The Swordsman
16 posts
No matter how many wins we get. The Darkness keeps coming back. But so do we.
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swordmaster09 · 6 years ago
"Skill is something you don't just get. You learn from experience. From hate. From tragedy. I have seen things that no other person has seen. Well...not yet. But allow me to say this. My skills will help you with whatever you need. Til the day my heart dies out. Swordsman." -Sorahsis the Swordbearer
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swordmaster09 · 6 years ago
Testing out a new character for a Destiny thing I’m doing. He’s a hybrid between a human and an Eliksni. Not being born with the extra limbs. But having the purpilish skin color they do, along with their height, speed, strength, and hidden second set of eyes under the black paint he bears. So he can look somewhat normal around people.
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swordmaster09 · 6 years ago
You may not know me yet. But you will. Until then I will be your sword, Swordsman -Sorahsis the Swordbearer
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" A young hybrid that came from the Infinite Forest. It is unknown of his origin, but he is well skilled in combat both with blades and guns.
His name and colors suggest he is or was part of a Eliksni House. Alongside the strange purple skin and hidden second pair of eyes under his dark tattoo.
Sorahsis is a strange case and needs further observation. I am just curious if this young fellow came from an alternate timeline. Or maybe a possible future." -Note from Osiris
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swordmaster09 · 6 years ago
What happened to her? Where was she during the war? Did the great Swordsman turn tail and run away from a fight? No. But she was stuck on a planet unable to leave for all those years. Told her it was a bad idea. You'd think she'd know better to go alone. To an uncharted planet no less. Don't tell her I said that. -Orochi
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"It felt like decades went by. Years of my life passed by. Sitting in a hole in the bottom of Neptune. How long had I really been gone, I still have no clue."
"But I did remember a voice. A big strong voice. And then a pair of arms picking me up and helping me out of that hole. The temperture above was much colder than below, but I didn't care. I was free. Here I find out a Titan names Rez-23 was here on a patrol for Zavala. Big red Exo, had these deep yellow eyes and a orange mouth glow. Pretty impressive, but I wondered how he found me, was he a veteran like myself? Apparently he heard the rumor about a Hunter who never returned from the planet. But they couldnt remeber the Hunter. They forgot about me. Forgot I existed because it was so long ago. But it was fine."
"Rez took me to his ship and wrapped me in about 6 thermal blankets, and relayed info to the Vanguard. I could barely hear his voice over my exhaustion. Passing out not long after we departed. I never wanted to return to that place. It would be the death of me if I ever did. All I cared about was going home. I was going home to my family, to my fellow Hunters, to Andal and the boys. That put a smile on my face that I rarely ever did. But in my situation. Happiness was a godsend, and I was happy to be going home. I was going home."
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swordmaster09 · 6 years ago
A place of ice and stone. A sanctuary from the war we waged. A coffin for those who dare to step foot on its land. This place was my final mission. A mission that changed everything for me. It took everything from me. And I could not take it back. -The Swordsman
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"Neptune. The planet of ice and endless canyons. The Traveler formed a physical ground so people could live here, but the air was toxic. It wasn't filtered before the Traveller could finish resulting in any projects to cease."
"I was asked to come here for a transmat beacon. Allowing Guardians to investigate it. But the planet was unstable. The ground beneath me was broken, the water cold enough to kill someone with a touch, and the temperture was around -300F° or -200C°. So death would happen a lot here that much was certain."
"So all I needed to do was find a place to place the beacon, but with how unstable everything was it difficult. I did manage to get it up and running. However on my way back I fell. Fell into the deepest hole on that planet. Not even my blades saved me. Both broke on my way down when I tried using them to stop my descent. When I landed all my body was frozen. Pain everywhere. I was alone. And Orochi wouldn't leave my side. The comms weren't working. No one could hear us. We were alone. No one was coming. This was going to be my final resting place. In a hole of a falling apart planet. I shouldn't have went. I should have declined. But if I did some other fool would have took my place. So I stayed there for days. Weeks. Months. Years. We didnt need to eat or drink. I only needed sleep to keep my energy up. I would wait as long as I could. If someone did come I had to be alive. I had to."
"I had to live...for all of them...for everyone in the city...for my Vanguard...my family...for Andal...Cayde...Shiro...Anna...Orochi...I need to stay...alive."
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swordmaster09 · 6 years ago
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Here's Rahksis without the filter on him.
For a guy who kills Guardians he is very fluffy.
Rahksis: King of Devils
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He is not the real king of the House of Devils, but he claimed the title after the old King was slain.
Rahksis has been around since the Battle of Twilight Gap. In which he provided support alongside the other Devils. However his mind changed after a while. Seeking an interest in Guardians and their light.
After the battle Rahksis was known as Rahksis the Broken. Because of his broken ties to his home and his broken mind. Thinking he could somehow, someway become a Guardian by absorbing their light. However things did not go well.
For years Rahksis would hunt down the weakest Guardians and filter their light. Trying to make it so it was strong enough to support his body. However the Wolves atracked his home, leading him to return to a broken house, a destroyed throne, and a slaughtered king. This led to Rahksis rising up above his fellow Captains asserting the rank of Archon. Yet his attire is much like a Captain, he was still an Archon.
So he gathered as many Devils as he could and went to attack the Wolves and their Kell Skolas. However the Guardians beat him to the punch. Capturing Skolas and murdering him easily. This led to a fall out of all the houses. Each one scattering to find a new Kell. One to rule them all, even to this day. But not Rahksis. He continued his work trying to the best of his ability to get it to work. Capturing his own ghost Barbos from a Warlock.
But even after all that he continues to fail. Experiment after experiment. Even after joining the House of Dusk. But he continued without rest. It became an obsession. He didn’t want to be a Guardian for the power, or the feeling of the Light. It was because he wanted to be more than an Eliksni. More than a random Captain Archon. He wanted to show the his kind that they could be more. Just like when their kind had the Great Machine.
So he left Dusk killing all those in his way to reform the Devils under his rule. No Fallen, Cabal, Vex, Hive, or Guardian were going to get in his way. Except maybe a young female Guardian he has an eye on. That has a thing for…swords.
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swordmaster09 · 6 years ago
Rahksis: King of Devils
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He is not the real king of the House of Devils, but he claimed the title after the old King was slain.
Rahksis has been around since the Battle of Twilight Gap. In which he provided support alongside the other Devils. However his mind changed after a while. Seeking an interest in Guardians and their light.
After the battle Rahksis was known as Rahksis the Broken. Because of his broken ties to his home and his broken mind. Thinking he could somehow, someway become a Guardian by absorbing their light. However things did not go well.
For years Rahksis would hunt down the weakest Guardians and filter their light. Trying to make it so it was strong enough to support his body. However the Wolves atracked his home, leading him to return to a broken house, a destroyed throne, and a slaughtered king. This led to Rahksis rising up above his fellow Captains asserting the rank of Archon. Yet his attire is much like a Captain, he was still an Archon.
So he gathered as many Devils as he could and went to attack the Wolves and their Kell Skolas. However the Guardians beat him to the punch. Capturing Skolas and murdering him easily. This led to a fall out of all the houses. Each one scattering to find a new Kell. One to rule them all, even to this day. But not Rahksis. He continued his work trying to the best of his ability to get it to work. Capturing his own ghost Barbos from a Warlock.
But even after all that he continues to fail. Experiment after experiment. Even after joining the House of Dusk. But he continued without rest. It became an obsession. He didn't want to be a Guardian for the power, or the feeling of the Light. It was because he wanted to be more than an Eliksni. More than a random Captain Archon. He wanted to show the his kind that they could be more. Just like when their kind had the Great Machine.
So he left Dusk killing all those in his way to reform the Devils under his rule. No Fallen, Cabal, Vex, Hive, or Guardian were going to get in his way. Except maybe a young female Guardian he has an eye on. That has a thing for...swords.
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swordmaster09 · 6 years ago
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Close up of The Swordsman and Short Term Memory Ghost Orochi.
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swordmaster09 · 6 years ago
The Vanguard. A group of the strongest Guardians that came to the Last City. From Rezyl Azzir to Cayde-6. And yet even now our Vanguard is replaced one by one. Soon there won't be a Vanguard to report to. -The Swordsman
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"I remember meeting most of the Vanguard that everyone knows. Saint was a good Exo. He was a follower of The Speaker, whom I did not like at all. But Saint was always there if anyone needed a hand. Osiris was like a grandfather to me. Helping me figure out things that I couldn't understand. Plus he was actually very patient with me during my studies. But I do have to say I enjoyed being around the Hunters. Andal, Anna, Shiro, Shin, Wei Ning, Shinobu, Tevis, Cayde, a lot of others to. They taught me what freedom is. To feel what it's like in the wilds with others.
Sadly I lost so much after my mission on Neptune. Andal was killed. Saint went missing. Osiris was banished or exiled. Anna went missing or was killed. It was like all the people I knew were being taken from me. And it would continue that way. For that is what happens when your a Guardian. Death is every where. And there is nothing we can do about it."
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swordmaster09 · 6 years ago
Many people call the Last City safe. Me. I say it just hasn't been faced with something to cause mass panic. - The Swordsman
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"What is the Last City? Well. It's home to the thing known as the Traveller. A giant white ball that brought us to life. And even though I don't trust it. It did give us all a second chance. But everything has a cost you know. With power always comes sacrifice."
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"During the years of my leave on Neptune the City went through many changes. Many battles, wars, genocides. Yet I wasn't there to help. We lost so many. Civilians, Guardians, Vanguard. But even after all that the City survived. And they kept thriving. I guess Rezyl's plans for this City, worked. Because it still stands. Strong and proud like he always was. No one ever told me what happened to him, but I could imagine he's out there somewhere doing something for the City. Met me when I first started in the City, told me I could be more. And I did. I became the strongest Bladedancer anyone had seen. Back then. Now I'm more of a forgotten face. The name is known, but the face is not. I guess the one thing about the City that never changes is that, everything always gets replaced. No matter who or what it is. It will always be replaced."
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swordmaster09 · 6 years ago
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Have you ever been outside your walls Hunter? I know you have. So tell me. What do I have to do to help you get back out there? - The Swordsman to Cayde-6.
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"The EDZ. A nice place when there was less Fallen or Cabal. I remember taking a nap in the large church in the center of town. I'd hide all the way up in the bell tower so noone would spot me.
It was also the first place I met another Guardian. He called himself Neros-12. Big brute of a guy. Wandered around like he owned the place just because he was a Titan. Heh. Such a failure.
Funny enough he didn't last very long. Got killed by a group of Fallen on Venus. I then looted everything from his person and his storage. The man had more guns than hands. But I digress, I mean he wasn't that bad of a guy. But he really annoyed me and a lot of other people.
That was also the beginning of my new life. Since he was so kind to bring me to the City with him. I was...happy. Happy I wasn't alone. Happy I wasn't forgotten. Happy that....this place could be my new home.
But...all good things...never last..."
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swordmaster09 · 6 years ago
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They say anyone can wield a gun. But it takes a true master to lift the sword. Why? Unlike the gun, a sword needs training, trust, dedication. For a gun, all you have to do is aim and…fire. -The Swordsman
“Yoshitsune and Vexen. Two blades I came to hone over the years. Yoshitsune has been with me since the beginning, all the way back at that little town in China. Vexen was from Venus. A Titan who I can’t remember anymore melted a Vex Minotaur Lord I killed and made it into a sword for me. It was strange. Like everytime I rushed with it I felt time shift around me. Like time had…paused for a moment.
However over time they became dull, and worn. Luckily a man at the city had connections. Fixed my blades up real quick. Said a company called Veist took them. Made them look entirely new, and put their brand on it.”
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“They looked much nicer. And their power within them was brought out more thanks to those people. I think a couple people from the city were jealous of me that I had these blades. So I tell them. These blades have been through hell and back. They have seen more of the world than I. And it will continue that way if I ever leave this world behind. But until then these two will guide my path to the future. Helping as many Guardians as I can. That’s my job. And I will not fail it.”
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swordmaster09 · 6 years ago
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Orochi Mark I Orochi Mark II
I'll always be here to watch your back. From your pocket. Because it's scary out there. -Orochi
"Who's Orochi? He's my ghost. A very scared little guy, but he always has my back. He has helped me since I started my journey, and grown so much. The only thing is, he forgets things. I asked other Guardians if it was nornal for ghosts to...forget. They said it wasn't. Here I find out that he was damaged a long time ago trying to find me. And because of how long it's been, trying to fix him could cause it to get worse. So I decided to create little notes like these to help him remember our journey. Our connection to one another. All the people we meet. And who knows. Maybe one day he'll get fixed and I can show him all these notes. I know he'll be happy to hear them.
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swordmaster09 · 6 years ago
I will fight for you. For your cause. For your city. And will do whatever it takes to make things right. - The Swordsman
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" How did my story begin? Heh. Like everyone else, we were brought back by the Traveller. Well most of us.
I woke up in the mountains high up in the hills of China. It was....so cold. I remember Orochi finding my buried 7 feet under. Little guy thought I was one of those what do you call them. 'Cave men' heh. Made our way down from there to the small towns and well. We went on from there.
I set up a base, gathered supplies, found some weapons. Pretty nice. Stayed there for a couple years til the Fallen found me. Weren't very friendly either. They wore some type of red banner with a skull...it was weird. (They were the Devils, and they fought like them to.) They put up a pretty good fight, and I managed to snag the blades from their big guy. So after my position was compromised me and Orochi started on our way to safety. To a place where we could help people. To the Traveller."
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swordmaster09 · 6 years ago
Posted this on my master account so I'm gonna post this here since this account is just for my destiny characters and their stories.
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I don’t fear death. I am death.- The Swordman
Thought I’d post a character I’m doing a story on.
She’s a Hunter that joined while the city was being built. Her entire job is to stay low and kill anything big and scary others can’t. However she disappeared for several years during a Hive scouting mission out near Neptune.
Only to return after hearing about the death of the Hunter Vanguard.
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swordmaster09 · 6 years ago
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Team Behemoth Team Phoenix
Even though we are from different times, different places, different races. We have a common enemy. So man up and lets do this! - Catia Chitora
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