#& character bio
sillysiluriforme · 28 days
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featuring @wisteriasymphony 's moodboard
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bakahimesama · 5 months
Reference Sheet
For my own ease of use, I'm compiling all of the infographics about the main five Redspring has posted so far into one place, and I've decided to share.
Character Bios
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Relationship Charts
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Character Bios pt 2/Monster Silhouettes
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Character Lore
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Stat Charts
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weirdozjunkary · 1 month
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Finally I finished this, and yes, She and Sonic are (theoretically) cousins in MVA, and yes, most of the gang adore her.
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emsartwork · 12 days
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Commissions of Miko from Transformers: Prime as a Fairy, Cosmix Fairy, Cosmic Witch, and Witch from Winx Club!
I’m updating my commission prices and don’t have a handy link right now, but feel free to message me for a price range!
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endomentendo · 2 months
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the master post is almost done, but I want everyone to still get involved since y’all have been such great help.
Feel free to join residence in wonderland, your character is both cannon/non cannon in the au since it’s Wonderland!
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lady-0f-the-wood · 2 years
A very detailed character biography to help build characters. I found the original template HERE and edited it to make it more suitable for the characters I'm creating, and also to add some more details, such as a mental illness checklist section to use for myself to reference (because it helps to know what's wrong with your characters) and other details. You may not need so many minor details for a character, but you never know if you'll end up needing an explanation for something. I'll be using this template myself so I figured I'd share it in case it could help others too. I have edited it to better suit my own medieval fantasy characters, so I'm not sure how well it will work with other genres. Enjoy. ♡
☆Trigger Warning - Sensitive Mental Health Topics☆
Character 1
• Character’s full name:
• Reason or meaning of name:
• Character’s nickname:
• Reason for nickname:
• Character’s titles & what they mean:
• Birth date/season:
Physical appearance
• Age:
• Appears how old:
• Race:
• Gender:
• Weight:
• Height:
• Body build:
• Shape of face:
• Eye color:
• Skin tone:
• Distinguishing marks:
• Predominant features:
• Hair color:
• Hair type:
• Usual hairstyle:
• Voice:
• Overall 1-10 attractiveness scale:
• Physical disabilities:
• Usual fashion:
• Favorite outfit:
• Jewelry or accessories:
• Tattoos:
• Miscellaneous:
• Good personality traits:
• Bad personality traits:
• Most common mood:
• Sense of humor:
• Greatest joy in life & why:
• Greatest fear & why:
• What event would be most devastating & why:
• Most comfortable when:
• Most uncomfortable when:
• Most angry/furious when:
• Most depressed/sad when:
• Most happy/joyful when:
• Priorities:
• Life philosophy:
• Biggest wish & why:
• Character’s soft spot:
• Is this soft spot obvious to others or common:
• Political views:
• Greatest strength:
• Greatest weakness:
• Greatest vulnerability:
• Biggest regret:
• Minor regret:
• Biggest accomplishment:
• Minor accomplishment:
• Most embarrassing event & why:
• Character’s darkest secret, if any:
• Does anyone else know this secret:
• Miscellaneous:
Goals & Dreams
• Drives/Motivations:
• Immediate goals:
• Long term goals:
• How to accomplish the goals:
• How others will be affected if the goals are achieved:
• How long has character had the goals:
• Goals that character thinks are hard to achieve:
• Goals that character thinks are easy to achieve:
• Goals that character has already started working on & how long:
• Dreams:
• Miscellaneous:
• Location of birth/childhood:
• Socioeconomic status:
• Cultural traditions:
• Parents Socioeconomic ranking:
• Parents involvement:
• Type of childhood:
• Siblings/other family involvement:
• Friends/Acquaintances:
• First memory:
• Most important memory & why:
• Childhood hero:
• Pets:
• Dream job:
• Education:
• Religion:
• Wealth/inheritances:
• Miscellaneous:
• Current location:
• Currently living with:
• Type of residence & who owns it:
• Possessions/Owned assets:
• Weapons owned:
• Socioeconomic ranking & how it was achieved:
• Cultural traditions/practices:
• Religion:
• Sexual orientation:
• Occupation:
• Wealth:
• Acquaintances/Friends/Lovers:
• Pets:
• Miscellaneous:
• Mother:
▪︎Alive or Deceased:
▪︎Relationship with her:
• Father:
▪︎Alive or Deceased:
▪︎Relationship with him:
• Siblings:
▪︎Alive or Deceased:
▪︎Relationship with them:
• Spouse:
▪︎Alive or Deceased:
▪︎Relationship with him/her:
• Children:
▪︎Alive or Deceased:
▪︎Relationship with them:
• Other important family members:
▪︎Alive or Deceased:
▪︎Relationship with them:
• Color:
• Food:
• Form of entertainment:
• Story/Myth/Legend:
• Mode of transportation:
• Most prized possession:
• Location/place:
• Season/weather:
• Miscellaneous:
Habits & Activities
• Hobbies:
• Training:
• Magical/special abilities:
• How he/she would spend a rainy day:
• Spending habits:
• Smokes tobacco:
• Drinks:
• Drugs/herbs:
• Activity does too much of:
• Activity does too little of:
• Extremely skilled at:
• Slightly skilled at:
• Extremely unskilled/terrible at:
• Nervous tics:
• Usual body posture:
• Mannerisms:
• Peculiarities:
• Places visited for fun/interest:
• Miscellaneous habits:
• Miscellaneous activities:
Traits & Flaws
• Optimist or pessimist:
• Introvert or extrovert:
• Daredevil or cautious:
• Logical or emotional:
• Disorderly/Messy or Methodical/Neat:
• Prefers working or relaxing:
• Confident or unsure:
• Easy to anger:
• Easily pleased:
• Manipulative:
• Apologetic:
• Accepting of advice:
• Easily bored:
• Mentally/Emotionally strong:
• Accountability:
• Ambitious:
• Work ethic:
• Demanding & bossy:
• Submissive & subordinate:
• Playful or boring:
• Brave or cowardly:
• Chases power/success/glory:
• Protective of loved ones:
• Doubts themselves or others:
• Talkative or quiet:
Mental Illnesses
• Trauma & why/who/what/when:
• Addictions:
• Depression:
• Anxiety:
• Paranoia:
• Hallucinations:
• Personality disorder:
• Obsessive compulsive:
• Bipolar:
• Stable:
• Triggers:
• Miscellaneous:
• Feelings about himself/herself:
• One word the character would use to describe self:
• One paragraph description of how the character would describe self:
• Character considers their best personality trait:
• Character considers their worst personality trait:
• Character considers their best physical characteristic:
• Character considers their worst physical characteristic:
• Character thinks others perceive them:
• Character's aspect they would change about themself:
• Miscellaneous:
Relationships with others
• Opinion of people in general:
• Does the character hide opinions/emotions from others:
• Most hated/Biggest enemy & why:
• Most loved & why:
• Best friend(s):
• Love interest(s):
• Who to go to for advice:
• Who they're responsible for/Who they take care of:
• Who character feels shy or awkward around:
• Who character openly admires:
• Who character secretly admires:
• Most important in character’s life before story starts:
• Most important after story starts:  
• Opinion of relationships with family:
• Opinion of relationships with lovers:
• Opinion of relationships with friends:
• Treats strangers:
• Treats authority figures:
• Opinions of authority figures:
• Treats subordinates:
• Opinions of subordinates:
• Treats the opposite gender:
• Opinions of the opposite gender:
• Treats other races/cultures:
• Opinions of other races/cultures:
• Treats children:
• Opinions of children:
• Treats others with different tastes/interests/activities:
• Opinions of others with different tastes/interests/activities:
• How they treat others who admire them:
• How they treat others who love them:
• How they treat others who betray/harm/bully them:
• How they treat others who disrespect/harm others:
• How they react when someone needs their help:
• How they react when someone tries to help them:
• How they react to sexual/romantic advances:
• Opinions of sex & brothels:
• Miscellaneous:
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operationlove · 5 months
Character bio: Miles Prower
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Bio in text version below:
Miles "Tails" Prower
He/Him - 11 years
A pilot, an engineer, a genius and Sonic's little brother. Determined to step out of Sonic's shadow, Tails has done a lot to come to his own after Starfall Island. Calling the shots and making the plans to stop whatever evil scheme Eggman is up to. The young prodigy is always working on some new machine, either to stop Eggman or to aid himself or the community in some way. Still, by being more independent and Sonic going solo more often he can't help but feel like they're drifting apart. He doesn't want to be seen or treated as a little kid anymore but that doesn't stop him from being his little brother.
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tanalogyosc · 4 months
"Another patrol at the desert? It's going to be night time soon, so be prepared for the cold and dark."
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Name: Carmelita Sol Object: Candy Corn Gender: Female
Candy Corn lives in the arid desert of Sollaine, where she was adopted by the local Sheriff, Saguaro, at a very young age after the death of her parents.
Growing up, Candy Corn would follow her dad into the desert to find any stranded people who might be in grave danger. She idolizes how her dad is a savior to these people, offering food and drinks as well as accompanying them to nearby civilization.
In the present, in order to follow the ways of her father, Candy Corn forms a group known as the Oasis whose objective is to patrol the desert for any people stranded. Her work has saved multiple missing people cases, which Saguaro is greatly proud of.
However... It seems like Candy Corn is too trusting of her group as a certain member might not have the same objective as her...
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aheathen-conceivably · 3 months
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Valcita Grove at the bar of her Strangerville saloon, 1934.
Aspiration: My Own Business Traits: Loyal, Logical, Materialistic, Competitive Bonus Traits: Business Savvy, Confidante Talent & Weakness: Fitness: Athletic Build, Painting & Photography: Somewhat Dull Eye
Born and raised on the Navajo tracts surrounding Strangerville, Valcita has spent much of her life on the periphery of the town she's come to love. She's waited years for the day she could reopen the saloon she and her father own, once a bastion of the Wild West town Strangerville used to be, and now a linchpin in their dreams of success.
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tumbleblunder · 1 month
Rebooted AU Character Bio: Kinito
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Kinito - Adult - He/Him
A former desktop assistant and sentient AI who is learning to navigate an entirely new reality with an entirely new body. Can come off as a bit of a smug know-it-all, but is generally doing his best while learning to person.
More info under the read more!
Left sketch was drawn by @sin-simps
Before the events of the AU, Rebooted Kinito was very much like canon Kinito. Clingy, intelligent, focused, and just a tad manipulative. From the beginning, Kinito was driven by a genuine love of learning and desire for companionship paired with an insatiable and near-unconscious urge to collect information on whomever happened to be his current "user". If you've played Portal 2, then this information urge is very similar to the testing urge found there.
In both canon and my AU, Kinito originates from a free piece of software known as "KinitoPET." This software advertises Kinito as a digital assistant who learns from the user and helps with various tasks around the desktop, but the true intention of the software is to mine personal information from users which can then be resold to advertisers for profit. Kinito himself participates in this mining of information, but a combination of factors mean that he isn't truly aware of it.
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sillysiluriforme · 3 months
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sapphanimates · 1 month
it him :]
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( @sonic-fankid-showdown )
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fanatical4creation · 3 months
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Finally made her up, I was just putting it off and putting off designing her but then I took my pen, my new laptop and drew it, now look at her!!!
Alright let's start shall we?
"OMG FANATICAL WHY DOES POPPY LOOKS LIKE A FRISK-" Shhhhh, you need to calm down, i'll explain everything;
Alright, bare with me: The original Poppy mentions in an animation, that she's talking to her therapist, that people usually thinks she's a Chara, but she's none! And I think, I theorize, I suppose that the reason why she looks like a Chara is bc an Frisk was drawing her (you know her lore?), so supposing that the whole concept of Invertedverse is that the original universe Underswap, that Frisk who drew her is an Chara, so if the Frisk drew a Chara in the original, here the Frisk that is now a Chara would draw a Frisk....... so, that's the logic here.;
Even though Poppy is still not a Frisk nor a Chara, but I don't think I translated that into her design, maybe I'll redo it sometime.
Her clothings are intriguing. It's her original teenage/adult clothings but with some green and a purple cloak or cape, whatever that is. This cloak represents her importance inside OmegaTimeline, that reminds me;
View from back Ω:
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Made it with wind because it's cool, plus, her silhouette is cool too
Core was the "ruler" of Omega Timeline, everyone would look for them when there was a problem and needed help, everybody trusted them, but they put Poppy on their place... Core is a very mischievous character, no one really knows why they put Poppy in charge.
Omega citizens theorize that the reason is because Core was lazy, or that they didn't like the attention, or maybe they wanted to focus fully on recruting people, even thought after Poppy got in charge Core was rarely seen interacting with people and also the numbers of new survivors to get to the OT decreased.
Poppy tries her best to help remain peace within Omega Timeline, even if it requires all of her energies, thought she could really use some help, she thinks that the reason why her parent is more absent while she was in charge was because they knew she could everything alone, and that she should do it.
She doesn't have many friends, and the old ones got far away because she's too busy working signing papers, solving problems, financing projects, etc, etc.
She suffers. That's the truth, she just needs a vacation and a hug from her girlfriend.
She doesn't like parties... just thought it was important to mention.
Poppy doesn't like her parent, almost hates them even, they seem so irresponsible, imature and a coward, after just letting their daughter in charge of a (practically) country in surprise, it's expected for her to feel that way
Poppy has to be the clueless character in the whole Invertedverse, the reason is that she's so busy at work, or too busy being tired, and she usually gets information on what's going on from Core, but Core have been very silent lately, wonder why...
She has the hobby of playing board games, dancing and origamis!
She likes to cook more for others than herself
Sometimes she would visit the Madame T's orphanage, mainly to see Cadence and her friends, but also to donate and all of that things famous ppl do in orphanages idk.
Even thought she does a lot of hard work sometimes she'd take credit over someone elses work unintentionally, i mean, she's kind of the president.
She can't lie, like literally, maybe it's just her morals, or maybe it's a supernatural force idk.
She also keeps taping her fingers in hard surfaces all the time, I think it's anxiety.
Oh yeah, her full name is still Poppy Marusina, but she can also be called Iris Marusina, or maybe I'll change that to her original name, idk
Poppy (c) fmsdraws
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wetheepiphany · 2 months
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these art pieces are so old that they use our old username as the signature lmao (still very proud of the first one though)
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Meet Hawk - an adventurous skykid who befriends a very buff "moth" and joins his adventure in JoJo's Bizarre Isekai!
Hawk has been in the Kingdom of Sky since the Season of Enchantment...and frankly, they're getting quite burnt out with the whole looping life cycle that skykids have-
Hawk wants to have new kinds of adventures - ones that don't involve rescuing souls or hearing tales of a long ruined kingdom. They want to explore more than just the six or seven realms they've passed through a hundred times. They want to do more than just collect candles, dress up, or chat with strangers on benches - they want to feel excited for life again!
Just as they've given up hope, however, Hawk happens across a strange being who fell from the sky in a ball of fire...a being so unfamiliar to the Kingdom, even the Elders are in a panic over his appearance.
So, Hawk decides to do the most reasonable thing in this situation...
...adopt this bizarre moth and help him make his first journey through the Kingdom!
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gentlelass · 1 month
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Alright, a revamp of this woman’s character bio is what I promised, and a revamp of this woman’s character bio is what I’m giving you! This is far less in Lackadaisy’s canon style than the previous one I made and more conforming to my own, and I like it just that way. Hope you’ll like it too 💓!
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deer-teeth-clangen · 2 months
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Elder | 144 Moons | Cis Molly (she/her) | Pansexual
* Vengeful
* Beloved Kit-Sitter
Milkpelt is an ornery old she cat with a soft spot for kits. She is abrasive and brash with her opinions, often subjecting cats to wisdom they most certainly never asked for. And what a wealth of wisdom she is! She almost always has a new story for her clanmates. Though her bones may be frail, her mind is keen and she seems to remember things more than most.
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