#& got me some legit perfect vacation button ups
betasuppe · 6 months
Finally living out my dream of wearing Hawaiian shirts every day to work & bringing the fun uncle vibe to the partayyyyy
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lihikainanea · 5 years
Could you write about BFF!Bill finding out about Tiger being insecure about her stretch marks and/or scars? This may be a bit of a self-insert but holy fuCK I'm in love with BFF!Bill and I need more of him 🥺 I just recently started getting into the fandom and I honestly??? Could not have fallen harder for him than I did reading about BFF!Bill, so thank you, amazing author, thank you
Baby thank you so much for the kind words
Look man, tiger is like all of us and she definitely gets insecure about her body. But I feel like there’s this whole other layer here too, because she’d be a little insecure regardless, but she’s literally hooking up with a dude who makes a living off of his looks. Yes, Bill is talented. But there’s no way he’d be a Hollywood actor if he wasn’t ridiculously attractive. And his costars are ridiculously attractive--women who literally just look perfect in every way--and he has to do all these lovey, sexy scenes with them and seriously sometimes it just gives tiger such a complex.
And maybe she always had stretch marks on her thighs or her breasts or her stomach, maybe she’s always been a little uneasy about them. Or maybe it’s after that wonderful sun-filled vacation they took (check the extensive blurbs in my Masterlist :-P) and it was full of rum cocktails and too much food. And I don’t know about you guys, but I always gain a shit ton of weight on vacation. I don’t work out as much or as intensely (or uh, even at all) when I’m away and I literally just eat whatever I want so like, when I came back from New Orleans I legit am still carrying around a little buddha belly filled with crawfish boils, beignets, and hurricane dranks.
But like, look. Tiger’s got some extra cushion for the pushin’ that really only she’s noticing, but she’s poking around a lot and kind of cringing whenever she gets a glimpse in the mirror before a shower or something. And it’s a little easier to ignore on vacation because as soon as she starts to get a little down about it, somebody (Bill) is shoving another rum cocktail in her hands. But it’s a bit of a different story when thy get back home and all the magic of vacation is just...gone.
And it doesn’t take long for Bill to be shootin’ his shot. It never takes long. But the plane ride back was torture because she was cold so he bundled her in his sweater, but there she was looking all cute and cuddly in his gigantic pullover and she curled up into him and put her head on his shoulder but they were on a plane surrounded by their friends, and all he wanted to do was snuggle her and kiss her but he couldn’t do shit. So they get home and haul their suitcases up, and tiger’s probably all bloated from the plane and not really feeling her best self. It’s stupid, right, but it happens--hell something so insignificant as just my yoga pants rolling down a tad and giving me a muffin top is enough to really put me in a bad mood.
Anyway, Bill asks her if she’s hungry and it’s an immediate, pretty grumpy no. And that’s fine, but when she mentions she’s going to take a shower he smirks, hugs her from behind, starts walking with her to the bathroom--she tries to smile and shove him away playfully, but there’s an ounce of worry and seriousness to it. She was around a shit ton of people today, she says, and kinda just wants to be alone for a few minutes. Bill’s not hurt by it, he knows she likes her space so with a final peck to her lips, he pats her butt as she closes the door behind her.
And he’s not worried until she emerges from the bathroom in a towel, and when he playfully goes to grab it and pull it from her, she legitimately panics a little--he doesn’t like the fear he saw on her face, the way she desperately grabbed it and held it to her. He offers her food again because she really didn’t each much today but she quietly refuses, so he fixes a snack and plops it on his lap, pulling her to the couch to cuddle. She doesn’t nibble on it despite him handing it over to her every now and then. When he’s done he puts the plate on the floor, pulling her over and plunking her in his lap, her back to his chest. He loops his arms around her and lifts her shirt a tad to rub her tummy, but she immediately grabs his hand and loops hers through it, keeping it to the side instead. Bill frowns.
“Everything okay, kid?” he murmurs in her ear. She nods, turns her head a bit to kiss him.
“Just tired bud,” she says, “Tired and a little grumpy.”
“Do you want to go to bed?” he asks, and she nods. And listen, Bill really wants that closeness with her, just wants it to be all soft and slow and needy because god he’s feeling a little possessive and protective over her, but it’s not going anywhere tonight and he knows it. So instead when he lies down he just tucks around her, and he frowns when she keeps her (his) shirt on.
“Off with it tiger,” he mumbles, tugging at it, “Skin, please.”
But tiger is feeling way too self-conscious to be topless.
“I’m cold,” she says as an excuse. He tugs at her shirt again.
“I’ll keep you warm,” he says.
“Bill...” she growls in warning, and he sighs.
“Fine, grumpypants,” he mutters. And he curls around her more, but when he lifts the shirt just a tad to trail his fingers along her bare stomach, she grabs his hand again and moves it away. He doesn’t like it, but trying to talk to her about it when she’s grumpy and snappy will likely get him dead--so he lets it go.
But listen, the next morning? We all have those few seconds--moments, if we’re lucky--of sleepy bliss. The first 2 minutes when you wake up are the most glorious of the day because you literally can’t remember a single thing that would make you stressed. So maybe when Bill hugs her a little closer, nibbles on her neck, maybe tiger stirs awake and pushes back a little into him. He groans softly, rolling his hips into hers and when she whimpers a little, reaches her hand back to run through his hair, he turns her over onto her back and eases on top of her. She pulls him down for a kiss and tilts her hips up into his again, so he reaches for her shirt--this stupid fucking shirt that stopped him from feeling her soft skin pressed to his last night--and pulls it up over her breasts.
But it’s like the alarm button, and suddenly she remembered all the stupid issues she’s having lately. So she grabs it and pulls it down, sitting up and pushing him away. And that’s quite enough, for Bill. He’ll let her stew all she wants if that’s what she needs, but she got herself into a bad place and she’s just staying there...which is a no-go in his books.
“Tiger, what’s going on?” he asks softly.
“Nothing,” she tries, “I just don’t want to.”
“You wanted to a second ago,” he says, as he reaches out and tucks her hair behind her ear. Her eyes go hard.
“What, I’m not allowed to change my mind?” she challenges. Bill’s jaw ticks, because he knows what she’s trying to do. But her eyes flit down to her lap and she pulls her knees up to her chest, curling in on herself.
“Tiger, look at me,” he commands, but she just keeps her gaze averted and she bites her lip.
“Now, tiger,” he says more sternly and she sighs, closing her eyes for a brief second before she looks up at him. He puts his hands on her knees, pushing them down so she’s cross-legged and he can lean in closer.
“You can change your mind at any time and you know that,” he says softly, “But that’s not what this is.”
She goes to look down again but he tucks a knuckle under her chin, keeping it up.
“What’s going on?” he tries again. She huffs, but he keeps a hold of her chin.
“It’s stupid,” she mutters.
“If it’s bugging you, it’s not stupid,” he murmurs, “Please, kid. Is it...us? This? Do you not want to anymore?”
And you know, tiger has her faults, but Bill does too. And whenever she pulls away a tad or shirks his affections, his mind immediately goes to the fact that maybe she doesn’t want him anymore. And it breaks her heart. So she closes her eyes, cups his face gently in her hands and kisses him.
“No bud, it’s not this. I still want...us. It’s just that I..” she trails off, swallowing hard, “I gained a lot of weight vacation.”
“Tiger, it--” but she puts two fingers gently on his lips, silencing him.
“No. Don’t do that thing where you say it doesn’t matter, or that you didn’t notice, or that you don’t care,” she says but it’s not unkind, it’s just honest, “Because I notice, and I care, and I’m really uncomfortable about it.”
She lowers her fingers from his lips but he’s just watching her, taking it all in and trying to read her.
“I want...you. I want--shit, I need--that closeness with you. But I’m just really, really self-conscious right now and I don’t want to be naked,” she says, “I just have all these new soft bits and these marks that weren’t there before and--”
Tiger still has a lot of issues she needs to work out for sure, but sometimes her honesty and candidness still completely fucking flattens him and god he loves her for it. There’s a fine line, though, between honesty and self-deprecation, and she’s crossed to the other side when she starts listing off what she hates. So he gently puts a hand over her mouth, silencing her.
“Can I say something now?” he asks, raising his brows. She kisses his hand, pulling it from her mouth to thread with hers as she nods.
“As long as it’s not--”
“It’s not,” he cuts her off. He goes silent for a minute, waiting for her to meet his gaze and when she does and holds it, he speaks.
“I’m only going to say one thing,” he murmurs lowly but sternly, “I love you, tiger. You. Got it?”
She bites her lip, doesn’t say anything.
“Hey, am I talking to myself kid?” he flicks her nose,”Got it?”
“Yeah bud,” she says, “I got it.”
“Good,” he says and pecks her lips, “Do you want to continue?”
And she does, god she does, but shit she’s overthinking it all.
“Yes,” she admits, “But Bill I--”
“Hush,” he cups her cheeks with his hands, “Are you more comfortable with your shirt on?”
“Yes,” she mumbles, and he could tell there’s more but she goes quiet again.
“And?” he prompts.
“And,” she sighs, “Can you just....keep your hands up here? Hold mine or something. I’m not ready for you to be grabbing...stuff.”
“Sure, kid,” he says. And he wants to tell her that he hates it, that it’s the worst idea ever, that all he wants to do is run his hands all over her body and make her feel good. Wants to shake her and tell her that he doesn’t give a shit if she’s skinnier or thicker or softer or harder or any of that. But he knows it’s not the time, and that it won’t help. So instead he weaves his hands through her hair, pulls her head up for a kiss.
“And if you change your mind? At any point?” he asks.
“I’ll tell you,” she promises.
“Good,” he pushes her back down on the bed and juts his chin at her waist, “Take your panties off for me, kid. My hands will stay right here.”
“Oh,” she mumbles and blushes a little, “Uh, you can do that.”
He quirks a questioning brow at her, and she blushes deeper.
“I like it when you do that,” she admits, embarrassed. And she squeals when he grabs the waistband in one hand and all but RIPS them off her in one fluid motion.
And you know what? I’ll bet there’s no immediate fix to this, because it’s so deep in her head. And Bill hates it, hates that she’s so self conscious, but the only thing he can do that will help is to just...not push her limits. To give her all the affection she needs and wants but in the way that she wants it. If that means sex with a shirt on for like a month, then that’s what he’ll give her. If it means no soothing tummy pats or rubs, no hands running over her glorious body--it’s fucking torture for him, but that’s what he’ll give her. And he’ll go heavy on the praise, he’ll be really loud and enthusiastic about how good she makes him feel whenever she does want him a little closer, and it’s a slow process but eventually it’ll just help get her feeling a little more comfortable and safe again.
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angelic-holland · 5 years
Unexpected // th x fem!reader
Based on this ask:  Can you do an imagine where Tom and the reader are best friends and Tom always teases her but never does anything but o w night when they are on vacation and they go to the club and do some sexy dancing and they have to share a bed after that and they end up having sex
Summary: ^^ basically that, Tom can be famous in this, he doesn’t have to be, up to you, the reader. 
warnings: nsfw, lowkey soft cute smut
word count: 4.1k (yes I get carried away but the bed sharing trope and friends to lovers trope is killing me) 
“Tom, stop oh my god,” you giggle as he tickles you, you’re practically in tears trying to roll out from underneath him, he’s got you pinned down on the floor, his knees on either side of your waist.
“What? You don’t like this?” He says, his fingers running up and down your sides tickling you.
“No I just, need to- need to get packed! We leave for Scotland tonight and I legit haven’t packed.”
He sighs in defeat, getting off from you and helping you up.
“Why are we driving eight hours at 4pm again?”
“Because I’m crazy and want to spend more time there dumbass.”
“Hey, you’re the one doing the driving so whatever,” Tom says, following you into your room and flopping down on your bed.
“Yeah that’s me,” you laugh pulling out your suitcase.
“You know, there’s this really cool club in Edinburgh we should check out if you’re up for it, when we get there.”
“Yeah, lemme get something sexy to wear,” you say, opening up your closet.
“You know what you should wear?”
“That plain black T-shirt that is like five years old and just that?” You joke, grabbing your favorite tight black dress.
You hear Tom suck in a breath, and you don’t turn. Logically you knew he was joking, over exaggerating his breathing to get you riled up. He knew how to push your buttons. You’ve been friends since you were kids.
“This is pretty similar,” you say turning to him and holding the dress up against you.
“It’s perfect darlin’,” he says, eyeing you up and down, making you blush.
You were almost positive he knew how you felt about him, that you’ve a stupid crush on him. That’s why he teased you all the time, because he thought it was as dumb as you thought it was. Falling for your best friend? Lame move.
You packed the rest of your clothes, leaving for dress out, while Tom sat on your bed and watched you move around the room.
“Why don’t we leave now?”
“Yeah, you’re packed, I’m packed, we can get there a little early, have more time at the club.”
“Sure,” you say, wondering if he only wanted more time at the club to find a pretty girl to hook up with, “I’m just gonna change into the dress so I’ll be ready when we get there.”
“Perfect,” Tom says, grabbing your suitcase, “I’ll bring our bags to your car.”
He left you be and you quickly stripped your T-shirt and sweatpants, tossing off your underwear and opting for black lace panties that matched your dress. You chose not to wear a bra, the dress making your tits look great anyways. You pulled the dress on, your hand reaching behind you and struggling to pull up the zipper. You groaned in frustration and didn’t realize Tom was back until he coughed. You blushed and turned towards him, leaning against the doorway watching you.
“How long have you been standing there?”
“Just long enough to see your T-Rex arms struggle to zip up that dress, come here.”
“I do not have t-Rex arms,” you huff, stretching them even more to tug at the zipper.
“You’re gonna pull a muscle and then we can’t even drive there,” Tom says making his way over to you.
You sigh and close your eyes, turning so your back is to him. You take a deep breath as you feel the cool of the zipper move up your back as he closes it for you, his hand resting on the top of your back before you cough, moving past him and out of the room.
“All ready?” You ask, grabbing your purse with your phone and wallet and everything else you could possibly need.
“Let’s blow this popsicle stand,” he says, shutting the lights off in your apartment before following you out the door.
You were about halfway to Edinburgh when some asshole cuts you off trying to enter the highway and you’re heart almost jumps out of your chest before Tom calms you down, his warm hand on your exposed lower thigh, rubbing soothing circles into your skin.
“Fucking asshole,” you mutter, calming your breathing. Your face is red, either from being angry or Tom’s hand on your thigh, you’re not quite sure yet.
You look over at him, he’s got a concentrated, interesting look on his face. You’re not quite sure what it is but he’s looking out the window so you quickly look back towards the front, ignoring the hand that was still on your thigh.
You made it to Edinburgh by 9:45, only a little traffic on the way and Tom helps you find parking for the club, his hand finally leaving your thigh.
You park and Tom pays the entrance fee for the two of you, starting a tab for the pair of you.
“You gonna come dance or you gonna sit there and drink another beer?” You ask, sitting down at the bar next to Tom.
“Nah, don’t feel like dancing.”
“Tom you literally said we had to go to this club and now you don’t wanna dance?”
“I’ll, I’ll dance later okay?”
You shrug, taking a sip of your dirty Shirley that Tom watched before slipping off the stool and making your way back onto the dance floor.
You danced by yourself, swaying your hips to the music. You sort of hoped that a guy would find you, ask you to dance with him, maybe you could forget about Tom. Throughout the years you found different guys, dated some, hooked up with some to forget about Tom,
You saw a cute guy making his way through the crowd to you, blond messy hair, green eyes.
“Hi,” he says, smiling down at you.
“Hey,” you grin back at him, your hips continuing to sway.
“Name’s Harry,” He says, holding his hand out to shake yours.
You smirk, taking his hand and placing it on your hip, “I’m Y/N, care to dance?”
He nods, placing his other hand on your hip as you wrap your arms around his neck.
“You’re not from around here huh?” He asks, his lips ghosting over your ear as you press your body against his, moving to the music.
“Nope, London,” you say back, giggling as his hands move down to your lower back, hesitating, you know where he wants his hands to go, you press your hips into his own, grinding against him as his hands fall to hold your ass.
“Looked so good from across the club, just had to get to know ya,” he whispers and you could feel his hard on.
“You’re not too bad yourself,” you laugh. He wasn’t a bad choice. He showed interest in you. He didn’t touch your ass until you made the first move. You’d be okay with a little distraction right now. Your mind was far away from Tom as it possibly could be in this moment.
Tom watched as you danced, trying to gain the courage to go and dance with you, until he saw a guy, taller than him, more muscular than him make his way to you. He felt a little self-conscious, crossing his arms in front of him. He watched as you giggled, tucking your hair behind your ear and dancing with him, grinding on him. His eyes darkened and he was bombarded with several emotions at once. Anger, at himself because he didn’t make the first move even though he’s wanted too for so fucking long. Sadness that you looked like you were enjoying yourself while he’s brooding. And jealousy, because he’s got his hands all over you, grinding against you to the music, whispering into your ear when that’s what Tom wants to do. He feels like a fucking idiot. He doesn’t realize he’s doing it but suddenly he’s standing up and pushing his way through the crowd, tapping on your shoulder.
You feel someone tap your shoulder and you jump in Harry’s arms. You pull away from him and turn around.
“Oh hey Tom,” you smile, wondering what was up with him.
“Think I’m ready for that dance now.” His face is stoic, you can’t tell what the fuck he’s thinking although you’re typically pretty good at reading him.
“Oh, okay,” you sigh, turning to Harry.
“What? Who’s this?” He asks, crossing his arms and looking back and forth between you and Tom.
“Friend, it was uh, nice to meet you,” you laugh, rubbing your neck, feeling a little awkward that Tom interrupted this moment.
“Uh, fucking alright,” Harry scoffs, stalking away.
“What’s his deal?” Tom asks as he pulls you close to him, leaving an honorable distance between the two of you, his hands very lightly touching your waist.
“Uhh, we were being filthy and you interrupted us, think he thought he was gonna get some, you idiot,” you roll your eyes and put your hands on Tom’s shoulders.
“Were you gonna let him get some?”
“I don’t fucking know, none of your business if I did,” you say, sticking your tongue out at your overprotective friend.
“You’re right,” Tom says, “why do I feel like a 14 year old at a school dance right now?”
“Because we’re dancing like we’re at a school dance right now, dumbass.”
“You know you should stop calling me stupid.”
“Whatcha gonna do about it?” You ask, a twinkle in your eyes, daring him to respond.
He rolls his eyes at you, pulling you closer to him, so your chest is flush with his.
“Much better,” he smiles, starting to move his body to the music, forcing you to play along.
Your hips and lower bodies never touched, your tits were pressed against his chest though and you were sort of worried he’d feel your nipples through your dress. Wasn’t much you could do about it and if he didn’t like it, you figured he stop dancing with you.
As you were going through this mini crisis Tom’s eyes never left your face, watching every thought move your brain and show on your face.
“You know, we should get back to the hotel, check in, don’t wanna make the poor hotel staff stay up all night to check us in.”
“They’ll be doing that anyway, it’s their job,” Tom says.
“Yeah but, I just drove like eight hours and I’m fucking exhausted.”
“You weren’t exhausted before when you were grinding all over that guy,” Tom huffs.
“Yeah and? All the dancing tired me out. You would feel the same if you were the one driving the eight hours and you decided to start dancing right away instead of wasting an hour being fucking grumpy.”
“I’m not grumpy,” Tom frowns, his hands letting go of your hips.
“Sure,” you shake your head, letting go of his shoulders, “let’s just get outta here come on.”
“Wait, you’re telling me you overbooked and you’ve only got a room with one bed in it?” You ask, tired, a little tipsy, and starting to get angry.
“Yes, again, we’re so sorry, we can cover this week’s booking price for you and get you into a room with two beds once one becomes available, but for now we only have a room with one queen bed.”
“This is, I just wanna sleep, is there a couch or something in the room?”
“There’s a small couch, it’s not a pull out but you could probably fit on it,” the woman says, you knew it wasn’t her fault and you couldn’t be mad at her about it.
“Okay, that’s great thank you so much,” you say, grabbing the room key, waiting for Tom to come inside with your bags.
He meets you shortly and notices your pissed off expression, “What’s wrong darling?” He asks as you grab your suitcase from him and press the up button for the elevator a little too hard.
“Nothing, they overbooked and we’ve gotta room with one bed and a couch.”
“What? How do you overbook? Isn’t it all on the computer now?”
You shrug, too tired to try to understand what went wrong as you both step into the elevator.
You ride in silence to your floor, opening the door to your hotel room and sighing. It was a lot smaller than expected, the queen bed shoved into the corner by the bathroom, a small couch quite literally 4 foot long sitting underneath the window.
“Well, could be worse,” Tom says, setting his suitcase down.
“Don’t wanna know your idea of worse,” you mumble, grabbing your pjs from your suitcase.
“Y/N?” Tom asks, getting his own clothes.
“I’ll sleep on the couch you can have the bed.”
“Don’t be stupid you won’t fit on the couch, your legs will be completely off,” you shrug, trying to tug down your zipper.
“If the couch isn’t comfortable you can sleep on the bed, not like we haven’t shared a bed before, Here lemme help,” Tom says, you shiver as his hand rests against your own, moving it away from your back to allow himself room to tug your zipper down. You shudder as the cold zipper runs down your back, feeling his hand against your bare skin until the zipper is right above your panties.
“Thanks Tom,” you say, all but running to the bathroom. You look at yourself in the mirror, hair a little messy, face bright red, the blush spreading down your neck and onto your chest. You shake your head, stripping off your dress before throwing on the oversized T-shirt on. Of course you had shared a bed, literally ages ago when you were like 10 and you slept over his house and he didn’t want you sleeping on the floor so you two would sleep in his bed. Of course, when Nicki turned the lights off on you two, you would pretend to be asleep on the floor before crawling into his large (for two kids) bed and falling asleep there.
One morning when you were both 14 or so, Nicki had come to see what type of pancakes you wanted and walked into the sight of the two of you sound asleep on Tom’s bed, you had normally fell asleep with your head on his chest, his arm around your shoulder. It was comforting, to feel his heartbeat underneath you, his arm a warm presence. She flipped out of course, calling your mom, screaming her lungs off at Tom, saying how you were both too young. You tried to explain to her and your mom that nothing happened you just slept there because it was more comfortable, they didn’t believe a word you said until a few months later, after you two weren’t allowed to have sleepovers anymore.
You shook your head, pulling on your sleep shorts before making your way back to the room.
Tom had changed into a pair of sweatpants, no shirt, that’s how he always slept, tonight was no different. He was already sitting on the bed, it did look nice, and there was no mom to walk in on the two of you if you shared it. You shook your head, the events from tonight still too fresh and too weird for you to share a bed.
You make your way to the couch, sitting down on it and grimacing at how hard it was. You tuck your legs up and try to lay down, even with how short you are you’re still squished on the very small bed. You turn and close your eyes, trying to concentrate on falling asleep but you physically can’t. You turn around, trying to find a better position to sleep in, to no avail.
“Y/N, don’t be stubborn, come here,” Tom says and you reluctantly agree, dragging your feet from the sofa to the bed.
He’s turned the lights off as you climb into the bed, which felt so much better underneath you. You crawled under the covers, resting your head on the pillow and facing away from Tom, listening to him get situated and comfortable.
You felt the rise and fall of his chest, his breath starting to steady, it sounded like he was falling asleep so you shut your eyes and hoped to do the same.
“Sorry I ruined your night,” you hear him mumble and you frown, rolling over to face him.
“What the fuck do ya mean?”
He was visibly upset, not in the way most people look when they’re upset, a slight frown trying to force a smile or watery eyes. Tom’s face, when he was upset, was a little different. His eyebrows furrowed, forehead crinkled, it honestly looked like he was concentrating and to anyone else that’s what they would’ve thought but you knew better.
“For interrupting you, with that guy.”
Screw it. You were gonna tell him, tell him how you feel, how you’ve felt for so long. Either he would feel the same way, which you were weary and doubtful of, or you would die of embarrassment and he could get the bed to himself for the rest of the week. You stared at him, your hand moving to rest on his cheek.
“Kiss me.”
Oh fuck, fuck, fuck.
“Nevermind oh god I’m a fucking idiot,” you groan, pulling your hand away.
You look down, knowing you’re blushing, feeling your eyes start to water. You fucked up.
Before you can comprehend what’s happening he’s pushing you down, straddling your hips and kissing you, hard.
“I’ve wanted to do that for so long,” he says after several soft kisses.
“You have?” You ask, feeling yourself get wet as his hips rest against yours.
“Fuck, darling, Y/N, literally since we were kids I’ve had the biggest fucking crush on you.”
“No, you’re, are you serious?”
“Yes? I just kissed you didn’t I?”
“Oh my god we’re both idiots then.”
“I’ve had a crush on you too dumbass.”
“Then uh, what are we waiting for?” He smirks, he kisses you again, hands running up and down your sides under your shirt, much like when he was tickling you earlier that day, but these touches were different. They were soft, full of something you couldn’t quite put your name on but you loved. You moaned into the kiss as his hands grazed the sides of your tits.
“Is this okay?” He asks, hands hesitant.
“Please,” you say against his lips, pushing back against him so he sat up, tugging your shirt off.
You blush, despite having wanted this, having fantasized about this for ages you couldn’t believe it was happening.
“Hey, you’re beautiful,” he says, hands roaming up your chest, taking a breast into each hand and teasing your nipples with his fingers.
“Fuck Tom,” you groan, pulling him back down to kiss you.
He teases and tugs at your nipples while you kiss, tongues rolling against each other like they were made for this. He pulls away from your kiss and you whine until he starts kissing and sucking down your neck, leaving small marks that you’ll admire for days to come.
You’re definitely soaked through your sleep shorts by now and you want him to rip them off of you and go to town but you also wanted him to take his time. Your hips rolled against his and he groaned against your neck, hand moving from your breast to play with the hem of your shorts.
“Can these come off darling?”
“Please Tommy,” you whimper and he groans, using both hands to tug the shorts and panties off your legs, tossing them to the side.
You normally only called him Tommy when you were making fun of him or trying to get him riled up. The way you said it now though, so different from any other time had Tom twitching in his sweats.
“Can I, really wanna, may I eat you out?”
The way he asks you, hesitant, eyes staring into your fucking soul, how could you say no?
You nod eagerly, and you move until you’re sitting up against the headboard so you can watch. He kisses down your stomach, skipping over where you wanted him the most and kissing up and down your thighs, working on the outer, middle, then inner portions before he finally was situated right over your dripping pussy, staring between it and you. He licked his lips and you swore you could’ve come right there. His hands spread your thighs a little farther apart, breathing over your pussy, sending shivers down your spine.
“Please Tom,” you whine, hands grabbing at the sheets.
“Please what? What do you want me to do darling?”
“Please, oh god please eat me out, need your tongue Tommy,” you whine as his tongue licks from your hole to your clit, lapping at your wetness before sucking on your clit. He brings one finger to tease your entrance, staring at you as he does so before pushing it inside of you.
“Oh fuck, please Tom oh my god,” you cry out as he finds your g-spot pretty fast with his finger, quickly adding a second finger and hitting it again. You’ve fantasized about his fingers, much longer and a little thicker than your own.
He continues eagerly sucking and licking at your clit as he fucks you with his fingers, you feel the knot deep in your stomach start to twist and you know you’re about to come.
“Oh fuck, Tom, gonna, fuck gonna come please,” you whine as he adds another finger, nailing your g-spot with every stroke.
“Come for me darling,” he says against your clit before wrapping his lips around it again.
You clench around his fingers as you come, crying out his name, holding onto the sheets for dear life, hoping the rooms next to you can’t hear you.
He licks you through your orgasm, pulling his fingers out and licking them clean as you recover. He moves back up your body, kissing and sucking marks into your skin as he makes his way to your lips. You kiss him, hands wrapping around his neck, hips moving to find his own.
“You wanna, uhh, can I fuck you?” He asks, one hand playing with his sweatpants.
“Yeah, fuck me please, oh my god,” you groan as he pulls his sweatpants down, moving off of you.
“Where you going?”
“Grabbing a condom baby,” he says, opening his wallet. He rolls the condom onto his cock while you watch, trying not to fucking drool, you’ve imagined what his cock looks like but seeing it in person was better than you could ever dream.
He climbs back on top of the bed, kissing you softly as his hand positions his cock at your entrance. He wanted to tease you, make you beg for his cock, beg to come, but he has been waiting for this moment, waiting to fuck you for so fucking long he couldn’t wait. He slid in slowly, giving you time to adjust, one hand holding himself up, the other cupping your cheek, thumb stroking your face as you kissed. It wasn’t what you expected, for him to be so soft, so sweet, dare you say loving, but you didn’t mind it. You loved it really.
He slowly thrusts into you, kissing all over your face, you giggled a little but his thrusts quickened and turned your giggles into moans.
“Tom,” you moaned as he picked up the pace.
“Y/N, feel so good wrapped around me. You gonna come for me again baby?”
“Fuck, feel so, feel so good, fucking me so well, just need, oh fuck,” you groan as his hand moves from your face down your chest, pinching your nipples before moving down between your bodies, thumb rubbing quick circles against your clit.
“I gotcha, come on darling, come for me,” he says, mouth sucking and kissing down your neck.
“Tommy,” you whine as he makes you come again, his thumb rubbing your clit with less and less pressure as you clench around him, letting out little whimpers of his name.
The way you looked, head thrown back, whining his name, the way you were so fucking wet and dripping down your thighs had Tom twitching, his hand moving to cup your face, kissing you as he came.
He slowly pulled out of you, your hands running up and down his arms as he pulled away from your lips, rolling to the side of you.
“So, you’ve been wanting to do that for a long time?” He asks, you both had showered, settled back down in bed, your head on his chest, his arm around your shoulder, like you used to.
“Oh shut up you’ve wanted to too.”
“And why didn’t we do this sooner?”
“Because I’m stubborn and you’re stupid.”
“Ah that’s right that’s right,” he says, kissing your head.
“I guess we uh, don’t need that other room with two beds then eh?”
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meanderfall · 5 years
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thank you my love!! ^v^
(lmao i finally did it @solienna... it’s been like months but i finally completed this. also if you’re wondering, when i first tried to answer the original ask, it wouldn’t save any of what i’d written as a draft, so i just started a new post lol)
1. three songs that come up when you put your phone on shuffle
Flaws (acoustic) by Bastille
Wait For It from Hamilton
Here Comes the Rain Again by Eurythmics
3. three songs you were recently obsessed with
World in my Pocket by The Unlikely Candidates
The Darker the Weather, the Better the Man by MISSIO
Walk Me Home by P!NK
8. three songs that remind you most of summer and vacation
this is probably a weird choice but The Kids Aren’t Alright. I honestly don’t know why, it just gives me summer vibes.
Taste by Sleeping at Last (probably bc i listened to this A LOT while playing stardew valley and stardew gives me summer vibes)
Young Volcanoes by Fall Out Boy
(this section was so hard.... there are like 0 songs that i actually associate with summer and vacation. literally the only way i do is if i discover said song and listen to a lot around the time summer starts)
11. three favourite songs from movie or TV series soundtrack
What’s Up Danger By Blackway & Black Caviar
I’m Still Standing by Taron Egerton
The Cyborg Fights (Genos’ theme from One-Punch Man. It’s an instrumental piece, and it goes off).
12. three favourite songs from video games
i fucking hate you adri, so much, i never listen to video game soundtracks, you fool, i have nothing to offer you
Klavier’s theme from Ace Attorney! Called Guilty Love lmao
I played Night in the Woods recently, and I think my two favourite pieces were Astral Alley (it plays during a dream sequence and i literally fucked around doing nothing for a bit just to listen to this. It’s so peaceful, but there’s something also... wistful or sad about it, that i just love.) 
and Dusk Stars! (That one plays while stargazing with a professor as a sidequest and tbh it was one of my favourite parts of the game. Surprisingly wholesome, and the last bit really struck a cord with me.)
13. three songs you want at your funeral
Saturn by Sleeping at Last
I Lived by One Republic
Pieces by Harbor and Home (low-key this song is practically a narrative for my life and for once it’s just comforting)
14. three songs you want at your wedding
Bright by Echosmith
Lovesong by Adele
Meaning of Life by Kelly Clarkson
(i don’t.... listen to happy love songs.... i was just going through my library of romantic songs and i was like “this is too pop, this is too angsty, this is pre-relationship, etc. etc”.)
15. three songs you want to dance with your love to
Fly Me to the Moon
Turn Time Off
Anna Sun by Walk the Moon (tbh this song gives me a very specific image of like moving into a new home with my lover and this song is playing while we’re unpacking, or even just any high energy song, and we end up pausing unpacking long enough to dance silly together and sing the song and it ends with us like hugging with a peck for good measure and life seems so good and perfect)
18. three songs that remind you of your best friend
Budapest (legit bc she showed me this song and was like “i think you would like this!” and you bet your ass i would love that song even if it was trash)
Another Night on Mars
Trouble is a Friend by Lenka (why? i legitimately don’t know. Especially since she’s the sweetest and most peaceful person ever. Then again she is a junkrat main.... never mind it makes sense)
19. three songs that are your guilty pleasure
Waters of Megalovania
Jessie’s Girl (this is like. the quintessential chad complaining about being friend-zoned, but i jam out to it every time, and im sucker for jealousy and unrequited love)
I Don’t Even Care About You by MISSIO for the days when im angry or having a bad day or more annoyed than usual at people trying to interact with me, and I just want to indulge in my old cynicism and hatred of the world in general
20. three songs that remind you of the person who sends this one
False Confidence by Noah Kahan
Hate That You Know Me by the Bleachers
Happy by Marina and the Diamonds
21. three songs of your childhood
oh boy adri, i was an angsty kid. I also tried to keep this specifically to songs I listened to before the age of ten just bc in my head my childhood was pretty much from the ages 3 to ~9, and honestly corresponds to a very specific period in my life
Because of You by Kelly Clarkson
Pieces by Sum 41
Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield
22. three songs you listen to when you’re sad
All We Do by Oh Wonder
All the King’s Horses by Karmina
SoLow by Keegan Calmes
(this selection was actually hard bc there are... a surprising amount tbh and that probably isnt a good thing lol)
23. three songs that never fail to get you pumped up
How Far We’ve Come by Matchbox Twenty
High on Humans by Oh Wonder
Shut Up and Dance by Walk the Moon (to the surprise of exactly no one. This song came out five years ago and it’s STILL my feel good song, even when i feel terrible)
(this was also a hard choice because i got so many feel good, pump me up songs as well, which i guess??? balances out the amount of sad songs i know and love??)
24. three favourite old songs
lmao how old are we talking here? early 2000s? before that? 1950s? i’ll just go with some goodies
Addicted to Love by Robert Palmer (OKAY SO. this is low-key an all-time favourite of mine and that i relate(d) to a LOT as the person he’s singing about.)
Africa by Toto (damn fucking right im putting it adri!!!)
For What It’s Worth by Buffalo Springfield
26. three favourite non-English songs
Alles Neu by Peter Fox (for once not a lyrics video, bc the official video is part of the Experience for this song)
The Narrow Street by Shin-Yong Woo (aka Jumin’s voice actor. This is simultaneously a huge mood, and gives me feels for my husband)
Little Traveler by clear (the only vocaloid song i know! im truly a sucker for The Little Prince though, the novel that inspired this song)
(be proud of me adri, this section could’ve been nothing but japanese songs, a good portion just from anime.)
29. three songs that influenced you most (some songs change or save lives)
im not gonna lie, a lot of these songs were kind of taken by the childhood ones but lemme see if i can scrounge up any others
In a Big Country by Big Country
Stand by Rascal Flatts
Better Get to Livin’ by Dolly Parton
(As you know, I listen to the first one A LOT, pretty much every time I get into sad mood and want some comfort, but the other two, i sort of forget about, even though i remember these songs being super important to me when i was younger. And re-listening to these now is... kind of crazy tbh, and bringing up all sorts of memories. I will say, perhaps i should give younger me more credit for how hard she was trying to heal and be a better person, just based on these songs lol)
30. three songs you really want your followers to know (for reasons other than all those above)
Lemme see, im gonna give you guys some songs that I internally categorize as late night songs. The songs that make you feel like you’re listening to it at 2 am on a Saturday night, and reality feels just a little bit shifted, and everything feels deeper, more meaningful
Sloppy Seconds by Watsky
Shrike by Hozier
Hurricane by Reuben and the Dark
Sunflower by Post Malone, Swae Lee
+Bonus. Three songs I can listen to, no matter what my mood
Muscle Memory (Acoustic) by Lights. No joke, even on days where i feel like any song is going to irritate the fuck out of me and im sick of listening to music and the emotions they evoke, i can listen to this and immediately feel better
It’s Alright by Mother Mother (legit whenever it shows up in my recommended i smash that mf play button no matter what. it’s like one of, if not the only, song that matches the screaming in my head.)
You’re Somebody Else by flora cash (same as the two above tbh)
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Best New Flyfishing Gear for 2019
Each July, the International Fly Tackle Dealer (IFTD) show is held in Orlando, Fla., in conjunction with ICAST, and it’s there that companies unveil the latest flyfishing gear—from rods and reels to poppers and packs. This year yielded a bumper crop in terms of excellent new releases, with major product introductions from companies large and small. Here are 19 of my favorites. Some of the products are available now, while you’ll have to wait until the fall and spring for others.
Orvis’s new flagship rod was designed with one key objective in mind—accuracy. The blank is constructed to make loading easy, so that the rod generates line speed super quickly, requiring fewer false casts. According to Orvis, the rod has a 77 improvement in impact strength compared with past models, and it tracks incredibly well with very little wobble at the end of a casting stroke. It’s an expertly crafted fly rod that comes in two flavors—F, for a moderate action, and D, for longer casts, bigger flies, and better performance in windy conditions.
Smith Transfer Sunglasses
Smith has developed a new type of frame technology called QuickFit, in which a wire-core mechanism is molded into the frame. A simple flick of the wrist and bend of the frame tightens or loosens the glasses, so you can adjust them for demanding and more relaxed conditions. Combine that with color-filtering lenses and optional prescription compatibility and you’ve got one badass pair of fishing glasses. Available from regular to XL sizes for all you bucket heads out there.
Korkers Wraptr Wading Boots
Korkers has eliminated stitching on their new Wraptr wading boot. Yeah, you read that right. The place where most boots fail—the stitching—has been virtually eliminated from the company’s latest boot. Because of this development, the Wraptr is not only mega-durable, but also lightweight, since less fabric is needed to hold the boot together.
Rep Your Water Side Channel Button Down
This husband-and-wife duo first took the fishing world by storm with their catchy designs and state-pride-themed hats. Now they’re at it again with a remarkably good-looking button-down for all-day action on the water. It boasts UPF 30 UV protection, a super-light polyester feel, a functional fly patch, and quick-dry technology.
Patagonia Tough Puff Hoody
The Tough Puff was made for bashing through the bush and standing around all day in a favorite steelhead run, swinging flies in chilly water. It’s an update on a previous best-seller; made of a more durable, breathable face fabric; and is treated with a DWR water repellent. It also has elastic cuffs for landing fish and two oversized pockets for fly boxes.
Flymen Fishing Company Surface Seducer Double Barrel Bass Bug
Flymen’s latest popper took home best in show for freshwater flies at IFTD with this bug. If you’re a largemouth fan, it’s easy to see why the pattern claimed top honors, given its massive front cup for aggressive popping. What’s more, it’s constructed of lightweight yet durable EVA closed-cell foam and finished with a thin coat of flexible epoxy.
Fishpond Thunderhead Submersible Pack
Fishpond’s newest pack is truly 100-percent submersible, and it’s built with an extremely robust 1680D, entirely recycled TPU-coated fabric. It’s one of the most robust backpacks I’ve seen in a long while, and it’s designed for the angler who likes to push boundaries a bit. Its open design lets you dictate how the inside is arranged, and the pack is perfect for protecting sensitive camera equipment and gear.
A newcomer to the fishing scene, Soft Science has released what they are calling the “ultimate wading boot for flyfishing.” Bold. But, I must say, I’m pretty intrigued by this company. The shoes are incredibly light (about 10 ounces), look really damn good, and are built with a proprietary sole called Trileon. The idea is that the sticky bottom conforms to rocks, but is still lightweight and provides impact-resistance with great support.
Buff makes the best gloves for fishing and rowing out there—period. This year they are upping the game with the lightweight Aqua Gloves. Features include pull tabs at the wrists and middle fingers for easy on-and-off; a silicone palm for great grip; a double layer of fabric between the index finger and thumb, for increased durability; a bonded hem at the wrist that eliminates chafing; and, of course, a 50-plus UPF rating.
Tacky Fly Fishing Predator Box
Tacky is back at it with the Predator Box, one the best streamer boxes I’ve ever seen. It measures 11x6x1½ inches. The silicon slit system uses polycarbonate ribs molded into the box—thus eliminating the need for adhesives (think about those hot car days)—that have perfectly spaced slits for storing large hooks. The box also boasts neodymium magnetic closures, and comes with five “wishbone” pieces, which hold articulated flies in place like a champ. The box is a touch heavy at 21 ounces, but if you’re a streamer junkie on a boat, or like to have the big bugs with you, it shouldn’t much matter.
Fair Flies Composite Brushes
This product may change fly tying forever. Each “brush” consists of up to five different materials on a stainless-steel wire; by simply turning the brush once around a hook creates a fly. Not only are these composite brushes good for flies, but they also work well for making homemade jigs, spinnerbaits, and other types of baits. Fair Flies aims to have over 100 different colored brushes available. Watch the video below to get a better idea of how this works. It’s incredibly simple and genius.
Redington’s new i.D. might be the most fun reel to hit the market in a decade. Its flat back surface is blank, and you can choose between images of donuts (my favorite), state flags, goofy sayings, and fishy artwork to customize it to your preference. Word on the street is that Redington plans to unveil a template down the line so you can trick out the reel with any image imaginable. The reel also has a smooth rulon disc drag, a large arbor, and a comfortable handle to boot.
Like everything Vedavoo makes, this thing is simple. By dropping the butt of a rod through a loop and buckling a strap around the grip, the holster secures your rod in place, making for easy fly changes and for easy transport. Imagine having something like this while wading the salty flats, or when bass fishing and you need a second rod ready for carp. Simple, smart, and completely made in the U.S.A.
Creek Company T. Rex Mini Drifter
The T. Rex Mini Drifter is an angler’s dream. It’s a legit tough-as-nails, four-chambered, drop-stitch-floored fishing vessel, complete with frame and handles. And somehow it weighs only 115 pounds, and can easily be stuffed in the back of a car.
Drinktank Insulated Growler
I can’t think of anything that goes better together than fishing and beer. The only thing that could perhaps improve the pairing is having a vacuum-insulated growler. Enter the Drinktank Insulated Growler, which keeps brews cold for 12 hours. Not only that, with the add-on keg cap, you can chill your beer with a blast of CO2, turning the growler into a mini-keg for your boat, backpack, or trunk.
Catch and Release Print Shop
Here’s a novel idea: Instead of getting a replica mount of the trophy fish you caught on vacation you can go a pseudo-Gyotaku route and contact the Catch and Release Print Shop. They will create a print of your fish to the exact length and close to the proportions on archival paper and inks with your name, and any other information about the catch. They have partnered with three different artists and have 1,500 different species of fish to choose from, so it’s a solid bet they can make you a print no matter what you catch.
Bonafide Kayaks, a newcomer to the kayak-fishing world, launched themselves at IFTD this year. The team is well-versed in the ways of ’yak fishing and has designed its new kayaks from the ground up. With a focus on stability and paddling performance, the kayaks also have a genre-blending hybrid cat-hull design. Keep an eye out for Bonafide, because there is a good chance they could blow open the fishing world.
With the new G Series, Scott Rods has turned a classic rod into a magic wand. Scott launched the original G series in 1976, and revamped it in 2006. The latest iteration is not a do-it-all model, but, for lovers of medium-action, smooth-casting rods, you’re going to enjoy the hell out of the new G Series. It’s 20 percent lighter than the original and bends super deep, all the while retaining a stable feel. Go cast one at your local shop.
Simms SolarFlex Armor Shirt
Simms took first place with the all new SolarFlex Armor Shirt in the general apparel category at IFTD. And rightly so. It’s probably one of the most technically advanced shirts ever made in regards to sun coverage. But to me, the best part about the shirt is the patent-pending integrated hood and sungaiter system, which at first looks bulky but I can assure you that it is far from it. The SolarFlex Armor Shirt is also anti-odor, moisture-wicking, and UPF 50 rated, and features a cooling material that reduce its temperature by up to 30 percent when wet.
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whowantscupcakes · 7 years
Hello, all two of my followers! I mostly use Tumblr as an outlet for my weirdest meme choices...but lately I have found a higher purpose for it.
Here is a little background info...
I am 33 years old, i have a daughter who is 9. 2 years ago her dad moved away, it was a welcome move, we had been broken up for 2 years already and he was living in my apartment with me. Very problematic. He moved several states away and I was thrilled. However, my work schedule didn't lend itself to a single parent lifestyle. My daughter went with him. I had her for the summer last summer and then she came this summer to stay for the school year (my life is a little better and my work schedule jives with her school schedule).
Anyway, I was noticing things about her. She just didn't care to go outside and play with other kids this summer. She only wanted to be on her tablet. Her speech was lagging and regressing, she sounds like a 5 year old more often than she sounds like most 9 year olds. She would go through phases where she wouldn't be able to hold utinsels, one day she woke up for one of her first days of school and she couldn't fasten a button to save her life.
I'm a smart person. I am a little nerdy even. It's shocking that I've never in my 33 years bothered to look up anything about autism. So I start doing research. What I found will amaze you...click here for more! Haha...
Anyway...i found that many, MANY of my weird traits can be linked to autism spectrum disorder. Wow. Like...wow wow. I'm 33, aren't people diagnosed with autism when they are kids? How could I have not noticed this until now? How could my mother, who went to nursing school when I was a child, have overlooked this? Of course my daughter, who already is just like me, fits the mold. We both have a really hard time relating to people and being social. We have a hard time communicating our feelings. We both feel like aliens surrounded by all these normal regular humans. Out of place. Weird.
When I first started this journey, I had weird feelings about self dx-ers. That means someone who self diagnoses themselves as being on the spectrum. I did not feel like they were legit. Like a formal diagnosis is the only way you should be able to say you are on the spectrum. I now see that a lot of people self diagnose and while some may be wrong, a large portion of them do all of their homework and documentation and statements from other neurotypical (aka "normal") people who have known you for a while. My partner, Frank, has been a huge resource for me in my journey. I can ask him things about my behavior that I wouldn't notice myself. For instance, there have been a number of changes in my speech in the last several years, but lots of noticable changes in the last 10 months! I went to visit my daughter for her birthday in March, her dad had been causing me stress for months prior to that with odd threatening text messages and breaking promises that she would be coming to live with me permanently after the summer...i had my suspicions that things were not okay with him, and while I don't love him that way anymore it still caused me an immense amount of stress to know that the parent in charge of my child was basically unable to be meeting her needs. However I was not in a position where I could have taken her back home with me.
Anyway, I got confirmation from her dad through a whole lot of personal conversations he put me through...he was not doing good and when I came back from that vacation I was noticeably different. Although I didn't even notice it.
Since then I have started to stutter sometimes and I will frequently blank out and completely lose my train of thought midsentence. It's happened a few times even during this post. I am sorry if I sound rambly and it's hard to follow.
So what is next for me? I am still working on accepting my diagnosis as it is a self-dx right now, I am aware that it can be hard to get a formal diagnosis as a high functioning adult. I am not a different person with a new disorder...i have always had autism. It just now explains all of those weird things. I really honestly thought that adults just walked around in pain all the time about everything and never knew how to talk to each other.
What sucks is that now I am more aware of how I move and talk and stuff...anf I'm becoming more aware that it's just not "normal" and I don't know what to do about that. I don't want to keep trying to pass as neurotypical, but I'm not ready to "come out" at work as a person with autism. I work in a factory and it can be noisy but we have to wear earplugs and I double up on them (plugs and muffs) and the lights are only as annoying as regular florescent lights. Which I don't like but I can handle (most places of employment would have florescent lights anyway). I get left alone and I don't have to talk to people. It's perfect. I don't need to socialize so I don't even need to tell people at work. But I still feel like it is something I want to keep secret like people would treat me differently if they found out.
If you stuck around and read all of this I applaud you. I wanted to try and get my feelings out somewhere. It feels so good to find other people out there in the world like me. I am not alone. I am not just weird. I am one week into my self-dx process.
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gothify1 · 5 years
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Meet Lauren, Who What Wear's fashion editor and co-founder of The Devils Wear Zara . Lauren is so obsessed with Zara that we started calling her The Zara Scout . Now she's turning the nickname into a franchise so she can regularly share her insider knowledge of the brand, including all her hacks, secrets, and must-haves with you. Mimi and I know Zara like the back of our hands. While some might champion that as an accomplishment, it's more often than not our biggest weakness as it results in us spending way too much time and money obsessing over the retailer. Instead of keeping all of our Z knowledge  to ourselves, we started this dressing room series  (along with The Devils Wear Zara) as a way to inform you on the latest and greatest happenings in the Zara world . Today, we're here for another round of photographing some of our favorite finds from inside brick-and-mortar Zara stores across New York (Lauren) and Los Angeles (Mimi). The theme this time around was summer trends . Each season, Zara tends to stock up on not only trends that are bubbling throughout the industry but also trends that unique to the brand. Ahead, find out which trends out of the ones we tried on were winners and which ones we did a hard pass on. To clarify, the ones we didn't end up loving are not trends that are dead or out or lame or anything of the sort and after reading our quotes as to why we skipped over each, you'll understand what we mean by "the worst." Trends we passed on: Floral Maxi Dresses "I really was hoping to try on tons of playful floral dresses, but I found that (particularly in the maxi dress section) they all felt a bit cheap and the prints didn't excite me." — Lauren Poplin Pieces "Zara definitely does a great poplin top, dress, skirt—you name it—but compared to all the linen and fringe and prints below, the poplin pieces this season didn't stand a chance." — Mimi Distressed Denim "I'm not the biggest of distressed denim in general, but right now, a lot of the more distressed jeans and shorts at Zara are a little too distressed if you know what I mean. If you're looking for an affordable pair of denim, head straight for the retailers more traditional styles." — Lauren Trends we loved: "I saw this top in the window and instantly knew I needed to try it on. The material is light and breezy and the way it ties is flattering despite its overall more oversize shape. I also tried it on sans my miniskirt for a bit of Jacquemus flair and it looked just as cute. Would be great over a bathing suit, with some jeans, or even over a silky slip dress for a fresh touch."—Lauren Eggertsen "This one was a little harder for me to pull off because of the low back and my personal preference of feeling not enjoying going braless. However, from the front, this top looks so expensive and when paired with these wide-leg trousers (shoppable later on), you have yourself a chic and comfortable summer look." — Lauren "Another linen dress because apparently I am addicted to linen dresses. This feels appropriate for summer and is also the perfect length for a mini dress. Cute with high top Converse, too. Can you tell I'm so ready for summer? I'm literally thinking of scenarios in which I can wear these outfits." — Mimi Postigo "One-shoulder tops are certainly not a trend that will be around for a while, so if you're looking to dabble with it, now is your chance. Zara had this top in a few different colors, but in case you haven't noticed, white and neutrals were what I was most drawn to this shopping trip. I like that this one has some tailoring to it making it feel more elevated than your regular one-shoulder tank." — Lauren "I'm late to the green trend but I'm pretty sure it's still going strong for summer. I like the idea of wearing this with the perfect pair of vintage jeans and strappy heels for a summer night." — Mimi "Co-ord sets might be one of my favorite categories at Zara for many reasons. The main one being you really get the most bang for your buck. This looks like a dress when worn together (perfect for weddings, brunches, etc.), but when worn separately, you have yourself a cute summer top to wear with all your jeans and shorts and a printed midi skirt to wear with tanks and tees and more. Hot top: Buy these sandals. They are so comfortable. I wear them almost every day here in New York." — Lauren "Okay, I know this looks a little bit odd over the jeans—hence, why I tried to unbutton it halfway to look more intentional—but actually I plan to wear this over a bikini top and with denim shorts this summer. It's the perfect breezy fabric that works as an elevated cover-up. Definitely one of those pieces you'll get a lot of wear out of on summer weekends." — Mimi "I have been looking for the perfect scarf top and I think I finally found it. I love that this one comes to a true scarf-esque point in the front and ties in the back without being too complicated to put on. Does that make sense? This top is the perfect thing to wear with jean shorts and basically all denim, but I particularly love it with these wide-leg trousers. There's something about the color combination and the overall contrast between the two pieces that really got me." — Lauren "I literally only tried this on because Lauren did and I thought this story needed a twinning moment. @Zara, will you make this in two different colors so that we can have a Mary-Kate and Ashley moment this summer? Thank you." — Mimi "Suits are all I can seem to talk about (and purchase) this spring/summer season. My blazer collection quickly rose from a few to way too many in a matter of months. So do I need this blazer? Yes. Why? Because it's linen and linen is the designated material of the summer. I love that this linen here is a bit heavier which will hopefully help with the whole wrinkle situation. The pants didn't fit me nicely, but if they had, I would have grabbed the entire suit without thinking twice." — Lauren "I swear, every time we do one of these stories, I try on some type of linen dress. This one is a swing dress, so it legit has no shape to it—however, with a cool chain belt, I think this could be a look. It's made really well and not see-through at all. I'm sold." — Mimi "One more linen piece because this one was truly stunning. The way it nips at the waist made me feel so confident and the big buttons (you can barely see them here, sorry) feel so cool and make the cuffs feel forward for what's basically a wrapped blazer." — Lauren "Full disclosure: this dress was huge on me and I'm actually holding it up in this photo, but it's so stunning in person and makes for the ideal summer maxi dress. It's definitely worth tailoring so that it fits just right. It feels like the type of dress you'll get 100 compliments on. Take it on whatever summer vacation you're planning, or better yet, buy this dress, then book said vacation to wear it on." — Mimi "I won't lie—I secretly prayed that this would be in the store because I've been dying to try it on ever since Zara dropped it's "Dress Time" collection a few weeks ago. I think the back is so stunning and fun and the front feels classy and timeless. For $90, this party dress is truly a steal." — Lauren "Here's a shot of the front for you to see. Sorry my hair was so weird." — Lauren "Last but not least, I couldn't leave without trying on one of the many '80s-inspired pieces on the Zara floor. This skirt came with a matching top which seemed like a bit much for me, but paired with this tank (that literally everyone in our office owns by the way), it feels weirdly cool and like a great summer party outfit." — Lauren Next up, shop 8 fashion basics that deliver no matter where in the world you live.
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the-connection · 6 years
Hi sidekicks! We’re back for the Are You The One season 7 chapter 3 recap, and I, for one, am on the edge of my seat. Will Zak continue to hit on every girl in the members of this house? Will my eardrums hold permanent injury from Nutsa’s voice? Will Bria skin Zak and wear him as a dres? Let’s find out!
We open on Bria screaming, and already I’m traumatized because I had a rough subway razz residence today. It also involved a female screaming “you can suction my dick! ” Although in her speciman, I meditate she was just trying to get me to grant her money. Bria is actually insane.
In the other room Nutsa is telling Zak he deserves better than Bria, and in the confessional Morgan is telling us that Nutsa isn’t right right for Zak. There is some major girl-on-girl misdemeanour going on here.
Asia decides to spare us all a reenactment of the blood-red bridal, and attempts to give Bria a pep talk. She tells her she needs to move on from Zak and will physically not cause her back in the members of this house until she calms down.
Bria is grunting and heavy exhaling like someone passionately in need of an exorcism as Asia contributes her back to the house. She crab steps right up to Zak.
Bria:* spokesperson dripping with hollow and sorrow* Listen to me, it’s done Zak:
Moving on to our second most f* cked up got a couple of the house, Tevin and Kenya. Tevin is sighing to Kenya, questioning what she did in the thunder boom office with Lewis. He says he’s moaning to prolong his utter , not because he wants to keep their sexual employs private or anything.
Kenya: We didn’t do anything Tevin:* mutters* You gave him head Kenya:* wails* I dedicated him head
It’s all highly baffling. They leave this conversation agreeing they are still into each other, but only one of them leaves with vocal chords that are fresh as a daisy.
Bria is icing her handwriting because she disabled it in one of her rage blackouts. She is also wearing Zak’s shirt although there is I Envisage WE WERE DONE WITH THIS, GOD! Samantha tells Zak that it’s mostly like a puppy urinating on something to distinguish its territory. Oh, Sam. I’m sure Bria did that extremely!
Okay now Sam "re talking" how she and Zak are similar and she thinks he are likely to be her pair. I’m starting to wonder what it is about this buster that obliges him female kryptonite? Is he actually a slice of pizza underneath his clothes?
Sam thinks they connect intellectually, and I’m wondering if they’re not showing us the parts of the day where Zak walks around performing Yeats from recall cause otherwise I DON’T SEE IT.
Now we transition to Andrew, who is declaring that everyone has made a contact and there are a lot of playboys there and he exactly doesn’t have that recreation. You mean the girls aren’t impressed by the diamond studs in each ear, Andrew? I am shook!
Andrew is applying the precious few minutes of screen time he has to talk about the weather with Asia. Apparently he got sunburned because it was overcast out and he “just didn’t think.” Well, Andrew, us fair-skinned tribe need to be vigilant about the daylight. Always wear sunscreen! Melanoma does not mark, although I’m sure it would pass over your diamond-studded soul if it had the choice.
I honestly never meditated I’d say this about person on this present, but Andrew obviously needs to devour more alcohol. This conversation is so awkward and the only way to get past that is by imbibing so much better your ability to feel reproach goes away.
Morgan is making Nutsa do her makeup even though they are both humbling on Zak. Morgan better watch out because Nutsa has a crazy look in her nose and a lip liner that gazes suspiciously like a shiv.
Morgan immediately moves from her discussion with Nutsa to tittle-tattle on her to Bria. She tells Bria that Nutsa is inessential but she is GREAT AND PERFECT AND WILL BE PURSUING ZAK. And isn’t it righteous that she’s telling Bria before she does it? In the confessional, Morgan lets us are also aware that she told Bria about her quash on Zak because she’s afraid of her. Same.
Morgan goes right over to Zak and accosts him vag first. He countenances with open arms.
Nutsa see this happen and is offended and upset. And I am affronted and upset by the resonates coming out of her cheek right now. My ears, they ooze.
Morgan tells Nutsa that she went to Zak to tell him to respect her. Then she tells us in the confessional that she lied. I’m particularly into Morgan’s use of the confessional. She knows what it’s about. Too she might want to avoid everyone from the evidence now that this is airing. Save yourself, Morgan!
Can I just take a brief minute here to discuss the living accommodations MTV provides for the shoot members? It’s literally mattresses thrown on the storey with a comforter on top. They look like they’re squatters. Did MTV even pay for this house or did they acquire the throw representatives break into a vacation home that wasn’t currently being leased?
Cut to Cali and Brett in some sort of khaki-colored hammock contraption. I’m having a hard time figuring out what’s going on now because everything is the same shade. The beings are tan, the hammock is tan, Brett’s shirt is tan. I think they’re making out. They seem to like each other. Cute.
Terrence J is demonstrated by. Is the J an extension of his first name, or is it his last name? Do we study I can drop it by now? Is Terrence very familiar for a mortal I’ve never met? Eh what the heck, let’s entered into with Terry.
Terry shows up. He prompts them that one week and seven hangovers ago they got three rays at the matching ceremony. Papa Terry was very proud. He shows off his beloved, the demise button, which will again pick the years this week.
The producers Fate pickings Nutsa and Asia as the women going on the time. For the second week in a row, Bria threatens the life of the fate button if it picks Zak. I really panic this this button is not long for this life. Luckily, the fate button is saved this week because it chooses Cam and Andrew. Don’t forget your SPF 50, Andrew!
So for this date they are zorbing. Zorbing is a word I merely became aware that entails reeling around in a plastic clod like a drunken hamster. How neat of MTV to send the cast to Hawaii and give them do something I could do at I Play America in center Jersey. Actually wasting the big bucks! I hope person suffocates.
Cam and Asia pair up for some time by the ocean, where Asia asks if his political deems affect his dating life. He is open and honest and so in return she tells him she detests him for his political beliefs.
Nutsa depletes the day telling the sons she’s not into them. Gentlemen, this is a favor. You don’t necessary that voice in your life.
Oooh now I meet what Andrew was talking about with his sunburn. That baby’s gonna rind. A pink-tinted Andrew tells Asia he would be interested in her if he saw her treading down the street. Asia says she thinks he has a wallflower identity and is leery of him because he seems reticent. Wow, I never knew reticent was a dealbreaker. So ladies, we’re into rampage controversies, cheaters, and unemployed losers, but we draw a line at balk? This is where we are now?
Andrew persuasions Asia that he would never be so disgusting as to be a shy dude, and she conceives him enough to think they might be a competition.
Back at the members of this house, Terry is there to announce who is going in the truth booth. Asia and Andrew acknowledge they’re feeling one another, and the house thought they might be too. They’re headed to the Truth Booth.
And it’s no equal! Ogles like Andrew was lying about being reticent and the experts really blew up his recognize, huh? They seem a little upset at first but then Andrew starts screeching “That’s information! That’s information! ” which is basically what I do after every late-night Wikipedia deep diving.
Post-Truth Booth, Kenya approaches Jasmine for saying she would pop off on her. I must have missed that component, but apparently it’s a big question. Kenya screams at Jasmine and then peaces out. Jasmine trying to mollify herself down right now is me after anyone has asked me to do a simple task at work. I ALREADY TOLD YOU TO ADD YOURSELF TO THE DISTRO LIST, LINDA!
Nutsa plucks Zak aside and questions him what he likes in a girl.
Zak: Seems don’t truly matter to me Also Zak:
He too mentions he demands a woman that’s steadfast. So steadfast like you were to Bria with Morgan and Nutsa and Samantha, like that kind of loyal? Nutsa munches it right up and says she thinks they could be a join.
Bria then be coming back and gathers Zak away from this sweet discussion and legit pulls him into the spurt spurt chamber and jump-start his bones. Oh so like this kind of loyal, Zak?
Nutsa then questions Samantha where Zak is.
Samantha: Yeah he’s f* cking Bria in the boom spurt room
Samantha! I miss exclusively good thoughts for you! My kindred spirit.
Before Bria makes Zak leave the boom boom room, she constricts his projectiles until he says she can trust him. I conceive Zak about as much as I conceive myself when I say I’ll come out but just for one potion.
We has at last attained it to the second match-up formality, and no one is dead yet! That’s how I’m setting success on this season. Who even cares if they get the million dollars this year? At this quality if they all make it out alive I’m calling it a make.
Tonight is ladies preference! So countless eligible bachelors, how will they ever judge?
Kenya picks Tevin Kayla collects Cam Jasmine selects Lewis Asia collects Brett Nutsa selects Daniel because they have “cultural backgrounds together” My number one girl Samantha pickings Zak, and the riot begins.
0 notes
sapphirescript · 7 years
Found this meme things originally from This Lovely person Thought’s it’d be fun :3
1: Do you sleep on a blanket over your mattress with another blanket on top, or with just one blanket on top of you? When I freshly make a bed I will sleep ontop of a set of covers but generally I end up finding myself under all of them because pressure + warmmm. 2: Personally, what do you believe happens when a person dies? I haven’t decided 100% but I partially believe in reincarnation into similar entities ( human to human) but also maybe some kind of paradise? If not an eternal dream. 3: If faced with the opportunity, would you ever kill a criminal whom you don't know if it meant you could get anything you want in return? (Keep in mind you do not/can not know what said criminal has done to become a criminal until after you've made your decision) Nah, there’s not much I want where I am willing to take a life. And knowing my luck the “criminal” could be some guy with a parking ticket or some other stupid crime. 5: What type of art could you always appreciate but never see yourself actually doing? This is a hard one but I know there’s a few things out there I like but never really want to do... Probably those people who sculpt perfect old cars. 6: You've been given the option to choose how the human race reproduces. How would we reproduce, which sex would bare children, and how would we bare them? (Eggs, litters, etc) I would probably keep sex but both sexes have equal sets of downstairs genitals but keeping the boobs on girls thing. But instead of weird squishy eggs, people would actually have leathery snake eggs and there’d be tons of commercial products for calcium deficiency and egg candelling would be huge as well as egg painting like Easter for baby pics. And if the egg was unwanted there’d be less protest because it’s just an egg. Children would be born smaller but more independent and milk isn’t hugely necessary but can be used to feed it.  And like egg cutting is a hugely debated topic. 7: What's the weirdest thing you've ever experienced, may it be just reading about it or experiencing it in the flesh? This is really hard for me because I honestly can’t think of anything that’s struck me as weird? 8: You can choose any world to go to from any book, movie, video, fanficion, etc, and the option to become the main character. Where would you go, and would you be involved in the main story, or just watching on the sidelines? THIS ONE IS SO HARD Because like partially there’s Naruto but also there’s X-men but like also I’d want to be some kind of animal hybrid so probably something like that (furry trash). But I’m also writing a story right now that is very magical so of course I’d want to be in that world. And probably be a side character involved in the main story but like... not enough to die a tragic death xD. 9: What is one thing in this world you would get rid of if you knew it'd be erased from the entire history of the human race? Idk the crusades? Racism? Some kind of plague? Apart from terrible things that cause misery not much else. 11: You're in hell! One song is playing on repeat for eternity. What song it it? Anything by Pink Floyd probably, or Madonna.... 12: You get to create a entirely new species. Describe the name of them and what they look like. I’ve done tons of new species and none of them are particularly awe-inspiring because I just like to morph existing species around. Like giant rideable fennec foxes, or human/were-animal hybrid stuff. I don’t have anything aprticularily creative ^^;. 13: You're now allergic to EVERY animal except for one. Which animal is it? Jokes on you, I’m already allergic to most animals. But probably dogs because I own a dog. I’m not sure how I’d be allergic to snakes or fish so I’m not worried about those and cats... well that just sucks. 14: What's on your mind right now? Quitting my job, is my period leaking through right now? How much longer till life gets better, I really miss my characters that died with my old laptop and it’s art programs. I miss being creative. 15: Try and describe your closest friend in the silliest way possible. They are a precious giant jelly bean that somehow manages to out-awkward even me. (#SCRUBLORD) 16: You can stop doing one of the following-- Eating, Using the restroom, Sleeping-- without any consequences. What do you choose? Aaaah I wish I could choose all of them but probably sleeping, assuming that I can never feel tired from sleeping problems and I’m always at that “had a refreshing sleep” Health wise. 17: You have to live on a world famous landmark for the rest of your life. Which landmark would you live on/in? I don’t know many so my answers probably really boring but having a room in the Eifle Tower would be pretty cool I think. Unless you mean like have to live with what you got then probably a garden somewhere warm.... hanging gardens of Babylon.... 18: You can babysit 6 extremely poilte and kind kids for not very much money or one extremely rude and disrespectful child for a high amount of money for a week. Which do you choose? Six easy going kids for not much money, I really don’t mind watching kids if I have stuff to entertain them with, and it’s not worth it to deal with hellians. 19: You have to use one word in every sentence for the rest of your life. What word is it? But, I don’t feel like it would affect my speech too much. I use but a lot especially because one of my catch phrases is “Yea but no I-” 20: Go on a vacation forever or never leave your home town? Vacation forever, my home town sucks and I don’t have any reason to stay at all. 21: What would your character be described as in an upcoming anime? I don’t really understand this question, but like... probably depressed and or childish. 22: You get to redesign the whitehouse. Describe how your fabulous revisions would make it look? I can’t really think of anything I’d do to it. Probably make it a little more office like because they’re just politicians they don’t need offices that nice. 23: You're now inhabiting the body of the last person you talked to. Who is it, how how weirder out are you? It’s my husbands and I am not weirded out at all in fact it’s a god damn dream and my only hope would be he’s in my body and dear god it’d be fun. 24: Add a letter to the alphabet! What's its name and what does it look like? It looks like a cross between a cursive capital L and a infinity symbol and it would be called Lew and it would go right before M in the alphabet. 25: Weirdest fetish you've ever found out about and how? Inflation and as a horny teenager stumbling upon old ass Furaffinty and just being confused by everything but especially that. 26: Every mosquito drops dead and they are never found again or every wasp? As far as I’m aware mosqituoes are actually part of a food chain so probably wasps. Unless I’m wrong on both ends then probably still wasps cause they terrify me. 27: Fear you had when you were little that you grew out of? People in mascot costumes.... 28: The ability to make everyone listen to you when you want to say something or have no one notice you when you don't want them to? Make people listen to me probably, there’s not too often when I want people to not notice me at all. 29: What's your favorite meme? Puppers/Snoodles, or for some real meme quality probably the “your daughter calls me daddy too” one cause those always make me laugh no matter what. 30: Best surprise you've ever gotten? Probably my parents buying me the neruwear cat ears because I was legit shocked and surprised by it. I’m normally pretty good at guessing surprises otherwise. 31: Do you no longer listen to a song because it reminds you of someone you don't talk to anymore? Not really, I refuse to listen to gospel music because it reminds me of church and church people I guess. 32: Write a full paragraph about yourself without being negative (or just a sentence if you don't want to write a full paragraph!) I am really good at planning surprises and gifts for people and if I had money I know I would be very generous with it. I am learning to be compassionate and I’m so proud of how capable I am at some things. I also really like my eyes and I am so cute with snap chat filters. 33: Describe the most attractive person you've ever seen without mentioning their name. Ooh that’s hard because everybody is so pretty... Seriously there’s so many girls I can think of and my husband  is so attractive and looks like Ryan Reynolds and there’s so many different kinds of pretty like a guy in drive through was older but he had such a twinkle in eye and there was a girl I met on a dating website that her hair framed her face so perfectly and her eyes were so pretty  and my friend has the cutest little button nose that’s covered in freckles. This is way too hard! 35: You wake up tomorrow and end up having NO responsibilities to do, including work, school, cleaning, projects-- Nothing!-- As well as full access to an endless supply of money for an entire week. How do you spend it? Defiantely buy a sHIT ton of crafting supplies, buy some super nice presents for all my people that I love, pay off my debt and take a road trip! I would probably also buy some furniture for my bedroom as well so I could use my desk ads a desk and not a table. Maybe a lolita dress and some dread locks too. 36: Write a plot for a TV show that you would most definitely watch. Werewolf clan trying to get along with “pure bred” weredogs with lots of smart things happening where you have to re-watch the episodes to catch everything you missed. The main character would be “racist” until he met the love of his life and he turns from aggressive wild to a spokesperson and great help to a community of creatures acting as a detective/police/lawyer/mayor to them in the town mixed with humans. 37: If you had to choose between only wearing shorts and long sleeves or pants and a tank top for all of winter, what would you choose? (No coats allowed or other garments under or over the shorts or pants!) Pants and a tank top because that’s generally what I wear in winter. 38: One thing you'd love to wake up to? Being stuck cuddling in between my husband and my (future) wife and the only reason we woke up on this soft sunny morning was because the dogs jumped on the bed to cuddle and we can all just have breakfast and be all gentle kissy and playful romantic pancakes and waffles. 39: You can choose to learn one talent to master or choose many talents that you're somewhat okay at. Which do you choose? Definitely many talents I’m okay at, my friends used to call me a jack of all trades all the time and I adore the name. 40: Favorite quote/saying? ”If you can’t explain it to a two year old you don’t understand it” or something like that. I also like a lot of mushy love each other and encourage others to grow stuff. 41: You say one sentence to go down in history and be remembered years after you pass, even centuries into the future. What's the sentence? ”Love each other and mind your own fucking business.” 42: Favorite video you've ever watched? I can’t really think of a favorite video but probably that one where it’s a golden retriever puppy that’s learning to howl with it’s owner and it’s like as old as youtube itself. 43: Type/act like you did when you were 13 and describe your plans for tonight. ”Lol guys I totaly didn’t froget but my brothers frinds are here so we’re watching a mvoie XDXD!! TTYL” I don’t know if I was actually like that but I made tons of spelling mistakes and was very excited about everything! 44: You're a baby with a very deep voice. What would you say to startle everyone in the room with your very deep baby voice? ”I know what you’ve done...” 45: Funniest joke you've ever heard? I hate how absolute this list is because it’s so hard to pick the best of something. The only thing I can think of at all is that stupid humble honda Jesus “For I do not speak of my own Accord” joke. 46: Ever pulled a prank, and if you did-- What was it? Not really...I told my husband we were going to church for his birthday and he believed me right until I parked at the Toronto zoo’s parking lot. 47: You can be a human with fur or a dog with hair. Which do you choose? Human with fur because then I could make people brush me =w=. 48: In your own opinion, the weirdest advertisement you've seen? So many japanese ads come into mind... 49: Did you answer honestly to these questions? Yea I had a really hard time with most of them though. 50: Your hair can be any color you want, but its permanently there. For an example, you can dye your hair another color after, but the color you originally choose will always grow back in eventually. What color do you choose? A soft Lilac with bluer high lights/lowlights. Unless it as to be real then blond because I like being blond and it’s easier to dye.
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fragiilexa · 8 years
all of the fruit questions thank u
send me a fruit
bless mah fave for sending all of them in ohym god *heart eyes*
peach: do you have any piercings or tattoos?
anyway im doin me & lila bc she wants too do this tOO ok ok bless, but I have no tattoos *eyeroll* but i want them bc !! tattoos !! are cute !! i luhv them !! but I’m also hella indecisive so I’m nervous about it, but I definitely want some and only my ears are pierced ( once ) but I never put them in cauSE IM LAZY tbh
“ Uh, I lost count of my tattoos but it’s over fifteen, and I have my ears pierced and like, five on my left, two on the other. I had my nose pierced before but that got boring, my belly button was pierced for a while too but I took it out uh... I wanted to get my nipples pierced once when I was drunk but a friend talked me out of it... still kinda wanna do it though... like, why not y’know? Is yolo still a thing? Yolo. “ 
raspberry: favorite flower?
Probably Tulips, or Roses?
“ Dasies ‘cause I like to make daisy chains, but also Dahlia’s and Water Lily’s. “
lemon: do you have any pets? what are their names?
Four lovely kitties, Jasper, Jake, Kelso & then we got Hunter. 
“ Yuki, obviously, he’s fan-fucking-tastic, and then Stitch who’s a tiny little angel in a snoring bundle of excess skin and snorts. “ 
mango: what is your trademark?
Being the Mom Friend™ & also probably Princess of Puns™
“ Problematic Fave™ and, we can all admit it, Cotton Candy Princess™ cause that’s mah thing. “
passion fruit: how would you describe your style?
My style is ‘I can’t afford my real style & barely have a sense of style & i mostly just wear leggings and a t-shirt unless I go out but when I go out i try’ style, but I’m also trying to be more confident in my style too, hence my new bathing suit, but we’ll see how that goes lmao
“ My style is probably hipster-esque, but like not, cause I’m not a hipster, I’m not I just like cute clothes and I like skirts and I like being princess looking sometimes but then other times I don’t give a shit if I look like a gross monster that came out from under your bed. Sometimes, but mostly, skirts and, cute and kind of expensive but not ‘shiny jewelry’ type of expensive like ‘if you touch this skirt i’ll murder you ‘cause I spent my entire check on it’ type of expensive. It’s either all or nothing basically. “
pineapple: sexual orientation?
there are too many pretty ppl in the world how could i possibly narrow that down
“ Same -I’m with her. “ 
strawberry: favorite desserts?
Hm, I dunno like, Milkshakes are great? I love all desserts equally?? I dunno. 
“ If I’m lucky whoever I’m eating dinner with a the time. - but no, actually there’s this strawberry icecream, unicorn thing at this ice cream bar across from my work and it’s the best thing, it’s got gold flakes in it, GOLD FLAKES, and rainbow sprinkles. It’s fucking fantastic. “ 
cherry: can you play any musical instruments or can you sing?
Nah I tried to learn the guitar once and I got too distracted & uninspired ‘cause I felt dumb & also no, no i can not but I trY on a daily basis.
“ Mah fam, my friend, of course I do. I play piano, guitar and a little of the uke, and, you... I mean, duh, I mean I’m not trying to brag but also yes I can sing, I love to sing I can sing right now if you want me too. “ 
grape: if you could take a vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Disney World, but also I want to go to the Netherlands really badly too.
“ Probably some island somewhere where I can just fall asleep in a hammock and walk around naked without people yelling at me to cover up ‘cause like, yes. But also I really wanted to go to italy and also to niagra falls ‘cause I’ve never been there and it just looks cool. “ 
banana: favorite horror movies?
I don’t like gory horror movies, but I like bettlejuice, the conjuring, suspenseful thrillers, though I can’t name many right now.
“ Whats the one with the people who die in the woods? The Blair Witch Project. That one freaks me out, that and Halloween. “ 
blackberry: is your life an action film, a comedy, a romantic comedy, or drama?
Right now? Drama, I’d much rather have a rom com though.
“ Drama. “ 
pomegranate: when do you feel the most confident?
After a shower or a workout or something like that when I’m really just concentrating on myself in a positive way & helping myself is when I feel most confident, when I’m too in my head things go downhill tbqh.
“ After singing. “
cantaloupe: what are your parents' names?
Fun fact: both their middle names are Lee.
“ Nickolas and Anna... “
guava: dark & dramatic makeup or natural makeup?
I WOULD IF I COULD i don’t know how to do makeup properly I never taught myself/was taught so definitely just natural, out of habit & lack of knowledge.
“ Depends on the time of day but I love wearing darker stuff at night ‘cause it’s fun. “ 
tangelo: if you could be any mythical creature, which would you be?
A Unicorn or a Werewolf ‘cause I love wolves & I would luv to run around & have a fluffy tail & a cute nose & also be intimidating AF but then again I’d love to be a Unicorn because basically they’re perfect & can heal sickness & are magical.
“ A fairy, but like, a cool one, not like tinkerbell, well, like tinkerbell but also cool & mysterious. “
plum: favorite clothing brands?
Whatever fits, but I’d love to try Forever 21 Plus ‘cause they seem to have cute things, but I dunno, legit whatever fits me & looks cute.
“ Uh, I never look at the labels on things.. is that bad? Mostly it’s cause like, I’m drunk when I get my clothes, sometimes... mostly... but... yeah.. I dunno I should look into that more. “ 
coconut: favorite perfume?
The only one I ever use is Wonderstruck by Taylor Swift ??? I had another one but I lost it lmao
“ Okay so theres this sephora cotton candy perfume that I always use and it’ll be the death of me ‘cause it costs too much money but I love it and I love cotton candy don’t smelling things, don’t judge me. “
lychee: satin or lace?
Lace. Lace lacel alcadle lcae lace. all dah lace i love lace lace is s prett yi luv it so muc hsdogmrgefhrhsrgbetfhdrfs
“ l a c e. “ 
blueberry: what do you want to dress up as for halloween?
I never know what to dress up as, I haven’t in years :(
“ This year? That’s too far ahead I figure that stuff out like the night before. “ 
apple: what do you use more, tumblr or twitter?
Tumblr, but I’ve been using twitter more recently, or trying to anyways.
“ Twitter. “
kiwi: what's something that fascinates you?
God, Aliens, The Universe, Dogs, People, Music, Art, everything basically.
“ Uh.... how the internet works.... never really figured that out, I just go with it. Kinda freaks me out if I’m drunk and thinking about it. “ 
watermelon: do you have a job? if so, what is your job title?
Not ATM no I don’t :/
“ I work two jobs right now... sort of, I work as a waitress part-ish time and then I work at a florist shop right now but I dunno. I’m also trying to write this dumb fucking album but it’s not going well. My job title is failure. “ 
papaya: what song describes your aesthetic?
I Was Here by Beyonce
“ Probably uh, Big Girls Don’t Cry by Fergie? “ 
cranberry: favorite time of the day; morning, afternoon, dusk, or night?
Definitely night, but also recently afternoon cause I miss the sun.
“ Nighttime. “ 
nectarine: would you consider yourself an emotional person?
Very, but sometimes it’s hard for me to uh, get that across, sometimes, unless I’m overwhelmed then I’m like, crying, it depends. I’m weird, but yes.
“ Not that I really wanna be, but yeah sort of. “ 
orange: do you have long eyelashes?
I guess? Yes?
“ Yah, and I got freckles, did you know that? They’re great. “ 
apricot: what do you do when you're sad?
Either listen to sad music & let myself feel it or try to listen to happy music & be happy, mostly I take baths, or watch Mary Poppins, I try to talk to friends, I dunno it’s hard it depends on what kind of sad I am.
“ I er, retreat & I make blanket fort and I only invite Yuki & Stitch and I eat lots of ice cream. “ 
star fruit: favorite sea creature?
I really loveeee Dory, but also I love starfish? Starfish and Sea Otters, and um Whales, also Dolphins... I love them all okay? Ok.
“ Mermaids man, they’re out there okay? “
dragonfruit: do you drink alcohol?
I can, but I haven’t, but I wanna see Lila’s reaction to this....
           A HA HAH A H AH 
                     HAH AH H  
                                        H                    A. “ 
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