systemposiitivity · 3 years
this is a blog aimed at systems and people with delusional attachments. you could request things like self care kits, advice, pronoun help, and playlists! please check out the information below for a more detailed overview!
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about mod.
this blog is run by mod izuru, the host of a system with around 30 alters. some alters of said system may help out at times, yet mod izuru will probably be most active here. i use he/vamp/gore pronouns, and it would be really appreciated if you could refer to me by those specific pronouns. i also run some other blogs, specifically certain roleplay blogs and a friday night funkin imagines blog. please do be aware that we don't support ninjamuffin99, though.
what can we do.
self care kits ;; we'll pick out 6 to 9 items dedicated to self care. please tell us about the things you are interested in, though! like weighted blankets, stuffed animals, stim toys, candles, etc. also please inform us about how much money you are willing to spend on each product, makes things a little easier! and don't be afraid to throw in things like your favourite colour, or other stuff like that! the more detailed, the better.
fashion boards ;; practically the same as the self care kits, but now with fashion! please tell the type of fashion and clothing you prefer, aswell as any possible preffered stores or clothing items. it would also be really appreciated if you could tell how much you are willing to spend on each article of clothing!
advice ;; basically just like it sounds. tell us a problem and we'll give you some advice! though please be aware we might not reply to certain asks if the content is highly triggering for us.
playlists ;; a list of 3 to 6 songs for you to potentially listen to! please specify what genre of music you like, though.
positivity ;; again, as easy as it sounds. just tell us a problem or struggle you have and we'll try to give you some positivity to help you back on track and to make you feel a little better!
pronoun help ;; give us a topic or person/object/idea and we'll try to think of some neo pronouns for that topic! just some stuff to add to your pronoun hoard.
pronoun validation ;; give us your name/nickname and pronouns and we'll refer to you by those pronouns, or just validate you a little with them :]
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homophobes, transphobes, any kind of lgbtq+ phobes. that includes terfs and transmeds.
basic dni criteria, really : sexists, racists, you know who i am talking about.
pro-ana blogs.
pro-shippers, anti-kin, anti-anti, anti-mogai
factkin, though factives are completely welcome.
if you affiliate yourself with cringe culture.
this list may be updated as we discover or remember more things.
this blog takes requests for all sources. we do not support all sources, and probably don't know about a ton of them, but we will attempt to take requests for all sources unless the request itself makes us uncomfortable.
also, this blog is solely meant for systems and people with delusional attachments, sorry!
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