#& aidan wilde. * aidanwilde
victoriousfidelity · 5 months
@aidanwilde asked: "Do people always fall in love with things they can't have?" forbidden love and starcrossed quotes. | accepting.
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"That depends on what you mean by things." Sigyn shoots back, her tone pointedly light in contrast to the obvious edge to his.
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victoriousfidelity · 5 months
@aidanwilde said: "I made a fist, but not a plan." mother mother sentence starters. | accepting.
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"Clearly." Her tone is dry, but there's genuine concern in her eyes as her gaze flicks over him.
There's a bruise blossoming on the apex of his left cheekbone, spreading across to form what is going to be an incredibly impressive black eye. And from the way he's holding his right hand - carefully positioned so she can't see his knuckles - she's relatively certain that it is in similarly poor shape.
"Come and sit down. I'm not having you walking around injured, let me help."
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victoriousfidelity · 5 months
@aidanwilde said: "We all desire what we cannot have." forbidden love and starcrossed quotes. | accepting.
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Her instinctive response is to deny the statement, proving that deep at her core she is still the soft-hearted girl she was centuries ago; the girl who fell in love with her best friend, and had that love reciprocated. The last ten or so years in particular have done their best to dissuade her of that long-held romanticism, but clearly they'll need to try harder.
"I know you don't really believe that." She counters, not wanting to let him wallow in the grief she knows he carries.
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victoriousfidelity · 27 days
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It isn't until she registers the expectant silence between them that she realises he's asked her a question, and it still takes her a moment to actually respond. "...Sorry. What did you say?"
inbox inspired starter for @aidanwilde (inspo)
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victoriousfidelity · 5 months
@aidanwilde said: "Stay another night." mother mother sentence starters. | accepting.
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He says it so casually that, for a moment, she considers it.
The noise of Manhattan has been a welcome change from the relative calm of New Asgard, though the ghosts that haunt the Goddess still linger among skyscrapers, too. Aidan has ghosts of his own - she recognised that the moment she met him, and while it is a subject they've both tried their best to avoid, she's fairly convinced that their shared grief is no small part of why they've become so close, so quickly.
But the moment passes, chased away in part by what she knows is hovering unsaid between his words. Sigyn is many things, but she is never intentionally cruel.
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"You know I need to go home." Is the reply she settles on in the end, her words quiet and her expression something close to apologetic.
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victoriousfidelity · 3 months
@aidanwilde asked: "How about a kiss goodnight?" an assortment of dialogue prompts. | accepting.
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"I think we both know that you're pushing your luck," Sigyn replies, but her smile is fond rather than scolding. A hand lightly touches Aidan's arm, and she presses a kiss to his cheek. "Goodnight, Aidan. And thank you."
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victoriousfidelity · 3 months
@aidanwilde said: "I'll rest when I'm dead. Let's go." random injury caretaking starters. | accepting.
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"Which at the rate you're going will be within the next ten minutes!" She protests sharply, more bothered by the fact that he's hurt than the fact that she's still (technically) in imminent danger. "I told you that I had this under control," Oh, and that's guilt in her tone now. Unmistakably.
She'd insisted that she could handle this, and that had been the truth. The situation may have been dangerous, but decidedly less so for her - Goddess that she still is - than for the mortal who has taken it upon himself to keep her safe, regardless of whether the threat being faced is actually something it's within his capacity to stop.
And all Sigyn can think, now, is that he's hurt - badly hurt - and it's her fault. But he's still got his hand wrapped around her wrist, still trying to make sure she gets somewhere safe.
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"Aidan." All the frustration is gone from her tone now, unveiling all that concern and guilt in its entirety. "Please let me fix this."
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victoriousfidelity · 3 months
@aidanwilde said: "You make it hard to look away." sensual and sexual tension sentence quotes. | accepting.
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"I can't decide if that's a positive or negative thing for my bodyguard to say." She quips, deliberately keeping her tone light even as she is fully aware of what he really means by it. "I'd hate to think you weren't entirely on top of what was going on around us."
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victoriousfidelity · 4 months
@aidanwilde said: "I'm gonna make sure nothing bad will ever happen to you." caring prompts. | accepting.
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"Aidan, at the risk of sounding either ungrateful or melodramatic - or both - it is a little late for that."
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victoriousfidelity · 5 months
@aidanwilde said: "If you die, it'll be my fault." prompts for people who refuse to let anyone care about them. | accepting.
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"Well, it isn't as though I haven't had a good run." The Goddess remarks, although she's aware that her attempt at humour has fallen flat almost the moment the words leave her mouth. "Honestly, Aidan, I appreciate that this is your job, but... I am actually quite capable of looking after myself."
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victoriousfidelity · 5 months
@aidanwilde said: "If you were any less the woman you were, I would beg you to come with me." forbidden love and starcrossed quotes. | accepting.
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Clever, quick-witted, and far more loyal than he gives himself credit for - really, it should hardly be a surprise that Aidan Wilde has found his way into Sigyn's good graces. It would be stranger if he hadn't.
There's an understanding there, too, though they've skirted around it far more often than they've acknowledged it: they are both haunted by loss. They both know it feels to have the person you love taken from you, and how it feels to have to try and carry on without them.
But where Aidan has tried to grasp at something that might at least distract him from that hole in his life, Sigyn... Hasn't. How would one even begin to move on from loving one person - one mercurial, indefinable person - for the better part of a millennium? It seems unthinkable. And, besides: she doesn't want to move on. She's the Goddess of Loyalty for a reason, after all.
She doesn't initially reply to his words. Instead, she closes the distance between them, pressing a kiss to his cheek as she draws him into an embrace.
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She may not love Aidan, but that does not mean she doesn't care about him.
"And it wouldn't fix anything, even if I did." She murmurs, still hugging him. "Because I'm not her."
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victoriousfidelity · 5 months
@aidanwilde said: "You can't get to her unless you go through me." mother mother sentence starters. | accepting.
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She hears the words from the other side of the door, and freezes.
Sigyn has never been helpless. She may never have been the strongest of her people, but she is clever and she is powerful - a Goddess, not the helpless damsel of a Princess people sometimes presume she is.
But there have been other moments like this. Moments when people who cared about her - and Norns, she's quickly coming to the realisation that Aidan falls into that category - have put themselves between her and harm's way.
For a moment she's somewhere else entirely: the Statesman, hurriedly ushering others onto escape pods as a hand closes around her upper arm and makes her join them— No, that won't help. There is no changing what happened then. But she can still do something now.
She doesn't open the door, but her hand finds the handle as she leans against it, listening to what is happening on the other side of it. It's more difficult to sense people who don't possess magic, but it is not impossible, and when she finds him, she reaches out.
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'Don't react.' She tells him. 'I know this is strange, for you. Just tell me what's happening; just think it.'
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victoriousfidelity · 5 months
For a moment, it could be centuries ago.
She's young again, reckless again, and has been caught slipping away from whichever poor guard has been assigned to keep an eye on Vanaheim's second Princess for the duration of a visit to one of their allies.
But then she lets the memory continue a little too far - remembers the person she spent so much of her reckless youth with - and Sigyn forces herself back to the present before it can hurt too much.
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She's not that girl anymore; not a Princess chasing freedom, but a diplomat seeking a moment's peace. Her surroundings now are the steel and glass of Manhattan, not the glittering palaces of her youth. And it isn't a long-suffering Vanir guard who finds her (finds them), but a distinctly unimpressed mortal. Her bodyguard.
She blinks away the pang of nostalgia, meeting his eyes with a faint, rueful smile and a half-shrug.
"It's a habit, I can't help it."
lyric starter for @aidanwilde Tongues & Teeth - The Crane Wives
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victoriousfidelity · 1 month
@aidanwilde said: "You snore in your sleep. It's adorable." 200 random dialogue prompts. | accepting.
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"Oh, be quiet." The Goddess responds immediately, shooting him a half-hearted glare. "I do not."
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victoriousfidelity · 1 month
@aidanwilde sent: a kiss to prove you don’t have feelings for them. kiss & tell prompts. | accepting.
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Perhaps in another world, things would be different. If their pasts were different, if she wasn't carrying centuries worth of grief in her heart, maybe there would be room in it for him. No, that's not fair: he does have a place in her heart, it just... Isn't the one he wants.
She understands wanting to move on from a lost love, and she doesn't blame Aidan for trying. But she's... She's not like that. She doesn't think she could be like that if she tried. Her heart still belongs to her husband, for better of worse.
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Sigyn kisses his cheek, and the gesture is lingering and tender in spite of (or maybe because of?) everything between them.
"You're a good man, Aidan Wilde. I hope you find what you're looking for."
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victoriousfidelity · 3 months
@aidanwilde said: "I'm sorry, I'm not what you think I am." more prompts for your feels. | accepting.
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"No, Aidan. You are exactly what I think you are." Sigyn tells him, somewhat sternly. And then in the space of a breath, her expression softens. "You are a good man - a far better one than you ever give yourself credit for."
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