#& even still the Remaining FUCK YOU to ppl who scrape off toyhouse i hope you die
vehemourn · 9 days
Genuinely I wish people didnt house so much vitriol for Toyhouse given that its like, one of very very very few active artist spaces left, especially one that promotes Business and Art and Money Making... I feel like a lot of people get really fed up by it or caught up on shit like "theres only one mod & the site hasnt changed in 7 years" or whatever which. First of all the site *has* received updates in the memorable past, so jot that down, and secondly its not Wrong that this is someones passion project that they decided to share with us & that we can use? Personally I'm very glad that I can, at the very least, post on toyhouse where Every Other Site Is Suffocating rn. Its a space with artists, for artists, that will show you the art of everyone you want to see art from. In your notifications inbox, just like in the deviantart days, delivered straight to your door, is the art from every person you have notifications turned on for. I Like having the privacy settings so I can watermark the shit out of my work and Also authorize people so they can see it specifically. I LOVE the community on it. I love my friends and peers & the space we've stared to build on it. It's not Just a character storage site, its also a Community site to me. And it's one of very few :(. Its Mostly accessible (you need an invite code which, again, is not a bad thing right now + its easy enough to get one. [if you want one dm me]) and its Free and there are no ads and its highly customizable. Its really frustrating that it feels like it checks all the boxes that you Want as an artist, and a character maker, but since people view it as "their character storage site" it feels like they dont appreciate what this space does offer us and what we'd be losing if it fractured even further. Honestly... It feels like a lot of people feel entitled to it being a "better" site, despite the fact that its Good and thats More than you can ask of most sites right now.
I love toyhouse
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