swift-and-cynical · 8 years
Pietro listened as she spoke, glad that she was finally opening up about what had happened, but upset upon learning what went on.
His expression was serious as he stood up from the couch, however, it soon faded into a slightly nervous smile as he brought her into a hug.
"I have literally been out running my problems as far back as I can remember." Pietro tried to comfort her, not sure how it would turn out.
"Don't go. We can make it through this. We just have to keep running." He told her, hoping she would feel better.
"Which I'm good at." He laughed slightly.
"I don't even know why you pretend to care anymore."
@swift-and-cynical || meme
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It was in her nature to push away when things were gettinggood for her. They could never actually be good she knewhe would get hurt for loving her so she had to push him away. “Shit ah don’ know myself. All ah wanted was a goodscrew without tha complicated love bullshit you try ta get meto feel. I’ll just go find that somewhere else.” She told himas she packed her back. Her back faced him as she did hidingthe fact that she was crying. Renee loved him but she couldnever let him get hurt so it was better this way.
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swift-and-cynical · 8 years
Pietro looked to the crumpled shirt Renee had thrown toward him. Well if that wasn't some fucked up symbolism for her taking his heart, crumpling it up, and throwing it back at him, he didn't know what was.
He stared down at it with a mixture of sadness and anger. He was tired of having his emotions played with... Tired of being hated and left alone. He wanted it to end. But with his luck, he never would. And he didn't believe her words when she said someone out there would love him. No... Perhaps for a day or two-- maybe even a week, but they would quickly realize that he wasn't worth the effort.
He would always be thrown away.
Suddenly, her words struck a lightbulb in his mind, as he connected what was going on. His expression completely changed as he looked to Renee.
"Is /that/ why you're pushing me away? Because you're still afraid of being targeted?"
"I don't even know why you pretend to care anymore."
@swift-and-cynical || meme
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It was in her nature to push away when things were gettinggood for her. They could never actually be good she knewhe would get hurt for loving her so she had to push him away. “Shit ah don’ know myself. All ah wanted was a goodscrew without tha complicated love bullshit you try ta get meto feel. I’ll just go find that somewhere else.” She told himas she packed her back. Her back faced him as she did hidingthe fact that she was crying. Renee loved him but she couldnever let him get hurt so it was better this way.
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swift-and-cynical · 8 years
Pietro felt like a complete idiot. He shook his head, so irritated that he couldn't think straight.
"I knew it... I really was right from the start, wasn't I?" She never gave a rats ass about him in the first place. She only ever wanted sex from him. It made sense.
"I was a fool to think that anyone could give a shit about me." Pietro sat down on the couch, running his hands through his hair out of stress.
"I don't even know why you pretend to care anymore."
@swift-and-cynical || meme
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It was in her nature to push away when things were gettinggood for her. They could never actually be good she knewhe would get hurt for loving her so she had to push him away. “Shit ah don’ know myself. All ah wanted was a goodscrew without tha complicated love bullshit you try ta get meto feel. I’ll just go find that somewhere else.” She told himas she packed her back. Her back faced him as she did hidingthe fact that she was crying. Renee loved him but she couldnever let him get hurt so it was better this way.
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swift-and-cynical · 8 years
Make me choose between:
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swift-and-cynical · 8 years
Idk why I think it has to do with the absence of my icons...
I haven’t necessarily lost my muse, but I feel extremely ooc suddenly. Hm
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swift-and-cynical · 8 years
I haven't necessarily lost my muse, but I feel extremely ooc suddenly. Hm
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swift-and-cynical · 8 years
12 points to everyone who hasn’t unfollowed me
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swift-and-cynical · 8 years
A short breath escaped the speedster, but he tried not to let Renee see his frustration. She spoke of the situation like it was so urgent, yet wouldn’t tell him who they were. Who were they? People dangerous enough that Renee didn’t even want him involved? He felt that he should be scared for her, yet Renee’s explanation made it all sound so simple. All she had to do was hide, and it would all blow over. He felt oddly reassured by that. Pietro smiled.
“Are you sure you can manage to keep yourself locked up in here for that long? I don’t know that I buy it.“ He joked, remembering how she could hardly sit still most of the time. Renee was a partying type person…. imagining her sitting calmly without leaving this house for even just a few weeks…. it was hard to imagine.
“House rule number one: No parties.” This was only half a joke. Unfortunately, he could actually see it happening.
Pietro fell silent after that, watching Renee sit down to eat her sandwich. He suddenly let out a light chuckle, but said nothing.
This time when her lips met Pietro’s, he didn’t become flustered as he did before. He let her lips interlock with his, pulling her closer and letting it last for a while. When he finally did pull away, he muttered.
“Those people who are after you… who are they?“ He wouldn’t let her deal with these people on her own.
In fact, he had some ideas of how to take care of them. All he needed were names.
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swift-and-cynical · 8 years
For the next five asks, my muse cannot tell a lie.
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swift-and-cynical · 8 years
“secretly we all love angst” Sentence Starters
dont deny it DONT DENY IT 
“It never works for us, and it never will.”
“I’m done. I’m done trying so hard only for you to never even look in my direction.”
“I can’t fall in love with you.  I don’t want all the pain that comes with it.”
“My roommate had to go into my room and throw the sheets away because I haven’t been able to sleep in that bed since you left.”
“I keep asking myself “why isn’t the sun bright anymore” but then I remember you’re not in my life anymore and realize it’s just my own eyes.”
“I regret it all.  I really do, I swear.  Please, please– let’s fix this, please.”
“Remember when you promised we’d always be together?  Because I remember when I thought you meant it.”
“I can’t move on from something that wasn’t supposed to end!”
“The phone calls aren’t the same… I can hear in your voice that it’s not the same anymore.”
“I’m trying to avoid talking because I know what it’ll lead to, and I don’t want that to come.”
“Don’t you think you can fall back in love with me?”
“This whole time I’ve been using you to make me feel better, and you never caught on.  You never caught on.  I want you to hate me now, but I don’t think you’re even able to.”
“Kissing me breaks the promise… remember?”
“Every time we fix things something else ends up breaking.”
“Why don’t we stop pretending we’re not on a road to destruction?”
“It wasn’t even fun at first, honestly.  It was just like… Morphine.”
“You’re just not enough anymore.”
“It’s been too long since you’ve really smiled.”
“Ah, it was all my fault.  Wasn’t it?”
“To think, we thought just the sex would be enough to keep us in love.”
“Back then, I lied when I told you I didn’t love you.  You needed to move on from me– I needed to protect you from me.”
“You never had that shine in your eyes when you were with me.”
“Quit trying to fix me when you need to just fix yourself.”
“I’m so tired of everything about us, and about how we thought we were in love, and how we think forcing it can make us be in love– I’m so tired of it.”
“This whole time you’ve still been in love with him/her… Not me.”
“I couldn’t make you fall in love with me.  I thought I could do it, I really did, but… But I know you… And this isn’t love.”
“Did you really think I needed that kiss back then when all that you conveyed in it was pity?”
“To think I’ve changed so much to get you to like me, and you still never really look my way.”
“I know I deserve better than you.  I realize that, but you were so broken… I didn’t want to be the one that made you shatter.”
“All of this was to protect myself.”
“I feel like I’ve been looking for who you used to be… Back when you were actually happy.”
“I never want to even hear your name during my life anymore.”
“Your lips used to be sanctuary, but now I just feel trapped.”
“Isn’t it time we both stopped pretending we make each other happy?”
“The thing I regret the most is giving you so much hope by agreeing to this date.”
“We have the kind of history anyone would never want to think about again, and you’re hear asking me on a date?”
“What makes you think I’ll be any different this time?”
“I’ll let you down.  I will always let you down.  I’m not enough for you to be satisfied.”
“Are you satisfied with the mess you’ve created out of me?”
“I should have listened to everyone who told me this was a bad idea.”
“I’ve never met someone who can so gently destroy me the way you do.”
“I can’t forget about him/her!  It’s not in my power to forget how he/she felt when they loved me.”
“The saddest thing is that when I told him/her I loved him/her, he/she thought I was lying.  He/she never believed someone could fall in love with him/her.”
“Listen…  You’re his/her best friend… and I completely fucked up– it’s over between us, but… please, punch me, or punish me, or do something to me because he/she just… cried.  He/she wasn’t even angry, they were just so sad– Please, be angry at me, please.  Give me what I deserve.”
“It would have been better if we never met.”
“You’re my regret.”
“I’m not angry at you, just at myself… Because I knew this would happen, but I let myself fall in love with you anyways.”
“Don’t tell me to give up like everything is meaningless.”
“This is why I don’t let myself fall in love.”
“Somewhere deep inside me, I still have hope that you’ll fall in love.  How pathetic.”
send a sentence and a name xx
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swift-and-cynical · 8 years
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my little sister decided to break my post…..
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swift-and-cynical · 8 years
“If you’re serious about being more careful, then you have nothing to apologize for.” But perhaps Pietro was being a bit too hypocritical. Maybe not in the past few weeks, but Pietro had gotten himself hurt many times before, only to hide it from most everyone. At least it sounded like Scott received some help from Hank-- there had been times where Pietro didn't even seek out help. Often times, his injuries were found by others on accident.
"Most days I'm forced to just sit around without any missions, so as I mentioned before, if you need help, you actually can call me." There was a hint of sarcasm in his tone, but he really did mean it when he said he could help Scott. He was bored without anything to do more than he wasn't. Might actually give him something to do.
"I'm keeping an eye out for you."
“Really, I’m fine,” he said hurriedly, he hadn’t been expecting to be found out, and he probably looked very suspicious right now. “I wasn’t even looking for trouble this time, it just went wrong.”
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swift-and-cynical · 8 years
Movie Pietro: Protects his sister at all costs
Evolution Pietro: Hides in a closet at the mention of his sister's name
And then there's comic Pietro. Does something dumb and 9 times out of 10 Wanda has to protect him.
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swift-and-cynical · 8 years
This time when her lips met Pietro’s, he didn’t become flustered as he did before. He let her lips interlock with his, pulling her closer and letting it last for a while. When he finally did pull away, he muttered.
“Those people who are after you… who are they?“ He wouldn’t let her deal with these people on her own.
In fact, he had some ideas of how to take care of them. All he needed were names.
“What /I/ want? You’re the one who just wants sex from me, Renee. I’m just another–” He reacted angrily, ready to continue arguing until he heard that tone in her voice. Such sad desperateness… He held his tongue and waited for her to finish speaking.
Tears. Pietro felt a chill go down his spine at seeing tears streaming down her cheeks. Every last bit of anger disappeared at seeing her like that. Renee, who he had never seen so emotional before, was crying, and it was because of him. It was his fault.
Pietro didn’t know what to say. He had been a complete /idiot/ as usual. Renee had come here because he was all she had, and Pietro coldly suggested she leave. If anyone should understand being alone, it was him. He should have known that was how she felt. But instead he had accused her of only wanting sex from him. Renee wouldn’t do that to him. He should have /known/ that.
“Renee… I’m an idiot. I’m sorry.“ His voice was quiet as he spoke regretfully. He walked toward her, feeling like more and more of an ass as she continued to tear up.
“I don’t want you to leave. To tell you the truth, I need you too.” Pietro pulled her into a hug, unsure what else to say.
“I know what it’s like, being alone. I won’t put you through that. I won’t.” He repeated it as a promise to not only Renee, but also himself. He kept her in that hug, hoping that it would help her feel better as he tried his best to comfort her.
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swift-and-cynical · 8 years
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                                                ✖ Cyclops ✖
3+ years roleplay experience. OC friendly, crossover friendly
Multiverse, multiship
616 based but will rp with movie based characters
OC friendly, crossover friendly.
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swift-and-cynical · 8 years
I am… not a chronologically locked rp blog.
That means that if you talk to me to establish that we want to ship our muses, or have a particular relationship or type of report between them, I am 1: totally okay with multiple threads of varying length and styles with you and 2: will probably jump around in the supposed ‘timeline’ of our muses relationships in order to keep things interesting/ make ask prompts work.
For example, we may be writing an intro thread with our muses, but if you wanna send me a thing for like… a first kiss that may happen months down the line (and shipping is what ur up for) go ahead and do it! The way I see it, separate points on a timeline are FUN to RP because then you can look back later and figure out how they connected/ try to work in little details that make them flow together. 
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swift-and-cynical · 8 years
What do you want to tell me? Put a symbol in my ask box:
❊ I want to roleplay with you
✸ I want to plot with you
✤ I want to ship with you
✥ I have roleplayed with you and it was great
❦ I sort of secretly ship a thing with your muse(s)
✷ I wish our characters was friends
✢ I like your characters
✱ I don’t like your characters
✣ I like the way you express your muse(s)
✫ I don’t like the way you express your muse(s)
☬ I feel like your characters are underdeveloped
❂ I don’t agree on all your headcanons
✡ I agree on all your headcanons
❋ Your blog is one of my favs
✦ I like seeing you on my dash 
✵ I don’t follow you for roleplay
✧ I wish you would notice me
✩ You intimidate me
✪ You seem like a cool person
✺ You’re hard to approach
✻ I wish you weren’t so shy
❄ I look up to you
❆ I love your art
❇ I love the way you write 
* I want to learn to know you
# I’m too shy to approach to you
☓ We should talk!
♥ *Your choice what to write*
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