sydariks-blog · 9 years
I think that when you have a connection with someone it never really goes away, you know? You snap back to being important to each other because you still are.
R.R. (via missinyouiskillingme)
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sydariks-blog · 10 years
Love is an Open Door
"The best things in life are unexpected -- because there were no expectations." -- Eli Khamarov Busy as a bee, I rushed to the front desk heading for this comely receptionist, whose long hair was tightly interlaced, to hand over the letter subject for mailing. She, too, had been much occupied with a heavy workload, so she then told me to seek assistance from the administrative supervisor in the back office. As I was about to twist the knob, the door swung open. To my surprise, it was my crush who appeared right in front of me. He almost slapped my disheveled and tired face with the door, however the good thing was I managed to hop a few steps. "Sorry," I murmured. He jokingly replied, "We almost kissed each other. It's pretty close enough." His punchline left me totally flabbergasted, speechless, and titillated. No words burst into my chapped lips; but there unleashed a feeling of elation and love that tickled every single part of my body. He just gave me a premature ventricular contraction that made my heart skip a beat. Closing the door, my lips could not contain to form a convex shape that lasted for long minutes. Even my friends and colleagues could not be happier of how the sparks flew when this-utterly-young-handsome man and I chanced upon a moment that gave me butterflies in my stomach.
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sydariks-blog · 10 years
2014 Summer Getaway
It was cold; I was shivering in frigidity as the air from the AC flowed toward me. I was getting along with some friends and acquaintances at my high school friend's post-grad celebration in a luxury hotel. 
I was in the midst of a social gathering when my gay cousin, Gio, sent me a Facebook message saying I was going to come with him at Puerto Galera to relax in the summer sun and to dive into the saline waters under an oppressive weather. I started to get excited because this is one of the moments I had been longing to do-- to splurge my idle time on a trip to the beach. 
I decided to slumber at my aunt and cousins' condominium near a river bank. It was quiet and comfortably cool, unlike our own room occupied with lots of furniture and home supplies. I laid on the mattress directly on the floor. At first, it became hard for me to sleep instantly. It's not because I got pretty much excited about our trip; I just really didn't know why.
We woke up very early, so as to ready ourselves to travel a relatively great distance to reach our destination. We bussed to the port of Batangas for two hours, then boated to White Beach Puerto Galera for another two hours.
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We got off the boat on a very hot weather as if we were sizzled by the summer heat. I thought we already reached our journey's end but we had not yet because we rode in a wrong sailing boat. I already felt the summer vibes as I walked and buried my feet on the fervid beige sand of the seashore; and as the strong humid air slapped my face. We were so deceived to take a ride immediately as it would leave anytime soon, without even asking what boat we should ride in to get to the resort where my cousin booked for an overnight stay. 
We traveled by multi-cab for almost half an hour to get there. Gosh! He, my cousin, paid 800 pesos for that short trip. Landing at the coast was not yet the terminus. We still needed to stride to arrive at the hotel. I quietly spoke to myself: "Sissy, where did you seriously book? In a very remote corner of the island?" And he really did. He made reservations on a very quiet and secluded resort. Worse is, the waters nearby are designed not for swimming and playing around the shores, but for diving. Which was why, my cousin paid another fees for us to get to the other island kept apart from the many tourists and vacationists. The resort, however, was sojourned profusely by male foreigners, who some of them were coupled by Filipinas whose skins were sun-kissed. I admit, a few male non-natives are handsome and have a good built bods. I got so attracted that my eyes could not get away with them.
We boated again going to another secluded island. The shore was queued by a few outrigger canoes in various colors and stayed by a small number of tourists. I did not immediately plunge into the cold sea whose hues from afar were shades of blue, but once I waded in the water, it's clear as crystal.
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I took a lot of photos because the picturesque pebbly shore resembles a paradise-- the blue sea was tranquil, breaking waves swashed the slender boats parked in the sand with tiny crushed rock crystals and seashells.
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The deeply green bushes and trees by the beach swayed as the fresh winds moderately blew, yet they still stood tall . The spacious sky above was blissful, lovely, and clear, providing me peace of mind and comfort.
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I halted taking pictures for a while, as the food were already grilled. The trip was so long that I got famished until midday. I ate a lot because I knew that once I spent most of my time in the waters, I would get tired and starve again. Afterwards, we went into the other side of the vast pristine ocean to observe underwater attractions. I snorkeled over a myriad of coral reefs and saw immense number of fishes and sea urchins. I even spotted a small svelte snake, which I presumed is harmless. It was an amazing experience to see the natural beauty of the sea down under the waters. It was too bad to have not brought my little brother's water-repellent cell phone, so I could take snapshots of my snorkeling experience. I really made the most out of it that I became the last person to take out of the water and clamber the canoe.  We then headed to our room to clean ourselves up and take a rest. My eyes tended to close while I was toying my tablet. In a few minutes, I fell asleep. I just got surprised when my niece woke me up for dinner. We dug into a restaurant with an unappealing ambiance and service quality. The food however were great and delicious, but they were paid over the odds.  I slumbered in the other room (more glacial than where I was originally bound to stay in) together with my female cousin and her daughter whose request was granted. It was a very tiring day that I overslept and missed the sunrise. I had omelet stuffed with cheese, ham, and bacon for breakfast! It was tummy-satisfying! It's just bad that it's also overpriced. Afterwards, we packed up our bags and left. Just as we set forth heading to the boat terminal, my gay cousin noticed something dubious. Some of his cashes were missing and he thought that he gave the tour guide excess money for our tip and payment for the jeepney ride going to the terminal, and suspected the latter to walk off as he wasn't answering our calls. Feeling nervous and anxious, we hurriedly went back to check him out. Good Lord that we instantly found him and he gave the surplus back and apologized for having it unnoticed. We also regretted to have given him a dark image through our conclusions. 
Anyway, what's important is all was well. Everyone of us enjoyed the getaway. I hope it happens again. Adios, Puerto Galera! You gave me such an unforgettable summer experience in 2014! 
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sydariks-blog · 10 years
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Are you Maleficent?
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sydariks-blog · 11 years
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sydariks-blog · 11 years
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sydariks-blog · 11 years
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sydariks-blog · 11 years
Valuing Joyful Memories
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Photo by: www.picstopin.com
Never did I think that I would be falling for a guy whom I just met shortly. Like most of the Disney princesses, I got swept off my feet to a guy who did not know me well and just came out of the blue. His looks from afar, coupled with his simplicity, had caught me in our first encounter. He wears crescent-shaped spectacles that make up a good-looking nerd and a brown pair of leather sandals that resemble the footwear of the Ancient Greeks. The butterflies in my stomach, then, were fluttering crazily as if wanting to be set free from captivity.
I found out that he was a mechanical engineering student, which his alias “Mekengkeng” was derived from. As much as possible, concealing his real name is my best option of not letting people (except my trusted friends) know his true identity. It was sort of advantageous for me that we were both graduating class presidents to our respective graduating class because I chanced upon to see him whenever we had meetings. Since we were not really good friends, only my glares at him satiated my inner soul.
There were moments when I thought of stopping the days to get near our graduation; so I would still have a lot of time to do something in upgrading our relationship. I did not want us to be strangers to each other for the rest of our lives. I wanted us to be real good friends. But approaching him and initiating to speak with him were never easy. Being an introvert disallowed me to bravely take a leap of getting to know him. I got scared of making snap decisions. I was eaten up by my shyness and thinking that he would not like me as a friend. I complicated life. But the story does not end here. The climaxes are just about to unfold.
Almost all fairytale princesses had sweet and enchanting moments with their princes. I proudly announce that I, too, had…lots of them actually. I might not have been kissed by true love; but every moment I spent with him is truly worth-treasuring in my heart.
Sweet Moment #1: The Sitting Arrangement
I experienced my best and most unforgettable moments with him during our Baccalaureate Mass, dated February 18, 2014. It started when he lounged beside me although we were expected to sit apart from each other since I was the First Reader and he was the speaker of the Thanksgiving Prayer at latter part of the liturgical celebration. I wondered why he occupied the seat beside me where my skin was gently touching his. Anyway, at least he gave me delightful giggles all throughout the mass.
Sweet Moment #2: Our Father
Christian brethrens hold the tradition of lightly grasping the hand of the person standing beside them during Our Father as a representation of their united love for Christ. When the epidemic of a certain disease however propagated across the Philippines, Filipinos were advised to stop holding each other’s hands to avoid the spread.
In my case, I surprisingly experienced a soft and gentle brush of his right hand onto my left hand in midair. I felt a sensation that crept to and tickled every part of my body. As we were holding hands, I kept on thanking God that our hands clasped even for a minute, and at the same time, on sending Him out my apologies for my coquetry.
Sweet Moment #3: The Spontaneous Talk
Showing reverence is every layperson’s prime responsibility in hearing mass as one silently spends quality time with God. During Communion however, my quiescence was extinguished when Mekengkeng started speaking with me about random stuff. We only hushed when we had no subject matter to talk about anymore.
Sweet Moment #4: The Graduation Preparation
I began wearing my graduation essentials (toga, cap, etc.) after I saw my college friends readying themselves along the corridors outside the plenary hall. My friend abruptly noticed that I had no corsage and told me to redeem it near the entrance gates.
Astonishment was what I felt when I returned to the place I left, simply because I saw Mekengkeng and his family preparing right beside us. He, perspiring, was wearing a polo shirt with the same hue (blue) as mine, but I wore azure. Hence, I safely assumed that we both like blue.
Sweet Moment #5: His Congratulatory Wish
It is such a great achievement for me to be a recipient of the cum laude award. It is one of the hugest accolades I did not plan nor did I fully expect to get.
When I was heading back towards my seat after the medal engraved with my name on it was hung around my neck, a familiar manly voice behind my back resonated in my ears. It said, “Congrats P’re!” P’re is a contraction of the word Pare, which means dude. Pare is something I could not afford to hear, but since it came from him, who was I to ignore or get annoyed by it? I only replied, “Thank you,” as my way of returning the favor.
My academic life ended with such mellifluous and best-loved surprises. I might not have a fairytale-like ending together with my prince; however I am living happily ever after, since then. I think that is what matters more. Memories shared with him are worth for keeps. It came to point when I realized that meeting him is an accident I would never regret and forget in my entire life. They are considered my best traumatic experiences, ever.
“It’s nice to have a crush on someone. It feels like you’re alive, you know?” — Scarlett Johansson
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sydariks-blog · 12 years
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via Most NOTED Posts
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sydariks-blog · 12 years
12 Types and Examples of Distorted Thinking
Mind Reading - When you make assumptions about what somebody is thinking or feeling without them telling you. In reality, you are delusional or paranoid.
Catastrophize - when you over think a problem and the effects that they will actually have on you. For example, when you think that losing a relationship means the end of your life when really you can find someone new the next day or down the line. 
Filtering - when you only pay attention to one side of things. For example, you only remember the bad times you had in school and not the good ones. 
Polarized thinking - when you think of things as either black or white or good or bad. For example, there can only be good or bad people or success or fails.
Personalization - when you take everything too personally. For example, when you think that everything people do or say is some kind of reaction to you. 
Blaming - when you hold other people accountable for your problems. For example, you blame someone else  for causing you to make a bad decision. In actuality, you were the one who made the wrong call based on your own judgement. 
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sydariks-blog · 12 years
“To lose a brother is to lose someone with whom you can share the experience of growing old, who is supposed to bring you a sister-in-law and nieces and nephews, creatures who people the tree of your life and give it new branches. To lose your father is to lose the one whose guidance and help you seek, who supports you like a tree trunk supports its branches. To lose your mother, well, that is like losing the sun above you. It is like losing—I’m sorry, I would rather not go on.” ― Life of Pi, Yann Martel
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sydariks-blog · 12 years
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sydariks-blog · 12 years
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Human beings are funny. They long to be with the person they love but refuse to admit openly. Some are afraid to show even the slightest sign of affection because of fear. Fear that their feelings may not be recognized, or even worst, returned. But one thing about human beings that puzzles me the most is their conscious effort to be connected with the object of their affection even if it kills them slowly within. - Sigmund Freud
Be sure to follow my secondary blog here! 
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sydariks-blog · 12 years
December 25, 2012
Dear followers,
I want to start off this post by greeting you a jolly Christmas! How's your celebration? Is it good? Is it truly amazing? Well, I hope so. You want to know how about mine? Well, I had a good way of celebrating it. Early this morning, I attended the mass alone since my family got tired from the Christmas eve. After hearing the mass, I then made merry with my family and relatives. Jeez! We prepared and ate a lot of food, exchanged gifts, played a few parlor games, and even danced the widely liked 'Gangnam Style.' Indeed, doing the Gangnam Style from start to end is exhausting. So, I clambered upstairs and took a nap. 
It was late in the afternoon when I woke up. The party's finished. My relatives began to package some food and went home, sound equipment were being put back to their former place, and my mom and her sister cleaned up the mess around. All things considered, everything went well. However, the day ahead became quite mundane.
Nevertheless, I am still grateful that God bound us together not only to party but to also rejoice for the nativity of Jesus, who is the sole reason for this season. Jesus is our Savior and we must be thankful that he came to our lives because if it weren't for him, we wouldn't be redeemed from our sins.
That's all I can say for tonight. Good evening, everyone! :)
Love lots,
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sydariks-blog · 12 years
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sydariks-blog · 12 years
Writing Makes an Exact Man
According to Francis Bacon, among the four basic skills, it is writing that makes an exact man. Once you have put your ideas into paper, you also put yourself in it. You share a part of you to your readers that you could never take back. You give your readers the right to take a journey in your mind and find insights and feelings that reveal a lot about you. That’s what makes writing hard. Each time people say something about your work, their words hit you, be it positive or negative. But it can’t be helped, we write because we have something to say and we want to be read. 
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sydariks-blog · 12 years
Life is too short to stress yourself with people who doesn’t even deserve to be an issue in your life.
(via amateur-ishwriter)
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