#!! just an intro sorta thing ahsdhsdf
wynterlanding · 1 year
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Irony has a way of finding him in these late hours. Day is gone. Sunken as ships from olden travels, dipping below the surface of the horizon, night comes. An evening he would gladly take to find someone to satiate his current cravings BUT Landon is much more focused on settling in this town. Another place to roam as various outside forces prevents him from staying too long in one area. A nuisance to have to pack up his life as extensive as it is. He chose to continue his career by opening up a new photography studio. Something akin to creative greatness that most from his era wouldn’t dream about. Photography had been around 60 plus years by the time his life originally ended. He never looked at camerawork quite the same as the years went on. What would a photography major think?
He found it mesmerizing to play pretend. Almost a penchant for theatrics in his day, he walked into one of the night classes that first time as if he belonged. No sense of displacement followed the dark haired young man. Young for an insurmountable length of time; he still found it ironic out on campus after hours in a place called Sunnydale.
With camera around his neck, dark eyes flickering across some late night owls, he focused on a pair of girls who seemed to notice him perched alone on a bench. A few smiles and quick glances gauged his interest. If he truly had been interested in blowing his cover he would have decided on both. For now he took the easy path giving attention to the notebook in his hand, scribbling notes on them for potential later. @awalkoflife // closed starter
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