t-andwood · 13 days
"Yeah..." Tom was going to disagree but couldn't really argue that he wasn't drunk at this very moment and time. "I'm drunk." He nodded, topping that sentence off by finishing the last bit of his cocktail. As he tilted his head back down, he realized that Knox actually had a notebook in hand. "Inspiration, huh?" He asked, teasingly. "I get it, I wish I'd bought the camera out. The cinematographer in me is just like, the incredible B roll I could be catching right now." Tom rambled, with a playful roll of his eye. "No, I don't believe this usually happens on Arbor day." He laughed, as he happily accepted a shot from the person who'd offered Knox one. "I'm just happy that it's tolerable." He let his best friend know, as they'd known a thing or two of unbearable alcoholic choices they'd made back in their younger days. Never again would he be chugging a buzzball.
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"Aww Tom's drunk." Knox announced to the room right before he looked up from the notebook he had been jotting down in and rolled it up in his back pocket, not letting his brief burst of writing inspo get in the way of giving his best friend a proper kiss on the crown of his head. Sure, the middle of a pride celebration wasn't the time or place to be writing anything, but the line that bubbled up in his mind could not be lost to alcohol and glitter. "We love you too, Tommo. Pride with my brothers is one of my favorite times of the year, hands down." Knox was handed a shot by a passing NPC and he gladly accepted, "See, you don't get this on Arbor day." Without discrimination, Knox knocked the shot back, "Mmmm, I was hoping it would be rum."
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t-andwood · 13 days
Tom found himself laughing as Gerald happened to remember to let him know that he also loved him. He'd entirely understood why it'd come with a delay, that just being one of Gerald's quirks. And if there was something his friends and he loved, it was those eccentricities that'd made them them. "C'mon. Like this is too good." Tom commented, as Gerald pointed at him to which he responded with his own "Bumpin' that bumpin' that."
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Big grin across his face, Gerald nodded with him, feeling like he'd forgotten something. "Oh, yeah. I love you too." He knocked his elbow against Tom's, not nearly as articulate in his emotions as the most of the guys were. They knew how much they meant to him though, and he liked to think that gratitude came across in other ways. "Bumpin' that bumpin' that-," he pointed to Tom to keep up and sing along.
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t-andwood · 21 days
Tom found himself blushing at Nathan's declaration– not so sure he'd ever get sick of hearing that he was the other man's angel. "The fanny pack is a must have now a days— we have found ourselves in one too many abnormal situations that I just don't take chances now a days." Tom laughed, as he knew he sounded like such a senior citizen but it was better to be prepared than not. He nodded as Nathan spoke, as he was right. This was surely not their first pride celebration together and he hoped it wouldn't be their last. "Do you think we get a special discount once we make it to five?" He teased. "No, like I get what you mean. As much as things stay the same, they most definitely change." Tom agreed with his boyfriend's sentiment. "And between us, I really like the changes we've made." He nodded, as he stepped closer to Nathan. "For starters..." He began before grabbing a hold of his boyfriend's shirt to pull him down for a kiss.
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"Oh you are my angel!" He pressed a kiss to Tom's forehead as he saw the dollar bills. He really was going to have the best night. "That leaves us all prepared and you protected them from the water. I love you and your fanny pack," he added, dropping his head against Tom's shoulder as they looked out at the dancing crowd. "Can you believe we've spent so many pride months together?" He brought his drink to his lips as he thought about it and smiled. "I feel like we've evolved. I mean I was always around the drag queens and we may have always been this drunk and high-actually maybe much hasn't changed. But we've changed, right? It feels like we have."
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t-andwood · 21 days
"Yeah, yeah." Tom said, bashfully as he scrunched his face. Nathan and Tom might have declared their love for each other quite sometime ago now, but he still found himself with those butterflies when in his company. He'd been everything he'd wanted in a partner and well, it so happened that he'd been that for Tom. "You know, not to sound errogant but I sort of assumed so." He said, the smile on his face only grew. Of course, Nathan had found himself concerned on making such he could make it rain on the drag performers that evening. Tom reached into his mandatory night out fanny pack to pull out a stack of bills. "I think you might just leave tonight as the crowd favorite."
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"You don't say? You know I don't think I knew that." Nathan smiled as he kissed the side of Tom's head in return. Nathan had been looking forward to this year's pride. He was in a good place, genuinely and he was actually focusing on celebrating more this year. At least he was trying. The alcohol and drugs were doing their job though and he had been smiling all night, not at all thinking about the headache he was going to have tomorrow. "I love you too," he replied and ran his fingers through Tom's hair. "Did we bring enough singles? I want to make sure we tip the drag queens. You know I like to be the favorite in the audience."
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t-andwood · 21 days
"I did, didn't I?" Tom nodded, as he came to the realization but he wasn't at all embarassed he'd repeated himself. In fact, his statement beared repeating. He really was so thankful for the guys, they truly were his soulmates. And the fact that they together, looked great and were having a great time, he couldn't be happier. "Well, I do." Tom laughed, nodding along to the music he knew to be Charli xcx's as BRAT was currently the number one album in their apartment.
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Gerald usually just stuck to weed- he knew how he reacted to it, that he could smoke and have a few drinks and generally feel normal, quote-on-quote. Everything else felt like too big a gamble but it was pride so he made an exception- he had to, he was told. "Uh-huh, you said that," he giggled back at Tom.
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t-andwood · 21 days
"I-I love you," Tom let his friends know, just overflowing with love in that moment. Well that, several shots handed to him by a sickening Sea Witch, a mixed drink or three and perhaps he might have indulged in some other drugs. But when in Rome or well, in their case, Atlantis. "No, seriously. I love you, g-guys." ( @nathan-rhee @chuck-diaz @pitifulgerald @knoxiousoverman )
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t-andwood · 21 days
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BILAL HASNA for Man About Town by Jade Smith
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t-andwood · 1 month
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t-andwood · 1 month
"Yeah, right here and now. No better time than the present." He let Gemma know, as he placed his hands on her shoulders to get her loosen up a tad. And as he suspected, it'd begun to work. "Uh huh." Walt said with a playful roll of his eyes, as he knew that if Gemma was indeed trying she would have gotten with homie by now. "I'm definitely getting he's into you vibes, but you know, sexuality is such a spectrum nowadays. Who isn't kissing everyone around here?" He said with a sly smirk, before taking a small sip from his cocktail. "So... it's super flirty, you're hot, he's hot... what are we waiting for?" He said with a laugh. "Look there's nothing wrong with a little edging but eventually, somethings got to give."
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"Right here right now?," she clarified, laughing at whatever moves he was pulling out. She danced with him though, gradually moving them closer to the source of the music in the distance. "I've been tryingg," she sang back, although she wouldn't say it was very hard, just that her and Simon hung out a lot and the vibe was definitely there. "Are we sure he's into girls? Like, it's all super flirty but that wouldn't be a first for me either."
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t-andwood · 1 month
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evan mock via instagram stories.
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t-andwood · 2 months
"Drink." Walt held his thumb up as he'd definitely had about three drinks in his system, thanks to the ice cream truck dudes. "Most definitely check. Dance, we need to actually go do that about now." He let Gemma know as he began to grove to the music playing in the distance with a great big goofy grin in an attempt to get her to move a bit. "And we can't forget, make out really hot people." Walt told Gemma with a nod of his head. "Like, let's say a really dorky yogi with the hots for you."
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"Earth-shattering," she said of the idea of her equipped with a tiny mic, a thought so good it nearly sent chills up her spine. "That's why I only took a little bit." That, and anything above a microdose might give her a panic attack in their current circumstances and she was better safe than sorry. "Right. Agenda for today then-" She pointed to Walt, expectant. Ready to scheme. "I say.... drink, check. Dance? Eventually."
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t-andwood · 2 months
"Okay, now you know that that's entirely different." Walt told her, as that was just obvious. "You're handed a tiny mic and that's instantly a recipe for something truly to occur." He let her know. "You give a tiny mic to a douche, sure the uneducated masses will probably chuckle but that just gives lame." He said to his best friend, scrunch his nose at the thought. "I completely agree. It's harshing my mellow." He said with a giggle, having ingested some mushroom chocolates before they'd made it into the grounds. "But at least I've got you and no more dudes with tiny mics around."
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Frowning, she took one of Walt’s churros and bit off a big chunk. “Okay, but,” she started, churro waving in her hand. “What if I had a tiny mic? That’s the exception, and I mean, the only exception." She was already past it though, more concerned with what her and her bestie planned to get up to. "They should've put all the pop girls on one stage, none of this-," she waved her churro in the air again, illustrating her point, "running back and forth."
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t-andwood · 2 months
Walt wanted so badly to interrupt what was surely some asshat trying to go viral. And how did he know it was indeed an asshat trying to go viral? That damn tiny mic. But he couldn't help but get some enjoyment from the looks of confusion painted across his best friend's face as the questions continued to come in. "You just got got." Walt let her know, before handing off the churros he'd basically fought to get them. Who knew Rosewood took latinx sugary confections so seriously? "What's the golden rule? Don't ever entertain an asshat with a tiny mic. No good ever comes from those things."
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“Wait where is this going?” Gemma just wanted to ask the guy where he got his tiny little microphone from and, instead, found herself the semi unwilling participant of an influencer video. She had trouble saying no though, that was on her, and with every question he asked she realized it was the kind of viral video edited down to make her look stupid. “Um. Okay,” she mumbled as she walked away. “What the fuck just happened?”
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t-andwood · 3 months
Sorry | Madonna
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t-andwood · 3 months
"Now why would they want to wax your eyebrows off?" Tom asked Chuck, before realizing that the fashion world was probably one that he'd never quite get, so he instead of waiting for the reply– he simply shook his head and let his best friend know that he didn't even want to know. "And I tell you, I'm pretty sure everyone would agree with your decision to do so."
Tom waved off his dramatics, laughing as he spoke of losing him. "You have not lost me. I just happen to think that the platform can be quite informative... and honestly, just plain fun." Tom said with a playful shrug, as he couldn't deny he'd found himself falling into a hole of hilarity. "In moderation or whatever." Tom added, with a playful roll of his eyes before Chuck came up from behind to pull him close. "Thank you, thank you. I'm quite proud of it, I say so myself." He said, laughing as Chuck began to lead them towards the kitchen. "You got it, but before you go–" Tom let Chuck know, as he pulled them towards the stovetop so that he was able to pick up a piece of the Chicken Tikka he'd cooked up for them. "Okay, is it not the best Chicken Tikka you've ever had?" He asked him, with a big smile. "Or at the very least in the top ten best. No, actually it's definitely in the top five."
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"Everything is fabulous if I'm in the room, obviously, but yeah it was hectic. Almost got my ass fired on the spot for refusing to let one designer wax my eyebrows off. Let's leave that for Austin Butler. I'll forfeit my whole career to go sell foot pics online before I let some self important dickhead mess with my face."
It could be said that there was a certain level of codependence amongst the boys, though Chuck's moving out had probably removed the largest contributing factor. He had the type of all consuming aura that sucked people in, though he'd consider himself more of a black hole to Nathan's sun, whom they all orbited around much more peacefully. "Oh god, we've lost him, we've lost him!" Chuck wailed dramatically, a known hater of social media in general even if he did use it for professional gain. He was always going to be the kid from Welton who preferred to remain an enigma, who would rather lose himself in his books than the timeline on an app. Pretentious perhaps, but he liked it that way. "Smells amazing though," he draped his arms around Tom's waist from behind and tucked his chin on his shoulder, waddling them toward the kitchen. "I'll pour drinks, then set the table, yeah?"
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t-andwood · 3 months
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t-andwood · 4 months
"Sorry, I can't send you off on a daring excursion. Knox actually decided to take that role on, himself." Tom teased, although Knox had put himself on drink duty and now that he remembered— he made a mental note to check up on his friend in a second. But once his boyfriends lips found themselves back on his, he allowed him to simply exist in that moment. And how happy he felt to be in this space with Nathan. "You know, call me an optimist, but I think they'll be fine... fine-ish? Maybe we'll check in on them in a bit." Tom nodded, before Nathan kissed his forehead. "We're going Indian tonight, I have to put this knowledge my nani ingrained in me to good use and having taken a taste... I think I might have set myself up to be called for cooking duties around here a bit more often." Tom giggled, intertwining their fingers as he led the way to the kitchen.
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"All I have to do is keep you company? Seems kind of bias. I'm absolutely in," he told him, cupping his cheeks so he could kiss him for longer. Moments like this used to cause him to feel a bit off balance but today he was feeling settled. Both feet on the ground and the feeling of Tom in his arms only made him feel that much more certain. "Chuck and Gerald are on decorations? Are you sure that's not a fire hazard?" He laughed and pressed a kiss to Tom's forehead. "What's on the menu, chef?"
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