t-leaves ยท 11 days
Having one reality with a >10000 word script and another purely conceived in my head promotes a healthy balance <3
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t-leaves ยท 16 days
Reality Shifting and Age Changing Explained: A Deep Dive into the "Controversial" Practice
Introduction: Reality Shifting, the mind-bending practice of moving your consciousness/awareness to another reality (known as a Desired Reality or DR), has sparked intense debates within the community. One of the hottest topics? Age changing โ€“ the act of shifting to a different age in your DR. This shit has caused so many arguments, especially about ethics and what's "allowed". Let's break down why age changing isn't as fucked up as some people make it out to be, and why those who say otherwise might need to reconsider their stance. I will Mostly talk about agin yourself down since that is what is making the biggest noise
Taglist of various people who i think would be interested in this post (i will update it progresively) :
@shiftersroom You wanted my opinion ? Here is it /pos
@norumis I saw that post of yours
@evangelineshifts and @reiashiftsrealities Talked my project on your discord lol.
@jolynesmom Loved your post about it btw
My Race Chaging Post
Part I: Why Age Changing Isn't Bad
a. The Maturity Conundrum: When you look at the source of this controversy, you'll realize it revolves around the maturity gap between the shifter and their DR . Critics argue that age changing either doesn't alter your maturity (meaning if you're a teen in your DR, you still have the maturity of your Original Reality (OR), essentially making you an adult in a minor's body) or that it's inherently problematic. But here's the thing: when you shift, you fully take on the age and mindset of your DR self. You're not just playing pretend; you actually become that age. If you can get your DR self's memories, abilities, skills, and personality, why the fuck is it so far-fetched to think you can have their maturity as well?
Let's break this down scientifically. Maturity is dependent on brain development, more precisely, the coordinated functioning of four distinct zones:
Prefrontal Cortex (PFC): The "CEO" responsible for planning, decision-making, impulse control, and emotional regulation.
Limbic System: The "Marketing & Sales" team that influences emotions, motivation, and memory, shaping how we perceive situations and respond.
Basal Ganglia: The "Operations" department that controls habits and translates plans into action.
Temporal Lobes: "Customer Service & Public Relations" that processes social cues and guides our interactions with others.
This neurological ensemble shows that maturity is something physical, related to the brain development of an individual. It's been established in the shifting community that you cannot bring physical things across realities, so what makes you think you can bring your CR brain with you?
If that were the case, scripting a different personality, skills, and knowledge would be impossible. This means your DR self has its own cognitive and emotional frameworks developed in that reality. Your experiences and maturity are context-specific (in that case reality specific), so when you shift back to your OR, you regain your OR maturity. Shifting isn't like a permanent personality change; it's more like fully immersing yourself in a different role or life. Which is exactly what happens.
b. Debunking Anti-Aging Arguments:
"If you age yourself down, that means you're attracted to minors/you're a pedophile": This argument is complete bullshit. If there are gay people shifting to be heterosexual, lesbian shifters shifting for men, aro/ace people shifting to experience romantic/sexual attraction they never do in this reality, then aging yourself down and potentially having romantic and/or sexual relationships as a minor with another minor doesn't mean you're attracted to minors as an adult in another reality. This take is a "Hasty Generalization" fallacy โ€“ making a broad generalization based on a small or unrepresentative sample.
"Why in this reality are you thinking about dating minors??": This type of take is not what you think it is, baby girl. It's called a fallacy, more specifically the Straw Man fallacy. It occurs when someone misrepresents or oversimplifies an opponent's argument to make it easier to attack or refute. In our case, they're trying to oversimplify something as complex and nuanced as reality shifting, not taking into account valid instances where one would age themselves down.
"Even if you are the same age, you still have the awareness of being an adult, which means you're a predator": And again, another fallacious argument. Seriously, aren't y'all sick and tired of bouncing on my wood all day long? That's not how shifting works, and you know it. We aren't even sure awareness works like this. It's just a theory, plus I can tell that a lot of people with this stupid-ass take haven't shifted at all.When you shift โ€“ and let me tell you because I did shift, so I know how awareness works โ€“ when you shift to a reality, you don't even realize you've shifted at first because for you, existing, waking up, just living in this reality is something normal, not extraordinary at all. Then something will trigger the fact that you know you've shifted, and from the perspective of you in your DR, you don't feel as if you "originate" from a specific reality. For you, your DR becomes your CR, and subsequently,so does your awareness. You just know there's another reality, another version of you that exists and that you're an adult there. Your existence/consciousness/awareness is like a circle: no beginning, no end, no origin.Plus, according to the concept of infinite realities and possibilities, you can change via scripting how your awareness works. I haven't done that; that's how I and thousand of shifters WHO DID ACTUALLY SHIFT personally experienced/perceived our awareness while in our DR.
"Using shifting to age yourself down to date a minor while being an adult hereand saying 'oh well according to multiverse I AM this age, it doesn't matter ifI'm an adult in a different reality' is similar to trying to pursue someone thesecond they are of legal age when that shit varies in other countries/states": Nah, seriously, do some of y'all have actual arguments to defend your point of view except fallacious ones that have as much value as my nonexistent heterosexuality? The statement equates aging down in a Desired Reality to the practice of pursuing someone as soon as they reach the legal age in this reality, which is a "false equivalence" fallacy. These scenarios are fundamentally different in nature and intent. In reality shifting, the individual adopts the full cognitive and emotional framework of their DR self, becoming that version of them entirely. This is not comparable to someone in this reality deliberately targeting individuals based on legal age thresholds. The intent and context are distinct. Do some of you people realise that an actual predator/creep/pedophile would not age themselves down once they realized they could strike a chord as an adult in their DR without any consequences?
c. Valid Reasons for Age Changing:
Exploration and Nostalgia: Some people age down to relive experiences or explore stages of life they missed in their OR. It's like getting a second chance at living life. Maybe you want to experience high school without the anxiety, or have a childhood free from trauma. This shit can be healing as fuck and the best therapy there is in the multiverse.
Healing and Fulfillment: Shifting to a younger age can help heal from missed opportunities or trauma, like experiencing a fulfilling teenage romance or a carefree childhood. It's a way to rewrite parts of your life that were painful or unfulfilled.Imagine being able to have loving parents if you didn't in your OR,or getting to pursue that dream you gave up on as a kid.
Non-Sexual Intentions: Many shifters change their age without any sexual motives, focusing more on friendships, adventures, or just being in a different stage of life. It's about experiencing life from a different perspective, not about fetishizing youth. You might want to join a high school club, go to prom, or just enjoy the simpler responsibilities of being younger.
Tried to shift since being a minor: A lot of shifters discovered shifting when they were still minors and made DRs whose age corresponded to the one they had in their OR at the time and tried to shift again and again despite the years. Are you telling me that you're going to tell those people to discard those realities the moment they turn 18? Bitch, make it make sense and you cant.
Part II: Examining the Discourse Within the Reality Shifting Community
a. Teenage Shifters : Double standards and hypocrisy. Teenage Shifters need to acknowledge the hypocrisy of them shifting to a DR where they are a married adult with kids one day and then deciding to shift to a reality where they are 15 and dating another 15-year-old the next. This inconsistency becomes even more problematic when they complain about their "maturity" being affected upon returning to their original reality. Furthermore, these same shifters often label adult shifters as "predatory" for shifting to realities where they interact with high schoolers, failing to recognize the double standard in their own behavior.
This hypocrisy extends to their attitudes towards sexual content and relationships. Teenage shifters often defend scripting mature content in their desired realities, arguing that teens naturally have such desires. However, they become outraged when adult shifters express a desire to experience young love again through shifting. This inconsistency is further highlighted by their willingness to engage in adult behaviors with older partners in one reality while simultaneously pursuing teenage relationships in another.
This hypocrisy extends to their attitudes towards sexual content and relationships. Teenage shifters often defend scripting mature content in their desired realities, arguing that teens naturally have such desires. However, they become outraged when adult shifters express a desire to experience young love again (or expereince young love they never did) through shifting. This inconsistency is further highlighted by their willingness to engage in adult behaviors with older partners in one reality while simultaneously pursuing teenage relationships in another.
Moreover, the logic applied to adult shifters - that having a teenage love interest in a desired reality implies attraction to minors in the original reality - is not consistently applied to teenage shifters who frequently shift between adult and teenage experiences. This disparity in reasoning further underscores the bias within the community.
Lastly, the pressure to shift before reaching adulthood in the original reality is a concerning trend. The community's belief that minor-aged shifters can shift to any age creates an implicit urgency to experience various realities before becoming an adult, after which such experiences might be viewed as pedophilic fantasies by the wider community.
Many Shifters who are minors (I do not say that all shifters that are minors are like this, just a huge amount) have a very odd understanding of what shifting is. They often treat it like cosplay, which is not what true shifting is about. They accuse adults who age down of being predatory, yet they:
Age themselves up to be with adults.
Age down adults to be with them.
Have pornstar or stripper DRs, which is ironic considering their criticisms.
This double standard reveals a lack of understanding about the true nature of shifting and the subjective experience of each shifter. It's like they're playing by different rules depending on what suits them at the moment.
Consider this mind-fuck: A 17-year-old shifts to another reality, lives there for 40 years, then comes back and dates someone who's 17 in their CR. By their logic, this makes them predatory because they've lived for 57 years. Conversely, if they return to their CR as a 17-year-old and date a 57-year-old because they're "57 in shifting age," it's still seen as wrong. This highlights the inconsistency in their arguments and the subjective nature of age and experience across realities.
It's like trying to apply the rules of chess to a game of poker โ€“ it just doesn't work. Each reality has its own context, and trying to apply blanket rules across all of them is an exercise in futility.
b. The Hypocrisy of shiftok : Oppresive and unfounded dogma, lack of empathy and Cultish Tendencies
The TikTok reality shifting community, colloquially known as "Shiftok," often displays a concerning lack of empathy and nuanced understanding when discussing complex issues surrounding shifting experiences. This is exemplified by the interaction shown in the image below :
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In the first comment, an individual expresses feeling emotionally and mentally stunted due to missing formative experiences while growing up(which is true a lack of expereince can stunt someone s well being and developement). They view shifting as a potential way to have those experiences and achieve personal growth. This perspective highlights the therapeutic potential some see in reality shifting. However, the response to this vulnerable admission is harsh and dismissive: "Just bc your childhood got fcked up does not give you the right to fck up another child's." This reply demonstrates the judgmental attitude prevalent in the Shiftok community, where complex motivations are often reduced to simplistic, moralistic condemnations.
This interaction illustrates several problematic aspects of the Shiftok discourse:
Lack of empathy: The responder shows no compassion for the original commenter's expressed trauma and stunted development.
Misinterpretation of intentions: The reply assumes malicious intent, ignoring the therapeutic or self-exploratory motivations expressed.
Imposing rigid moral standards: The response applies a single moral framework without considering the subjective nature of ethics across different realities.
Oversimplification of complex issues: The nuanced topic of personal growth through shifting is reduced to a binary "right" or "wrong" judgment.
Hypocrisy: While condemning certain shifting practices, the community often overlooks similar ethical concerns in other contexts, such as minors scripting adult relationships.
This example shows perfectly the need for more thoughtful, empathetic discourse within the shifting community. Rather than rush to judgment, shiftokers should strive to understand diverse perspectives and the complex reasons one would shift to a specific DR of theirs.Otherwise people will keep thinking that we are nothing more than a cult that seeks to exploit the mental health of broken teenagers and prey on their desperationf for fame and money.
c.The "holier than thou" attitude: The "holier than thou" attitude, also known as moral superiority or self-righteousness, is a mindset where individuals or groups believe their moral standards, beliefs, or practices are superior to those of others. This attitude often manifests as judgmental behavior, condescension, and a lack of empathy towards differing viewpoints or experiences.
In the context of Shiftok, the TikTok reality shifting community, this "holier than thou" attitude is particularly evident and problematic. It applies to Shiftok in several ways:
Moral Absolutism: Shiftokers often apply rigid moral standards derived from their original reality (OR) to all desired realities (DRs), ignoring the concept of subjective morality across infinite realities.
Selective Condemnation: The community tends to harshly judge certain practices (like adults shifting to younger ages) while overlooking potentially problematic behaviors by minors (such as scripting adult relationships in their DRs) or people scripting in trauma abuse or that people get SA ed or are in relationship with problematoc people such as murderers and villains.
Lack of Empathy: As demonstrated in the image, there's often a dismissive attitude towards individuals expressing personal struggles or complex motivations for their shifting practices.
Oversimplification of Complex Issues: Nuanced topics are frequently reduced to simplistic "right" or "wrong" judgments, disregarding the multifaceted nature of personal experiences and ethical considerations in shifting. Shiting at its core is complex, nuanced and multifaceted, no black and white its gray.
Assumption of Expertise: Despite many members potentially lacking deep understanding or personal experience with shifting, there's a tendency to speak authoritatively on what is or isn't acceptable in shifting practices. It's always those who either have never shifted or minishifted who yap the most about shifting like they know it all . Honey you don't , you know nothing you have nothing to talk about shut up and try to shift before opening your mouth on a subject you do not have an expertise about.
Gatekeeping: Some members of the community may attempt to dictate who can or cannot engage in certain shifting practices based on arbitrary criteria or personal biases.
Dismissal of Therapeutic Potential: The community often overlooks or dismisses the potential therapeutic or personal growth aspects of shifting, focusing instead on enforcing their perceived moral standards.
This "holier than thou" attitude in Shiftok creates an environment that suppresses open dialogue, discourages the sharing of diverse experiences, and potentially alienates individuals seeking support or understanding within the community. It contradicts the very essence of reality shifting, which is about exploring different perspectives and experiences across infinite realities.
And also the most concerning consequence of this effect, this hypocrisy, this lack of empathy makes shiftok look like a cult in the eyes of other spiritual communities. I do know and disagree when antishifters make the statement that shifting is a cult but I understand and come to agree with them when they say that shiftok is a cult.
This community that is supposed to help one another is just oppressing bullying and suppressing people when they have an opinion that differs from the dogma big shiftokers imposed on the rest of the community thinking that their word is law and they get to write the rules of a practice that is the antithesis of that .Shifting is the epitome of breaking the chains the constraints of this world and its rules. Plus do some of you lot realise that those people that you worship do not give a flying fuck about you ? These people pray on your desperation to keep you on their page.
Shiftok is nothing more than a living sack of horse shit. All the knowledge and tips are just poorly regurgitated from amino and other shifting spaces that existed far before 2020. They immediately closed themselves to outsiders when they saw the damage shiftok did to the community as a whole. When a cultist, shiftoker claims to have this groundbreaking solution /information about shifting keep in mind that 100% of the time it was already known elsewhere.Just not on shiftok and now they are the new shifting Messiah lmao.
Shiftokers sometimes (more like always tbh) ignore the fact that shifting involves complete immersion in the new reality. If it's possible to gain your DR self's memories and personality, then obviously, you'll also become their age mentally as well. You're not just dropped into that life with no context; you fully integrate into that age and lifestyle. When you shift to your DR, that's your new CR. This reality becomes a DR. This reality is not the baseline for anything.
Some people say their memories of their OR feel far away while their DR memories are front and center, making their DR life feel like their primary existence. This means you won't feel like an imposter, no matter how different your DR is from your OR.
In ancient times, gaining spiritual knowledge like shifting required understanding that you are a soul or consciousness having a human experience. Modern cultists shiftokers often skip this step, leading to judgment and misunderstanding. Shifting should be a tool for self-discovery and growth, not just entertainment. This lack of spiritual foundation often leads to a superficial understanding of shifting. It's not just about living out fantasies; it's about expanding consciousness and understanding the nature of reality itself. By focusing solely on the surface-level aspects of shifting, many miss out on the profound insights and personal growth that can come from this practice. Because of the damage shiftok did on the reputation of the practise it is nearly or impossible to break free of the stereotype of shifter being a bunch of mentally ill schoolgirls shifting to be with the wizard version of Nazis (looking at you girlies that shift for Draco Malfoy or Tom Riddle).
Honestly that is the thing that makes me cackle. The most about shiftok i keep hearing and seeing videos from these cultists shiftokers asking and wondering themselves why is the platform dying and why theres no active discussions like sharing tips story times etc...
Bombastic Side Eye-Do you fuckers realised it is all your fault ? You try and silence people when their opinion differs than the one you have.They experienced something you did not you shame and burn them at the stake for it no wonder why people leave that ghetto ass platform and im scared just like a lot of us here of the massive exodus of shiftokers that will happen once tiktok is banned in the US.
Age changing in shifting isn't inherently bad. It lets people explore different life stages, fulfill desires, and grow personally. The real issue comes when age changing is done for fetishizing purposes, turning ages into objects for sexual gratification. As long as shifters are respectful, consensual, and not exploitative, age changing can be a valid and enriching part of the shifting experience.
Remember, shifting is about expanding your consciousness and experiencing the infinite possibilities of existence. Don't let narrow-minded judgments hold you back from exploring the full potential of this practice. Stay open, stay curious, and most importantly, stay true to your own journey of self-discovery through shifting.
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t-leaves ยท 1 month
18 months and counting on my wizarding world script โœจ i just keep thinking about more and more lore and it makes the reality infinitely more tangible!
Does anyone else spend days, if not weeks, on a single script or is that just me?
Like I know I donโ€™t have to but- I want to. Scripting is fun.
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t-leaves ยท 1 month
I think I almost entered the void state last night?
I laid on my front in a cosy position and on every breath in I thought 'I am pure consciousness' and on every exhale I thought 'I cannot feel my body.' I was definitely combatting sleep because there were occasions where I was breathing in and out in silence for a couple of cycles, waiting for my brain to recall what i was meant to be saying to myself (or possibly that's just the adhd..) But i definitely felt an incredibly deep relaxation, and one that pressed into my limbs and skull and even made my jaw relax despite being a permaclencher. I could still feel my body but i feel like if i had persisted for a longer time i might actually have escaped.
Going to try it again tonight and start as soon as i lie down to go to sleep and not procrastinate for three hours like i did last night. If anybody has any tips on achieving weightlessness during meditation, or even just how to quieten seemingly genetic skepticism, that would be swell.
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t-leaves ยท 2 months
"i cant wait to shift!" i cant either....
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forgot to add the pic of my s/o... someone's eating really good
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t-leaves ยท 2 months
Reason to shift :
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t-leaves ยท 2 months
i think the purest form of love is scripting something/someone into your dr, whether itโ€™s your best friend, your s/o, your pet, or a stuffed animal, they become a part of your journey
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t-leaves ยท 2 months
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โ‚ โŒจ [aquaticlime] is typing ... โ‚Ž
I've broken this into sections to make it easier to digest. Some of these I found on an old Amino post but most of them I came up with myself. Feel free to script or do any of these things in your DR.
1. ๐“๐ซ๐ฒ ๐๐ฎ๐ญ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ ๐๐ž๐ž๐ซ
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3. ๐ƒ๐ž๐œ๐จ๐ซ๐š๐ญ๐ž ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ๐ซ ๐๐จ๐ซ๐ฆ
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72. ๐‡๐จ๐ฌ๐ญ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ๐ซ ๐จ๐ฐ๐ง ๐ฌ๐ก๐จ๐ฐ ๐จ๐ง ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐–๐–๐ (๐–๐ข๐ณ๐š๐ซ๐๐ข๐ง๐  ๐–๐ข๐ซ๐ž๐ฅ๐ž๐ฌ๐ฌ ๐๐ž๐ญ๐ฐ๐จ๐ซ๐ค)
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Miscellaneous Mischief
75. ๐–๐š๐ญ๐œ๐ก ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐ฌ๐š๐ง๐๐ฌ ๐ข๐ง ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐ก๐จ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ž ๐ก๐จ๐ฎ๐ซ๐ ๐ฅ๐š๐ฌ๐ฌ๐ž๐ฌ' ๐œ๐จ๐ฆ๐ž ๐š๐ง๐ ๐ ๐จ ๐š๐ฌ ๐ฉ๐ž๐จ๐ฉ๐ฅ๐ž ๐ž๐š๐ซ๐ง ๐จ๐ซ ๐ฅ๐จ๐ฌ๐ž ๐ก๐จ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ž ๐ฉ๐จ๐ข๐ง๐ญ๐ฌ
76. ๐†๐จ ๐œ๐š๐ฆ๐ฉ๐ข๐ง๐  ๐ข๐ง ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐…๐จ๐ซ๐›๐ข๐๐๐ž๐ง ๐…๐จ๐ซ๐ž๐ฌ๐ญ
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96. ๐๐ซ๐ž๐ญ๐ž๐ง๐ ๐ญ๐จ ๐›๐ž ๐š ๐ง๐ž๐ฐ ๐œ๐ซ๐ฒ๐ฉ๐ญ๐ข๐ ๐ข๐ง ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐’๐ก๐ซ๐ข๐ž๐ค๐ข๐ง๐  ๐’๐ก๐š๐œ๐ค
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โ•ฐโ”€โ–ธ @[aquaticlime] has
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502 notes ยท View notes
t-leaves ยท 2 months
I've had a brain wave over the configuration of my dr house and now i can picture it so much clearer! I also googled stained glass door and there was an image with a stained glass heron near the top which is what i have been picturing! I love signs <3 also i had a lucid dream yesterday we're so back
0 notes
t-leaves ยท 3 months
"cant wait to shift so i can see my man!" bitch u could have the answers to the secrets of the universe
1K notes ยท View notes
t-leaves ยท 3 months
Dr masterlist
Wizarding world dr:
Introduction I dr self 1 I lore 1 I
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Marauders dr:
Introduction I dr self I lore I
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Daughter of Khione dr:
Introduction I dr self I lore I
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EPL dr:
Introduction I dr self I lore I
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Figure Skating dr:
Introduction I dr self I lore I
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MarsCorp dr
Introduction I dr self I lore I
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Knowledge wr
Introduction I Layout I
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0 notes
t-leaves ยท 3 months
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Name: [redacted] cr name but ~gaelic~
Nicknames: Tee, Oak (quidditch team only)
Shifting to: 5th year at Hogwarts, August 2017
House: Gryffindor ๐Ÿฆ Dob: 20/11/2001
Age at start of shift: 15 (listen, I'm trying to heal my inner child)
Family: muggleborn dad (iron charmer) and muggleborn maternal grandparents with a squib mum (singer), considered a 'muggleborn once removed', sister starting her final year in Hufflepuff; all relatives same as cr
Languages: fluent in English and Gaelic; near to fluency in Druidic*; proficient Welsh; conversational House Elvish, Spanish and Cantonese; literate in Latin, Old English, Old Irish and Runes
*my religion is druidism and all the texts are written in this ancient ceremonial language. I will be explaining it in another post :)
Pet: Pusheen, a blonde maine coon who is the sweetest and most inquisitive girl in the world :') she is a wee bit goofy and clumsy but she is still capable of delivering messages throughout the castle for me - and indeed for other Gryffindors after setting up a small business of her own volition. Our family pet is a wolfhound mix called Bran and my sister has a great grey owl called Goonhilly.
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Looks: same as cr me but with more prominent freckles from constantly being outside, taller (5'9), with shorter, thicker hair and an athletic body
Style: what can only be described as quidditch jock academia
Hobbies: reading, writing, acting and improv, classical and jazz piano, irish session fiddle and singing, football, quidditch, drawing, painting, embroidery, pub quizzes
Quidditch position: seeker, stand by chaser
Supports: Arsenal, Longtails โšฝ๏ธ and Boggarts ๐Ÿงน
Wand: Walnut body w/ Beech handle, 10,5" swishy , selkie fur core, lacquered green and white in the Quirke style (Irish wandmaker)
0 notes
t-leaves ยท 3 months
DR name: wizarding world dr
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Things I'm looking forward to:
Living in my hippy, gift economy village full of wizards, squibs and muggle relatives, playing quidditch in the surrounding meadows, listening to concerts in the village green, and celebrating nature festivals in the temple on the hill
I'm also super excited for experiencing magical culture! The music scene, the literature, the plays, the folklore, the clothes, the radio shows, comedy, sports, the food!! I'm so hyped to actually read Hogwarts: A History after all these years of wishing I could :')
DR name: Daughter of Khione dr
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Things I'm looking forward to:
Going on a quest and roadtripping across the US. Also hockey!!
> Challenge for Shifters< (please please please join I love hearing about y'alls DRs)
Guideline (you don't have to do everything if you don't want to):
The name of your DR
One image that reminds you of your DR as a whole
One song that reminds you of your DR as a whole
One thing/scenario you're currently obsessed with
(this challenge is literally tailored around the fact that my main DR is my hyperfixation rn lol)
Doing it myself (Warning: My DR makes no sense to anybody other than me):
DR name: "I think I'll rot"
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Thing I'm looking forward to/obsessed with:
I scripted a scenario where me, my best friend, and my s/o have a sleepover and stay up all night and scary stuff happens, and my little sister is in the other room watching Care Bears. I'm so excited to experience it and idk why.
Tagging people I think it would be cool if they did it (not forcing & anyone can join)
203 notes ยท View notes
t-leaves ยท 3 months
Fun things I scripted into my Hogwarts dr ๐Ÿงนโœจ
We have yearbooks which include a group photo of all the house pets
It's tradition for 7th year dada/gryffindor students to gift Lupin squeaky toys at the end of the year
Part of the muggle studies curriculum is studying Shakespeare and it is tradition for NEWT students to stage the play they are studying
There is a broomstick motorway running through the entirety of the UK
There is an interhouse common room called the Hall of Concurrence (nicknamed Conkers) that has a tuck shop selling crisps, sweets, pasties etc.; a retro television that shows quidditch matches and wizarding tv channels; and lots of game equipment like pool tables, chess sets, board games etc. The tuck shop also does popcorn for weekend film nights and every Monday the folk club do an informal music session anyone can come and listen to.
Each common room has a kitchenette for making hot drinks and fixing a quick breakfast before quidditch practice. All the mugs are magically tailored to each student and there is an informal doling ceremony at the beginning of the year where we find the perfect mug for us
Hogsmeade has a muggle style corner shop with a post office so muggleborns can go buy their favourite childhood brands or send their parents a letter via muggle post
The three broomsticks hosts a pub quiz every other Sunday and there is an informal house tournament throughout the year to see who can accumulate the most points - the winning house gets a trophy and a butterbeer discount for the next academic year
There is a player of the match trophy for every quidditch game and a player of the tournament each year
On Dumbledore's memorial day Hogwarts hosts a ten pin bowling tournament that all the professors are contractually obliged to take part in.
There is a statue of dobby outside the kitchens and his socked feet are gold from being rubbed by students for good luck in their exams and love life
Lee Jordan has a radio sketch show called Lee Jordan's Magic Show that is super popular and lots of students tune in on the common room radios every week
It is tradition to sing Caledonia out the windows of the Hogwarts Express as it leaves platform 9 ยพ (I am so in love with this one I would say it's my most vivid dr memory? I can feel the passion in yelling 'let me tell you that i love you, that I'll think about you all the time' at my parents with a chorus of dewy eyed students it's so vivid in my mind god i need to shift)
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t-leaves ยท 3 months
Shifting with mommy issues just means that your mum is supportive, self realised and thriving in one half of your drs, and in the other half she abandoned you when you were small
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t-leaves ยท 3 months
I would consider myself quite a sceptical person, my atheism bordering upon cranky, but despite this, beginning when I was very small, i haven't been able to ignore small coincidences happening to me.
For example, when i was 10 i named a character a name that didn't exist and a couple of days later i found out that websites that tell you the meaning of people's names exist. I thought hmm maybe i can give her a middle name and typed in what i wanted her name to mean. The first name that came up was the name i had come up with in my head with the middle letter removed. Small things like this happen every so often and make me side eye the universe.
Recently i have had a few dr related coincidences. The first was when i was searching for images of record players to help me visualise my dr bedroom. It only took me a couple of swipes to find a record player that had the name of one of my friends in my dr emblazoned on the lid. The same name popped up when i was thinking about what to name my dog. It's quite a rare name so every time has been super motivating.
The most recent was opening up spotify and noticing the band i have scripted to be a huge deal in the wizarding world is playing a concert on my cr birthday which is probably a stretch but i plan on seeing them in concert in my dr on my birthday...
All of this is to say, whether it's just my brain making connections to reinforce my beliefs or genuine intervention from a collective consciousness, I think shifting was always meant to find me. And maybe it was always meant to find you too.
(In the middle of typing this, going to get a glass of water and seeing 23:23 on the clock.. we're shifting lads!!!)
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t-leaves ยท 3 months
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Dia dhuit, shiftblr!
My name is Tee, I'm 22 and I have been trying to shift since January 2023. My journey started after my having an existential crisis, regressing to my childhood self by reobsessing over Harry Potter and subsequently googling if it was possible to go to Hogwarts ๐Ÿ˜ญ โœจ
I have not successfully shifted yet but I have lucid dreamt about attempting to shift which made me feel so much more secure in my journey! I subscribe to the consciousness theory and my current methods involve alternating between wbtb lucid dreaming and the wim hof pink breath method followed by alunir's 5 senses meditation. Edit: currently having a crack at the gateway tapes and trying to master focus 10. Edit of the edit: got diagnosed with ADHD which recontexualised my struggles with staying still for a prescribed amount of time. Am now trying methods that have no definitive length of time ie: mantras until i get bored. Serving me well so far.
I'm here mostly to feel less alone in my shifting journey, organise my thoughts and share the details of my dr to inspire others <3 Happy to be mutuals with anybody 18+
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My drs/wrs:
Wizarding world dr - PJO x White Vault dr - Figure Skating dr - EPL dr - WSL dr - Professor Layton dr - Ballet dr - Britcom/Fame/Better cr dr Marauders dr - Cabin Pressure dr - Wii Sports Resort wr - Music Hall dr - Jazz dr - PWHL dr Pre Raphaelite dr - misc. historical drs - lots of podcast drs that would give my identity away if i posted them they are so niche ๐Ÿ˜… - GBBO wr - knowledge wr - twd/we're alive dr - doctor who - marscorp dr
Actively trying to shift in purple masterlist
I absolutely ADORE scripting!! If anybody wants to chat about it or needs ideas for dr lore I'm your girl :D especially if you're planning on shifting to a wizarding world dr my script is like 80 samsung notes pages deep
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I am personally very uninterested in the ideal life style shifting (can't sweat, face claim, everybody is in love with you, infinite wardrobe etc.) and I am also not interested in shifting for romance (although I have become very attached to one of my OCs...) Super curious about whether there are other people in this space who feel a bit alienated by these shifting archetypes and are perhaps using their drs as exposure therapy ie learning to cope with difficult situations? Would love to chat about it โœจ
We're all going to shift!
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