sylviaxrhodes · 9 years
I am going to pretend that you did not just say those words to me. Calling someone a potential dumbass could lead to dire consequences. And to answer your question, yes, I have been told multiple time's not to point weapons at people. By the way you look, I assumed you were one of the dead.
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Woah, Jesus fuckin’ Christ — didn’t anyone tell you not to point a loaded weapon at someone’s head? Put the damn gun down before you start getting trigger-happy. The last thing we need right now is another dumbass on our hands.
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sylviaxrhodes · 9 years
Despite what you may think, those two actions are completely different. If I had lunged and you were a walker, then I would be killed. However, a step forward would still allow me enough time to kill the thing. Actually no, I am not, this happens to be one of the few items that I adore. There certainly won't be a next time, love. I still don't see why you are being dramatic seeing as we are inside of the walls at the moment. They are too idiotic to know how to get past the wall.
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❝ What can I say? It’s a major skill of mine. Well, that and decapitating corpses. ‘Step forward’, ‘lunge’ - whatever you call it, you still got caught off guard when I came up to you. A shirt? Are you shitting me? Look, when it comes down to your keeping your life or keeping your shirt clean — you better hope that next time you pick your life. ❞
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sylviaxrhodes · 9 years
Playing it safe usually ends in being the one who survive's, but go ahead, be as reckless as you want. Are you the type to taunt the bloody beasts while on a run? I remember the last person who did that ended up being put down. Seeing as they were so focused on being funny that they were bit. 
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"What’s the fun of playing it safe when you can try your best to do very cool things? But yes, that’s exactly why I chose what I did. It is, especially when you’re being a little reckless. Others might say danger but I say what the hell?"
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sylviaxrhodes · 9 years
What if there's a situation where a bullet needs to be used? Then having a weapon that is useless would be quite stupid. Perhaps I am a little tired after guarding for too many hours. No, I believe what you were doing was being extremely judgmental. 
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For holding one, maybe. It doesn’t have to be loaded all the time, that’s just irresponsible. And I was saying you weren’t focusing hard enough, I’m a protector too so learn to take some constructive criticism.
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sylviaxrhodes · 9 years
Oh, do I loathe that expression. It didn't occur to me that a bunch of birds would try and mutilate someone. Most people say they're gentle creatures.
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Well don’t come crying to me if they come back and try to peck your face off.
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sylviaxrhodes · 9 years
Hey, sorry for being inactive, this week has been busy. I should be around in eight hours after I get some rest though.
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sylviaxrhodes · 9 years
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♔ ladies of the vampire diaries | rebekah mikaelson
"Please, help yourself." "Oh, I always do."
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sylviaxrhodes · 9 years
There is no reason to act that surprised. Who wouldn't want to use them for target practice? Besides, birds are rather irritating to listen to.
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You did.. What?
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sylviaxrhodes · 9 years
Anyone else might have started to throw a tantrum over potentially being shot. Ah     which is why you decided to be a runner then. Each month taking the risk of being attacked by a monster while making a trip. Must be thrilling.
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"Well you didn’t in which I’m thankful for. It is but I’ve learned to be risky and adventurous."
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sylviaxrhodes · 9 years
Stating the obvious, are we? It would also be miraculous if those pea sized brain idiots could suddenly talk like a normal being. 
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I wasn’t aware I was sneaking… but I have a pulse so it would have been a waste of a good bullet. 
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sylviaxrhodes · 9 years
Oh     you're actually apologizing, that's adorable. I'm glad someone here has the sense to take responsibility for something they did wrong. Even if it wasn't that big of a mistake.
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( ;; sylvia )
                         Sorry, my bad. I uh..— I didn’t think.
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sylviaxrhodes · 9 years
There is always a reason to be holding a weapon nowadays. Seeing as the world has been filled with nuisance's for what seems like centuries and people can turn on you any second. Are you saying that I wasn't focusing hard enough? That's a rude thing to say to a protector.
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Didn’t you know that it’s unwise to hold a loaded weapon when there’s no reason to? Besides, I wasn’t really sneaking up, you were just being unobservant.
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sylviaxrhodes · 9 years
I believe you are taking being a smart aleck to a whole never level, at the moment. Besides, don't you think you're being a little dramatic? It was more of a step forward than a full on lunge. I mean, who would want to lunge at a potential walker? Ruining a perfectly nice shirt doing that would be awful seeing as clothing can be a bit limited. Yes, I get it, I already know the protocall's and whatnot when it come's to them.
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❝ Wow, thank you for letting me know. The way you practically lunged at me with that loaded weapon of yours didn’t give me that impression. Just be glad I wasn’t a corpse, if you let one of them sneak up on you it wouldn’t end well.  ❞
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sylviaxrhodes · 9 years
You do realize that I almost injured you just now, correct? It's unwise to sneak up on someone who is holding a loaded weapon. 
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sylviaxrhodes · 9 years
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