#$1000 down payment on a car
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anadorablekiwi · 6 months
Nightly existential despair has hit because i live in a broken world where the only job i can emotionally handle is part time produce clerk and my current income is so low i dont have to make student loan payments yet
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pillarofna · 4 months
please help me by reblogging ‼️
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hello im dylan. i make what money i can through doordashing but that barely covers even half of my bills and nowhere else will hire me rn (slow season in a tourist town). my car payment and car insurance are both scheduled to come out of my bank acct today and i barely have enough to cover the $135 in my checking account leaving me to have to use my credit card for my $150 car insurance. i also really need to buy groceries and get gas which i desperately need to keep working.
i currently am over $1000 in debt on my credit card and i really can’t afford to keep piling up the bills on it. the monthly fee ($99) for my HRT service just came out as well so i really need at least $400.
$155 (insurance) + $99 (hrt) + $60 (gas) + $100 (groceries) to at least get my credit card back down to only owing $1000. ideally i want to pay that all off but i know there’s no way i’m crowdfunding 1400. thank you guys this isnt terribly urgent but the sooner i can pay it off the better. ❤️
$60 / $400
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jungleboy-cruise · 3 months
I'm so fucking hungry. We have no food in the house at all. Both our cars are broken down and neither of us have a job anymore. I have a big ass debt that I need a thousand dollars as a down payment for. Can anybody help me out at all? We are so hungry. My 66 year old very sick father in law just came back from a week in the hospital 3 days ago and we are have no food to give him. I also really need help getting the money to pay off this debt. The collection agency has been breathing down my neck and I'm afraid that any call now they're gonna tell me that they're sending me a repo person. Anything helps even if it's just $1 I'm desperate desperate.
Venmo: @mewonacott
PayPal: @MirandaWonacott
$1000: my debt down payment
$1000: get my partner's car running again so we can do Doordash again
$200: first debt payment
$100: food/pee pads litter toilet paper/ medicine
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luvtonique · 4 months
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Lot to read here, but I believe y'all could use a little context on this. Last night I attempted to repurchase Bestia from the person I sold her to, and this was the conversation. But who is this guy? What the fuck is Bestia? Well, time for some backstory.
A few years ago I made a Mod for Binding of Isaac called Bestia.
Shortly before it was finished, a guy called Atreue came alone wanting to buy the character from me. He offered me $4000, and I said, "No."
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However, the guy pestered me for many more days and when I looked at my $5000 of debt at the time, I eventually caved, agreeing to sell him the character for $4000. He spent a year sending me random payments and after that year he had sent me $800, and then came to me crying and saying he was having an emotional breakdown because his family car was having troubles
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I was a fucking moron and agreed to $1000 less than the original price. It took him another year to get me the remaining money, and I gave him the character and all of the files I had for her. Her sprite sheet, her reference sheet, all my PNGs I'd made, everything, including the mod files themselves for Binding of Isaac.
And then he started DMing my IRL friends somehow and telling them that I didn't send him the "Animation Files" so I called him out on it and explained to him how a sprite sheet works
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But naturally this little shitstain wasn't done, he continued telling me our business wasn't concluded and that I still owed him AFTER HE HAGGLED ME DOWN A THOUSAND FUCKING DOLLARS, so I started getting fucking angry.
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Ladies and gentlemen this is Twitter user Snowy_Roads also known as Atreue, the person who bought Bestia from me, tormented me for years, doxxed my IRL friends, haggled me down a thousand dollars for her purchase, and still to this very day is pulling emotional manipulation and lie bullshit when I am somehow, SOMEHOW still being nice to him.
He deserves literally zero respect, he is a fucking psychotic wretch, and this is a declaration that as per his agreement in the pics at the top, Bestia now belongs to me again and he can go fuck himself.
This is officially the FINAL CHAPTER of the Atreue story.
Bestia hereby belongs to me again.
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bitchesgetriches · 3 months
Hi! I have a question that has been really weighing me down
Is there any way to get fees waived on late payments?
Example: I live in a state with a lot of tolls. I don’t have ezpass and have to pay at the toll. They also have an option where if you dont have cash you can get a ticket to pay online later.
However, the ticket takes 24 hours to activate and once activated is only available for 5 days. I have AuDHD and I constantly forget to go back and pay the tickets.
I now have over $1000 in ‘violations’ even though the total amount of the tolls I have neglected to pay is well under $50. If I could just pay the original amount I owed, I would be able to easily. But they throw $50 fines on $2 or less tolls and I cannot afford to pay all the fines.
If I leave this unpaid will this negatively affect my credit score? Is my car at risk of being repossessed? Please help, I’m so scared
Honey, that is some predatory nonsense. Sounds literally like highway robbery!
I think you need to invest in an EZ Pass or some other way to automatically pay the tolls. Because it's going to save you money in the long term.
Next, you need to call the toll company and work out a payment plan. As with most late bills, the company would rather get paid SOMETHING rather than nothing at all. You should ask them if they can waive all or most of the fees (literally just ask--this works about half the time I've ever asked on late fees and overdraft fees). Offer to pay something up-front to show a good faith effort in sticking to a payment plan.
While they can't repossess your car for late fees, this can and will damage your credit score if they report you to collections. So you want to get ahead of the situation before it gets to that point.
Lastly, let's look at the root of the problem: Your ADHD. It is literally costing you money, and I bet it's not just through these late fees. Talk to a therapist or an ADHD support group about how to set up systems for managing your ADHD symptoms so that they won't lead you into financial trouble again. Here's more advice:
How Mental Health Affects Your Finances
My 25 Secrets to Successfully Working from Home with ADHD 
If you found this helpful, consider joining our Patreon.
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cozybearz · 8 months
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I’ve been wanting to make this post for a bit. My friends have been dealing with housing insecurity and difficulty covering living expenses for them and their two dogs for a few months now, they are both immunocompromised, at high risk for Covid, and under a lot of stress daily. If you can donate to them either directly and/or through their fundraiser, and also share this post, it would be so greatly appreciated
heres the fundraiser link, and direct donations are also super helpful and needed
Cashapp: $LelandChazen
Venmo: artbydykes
(description from their fundraiser page explaining their situation below)
“Hi everyone! I’m Leland. My wife’s name is Eve and we have two sweet dogs named Rickie and Ralphy. We live in a travel trailer near Astoria, Oregon.
Eve and I are both immunocompromised and high risk for contracting Covid-19. This would likely prove fatal for me and cause Eve to have long lasting health effects.
Unfortunately, I lost my job working for Trans Lifeline as a Crisis Hotline Operator in December 2023. It was a remote job that I loved very much. The organization furloughed and fired direct service workers rather than the folks that are making six figures (who have let the organization down greatly.)
Hotline Operators are peer support workers who take calls from Trans folks in crisis���some are suicidal or are in the act of committing suicide. It’s a very hard job. Unfortunately, we are the most underpaid staff within the organization. It is nearly impossible to have a savings account when you’re trying to make sure your bills are paid and you have food on the table.
By firing the most important, yet vulnerable staff, Trans Lifeline knew they were putting Trans employees in dire situations.
I have to work remotely to keep myself safe. Since I was fired in December, I have been applying to jobs daily. It is incredibly hard to find remote work.
Since losing my job, Eve and I lost our housing, forcing us to live in a travel trailer which has been a very difficult situation. We have had flooding leading us to be without running water and a working toilet. On top of that, the trailer was incredibly moldy, which was a blow to both of our immune systems.
We cannot afford basic necessities, our vital medical prescriptions, doctors appointments, dog food, gas and masks.
We are now two months behind on our car payment and a month behind on our trailer payment.
To make matters worse, a few days ago our tire flew off of our truck. Luckily, we were unharmed, but we are without a safe, working vehicle that we rely on, as we live in the woods. Nothing is within walking distance.
The stress this has caused is severe. It has exacerbated my chronic illness symptoms and my mental health is suffering.
We are at risk of having both our car and home repossessed.
I am still waiting on unemployment. However, $1000/month does not cover our expenses. It doesn’t come close.
Please help us stay afloat for the next few months, as I desperately try to find a new job.
Leland and Eve”
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whataboutthefish · 2 years
Steddie a/b/o - Single mom Omega Steve.
TW unplanned pregnancy, shitty boyfriend
Words 1000
Steve who is stared at in the streets, people talk in hushed tones around him and openly shun him because he “went and got himself pregnant” 
Steve who’s boyfriend had promised he’d pull out and there was no chance he’d get pregnant if he could just fuck Steve without a condom. And when his boyfriend didn’t pull out in time, knotting them together and almost passing out on top of Steve as he began to panic. The boyfriend who called Steve a slut for getting pregnant and wanted nothing to do with him besides tell Steve to fix it himself. 
Steve, who is left to deal with it on his own, as he gets to watch this stupid alpha graduate, go to a good college and marry a “decent” omega.
Steve tries to keep the pregnancy a secret, just keeps telling himself he will work something out he just needs a bit more time. And when it’s too hard to hide the bump under oversized sweaters he has to tell his parents. He is desperately sad and scared and needs help but they just kick him out, he has his car and the clothes he managed to pack into a small bag as his father cursed him out calling him a slut and a whore while his mother couldn’t even look him in the eyes. 
Steve has to live in his car while he tries to get enough money to put the down payment on rent at the trailer park. He is scared and lonely, his back aches and he’s desperately tired but he keeps working, saving money when he can. It’s the worst when he needs to decide between fuel for the car or food. He worries continuously about if he’s harming the baby, he’s always so cold, he’s not eating properly and working so many hours. 
He will sit in the car rubbing a hand over his stomach, telling the baby that everything will be alright, that he’s got it all under control and they are safe, that the baby is loved, more than it could ever know. And the whole time tears run down his cheeks because in his heart and soul he wishes more than anything that someone would hold him and tell him those same things. 
When he has the money to move into a trailer he’s able to relax just a bit, telling the baby “I told you we’d be ok”. They have warmth, even if he can’t afford to heat the place overnight, a roof over their heads will be enough. 
When Steve goes into labor he drives himself to the hospital, he has a small bag of items he could afford to take with him, pays for the car to stay in long stay parking and staggers into the emergency. 
It’s a girl, placed into his arms at five past midnight and Steve cries as he holds this tiny piece of him in his arms, alone in the hospital room and he can’t help how hard his heart aches at how much he could love someone so much. And he whispers into the thick dusting of black hair “I told you we’d be ok.” 
Steve has to go back to work right away, he’s still sore and weak but the bills need to be paid. He has a sitter that is flexible with time and he can just afford it if he cuts back on food for himself. He gets formula for the baby just in case his milk isn’t nutritious enough for her. He keeps slogging on, rocking the baby to sleep at night as he drifts off in the chair by her crib.
The day he meets Eddie he just got off a 12 hour shift, he had to pay the sitter extra money that he didn’t have because his boss wouldn’t let him leave, he picked up take out on the way home unable to even think about standing and making dinner. It’s raining the dirt outside his home has turned to mud and when he’s getting the baby out of the car he drops his dinner, it’s scattered everywhere, there is no rescuing it. 
Steve screams “FUCK” and just can’t anymore, with baby tucked against his chest he falls to the mud back against his car and cries. He’s a hiccuping gasping mess, with a baby that won’t stop crying because she’s tired and hungry 
Eddie who has seen the Omega coming and going, seen the long hours they work and the exhaustion that is obvious in everything they do. He’s watched them and wanted to say hello, make friends but always been too shy, he pokes his head out the door and sees all this and his heart breaks. 
He goes over to Steve, kneels in the mud “Hey, hey, come on now, no use crying over spilt milk, I just put mac and cheese in the microwave how bout you come over.” 
“I’m Eddie by the way,” The alpha ducks and laughs since he was offering to feed a stranger, without introduction. 
Steve who only recognises Eddie from his dark hair and the glimpses he’s seen through the curtains, who is so exhausted and the alpha scents good, and he’s offering food which honestly he’s so fucking hungry so he takes the offered hand but winces when he gets up and his pants are muddy and stuck to his ass. Steve introduces himself and the baby with a sad smile, pushing away the fallen tears from his face
“How about you go in and get changed, see to baby and i’ll bring food over in about 10?” Eddie suggests, and Steve thinks he could fall in love. It feels like the first nice thing someone has done for him since he found out he was pregnant so he agrees.
Letting the alpha into his house and into his life was probably the best thing he’s ever done. Life seems to feel lighter with Eddie around. It’s a friendship that blooms slowly into a romance and into the life that Steve had always dreamed for himself. A life filled with love, laughter and family. 
Steve rocks in a chair, his feet up and a pillow behind his back, taking the pressure of his aching heavily pregnant body. A toddler is passed out on his chest as Steve whispers into her hair, “I told you we’d be ok,”
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herohimbowhore · 11 months
The Eruption of Mount Vesuvius: An Allegory for Ferrari
Scuderia Ferrari holds the title as the oldest and most successful Formula 1 team, having competed in every season since 1950. Where others fell away, Ferrari has remained.
If you were to ask someone to say something about Ferrari, then there’s a few way it can go.
First, is perhaps the most common. Enzo Ferrari’s famous quote that was probably true for most of us. “Ask a child to draw a car, and certainly he will draw it red.” And Enzo Ferrari was correct. The first thought when asked about a red car or more specifically, a red sports car, is Ferrari. (And Lightning McQueen)
Then, maybe another well-known quote will come to mind. “Everybody is a Ferrari fan. Even if they say they’re not, they are Ferrari fans. Even if you go to the Mercedes guys and they say ‘Mercedes is the best brand in the world,’ they are Ferrari fan.” Sebastian Vettel said this in 2016 during one of Mercedes’ most contentious internal championship battles.
During the Monaco Grand Prix in 2022, Lewis Hamilton (the face of Mercedes in F1 himself) proved Sebastian’s statement true. During an interview with an Italian newspaper, Lewis said, “I would say one thing: if I could sit down with the fans on the bleachers over there, I would support Charles. I am a Ferrari fan.”
And if you’ve been watching Formula 1 for the past few years, then you’ll think of how the once great Scuderia has become a clown show. Questionable strategies, awfully hilarious pit stops, and great drivers with their potential wasted. All of it is a common occurrence within the Scuderia that we have grown to expect as fans and are shocked when their plans actually work out.
Contextualizing Ferrari with the song Pompeii by Bastille and the eruption of Mount Vesuvius seemed like the most coherent way to understand this downward spiral from a once great and lauded team to its current form.
Pompeii is one of the most well-known sites of a major volcanic eruption and a disastrous end to a once great city. Perhaps it is the perfect allegory for Scuderia Ferrari as we know it today.
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Eh, eheu, eheu
Eh, eheu, eheu
Eh, eheu, eheu
“Eh, eheu, eheu,” at first may just sound like a vocally beautiful start to a song about a tragedy forever remembered and memorialized in ash. But it is a Latin phrase, roughly translating to, “eh, alas, alas.” The phrase is an exclamation of pain, grief, and fear. It is an exclamation that many fans of the Scuderia can relate to. With every race weekend, there is fear of what may go wrong this time and grief at how badly it does go.
I was left to my own devices
Many days fell away with nothing to show
The city of Pompeii, before the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, was a wealthy city. The residents, or at least some of them, lived luxurious lives with little responsibilities.
Ferrari, on a similar note, has rested on its storied history and has enjoyed luxuries that the other teams in Formula 1 do not get.
Ferrari has competed in every season of Formula 1 since the 1950 World Championships. Due to this, they have over 1000 race entries and status as a long-standing team.
One privilege given to Ferrari is the "historic bonus" from prize money. Despite not winning the constructors' championship, Ferrari tends to get more prize money at the end of the season than the winners. Since the 2021 regulation changes, Ferrari has received $35 million. Before 2021, the LST payment was $70 million, half of which was deducted from the prize money pool.
Another privilege enjoyed by Ferrari is the power to veto rule changes that won't benefit Ferrari or the sport as a whole. Thus, giving Ferrari more power than any other team in Formula 1.
Ferrari obtained the power to veto regulation back in 1980 as a means to keep them in Formula 1. During the renegotiations of the Concorde Agreement in 2019, Ferrari was able to retain the veto power. However, a key thing to note is that the veto power is used sparingly by Ferrari. It was last used in 2015 when Ferrari vetoed the FIA's plans to introduce a €12 million engine price cap. The proposal at the time had gotten a majority vote by the teams before the veto was utilized by the Scuderia.
So, Ferrari has gotten these unique luxuries and privileges for being an integral part to Formula 1 and the history it has within the sport. But despite all of this, there is "nothing to show for it" these past few years. Since the days of Michael Schumacher at the team came to an end, the Scuderia has been on a downward spiral.
You could argue that 2007 was a good year, they won both championships, didn't they? But, were it not for McLaren's Spygate scandal and then McLaren drivers, Lewis Hamilton and Fernando Alonso, more focused on beating one another, it's highly unlikely that the championships would have gone to Ferrari.
And the walls kept tumbling down in the city that we love
Grey clouds roll over the hills bringing darkness from above
Before the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD, there were signs signaling that the volcano's period of dormancy was coming to an end. Most notably, in 62 AD, 17 years before the eruption, there was a major earthquake that devasted Pompeii and the surrounding region. The earthquake caused damage to buildings, with some of them collapsing, and a disruption to the water supply in the city. Now, we know that it was the first indication of Vesuvius awakening. Seventeen years later, when Vesuvius erupted, Pompeii was still rebuilding from the earthquake in 62 AD and the ongoing tremors that it had endured since then.
Regardless of how much time residents of Pompeii spent rebuilding after 62 AD, they never really were able to because ongoing tremors and quakes kept the walls tumbling down.
These days, as fans and spectators of the sport, we expect to see some sort of Ferrari blunder when it comes to pit stops or strategies. Monaco 2022's double-stack pit stop that cost Charles Leclerc a win at his home race comes into mind, or maybe Austin 2023 when Charles Leclerc was put on a one-stop strategy that took him from pole position to sixth place before disqualification due to the plank, or any number of impeding penalties that Charles Leclerc and Carlos Sainz have gotten due to their team not relaying the information to them.
But just like the 62 AD earthquake in Pompeii and subsequent tremors, signs of Ferrari's downward spiral could be seen soon after the end of the Schumacher era.
We could think back to the Japanese Grand Prix in 2007 as Ferrari driver, Kimi Raikkonen, was in a championship fight with the McLaren drivers, Lewis Hamilton and Fernando Alonso. The wet weather conditions of the Grand Prix required that extreme wet weather tyres be used. However, both Kimi Raikkonen and Felipe Massa were forced to pit so the tyres could be changed after the race had started under the safety car. While Kimi was able to finish 3rd, it did put him 17 points behind in the championship.
Another major blunder shortly after the Schumacher era that comes to mind, is the 2008 Singapore Grand Prix. A highly contentious race for many different reasons. You may recall Singapore 2008 for Nelson Piquet Jr. crashing, Fernando Alonso taking the win, and the entirety of the Crashgate saga with Renault. But as Crashgate was occurring, Ferrari was doing as Ferrari does.
In 2008, it was once more a McLaren driver and a Ferrari driver battling for the championship with Lewis Hamilton and Felipe Massa, respectively. When Nelson Piquet Jr. crashed and a safety car was brought out, many drivers chose to pit as there is less time lost during the pit stop. Felipe Massa, three seconds ahead of his championship rival, Lewis Hamilton, chose to pit. But unlike Lewis Hamilton and other drivers who had decent pit stops, Ferrari released Felipe too early with the fuel hose still attached to his car. A Ferrari mechanic was dragged along with the fuel hose and Felipe had to stop at the pit lane exit to release the hose. Thankfully, the mechanic was okay, but Felipe's race was compromised and the race ended with Lewis in the championship lead.
We were caught up and lost in all of our vices
In your pose as the dust settled around us
When Mount Vesuvius erupted, material from the volcano covered the residents of Pompeii who had not been able to escape the city. A common image that comes to mind when thinking of this is the stone bodies covered in lava that cooled and retained the shape. However, as the lava cooled around the dead, the bodies decomposed until there was a void left in those shapes. Since the 1860s, archaeologists and scientists have used the negative space in the rocks to recreate replicas of bodies with plaster.
The dead of Pompeii were left in this void and stasis. As are so many of the drivers who came to Ferrari with hopes of winning with the Scuderia, wanting to bring back glory to Maranello, and do as Michael Schumacher once did.
Felipe Massa, Fernando Alonso, Sebastian Vettel.
They all joined Ferrari with hopes of winning the championship with the red team and all of them left with their dreams unfulfilled. An empty void of their potential was decaying from the inside as Ferrari continued to make endless blunders and not deliver cars that could win the championship.
But regardless of it all, nothing ever changes in the Scuderia. They're still caught up in the historic past as the dust settles and drivers with great potential leave.
Oh, where do we begin?
The rubble or our sins?
Oh, oh, where do we begin?
The rubble or our sins
The eruption of Mount Vesuvius was devasting for the city of Pompeii and the neighboring city of Herculaneum, but there were some survivors who were able to escape and relocate. Archaeologists have traced some survivors and figured out that they relocated to other cities with social and economic opportunities.
After disaster strikes, there is a question of what do we do first? Do we focus on the the physical things we can see like the rubble? Or the root causes of the disaster that we can't easily see?
Ferrari constantly treads this line of deciding what to focus on. Should they focus on the obvious with the pit stops, strategy, and car. Or the power struggles within the team and personnel.
The inner struggles within the team are endless.
Possible tensions between teammates Charles Leclerc and Carlos Sainz (which have been denied by both drivers, but instances during race weekends kind of make it seem like there is some tension - especially when it comes to qualifying orders)
The Sainz camp beefing with Charles Leclerc: Carlos' mother liking tweets about Charles not having honor, Carlos' father declaring "war" on Charles by saying that it's always Carlos that has to follow team orders and team orders are non-existent when Charles is behind.
The Lapo Elkann tweet about Santander, the Spanish bank that joined as a sponsor after Carlos Sainz joined the team
Departures of staff and Team Principal Fred Vassuer saying that Ferrari is "miles away" from a perfect structure
Ferrari has internal and external problems that they have to deal with before they can have a successful season. It's very obvious that the car isn't fast, the pit stops tend to be awful, and the strategy is rarely good, but there are also so many internal problems with fights for power in the Scuderia.
But if you close your eyes
Does it almost feel like nothing changed at all?
And if you close your eyes
Does it almost feel like you've been here before?
How am I gonna be an optimist about this?
How am I gonna be an optimist about this?
If you close your eyes
Does it almost feel like nothing changed at all?
In the four days leading to the eruption, the city of Pompeii experienced small earthquakes that continued to increase in frequency. However, as stated above, small earthquakes and tremors were commonplace in the Campania region where Pompeii was. So, for the thousands of residents, it wasn't a sign of death and destruction and life continued on as it normally did. Until Vesuvius erupted and there was nothing to be optimistic about, giving into the grief and pain.
At this point, after nearly twenty years of watching as Ferrari fumbles and destroys the hopes of its drivers and fans, it has come to be commonplace to expect the least from Ferrari. Pole positions are things of dread, double-stack pit stops are nightmare fuel, and openly fans think that drivers should leave the team if they want any chances of winning.
But yet, there is hope.
A look back to Monza 2023, when the Tifosi surrounded Charles Leclerc. The crowd sang "Leclerc bring us the Championship," having complete faith in the driver who went through the ranks from the Ferrari Driver Academy and made his way to Ferrari after just one year in Formula 1.
And it's not just the Tifosi that have faith and resilience in the face of what should be a demoralizing downward spiral from the heights of greatness with Michael Schumacher. Charles Leclerc continues to push and put the car where it shouldn't be with 4 pole positions this season. Making it the second most pole positions for a driver this season, only behind Max Verstappen's 11 pole positions. Always striving for more and not settling for being in the midfield.
The eruption of Mount Vesuvius and Scuderia Ferrari are two Italian tragedies nearly 2,000 years apart. Echoes of one another despite only having an Italian background in common.
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devouringyourson · 8 days
after months of bullshit getting a credit card i finally put the payment down to start an intensive driving course and get my licence and my life sorted (ongoing 3 year battle that's cost me £1000s) and now I'm panicking I've been scammed cos people are saying they sometimes just take your £900 then say they can't schedule any lessons and I 😭😭 pls just let me have a win ive chucked so much money and time trying to get a fucking car I need this pleaseeee
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h0wlcastle · 1 month
The car situation here makes me FUME I fucking HATE CARS
I encounter a lot of older people who can't understand why so many young adults still can't drive in their 20s, and I feel like it's glaringly obvious??
First of all, cars are expensive as fuck, especially when you take into account maintenance and repairs and insurance. It's like an additional rent payment. And when you're living paycheck to paycheck in a shitty apartment, and figure out a carpooling situation that works....
I mean, what's the benefit of getting a license if you can barely afford to house and feed yourself, let alone save up enough money for a down payment on a vehicle? Plus how do you learn how to drive if no one around you has a car and you can't afford driving lessons??
And maybe this is just where I went to school, but when I was growing up, it seemed like every other month we had to attend an assembly talking about how dangerous driving is & how easy it is to either kill someone or get killed if you lose your focus on literally everything around you on the road for half a second. And then taking an 8 hour defensive course is mandatory to get your license, where they do the same thing except amped up to 1000, including extremely graphic and traumatic examples.
Any reasonably cautious young person is gonna hear that and go "holy shit that's terrifying, no thank you, that's too heavy of a responsibility for me just for the sake of getting from point A to point B." Is it just me or is this the ONLY sane reaction. Why do we rely on everyone over the age of 16 knowing how to operate this dangerous complicated machine. WHY. It makes no sense.
I had like 3 classmates in high school that were killed while driving, and nearly everyone I know has been injured in a major car accident. I was recently in an accident where thankfully no one was hurt but I literally never wanted to drive again after that.
I never wanted to drive in the first place!! Like holy shit give us OPTIONS please give us better public transportation. this is ridiculous. I shouldn't have to choose between operating a Turbo Death Machine vs. being on the bus for 6 hours to travel 9.3 miles vs. walking on busy roads alongside Turbo Death Machines that very well might kill you anyway even though you're not even in one
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gazebobullshit · 3 months
Hello! I know I haven't been around much ( or at all ) but I've been having some financial difficulties and life has just been very stressful. My job is part-time and they won't allow me to work more than 24 hours in a week. Until I can go full-time or find a secondary job I've been struggling to keep my head above water. My plan to get food stamps fell through and with having to take Lyft to and from work without a car it's just made things very difficult. I did have a side hustle that was doing wonders in helping me support myself but sadly that also fell through and I've been scrambling to meet my rent payment without the money I was expecting to make from that.
I'm currently offering writing commissions as well as graphic commissions. I can make icon packs ( 10$ for every 100 icons ) or banners and promos ( 2-5 dollars depending. )
Writing Commissions I can write fandom or original works and my price is 10$ for every 1000 words with an added 5$ fee for smut and NSFW content.
You can find examples of my writing on my AO3 - drakarifire
Examples of some graphics I've done ( forgive me I lost a lot of graphics after the site I was using to host shut down so these are just some of the ones I have on hand )
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Examples of Gifs I've made
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Examples of icons I've made
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If you can please share this around! You can also buy me a ko-fi here
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briarpatch-kids · 1 year
Do you have a tag specifically for the homeowning/getting a home while disabled type posts? Me and my partner really need a place to live, but we can't afford average rent of 800-1000 and my last job left me "more" disabled (heart problems and spine made worse) so now only one of us can work entry jobs, any info on it helps so much.
I don't, I'm sorry but I'm really bad at tagging. I'm always happy to answer any questions though.
When we first bought our house at 100k, the mortgage, including taxes and fees, was $574 a month and we needed to pay about $6500 in fees when we bought it. My credit sucked at the time, so we originally had my husband only on the loan and I think he was making about $12 an hour full time.
When we refinanced, I had fixed my credit and he was making $15 an hour, and the house raised enough in value that we were able to borrow $85k, which raised our mortgage to $1000 a month including taxes and fees, but we used that money to pay off debts and buy a car and get a new roof, cedar siding repaired, all the outgoing plumbing redone, and the house painted, along with a bunch of other stuff we needed so it was worth it and we could afford the payment. Unfortunately we had someone in the house who used us and a significant chunk of the money went to that person, but that means a lot more could be done with that money in different circumstances and you should consider that too.
Now we're kind of slowly doing cosmetic things like tearing down 4+ layers of wallpaper and removing carpet and painting it candy box colors as we can afford to. A $30 gallon of paint here, a box of plaster patch there... it's a bit embarassing when people see it under construction, but the young couple spending decades restoring a broken old house is kind of a type of Guy so it's more socially acceptable than I thought.
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prussianengel · 8 months
Hey, y'all, I wouldn't be asking for help if I didn't really need it. I was in a car accident on December 18th, 2023. The car was totaled since it wasn't my car, but my parents. They'll be getting the money from the insurance. I was told that I needed to get my own car. I'm looking only for $1000 to get a down payment. Between my medical bills and having to take Uber back and forth to work, I have no savings. I would appreciate any kind of help.
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shangtusianheroes · 2 months
Legends Collide [Drabble] [Part 2]
She didn't hesitate a single second as she launched herself toward the monkey. Her hands balled up into fists as she streaked across the ground. the concrete ripping up behind her as she covered the ground as quickly as she could. Her body gave off a distinct purple glow as Lilac was staring him in the eyes before he could blink. Yet that smug smile never left his face as she drilled her fist into it! It was ever so satisfying to watch him skip off the ground and land on a nearby car crushing it.
Something sure felt off it didn't feel like she even hit him, like there was no substance. Sure enough the monkey on the car just turned into mist and disappeared. A Voice from above spoke in a very casual manner.
" You really need to slow down sister, enjoy the moment. You go rushing around like that and you'll end our fun before it even starts! "
Lilac spun on her heels and dug her feet in expecting a counter attack. Yet all she saw was the monkey lounging on the cloud like it were some bed to snooze on. He even had his eyes closed---was he even taking her seriously?
" Do you want to fight or take a nap? i'm fine with the nap, i can go my way and you yours. We could meet up next week and have tea..."
The monkey seemed to enjoy her jest as he sat up on his cloud and laughed. Sticking his pinky in his ear like he was cleaning it. This casual attitude though had her seriously on edge. Her instincts told her to be wary.
" Ah can't do that, Boss would just throw a hissy fit! besides! it's not every day you get a chance to fight a legend! "
The monkey sat up on his cloud hands on his knees as he leaned toward her.
" Sash Lilac! champion of the pits! Sash Lilac! former Red Scarf! Sash Lilac! killer of the Lord Brevon! Sash Lilac! she who faced the centurian and lived! your reputation is nearly as long as mine! which is saying something! Hats off to you miss! hats off to you! "
Lilac Narrowed her eyes as he spoke, and that feeling only grew. She had this sinking feeling this fight was gonna be a tough one. everything in her body screamed to get out of there. But she wasn't one to run from a fight.
" Well... i think you have me at a disadvantage... you seem to be a big fan! so who are you exactly, i'd love to write your name on the autograph i leave on your busted face when this is over..."
The monkey lifted his staff onto his shoulder and smiled down at her. His golden eyes locked with Lilacs. It was as if he was judging if she was worth his time or not. He finally shrugged his shoulders and swished his tail very casually.
" Well i suppose that's fair! Warriors should know each other's names when facing off! I have alot of names though, most of them are just dying curses! "
The monkey leaned forward toward Lilac with a flash of his sharp fang.
" But for you sweetheart, you can call me Son! or maybe you'd prefer Wukong? ether one is fine! so now that we have each others names... i do need to kill you. It's nothing personal! Just business... but just so you know! i only asked for one thing as payment for this fight! and that was the honor of fighting you! you should be honored! "
The color started to drain away from Lilac's face slowly but surely. There was no way this guy was actual Wukong was there? The legend was a common one in Avalice. A Warrior with no equal! he who faced the spirits themselves and defied the heavens. Immortal Wukong, who could dance on the clouds and slew a 1000 great demons.
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She had a feeling... she was in for the fight of her life!
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