#& lillillians.
itskimibtch · 2 years
Kimi had debated not coming. If it wasn’t for not letting Susie down, she would’ve stayed at home tonight, reminisced on what a year it had been, how lonely the apartment felt, and turn in early. She felt she stuck out like a sore thumb in her group of friends right now, like everyone was a little irritated at her for causing tension among them, and she couldn’t blame them. She was waiting for everyone else to initiate conversation; unlike her, but better than having to carry on forced small talk with the people she was supposed to be closest to. Her hope was she could talk to Susie and her parents a little before sneaking out unnoticed. She’d done an okay job at avoiding the twins for the first hour or so, but another drink was calling her name at the same time Lil happened to be standing by the alcohol. A necessity if she was going to deal with this awkwardness. “Hi,” she spoke hesitantly, figuring it would be weirder to ignore her than offer a simple greeting. She hated this, she hated all of this. The way it felt like she wasn’t allowed to check in with her best friend, the way there wasn’t an trace of genuinely in her smile. The way it felt like there were eyes following her around all night even if it was in her head. All of this. “How’ve you been?”
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philthedeville · 2 years
Phil had no clue what time it was when he had woken up next to Kimi in her bed. It was still dark out so that meant it couldn’t have been time to wake up yet. His phone was dead and he was too exhausted to look for a charger. He was still a little drunk but his mouth was so dry that his only thought was to get water. So, after finding his underwear on the floor he put them on and made his way to the kitchen in the dark, only running into something twice. Once he reached the kitchen he flipped on the light and grabbed a glass from the cupboard to fill with water. Once the glass was full he was quick to bring it to his lips and chug. He was about halfway through the glass when he heard the door to the apartment open and he froze. He was sober enough to realize it was his sister and that meant she was going to question why he was standing in her kitchen in the middle of the night in just his underwear. Phil hadn’t expected her to come back home at this point but he was clueless as to where she had been and still had no sense of time. When she finally walked through the door he was still drinking his water, trying to act as casual as possible and think of the best possible lie he could come up with as to why he was there. Once he thought of one he set his glass down and flashed his sister a smile. “You’re home so late, dear sister. Or is it early? I’m not really sure,” he said with a shrug. “Irregardless, it’s late.”
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sk8rgurlmiriam · 2 years
Miriam often times found herself in places she hadn’t been before. She liked to try new things and explore places in the surrounding towns. She knew Echo Creek like the back of her hand and had ventured into Amity Park that day. She had yet to go to one of the newer towns yet but, truth be told, she was a little nervous to go alone. She could easily have asked a friend to go, but work often had gotten in the way. Today she was just chilling with herself though and was at the mall, waiting in line at the smoothie place in the food court. The place was insanely busy that day and after Miriam had gotten her drink she had trouble finding a place to sit. People were probably out spending any holiday gift cards or cash they received, Miriam assumed. She spotted a two person table and was about to head towards it when she saw a girl sit there alone. Sighing, she glanced around once more before deciding to approach the girl. “Excuse me, but like, would you care if I sat here. I just wanted to chill while I drank my smoothie and there’s other tables open.”
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buckaye · 2 years
The park wasn’t his usual place to chill. He wouldn’t be there if he didn’t have other business going on, trying to sit nonchalant on the uncomfortable bench, waiting for someone to show. He just so happened to catch sight of Lillian walking by and perked up immediately. “Hey, I didn’t see you at the country club the other night.” And yes, he was looking. Bucky could count on one hand the people he’d feel any sort of positive emotion about seeing, and unfortunately for her, she’d made the list. He knew she didn’t share the same sentiment, but that only made her more charming to him, a man that wanted what he couldn’t have. “I’m guessing your new boo hasn’t been stupid enough to let you go yet.”
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dumbabies · 7 months
who: @lillillian where: lil's apartment
It was bright and early when Angelica showed up, two Mango Madness smoothies in hand. Last night brought her back onto the prowl and revenge was her favorite thing to have for breakfast after all. None of that made it easier watching how her friend showed up at the door. Angelica frowned the second she saw her, hustling inside to set down her things and provide a hug after seeing the state of Lil. She'd expected her to be upset but she hadn't even gotten out of her pajamas which meant something was actually wrong. There was still more information to give, Angelica wanting to soften the blow. "I got your favorite," she smiled once letting go of the girl and holding out the smoothie she'd brought. "Don't worry, I've got a plan and so much to tell you."
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bugsnackdeville · 10 months
closed starter for @lillillian & @speedash location: phil and lil's apartment - morning after pacifica's party
As much as he wanted absolutely nothing more than to sleep in for the rest of like forever after Pacifica’s party the night before, he had a job - one that required actually getting out of bed and getting dressed and being a human being. Which wasn’t fair, but well, it was life. And that was the only reason Phil was even awake at such an hour, stumbling out of his room in just his boxers, feeling still half asleep as he made his way towards the kitchen for some breakfast. Only, all it took was the sight of another boy standing in the fridge light for that drowsiness to go away. Suddenly, Phil was awake as could be as he took in Dash Parr in the middle of his kitchen, knowing exactly what it meant for the blond to be here. “Lilian!” he called out, loud enough to probably be heard in the apartment next to them and certainly loud enough for his sister to hear in her bedroom. He’d likely be amused at the way his twin’s maybe boyfriend jumped at the sound of his voice, if he weren’t too busy dramatically pouting just at the mere sight of him.
Turning his back to Dash for a moment, he crosses his arms and glares at his sister’s form as she now enters the shared space as well. “Did you really fuck Flash? That’s not fair - I barely even had a chance to win him over yet!” Looking over his shoulder, the pout finally turns into that smugly amused smirk of his as he winks in the boy’s direction. “Just so you know, I don’t write anyone off just cause they’ve fucked my sister. You’re still all good on my end - no stupid no fly list.” The comment was said more so to potentially piss Lil off than as an actual offer to the blond - though, he wouldn’t turn him away either.
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mammaparr · 10 months
closed starter for @lillillian location: soccer fields
If anyone asked, Helen was simply here for her son’s game, waiting a bit early in hopes of catching Dash before the game started. In truth, however, she was scoping out the rest of the teams, trying to decide who this Lilian Deville might be. All she had to go off of was her name and that she coaches the girl’s team, which granted was indeed a lot to start her search - so long as her assumption was right that this girls team was from the same school and not an opposing one. Though she supposed she was about to find out as she stepped up onto the field, feigning confusion as she looks around before approaching the current coach on the game. “Hi there,” she greets, smiling awkwardly and letting out a small chuckle. “I hope this doesn’t sound too weird, but this is where Dash Parr’s team will be playing later, right? I always get so confused trying to find which field he’ll be on sometimes.” It was hardly the truth, but Helen was well versed in the art of lying at this point thanks to her job.
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rooneysliv · 4 months
closed starter for @lillillian location: on set of heathers
It was a bit surprising that Gwen was relaxed about having guests on set. As long as they didn't cause too much traffic, it was fine. Even Liv had invited her own family members every once in a while. She relished when her fellow coworkers took the same opportunity to bring friends. In this case she noticed someone on the sidelines that looked quite similar to the Phil Deville that was busy being filmed at the moment. Liv's recollection to his mentioning that he had a twin made it quite obvious who the guest was.
"Your brother," She initiated as she stepped closer to the other, trying not to make too much noise while the cameras were rolling. "He's doing a really good job out there. And he's been a fun person to have on set, so I feel like I can speak for everyone when I say that we're glad he's here." Her reassurance was the truth, she loved working with someone new to the scene. They often had an eagerness to them and a willingness to try out creative choices, which she really enjoying seeing from Phil. "He mentioned that this was his first time on an official movie set, does that mean it's your first time too?"
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dodgingworry · 5 months
who: @lillillian where: the boardwalk
When he agreed to do this Dodger hadn't really known what it all entailed. Angelica had given her the spiel but usually, when she talked he just nodded and pretended he was listening. That had backfired today while he stood on the boardwalk waiting for the friend she'd sent for him to hang out with. Apparently, there was some drama he hadn't bothered paying more attention to than he needed, it was her business and not his. "Hey," the blonde boy waved when he saw her approaching, recognizing her from the photo Angelica sent. "You must be Lil, I'm Dodger. I've heard a lot about you and not shitty things which is fuckin' nuts coming from Angelica," he laughed hoping that their conversation would come naturally. "She didn't uh, tell me what we're supposed to do so I figured I'd let you pick. We got food, games, we could even surf if you're feeling up to it." The boardwalk was their oyster and his only goal for their evening was to have fun.
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sabrinaissad · 2 years
closed starter location: sab and alex’s apartment @lillillians​
Sabrina knew Riley spent a lot of time at her apartment shared with Alex, but she didn’t know it was getting to the point that people looked for her there. She always saw their apartment as a little oasis for Riley so seeing a girl at her door was a bit of a surprise. Riley wasn’t there and she wasn’t quite sure where they went. but she wasn’t going to just let their guest stand outside all day. So she invited the girl in and gave her a small smile. With the way life was, she was trying to keep as much of her sadness to herself as she could, especially around this stranger. “I am assuming you’re looking....for Riley....they are out....at the moment....but I can....take a message or....get you some tea...if you wanted to wait....” She realized she hadn’t asked for a name and felt so stupid for not doing as such. “I...sorry.....can I ask....for a name...?”
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itskimibtch · 2 years
Kimi nearly leapt from her spot on the couch when she heard the key in the door. She had messed up. She knew that. She wasn’t thinking straight at the bonfire, Phil pissed her off, and instead of checking on her best friend like she meant to, she’d only added more stress by starting a fight with her brother of all people. The hangover she was nursing the next morning wasn’t half as bad as the guilt. She owed her an apology, but she hadn’t seen her since... which was unusual. Even with their busy schedules, she’d at least speak to Lil daily. It was worrying, going to sleep in an empty apartment the last few nights. It felt like a eternity before the door opened, but Kimi was standing there with a smile when it did; a bit tense, a bit forced, but a smile just the same. “I was starting to wonder if you were coming back,” she joked. Mostly joked. “I sure would hate to have to start a roommate search. Can you imagine the weirdos I could get stuck with?”
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directorpickles · 2 years
continued from here
Tommy held back a sigh, figuring he shouldn’t have even brought that up if he didn’t want to keep thinking about their struggling friend group. He also was clearly avoiding a different topic instead, but Lil wouldn’t let that slide so easily. It was clear neither of them really wanted to discuss her conflicts with Phil any longer anyway, so he sipped from the seltzer can in his hand as the subject got changed. He was glad to see Lil back at her apartment at least, but he did miss having her around at the same time. They definitely became closer as friends as Lil stayed with him and Chuckie for awhile. “Hey, I told you not to get any ideas, didn’t I?” He teased her with a smile. “Yeah, she’s pretty talented. I haven’t seen her play, but you know she offered to do stunts in my next film?” @lillillians​
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imatinker · 1 year
closed starter for @lillillian location: soccer fields
Despite all the drama that had happened at the lost boy’s party, at least one seemingly good thing had come out of it for Tink – a potential opening for starting over with Dash, or at least creating some kind of understanding and friendship between them. For the longest time she hadn’t realized just how much she actually missed having him around, always too busy being on guard whenever she saw or thought of him. But after he brought her home and stayed the night just simply laying with her, there was no longer any chance of denying that she wanted him back in her life. The opportunity for anything romantic had long since passed, she was pretty sure of that, but maybe a friendship could still be preserved from the fires of everything that happened between them. Which was the reason that she found herself attending one of his games again, only this time it seemed slightly different than normal. He was playing alongside one of the girls he had always sworn to be an enemy, even going so far as to lift her in the air and spin her around. A small spark of jealousy flares in the blonde at the sight, but she quickly squashes it and instead decides to focus on being supportive of whatever might be happening between the two.
So when she's waiting outside the locker rooms for Dash to come out, but instead the brunette shows up first Tink figures she might as well introduce herself. “Hey! Deville!” she calls out, recalling the last name that had been on the other girl’s jersey during the game. When she stopped and turned at the sound of her name, Tink simply lifted her hand with a smile. “Sorry, I know this is weird. But you played with Dash today, right?”
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buckaye · 2 years
"Everyone's up to something." - lil
“The only thing I’m up to is telling you how stunning you look today,” Bucky insisted, trying his best to be charming though something told him she wasn’t buying it. It was like that, sometimes. The girls he was interested in saw right through him. But then there were others -- Dee Dee -- that were putty in his hands. It was nice to have a balance, made it more fun. “Come on, I’m just being honest. Anyone with eyes can see it.”
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dumbabies · 7 months
text to @lillillian
angelica: bitch, you are not going to believe who i just saw here on the arm of some big-titted blonde bimbo
angelica: fucking dash.
angelica: if you want me to go kick his ass i will. just say the word.
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waypossible · 1 year
closed starter for @lillillian
One of the great positives to being in a relationship with Tommy was getting to know his friends, and as it turned out, Kim was getting along quite well with Lillian Deville. The two had shared interests and she was easily becoming a nice confidante to have around. It seemed to be that Lil was just as psyched to have their friendship, even inviting Kim out to her weekly scrimmages. The two had carefree fun and often grabbed food afterward and this time was expected to be no different. That was until the usual soccer match Lil invited Kim to participate in was suddenly bombarded with an unexpected guest this week. At first, she didn’t mind him being there, especially when she found out her friend told him to come. However, easily a couple of rounds into the game, she could tell he wasn’t exactly a team player. It was baffling how someone like him even knew Lil to begin with. By the end of the game, Kim picked up on a couple of things and had to talk them out with her friend, “You mind telling me what’s going on there?”
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