synergeticology · 1 hour
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Trust in dreams, for in them is hidden the gate to eternity. ~Khalil Gibran
Gate to Eternity Mac Baconai
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synergeticology · 22 hours
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synergeticology · 1 day
I truly hate the word "unalive." There are so many other euphemisms that fictional Italian mobsters worked so hard to provide you with and you just ignore them.
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synergeticology · 1 day
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synergeticology · 2 days
i hate the "meta glasses" with their invisible cameras i hate when people record strangers just-living-their-lives i hate the culture of "it's not illegal so it's fine". people deserve to walk around the city without some nameless freak recording their faces and putting them up on the internet. like dude you don't show your own face how's that for irony huh.
i hate those "testing strangers to see if they're friendly and kind! kindness wins! kindness pays!" clickbait recordings where overwhelmingly it is young, attractive people (largely women) who are being scouted for views and free advertising . they're making you model for them and they reap the benefits. they profit now off of testing you while you fucking exist. i do not want to be fucking tested. i hate the commodification of "kindness" like dude just give random people the money, not because they fucking smiled for it. none of the people recording has any idea about the origin of the term "emotional labor" and none of us could get them to even think about it. i did not apply for this job! and you know what! i actually super am a nice person! i still don't want to be fucking recorded!
& it's so normalized that the comments are always so fucking ignorant like wow the brunette is so evil so mean so twisted just because she didn't smile at a random guy in an intersection. god forbid any person is in hiding due to an abusive situation. no, we need to see if they'll say good morning to a stranger approaching them. i am trying to walk towards my job i am not "unkind" just because i didn't notice your fucked up "social experiment". you fucking weirdo. stop doing this.
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synergeticology · 4 days
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synergeticology · 5 days
took me 8 months and very approx 380m of embroidery floss, and I’m now finished. going to have it framed soon :)
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synergeticology · 5 days
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synergeticology · 6 days
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be honest with me now, pard
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synergeticology · 8 days
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(via d09gq9f4uopd1.jpeg (JPEG Image, 762 × 952 pixels))
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synergeticology · 9 days
A friendly fox in Pripyat, Chernobyl exclusion zone
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synergeticology · 9 days
Satire is dead
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BTW it's real
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synergeticology · 10 days
im always thinking about that post where someones grandma said “some people have never cleaned a bathroom and it shows” bc it does show
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synergeticology · 10 days
The use of arsenical ores exposed prehistoric smiths to chronic arsenic poisoning, with symptoms including muscular atrophy and loss of reflexes. Serious health hazards may explain a widespread theme in mythology in which the smith-god was a cripple. Classical literature referred to the Greek smith-god Hephaestus and his Roman counterpart Vulcan, who were described as lame, a characteristic shared by smith gods from Scandinavia to West Africa.
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synergeticology · 11 days
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synergeticology · 11 days
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synergeticology · 12 days
Australia NEEDS to be paying attention to this. In essence the Liberal party is going to use the tears of a massive gold mining company not being able to get their way with destroying a significant Aboriginal area to stir up racist and classist aligned votes under a new Liberal Party banner somehow claiming that the party is speaking for the working class.
ICYMI McPhillamy's Gold Mine has gone through the planning process and received development approval for their site near Blayney, NSW, on Wiradjuri land. The mine would be facilitated by the construction of a tailings dam on the Belubula River around which are identified Aboriginal archaeology. Because the dam would have required the destruction of these objects, the planning process included consultation with Registered Aboriginal Parties (RAPs), including the Orange Local Aboriginal Land Council (Orange LALC), and Wiradyuri Traditional Owners Central West Aboriginal Corporation (WTOCWAC).
Despite having planning approval, Tanya Plibersek, Labor's Environmental Minister, made a rare approval of an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Protection Act Section 10 application which enables the protection of an area provided that the minister can be satisfied that the land is a significant Aboriginal area and is under threat of injury or desecration. This Act is separate to the planning process and is available to Aboriginal people to use where they consider that the planning system has failed to protect cultural sites.
This is exactly what the WTOCWAC did. During the assessment process, the WTOCWAC gave advice to the Orange LALC who were the identified Aboriginal persons to comment on the project in Blayney (because Blayney does not have a LALC). It originally did not support the proposal, the same as the WTOCWAC, however, the Orange LALC changed its final position to neutral. Despite the WTOCWAC being a registered RAP that had written it did not support the proposal, the planning system favours LALCs over traditional custodians who are not part of LALCs and therefore the state government was able to ignore the WTOCWAC's opposition and approve the development anyway.
The area where the tailings dam would be constructed is part of a significant Wiradyuri cultural story that is, at this time, only known to cultural knowledge holders, the Orange LALC and Tanya Plibersek. The cultural significance was clearly enough to 'satisfy' Plibersek that the identified area should be protected under Section 10.
The day that the section 10 application approval was announced was just two days after the 200th anniversary of the Bathurst Wars on August 14 1824, the day on which Governor Brisbane issued a proclamation of martial law which gave rise to a war against Wiradjuri people and colonisers. The war was indiscriminately a war of extermination, with Wiradjuri people fighting back but ultimately forcing to surrender after their population was significantly annihilated and the survivors having dispersed. 200 years later, the elders in the WTOCWAC are some of the many Wiradyuri survivors of the Bathurst Wars. It was during a week long of commemorating and conserving culture that the immensely great news of the Section 10 approval came through.
However, since the announcement, the WTOCWAC group have faced significant backlash from the mining sector and communities at large. In addition, the media has focused on the tears of the McPhillamy gold mine company not being able to get it exactly their way even though their shares have increased by about 16%.
Here are multiple articles weighted toward the mining sector's tears.
I have only seen one (1) mainstream article that actually gives an indigenous voice to the backlash they've been getting for daring to use the coloniser's laws to protect their cultural heritage.
Make a donation to the WTOWAC here. (They are a registered charity and your donation is tax deductible)
Wait, wasn't this post meant to be about the Liberal Party?
Yeah, so remember when The Voice referendum was going up and Peter Dutton said that he would give The Voice another go if it failed, and then when it DID fail, he said he would never give it a shot again? Did you also read the first linked article and read this horrific quote:
“This is not the Australian Labor party of the worker,” Dutton told the Minerals Council’s annual conference this week. “Its members are committed to waging environmental and social crusades, especially against certain industries.” .... The Coalition has carefully analysed the different reasons people had for voting no in last year’s defeated referendum on enshrining an Indigenous voice to parliament in the constitution, and especially those self-identified Labor voters who call themselves working people. Dutton wants to turn that opposition to the voice into disillusionment with the government, and ultimately, votes for the Coalition at the federal election. He reckons the McPhillamys decision helps him do it.
The interests of the mining sector, racism and anti-aboriginal rhetoric goes hand in hand with Peter Dutton's platform. Not only will we never see another attempt at The Voice under a federal Liberal Party, we COULD see an abolition of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Protection Act, the mechanism that has protected the waters of the Belubula River from being destroyed by the McPhillamy gold mine. The mining sector has been so shaken up by this 'sudden' and 'unprecedented' decision, and with them lining Dutton's pockets it's not unreasonable to predict that abolishing the act could be one of the first things Dutton does if elected.
This would be absolutely devastating for current and any future Aboriginal sites that need to be protected where the planning system has failed to protect them. And this is going to continue to be the case until the planning system can better identify and protect intangible cultural heritage.
We need to stand up for Aboriginal rights, we need to stand up for the protection of Aboriginal cultural heritage, we need to ensure there are pathways for the protection of culture and we need to believe traditional custodians when they walk their truth.
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