tafazoli · 2 years
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This is Liana Modabberi. She’s only 3 years old and she’s hugging a picture of her uncle, Navid Afkari, a national hero.
Navid was a professional wrestler. He was full of life and joy.
However, after protesting for his basic human rights a few years ago, he was sentenced to death after the regime falsely accused him of killing a police officer.
A campaign started to stop the death sentence from being carried out.
There’s a rule that before execution, the prisoners can see and speak with their loved ones one last time.
Navid however, was killed at night. In silence. Without anyone knowing. Without hugging his loved ones for one last time.
This was a shock to all Iranians.
Today, they arrested his sister, Elham Afkari, and her 3 y.o daughter. Shiraz district attorney announced that they transferred Liana in custody to Investigative unit 14.
She’s only 3 years old!
Her mother is also innocent but there’s no news of her as of yet.
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tafazoli · 2 years
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tafazoli · 2 years
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tafazoli · 2 years
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tafazoli · 2 years
I present to you the heroes of Iran: all ages, all backgrounds, all religions, all classes, fighting against an evil regime for basic human rights. Hand in hand they stand united against political repression, in the face of unspeakable peril.  My heroes. My people. I love you all. FREE IRAN
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tafazoli · 2 years
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tafazoli · 2 years
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Persian Garden
Furnishing Fabric ca. 1914 (made)
ARTIST/MAKER Sidney Mawson (designer) Morton Sundour Fabric Ltd. (designed for)
Furnishing fabric of block-printed cotton velvet. With figures, birds and deer in a Persian garden scene in multi-colours, and the dominant shades are bright blue and green.
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Furnishing fabric of block-printed cotton velvet. With figures, birds and deer in a Persian garden scene in multi-colours, and the dominant shades are bright blue and green.
Length: 38in
Width: 52in
MARKS AND INSCRIPTIONS CUMBERLAND BLOCK PRINTS No. 389/4V Width 50" M.S.F. LTD - C (Printed on a grey label)
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tafazoli · 2 years
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tafazoli · 2 years
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Fifty Charms of Iran
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tafazoli · 2 years
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Middle Eastern Witchcraft: Talisman Art Depicting Djinns And Lovers
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tafazoli · 2 years
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Wine in Clavis Artis, an alchemical manuscript published in Germany in three volumes in the late 17th or early 18th century, attributed to ancient Iranian spiritual leader Zoroaster (Zarathustra).
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tafazoli · 2 years
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Cyprian Leowitz - Eclipses luminarium - 1555 - via BSB
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tafazoli · 2 years
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tafazoli · 2 years
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Today is the 40th day of Mahsa Jina Amini’s murder by the Iranian regime. Iranians in Iran are honoring her with mass demonstrations and strikes.
This is my offering to Jina Mahsa.
This is my offering to the girls of Iran.
This is my offering to all the people killed at the hands is the Islamic regime.
This is my offering to all those arrested by the Iranian regime.
It’s my offering to the women and their supporters in Iran who are risking their lives to overthrow its brutal totalitarian regime.
It is a piece of me that I share with you. Writing this took a lot from me. But doing it was never in question.
This is my hope.
Thank you to @harpersbazaarus for inviting me to write this piece and for the integrity with which their editors, Nojan Aminosharei and Kaitlyn Greenidge worked with me.
This essay is part of a series and I hope you read every piece of writing and interview featured.
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tafazoli · 2 years
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Abraham's Sacrifice The painting at the center of this page is copied after a Flemish engraving, and depicts the biblical story of Abraham's sacrifice of his son Isaac. European paintings and engravings were first available in Iran and copied during the Safavid period (1501–1722), and this scene in particular remained popular through the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. This version is in fact quite similar to a seventeenth-century painting signed by the Safavid artist Muhammad Zaman. The painting has been set into a frame with a dense flower and bird (gul-o-bul-bul) design, signed by Fathallah Sani'zada. The inscriptional medallion at the bottom of the page that gives his name also dedicates the work to Vusuq al-Dawleh, who was prime minister at the time.
Artist: Border painted by Fathallah Sani'zada Date: painting 3rd qtr. 18th century; border dated A.H. 1338/A.D.1919 Geography: Attributed to Iran Medium: Opaque watercolor, ink, and gold on paper
Signatures, Inscriptions, and Markings
Signature: Fathallah, inscribed in a medallion at the bottom center. Possibly not the artist of the entire work. The miniature was produced earlier by a different artist.
Inscription: In Persian, in medallion at bottom center: "Made devotedly by Fathallah." (Translated by M. Ekhtiar 6-2002)
In Persian, in the lunette: "Presented to his gracious Majesty, Highness, the Prime Minister. May his glory and greatness continue."
(Translated by M. Ekhtiar 6-2002)
Vusuq al-Dawleh, Tehran, Iran (from ca. 1918); his son, Ali Vosugh, Tehran, Iran (until 1943; gifted to Allen); Harold B. Allen, Monmouth County, NJ (1943–d. 1970; bequeathed to MMA)
New York. Leubsdorf Gallery at Hunter College. "Re-Orientations: Islamic Art and the West in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries," February 7, 2008–April 26, 2008, no catalogue.
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tafazoli · 12 years
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