as a Pokemon Trainer, you couldn’t wait to start your incredible journey. You’ve wanted to be one ever since you were only a toddler. You step into the lab of Professor Oak, spotting three pokeballs each containing a Starter.
Which would you choose? Water, fire or grass?
You smile, making your choice and allow the Starter of your choice to appear from their pokeball. It looks up at you, smiling and calling its name in response to you as you picked it up, hugging it.
This was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
You go along your Pokemon journey with a good start so far, battling wild Pokemon and catching some of them to build up your dream team and even go into friendly battles with other trainers and their Pokemon, which helped your team to level up and learn new moves. You even nicknamed a few of your little friends and grew into special bonds with them, as they grew to bond with you in return.
One day, you stopped at a small food joint, ordering your favorite fast meal, while your Pokemon ate their meals too. You slowed down a little after a while, feeling off. Maybe it was just the sun making you feel warm or you still had that chill from going through a snowy landscape to try and find some Ice Types. No…then what? You just suddenly didn’t feel so good…
Good thing there was always a Poke-Hospital nearby for both humans and Pokemon alike.
You were settled into a room, resting in bed. Turns out you have to bed rest for a few days before heading off on the road again. Your Pokemon never once left your side, popping out of your bag to check on you every so often. Your Starter, which had evolved into its second form, barely ever left your side, frowning its concerns. You’d smile weakly, petting its head to comfort it. You’d even let one of your smaller Pokemon climb onto the bed, curling up against you, licking your hand hoping to take the pain away.
You didn’t want them to worry about you, really. It was just a little sickness you had, right? …Right?
Then came the day you were ready to leave the hospital, your Pokemon by your side. You had to keep reassuring them at times that you were feeling fine; there wasn’t anything to worry about. Even your Starter showed the most concern over you, being your first Pokemon and all. It would keep by your side the most, every day and every night, keeping watch over you as best as it could.
For a few days, you seemed alright, woozy here and there but hanging in there as could as you could. You were facing against your main rival fighting their Pokemon team with yours. Your Starter by this time had reached its third and final evolution, making it stronger and powerful. You were doing great so far, getting close to beating your rival and their team.
That’s when you felt your vision blur, that hazy feeling growing harder on you…blackness had taken over.
How long had it been? You awoke slowly to check your surroundings… hospital room again. You were informed by Nurse Joy that your rival had actually helped you to the closest Poke-Hospital and your Starter was the one who carried you there. And of course, your Pokemon refused to leave your side once again, watching over you. The beeping noise from the monitor stayed near your bedside. This stupid sickness… you really wanted to be the best trainer and this all got in the way… You stared up at your Pokemon’s worried faces, all of them fearing the worst.
Your chest rose slowly with heavy breathing…you could feel yourself growing almost faint…
This must be what it felt like… you turned slowly to your Pokemon, reaching a hand slowly out to them, scratching their heads for possibly the last time.
“…I love you, guys…”
Your vision was growing black by the minute, those faces being the last thing you’ll see…
“I love…you all…so much…”
And away you faded…
Blackness again…you feel your eyes flutter open…you felt a little strange somehow…was this how it felt being dead? You reach up to feel your face, it didn’t feel shaped right… you stare at your hands… all black and weirdly shaped, like… Wait, you’ve seen some sort of Pokemon like this before, the one rumored to be once a person and… You notice a lake nearby, glinted by moonlight. You quickly move towards it, or rather float towards it to look at yourself…
The only word to escape from your lips as you stare at your new look; black skin with long arms and what looked like a third arm, or tail, holding a mask. You look at it; it was a perfect feature of your own face. You may not be human anymore…but this meant being given a second chance… Then you remembered your former Pokemon team… You quickly flew off in a certain direction, knowing exactly where you needed to go now.
You reached the yard of tombstones, looking far and wide. It was a good thing you could see in the dark like those other Ghost Types. You finally spotted them, standing near what appeared to be your tombstone. All your Pokemon were there, hanging their heads in sorrow, some of them crying while others tried to hold them back. Your Starter was trying its hardest to hold back its tears but failed. It had such a close bond with you; it had loved you just as much as the others in the team did.
You linger for a bit, feeling tears yourself… slowly and carefully, you floated closely towards them…
Your former Starter turns, preparing to fight as you approached, no doubt it assumed you to want to battle it. You hesitated a bit, but then remembered your mask and held it up for your Starter and the others to see.
It did look very familiar to them… they then came slightly closer, sniffing as if to get your scent…it was a Yamask scent…but still you. Your Starter looked at you closely…before pulling you close in an embrace as the others also huddled around you, crying tears of joy. You did the same, happy to reunite with your former team. You may not be a trainer anymore, let alone human but now a Pokemon. And you were so glad and lucky to have friends who can show you how they live their life altogether in the wild.
Imagine, life as a Pokemon now…this could be interesting and fun.
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shadowwolf6 · 7 years ago
Let's Go On A Journey...
Let's go a way's back...back to April 2017...the first big steps, are the hardest. In one moment I'm hearing from my broken ex boyfriend Sparky "sorry but I've already got a ride with BK", to "we completely forgot about you...", I wanted to mention one thing, in quote... "I'll put an end to this I swear, this I swear the Son with shine. This I swear...this I swear...THIS...I...SWEAR!" -Metallica's James Hetfield. Animazement 2017 was brought to you...by the New World Order...WOLFPAC! I came Friday...Saturday...Sunday. I partied, moshed, suited...drunk...laughed...flipped off (my ex and his chew toy) and spent some quality time with two new best friends. My roommates. I got drunk...I got fucked...I called my ex a "bigot"...but in that time frame, I gain myself a new image - a respirator and black rave goggles with red lenses.
The convention has far been over now and I have been back to real life...back to work where changes have come and gone with work. New people, new faces, some of the same experiences and new learning methods...a new chance for a true alpha like myself to really emerge and take control of this life before it spiraled any further.
I did.
I gained myself forward momentum by acquiring a few new things...ending one thing, beginning many...MANY...others. Steps that I would have never taken before with the weight that was my ex-boyfriend, I take now finding that they are light as a feather. They're lighter and enjoyable. For starters, how about attending a bowling furmeet? First ever bowling meet that I could attend...EVER...and I was the highest scoring of the furs. However, furries...I'm not going to ask how come the floors at the approach are sticky as...well...I just want to ask...why are they THAT filthy? Every time I slid, I stopped and stuck. Even debuted the new ball to my arsenal...the Brunswick Rhino.
I can put to rest my boyfriend...as now I'm taken to my beloved mate now...we met elsewhere. Even though I've been now on Ferzu, Pounced, FurryMate, etc. We've been talking some really dirty stuff, and even some cute stuffs with one another online...playing with one another...listening to one another at that.
But the journey isn't over...not yet. Not with THE acquisition.
I got home from work on Monday, and saw a box sitting there on my porch. When I first picked it up...man...she was light! The box however had seen better days...but inside...it hadn't. 
I can say it now...Shadow Wolf (6) now has a different form.
Shadow Wolf... (-6)
I've had to glue, tape and repair this guy with it's arrival since day one. Teeth have been falling out, a hinge...snapped...unglued mainly. Yet...I have been prevalent and stubborn. I have the e6000 to save him...and have. He has already seen it's first meet and people have adored the new face of Shadow.
So...with that, I ask my ex boyfriend...since Animazement 2017...
What now?...Who now? 
-Shadow Wolf (-6)
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extraupdate-blog · 8 years ago
Quality Vs Quantity in Video Games
New Post has been published on https://extraupdate.com/quality-vs-quantity-in-video-games/
Quality Vs Quantity in Video Games
Video games are one of the maximum famous kinds of entertainment, now rivaling the movie and music industries. Compared to movies and music, video games are much more pricey in line with the buy. On iTunes, an average album is going for approximately $10 and DVD films typically are under $30. Meanwhile, complete retail video games normally move for $60 on each the PS3 and Xbox 360 ($50 for PC and Wii). The current monetary downturn has harm most groups global, and video games aren’t any exception. Game sales are down significantly from just multiple years ago and plenty of organizations are being compelled to layoff workers and entire development teams. For customers, it is more crucial than ever to pick games which are an awesome fee. Determining what precisely makes a game a terrific fee is a tough question to answer, as validated via the drastic distinction in income from one sport to some other.
Video Games
A lower fee is a sure way to increase cost. Digital distribution does permit for this as publishers do now not should price for the fee of shipping a sport to stores. Every most important modern gaming platform (PC, 360, PS3, Wii, DS, and PSP) permits in a few capacity for digitally downloaded video games. The newly introduced PSP Go will most effectively allow for downloadable video games. This is virtually a good trend however it isn’t quite the solution, at the least now not yet. For starters, the extensive majority of games are nonetheless bought at retail.
There are some motives for this. Console manufacturers are simply beginning to combine fully featured games into their download offerings and so most of the primary titles can not be purchased this manner. Console gamers will even want an adjustment duration to get used to the concept so even as greater video games end up available thru Xbox Live or PlayStation Network, there will still be a time period that retail purchases outsell their downloadable opposite numbers. Secondly, there has but to be a noticeable cut in rate for buying the downloadable releases.
Buying a brand new launch on the Steam download provider for PC generally, saves a pair greenbacks, but isn’t, always the drastic cut that was predicted. Also, games designed with the downloadable market are still normally less fleshed out than popular releases. Battlefield 1943, for example, is a down load-most effective sport lately launched that has the equal fashion gameplay because of the retail variations inside the series inclusive of Battlefield 2 or Battlefield 2142. However, it only has four multiplayer maps and 3 training to apply. This is ways fewer than the preceding entries. So although Battlefield 1943 is cheaper, it’s far cheaper due to the fact there is much less content material.
In that case, it comes right down to the sport itself while looking at value. Some games offer superb amounts of content. Supreme Commander takes approximately 30 hours to finish, The Orange Box should take even extra to complete all the covered video games, and The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion ought to close for over a hundred hours if a player selected to look all it has to offer. Then there are multiplayer targeted video games that would offer a limitless quantity of replayability. Call of Duty four has gotten over a hundred hours of online play from certain people and World of Warcraft has so much to it that Blizzard prices $15 in step with a month to play it and nevertheless sees thousands and thousands of users play for years.
Quantity Examples
On the flip aspect, Call of Duty four takes underneath 10 hours to plow through its tremendous, but short single player campaign. The God of War games are seriously acclaimed but none of them are very lengthy and do no longer offer any multiplayer gameplay both.
This ends in the critical query. What makes a sport worth buying? If it’s far the quantity of hours to complete than role playing video games which include Final Fantasy and Fallout three are truly on the top of the listing. However, it is not possible to measure the hours required to finish a multiplayer sport. Going lower back to Call of Duty 4, you could see all the maps and modes in just a couple of hours, however, some people hold coming returned for more.
The answer to the question will absolutely range from man or woman to man or woman. For me, the satisfactory value is a high-quality, excessive-content material experience. I actually have presently played Oblivion for over 40 hours, have not finished it, and still revel in playing it. That is undeniably correct value. It receives tougher to select when it comes to video games which can be quick however candy and games which are lengthy but mediocre.
Braid, a downloadable sport for Xbox Live Arcade and PC is a Super Mario-fashion platformer with a twist that your character can manipulate time to clear up puzzles. I bought this recreation and completed it after simply four or five hours of play. The recreation even has a style to try and beat in forty-five minutes, acknowledging how brief it surely is. There isn’t any multiplayer either and so I actually have now not long gone lower back to it after completing it. That stated, I, in reality, loved the game. Everything from the specific gameplay to the soundtrack, to the storyline, fits sincerely properly together. The sport charges money although, and I were given a long way fewer hours of it than I did with different games.
I had been told that Titan Quest for PC can take up to forty hours to complete. While I admire the developers looking to enlarge the duration of the sport, I for my part did no longer fall in love with the sport. I put in approximately 5 or 6 hours into it and despite the fact that there wasn’t something especially incorrect with it, I ended up moving directly to another recreation and never completed it. It might have the capability to be a worthwhile purchase, but I did not get plenty out of it as I had was hoping for the price I paid.
This is the risk developers discover with making their games longer. With a constrained range of hours to play video games, I will not finish games that I locate move on for a long term if I am now not a large fan of them. This decreases its cost for me because I will by no means get to see the conclusion of the tale or square off towards the hardest boss enemies that the game has to offer.
Is there an ideal sweet spot for games to reach, where they provide sufficient content without getting tedious midway thru the game? Should all video games have a minimal period, say 10 hours? 15 hours? Should shorter games be cheaper because of their period? Is it higher for a sport to be short and first-rate or long and true, however not wonderful? I don’t know if I can solve these questions however I would love to listen from every body who has an opinion on the subject.
Play Pokemon Games Online
  Pokemon is one of the present day-day characters that many youngsters have come to like. Pokemon is man or woman monsters that children can use as a puppy. But they’re not actual pets, of the route. They are function-playing video games that have been created by means of the Japanese leader in video games, Nintendo. Pokemon is very popular, and it is 2nd simplest to Mario, the satisfactory-selling game Nintendo has ever produced. Play Pokemon video games via a console, online, or over the internet. Whichever sports mode you pick, you’re positive to experience this journey game that kids of nowadays prefer.
The Pokemon games come in different types and versions. There are adventure games, Pokemon card video games, puzzles, and position playing video games as well. The unique Nintendo model involves the struggle between the special Pokemon characters. Players act as trainers that lead their pets into the conflict. The higher instructor wins the sport.
Quantity Synonym
Pokemon characters have special innate abilities and talents. Their capabilities additionally grow as they benefit greater experience in their battles. Every battle gained adds notches of enjoying to the Pokemon, which in flip, would permit them to evolve right into a more potent and loads more talented puppy.
Play Pokemon online and recognize how the sport progresses. The most famous Pokemon recreation version is the role gambling game, wherein you are taking on Ash’s role of being the monster’s teacher. Your quest is to come to be the high-quality Pokemon instructor with the strongest and maximum disciplined pet in the entire world.
Kids typically play Pokemon via a recreation console like the Nintendo Game Boy and the lots more modern Nintendo DS. However, there are numerous Pokemon video games on line. These video games may be played without spending a dime and you may practically analyze the whole thing about Pokemon characters via it.
Since a maximum of those video games is made from Flash programming, the video games are completely interactive and work very in addition to the original Pokemon sport that youngsters had come to realize about. Join the more youthful era as you start your quest in finding the rarest Pokemon in the jungle. Play Pokemon by training Pikachu, or any of your favored Pokemon individual, to emerge as the most powerful in the complete land. Beat your enemies, more mainly the participants of the Team Rocket and their evil mission to use Pokemon to facilitate their depraved plan of taking on the sector.
Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle are the most famous Pokemon characters used in the sport. There greater than one hundred Pokemon in the league. You’re loose to gather them all and keep them for your Pokedex. It could all rely on the type of sport you are gambling. Some games are restrained on the subject of the sideshows and consciousness more at the Pokemon battles.
To play Pokemon on-line, select the right game that fits your understanding. Beginners are counseled to engage in a fairly easy recreation to be able to hone your competencies as an instructor. There are more complicated video games on-line that could paintings flawlessly to the ones who have performed a comparable recreation before. Adults will locate Pokemon games interesting and unique. Just check out what makes this game a large hit to the children these days. Play Pokemon proper now and enjoy the sport like each child does.
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junker-town · 8 years ago
Jordan Morgan signed up for football on a whim. Now, he's headed to the Chicago Bears.
Underweight and with almost no experience, Jordan Morgan became a four-year starting tackle at Kutztown. Now, he could be the draft’s best offensive linemen you haven’t heard of.
Update: Morgan was drafted in the fifth round by the Chicago Bears.
With a 7-0 lead against West Chester last season, Kutztown University head coach Jim Clements dialed up a screen. It was the same play Jordan Morgan, the Golden Bears’ left tackle, struggled with earlier in practice that week. But Morgan didn’t worry about the play call. His job was simple: Go out there and deliver a bone-crushing block.
Before quarterback Collin DiGalbo fired a quick pass to receiver Kellen Williams, Morgan — the lead blocker on the play — got out of his stance, saw a defender streaking toward Williams, and viciously drove him into the turf.
That big-time block sprung Williams loose for a 39-yard touchdown to give the Golden Bears a commanding 13-0 lead.
“As a player, I would just describe myself as a tenacious lineman [who] likes to get after it,” Morgan told SB Nation.
Morgan’s journey is different from most of the other prospects in this year’s draft class. He went from a senior in high school with no prior football experience to a staple on the Division II school’s offensive line since 2013. Now, the 6’4, 309-pound mauler from Philadelphia is ready for the NFL.
Morgan’s unorthodox journey to football
Before Morgan emerged as the anchor of Kutztown’s unit, he was a 235-pound senior at Parkway Northwest High School. He needed “enrichment hours” to graduate, so he played football to help rack up those hours.
According to Morgan, “enrichment hours” was the school’s way to promote youth and keep students off the streets. Since Parkway Northwest was a small high school, Morgan said it sent its athletes to play sports at Germantown.
Morgan tried out for Germantown’s team and made it.
“I ended up taking that shot, and it ended up working out for me,” Morgan said. “I fell in love with it almost immediately.”
Since football was new to him, he knew he wasn't a good player at the time. But he didn't second-guess himself.
“Once I realized I had the opportunity, at that point it was just a matter of playing to the highest ability that I could. And just continue to make myself known and earn more playing time there.”
Morgan played offensive tackle and defensive end, but only for half a season. Then, an unexpected opportunity came knocking on his door. Kutztown University traveled to Germantown to recruit some of Morgan’s teammates. But Raymond Monica, Kutztown’s head coach at the time, and his staff saw potential in Morgan.
“We thought he had a big upside [when] we watched him on the field,” Monica told SB Nation. “We thought if he stuck to it and work hard, he can play on our football team.”
So, Kutztown brought Morgan to play as a walk-on.
“I was ecstatic, honestly,” Morgan said. “I understood that I was in a position where I wasn't going to be getting the money or praise as some of the other people coming into the program. But that didn't really bother me.”
Morgan was excited to compete for a role on the Golden Bears. From that day forward, he had one focus: “Be the hardest-working person, and make the biggest impression that I could every time.”
Morgan experienced first-year growing pains at Kutztown
In 2012, Morgan arrived at Kutztown, ready to compete.
“When a lot of guys come to college, they want to play right away. And I get it because it’s exciting, and you want to prove that you have that level of talent. But it’s one of those things where you just need to sit back, step outside of yourself, and learn.”
He redshirted his first year, but there was a huge hurdle he had to clear before he could step foot on the field. At 235 pounds, Morgan wasn't big enough to play left tackle, so he had to gain a lot of weight.
Kutztown lacked the resources major programs have, so he enrolled in nutrition classes. He also talked to his teammates to find trainers who could help him eclipse 300 pounds while gaining “good weight.”
The next year, Morgan was up to 309 pounds and ready to solidify himself as the Golden Bears’ starting left tackle. But this time, he had to prove himself to a new head coach. The program hired Drew Folmar after Monica left to become Arkansas Tech University’s next head coach.
Morgan impressed Folmar immediately.
Like any first-year starter at the collegiate level, Morgan experienced some growing pains, but he improved as the season progressed.
“You could see flashes and glimpses of talent there, but he just needed to grow, develop, and get experience,” Folmar told SB Nation.
Morgan’s main weakness was just a lack of playing time. But his biggest attribute, according to Folmar, was his desire to be a good player.
“He was very coachable, he worked hard, [and] he showed up every day,” Folmar said.
Morgan described his first year on the field as a “learning curve,” but he wasn't pleased with his performance. Following that season, he watched game tapes and vowed to work with his coaches.
How Morgan became Kutztown’s blindside stalwart
Morgan refined his game, but once again, he had to prove himself to another head coach. Folmar resigned as Kutztown’s head coach after one season and the Golden Bears hired Jim Clements to replace him.
Clements knew Morgan had the potential to be a great left tackle years before he took the job at Kutztown. For the previous eight years, Clements was the head coach at Delaware Valley College and had tried to recruit Morgan while he was in high school.
When Clements arrived to Kutztown in 2014, he noticed Morgan’s work ethic right off the bat.
“He really was a sponge in regards to the game, you know,” Clements told SB Nation. “The Xs and Os, the techniques, and the different tricks of the trade that would make him a better player game after game. And he really worked hard.
“You can pull probably 10 blocks per game that were great plays by Jordan. Usually, [they] help spring a big play. We were able to really set some records running the ball, and Jordan was a huge part of that, without a doubt.”
Last season, the Golden Bears racked up a school-record 459 rushing yards against East Stroudsburg, thanks in part to Morgan’s ferocious blocking and leadership along the offensive line. As a team, the Golden Bears ran for 2,492 yards and 29 touchdowns in 2016.
Morgan says everyone on the football field has to communicate in order to click on all cylinders. But offensive linemen must know each other “like the back of your hand.”
“It’s a sense of camaraderie that comes with that position. You have to be able to communicate, you gotta know your guys, and you gotta be able to work together,” Morgan explained.
Because of his strong play along the offensive line and his leadership skills, Morgan was a team captain in 2015 and 2016. He also won several awards last year, including the 2016 Gene Upshaw Award, which honors the best lineman in NCAA Division II football. He also became the first offensive lineman to ever win the 2016 PSAC East Offensive Athlete of the Year award.
Morgan’s dedication helped him land an invite to the NFL Combine and the 2017 Senior Bowl in Mobile.
Now Morgan is ready to prove himself again
At the Senior Bowl, Morgan played on the North squad, coached by John Fox and the Chicago Bears staff. It was surreal for Morgan. During his first practice, he said he was timid because it was a new atmosphere to him.
He also had to make the transition to left guard and struggled with pass sets early on. As time went by, he loosened up and played better. From there, he got used to how things worked as an NFL prospect.
“At first, you saw him early in the Senior Bowl practice where he might have been taking too deep of a pass set at left guard,” Clements said. “At left tackle, you have to take a little deeper pass set. At guard, you don’t. And I think it took him a couple reps to figure that out. By the end of that week in practice, he was doing extremely well.”
After the Senior Bowl, Morgan traveled to Indianapolis and participated in drills at the NFL Combine. He ran a 5.36 in the 40-yard dash, put up bench 21 reps on the bench press, and had a 27-inch vertical jump, all respectable numbers.
Teams that contacted Morgan said he has to convert to guard or even be used as a swing guy at center. He’s fine with potentially moving to a new position.
Clements believes Morgan can play left tackle in the NFL because he has the wingspan and good feet. However, he believes it will be easier for Morgan to adapt to the inside than outside.
“In the inside, he’ll still see a great speed rush way more than he’s ever seen at Kutztown,” Clements said. “But he’s solid enough to be able to anchor a bull rush.”
“I don't really have a preference as [to what position] a team wants me play,” Morgan said. He wants all 32 teams to know that they won't find another offensive lineman who is more passionate about learning and football.
If Morgan gets drafted, he will be only the fourth player in Kutztown’s history selected, and the first since linebacker John Mobley in 1996. But he’s been silencing doubters since high school. He plans to do the same in the NFL.
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knowthewayblog-blog · 8 years ago
How To Think Like A Billionaire
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Billionaires never think... Why are some people rich and successful while others work hard but struggle just to get by? Why does it seem so easy for other people to get laid? How did some of these jokers on YouTube get so big? Why can’t I ever keep my new year’s resolutions of getting fit and being healthy? Or, how do people afford nice cars or a nice house, let alone Lamborghini's and a baller mansion?
That’s how losers think.
Be it in Money, Sports, Fitness, School, or Sex…we all want to succeed in something. It’d be nice to be filthy rich, right? So why haven’t you achieved your dreams? Maybe you never got motivated, or you’ve given it a shot but quickly got discouraged and flamed out.
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It’s not just you… most people don’t KNOW THE WAY to achieve success. They have no idea how to get what they want in life.
But this guy does.
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Scott Adams is the creator of the comic strip Dilbert, and author of How to Fail at Almost Anything and Still Win Big. Packed with ideas, tips, and strategies for success, How to Fail… is an easy, fast, and entertaining read. In it Adams details his many failures and how he went from hapless office worker to creating one of the most popular and widely read comic strips ever. Along the way Adams teaches the thought processes and mindset that propelled him to success… the secrets to why successful people win and unsuccessful people lose…
So, why should we listen to a fucking cartoonist for advice? Well, for starters he’s rich from his comic and books. If that’s not enough he is also quite insightful. In his popular blog, he brilliantly writes about many topics, and predicted that Donald Trump would be president of the United States before anyone else. And at 60 years old his girlfriend is Instagram star Kristina Basham.
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Get it on Amazon:
How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big: Kind of the Story of My Life
Get FREE Audio Book Here!
Scott is also a trained hypnotist and master persuader, so there’s a chance just reading the book will mind fuck you into being rich or… getting hot chics. So, why not read it? And check out Scott’s blog here http://blog.dilbert.com/
We’ll get to Scott’s life changing ideas in a minute, but one of the biggest problems most of us have with success is How. To. Start. The greatest journey begins with a single step, right?… unfortunately, the first step is always the hardest.
Key #1
The 1st key to success in anything is this:
Do not wait until you are confident or feel you are qualified to get started. Because, you will never feel confident enough, and you will never be qualified enough. All you need is a little courage. Basically, just don’t be a bitch.
Think about when you were first learning to ride a bike (without training wheels). No doubt you weren’t very confident and you weren't qualified (in a sense) to ride it since you’ve never done it before. How did you get started? Some help and encouragement from someone, but also I guarantee it took some courage. Here’s an interesting question...Did you actually think to yourself, my goal is to ride this bike? Did you set goals when you were 4 or 5 years old. I’m pretty sure I didn’t. I thought, well, that kid can do it and it looks fun, I’m gonna do it too even though i’m a little scared….Billionaire Richard Branson says, 
“Those who achieve great things are the ones willing to be scared but not scared off.”
Key #2
The next key to success. The keys to your Lambo! The reason you’re not rich:
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Scott Adams says — Goals... Are for Losers
That sounds ridiculous at first. I was always told to create S.M.A.R.T. goals to achieve them (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound). We always hear, the most successful people in the world set lofty goals. “Tom Brady sets a goal every year to win the Super Bowl and he’s won 5! The CEO of blah blah blah’s life goal was to become a CEO. Even self help guru Tony Robbins says,
“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.”
Ok, Goals aren’t bad per se, but I agree with Scott Adams that they are a terrible way to think about success.
When you got on that bike did you pick your feet up and expect it to move? No. But that’s how most goal oriented people live life. They set a goal and hope or wish to achieve it. They hope for things to happen and get depressed when they don’t. Goal-thinkers are fighting feelings of discouragement when things aren’t working out.
Scott Adams explains it like this,
”if your goal is to lose ten pounds, you will spend every moment until you reach that goal—if you reach it at all—feeling as if you were short of your goal (he calls that feeling pre-success failure). Goal-oriented people exist in a state of nearly continuous failure that they hope will only be temporary. That feeling wears on you and in time it becomes heavy and uncomfortable."
In other words… Goals make you feel like shit.
"If you actually achieve your goal, you celebrate and feel terrific for a time, but only until you realize you lost the one thing that gave you purpose and direction. Then what do you do? Set a new goal and re-enter the cycle of pre-success failure?"
So, if you achieve your goal, you lose your purpose. And on the way to that goal, you’re constantly feeling like a loser because you’re not there yet. If you don’t achieve your goal, you are a loser, both in your mind and the mind of others.
“Goal-oriented people exist in a state of continuous pre-success failure at best, and permanent failure at worst if things never work out.”
So you are a damn loser whether you achieve the goal or not.
How many times did that bike fall over when you first attempted to ride it as a kid? I know I crashed a lot, but I don’t think it made me feel like a failure? Why was that? I’d just get back on and try again. Goal-thinkers feel like failures and then usually give up when they crash and can’t go anywhere.
So if goals are for losers, what’s the alternative? What’s the SECRET?
Scott Adams uses Olympic Athletes as an example in How to fail… But since I brought it up earlier, Let’s use Tom Brady.
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Whether you like him or not the guy’s been to 7 superbowls, most ever, and won 5, again most ever. He also has or will have a slew of other records by the time he retires including most wins ever by a QB. And he’s uber rich and has a super model wife. I’m not a Tom Brady or a Patriots fan myself, I just have to recognize the fact that he’s very successful. 
All NFL Quarterbacks set a goal to win the Superbowl every year. But what separates the “Elites” specifically Brady from every other NFL QB? We can argue over things like athletic talent, his team, his coach, his leadership, his IQ, or even his luck, all of which I don’t think are better than any others.
Key #3
The Keys to your Balla’ Mansion - The SECRET to Success - A SYSTEM is The Way
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What I think separates Tom “Golden Boy” Brady from most other QBs is the idea of Systems. He is systematic in everything he does from eating to practice. He follows a repeated regimen of workouts, preparation, game film study, and working on his game “Every Single Day - No Matter What” that makes him the G.O.A.T. On top of that Golden Boy is in a Systems Driven organization with a head coach that is also very systems driven. At the core of the New England Patriots system, is the simple mantra of “Just Do Your Job”.  
Another famous Systems thinker from sports is  Major League Baseball executive Theo Epstein.  Using a systems driven, data analytics approach (often referred to as moneyball or sabermetrics) to building baseball team rosters, he ended the 2 longest championship droughts in sports history. 1st In Boston, where he was the youngest general manager ever at 28 years old, he ended an 86 year drought.  Then in Chicago where the Cubs had not won a World Series since 1908. After 5 years of running his system in Chicago, the Cubs won the world series in 2016. 108 years between world series championships! He literally used systems-thinking to break 2 curses! Curse of the Bambino in Boston and Curse of the Billy Goat in Chicago.
Billionaire Mindset
Think for a moment about the most successful individuals on the planet. Self-made billionaires like Bill Gates, Richard Branson, and Elon Musk.
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They didn’t have experience when they started, and they had many set backs and failures, but knew they would figure it out as they went along. They are all Systems Thinkers. They repeatedly try business ventures and keep doing what works while discarding or fixing what doesn’t. That way of thinking is what separates systems from goals. Scott Adams defines a System as
"something you do on a regular basis with a reasonable expectation that doing so will get you to a better place in your life."
For the majority of people, Goals, as Scott says,
“are a reach-it-and-be-done situation...."
whereas systems,
"are ongoing repeatable strategies. Systems people succeed every time they apply their systems, in the sense that they did what they intended to do.”
Systems thinkers feel good every time they apply their system because the end goal isn’t a big deal. That’s an important point. The losers lose so often because they place too much emphasis and focus on a specific end goal or result. Systems people are constantly learning.  Each time they apply a system the better they get at whatever it is they’re doing. In a sense they can only win, they can’t lose.
"A good system is something you do every day that leads you to better outcomes, not specific objectives."
A good system also breaks seemingly impossible, or complicated tasks into smaller, manageable, chunks or steps. Take for example a Rubik’s Cube.
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I have made it a “goal” many times to solve the Rubik’s Cube. I would pick it up, twist it around for awhile, and eventually get frustrated and discouraged and give up. It felt impossible to solve. Many people think it takes a genius mind to figure out. But that is a GOAL mindset. I finally stopped thinking that way.
I took a systems approach and found the CFOP method(Cross, First 2 Layers, Orient Last Layer, and Permute Last Layer). It sounds complicated but it’s not. Following CFOP it was like it solved itself! Soon I was able to solve the cube in about 120 seconds. Master speedcubers can solve it in less than 10 seconds. The world record is less than 5 seconds! Cool story bro. The point is, anyone can solve impossible problems by changing their mindset. Don’t focus on the end result — instead focus on using a repeatable strategy — a system.
When you learned to ride a bike, you systematically got on it, pedaled, crashed and repeated until something “clicked”. Each time you crash you are still succeeding in a sense because you learn something and apply it. When you ride a bike successfully you  systematically pedal, and maintain a center of gravity, to keep the bike upright and moving. But if you screw up and stick your foot in the front tire and smash your face on the pavement, it’s ok, because you have a system. And you figured out that putting your foot in the front tire does not work with that system. Get back on the bike and do what works, don’t do what makes you crash.
Simple Systems
So… you want to be rich? Don’t wish to be rich or make it a mere goal. Create or do something that is easily, cheaply, or passively reproducible and that provides something of value to the world. Make increasing amounts of money reproducing it until you are rich. Want to get laid? Don’t set a goal to make one particular person your boyfriend or girlfriend, systematically talk to and ask out lots of people — who cares if you get rejected. You will learn what works and what doesn’t and build confidence. Want to be fit and healthy? Don’t set a goal to lose 10, 20, or whatever pounds. Pick an eating healthy system and exercise systematically at the same time every single day no matter what. Want that YouTube money? Don’t set out to make a viral one shot video. Make lot’s of videos and get better and better until something clicks with you and the audience. The more you put out there, the more chances that something will catch fire.
These illustrations may seem overly simplistic, but the way of looking at life through a systems “lens” is useful and very powerful. Simplicity is also another key to success Scott Adams talks about in How to fail. The simple illustrations I give, of the bike and the Rubik’s cube and the simple systems examples, are designed to subconsciously change your brain to start looking at EVERYTHING with a systems mindset — to start THINKING like a billionaire.
Next time we’ll get more practical. We'll talk about tips, tricks and more details on being Systems Driven. If you like this idea of having a Systems Mindset, why not make subscribing part of your life system. I’ll be posting regularly about applying that mindset to just about everything.  And You will soon ditch your POS bike for that Lambo.
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lightreigned · 4 years ago
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Like for a SONG LYRIC Starter! I will put one of my playlists on shuffle and we will see what flavor you get!
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